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digital-art-composition-book/Notes/__Using The Vault.md

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title: **Table of Contents**
## Disclaimer
The creator of this Obsidian vault has **NOT** included any source materials or other copyrighted material from outside sources.
## Comp Book (Vault) Layout
- Different folders for each form of art performed
- `Coloring`: For coloring pages and related materials
- `Dot to Dot`: For dot to dot pages and related materials
- `Drawing`: For drawing and sketches
- `Ideas - Inspiration`: For ideas and inspiration tracking
- `Zentangle`: For Zentangle and ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art)
- Various sub folders to help with organization of files
- `attachments`: For files that are attached to notes
- `Complete`: For completed art works
- `In Progress`: For art that is being worked on currently or has been worked on previously
- `Prepped`: Materials that will be used for digital art later
- `Source Materials`: Source files that have been converted or adjusted based on need
- Various gallery notes to help with surfacing information and art stored within
- Look for files with `_Gallery -` as the start of the file name
- A `Notes` section that has a lot of useful information related to digital art
- A `__Dashboard` note that is meant to be the 'starting point' for the vault.
## Using The Comp Book (Vault)
- Each piece of artwork gets 3 files:
- The source file for use with a drawing app such as Krita
- A PNG or JPG export of the file to ensure notes have a good thumbnail preview of the artwork
- A standard Obsidian note to encapsulate any metadata and notes related to the artwork
- There are a number of templates that can be used to create notes to represent artworks
- See the `Command Palette` and `From Template` items as well as the `_Templates` folder
- Each template will place a new note in the main type of art folder
- Each template will prompt for a number of common metadata items on creation to help auto-fill metadata and other details
- Each template will have a `To Do` section at the top with prompts for additional steps you may want to take
- The newly created notes should have the source file and any png/jpg files attached to help with thumbnails and to help keep files organized
- Once a new note is setup with the desired information it should be moved to an appropriate sub-folder to ensure it's auto-added to an appropriate gallery
- Each gallery uses queries to find the notes shown based on folders
- You do *not* need to manage the galleries directly
- Art works should flow between sub folders as progress is made. For example: `Prepped` -> `In Progress` -> `Complete` for order
- The files in the `Notes` section are non-indexed and exist as a generalized list of topics in the file browser. This can be changed to match your preferences.
- The `Ideas - Inspiration` folder does *not* have sub-folders and assumes you'll just keep a list of notes similar to the `Notes` section or adjust this area to match your preferences.
- The [__Dashboard](__Dashboard.md) is meant to be 'the starting point' and 'overview' for the whole vault
## New Artwork General Workflow
- Prep downloaded files
- Convert source material to art app native format
- Setup any necessary layers
- See [Coloring Page Quick Reference](Notes/Coloring%20Page%20Quick%20Reference.md) for coloring pages
- See [Dot to Dot Quick Reference](Notes/Dot%20to%20Dot%20Quick%20Reference.md) for dot to dot pages
- Create page for artwork using the appropriate template
- Link files to new artwork page as appropriate
- Move artwork page to appropriate sub folder
- Sync vault to other devices if needed
- Open file in art app
- Make art
## Suggested Reading (Notes)
- [Obtaining Source Material](Notes/Obtaining%20Source%20Material.md)
- [Android Drawing Apps](Notes/Android%20Drawing%20Apps.md)
- [Krita Quick Reference](Notes/Krita%20Quick%20Reference.md)
- [Color Palette Generator](Notes/Color%20Palette%20Generator.md)
- [Coloring Page Quick Reference](Notes/Coloring%20Page%20Quick%20Reference.md)
- [Dot to Dot Quick Reference](Notes/Dot%20to%20Dot%20Quick%20Reference.md)
## Enjoy
There isn't much more to this vault than stated above. Feel free to explore and adjust this vault as you see fit. This is meant as a rough guide, inspiration and/or starting point.
I use this vault for all my digital art and it's been a huge help for me. I hope it, or a variation of it, can do the same for you.