import busio from supervisor import ticks_ms import adafruit_displayio_ssd1306 import displayio import terminalio from adafruit_display_text import label from kmk.extensions import Extension from kmk.handlers.stock import passthrough as handler_passthrough from kmk.keys import make_key from kmk.kmktime import PeriodicTimer, ticks_diff from kmk.modules.split import Split, SplitSide from kmk.utils import clamp displayio.release_displays() class TextEntry: def __init__( self, text='', x=0, y=0, x_anchor='L', y_anchor='T', direction='LTR', line_spacing=0.75, inverted=False, layer=None, side=None, ): self.text = text self.direction = direction self.line_spacing = line_spacing self.inverted = inverted self.layer = layer self.color = 0xFFFFFF self.background_color = 0x000000 self.x_anchor = 0.0 self.y_anchor = 0.0 if x_anchor == 'L': self.x_anchor = 0.0 x = x + 1 if x_anchor == 'M': self.x_anchor = 0.5 if x_anchor == 'R': self.x_anchor = 1.0 if y_anchor == 'T': self.y_anchor = 0.0 if y_anchor == 'M': self.y_anchor = 0.5 if y_anchor == 'B': self.y_anchor = 1.0 self.anchor_point = (self.x_anchor, self.y_anchor) self.anchored_position = (x, y) if inverted: self.color = 0x000000 self.background_color = 0xFFFFFF self.side = side if side == 'L': self.side = SplitSide.LEFT if side == 'R': self.side = SplitSide.RIGHT class ImageEntry: def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, image='', layer=None, side=None): self.x = x self.y = y self.image = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(image) self.layer = layer self.side = side if side == 'L': self.side = SplitSide.LEFT if side == 'R': self.side = SplitSide.RIGHT class Oled(Extension): def __init__( self, i2c=None, sda=None, scl=None, device_address=0x3C, entries=[], width=128, height=32, flip: bool = False, flip_left: bool = False, flip_right: bool = False, brightness=0.8, brightness_step=0.1, dim_time=20, dim_target=0.1, off_time=60, powersave_dim_time=10, powersave_dim_target=0.1, powersave_off_time=30, ): self.device_address = device_address self.flip = flip self.flip_left = flip_left self.flip_right = flip_right self.entries = entries self.width = width self.height = height self.prev_layer = None self.brightness = brightness self.brightness_step = brightness_step self.timer_start = ticks_ms() self.powersave = False self.dim_time_ms = dim_time * 1000 self.dim_target = dim_target self.off_time_ms = off_time * 1000 self.powersavedim_time_ms = powersave_dim_time * 1000 self.powersave_dim_target = powersave_dim_target self.powersave_off_time_ms = powersave_off_time * 1000 self.dim_period = PeriodicTimer(50) self.split_side = None # i2c initialization self.i2c = i2c if self.i2c is None: self.i2c = busio.I2C(scl, sda) make_key( names=('OLED_BRI',), on_press=self.oled_brightness_increase, on_release=handler_passthrough, ) make_key( names=('OLED_BRD',), on_press=self.oled_brightness_decrease, on_release=handler_passthrough, ) def render(self, layer): splash = displayio.Group() for entry in self.entries: if entry.layer != layer and entry.layer is not None: continue if isinstance(entry, TextEntry): splash.append( label.Label( terminalio.FONT, text=entry.text, color=entry.color, background_color=entry.background_color, anchor_point=entry.anchor_point, anchored_position=entry.anchored_position, label_direction=entry.direction, line_spacing=entry.line_spacing, padding_left=1, ) ) elif isinstance(entry, ImageEntry): splash.append( displayio.TileGrid( entry.image, pixel_shader=entry.image.pixel_shader, x=entry.x, y=entry.y, ) ) def on_runtime_enable(self, sandbox): return def on_runtime_disable(self, sandbox): return def during_bootup(self, keyboard): for module in keyboard.modules: if isinstance(module, Split): self.split_side = module.split_side if self.split_side == SplitSide.LEFT: self.flip = self.flip_left elif self.split_side == SplitSide.RIGHT: self.flip = self.flip_right for idx, entry in enumerate(self.entries): if entry.side != self.split_side and entry.side is not None: del self.entries[idx] self.display = adafruit_displayio_ssd1306.SSD1306( displayio.I2CDisplay(self.i2c, device_address=self.device_address), width=self.width, height=self.height, rotation=180 if self.flip else 0, brightness=self.brightness, ) def before_matrix_scan(self, sandbox): if self.dim_period.tick(): self.dim() if sandbox.active_layers[0] != self.prev_layer: self.prev_layer = sandbox.active_layers[0] self.render(sandbox.active_layers[0]) def after_matrix_scan(self, sandbox): if sandbox.matrix_update or sandbox.secondary_matrix_update: self.timer_start = ticks_ms() def before_hid_send(self, sandbox): return def after_hid_send(self, sandbox): return def on_powersave_enable(self, sandbox): self.powersave = True def on_powersave_disable(self, sandbox): self.powersave = False def deinit(self, sandbox): displayio.release_displays() self.i2c.deinit() def oled_brightness_increase(self): self.display.brightness = clamp( self.display.brightness + self.brightness_step, 0, 1 ) self.brightness = self.display.brightness # Save current brightness def oled_brightness_decrease(self): self.display.brightness = clamp( self.display.brightness - self.brightness_step, 0, 1 ) self.brightness = self.display.brightness # Save current brightness def dim(self): if self.powersave: if ( self.powersave_off_time_ms and ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), self.timer_start) > self.powersave_off_time_ms ): self.display.sleep() elif ( self.powersave_dim_time_ms and ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), self.timer_start) > self.powersave_dim_time_ms ): self.display.brightness = self.powersave_dim_target else: self.display.brightness = self.brightness self.display.wake() elif ( self.off_time_ms and ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), self.timer_start) > self.off_time_ms ): self.display.sleep() elif ( self.dim_time_ms and ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), self.timer_start) > self.dim_time_ms ): self.display.brightness = self.dim_target else: self.display.brightness = self.brightness self.display.wake()