# Cockpit This is **OPTIONAL** but **highly recommended** and can provide some helpful tools/insights while in the field. Notably Cockpit includes a terminal via a web browser. Perfect for on-the-go tuning of network settings and/or disaster recovery. Further reading: [http://cockpit-project.org/running](http://cockpit-project.org/running) ## Install ``` bash #add-apt-repository ppa:cockpit-project/cockpit apt update apt install cockpit cockpit-doc \ cockpit-docker cockpit-networkmanager \ cockpit-dashboard cockpit-system \ cockpit-storaged cockpit-packagekit systemctl enable cockpit systemctl start cockpit ``` ## Config Leave the defaults (*including SSL certificate*). This is here to save you on the fly or when not near a 'full' computer. Defaults are a good thing at times. ## Allow internal access If you already setup firewalld, run the following to allow access from the *INTERNAL* network only. ``` bash firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=internal --add-port=9090/tcp firewall-cmd --reload ``` ## Grant Admin User(s) Access to Docker ``` bash usermod -aG docker [admin_user] systemctl restart docker ``` ## Accessing Cockpit after install