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digital-art-composition-book/Notes/__Using The Vault.md

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title: **Table of Contents**


The creator of this Obsidian vault has NOT included any source materials or other copyrighted material from outside sources.

Comp Book (Vault) Layout

  • Different folders for each form of art performed
    • Coloring: For coloring pages and related materials
    • Dot to Dot: For dot to dot pages and related materials
    • Drawing: For drawing and sketches
    • Ideas - Inspiration: For ideas and inspiration tracking
    • Zentangle: For Zentangle and ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art)
  • Various sub folders to help with organization of files
    • attachments: For files that are attached to notes
    • Complete: For completed art works
    • In Progress: For art that is being worked on currently or has been worked on previously
    • Prepped: Materials that will be used for digital art later
    • Source Materials: Source files that have been converted or adjusted based on need
  • Various gallery notes to help with surfacing information and art stored within
    • Look for files with _Gallery - as the start of the file name
  • A Notes section that has a lot of useful information related to digital art
  • A __Dashboard note that is meant to be the 'starting point' for the vault.

Using The Comp Book (Vault)

  • Each piece of artwork gets 3 files:
    • The source file for use with a drawing app such as Krita
    • A PNG or JPG export of the file to ensure notes have a good thumbnail preview of the artwork
    • A standard Obsidian note to encapsulate any metadata and notes related to the artwork
  • There are a number of templates that can be used to create notes to represent artworks
    • See the Command Palette and From Template items as well as the _Templates folder
    • Each template will place a new note in the main type of art folder
    • Each template will prompt for a number of common metadata items on creation to help auto-fill metadata and other details
    • Each template will have a To Do section at the top with prompts for additional steps you may want to take
    • The newly created notes should have the source file and any png/jpg files attached to help with thumbnails and to help keep files organized
  • Once a new note is setup with the desired information it should be moved to an appropriate sub-folder to ensure it's auto-added to an appropriate gallery
    • Each gallery uses queries to find the notes shown based on folders
    • You do not need to manage the galleries directly
  • Art works should flow between sub folders as progress is made. For example: Prepped -> In Progress -> Complete for order
  • The files in the Notes section are non-indexed and exist as a generalized list of topics in the file browser. This can be changed to match your preferences.
  • The Ideas - Inspiration folder does not have sub-folders and assumes you'll just keep a list of notes similar to the Notes section or adjust this area to match your preferences.
  • The __Dashboard is meant to be 'the starting point' and 'overview' for the whole vault

New Artwork General Workflow

  • Prep downloaded files
  • Create page for artwork using the appropriate template
  • Link files to new artwork page as appropriate
  • Move artwork page to appropriate sub folder
  • Sync vault to other devices if needed
  • Open file in art app
  • Make art

Suggested Reading (Notes)


There isn't much more to this vault than stated above. Feel free to explore and adjust this vault as you see fit. This is meant as a rough guide, inspiration and/or starting point.

I use this vault for all my digital art and it's been a huge help for me. I hope it, or a variation of it, can do the same for you.