122 lines
3.8 KiB

title: Organizers
- KemoNine
publishDate: 2023-03-20
lastMod: 2023-03-20
toc: true
draft: false
- tips
- organizers
- bujo
- gtd
- mind-map
- zettelkasten
- org-mode
- obsidian
- date: 2023-03-20
text: "Initial creation"
## Important
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There is no "one true way" to organize. There are many systems and each has pros and cons based on individual needs.
Please keep this in mind as you review organizational systems. Use what works for *you*.
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## Common Options
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### Bullet Journal
[External Site](
- An analog setup that's very adaptable
- Very flexible or rigid based on how much of the standard system you use
- Can be overhwelming as there is a lot of published info and ideas on the internet
- Best results seen when a loose structure is preferred
- [Additional Reading]({{< ref "organizers-bujo" >}})
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### Getting Things Done (GTD)
[External Site](
- Highly structured and rigid
- Difficult to adapt
- Easy to start using but can quickly overhwelm due to the rigid and structured workflow
- Best results seen when a rigid structure and workflow are preferred
- [Additional Reading]({{< ref "organizers-gtd" >}})
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### Mind Mapping
[External Site](
- Completely open ended and flexible
- Easy to adapt
- Can be difficult to find content if notusing search or rigorous tags and links
- Best results seen when a very loose web of loose notes is preferred
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### org-mode
[External Site](
- A style of bullet journal with some pre-made workflows that can be used if desired
- This is a digital text form of bullet journal
- org-mode is considered one of the most powerful and flexible options for building a digital bullet journal
- Info on the main org-mode website can be dense and confusing. The internet online is also very easily overhwelming
- Best results seen when a digital form of bullet journal is preferred and there is a willingness to work through org-mode's learning curve
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### zettelkasten
[External Site](
- A style of mind map with general guidelines for maximizing the utility of a mind map
- This is a digital text form of mind map
- This site is designed with the Zettelkasten methods in mind
- Info on the main Zettelkasten website can be dense and overwhelming
- Best results seen when a semi-structured and textual mind map is preferred
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### Obsidian
[External Site](
- A gui mind mapping application that's cross platform
- Regarded as one of the best graphical mind mappers available
- The internet regularly tells folks to start with Obsidian (if possible) as a staring point for mind mapping
- Best results seen when a semi-structured and graphical mind map is preferred
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## External Resources
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### KemoNine
KemoNine has written extensively on digital organizers. A number of relevant posts from their blog are linked below.
- [Organizers (Universally Stink)](
- [Analog Every Day Carries](
- [A riff on Bullet Journals](
- [Anti Bad Habit Notebook](
- [Personal Knowledge Base / Wiki](
- [Digital Bullet Journal](
- [Android org-agenda](
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