# vpn.ac ```TODO : INCOMPLETE / NOT VERIFIED``` This is a **VERY** advanced topic with some creative tricks to simplify getting the config added to NetworkManager. You're on your own. The author *strongly* recommends reading through this and adapting to other services well ahead of any real need(s). ## Inspiration / Sources This is an adaptation of the [PIA](pia.md) setup but for vpn.ac instead. - [https://vpn.ac/ovpn](https://vpn.ac/ovpn) ## Prep Work Download OpenVPN configs, drop them in a good place on the filesystem and script import. ### Download OpenVPN Template Files ``` bash mkdir -p /etc/vpn.ac cd /etc/vpn.ac mkdir openvpn-strong cd openvpn-strong wget https://vpn.ac/ovpn/AES-256-UDP.zip unzip AES-256-UDP.zip cd .. wget https://vpn.ac/ovpn/ca.crt ``` ### Add OpenVPN To Network Manager ``` bash # NetworkManager Gnome is *required* to get a missing library on xenial # OMIT Gnome item if you can get away with it... apt update apt install network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome ``` ## Import / Setup ### Manual Import Import the cleaned up, provided OpenVPN profiles. This will require intervention on your part after the profile is created in NetworkManager to ensure it can connect properly. #### Initial Import / Edit ``` bash nmcli connection import type openvpn file /etc/vpn.ac/openvpn-strong/AES-256-UDP/[con_name].ovpn nmcli con show vim /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/[con_name] ``` #### Adjustments/Necessary Verification ``` bash id=vpn.ac - [con_name] [vpn] password-flags=0 user-name=[your_username] [vpn-secrets] password=[your_password] ``` #### Update Profiles in NetworkManager ``` bash # Reload For Changes nmcli connection reload [uuid_from_above] # Connect nmcli con up [uuid_from_above] ``` ## Suggested Files For import ```TODO : Verify this is a reasonable subset``` - australia_sydney-aes256-udp.ovpn - canada_toronto-aes256-udp.ovpn - canada_vancouver-aes256-udp.ovpn - finland-aes256-udp.ovpn - france-aes256-udp.ovpn - germany-aes256-udp.ovpn - hong-kong_tseung-kwan-o-aes256-udp.ovpn - luxembourg-aes256-udp.ovpn - mexico-aes256-udp.ovpn - netherlands_amsterdam-1-aes256-udp.ovpn - norway-aes256-udp.ovpn - singapore-aes256-udp.ovpn - spain-aes256-udp.ovpn - sweden-aes256-udp.ovpn - switzerland-aes256-udp.ovpn - uk_london-aes256-udp.ovpn - us-central_chicago-aes256-udp.ovpn - us-east_new-york-aes256-udp.ovpn - us-west_seattle-aes256-udp.ovpn ## Check for DNS leaks https://ipx.ac/ (tool provided by VPN.ac)