# Plume A light weight blog that's federated via ActivityPub. It's a blog that can talk to the ActivityPub network for comments and sharing. ## Inspiration / Further Reading - [https://joinplu.me/](https://joinplu.me/) - [https://github.com/Plume-org/Plume](https://github.com/Plume-org/Plume) ## Prep Install ``` bash # Prep mkdir -p /var/plume touch /var/plume/.env cd /var/plume # Ensure we pull the right plume image for the board ARCH=`arch` if [ $ARCH == "aarch64" ] then ARCH="arm64v8" else ARCH="arm32v7" fi # Run a temporary plume container for setup docker run --rm -it --net docker-private \ -v /var/plume/static/media:/app/static/media \ -v /var/plume/.env:/app/.env \ -v /var/plume/search_index:/app/search_index \ registry.lollipopcloud.solutions/$ARCH/plume:latest \ /bin/bash # Run the plume setup inside the temporary container (answer all prompts accordingly) diesel database setup --migration-dir migrations/postgres/ plm instance new plm users new --admin plm search init ``` ## Install / Run ``` bash cat > /root/plume.sh <