print('START') # Used http://kmkfw.ioy/docs/boot/ as starting point import os # Print env vars if debugging enabled if os.getenv('ARDUX_KMK_DEBUGGING'): print('debugging enabled') print('START env') print('CIRCUITPY_BLE_NAME:', os.getenv('CIRCUITPY_BLE_NAME')) print('ARDUX_KMK_DEBUGGING:', os.getenv('ARDUX_KMK_DEBUGGING')) print('ARDUX_KMK_USB_DISK_ALWAYS:', os.getenv('ARDUX_KMK_USB_DISK_ALWAYS')) print('ARDUX_SIZE:', os.getenv('ARDUX_SIZE')) print('ARDUX_HAND:', os.getenv('ARDUX_HAND')) print('ARDUX_BOARD:', os.getenv('ARDUX_BOARD')) print('END env') else: print('debugging disabled') # If this/these key(s) is/are held during boot, don't run the code which hides the storage and disables serial # bottom row, index finger key / bottom row pinky key import digitalio from kmk.quickpin.pro_micro.kb2040 import pinout as pins key_1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pins[12]) key_2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pins[15]) # Configure gpio for boot key_1.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) key_2.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) # Pull up means 'active low' so invert pin values for less convoluted logic below key_1_val = not (key_1.value) key_2_val = not (key_2.value) # Check for key hold and disable any dangerous features if not held if not (key_1_val or key_2_val) and not os.getenv('ARDUX_KMK_DEBUGGING'): # dont expose storage by default if not os.getenv('ARDUX_KMK_USB_DISK_ALWAYS'): import storage storage.disable_usb_drive() # disable usb cdc stuff thats only useful when debugging import usb_cdc usb_cdc.disable() # Equivalent to usb_cdc.enable(console=False, data=False) # Enable use w/ bios when not debugging (serial device from debug messes things up) # this only works if *both* cdc and storage are disabled above ; add added logic to avoid crash on boot import usb_hid from usb_hid import Device if not os.getenv('ARDUX_KMK_USB_DISK_ALWAYS'): usb_hid.enable((Device.KEYBOARD,), boot_device=1) # Deinit pins so they can be setup per the kmk keymap post-boot key_1.deinit() key_2.deinit() print('END')