# Borg Backups The BETTER backup solution. **BE MINDFUL OF RUNNING BORG. IT CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS WITH DISK IOPS AND RAM USAGE. BEST USED WHEN THE MACHINE IS KNOWN TO BE IDLE!!!** ## Inspiration / Further Reading - [https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html#from-source](https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html#from-source) ## Install *Note: we are downloading pre-built borg images from the main lollipop cloud servers in this step instead of building it from scratch* ### arm32v7 boards ``` bash wget -O /usr/local/bin/borg https://dl.lollipopcloud.solutions/api/download/borg/borg-1.1.7-arm32v7-debian-stretch ``` ### arm64v8 boards ``` bash wget -O /usr/local/bin/borg https://dl.lollipopcloud.solutions/api/download/borg/borg-1.1.7-arm64v8-debian-stretch ``` ### All boards ``` bash chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/borg ``` ## Initialize Backup Repo *Note: assumes you have a ```/tank``` on external disk* ``` bash cd /tank/backup borg init --encryption none . # No crypto/auth for speed (see docs for more infos) ``` ## Backup Script Setup a backup script that backs up everything (**note the excludes**) to the initialized repository. Run ```/root/borg_backup.sh``` any time you want to take a backup. ``` bash cat > /root/borg_backup.sh <