# Ubuntu bionic arm64 + zfs Nano Pi M4 + sata add-on board (rk3399 + marvell sata chip) Write Ubuntu bionic server image -> SD Card Boot armbian-config -> Install to eMMC apt update && apt install tmux nload htop iotop vim nano armbian-config -> Switch to nightlies tmux new -s working apt-add-repository universe apt install linux-headers-rk3399 linux-headers-dev-rk3399 apt install spl-dkms # this will fail dkms build spl/0.7.5 dkms install spl/0.7.5 apt install zfs-dkms # this will fail dkms build zfs/0.7.5 dkms install zfs/0.7.5 apt install zfsutils-linux modprobe zfs dmesg | grep -i zfs zpool create -o ashift=12 \ -O atime=off -O compression=lz4 \ -O normalization=formD \ tank \ mirror \ /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Samsung_Portable_SSD_T5_S49WNV0KA19725M-part1 \ /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Samsung_Portable_SSD_T5_S49WNV0KA19571A-part1 zpool status # Expand Storage zpool replace tank orig-disk-1 new-disk-1 zpool replace tank orig-disk-2 new-disk-2 [Wait for scrub and resilver to finish] zpool set autoexpand on tank zpool online tank new-disk-1 zpool online tank new-disk-2 zpool list zfs list