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digital-art-composition-book/Notes/Krita Quick Reference.md

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A quick note

Also see Digital coloring and drawing for a full Krita config. The Krita specific information is at the bottom of the linked page.

General workflow

  • Prep downloaded files
  • Create page in vault with link to kra file
  • Sync vault to tablet as appropriate
  • Open file in Krita
  • Make art

Logitech T650 Tips / Tricks

  • point and click tab
    • primary click: click with one finger
    • right click: click with 2 fingers
    • middle click: disabled
    • pointer movement: disabled
    • enable dragging: disabled
  • naviage windows tab
    • disable everything
  • scroll tab
    • enable vertical scrolling
    • enable horizontal scrolling
    • disable back/forward
    • enable zoom in and out
  • krita settings
    • add undo & redo to main toolbar
    • canvas input settings
      • remove non-modified mouse wheel options from 'zoom canvas'
      • add mouse wheel left/right/up/down to pan canvas

Small Tablet Tips / Tricks

An important note: the settings dialog may be too big horizontally for a small android tablet screen. You can drag the top of the window to move it left/right/up/down to access the full window. This is especially important on Samsung Z Fold devices.

On a small tablet it can be wise to use the full screen canvas view and pop-up palette. This allows you to use the whole screen with your stylus and easily access different brushes and recently used colors. Note: the pop-up palette will show your favorite brushes by default and which brushes it shows, as well as how many to show, can be configured within the main Krita settings.

Another helpful thing on tablets is tuning the mutli-touch gestures. The following work very well in practice:

  • Two finger tap: activate pop-up palette
  • Three finger tap: toggle canvas only mode
  • Four finger drag: Undo
  • Four finger tap: redo


Main Krita View With File Open

Canvas View

Pop-up Palette