This folder contains the necessary sources and information to build a MUX for Raspberry Pis. This mux can be used independently or with the controller.
Note : The mux needs to be configured via sources if not used with the controller.
## Important Considerations
- The Raspberry Pi 4 has 5 available UARTS and we only document how to wire for UART0/1 and UART5
- The Raspberry Pi's prior to the 4 had only UART0 exposed. Please use ONLY the UART0 configuration and setup for these devices.
- Fall back to saved config *and* goes into stand alone via usb port *if* it's not seeing the main board
- Receive configuration over i2c
- Save configuration to FRAM
- FRAM config reading
- Ability to have USB *and* i2c for the UART output
- Use ring buffer @ 16k for i2c
- Send direct to USB and then add to ring buffer (always send over usb even if not used)
## Implementation (Complete)
## Building / Uploading
The ```make.ps1```, ```build.ps1``` and ```upload.ps1``` scripts can be used to build/upload this project. These scripts call the ```arduino-cli``` commands programatically.