# Running a Raspberry Pi with USB based btrfs root filesystem This is a very advanced configuration and here as a set of notes for the more daring users building remixes. Please note: *you will need to change ```/dev/sda``` and ```/dev/sdb``` as well as any sizes and offsets to match your needs and approach*. ``` bash dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1M parted /dev/sdb mkpart 33G -1 q mkfs.btrfs \ -L writable \ /dev/sdb3 mkdir /mnt/new mkdir /mnt/orig mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/orig mount -o autodefrag,compress,ssd,ssd_spread /dev/sdb3 /mnt/new rsync -aPr --delete-after /mnt/orig/ /mnt/new/ nano -w /mnt/new/etc/fstab btrfs filesystem type && mount options mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/new/boot/firmware nano -w /mnt/new/boot/firmware/config.txt /mnt/new/boot/firmware/cmdline.txt umount /mnt/orig pvcreate /dev/sdb2 vgcreate misc /dev/sdb2 lvcreate -C y -n swap.1 -L 1G misc lvcreate -n scratch -L 6G misc mkswap /dev/mapper/misc-swap.1 mkfs.btrfs -L scratch /dev/mapper/misc-scratch mkdir /scratch nano -w /mnt/new/etc/fstab add lvm swap add lvm scratch ```