```table-of-contents title: **Table of Contents** ``` --- ## Overall Layout - Dashboard as a starting piont - `Homework` for anything that needs to be accomplished related to healthcare - `[Upcoming ]Appointments` for tracking info to bring / discuss to appointments - Move to `Log` post-appointment - `Log` for tracking notes over time - Misc health tracking - Appointment notes, post appointment - Use date[+time] file name prefixes - `Test Results` for tracking test data over time - Use date[+time] file name prefixes - `Notes` for misc information - Emergency contacts - Current med layout - rx data (glasses, prescription info packets from pharmacy, etc) - 'one shot' test results - genetic test results - mental health assessments that are done 'once' - `_attachments` for binary files that are linked on notes - `_attic` for data that is no longer applicable - treat this as an archive / cold storage ## Workflows - Notes - General information capture - Add to dashboard if you need a 'quick link' - [Upcoming ]Appointments - Notes for next appointment - Appointment / encounter notes - Move to `Log` once 'complete' - Homework - Things 'to do' related to medical / health care - Move to `Log` once fully complete - Log - Tracking by `year/month/YYYY-MM-dd.md` files - Think "Daily Notes" - Test Results - All test results and any data that you may want to search - See below for layout and further detail ## Definitions - encounter date - for tests - when you visit dr for blood draw - when you show up for ct/mri scan - for dr visits: the date of the dr visit - "when you showed up for [thing] being done/performed" - order date - when dr creates order - result date - completion / result date from *lab* ## Key Components of Approach - eobs optional -- more financial than 'health stuff' - result file names use encounter date - this is the human form of the varied dates - human readable note properties (front matter) - result normal/abnormal tag - tags for test name/type/etc - encounter date (the *human* date -- based on dr visit for human search) ## Tags | Tag | Color | | --- | ----- | | #encounter | purple | | #data | purple| | #misc | purple| | #note | purple | | #research-paper | purple | | #to-discuss | red | | #to-research | red | | #test-result | cyan | | #appointment | cyan | | #homework | cyan | | #log | cyan | | #complete | yellow | | #with-others | yellow | | #other_human | yellow | | #symptom_name | magenta | | #test_name | magenta | | #medical_discipline | green | | #er | green | | #mh | green | | #ph | green | | #medical_professional_name | green | | #medical_practice | green | ## Quering Data - if human search 'fails' -> query csvs accordingly - queries - data aggregation - data viz - finding stuff thats 'not in' human searches - include human searches as summary/detail jumps - self assessments tracking - via test results - also added to data csv(s) if ranking how good/bad/etc - can take csv data from fitness trackers as 'test results' ### Data Layout & Folder Structure ``` test results/ _raw data/ test1.csv encounter date order date result date result value(s) normal range / upper & lower bounds (dedicated columns) any 'flags' noted (semi-colon separated or dedicated columns) comments (raw text field) test2.csv _queries/ data_dive1.md -> queries csv data_dive2.md -> queries csv test1/ result1.md -> human readable, linked to pdf stored in attachments result2.md -> human readable, linked to pdf stored in attachments test2/ result1.md -> human readable, linked to pdf stored in attachments result2.md -> human readable, linked to pdf stored in attachments ```