# TT-RSS Self hosted RSS reader a la Google Reader ## Inspiration / Further Reading - [https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/tt-rss/](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/tt-rss/) ## Install / Update / Run Script Setup a generic script that'll auto update TT-RSS, build a container and launch it. You should only run this script at first launch and/or when you're looking for updates. ``` bash mkdir -p /var/ttrss docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres create role ttrss nocreatedb nocreaterole login PASSWORD 'password'; create database ttrss owner=ttrss encoding=UTF8; wget -O ttrss.sh https://git.lollipopcloud.solutions/lollipop-docker/misc/raw/branch/master/run_ttrss.sh chmod a+x /root/docker/ttrss.sh ``` ## Run TT-RSS Simply execute ```/root/docker/ttrss.sh``` to update/run TT-RSS. ## Cron For Feed Updates ``` bash */10 * * * * docker exec --user 991 -it ttrss /usr/bin/php /config/www/tt-rss/update.php --feeds --quiet ``` ## Update Unbound ``` bash cat > /etc/unbound/local_zone/ttrss.conf <