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+++ title = "Sourdough Starter" author = ["KemoNine"] publishDate = 2022-12-05 tags = ["Baking"] draft = false layout="recipe" image="fernando-delgado-AO6j8f8xXHw-unsplash.jpg" imagecaption="A close up of a loaf of sourdough bread. The image was obtained from Unsplash at" date="2022-12-05" AuthorName="KemoNine" AuthorURL="" category="SourdoughStarter" cuisine="SourdoughStarter" ingredients=[ "1 tbs dry yeast", "2.5 cups warm water", "2 tsp sugar", "2.5 cups flour", ] directions=[ "Mix together well, cover and let sit for five days. Stir mixture daily.", "You'll notice the yeasty smell for about a day but then after two or three days it should start to smell sour.", "When using it to make bread, for a more sour loaf, leave it somewhere warmer since the bacteria thrive in warmth while to give it better rise you put it somewhere cooler for a second fermentation.", "A second fermentation in the fridge can take half a day or more." ] +++