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#+title: Emacs-Lisp Library for converting S-expressions to TOML
#+author: Kaushal Modi
#+options: H:3
#+property: header-args :eval never-export
[[https://github.com/kaushalmodi/tomelr/actions][https://github.com/kaushalmodi/tomelr/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg]] [[https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/tomelr.html][https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/tomelr.svg]] [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0][https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPL%20v3-blue.svg]]
* Installation
~tomelr~ is a library that will typically be auto-installed via
another package requiring it.
If you are developing a package and want to use this library, you can
install it locally using Emacs ~package.el~ as follows as it's
available via GNU ELPA:
*M-x* ~package-install~ *RET* ~tomelr~ *RET*
* How to develop using this library
1. Add this library in the /Package-Requires/ header. Here's an
example from [[https://ox-hugo.scripter.co][~ox-hugo~]]:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (org "9.0") tomelr))
2. Require it.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'tomelr)
3. Use the ~tomelr-encode~ function.
- Input :: Lisp data expression in Alist or Plist format
- Output :: TOML string
** Example
*** Alist data
Here's an example of input *alist* that can be processed by
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref data-example-alist
'((title . "Some Title") ;String
(author . ("fn ln")) ;List
(description . "some long description\nthat spans multiple\nlines") ;Multi-line string
(date . 2022-03-14T01:49:00-04:00) ;RFC 3339 date format
(tags . ("tag1" "tag2"))
(draft . "false") ;Boolean
(versions . ((emacs . "28.1.50") (org . "release_9.5-532-gf6813d"))) ;Map or TOML Table
(org_logbook . (((timestamp . 2022-04-08T14:53:00-04:00) ;Array of maps or TOML Tables
(note . "This note addition prompt shows up on typing the `C-c C-z` binding.\nSee [org#Drawers](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Drawers)."))
((timestamp . 2018-09-06T11:45:00-04:00)
(note . "Another note **bold** _italics_."))
((timestamp . 2018-09-06T11:37:00-04:00)
(note . "A note `mono`.")))))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports none :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
title = "Some Title"
author = ["fn ln"]
description = """
some long description
that spans multiple
date = 2022-03-14T01:49:00-04:00
tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
draft = false
emacs = "28.1.50"
org = "release_9.5-532-gf6813d"
timestamp = 2022-04-08T14:53:00-04:00
note = """
This note addition prompt shows up on typing the `C-c C-z` binding.
See [org#Drawers](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Drawers)."""
timestamp = 2018-09-06T11:45:00-04:00
note = "Another note **bold** _italics_."
timestamp = 2018-09-06T11:37:00-04:00
note = "A note `mono`."
*** Plist data
Here's an example of input *plist* that can be processed by
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref data-example-plist
'(:title "Some Title" ;String
:author ("fn ln") ;List
:description "some long description\nthat spans multiple\nlines" ;Multi-line string
:date 2022-03-14T01:49:00-04:00 ;RFC 3339 date format
:tags ("tag1" "tag2")
:draft "false" ;Boolean
:versions (:emacs "28.1.50" :org "release_9.5-532-gf6813d") ;Map or TOML Table
:org_logbook ((:timestamp 2022-04-08T14:53:00-04:00 ;Array of maps or TOML Tables
:note "This note addition prompt shows up on typing the `C-c C-z` binding.\nSee [org#Drawers](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Drawers).")
(:timestamp 2018-09-06T11:45:00-04:00
:note "Another note **bold** _italics_.")
(:timestamp 2018-09-06T11:37:00-04:00
:note "A note `mono`.")))
*** TOML Output
You will get the below TOML output for either of the above input data:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
title = "Some Title"
author = ["fn ln"]
description = """
some long description
that spans multiple
date = 2022-03-14T01:49:00-04:00
tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
draft = false
emacs = "28.1.50"
org = "release_9.5-532-gf6813d"
timestamp = 2022-04-08T14:53:00-04:00
note = """
This note addition prompt shows up on typing the `C-c C-z` binding.
See [org#Drawers](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Drawers)."""
timestamp = 2018-09-06T11:45:00-04:00
note = "Another note **bold** _italics_."
timestamp = 2018-09-06T11:37:00-04:00
note = "A note `mono`."
* Limitations
Right now, the scalars and tables/array of tables does not get ordered
in the right order automatically. So the user needs to ensure that the
S-exp has all the scalars in the very beginning and then followed by
TOML tables and arrays of tables.
** Correct Use Example
:white_check_mark: Put the scalars first and then maps or tables.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-tables-order-correct
'((title . "Hello") ;First the scalar
(img . ((file . "foo.png") ;Then the map or table
(credit . "Bar Zoo"))))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
title = "Hello"
file = "foo.png"
credit = "Bar Zoo"
** Incorrect Use Example
:x: *Don't do this!*: Map or table first and then scalar.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-tables-order-wrong
'((img . ((file . "foo.png")
(credit . "Bar Zoo")))
(title . "Hello"))
*Incorrect order!* Now the ~title~ became part of the ~[img]~ table!
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
file = "foo.png"
credit = "Bar Zoo"
title = "Hello"
* Specification and Conversion Examples
[[https://scripter.co/defining-tomelr/][Companion blog post]]
Following examples shown how S-expressions get translated to various
TOML object types.
** Scalars
*** DONE Boolean
CLOSED: [2022-04-28 Thu 16:48]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-boolean
'((bool1 . t)
(bool2 . :false))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
bool1 = true
bool2 = false
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
: {
: "bool1": true,
: "bool2": false
: }
*** DONE Integer
CLOSED: [2022-04-28 Thu 17:11]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-integer
'((int1 . +99)
(int2 . 42)
(int3 . 0)
(int4 . -17))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
int1 = 99
int2 = 42
int3 = 0
int4 = -17
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
: {
: "int1": 99,
: "int2": 42,
: "int3": 0,
: "int4": -17
: }
*** DONE Float
CLOSED: [2022-04-28 Thu 17:29]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-float
'((flt1 . +1.0)
(flt2 . 3.1415)
(flt3 . -0.01)
(flt4 . 5e+22)
(flt5 . 1e06)
(flt6 . -2E-2)
(flt7 . 6.626e-34))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
flt1 = 1.0
flt2 = 3.1415
flt3 = -0.01
flt4 = 5e+22
flt5 = 1000000.0
flt6 = -0.02
flt7 = 6.626e-34
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
: {
: "flt1": 1.0,
: "flt2": 3.1415,
: "flt3": -0.01,
: "flt4": 5e+22,
: "flt5": 1000000.0,
: "flt6": -0.02,
: "flt7": 6.626e-34
: }
*** DONE String
CLOSED: [2022-04-28 Thu 22:10]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-string
'((str1 . "Roses are red")
(str2 . "Roses are red\nViolets are blue"))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
str1 = "Roses are red"
str2 = """
Roses are red
Violets are blue"""
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
: {
: "str1": "Roses are red",
: "str2": "Roses are red\nViolets are blue"
: }
*** DONE Date
CLOSED: [2022-04-28 Thu 22:40]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-date
'((ld1 . "1979-05-27"))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
ld1 = 1979-05-27
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
: {
: "ld1": "1979-05-27"
: }
*** DONE Date + Time with Offset
CLOSED: [2022-04-28 Thu 22:55]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref scalar-odt
'((odt1 . "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z")
(odt2 . "1979-05-27T00:32:00-07:00")
(odt3 . "1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00"))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
odt1 = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z
odt2 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00-07:00
odt3 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
: {
: "odt1": "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z",
: "odt2": "1979-05-27T00:32:00-07:00",
: "odt3": "1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00"
: }
** DONE Nil
CLOSED: [2022-04-29 Fri 00:11]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref nil-value
'((key1 . 123)
(key2 . nil)
(key3 . "abc")
(key4 . :false)
(key5 . t))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
key1 = 123
key3 = "abc"
key4 = false
key5 = true
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
: {
: "key1": 123,
: "key2": null,
: "key3": "abc",
: "key4": false,
: "key5": true
: }
** TOML Arrays: Lists
*** DONE Plain Arrays
CLOSED: [2022-04-29 Fri 00:25]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref arrays
'((integers . (1 2 3))
(integers2 . [1 2 3]) ;Same as above
(colors . ("red" "yellow" "green"))
;; Mixed-type arrays are allowed
(numbers . (0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5)))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
integers = [1, 2, 3]
integers2 = [1, 2, 3]
colors = ["red", "yellow", "green"]
numbers = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"integers": [
"integers2": [
"colors": [
"numbers": [
*** DONE Array of Arrays
CLOSED: [2022-04-29 Fri 00:34]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref array-of-arrays
'((nested_arrays_of_ints . [(1 2) (3 4 5)])
(nested_mixed_array . [(1 2) ("a" "b" "c")]))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
nested_arrays_of_ints = [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
nested_mixed_array = [[1, 2], ["a", "b", "c"]]
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"nested_arrays_of_ints": [
"nested_mixed_array": [
** TOML Tables: Maps or Dictionaries or Hash Tables
*** DONE Basic TOML Tables
CLOSED: [2022-04-29 Fri 13:41]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref tables
'((table-1 . ((key1 . "some string")
(key2 . 123)))
(table-2 . ((key1 . "another string")
(key2 . 456))))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
key1 = "some string"
key2 = 123
key1 = "another string"
key2 = 456
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"table-1": {
"key1": "some string",
"key2": 123
"table-2": {
"key1": "another string",
"key2": 456
*** DONE Nested TOML Tables
CLOSED: [2022-04-29 Fri 14:30]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref nested-tables
'((table-1 . ((table-1a . ((key1 . "some string")
(key2 . 123)))
(table-1b . ((key1 . "foo")
(key2 . 98765)))))
(menu . (("auto weight" . ((weight . 4033)
(identifier . "foo"))))))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
key1 = "some string"
key2 = 123
key1 = "foo"
key2 = 98765
[menu."auto weight"]
weight = 4033
identifier = "foo"
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"table-1": {
"table-1a": {
"key1": "some string",
"key2": 123
"table-1b": {
"key1": "foo",
"key2": 98765
"menu": {
"auto weight": {
"weight": 4033,
"identifier": "foo"
** TOML Array of Tables: Lists of Maps
*** DONE Basic Array of Tables
CLOSED: [2022-04-29 Fri 18:14]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref table-arrays
'((products . (((name . "Hammer")
(sku . 738594937))
((name . "Nail")
(sku . 284758393)
(color . "gray"))))
(org_logbook . (((timestamp . 2022-04-08T14:53:00-04:00)
(note . "This note addition prompt shows up on typing the `C-c C-z` binding.\nSee [org#Drawers](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Drawers)."))
((timestamp . 2018-09-06T11:45:00-04:00)
(note . "Another note **bold** _italics_."))
((timestamp . 2018-09-06T11:37:00-04:00)
(note . "A note `mono`.")))))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
name = "Hammer"
sku = 738594937
name = "Nail"
sku = 284758393
color = "gray"
timestamp = 2022-04-08T14:53:00-04:00
note = """
This note addition prompt shows up on typing the `C-c C-z` binding.
See [org#Drawers](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Drawers)."""
timestamp = 2018-09-06T11:45:00-04:00
note = "Another note **bold** _italics_."
timestamp = 2018-09-06T11:37:00-04:00
note = "A note `mono`."
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"products": [
"name": "Hammer",
"sku": 738594937
"name": "Nail",
"sku": 284758393,
"color": "gray"
"org_logbook": [
"timestamp": "2022-04-08T14:53:00-04:00",
"note": "This note addition prompt shows up on typing the `C-c C-z` binding.\nSee [org#Drawers](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Drawers)."
"timestamp": "2018-09-06T11:45:00-04:00",
"note": "Another note **bold** _italics_."
"timestamp": "2018-09-06T11:37:00-04:00",
"note": "A note `mono`."
*** DONE Nested Array of Tables
CLOSED: [2022-04-30 Sat 01:32]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref nested-table-arrays
'((fruits . (((name . "apple")
(physical . ((color . "red")
(shape . "round")))
(varieties . (((name . "red delicious"))
((name . "granny smith")))))
((name . "banana")
(varieties . (((name . "plantain"))))))))
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
name = "apple"
color = "red"
shape = "round"
name = "red delicious"
name = "granny smith"
name = "banana"
name = "plantain"
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"fruits": [
"name": "apple",
"physical": {
"color": "red",
"shape": "round"
"varieties": [
"name": "red delicious"
"name": "granny smith"
"name": "banana",
"varieties": [
"name": "plantain"
** DONE Combinations of all of the above
CLOSED: [2022-05-02 Mon 10:29]
*** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref medley
'((title . "Keyword Collection")
(author . ("firstname1 lastname1" "firstname2 lastname2" "firstname3 lastname3"))
(aliases . ("/posts/keyword-concatenation" "/posts/keyword-merging"))
(images . ("image 1" "image 2"))
(keywords . ("keyword1" "keyword2" "three word keywords3"))
(outputs . ("html" "json"))
(series . ("series 1" "series 2"))
(tags . ("mega front-matter" "keys" "collection" "concatenation" "merging"))
(categories . ("cat1" "cat2"))
(videos . ("video 1" "video 2"))
(draft . :false)
(categories_weight . 999)
(tags_weight . 88)
(weight . 7)
(myfoo . "bar")
(mybaz . "zoo")
(alpha . 1)
(beta . "two words")
(gamma . 10)
(animals . ("dog" "cat" "penguin" "mountain gorilla"))
(strings-symbols . ("abc" "def" "two words"))
(integers . (123 -5 17 1234))
(floats . (12.3 -5.0 -1.7e-05))
(booleans . (t :false))
(dog . ((legs . 4)
(eyes . 2)
(friends . ("poo" "boo"))))
(header . ((image . "projects/Readingabook.jpg")
(caption . "stay hungry stay foolish")))
(collection . ((nothing . :false)
(nonnil . t)
(animals . ("dog" "cat" "penguin" "mountain gorilla"))
(strings-symbols . ("abc" "def" "two words"))
(integers . (123 -5 17 1234))
(floats . (12.3 -5.0 -1.7e-05))
(booleans . (t :false))))
(menu . ((foo . ((identifier . "keyword-collection")
(weight . 10)))))
(resources . (((src . "*.png")
(name . "my-cool-image-:counter")
(title . "The Image #:counter")
(params . ((foo . "bar")
(floats . (12.3 -5.0 -1.7e-05))
(strings-symbols . ("abc" "def" "two words"))
(animals . ("dog" "cat" "penguin" "mountain gorilla"))
(integers . (123 -5 17 1234))
(booleans . (t :false))
(byline . "bep"))))
((src . "image-4.png")
(title . "The Fourth Image"))
((src . "*.jpg")
(title . "JPEG Image #:counter")))))
*** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
title = "Keyword Collection"
author = ["firstname1 lastname1", "firstname2 lastname2", "firstname3 lastname3"]
aliases = ["/posts/keyword-concatenation", "/posts/keyword-merging"]
images = ["image 1", "image 2"]
keywords = ["keyword1", "keyword2", "three word keywords3"]
outputs = ["html", "json"]
series = ["series 1", "series 2"]
tags = ["mega front-matter", "keys", "collection", "concatenation", "merging"]
categories = ["cat1", "cat2"]
videos = ["video 1", "video 2"]
draft = false
categories_weight = 999
tags_weight = 88
weight = 7
myfoo = "bar"
mybaz = "zoo"
alpha = 1
beta = "two words"
gamma = 10
animals = ["dog", "cat", "penguin", "mountain gorilla"]
strings-symbols = ["abc", "def", "two words"]
integers = [123, -5, 17, 1234]
floats = [12.3, -5.0, -1.7e-05]
booleans = [true, false]
legs = 4
eyes = 2
friends = ["poo", "boo"]
image = "projects/Readingabook.jpg"
caption = "stay hungry stay foolish"
nothing = false
nonnil = true
animals = ["dog", "cat", "penguin", "mountain gorilla"]
strings-symbols = ["abc", "def", "two words"]
integers = [123, -5, 17, 1234]
floats = [12.3, -5.0, -1.7e-05]
booleans = [true, false]
identifier = "keyword-collection"
weight = 10
src = "*.png"
name = "my-cool-image-:counter"
title = "The Image #:counter"
foo = "bar"
floats = [12.3, -5.0, -1.7e-05]
strings-symbols = ["abc", "def", "two words"]
animals = ["dog", "cat", "penguin", "mountain gorilla"]
integers = [123, -5, 17, 1234]
booleans = [true, false]
byline = "bep"
src = "image-4.png"
title = "The Fourth Image"
src = "*.jpg"
title = "JPEG Image #:counter"
*** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"title": "Keyword Collection",
"author": [
"firstname1 lastname1",
"firstname2 lastname2",
"firstname3 lastname3"
"aliases": [
"images": [
"image 1",
"image 2"
"keywords": [
"three word keywords3"
"outputs": [
"series": [
"series 1",
"series 2"
"tags": [
"mega front-matter",
"categories": [
"videos": [
"video 1",
"video 2"
"draft": false,
"categories_weight": 999,
"tags_weight": 88,
"weight": 7,
"myfoo": "bar",
"mybaz": "zoo",
"alpha": 1,
"beta": "two words",
"gamma": 10,
"animals": [
"mountain gorilla"
"strings-symbols": [
"two words"
"integers": [
"floats": [
"booleans": [
"dog": {
"legs": 4,
"eyes": 2,
"friends": [
"header": {
"image": "projects/Readingabook.jpg",
"caption": "stay hungry stay foolish"
"collection": {
"nothing": false,
"nonnil": true,
"animals": [
"mountain gorilla"
"strings-symbols": [
"two words"
"integers": [
"floats": [
"booleans": [
"menu": {
"foo": {
"identifier": "keyword-collection",
"weight": 10
"resources": [
"src": "*.png",
"name": "my-cool-image-:counter",
"title": "The Image #:counter",
"params": {
"foo": "bar",
"floats": [
"strings-symbols": [
"two words"
"animals": [
"mountain gorilla"
"integers": [
"booleans": [
"byline": "bep"
"src": "image-4.png",
"title": "The Fourth Image"
"src": "*.jpg",
"title": "JPEG Image #:counter"
** DONE P-lists
CLOSED: [2022-04-30 Sat 01:55]
**** S-expression
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :noweb-ref p-list
'(:int 123
:remove_this_key nil
:str "abc"
:bool_false :false
:bool_true t
:int_list (1 2 3)
:str_list ("a" "b" "c")
:bool_list (t :false t :false)
:list_of_lists [(1 2) (3 4 5)]
:map (:key1 123
:key2 "xyz")
:list_of_maps [(:key1 123
:key2 "xyz")
(:key1 567
:key2 "klm")])
**** TOML
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results :wrap src toml
#+begin_src toml
int = 123
str = "abc"
bool_false = false
bool_true = true
int_list = [1, 2, 3]
str_list = ["a", "b", "c"]
bool_list = [true, false, true, false]
list_of_lists = [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
key1 = 123
key2 = "xyz"
key1 = 123
key2 = "xyz"
key1 = 567
key2 = "klm"
**** JSON Reference
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results
"int": 123,
"remove_this_key": null,
"str": "abc",
"bool_false": false,
"bool_true": true,
"int_list": [
"str_list": [
"bool_list": [
"list_of_lists": [
"map": {
"key1": 123,
"key2": "xyz"
"list_of_maps": [
"key1": 123,
"key2": "xyz"
"key1": 567,
"key2": "klm"
* Development
** Running Tests
*** Run all tests
#+begin_src shell
make test
*** Run tests matching a specific string
Run ~make test MATCH=<string>~. For example, to run all tests where
the name matches "scalar" completely or partially, run:
#+begin_src shell
make test MATCH=scalar
* Credit
This library started off by extracting the JSON Encoding pieces from
the Emacs core library [[https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/tree/lisp/json.el][*json.el*]].
It was then refactored to meet the specification defined below.
* COMMENT Helper function
** JSON Reference pretty print string
The ~json-encode-pretty~ function defined here is used to pretty-print
the above JSON examples.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results none
(defun json-encode-pretty (object)
"Return prettified JSONified version of OBJECT."
(let ((json-false :false)
(json-encoding-pretty-print t))
(json-encode object))))
* References
- [[https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0/][TOML v1.0.0 Spec]]
- [[https://toolkit.site/format.html][Online JSON/TOML/YAML converter]]
* COMMENT Local Variables :ARCHIVE:
# Local Variables:
# eval: (setq-local org-fold-core-style 'overlays)
# End: