"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // node_modules/obsidian-daily-notes-interface/dist/main.js var require_main = __commonJS({ "node_modules/obsidian-daily-notes-interface/dist/main.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var obsidian = require("obsidian"); var DEFAULT_DAILY_NOTE_FORMAT = "YYYY-MM-DD"; var DEFAULT_WEEKLY_NOTE_FORMAT = "gggg-[W]ww"; var DEFAULT_MONTHLY_NOTE_FORMAT = "YYYY-MM"; var DEFAULT_QUARTERLY_NOTE_FORMAT = "YYYY-[Q]Q"; var DEFAULT_YEARLY_NOTE_FORMAT = "YYYY"; function shouldUsePeriodicNotesSettings(periodicity) { var _a, _b; const periodicNotes = window.app.plugins.getPlugin("periodic-notes"); return periodicNotes && ((_b = (_a = periodicNotes.settings) == null ? void 0 : _a[periodicity]) == null ? void 0 : _b.enabled); } function getDailyNoteSettings2() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; try { const { internalPlugins, plugins } = window.app; if (shouldUsePeriodicNotesSettings("daily")) { const { format: format2, folder: folder2, template: template2 } = ((_b = (_a = plugins.getPlugin("periodic-notes")) == null ? void 0 : _a.settings) == null ? void 0 : _b.daily) || {}; return { format: format2 || DEFAULT_DAILY_NOTE_FORMAT, folder: (folder2 == null ? void 0 : folder2.trim()) || "", template: (template2 == null ? void 0 : template2.trim()) || "" }; } const { folder, format, template } = ((_d = (_c = internalPlugins.getPluginById("daily-notes")) == null ? void 0 : _c.instance) == null ? void 0 : _d.options) || {}; return { format: format || DEFAULT_DAILY_NOTE_FORMAT, folder: (folder == null ? void 0 : folder.trim()) || "", template: (template == null ? void 0 : template.trim()) || "" }; } catch (err) { console.info("No custom daily note settings found!", err); } } function getWeeklyNoteSettings() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; try { const pluginManager = window.app.plugins; const calendarSettings = (_a = pluginManager.getPlugin("calendar")) == null ? void 0 : _a.options; const periodicNotesSettings = (_c = (_b = pluginManager.getPlugin("periodic-notes")) == null ? void 0 : _b.settings) == null ? void 0 : _c.weekly; if (shouldUsePeriodicNotesSettings("weekly")) { return { format: periodicNotesSettings.format || DEFAULT_WEEKLY_NOTE_FORMAT, folder: ((_d = periodicNotesSettings.folder) == null ? void 0 : _d.trim()) || "", template: ((_e = periodicNotesSettings.template) == null ? void 0 : _e.trim()) || "" }; } const settings = calendarSettings || {}; return { format: settings.weeklyNoteFormat || DEFAULT_WEEKLY_NOTE_FORMAT, folder: ((_f = settings.weeklyNoteFolder) == null ? void 0 : _f.trim()) || "", template: ((_g = settings.weeklyNoteTemplate) == null ? void 0 : _g.trim()) || "" }; } catch (err) { console.info("No custom weekly note settings found!", err); } } function getMonthlyNoteSettings() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const pluginManager = window.app.plugins; try { const settings = shouldUsePeriodicNotesSettings("monthly") && ((_b = (_a = pluginManager.getPlugin("periodic-notes")) == null ? void 0 : _a.settings) == null ? void 0 : _b.monthly) || {}; return { format: settings.format || DEFAULT_MONTHLY_NOTE_FORMAT, folder: ((_c = settings.folder) == null ? void 0 : _c.trim()) || "", template: ((_d = settings.template) == null ? void 0 : _d.trim()) || "" }; } catch (err) { console.info("No custom monthly note settings found!", err); } } function getQuarterlyNoteSettings() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const pluginManager = window.app.plugins; try { const settings = shouldUsePeriodicNotesSettings("quarterly") && ((_b = (_a = pluginManager.getPlugin("periodic-notes")) == null ? void 0 : _a.settings) == null ? void 0 : _b.quarterly) || {}; return { format: settings.format || DEFAULT_QUARTERLY_NOTE_FORMAT, folder: ((_c = settings.folder) == null ? void 0 : _c.trim()) || "", template: ((_d = settings.template) == null ? void 0 : _d.trim()) || "" }; } catch (err) { console.info("No custom quarterly note settings found!", err); } } function getYearlyNoteSettings() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const pluginManager = window.app.plugins; try { const settings = shouldUsePeriodicNotesSettings("yearly") && ((_b = (_a = pluginManager.getPlugin("periodic-notes")) == null ? void 0 : _a.settings) == null ? void 0 : _b.yearly) || {}; return { format: settings.format || DEFAULT_YEARLY_NOTE_FORMAT, folder: ((_c = settings.folder) == null ? void 0 : _c.trim()) || "", template: ((_d = settings.template) == null ? void 0 : _d.trim()) || "" }; } catch (err) { console.info("No custom yearly note settings found!", err); } } function join(...partSegments) { let parts = []; for (let i = 0, l = partSegments.length; i < l; i++) { parts = parts.concat(partSegments[i].split("/")); } const newParts = []; for (let i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) { const part = parts[i]; if (!part || part === ".") continue; else newParts.push(part); } if (parts[0] === "") newParts.unshift(""); return newParts.join("/"); } function basename(fullPath) { let base = fullPath.substring(fullPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (base.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf(".")); return base; } async function ensureFolderExists(path) { const dirs = path.replace(/\\/g, "/").split("/"); dirs.pop(); if (dirs.length) { const dir = join(...dirs); if (!window.app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(dir)) { await window.app.vault.createFolder(dir); } } } async function getNotePath(directory, filename) { if (!filename.endsWith(".md")) { filename += ".md"; } const path = obsidian.normalizePath(join(directory, filename)); await ensureFolderExists(path); return path; } async function getTemplateInfo(template) { const { metadataCache, vault } = window.app; const templatePath = obsidian.normalizePath(template); if (templatePath === "/") { return Promise.resolve(["", null]); } try { const templateFile = metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(templatePath, ""); const contents = await vault.cachedRead(templateFile); const IFoldInfo = window.app.foldManager.load(templateFile); return [contents, IFoldInfo]; } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to read the daily note template '${templatePath}'`, err); new obsidian.Notice("Failed to read the daily note template"); return ["", null]; } } function getDateUID(date, granularity = "day") { const ts = date.clone().startOf(granularity).format(); return `${granularity}-${ts}`; } function removeEscapedCharacters(format) { return format.replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/g, ""); } function isFormatAmbiguous(format, granularity) { if (granularity === "week") { const cleanFormat = removeEscapedCharacters(format); return /w{1,2}/i.test(cleanFormat) && (/M{1,4}/.test(cleanFormat) || /D{1,4}/.test(cleanFormat)); } return false; } function getDateFromFile(file, granularity) { return getDateFromFilename(file.basename, granularity); } function getDateFromPath(path, granularity) { return getDateFromFilename(basename(path), granularity); } function getDateFromFilename(filename, granularity) { const getSettings = { day: getDailyNoteSettings2, week: getWeeklyNoteSettings, month: getMonthlyNoteSettings, quarter: getQuarterlyNoteSettings, year: getYearlyNoteSettings }; const format = getSettings[granularity]().format.split("/").pop(); const noteDate = window.moment(filename, format, true); if (!noteDate.isValid()) { return null; } if (isFormatAmbiguous(format, granularity)) { if (granularity === "week") { const cleanFormat = removeEscapedCharacters(format); if (/w{1,2}/i.test(cleanFormat)) { return window.moment( filename, // If format contains week, remove day & month formatting format.replace(/M{1,4}/g, "").replace(/D{1,4}/g, ""), false ); } } } return noteDate; } var DailyNotesFolderMissingError = class extends Error { }; async function createDailyNote(date) { const app = window.app; const { vault } = app; const moment2 = window.moment; const { template, format, folder } = getDailyNoteSettings2(); const [templateContents, IFoldInfo] = await getTemplateInfo(template); const filename = date.format(format); const normalizedPath = await getNotePath(folder, filename); try { const createdFile = await vault.create(normalizedPath, templateContents.replace(/{{\s*date\s*}}/gi, filename).replace(/{{\s*time\s*}}/gi, moment2().format("HH:mm")).replace(/{{\s*title\s*}}/gi, filename).replace(/{{\s*(date|time)\s*(([+-]\d+)([yqmwdhs]))?\s*(:.+?)?}}/gi, (_, _timeOrDate, calc, timeDelta, unit, momentFormat) => { const now = moment2(); const currentDate = date.clone().set({ hour: now.get("hour"), minute: now.get("minute"), second: now.get("second") }); if (calc) { currentDate.add(parseInt(timeDelta, 10), unit); } if (momentFormat) { return currentDate.format(momentFormat.substring(1).trim()); } return currentDate.format(format); }).replace(/{{\s*yesterday\s*}}/gi, date.clone().subtract(1, "day").format(format)).replace(/{{\s*tomorrow\s*}}/gi, date.clone().add(1, "d").format(format))); app.foldManager.save(createdFile, IFoldInfo); return createdFile; } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to create file: '${normalizedPath}'`, err); new obsidian.Notice("Unable to create new file."); } } function getDailyNote(date, dailyNotes) { var _a; return (_a = dailyNotes[getDateUID(date, "day")]) != null ? _a : null; } function getAllDailyNotes() { const { vault } = window.app; const { folder } = getDailyNoteSettings2(); const dailyNotesFolder = vault.getAbstractFileByPath(obsidian.normalizePath(folder)); if (!dailyNotesFolder) { throw new DailyNotesFolderMissingError("Failed to find daily notes folder"); } const dailyNotes = {}; obsidian.Vault.recurseChildren(dailyNotesFolder, (note) => { if (note instanceof obsidian.TFile) { const date = getDateFromFile(note, "day"); if (date) { const dateString = getDateUID(date, "day"); dailyNotes[dateString] = note; } } }); return dailyNotes; } var WeeklyNotesFolderMissingError = class extends Error { }; function getDaysOfWeek() { const { moment: moment2 } = window; let weekStart = moment2.localeData()._week.dow; const daysOfWeek = [ "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday" ]; while (weekStart) { daysOfWeek.push(daysOfWeek.shift()); weekStart--; } return daysOfWeek; } function getDayOfWeekNumericalValue(dayOfWeekName) { return getDaysOfWeek().indexOf(dayOfWeekName.toLowerCase()); } async function createWeeklyNote(date) { const { vault } = window.app; const { template, format, folder } = getWeeklyNoteSettings(); const [templateContents, IFoldInfo] = await getTemplateInfo(template); const filename = date.format(format); const normalizedPath = await getNotePath(folder, filename); try { const createdFile = await vault.create(normalizedPath, templateContents.replace(/{{\s*(date|time)\s*(([+-]\d+)([yqmwdhs]))?\s*(:.+?)?}}/gi, (_, _timeOrDate, calc, timeDelta, unit, momentFormat) => { const now = window.moment(); const currentDate = date.clone().set({ hour: now.get("hour"), minute: now.get("minute"), second: now.get("second") }); if (calc) { currentDate.add(parseInt(timeDelta, 10), unit); } if (momentFormat) { return currentDate.format(momentFormat.substring(1).trim()); } return currentDate.format(format); }).replace(/{{\s*title\s*}}/gi, filename).replace(/{{\s*time\s*}}/gi, window.moment().format("HH:mm")).replace(/{{\s*(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)\s*:(.*?)}}/gi, (_, dayOfWeek, momentFormat) => { const day = getDayOfWeekNumericalValue(dayOfWeek); return date.weekday(day).format(momentFormat.trim()); })); window.app.foldManager.save(createdFile, IFoldInfo); return createdFile; } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to create file: '${normalizedPath}'`, err); new obsidian.Notice("Unable to create new file."); } } function getWeeklyNote(date, weeklyNotes) { var _a; return (_a = weeklyNotes[getDateUID(date, "week")]) != null ? _a : null; } function getAllWeeklyNotes() { const weeklyNotes = {}; if (!appHasWeeklyNotesPluginLoaded()) { return weeklyNotes; } const { vault } = window.app; const { folder } = getWeeklyNoteSettings(); const weeklyNotesFolder = vault.getAbstractFileByPath(obsidian.normalizePath(folder)); if (!weeklyNotesFolder) { throw new WeeklyNotesFolderMissingError("Failed to find weekly notes folder"); } obsidian.Vault.recurseChildren(weeklyNotesFolder, (note) => { if (note instanceof obsidian.TFile) { const date = getDateFromFile(note, "week"); if (date) { const dateString = getDateUID(date, "week"); weeklyNotes[dateString] = note; } } }); return weeklyNotes; } var MonthlyNotesFolderMissingError = class extends Error { }; async function createMonthlyNote(date) { const { vault } = window.app; const { template, format, folder } = getMonthlyNoteSettings(); const [templateContents, IFoldInfo] = await getTemplateInfo(template); const filename = date.format(format); const normalizedPath = await getNotePath(folder, filename); try { const createdFile = await vault.create(normalizedPath, templateContents.replace(/{{\s*(date|time)\s*(([+-]\d+)([yqmwdhs]))?\s*(:.+?)?}}/gi, (_, _timeOrDate, calc, timeDelta, unit, momentFormat) => { const now = window.moment(); const currentDate = date.clone().set({ hour: now.get("hour"), minute: now.get("minute"), second: now.get("second") }); if (calc) { currentDate.add(parseInt(timeDelta, 10), unit); } if (momentFormat) { return currentDate.format(momentFormat.substring(1).trim()); } return currentDate.format(format); }).replace(/{{\s*date\s*}}/gi, filename).replace(/{{\s*time\s*}}/gi, window.moment().format("HH:mm")).replace(/{{\s*title\s*}}/gi, filename)); window.app.foldManager.save(createdFile, IFoldInfo); return createdFile; } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to create file: '${normalizedPath}'`, err); new obsidian.Notice("Unable to create new file."); } } function getMonthlyNote(date, monthlyNotes) { var _a; return (_a = monthlyNotes[getDateUID(date, "month")]) != null ? _a : null; } function getAllMonthlyNotes() { const monthlyNotes = {}; if (!appHasMonthlyNotesPluginLoaded()) { return monthlyNotes; } const { vault } = window.app; const { folder } = getMonthlyNoteSettings(); const monthlyNotesFolder = vault.getAbstractFileByPath(obsidian.normalizePath(folder)); if (!monthlyNotesFolder) { throw new MonthlyNotesFolderMissingError("Failed to find monthly notes folder"); } obsidian.Vault.recurseChildren(monthlyNotesFolder, (note) => { if (note instanceof obsidian.TFile) { const date = getDateFromFile(note, "month"); if (date) { const dateString = getDateUID(date, "month"); monthlyNotes[dateString] = note; } } }); return monthlyNotes; } var QuarterlyNotesFolderMissingError = class extends Error { }; async function createQuarterlyNote(date) { const { vault } = window.app; const { template, format, folder } = getQuarterlyNoteSettings(); const [templateContents, IFoldInfo] = await getTemplateInfo(template); const filename = date.format(format); const normalizedPath = await getNotePath(folder, filename); try { const createdFile = await vault.create(normalizedPath, templateContents.replace(/{{\s*(date|time)\s*(([+-]\d+)([yqmwdhs]))?\s*(:.+?)?}}/gi, (_, _timeOrDate, calc, timeDelta, unit, momentFormat) => { const now = window.moment(); const currentDate = date.clone().set({ hour: now.get("hour"), minute: now.get("minute"), second: now.get("second") }); if (calc) { currentDate.add(parseInt(timeDelta, 10), unit); } if (momentFormat) { return currentDate.format(momentFormat.substring(1).trim()); } return currentDate.format(format); }).replace(/{{\s*date\s*}}/gi, filename).replace(/{{\s*time\s*}}/gi, window.moment().format("HH:mm")).replace(/{{\s*title\s*}}/gi, filename)); window.app.foldManager.save(createdFile, IFoldInfo); return createdFile; } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to create file: '${normalizedPath}'`, err); new obsidian.Notice("Unable to create new file."); } } function getQuarterlyNote(date, quarterly) { var _a; return (_a = quarterly[getDateUID(date, "quarter")]) != null ? _a : null; } function getAllQuarterlyNotes() { const quarterly = {}; if (!appHasQuarterlyNotesPluginLoaded()) { return quarterly; } const { vault } = window.app; const { folder } = getQuarterlyNoteSettings(); const quarterlyFolder = vault.getAbstractFileByPath(obsidian.normalizePath(folder)); if (!quarterlyFolder) { throw new QuarterlyNotesFolderMissingError("Failed to find quarterly notes folder"); } obsidian.Vault.recurseChildren(quarterlyFolder, (note) => { if (note instanceof obsidian.TFile) { const date = getDateFromFile(note, "quarter"); if (date) { const dateString = getDateUID(date, "quarter"); quarterly[dateString] = note; } } }); return quarterly; } var YearlyNotesFolderMissingError = class extends Error { }; async function createYearlyNote(date) { const { vault } = window.app; const { template, format, folder } = getYearlyNoteSettings(); const [templateContents, IFoldInfo] = await getTemplateInfo(template); const filename = date.format(format); const normalizedPath = await getNotePath(folder, filename); try { const createdFile = await vault.create(normalizedPath, templateContents.replace(/{{\s*(date|time)\s*(([+-]\d+)([yqmwdhs]))?\s*(:.+?)?}}/gi, (_, _timeOrDate, calc, timeDelta, unit, momentFormat) => { const now = window.moment(); const currentDate = date.clone().set({ hour: now.get("hour"), minute: now.get("minute"), second: now.get("second") }); if (calc) { currentDate.add(parseInt(timeDelta, 10), unit); } if (momentFormat) { return currentDate.format(momentFormat.substring(1).trim()); } return currentDate.format(format); }).replace(/{{\s*date\s*}}/gi, filename).replace(/{{\s*time\s*}}/gi, window.moment().format("HH:mm")).replace(/{{\s*title\s*}}/gi, filename)); window.app.foldManager.save(createdFile, IFoldInfo); return createdFile; } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to create file: '${normalizedPath}'`, err); new obsidian.Notice("Unable to create new file."); } } function getYearlyNote(date, yearlyNotes) { var _a; return (_a = yearlyNotes[getDateUID(date, "year")]) != null ? _a : null; } function getAllYearlyNotes() { const yearlyNotes = {}; if (!appHasYearlyNotesPluginLoaded()) { return yearlyNotes; } const { vault } = window.app; const { folder } = getYearlyNoteSettings(); const yearlyNotesFolder = vault.getAbstractFileByPath(obsidian.normalizePath(folder)); if (!yearlyNotesFolder) { throw new YearlyNotesFolderMissingError("Failed to find yearly notes folder"); } obsidian.Vault.recurseChildren(yearlyNotesFolder, (note) => { if (note instanceof obsidian.TFile) { const date = getDateFromFile(note, "year"); if (date) { const dateString = getDateUID(date, "year"); yearlyNotes[dateString] = note; } } }); return yearlyNotes; } function appHasDailyNotesPluginLoaded() { var _a, _b; const { app } = window; const dailyNotesPlugin = app.internalPlugins.plugins["daily-notes"]; if (dailyNotesPlugin && dailyNotesPlugin.enabled) { return true; } const periodicNotes = app.plugins.getPlugin("periodic-notes"); return periodicNotes && ((_b = (_a = periodicNotes.settings) == null ? void 0 : _a.daily) == null ? void 0 : _b.enabled); } function appHasWeeklyNotesPluginLoaded() { var _a, _b; const { app } = window; if (app.plugins.getPlugin("calendar")) { return true; } const periodicNotes = app.plugins.getPlugin("periodic-notes"); return periodicNotes && ((_b = (_a = periodicNotes.settings) == null ? void 0 : _a.weekly) == null ? void 0 : _b.enabled); } function appHasMonthlyNotesPluginLoaded() { var _a, _b; const { app } = window; const periodicNotes = app.plugins.getPlugin("periodic-notes"); return periodicNotes && ((_b = (_a = periodicNotes.settings) == null ? void 0 : _a.monthly) == null ? void 0 : _b.enabled); } function appHasQuarterlyNotesPluginLoaded() { var _a, _b; const { app } = window; const periodicNotes = app.plugins.getPlugin("periodic-notes"); return periodicNotes && ((_b = (_a = periodicNotes.settings) == null ? void 0 : _a.quarterly) == null ? void 0 : _b.enabled); } function appHasYearlyNotesPluginLoaded() { var _a, _b; const { app } = window; const periodicNotes = app.plugins.getPlugin("periodic-notes"); return periodicNotes && ((_b = (_a = periodicNotes.settings) == null ? void 0 : _a.yearly) == null ? void 0 : _b.enabled); } function getPeriodicNoteSettings(granularity) { const getSettings = { day: getDailyNoteSettings2, week: getWeeklyNoteSettings, month: getMonthlyNoteSettings, quarter: getQuarterlyNoteSettings, year: getYearlyNoteSettings }[granularity]; return getSettings(); } function createPeriodicNote(granularity, date) { const createFn = { day: createDailyNote, month: createMonthlyNote, week: createWeeklyNote }; return createFn[granularity](date); } exports.DEFAULT_DAILY_NOTE_FORMAT = DEFAULT_DAILY_NOTE_FORMAT; exports.DEFAULT_MONTHLY_NOTE_FORMAT = DEFAULT_MONTHLY_NOTE_FORMAT; exports.DEFAULT_QUARTERLY_NOTE_FORMAT = DEFAULT_QUARTERLY_NOTE_FORMAT; exports.DEFAULT_WEEKLY_NOTE_FORMAT = DEFAULT_WEEKLY_NOTE_FORMAT; exports.DEFAULT_YEARLY_NOTE_FORMAT = DEFAULT_YEARLY_NOTE_FORMAT; exports.appHasDailyNotesPluginLoaded = appHasDailyNotesPluginLoaded; exports.appHasMonthlyNotesPluginLoaded = appHasMonthlyNotesPluginLoaded; exports.appHasQuarterlyNotesPluginLoaded = appHasQuarterlyNotesPluginLoaded; exports.appHasWeeklyNotesPluginLoaded = appHasWeeklyNotesPluginLoaded; exports.appHasYearlyNotesPluginLoaded = appHasYearlyNotesPluginLoaded; exports.createDailyNote = createDailyNote; exports.createMonthlyNote = createMonthlyNote; exports.createPeriodicNote = createPeriodicNote; exports.createQuarterlyNote = createQuarterlyNote; exports.createWeeklyNote = createWeeklyNote; exports.createYearlyNote = createYearlyNote; exports.getAllDailyNotes = getAllDailyNotes; exports.getAllMonthlyNotes = getAllMonthlyNotes; exports.getAllQuarterlyNotes = getAllQuarterlyNotes; exports.getAllWeeklyNotes = getAllWeeklyNotes; exports.getAllYearlyNotes = getAllYearlyNotes; exports.getDailyNote = getDailyNote; exports.getDailyNoteSettings = getDailyNoteSettings2; exports.getDateFromFile = getDateFromFile; exports.getDateFromPath = getDateFromPath; exports.getDateUID = getDateUID; exports.getMonthlyNote = getMonthlyNote; exports.getMonthlyNoteSettings = getMonthlyNoteSettings; exports.getPeriodicNoteSettings = getPeriodicNoteSettings; exports.getQuarterlyNote = getQuarterlyNote; exports.getQuarterlyNoteSettings = getQuarterlyNoteSettings; exports.getTemplateInfo = getTemplateInfo; exports.getWeeklyNote = getWeeklyNote; exports.getWeeklyNoteSettings = getWeeklyNoteSettings; exports.getYearlyNote = getYearlyNote; exports.getYearlyNoteSettings = getYearlyNoteSettings; } }); // src/main.ts var main_exports = {}; __export(main_exports, { default: () => ThePlugin }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(main_exports); var import_obsidian11 = require("obsidian"); // src/ui/SettingsTab.ts var import_obsidian5 = require("obsidian"); // src/features/themes.ts var import_obsidian3 = require("obsidian"); // src/features/githubUtils.ts var import_obsidian = require("obsidian"); var GITHUB_RAW_USERCONTENT_PATH = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"; var isPrivateRepo = async (repository, debugLogging = true, personalAccessToken = "") => { const URL2 = `https://api.github.com/repos/${repository}`; try { const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: URL2, headers: personalAccessToken ? { Authorization: `Token ${personalAccessToken}` } : {} }); const data = await JSON.parse(response); return data.private; } catch (e) { if (debugLogging) console.log("error in isPrivateRepo", URL2, e); return false; } }; var grabReleaseFileFromRepository = async (repository, version, fileName, debugLogging = true, personalAccessToken = "") => { try { const isPrivate = await isPrivateRepo(repository, debugLogging, personalAccessToken); if (isPrivate) { const URL2 = `https://api.github.com/repos/${repository}/releases`; const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: URL2, headers: { Authorization: `Token ${personalAccessToken}` } }); const data = await JSON.parse(response); const release = data.find((release2) => release2.tag_name === version); if (!release) { return null; } const asset = release.assets.find( (asset2) => asset2.name === fileName ); if (!asset) { return null; } const download = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: asset.url, headers: { Authorization: `Token ${personalAccessToken}`, Accept: "application/octet-stream" } }); return download === "Not Found" || download === `{"error":"Not Found"}` ? null : download; } else { const URL2 = `https://github.com/${repository}/releases/download/${version}/${fileName}`; const download = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: URL2, headers: personalAccessToken ? { Authorization: `Token ${personalAccessToken}` } : {} }); return download === "Not Found" || download === `{"error":"Not Found"}` ? null : download; } } catch (error) { if (debugLogging) console.log("error in grabReleaseFileFromRepository", URL, error); return null; } }; var grabManifestJsonFromRepository = async (repositoryPath, rootManifest = true, debugLogging = true, personalAccessToken = "") => { const manifestJsonPath = GITHUB_RAW_USERCONTENT_PATH + repositoryPath + (rootManifest ? "/HEAD/manifest.json" : "/HEAD/manifest-beta.json"); if (debugLogging) console.log("grabManifestJsonFromRepository manifestJsonPath", manifestJsonPath); const isTokenValid = async (token) => { try { await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: "https://api.github.com/user", method: "GET", headers: { "Authorization": `token ${token}`, "User-Agent": "request", "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } }); return true; } catch (error) { if (debugLogging) console.log("Token validation error:", error); return false; } }; let tokenValid = false; if (personalAccessToken) { tokenValid = await isTokenValid(personalAccessToken); if (debugLogging) console.log("Token valid:", tokenValid); } try { const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: manifestJsonPath, headers: tokenValid ? { Authorization: `Token ${personalAccessToken}` } : {} }); if (debugLogging) console.log("grabManifestJsonFromRepository response", response); return response === "404: Not Found" ? null : await JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { if (error !== "Error: Request failed, status 404" && debugLogging) { console.log( `error in grabManifestJsonFromRepository for ${manifestJsonPath}`, error ); } return null; } }; var grabCommmunityPluginList = async (debugLogging = true) => { const pluginListUrl = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/HEAD/community-plugins.json`; try { const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: pluginListUrl }); return response === "404: Not Found" ? null : await JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { if (debugLogging) console.log("error in grabCommmunityPluginList", error); return null; } }; var grabCommmunityThemesList = async (debugLogging = true) => { const themesUrl = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/HEAD/community-css-themes.json`; try { const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: themesUrl }); return response === "404: Not Found" ? null : await JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { if (debugLogging) console.log("error in grabCommmunityThemesList", error); return null; } }; var grabCommmunityThemeCssFile = async (repositoryPath, betaVersion = false, debugLogging) => { const themesUrl = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${repositoryPath}/HEAD/theme${betaVersion ? "-beta" : ""}.css`; try { const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: themesUrl }); return response === "404: Not Found" ? null : response; } catch (error) { if (debugLogging) console.log("error in grabCommmunityThemeCssFile", error); return null; } }; var grabCommmunityThemeManifestFile = async (repositoryPath, debugLogging = true) => { const themesUrl = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${repositoryPath}/HEAD/manifest.json`; try { const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url: themesUrl }); return response === "404: Not Found" ? null : response; } catch (error) { if (debugLogging) console.log("error in grabCommmunityThemeManifestFile", error); return null; } }; var checksum = (str) => { let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { sum += str.charCodeAt(i); } return sum; }; var checksumForString = (str) => { return checksum(str).toString(); }; var grabChecksumOfThemeCssFile = async (repositoryPath, betaVersion, debugLogging) => { const themeCss = await grabCommmunityThemeCssFile( repositoryPath, betaVersion, debugLogging ); return themeCss ? checksumForString(themeCss) : "0"; }; var grabLastCommitInfoForFile = async (repositoryPath, path, debugLogging = true) => { const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${repositoryPath}/commits?path=${path}&page=1&per_page=1`; try { const response = await (0, import_obsidian.request)({ url }); return response === "404: Not Found" ? null : JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { if (debugLogging) console.log("error in grabLastCommitInfoForAFile", error); return null; } }; var grabLastCommitDateForFile = async (repositoryPath, path) => { var _a; const test = await grabLastCommitInfoForFile(repositoryPath, path); if (test && test.length > 0 && ((_a = test[0].commit.committer) == null ? void 0 : _a.date)) { return test[0].commit.committer.date; } else { return ""; } }; // src/settings.ts var DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { pluginList: [], pluginSubListFrozenVersion: [], themesList: [], updateAtStartup: true, updateThemesAtStartup: true, enableAfterInstall: true, loggingEnabled: false, loggingPath: "BRAT-log", loggingVerboseEnabled: false, debuggingMode: false, notificationsEnabled: true, personalAccessToken: "" }; function addBetaPluginToList(plugin, repositoryPath, specifyVersion = "") { let save = false; if (!plugin.settings.pluginList.contains(repositoryPath)) { plugin.settings.pluginList.unshift(repositoryPath); save = true; } if (specifyVersion !== "" && plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.filter((x) => x.repo === repositoryPath).length === 0) { plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.unshift({ repo: repositoryPath, version: specifyVersion }); save = true; } if (save) { void plugin.saveSettings(); } } function existBetaPluginInList(plugin, repositoryPath) { return plugin.settings.pluginList.contains(repositoryPath); } function addBetaThemeToList(plugin, repositoryPath, themeCss) { const newTheme = { repo: repositoryPath, lastUpdate: checksumForString(themeCss) }; plugin.settings.themesList.unshift(newTheme); void plugin.saveSettings(); } function existBetaThemeinInList(plugin, repositoryPath) { const testIfThemExists = plugin.settings.themesList.find( (t) => t.repo === repositoryPath ); return testIfThemExists ? true : false; } function updateBetaThemeLastUpdateChecksum(plugin, repositoryPath, checksum2) { plugin.settings.themesList.forEach((t) => { if (t.repo === repositoryPath) { t.lastUpdate = checksum2; void plugin.saveSettings(); } }); } // src/utils/notifications.ts var import_obsidian2 = require("obsidian"); function toastMessage(plugin, msg, timeoutInSeconds = 10, contextMenuCallback) { if (!plugin.settings.notificationsEnabled) return; const additionalInfo = contextMenuCallback ? import_obsidian2.Platform.isDesktop ? "(click=dismiss, right-click=Info)" : "(click=dismiss)" : ""; const newNotice = new import_obsidian2.Notice( `BRAT ${msg} ${additionalInfo}`, timeoutInSeconds * 1e3 ); if (contextMenuCallback) newNotice.noticeEl.oncontextmenu = () => { contextMenuCallback(); }; } // src/utils/internetconnection.ts async function isConnectedToInternet() { try { const online = await fetch("https://obsidian.md/?" + Math.random()); return online.status >= 200 && online.status < 300; } catch (err) { return false; } } // src/features/themes.ts var themeSave = async (plugin, cssGithubRepository, newInstall) => { let themeCss = await grabCommmunityThemeCssFile( cssGithubRepository, true, plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); if (!themeCss) themeCss = await grabCommmunityThemeCssFile( cssGithubRepository, false, plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); if (!themeCss) { toastMessage( plugin, "There is no theme.css or theme-beta.css file in the root path of this repository, so there is no theme to install." ); return false; } const themeManifest = await grabCommmunityThemeManifestFile( cssGithubRepository, plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); if (!themeManifest) { toastMessage( plugin, "There is no manifest.json file in the root path of this repository, so theme cannot be installed." ); return false; } const manifestInfo = await JSON.parse(themeManifest); const themeTargetFolderPath = (0, import_obsidian3.normalizePath)(themesRootPath(plugin) + manifestInfo.name); const { adapter } = plugin.app.vault; if (!await adapter.exists(themeTargetFolderPath)) await adapter.mkdir(themeTargetFolderPath); await adapter.write((0, import_obsidian3.normalizePath)(themeTargetFolderPath + "/theme.css"), themeCss); await adapter.write( (0, import_obsidian3.normalizePath)(themeTargetFolderPath + "/manifest.json"), themeManifest ); updateBetaThemeLastUpdateChecksum( plugin, cssGithubRepository, checksumForString(themeCss) ); let msg = ``; if (newInstall) { addBetaThemeToList(plugin, cssGithubRepository, themeCss); msg = `${manifestInfo.name} theme installed from ${cssGithubRepository}. `; setTimeout(() => { plugin.app.customCss.setTheme(manifestInfo.name); }, 500); } else { msg = `${manifestInfo.name} theme updated from ${cssGithubRepository}.`; } void plugin.log(msg + `[Theme Info](https://github.com/${cssGithubRepository})`, false); toastMessage(plugin, msg, 20, () => { window.open(`https://github.com/${cssGithubRepository}`); }); return true; }; var themesCheckAndUpdates = async (plugin, showInfo) => { if (!await isConnectedToInternet()) { console.log("BRAT: No internet detected."); return; } let newNotice; const msg1 = `Checking for beta theme updates STARTED`; await plugin.log(msg1, true); if (showInfo && plugin.settings.notificationsEnabled) newNotice = new import_obsidian3.Notice(`BRAT ${msg1}`, 3e4); for (const t of plugin.settings.themesList) { let lastUpdateOnline = await grabChecksumOfThemeCssFile( t.repo, true, plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); if (lastUpdateOnline === "0") lastUpdateOnline = await grabChecksumOfThemeCssFile( t.repo, false, plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); console.log("BRAT: lastUpdateOnline", lastUpdateOnline); if (lastUpdateOnline !== t.lastUpdate) await themeSave(plugin, t.repo, false); } const msg2 = `Checking for beta theme updates COMPLETED`; (async () => { await plugin.log(msg2, true); })(); if (showInfo) { if (plugin.settings.notificationsEnabled && newNotice) newNotice.hide(); toastMessage(plugin, msg2); } }; var themeDelete = (plugin, cssGithubRepository) => { plugin.settings.themesList = plugin.settings.themesList.filter( (t) => t.repo !== cssGithubRepository ); void plugin.saveSettings(); const msg = `Removed ${cssGithubRepository} from BRAT themes list and will no longer be updated. However, the theme files still exist in the vault. To remove them, go into Settings > Appearance and remove the theme.`; void plugin.log(msg, true); toastMessage(plugin, msg); }; var themesRootPath = (plugin) => { return (0, import_obsidian3.normalizePath)(plugin.app.vault.configDir + "/themes") + "/"; }; // src/ui/AddNewTheme.ts var import_obsidian4 = require("obsidian"); // src/ui/Promotional.ts var promotionalLinks = (containerEl, settingsTab = true) => { const linksDiv = containerEl.createEl("div"); linksDiv.style.float = "right"; if (!settingsTab) { linksDiv.style.padding = "10px"; linksDiv.style.paddingLeft = "15px"; linksDiv.style.paddingRight = "15px"; } else { linksDiv.style.padding = "15px"; linksDiv.style.paddingLeft = "15px"; linksDiv.style.paddingRight = "15px"; linksDiv.style.marginLeft = "15px"; } const twitterSpan = linksDiv.createDiv("coffee"); twitterSpan.addClass("ex-twitter-span"); twitterSpan.style.paddingLeft = "10px"; const captionText = twitterSpan.createDiv(); captionText.innerText = "Learn more about my work at:"; twitterSpan.appendChild(captionText); const twitterLink = twitterSpan.createEl("a", { href: "https://tfthacker.com" }); twitterLink.innerText = "https://tfthacker.com"; return linksDiv; }; // src/ui/AddNewTheme.ts var AddNewTheme = class extends import_obsidian4.Modal { constructor(plugin, openSettingsTabAfterwards = false) { super(plugin.app); this.plugin = plugin; this.address = ""; this.openSettingsTabAfterwards = openSettingsTabAfterwards; } async submitForm() { if (this.address === "") return; const scrubbedAddress = this.address.replace("https://github.com/", ""); if (existBetaThemeinInList(this.plugin, scrubbedAddress)) { toastMessage(this.plugin, `This theme is already in the list for beta testing`, 10); return; } if (await themeSave(this.plugin, scrubbedAddress, true)) { this.close(); } } onOpen() { this.contentEl.createEl("h4", { text: "Github repository for beta theme:" }); this.contentEl.createEl("form", {}, (formEl) => { formEl.addClass("brat-modal"); new import_obsidian4.Setting(formEl).addText((textEl) => { textEl.setPlaceholder( "Repository (example: https://github.com/GitubUserName/repository-name" ); textEl.setValue(this.address); textEl.onChange((value) => { this.address = value.trim(); }); textEl.inputEl.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (e.key === "Enter" && this.address !== " ") { e.preventDefault(); void this.submitForm(); } }); textEl.inputEl.style.width = "100%"; window.setTimeout(() => { const title = document.querySelector(".setting-item-info"); if (title) title.remove(); textEl.inputEl.focus(); }, 10); }); formEl.createDiv("modal-button-container", (buttonContainerEl) => { buttonContainerEl.createEl("button", { attr: { type: "button" }, text: "Never mind" }).addEventListener("click", () => { this.close(); }); buttonContainerEl.createEl("button", { attr: { type: "submit" }, cls: "mod-cta", text: "Add Theme" }); }); const newDiv = formEl.createDiv(); newDiv.style.borderTop = "1px solid #ccc"; newDiv.style.marginTop = "30px"; const byTfThacker = newDiv.createSpan(); byTfThacker.innerHTML = "BRAT by TFTHacker"; byTfThacker.style.fontStyle = "italic"; newDiv.appendChild(byTfThacker); promotionalLinks(newDiv, false); window.setTimeout(() => { const title = formEl.querySelectorAll(".brat-modal .setting-item-info"); title.forEach((titleEl) => { titleEl.remove(); }); }, 50); formEl.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (this.address !== "") void this.submitForm(); }); }); } onClose() { if (this.openSettingsTabAfterwards) { this.plugin.app.setting.open(); this.plugin.app.setting.openTabById(this.plugin.APP_ID); } } }; // src/ui/SettingsTab.ts var createLink = (githubResource, optionalText) => { const newLink = new DocumentFragment(); const linkElement = document.createElement("a"); linkElement.textContent = githubResource; linkElement.href = `https://github.com/${githubResource}`; newLink.appendChild(linkElement); if (optionalText) { const textNode = document.createTextNode(optionalText); newLink.appendChild(textNode); } return newLink; }; var BratSettingsTab = class extends import_obsidian5.PluginSettingTab { constructor(app, plugin) { super(app, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } display() { const { containerEl } = this; containerEl.empty(); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Auto-enable plugins after installation").setDesc( 'If enabled beta plugins will be automatically enabled after installtion by default. Note: you can toggle this on and off for each plugin in the "Add Plugin" form.' ).addToggle((cb) => { cb.setValue(this.plugin.settings.enableAfterInstall); cb.onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.enableAfterInstall = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Auto-update plugins at startup").setDesc( "If enabled all beta plugins will be checked for updates each time Obsidian starts. Note: this does not update frozen version plugins." ).addToggle((cb) => { cb.setValue(this.plugin.settings.updateAtStartup); cb.onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.updateAtStartup = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Auto-update themes at startup").setDesc( "If enabled all beta themes will be checked for updates each time Obsidian starts." ).addToggle((cb) => { cb.setValue(this.plugin.settings.updateThemesAtStartup); cb.onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.updateThemesAtStartup = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); promotionalLinks(containerEl, true); containerEl.createEl("hr"); containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Beta Plugin List" }); containerEl.createEl("div", { text: `The following is a list of beta plugins added via the command palette "Add a beta plugin for testing" or "Add a beta plugin with frozen version for testing". A frozen version is a specific release of a plugin based on its releease tag. ` }); containerEl.createEl("p"); containerEl.createEl("div", { text: `Click the x button next to a plugin to remove it from the list.` }); containerEl.createEl("p"); containerEl.createEl("span").createEl("b", { text: "Note: " }); containerEl.createSpan({ text: "This does not delete the plugin, this should be done from the Community Plugins tab in Settings." }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).addButton((cb) => { cb.setButtonText("Add Beta plugin"); cb.onClick(() => { this.plugin.app.setting.close(); this.plugin.betaPlugins.displayAddNewPluginModal(true, false); }); }); const pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames = new Set( this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.map((x) => x.repo) ); for (const bp of this.plugin.settings.pluginList) { if (pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames.has(bp)) { continue; } new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName(createLink(bp)).addButton((btn) => { btn.setIcon("cross"); btn.setTooltip("Delete this beta plugin"); btn.onClick(() => { if (btn.buttonEl.textContent === "") btn.setButtonText("Click once more to confirm removal"); else { const { buttonEl } = btn; const { parentElement } = buttonEl; if (parentElement == null ? void 0 : parentElement.parentElement) { parentElement.parentElement.remove(); this.plugin.betaPlugins.deletePlugin(bp); } } }); }); } new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).addButton((cb) => { cb.setButtonText("Add Beta plugin with frozen version"); cb.onClick(() => { this.plugin.app.setting.close(); this.plugin.betaPlugins.displayAddNewPluginModal(true, true); }); }); for (const bp of this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion) { new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName(createLink(bp.repo, ` (version ${bp.version})`)).addButton((btn) => { btn.setIcon("cross"); btn.setTooltip("Delete this beta plugin"); btn.onClick(() => { if (btn.buttonEl.textContent === "") btn.setButtonText("Click once more to confirm removal"); else { const { buttonEl } = btn; const { parentElement } = buttonEl; if (parentElement == null ? void 0 : parentElement.parentElement) { parentElement.parentElement.remove(); this.plugin.betaPlugins.deletePlugin(bp.repo); } } }); }); } containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Beta Themes List" }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).addButton((cb) => { cb.setButtonText("Add Beta Theme"); cb.onClick(() => { this.plugin.app.setting.close(); new AddNewTheme(this.plugin).open(); }); }); for (const bp of this.plugin.settings.themesList) { new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName(createLink(bp.repo)).addButton((btn) => { btn.setIcon("cross"); btn.setTooltip("Delete this beta theme"); btn.onClick(() => { if (btn.buttonEl.textContent === "") btn.setButtonText("Click once more to confirm removal"); else { const { buttonEl } = btn; const { parentElement } = buttonEl; if (parentElement == null ? void 0 : parentElement.parentElement) { parentElement.parentElement.remove(); themeDelete(this.plugin, bp.repo); } } }); }); } containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Monitoring" }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Enable Notifications").setDesc( "BRAT will provide popup notifications for its various activities. Turn this off means no notifications from BRAT." ).addToggle((cb) => { cb.setValue(this.plugin.settings.notificationsEnabled); cb.onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.notificationsEnabled = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Enable Logging").setDesc("Plugin updates will be logged to a file in the log file.").addToggle((cb) => { cb.setValue(this.plugin.settings.loggingEnabled); cb.onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.loggingEnabled = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setName("BRAT Log File Location").setDesc("Logs will be saved to this file. Don't add .md to the file name.").addSearch((cb) => { cb.setPlaceholder("Example: BRAT-log").setValue(this.plugin.settings.loggingPath).onChange(async (newFolder) => { this.plugin.settings.loggingPath = newFolder; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Enable Verbose Logging").setDesc("Get a lot more information in the log.").addToggle((cb) => { cb.setValue(this.plugin.settings.loggingVerboseEnabled); cb.onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.loggingVerboseEnabled = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Debugging Mode").setDesc( "Atomic Bomb level console logging. Can be used for troubleshoting and development." ).addToggle((cb) => { cb.setValue(this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode); cb.onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Personal Access Token").setDesc( "If you need to access private repositories, enter the personal access token here." ).addText((text) => { var _a; text.setPlaceholder("Enter your personal access token").setValue((_a = this.plugin.settings.personalAccessToken) != null ? _a : "").onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.personalAccessToken = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); }); } }; // src/ui/AddNewPluginModal.ts var import_obsidian6 = require("obsidian"); var AddNewPluginModal = class extends import_obsidian6.Modal { constructor(plugin, betaPlugins, openSettingsTabAfterwards = false, useFrozenVersion = false) { super(plugin.app); this.plugin = plugin; this.betaPlugins = betaPlugins; this.address = ""; this.openSettingsTabAfterwards = openSettingsTabAfterwards; this.useFrozenVersion = useFrozenVersion; this.enableAfterInstall = plugin.settings.enableAfterInstall; this.version = ""; } async submitForm() { if (this.address === "") return; let scrubbedAddress = this.address.replace("https://github.com/", ""); if (scrubbedAddress.endsWith(".git")) scrubbedAddress = scrubbedAddress.slice(0, -4); if (existBetaPluginInList(this.plugin, scrubbedAddress)) { toastMessage( this.plugin, `This plugin is already in the list for beta testing`, 10 ); return; } const result = await this.betaPlugins.addPlugin( scrubbedAddress, false, false, false, this.version, false, this.enableAfterInstall ); if (result) { this.close(); } } onOpen() { this.contentEl.createEl("h4", { text: "Github repository for beta plugin:" }); this.contentEl.createEl("form", {}, (formEl) => { formEl.addClass("brat-modal"); new import_obsidian6.Setting(formEl).addText((textEl) => { textEl.setPlaceholder( "Repository (example: https://github.com/GitubUserName/repository-name)" ); textEl.setValue(this.address); textEl.onChange((value) => { this.address = value.trim(); }); textEl.inputEl.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (e.key === "Enter" && this.address !== " ") { if (this.useFrozenVersion && this.version !== "" || !this.useFrozenVersion) { e.preventDefault(); void this.submitForm(); } } }); textEl.inputEl.style.width = "100%"; }); if (this.useFrozenVersion) { new import_obsidian6.Setting(formEl).addText((textEl) => { textEl.setPlaceholder("Specify the release version tag (example: 1.0.0)"); textEl.onChange((value) => { this.version = value.trim(); }); textEl.inputEl.style.width = "100%"; }); } formEl.createDiv("modal-button-container", (buttonContainerEl) => { buttonContainerEl.createEl( "label", { cls: "mod-checkbox" }, (labelEl) => { const checkboxEl = labelEl.createEl("input", { attr: { tabindex: -1 }, type: "checkbox" }); checkboxEl.checked = this.enableAfterInstall; checkboxEl.addEventListener("click", () => { this.enableAfterInstall = checkboxEl.checked; }); labelEl.appendText("Enable after installing the plugin"); } ); buttonContainerEl.createEl("button", { attr: { type: "button" }, text: "Never mind" }).addEventListener("click", () => { this.close(); }); buttonContainerEl.createEl("button", { attr: { type: "submit" }, cls: "mod-cta", text: "Add Plugin" }); }); const newDiv = formEl.createDiv(); newDiv.style.borderTop = "1px solid #ccc"; newDiv.style.marginTop = "30px"; const byTfThacker = newDiv.createSpan(); byTfThacker.innerHTML = "BRAT by TFTHacker"; byTfThacker.style.fontStyle = "italic"; newDiv.appendChild(byTfThacker); promotionalLinks(newDiv, false); window.setTimeout(() => { const title = formEl.querySelectorAll(".brat-modal .setting-item-info"); title.forEach((titleEl) => { titleEl.remove(); }); }, 50); formEl.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (this.address !== "") { if (this.useFrozenVersion && this.version !== "" || !this.useFrozenVersion) { void this.submitForm(); } } }); }); } onClose() { if (this.openSettingsTabAfterwards) { this.plugin.app.setting.open(); this.plugin.app.setting.openTabById(this.plugin.APP_ID); } } }; // src/features/BetaPlugins.ts var import_obsidian7 = require("obsidian"); var BetaPlugins = class { constructor(plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } /** * opens the AddNewPluginModal to get info for a new beta plugin * @param openSettingsTabAfterwards - will open settings screen afterwards. Used when this command is called from settings tab * @param useFrozenVersion - install the plugin using frozen version. */ displayAddNewPluginModal(openSettingsTabAfterwards = false, useFrozenVersion = false) { const newPlugin = new AddNewPluginModal( this.plugin, this, openSettingsTabAfterwards, useFrozenVersion ); newPlugin.open(); } /** * Validates that a GitHub repository is plugin * * @param repositoryPath - GithubUser/RepositoryName (example: TfThacker/obsidian42-brat) * @param getBetaManifest - test the beta version of the manifest, not at the root * @param false - [false description] * @param reportIssues - will display notices as it finds issues * * @returns the manifest file if found, or null if its incomplete */ async validateRepository(repositoryPath, getBetaManifest = false, reportIssues = false) { const noticeTimeout = 15; const manifestJson = await grabManifestJsonFromRepository( repositoryPath, !getBetaManifest, this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode, this.plugin.settings.personalAccessToken ); if (!manifestJson) { if (reportIssues) { toastMessage( this.plugin, `${repositoryPath} This does not seem to be an obsidian plugin, as there is no manifest.json file.`, noticeTimeout ); console.error( "BRAT: validateRepository", repositoryPath, getBetaManifest, reportIssues ); } return null; } if (!("id" in manifestJson)) { if (reportIssues) toastMessage( this.plugin, `${repositoryPath} The plugin id attribute for the release is missing from the manifest file`, noticeTimeout ); return null; } if (!("version" in manifestJson)) { if (reportIssues) toastMessage( this.plugin, `${repositoryPath} The version attribute for the release is missing from the manifest file`, noticeTimeout ); return null; } return manifestJson; } /** * Gets all the release files based on the version number in the manifest * * @param repositoryPath - path to the GitHub repository * @param manifest - manifest file * @param getManifest - grab the remote manifest file * @param specifyVersion - grab the specified version if set * * @returns all relase files as strings based on the ReleaseFiles interaface */ async getAllReleaseFiles(repositoryPath, manifest, getManifest, specifyVersion = "") { const version = specifyVersion === "" ? manifest.version : specifyVersion; const reallyGetManifestOrNot = getManifest || specifyVersion !== ""; console.log({ reallyGetManifestOrNot, version }); return { mainJs: await grabReleaseFileFromRepository( repositoryPath, version, "main.js", this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode, this.plugin.settings.personalAccessToken ), manifest: reallyGetManifestOrNot ? await grabReleaseFileFromRepository( repositoryPath, version, "manifest.json", this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode, this.plugin.settings.personalAccessToken ) : "", styles: await grabReleaseFileFromRepository( repositoryPath, version, "styles.css", this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode, this.plugin.settings.personalAccessToken ) }; } /** * Writes the plugin release files to the local obsidian .plugins folder * * @param betaPluginId - the id of the plugin (not the repository path) * @param relFiles - release file as strings, based on the ReleaseFiles interface * */ async writeReleaseFilesToPluginFolder(betaPluginId, relFiles) { var _a, _b; const pluginTargetFolderPath = (0, import_obsidian7.normalizePath)(this.plugin.app.vault.configDir + "/plugins/" + betaPluginId) + "/"; const { adapter } = this.plugin.app.vault; if (!await adapter.exists(pluginTargetFolderPath) || !await adapter.exists(pluginTargetFolderPath + "manifest.json")) { await adapter.mkdir(pluginTargetFolderPath); } await adapter.write(pluginTargetFolderPath + "main.js", (_a = relFiles.mainJs) != null ? _a : ""); await adapter.write( pluginTargetFolderPath + "manifest.json", (_b = relFiles.manifest) != null ? _b : "" ); if (relFiles.styles) await adapter.write(pluginTargetFolderPath + "styles.css", relFiles.styles); } /** * Primary function for adding a new beta plugin to Obsidian. * Also this function is used for updating existing plugins. * * @param repositoryPath - path to GitHub repository formated as USERNAME/repository * @param updatePluginFiles - true if this is just an update not an install * @param seeIfUpdatedOnly - if true, and updatePluginFiles true, will just check for updates, but not do the update. will report to user that there is a new plugin * @param reportIfNotUpdted - if true, report if an update has not succed * @param specifyVersion - if not empty, need to install a specified version instead of the value in manifest-beta.json * @param forceReinstall - if true, will force a reinstall of the plugin, even if it is already installed * * @returns true if succeeds */ async addPlugin(repositoryPath, updatePluginFiles = false, seeIfUpdatedOnly = false, reportIfNotUpdted = false, specifyVersion = "", forceReinstall = false, enableAfterInstall = this.plugin.settings.enableAfterInstall) { if (this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode) console.log( "BRAT: addPlugin", repositoryPath, updatePluginFiles, seeIfUpdatedOnly, reportIfNotUpdted, specifyVersion, forceReinstall, enableAfterInstall ); const noticeTimeout = 10; let primaryManifest = await this.validateRepository(repositoryPath, true, false); const usingBetaManifest = primaryManifest ? true : false; if (!usingBetaManifest) primaryManifest = await this.validateRepository(repositoryPath, false, true); if (primaryManifest === null) { const msg = `${repositoryPath} A manifest.json or manifest-beta.json file does not exist in the root directory of the repository. This plugin cannot be installed.`; await this.plugin.log(msg, true); toastMessage(this.plugin, msg, noticeTimeout); return false; } if (!Object.hasOwn(primaryManifest, "version")) { const msg = `${repositoryPath} The manifest${usingBetaManifest ? "-beta" : ""}.json file in the root directory of the repository does not have a version number in the file. This plugin cannot be installed.`; await this.plugin.log(msg, true); toastMessage(this.plugin, msg, noticeTimeout); return false; } if (!Object.hasOwn(primaryManifest, "minAppVersion")) { if (!(0, import_obsidian7.requireApiVersion)(primaryManifest.minAppVersion)) { const msg = `Plugin: ${repositoryPath} The manifest${usingBetaManifest ? "-beta" : ""}.json for this plugin indicates that the Obsidian version of the app needs to be ${primaryManifest.minAppVersion}, but this installation of Obsidian is ${import_obsidian7.apiVersion}. You will need to update your Obsidian to use this plugin or contact the plugin developer for more information.`; await this.plugin.log(msg, true); toastMessage(this.plugin, msg, 30); return false; } } const getRelease = async () => { const rFiles = await this.getAllReleaseFiles( repositoryPath, // @ts-expect-error typescript will complain that this can be null, but in this case it won't be primaryManifest, usingBetaManifest, specifyVersion ); console.log("rFiles", rFiles); if (usingBetaManifest || rFiles.manifest === "") rFiles.manifest = JSON.stringify(primaryManifest); if (this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode) console.log("BRAT: rFiles.manifest", usingBetaManifest, rFiles); if (rFiles.mainJs === null) { const msg = `${repositoryPath} The release is not complete and cannot be download. main.js is missing from the Release`; await this.plugin.log(msg, true); toastMessage(this.plugin, msg, noticeTimeout); return null; } return rFiles; }; if (!updatePluginFiles || forceReinstall) { const releaseFiles = await getRelease(); if (releaseFiles === null) return false; await this.writeReleaseFilesToPluginFolder(primaryManifest.id, releaseFiles); if (!forceReinstall) addBetaPluginToList(this.plugin, repositoryPath, specifyVersion); if (enableAfterInstall) { const { plugins } = this.plugin.app; const pluginTargetFolderPath = (0, import_obsidian7.normalizePath)( plugins.getPluginFolder() + "/" + primaryManifest.id ); await plugins.loadManifest(pluginTargetFolderPath); await plugins.enablePluginAndSave(primaryManifest.id); } await this.plugin.app.plugins.loadManifests(); if (forceReinstall) { await this.reloadPlugin(primaryManifest.id); await this.plugin.log(`${repositoryPath} reinstalled`, true); toastMessage( this.plugin, `${repositoryPath} Plugin has been reinstalled and reloaded.`, noticeTimeout ); } else { const versionText = specifyVersion === "" ? "" : ` (version: ${specifyVersion})`; let msg = `${repositoryPath}${versionText} The plugin has been registered with BRAT.`; if (!enableAfterInstall) { msg += " You may still need to enable it the Community Plugin List."; } await this.plugin.log(msg, true); toastMessage(this.plugin, msg, noticeTimeout); } } else { const pluginTargetFolderPath = this.plugin.app.vault.configDir + "/plugins/" + primaryManifest.id + "/"; let localManifestContents = ""; try { localManifestContents = await this.plugin.app.vault.adapter.read( pluginTargetFolderPath + "manifest.json" ); } catch (e) { if (e.errno === -4058 || e.errno === -2) { await this.addPlugin( repositoryPath, false, usingBetaManifest, false, specifyVersion ); return true; } else console.log( "BRAT - Local Manifest Load", primaryManifest.id, JSON.stringify(e, null, 2) ); } if (specifyVersion !== "" || this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.map((x) => x.repo).includes(repositoryPath)) { toastMessage( this.plugin, `The version of ${repositoryPath} is frozen, not updating.`, 3 ); return false; } const localManifestJson = await JSON.parse( localManifestContents ); if (localManifestJson.version !== primaryManifest.version) { const releaseFiles = await getRelease(); if (releaseFiles === null) return false; if (seeIfUpdatedOnly) { const msg = `There is an update available for ${primaryManifest.id} from version ${localManifestJson.version} to ${primaryManifest.version}. `; await this.plugin.log( msg + `[Release Info](https://github.com/${repositoryPath}/releases/tag/${primaryManifest.version})`, true ); toastMessage(this.plugin, msg, 30, () => { if (primaryManifest) { window.open( `https://github.com/${repositoryPath}/releases/tag/${primaryManifest.version}` ); } }); } else { await this.writeReleaseFilesToPluginFolder(primaryManifest.id, releaseFiles); await this.plugin.app.plugins.loadManifests(); await this.reloadPlugin(primaryManifest.id); const msg = `${primaryManifest.id} Plugin has been updated from version ${localManifestJson.version} to ${primaryManifest.version}. `; await this.plugin.log( msg + `[Release Info](https://github.com/${repositoryPath}/releases/tag/${primaryManifest.version})`, true ); toastMessage(this.plugin, msg, 30, () => { if (primaryManifest) { window.open( `https://github.com/${repositoryPath}/releases/tag/${primaryManifest.version}` ); } }); } } else if (reportIfNotUpdted) toastMessage(this.plugin, `No update available for ${repositoryPath}`, 3); } return true; } /** * reloads a plugin (assuming it has been enabled by user) * pjeby, Thanks Bro https://github.com/pjeby/hot-reload/blob/master/main.js * * @param pluginName - name of plugin * */ async reloadPlugin(pluginName) { const { plugins } = this.plugin.app; try { await plugins.disablePlugin(pluginName); await plugins.enablePlugin(pluginName); } catch (e) { if (this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode) console.log("reload plugin", e); } } /** * updates a beta plugin * * @param repositoryPath - repository path on GitHub * @param onlyCheckDontUpdate - only looks for update * */ async updatePlugin(repositoryPath, onlyCheckDontUpdate = false, reportIfNotUpdted = false, forceReinstall = false) { const result = await this.addPlugin( repositoryPath, true, onlyCheckDontUpdate, reportIfNotUpdted, "", forceReinstall ); if (!result && !onlyCheckDontUpdate) toastMessage(this.plugin, `${repositoryPath} Update of plugin failed.`); return result; } /** * walks through the list of plugins without frozen version and performs an update * * @param showInfo - should this with a started/completed message - useful when ran from CP * */ async checkForPluginUpdatesAndInstallUpdates(showInfo = false, onlyCheckDontUpdate = false) { if (!await isConnectedToInternet()) { console.log("BRAT: No internet detected."); return; } let newNotice; const msg1 = `Checking for plugin updates STARTED`; await this.plugin.log(msg1, true); if (showInfo && this.plugin.settings.notificationsEnabled) newNotice = new import_obsidian7.Notice(`BRAT ${msg1}`, 3e4); const pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames = new Set( this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.map((f) => f.repo) ); for (const bp of this.plugin.settings.pluginList) { if (pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames.has(bp)) { continue; } await this.updatePlugin(bp, onlyCheckDontUpdate); } const msg2 = `Checking for plugin updates COMPLETED`; await this.plugin.log(msg2, true); if (showInfo) { if (newNotice) { newNotice.hide(); } toastMessage(this.plugin, msg2, 10); } } /** * Removes the beta plugin from the list of beta plugins (does not delete them from disk) * * @param betaPluginID - repository path * */ deletePlugin(repositoryPath) { const msg = `Removed ${repositoryPath} from BRAT plugin list`; void this.plugin.log(msg, true); this.plugin.settings.pluginList = this.plugin.settings.pluginList.filter( (b) => b !== repositoryPath ); this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion = this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.filter( (b) => b.repo !== repositoryPath ); void this.plugin.saveSettings(); } /** * Returns a list of plugins that are currently enabled or currently disabled * * @param enabled - true for enabled plugins, false for disabled plutings * * @returns manifests of plugins */ getEnabledDisabledPlugins(enabled) { const pl = this.plugin.app.plugins; const manifests = Object.values(pl.manifests); const enabledPlugins = Object.values(pl.plugins).map( (p) => p.manifest ); return enabled ? manifests.filter( (manifest) => enabledPlugins.find((pluginName) => manifest.id === pluginName.id) ) : manifests.filter( (manifest) => !enabledPlugins.find((pluginName) => manifest.id === pluginName.id) ); } }; // src/ui/icons.ts var import_obsidian8 = require("obsidian"); function addIcons() { (0, import_obsidian8.addIcon)( "BratIcon", `` ); } // src/utils/logging.ts var import_obsidian9 = require("obsidian"); var import_obsidian_daily_notes_interface = __toESM(require_main()); async function logger(plugin, textToLog, verboseLoggingOn = false) { if (plugin.settings.debuggingMode) console.log("BRAT: " + textToLog); if (plugin.settings.loggingEnabled) { if (!plugin.settings.loggingVerboseEnabled && verboseLoggingOn) { return; } else { const fileName = plugin.settings.loggingPath + ".md"; const dateOutput = "[[" + (0, import_obsidian9.moment)().format((0, import_obsidian_daily_notes_interface.getDailyNoteSettings)().format).toString() + "]] " + (0, import_obsidian9.moment)().format("HH:mm"); const os = window.require("os"); const machineName = import_obsidian9.Platform.isDesktop ? os.hostname() : "MOBILE"; let output = dateOutput + " " + machineName + " " + textToLog.replace("\n", " ") + "\n\n"; if (await plugin.app.vault.adapter.exists(fileName)) { const fileContents = await plugin.app.vault.adapter.read(fileName); output = output + fileContents; const file = plugin.app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(fileName); await plugin.app.vault.modify(file, output); } else await plugin.app.vault.create(fileName, output); } } } // src/ui/GenericFuzzySuggester.ts var import_obsidian10 = require("obsidian"); var GenericFuzzySuggester = class extends import_obsidian10.FuzzySuggestModal { constructor(plugin) { super(plugin.app); this.data = []; this.scope.register(["Shift"], "Enter", (evt) => { this.enterTrigger(evt); }); this.scope.register(["Ctrl"], "Enter", (evt) => { this.enterTrigger(evt); }); } setSuggesterData(suggesterData) { this.data = suggesterData; } display(callBack) { this.callbackFunction = callBack; this.open(); } getItems() { return this.data; } getItemText(item) { return item.display; } onChooseItem() { return; } renderSuggestion(item, el) { el.createEl("div", { text: item.item.display }); } enterTrigger(evt) { var _a; const selectedText = (_a = document.querySelector(".suggestion-item.is-selected div")) == null ? void 0 : _a.textContent; const item = this.data.find((i) => i.display === selectedText); if (item) { this.invokeCallback(item, evt); this.close(); } } onChooseSuggestion(item, evt) { this.invokeCallback(item.item, evt); } invokeCallback(item, evt) { if (typeof this.callbackFunction === "function") { this.callbackFunction(item, evt); } } }; // src/ui/PluginCommands.ts var PluginCommands = class { constructor(plugin) { this.bratCommands = [ { id: "BRAT-AddBetaPlugin", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Add a beta plugin for testing", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { this.plugin.betaPlugins.displayAddNewPluginModal(false, false); } }, { id: "BRAT-AddBetaPluginWithFrozenVersion", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Add a beta plugin with frozen version based on a release tag", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { this.plugin.betaPlugins.displayAddNewPluginModal(false, true); } }, { id: "BRAT-checkForUpdatesAndUpdate", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Check for updates to all beta plugins and UPDATE", showInRibbon: true, callback: async () => { await this.plugin.betaPlugins.checkForPluginUpdatesAndInstallUpdates(true, false); } }, { id: "BRAT-checkForUpdatesAndDontUpdate", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Only check for updates to beta plugins, but don't Update", showInRibbon: true, callback: async () => { await this.plugin.betaPlugins.checkForPluginUpdatesAndInstallUpdates(true, true); } }, { id: "BRAT-updateOnePlugin", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Choose a single plugin version to update", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { const pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames = new Set( this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.map((f) => f.repo) ); const pluginList = Object.values(this.plugin.settings.pluginList).filter((f) => !pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames.has(f)).map((m) => { return { display: m, info: m }; }); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); gfs.setSuggesterData(pluginList); gfs.display((results) => { const msg = `Checking for updates for ${results.info}`; void this.plugin.log(msg, true); toastMessage(this.plugin, ` ${msg}`, 3); void this.plugin.betaPlugins.updatePlugin(results.info, false, true); }); } }, { id: "BRAT-reinstallOnePlugin", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Choose a single plugin to reinstall", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { const pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames = new Set( this.plugin.settings.pluginSubListFrozenVersion.map((f) => f.repo) ); const pluginList = Object.values(this.plugin.settings.pluginList).filter((f) => !pluginSubListFrozenVersionNames.has(f)).map((m) => { return { display: m, info: m }; }); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); gfs.setSuggesterData(pluginList); gfs.display((results) => { const msg = `Reinstalling ${results.info}`; toastMessage(this.plugin, ` ${msg}`, 3); void this.plugin.log(msg, true); void this.plugin.betaPlugins.updatePlugin( results.info, false, false, true ); }); } }, { id: "BRAT-restartPlugin", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Restart a plugin that is already installed", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { const pluginList = Object.values( this.plugin.app.plugins.manifests ).map((m) => { return { display: m.id, info: m.id }; }); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); gfs.setSuggesterData(pluginList); gfs.display((results) => { toastMessage( this.plugin, `${results.info} Plugin reloading .....`, 5 ); void this.plugin.betaPlugins.reloadPlugin(results.info); }); } }, { id: "BRAT-disablePlugin", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Disable a plugin - toggle it off", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { const pluginList = this.plugin.betaPlugins.getEnabledDisabledPlugins(true).map((manifest) => { return { display: `${manifest.name} (${manifest.id})`, info: manifest.id }; }); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); gfs.setSuggesterData(pluginList); gfs.display((results) => { void this.plugin.log(`${results.display} plugin disabled`, false); if (this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode) console.log(results.info); void this.plugin.app.plugins.disablePluginAndSave(results.info); }); } }, { id: "BRAT-enablePlugin", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Enable a plugin - toggle it on", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { const pluginList = this.plugin.betaPlugins.getEnabledDisabledPlugins(false).map((manifest) => { return { display: `${manifest.name} (${manifest.id})`, info: manifest.id }; }); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); gfs.setSuggesterData(pluginList); gfs.display((results) => { void this.plugin.log(`${results.display} plugin enabled`, false); void this.plugin.app.plugins.enablePluginAndSave(results.info); }); } }, { id: "BRAT-openGitHubZRepository", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Open the GitHub repository for a plugin", showInRibbon: true, callback: async () => { const communityPlugins = await grabCommmunityPluginList( this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); if (communityPlugins) { const communityPluginList = Object.values( communityPlugins ).map((p) => { return { display: `Plugin: ${p.name} (${p.repo})`, info: p.repo }; }); const bratList = Object.values( this.plugin.settings.pluginList ).map((p) => { return { display: "BRAT: " + p, info: p }; }); communityPluginList.forEach((si) => bratList.push(si)); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); gfs.setSuggesterData(bratList); gfs.display((results) => { if (results.info) window.open(`https://github.com/${results.info}`); }); } } }, { id: "BRAT-openGitHubRepoTheme", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Themes: Open the GitHub repository for a theme (appearance)", showInRibbon: true, callback: async () => { const communityTheme = await grabCommmunityThemesList( this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); if (communityTheme) { const communityThemeList = Object.values(communityTheme).map( (p) => { return { display: `Theme: ${p.name} (${p.repo})`, info: p.repo }; } ); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); gfs.setSuggesterData(communityThemeList); gfs.display((results) => { if (results.info) window.open(`https://github.com/${results.info}`); }); } } }, { id: "BRAT-opentPluginSettings", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Plugins: Open Plugin Settings Tab", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { const settings = this.plugin.app.setting; const listOfPluginSettingsTabs = Object.values( settings.pluginTabs ).map((t) => { return { display: "Plugin: " + t.name, info: t.id }; }); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); const listOfCoreSettingsTabs = Object.values( settings.settingTabs ).map((t) => { return { display: "Core: " + t.name, info: t.id }; }); listOfPluginSettingsTabs.forEach((si) => listOfCoreSettingsTabs.push(si)); gfs.setSuggesterData(listOfCoreSettingsTabs); gfs.display((results) => { settings.open(); settings.openTabById(results.info); }); } }, { id: "BRAT-GrabBetaTheme", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Themes: Grab a beta theme for testing from a Github repository", showInRibbon: true, callback: () => { new AddNewTheme(this.plugin).open(); } }, { id: "BRAT-updateBetaThemes", icon: "BratIcon", name: "Themes: Update beta themes", showInRibbon: true, callback: async () => { await themesCheckAndUpdates(this.plugin, true); } }, { id: "BRAT-allCommands", icon: "BratIcon", name: "All Commands list", showInRibbon: false, callback: () => { this.ribbonDisplayCommands(); } } ]; this.plugin = plugin; this.bratCommands.forEach((item) => { this.plugin.addCommand({ id: item.id, name: item.name, icon: item.icon, callback: () => { item.callback(); } }); }); } ribbonDisplayCommands() { const bratCommandList = []; this.bratCommands.forEach((cmd) => { if (cmd.showInRibbon) bratCommandList.push({ display: cmd.name, info: cmd.callback }); }); const gfs = new GenericFuzzySuggester(this.plugin); const settings = this.plugin.app.setting; const listOfCoreSettingsTabs = Object.values( settings.settingTabs ).map((t) => { return { display: "Core: " + t.name, info: () => { settings.open(); settings.openTabById(t.id); } }; }); const listOfPluginSettingsTabs = Object.values( settings.pluginTabs ).map((t) => { return { display: "Plugin: " + t.name, info: () => { settings.open(); settings.openTabById(t.id); } }; }); bratCommandList.push({ display: "---- Core Plugin Settings ----", info: () => { this.ribbonDisplayCommands(); } }); listOfCoreSettingsTabs.forEach((si) => bratCommandList.push(si)); bratCommandList.push({ display: "---- Plugin Settings ----", info: () => { this.ribbonDisplayCommands(); } }); listOfPluginSettingsTabs.forEach((si) => bratCommandList.push(si)); gfs.setSuggesterData(bratCommandList); gfs.display((results) => { if (typeof results.info === "function") { results.info(); } }); } }; // src/utils/BratAPI.ts var BratAPI = class { constructor(plugin) { this.console = (logDescription, ...outputs) => { console.log("BRAT: " + logDescription, ...outputs); }; this.themes = { themeseCheckAndUpates: async (showInfo) => { await themesCheckAndUpdates(this.plugin, showInfo); }, themeInstallTheme: async (cssGithubRepository) => { const scrubbedAddress = cssGithubRepository.replace("https://github.com/", ""); await themeSave(this.plugin, scrubbedAddress, true); }, themesDelete: (cssGithubRepository) => { const scrubbedAddress = cssGithubRepository.replace("https://github.com/", ""); themeDelete(this.plugin, scrubbedAddress); }, grabCommmunityThemeCssFile: async (repositoryPath, betaVersion = false) => { return await grabCommmunityThemeCssFile( repositoryPath, betaVersion, this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); }, grabChecksumOfThemeCssFile: async (repositoryPath, betaVersion = false) => { return await grabChecksumOfThemeCssFile( repositoryPath, betaVersion, this.plugin.settings.debuggingMode ); }, grabLastCommitDateForFile: async (repositoryPath, path) => { return await grabLastCommitDateForFile(repositoryPath, path); } }; this.plugin = plugin; } }; // src/main.ts var ThePlugin = class extends import_obsidian11.Plugin { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.APP_NAME = "BRAT"; this.APP_ID = "obsidian42-brat"; this.settings = DEFAULT_SETTINGS; this.betaPlugins = new BetaPlugins(this); this.commands = new PluginCommands(this); this.bratApi = new BratAPI(this); this.obsidianProtocolHandler = (params) => { if (!params.plugin && !params.theme) { toastMessage(this, `Could not locate the repository from the URL.`, 10); return; } for (const which of ["plugin", "theme"]) { if (params[which]) { const modal = which === "plugin" ? new AddNewPluginModal(this, this.betaPlugins) : new AddNewTheme(this); modal.address = params[which]; modal.open(); return; } } }; } onload() { console.log("loading " + this.APP_NAME); this.loadSettings().then(() => { this.addSettingTab(new BratSettingsTab(this.app, this)); addIcons(); this.showRibbonButton(); this.registerObsidianProtocolHandler("brat", this.obsidianProtocolHandler); this.app.workspace.onLayoutReady(() => { if (this.settings.updateAtStartup) { setTimeout(() => { void this.betaPlugins.checkForPluginUpdatesAndInstallUpdates(false); }, 6e4); } if (this.settings.updateThemesAtStartup) { setTimeout(() => { void themesCheckAndUpdates(this, false); }, 12e4); } setTimeout(() => { window.bratAPI = this.bratApi; }, 500); }); }).catch((error) => { console.error("Failed to load settings:", error); }); } showRibbonButton() { this.addRibbonIcon("BratIcon", "BRAT", () => { this.commands.ribbonDisplayCommands(); }); } async log(textToLog, verbose = false) { await logger(this, textToLog, verbose); } onunload() { console.log("unloading " + this.APP_NAME); } async loadSettings() { this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, await this.loadData()); } async saveSettings() { await this.saveData(this.settings); } };