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digital-art-composition-book/Notes/Convert PDF Coloring Pages.md

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2023-02-17 KemoNine Blog

Important Note

Krita can natively import PDFs with each page as a layer. You can simply open the PDF within Krita and then cut/copy/paste each later into a new image as appropriate or work with them as a single image.

The above approch with Krita can be significantly easier and less fiddly than the below.

The original blog post...

If you have access to imagemagick you can quickly convert a PDF coloring page(s) to grayscale PNG using the below procedure and notes.


  • The pdfimages command below will get you a dpi listing for each page in the PDF that has an image, use that value instead of 300 in the below, if it is present.
  • The -type Grayscale parameter can be removed if you need color output.
  • If the below fails Adobe has an online converter at: https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/convert-pdf.html


  1. Install imagemagick
  2. pdfimages -list shipspage1.pdf
  3. for file in `ls *.pdf`; do convert -density 300 -type Grayscale ${file} ${file}.png; done
