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digital-art-composition-book/Notes/Krita Quick Reference.md

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title: **Table of Contents**

Brushes, Palettes & More

Input Device Tips / Tricks

Android Tablet Tips / Tricks

An important note: the settings dialog may be too big horizontally for a small android tablet screen. You can drag the top of the window to move it left/right/up/down to access the full window. This is especially important on Samsung Z Fold devices.

On a small tablet it can be wise to use the full screen canvas view and pop-up palette. This allows you to use the whole screen with your stylus and easily access different brushes and recently used colors. Note: the pop-up palette will show your favorite brushes by default and which brushes it shows, as well as how many to show, can be configured within the main Krita settings.

General Settings


  • general
    • window
      • disable HiDPI support
    • tools
      • tool options location: in toolbar
      • disable 'enable touch painting'
    • misc (when krita starts)
      • show session manager
      • save session on exit
  • canvas input settings (use a non default profile / see above for saving fix)
    • look for any gestures/touch/pen stuff that needs removing
    • show pop up widget
      • set gesture to 'two finger tap'
    • pan canvas
      • set gesture to 'five finger drag'
    • zoom canvas
      • set gesture to 'five finger tap'
    • touch gestures
      • set gesture undo to 'four finger drag'
      • set gesture redo to 'four finger tap'
      • set gesture toggle canvas mode to 'three finger tap'
  • tablet settings
    • adjust pressure curve
  • pop-up palatte
    • disable show rotation ring (if desired)
  • s pen actions
    • click: toggle pop up palette with s-pen
    • double click: show canvas only
    • gestures: set all to do nothing

Things to consider

  • bug fix input profile settings: https://krita-artists.org/t/cannot-save-input-profile-does-not-persist-on-startup-on-android/55693/4
  • s pen click button is mouse middle click on galaxy fold devices
  • pop up palatte is quick settings (like sketchbook puck)
  • gestures in the config can likely do brush size up/dn and undo/redo
  • can tune brush settings shown via the pop up palatte ui
  • go through favorite brushes and set up to 10 ; these will show on the popup palatte
  • use portrait mode when editing brushes ; you need the height to see everything and you can use the top of the pop-up window to move it left/right for full access

External storage resources folder on Android

  • export/prep everything you want to keep (reuse desktop default resources dir if desired)
  • settings -> resources
  • use the ICON that pops the android folder selector
  • select the folder you want to use and grant storage permissions to it
  • save settings & quit krita
  • force stop krita in app settings
  • (ONLY IF REIMPORTING EXPORTS) - relaunch krita and import data
  • copy the resources dir you want to use to the selected folder
  • launch krita. this will take awhile and may look like its frozen
  • clear any warnings/errors
  • quit krita
  • force stop krita
  • relaunch and enjoy

KemoNine's Device/Input Config

The below are the main hid settings KemoNine uses with a Samsung Android tablet plus S Pen, Wacom One (Small) drawing tablet and a Logitech T650 track pad. They only use these 3 devices for working with Krita and have tuned their config accordingly.

Device Configs

The following are the device configs KemoNine uses within each device's setup/config tool(s).

Krita Input Config

The below are the input settings KemoNine uses within Krita

  • S Pen
    • Click: Toggle pop-up palette with S-Pen
    • Double click: show canvas only
    • All other options set to 'do nothing'
  • Canvas Input Settings
    • Remove /all/ but the below
    • Tool invocation
      • Mouse Button - Left Button - Activate
      • Key Combination - Return - Confirm
      • Key Combination - Esc - Cancel
    • Alternate Invocation - All shortcuts removed
    • Change Primary Setting - All shortcuts removed
    • Pan Canvas
      • Mouse Button - Space + Left Button - Pan Mode
    • Rotate Canvas - All shortcuts removed
    • Zoom Canvas
      • Gesture - Five Finger Tap - Zoom Mode
    • Show Popup Widget
      • Mouse Button - Right Button - Activate
      • Gesture - Two Finger Tap - Activate
    • Select Layer - All shortcuts removed
    • Exposure and Gamma - All shortcuts removed
    • Switch Time - All shortcuts removed
    • Zoom and Rotate Canvas
      • Gesture - Two Finger Drag - Rotate Mode
    • Touch Gestures
      • Gesture - Four Finger Tap - Redo
      • Gesture - Four Finger Drag - Undo
      • Gesture - Three Finger Tap - Toggle Canvas Only Mode


Main Krita View With File Open

Canvas View

Pop-up Palette