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This script is designed to act as assistance in converting shapefiles
to OpenStreetMap data. This file is optimized and tested with MassGIS
shapefiles, converted to EPSG:4326 before being passed to the script.
You can perform this conversion with
ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 new_file.shp old_file.shp
It is expected that you will modify the fixed_tags, tag_mapping, and
boring_tags attributes of this script before running. You should read,
or at least skim, the code up until it says:
to accomodate your own data.
Modified to support a maximum waylength and multiple outer ways in a
multipolygon relationship
adapted by devemux86
__author__ = "Christopher Schmidt <>"
__version__ = "$Id:,v 1.3 2009/03/30 20:54:13 tbook Exp $"
gdal_install = """
Installing GDAL depends on your platform. Information is available at:
For Debian-based systems:
apt-get install python-gdal
will usually suffice.
# These tags are attached to all exterior ways. You can put any key/value pairs
# in this dictionary.
fixed_tags = {
'natural': 'nosea',
'layer': '-5'
# Here are a number of functions: These functions define tag mappings. The API
# For these functions is that they are passed the attributes from a feature,
# and they return a list of two-tuples which match to key/value pairs.
# The following Ftypes are not imported
# 46100 - Submerged Stream
ignoreField = "tile_x"
ignoreValues = []
# The following Ftypes are imported, but don't have any OSM tags attached:
# 36100 - Playa - An area from which water evaporates
def ftype(data):
"""Type of body - From NHD Ftype"""
natural = {
'LakePond': 'water',
'SwampMarsh': 'wetland'
if 'ftype' in data:
if data['ftype'] in natural:
return [('natural', natural[data['ftype']])]
return None
def fcode(data):
"""For features where the ftype is not specific enough"""
landuse = {
'43600': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43601': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43602': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43603': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43604': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43605': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43606': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43607': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43609': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43610': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43611': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43612': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43614': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43615': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43616': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43617': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43618': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43619': 'reservoir', #Reservoir
'43620': 'reservoir' #Reservoir
manmade = {
'43613': 'reservoir_covered' #Covered Reservoir
leisure = {
'43608': 'swimming_pool' #Swimming Pool
if 'fcode' in data:
keys = []
if data['fcode'] in landuse:
keys.append( ('landuse', landuse[data['fcode']]) )
if data['fcode'] in manmade:
keys.append( ('man_made', manmade[data['fcode']]) )
if data['fcode'] in leisure:
keys.append( ('leisure', leisure[data['fcode']]) )
return keys
return None
# The most important part of the code: define a set of key/value pairs
# to iterate over to generate keys. This is a list of two-tuples: first
# is a 'key', which is only used if the second value is a string. In
# that case, it is a map of lowercased fieldnames to OSM tag names: so
# fee_owner maps to 'owner' in the OSM output.
# if the latter is callable (has a __call__; is a function), then that
# method is called, passing in a dict of feature attributes with
# lowercased key names. Those functions can then return a list of
# two-tuples to be used as tags, or nothin' to skip the tags.
tag_mapping = [
('ftype', ftype),
('fcode', fcode),
('gnis_name', 'name'),
('gnis_id', 'gnis:feature_id'),
('elevation', 'ele'),
# These tags are not exported, even with the source data; this should be
# used for tags which are usually calculated in a GIS. AREA and LEN are
# common.
boring_tags = [ 'error', 'tile_x', 'tile_y' ]
# Namespace is used to prefix existing data attributes. If 'None', or
# '--no-source' is set, then source attributes are not exported, only
# attributes in tag_mapping.
namespace = "NHD"
#namespace = None
# Uncomment the "DONT_RUN = False" line to get started.
#DONT_RUN = True
DONT_RUN = False
# Set the maximum length of a way (in nodes) before it is split into
# shorter ways
Max_Waylength = 1500000
# =========== DO NOT CHANGE AFTER THIS LINE. ===========================
# Below here is regular code, part of the file. This is not designed to
# be modified by users.
# ======================================================================
import sys
from osgeo import ogr
except ImportError:
import ogr
except ImportError:
__doc__ += gdal_install
print __doc__
print "OGR Python Bindings not installed.\n%s" % gdal_install
def close_file():
""" Internal. Close an open file."""
global open_file
if not open_file.closed:
def start_new_file():
""" Internal. Open a new file, closing existing file if neccesary."""
global open_file, file_counter
file_counter += 1
if open_file:
open_file = open("%s%s.osm" % (file_name, file_counter), "w")
print >>open_file, "<osm version='0.6'>"
def clean_attr(val):
"""Internal. Hacky way to make attribute XML safe."""
val = str(val)
val = val.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("'", "&quot;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").strip()
return val
def add_ring_nodes(ring):
"""Internal. Write the outer ring nodes."""
global open_file, id_counter
ringways = []
ids = []
firstnode = id_counter
if range(ring.GetPointCount() - 1) == 0 or ring.GetPointCount() == 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "Degenerate ring."
for count in range(ring.GetPointCount() - 1):
print >>open_file, "<node timestamp='1969-12-31T23:59:59Z' changeset='-1' id='%s' version='1' lon='%s' lat='%s' />" % (id_counter, ring.GetX(count), ring.GetY(count))
id_counter += 1
if (count > 0) and ((count % (Max_Waylength - 1)) == 0):
ids = []
ids.append(id_counter - 1)
return ringways
def add_ring_way(ring):
"""Internal. write out the 'holes' in a polygon."""
global open_file, id_counter
ids = []
ringways = []
for count in range(ring.GetPointCount() - 1):
print >>open_file, "<node timestamp='1969-12-31T23:59:59Z' changeset='-1' version='1' id='%s' lon='%s' lat='%s' />" % (id_counter, ring.GetX(count), ring.GetY(count))
id_counter += 1
if len(ids) == 0:
return None
print >>open_file, "<way timestamp='1969-12-31T23:59:59Z' changeset='-1' id='%s' version='1'>" % id_counter
way_id = id_counter
id_counter += 1
count = 0
for i in ids:
print >>open_file, "<nd ref='%s' />" % i
count += 1
if count >= Max_Waylength - 1:
count = 0
print >>open_file, "</way>"
print >>open_file, "<way timestamp='1969-12-31T23:59:59Z' changeset='-1'id='%s' version='1'>" % id_counter
way_id = id_counter
id_counter += 1
print >>open_file, "<nd ref='%s' />" % i
print >>open_file, "<nd ref='%s' />" % ids[0]
print >>open_file, "</way>"
return ringways
open_file = None
file_name = None
id_counter = 22951459320
file_counter = 0
counter = 0
class AppError(Exception): pass
def run(filename, slice_count=1, obj_count=100000000, output_location=None, no_source=False):
"""Run the converter. Requires open_file, file_name, id_counter,
file_counter, counter to be defined in global space; not really a very good
global id_counter, file_counter, counter, file_name, open_file, namespace
if no_source:
if output_location:
file_name = output_location
ds = ogr.Open(filename)
if not ds:
raise AppError("OGR Could not open the file %s" % filename)
l = ds.GetLayer(0)
max_objs_per_file = obj_count
extent = l.GetExtent()
if extent[0] < -180 or extent[0] > 180 or extent[2] < -90 or extent[2] > 90:
raise AppError("Extent does not look like degrees; are you sure it is? \n(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]))
slice_width = (extent[1] - extent[0]) / slice_count
seen = {}
print "Running %s slices with %s base filename against shapefile %s" % (
slice_count, file_name, filename)
for i in range(slice_count):
l.SetSpatialFilterRect(extent[0] + slice_width * i, extent[2], extent[0] + (slice_width * (i + 1)), extent[3])
f = l.GetNextFeature()
obj_counter = 0
last_obj_split = 0
while f:
start_id_counter = id_counter
if f.GetFID() in seen:
f = l.GetNextFeature()
seen[f.GetFID()] = True
# done = False
# while f.GetField(ignoreField) in ignoreValues:
# if l.GetNextFeature() == None:
# done = True
# break
# f = l.GetNextFeature()
# if done == True:
# break
outerways = []
innerways = []
geom = f.GetGeometryRef()
ring = geom.GetGeometryRef(0)
objcount = ring.GetPointCount()
for i in range(1, geom.GetGeometryCount()):
objcount += geom.GetGeometryRef(i).GetPointCount()
objcount += 1
if (obj_counter - last_obj_split + objcount) > max_objs_per_file:
print "Splitting file with %s objs" % (obj_counter - last_obj_split)
last_obj_split = obj_counter
if objcount > max_objs_per_file:
print "Warning: a feature contains %i objects which is more than the %i object limit. It will be placed in a file by itself." % (objcount, max_objs_per_file)
ringways = add_ring_nodes(ring)
if not ringways or len(ringways) == 0:
f = l.GetNextFeature()
# Write out the outer ways in the relation
for count in range( len(ringways) ):
ids = ringways[count]
if ids and len(ids) > 1:
print >>open_file, "<way timestamp='1969-12-31T23:59:59Z' changeset='-1' id='%s' version='1'>" % id_counter
id_counter += 1
for i in ids:
print >>open_file, "<nd ref='%s' />" % i
#Write out the fields for the way
field_count = f.GetFieldCount()
fields = {}
for field in range(field_count):
value = f.GetFieldAsString(field)
name = f.GetFieldDefnRef(field).GetName()
if namespace and name and value and name not in boring_tags:
print >>open_file, "<tag k='%s:%s' v='%s' />" % (namespace, name, clean_attr(value))
fields[name.lower()] = value
#Perform the specified field mappting
for tag_name, map_value in tag_mapping:
if hasattr(map_value, '__call__'):
tag_values = map_value(fields)
if tag_values:
for tag in tag_values:
tags[tag[0]] = tag[1]
if tag_name in fields:
tags[map_value] = fields[tag_name].title()
for key, value in tags.items():
if key and value:
print >>open_file, "<tag k='%s' v='%s' />" % (key, clean_attr(value))
#Write fixed tabs
for name, value in fixed_tags.items():
print >>open_file, "<tag k='%s' v='%s' />" % (name, clean_attr(value))
print >>open_file, "</way>"
if (geom.GetGeometryCount() > 1) or (len(ringways) > 1):
#add the inner ways
for i in range(1, geom.GetGeometryCount()):
ringways = add_ring_way(geom.GetGeometryRef(i))
for way in ringways:
print >>open_file, "<relation timestamp='1969-12-31T23:59:59Z' changeset='-1' id='%s' version='1' ><tag k='type' v='multipolygon' />" % id_counter
id_counter += 1
for way in outerways:
print >>open_file, '<member type="way" ref="%s" role="outer" />' % way
for way in innerways:
print >>open_file, '<member type="way" ref="%s" role="inner" />' % way
print >>open_file, "</relation>"
counter += 1
f = l.GetNextFeature()
obj_counter += (id_counter - start_id_counter)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__
from optparse import OptionParser
parse = OptionParser(usage="%prog [args] filename.shp", version=__version__)
parse.add_option("-s", "--slice-count", dest="slice_count",
help="Number of horizontal slices of data", default=1,
action="store", type="int")
parse.add_option("-o", "--obj-count",
help="Maximum number of objects in a single .osm file",
default=1000000, type="int")
parse.add_option("-n", "--no-source", dest="no_source",
help="Do not store source attributes as tags.",
action="store_true", default=False)
parse.add_option("-l", "--output-location",
dest="output_location", help="base filepath for output files.",
(options, args) = parse.parse_args()
if not len(args):
print "No shapefile name given!"
kw = {}
for key in ('slice_count', 'obj_count', 'output_location', 'no_source'):
kw[key] = getattr(options, key)
run(args[0], **kw)
except AppError, E:
print "An error occurred: \n%s" % E