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* Mindfulness, the game
:CUSTOM_ID: mindfulness-the-game
*Written by*: Craig Maloney
*Version*: 0.3
*License*: [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/][Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International]]
*Dedicated to*: JoDee, for everything.
*Mindfulness, the game* is a solo journaling game about being mindful.
It uses a series of prompts to help you be more in the moment and allow
yourself to focus on being present in this moment.
** Safety tools
:CUSTOM_ID: safety-tools
This game can stir up uncomfortable thoughts. If at any time you
encounter a thought that you don't want to pursue then give yourself
permission to just let that thought pass by. If you are unable to let it
go then write "Here ends the session." and give yourself time to
recover. This game is about exploration of our thoughts, not dredging up
painful or discomforting thoughts.
If you are up to it you might want to discuss those thoughts with a
therapist or a trusted companion at a later date. This is completely
optional and is outside of the scope of this game.
** Equipment
:CUSTOM_ID: equipment
The following equipment is completely optional but may help you to
better focus:
*** Prompts
:CUSTOM_ID: prompts
- A six-sided "question" die with the words "who", "what", "where",
"when", "why", and "how" on each side (available from Steve Jackson
Games, Koplow, and others).
- Alternatively, a six sided die with the numbers 1-6 on each side.
*** Logging (optional)
:CUSTOM_ID: logging-optional
- A pad of paper with a writing implement (pen, pencil, crayon, etc.).
- Alternatively, A computer with a text editor or word processor.
*** A timer (optional)
:CUSTOM_ID: a-timer-optional
- An hourglass or electronic timer
- A timer on your phone, computer
*** Agitation (optional)
:CUSTOM_ID: agitation-optional
- Three tokens for marking when you get agitated through this entire
- Alternatively, you can mark "agitated" in your journal
Note that the simpler the tools the better the experience this game will
** The Game
:CUSTOM_ID: the-game
The main goal of the game is to have you think about this moment in time
and focus on it. The prompts are there to help you focus on one
particular aspect of this moment in time.
If you would like to do a timed session set your timer for the desired
amount. Short sessions may be 5-10 minutes, and a long session may be as
long as 30 minutes to an hour. When starting off with this game you will
want to start with 5-10 minute sessions. The recommended time for more
advanced players is 30 minutes but any amount of time will do.
Alternatively, you may play this where the game is finished when you
have explored each of the prompts (who, what, where, when, why, and
*** Choosing a prompt
:CUSTOM_ID: choosing-a-prompt
Roll the die to determine which of the prompts you will focus on for the
next few minutes. If you have a standard six-sided die you may use the
following table for the prompt (e.g.: if you roll a 1 then use the
prompt "who?". Rolling a 2 equals the prompt "what?", etc.)
| number | prompt |
| 1 | who? |
| 2 | what? |
| 3 | where? |
| 4 | when? |
| 5 | why? |
| 6 | how? |
Take a few seconds to think about the prompt. Many times we'll already
have something in our mind relating to the prompt, but if not the feel
free to use the following as a guide:
- *Who?*: This can relate to other people or ourselves. Who is on our
mind at the moment? Who do we want to show kindness to? Who are we in
this moment?
- *What?*: This can relate to items or ideas that we have. What is in
front of us? What does this moment feel like? What has our attention
at this moment?
- *Where?*: This can relate to places or mental space. Where are we
currently playing this game? Where is our mind wanting to go? Where do
we fit in the grand scheme of the cosmos?
- *When?*: This can relate to time. When are we playing this game? When
is a good time to stop playing? When is this moment in time?
- *Why?*: This can relate to purpose, motivation, or current feelings.
Why are we playing this game? Why have we chosen this moment? Why do
we feel the way we feel?
- *How?*: This can relate to our current state. How are we playing this
game? How do we currently feel? How would we like to show up?
These are just some ideas to get you started. You can interpret these
prompts however you wish.
*** Write about it
:CUSTOM_ID: write-about-it
Once you have given the prompt some thought the next part is to write
about it. /Don't overthink this./ There's no wrong answer to these
prompts. Whatever is grabbing your attention is what you should write
about. Spend the next few minutes writing about what comes to mind.
Keep in mind that this game works best with honesty but is not about
trying to dredge up things that are uncomfortable. If you run into
uncomfortable or painful thoughts then please refer to the *Safety
Tools* section above for how best to handle them.
*Remember*: this is a game about exploration of our thoughts. There's no
right or wrong way to do this.
*** Agitation
:CUSTOM_ID: agitation
During the game you'll notice yourself getting agitated, especially if
you've set a timer and that time hasn't elapsed yet. That's part of the
mindfulness process. Just note that you experienced agitation, either by
moving a token or marking "agitated" in your journal. Then try to return
back to the process of writing.
*** Repeat
:CUSTOM_ID: repeat
Once you have completed your thoughts on the given prompt you may roll
the die again for the next prompt. Refer to the steps in *Choosing a
prompt* and *Write about it* for what to do for each prompt you roll.
If you get the same prompt this session you may re-roll the die or
continue exploring the thoughts around that prompt.
If you have noted "agitation" three times then stop the timer. Move to
*Finishing the game*.
*** Finishing the game
:CUSTOM_ID: finishing-the-game
You may complete the game when you have explored each prompt, marked
three "agitation", or when the timer goes off. Write down any additional
thoughts you've had during this session and give yourself some gratitude
for giving yourself space to explore your thoughts. Acknowledge any
thoughts that were difficult or uncomfortable for you as being a part of
When you have completed this final wrap-up the game is complete.
*** Daily Practice
:CUSTOM_ID: daily-practice
This game can be part of a daily practice for journaling or meditation.
Obviously the writing part would be optional for meditation, but it can
be a good reminder to focus on one aspect of our lives at a time and
give ourselves the space to explore those thoughts as they occur.
** Tips
:CUSTOM_ID: tips
Here are some tips for playing this game
- *Don't Rush!*: Take your time with this exercise. There are no bonus
points for finishing quickly or beating the timer. (We checked).
- *Relax and Pace Yourself*: There might be points where you feel
overwhelmed or bored by this game. Pace yourself. Allow yourself to be
within the moment relax into it.
- *TNSTAC*: "There's no such thing as correct". However you play this is
the correct way. This isn't a competition. (We also checked).
- *You are enough*: This isn't really part of the game but it bears
repeating. You, in this moment, are enough.
** Designer Notes
:CUSTOM_ID: designer-notes
This game came out of realizing that I had an abundance (read: too many)
question dice. I didn't realize they came in a pack of 10. I thought
about how best to use these dice and came up with the idea of using them
for a journaling game of some form. There are several ways I could have
approached this (dungeon crawl, walk through a town, etc.) but the first
one that appealed to me was the idea of using it as a meditation tool
for mindfulness. There might be others down the line as time and
creativity permit, but I felt this one needed my attention first. Leave
it to me to pick the least fantastical version of things to start with.
I hope you enjoy this exercise. If you have any comments or would like
to share your journey feel free to contact me at