# The Lollipop Cloud Project The Lollipop Cloud project is a way to self-host internet services, such as a website, contact list, file storage, or a calendar, through open-source technology and [ARM boards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture). It allows for anyone with an ARM computer to host their own services. (The above blurb came from [our website](https://lollipopcloud.solutions/), in case you're just joining us.) ## Some Links Relevant to the Project - [Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct.md) - [Contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) - [License](LICENSE.md) ## Recommended Hardware - A [single-board computer (SBC)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-board_computer) like the [Orange Pi](http://www.orangepi.org/) or [Odroid](https://www.hardkernel.com/) with [Armbian](https://www.armbian.com/) installed. Any SBC with 512MB RAM or better, and an arm32v7 or arm64v8 chip chip should be sufficient. - We have generated Armbian builds specifically for the Lollipop's supported boards. You can [download Armbian builds for Lollipops here](https://dl.lollipopcloud.solutions/). - **Note about the Raspberry Pi:** The [Raspberry Pi 3](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/README.md) with the BCM2837 processor, at least 512MB RAM, and Raspbian may work well as a Lollipop; however, we have not tested this configuration at this time. - A means to interact with the SBC (monitor/keyboard, serial adapter, or ssh via ethernet). - A wifi adapter, USB cellular modem (3G/4G/WCDMA/LTE), [GPS module](hardware/gps.md), [RTC (Real Time Clock)](hardware/rtc.md), [Bluetooth Serial Terminal](hardware/bluetooth_terminal.md), other hardware you need for your custom setup. See also: [Hardware Considerations](hardware/README.md). ## Initial Setup [Setup For Beginners](for-beginners/README.md): If you are new to installing Linux, or would like a little extra help walking through the initial creation of your Lollipop, please take a look our documentation written especially for beginners. Then skip down to the next section ([Networking Setup](#networking-setup)) when you're ready. If you're not using the [link for beginners](for-beginners/README.md), the following links are good first steps: - [Download Armbian](https://dl.lollipopcloud.solutions/files/armbian) - [First Boot](armbian/first_boot.md) - [Base Setup](armbian/base_setup.md) ## Networking Setup - [Network Manager (networking setup tool)](armbian/network_manager.md) - [Modem Manager (3G/LTE modems)](armbian/modem_manager.md) - [FirewallD (firewall/routing)](armbian/firewalld.md) - [Unbound (Non ISP DNS)](armbian/unbound.md) - VPN Options - [Private Internet Access (VPN)](armbian/vpn/pia.md) - [vpn.ac (VPN)](armbian/vpn/vpn_ac.md) - [VPN Autoconnect](armbian/vpn/vpn_autoconnect.md) ## Fundamental Tools - [Cockpit (recommended)](armbian/cockpit.md): simple browser-based management console/UI - [Chrony](armbian/chrony.md): clock synchronization - [Borg Backups](services/borg.md): simple, effective backups - [Docker](armbian/docker.md): containerize your services - [Let's Encrypt](services/acme_sh.md): SSL/TLS certificates for secure web communications - [Incron](armbian/incron.md): a way to watch the filesystem for configuration changes and restart services - [Caddy](services/caddy.md): web server and reverse https proxy - [Pi Hole](services/pi_hole.md): ad-blocking that blocks ads before they are loaded, can help conserve bandwidth and data transfer - [Searx](services/searx.md): self-hosted meta search engine ## Additional Services - [Postgresql](services/postgres.md): database server, required for NextCloud, Gitea, Wallabag, and TT-RSS, and other services; helpful if you will be a heavy user of your Lollipop Cloud - [Monitoring](armbian/monitoring.md): basic system monitoring - [NextCloud](services/nextcloud.md): file syncing, calendar syncing, contact syncing; an alternative to Dropbox and iCloud - [Syncthing](services/syncthing.md): sync for large numbers or large sized files; an alternative to NextCloud - [Gitea](services/gitea.md): self-hosted git and web interface for issues, pull-requests; an alternative to GitHub and GitLab - [Wallabag](services/wallabag.md): save websites for later; alternative to Read it Later and Pocket - [TT-RSS](services/ttrss.md): self-hosted RSS reader; alternative to Google Reader