2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
AlteraFramereader Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ED060SC4 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
Fb24bpp Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
framebuffer Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
HX8347D Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI93xx Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI9225 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI9320 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI9325 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI9341 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI9342 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI9481 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ILI9488 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
KS0108 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
LGDP4532 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
Nokia6610GE8 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
Nokia6610GE12 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
PCD8544 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
PCF8812 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
QImage Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
R61505U Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
RA6963 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
RA8875 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
S6D1121 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SPFD54124B Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD1289 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD1306 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD1322 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD1331 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD1351 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD1848 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD1963 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
SSD2119 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ST7565 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
ST7735 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
STM32LTDC Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
TestStub Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
TLS8204 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
UC1601s Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
UC1610 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
UC8173 Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
WS29EPD Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00
readme.txt Add back qmk firmware that's been updated for kemonine setups 2020-09-24 23:24:14 -04:00

A list of current display drivers:

AlteraFramereader  - Support for the "Altera Frame Reader IP Core"
ED060SC4           - E-Ink display
framebuffer        - Supports any non-palletized, non-bitpacked color display with a framebuffer
Fb24bpp            - Same as 'framebuffer' driver but supports RGB888 and BGR888 packed framebuffer formats.
HX8347D            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
ILI9320            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
ILI9325            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
ILI9341            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
ILI9342            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
ILI93xx            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240 (attempt at a common driver)
ILI9481            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
KS0108             - Small monochrome LCD
LGDP4532           - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
Nokia6610GE8       - Small (130x130) 12bit color LCD
Nokia6610GE12      - Small (130x130) 12bit color LCD (untested)
PCD8544            - Small monochrome LCD
PCF8812            - Small monochrome LCD
R61505U            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
RA6963             - Small monochrome LCD
RA8875             - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
S6D1121            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
SPFD54124B         - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
SSD1289            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
SSD1306            - Small monochrome LCD
SSD1322            - Small 16 level grayscale LCD
SSD1331            - Small hardware accelerated OLED display RGB565 96x64
SSD1351            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
SSD1848            - Small grayscale LCD eg 2-Bit 130x130
SSD1963            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
SSD2119            - Mid-sized color LCD displays eg RGB565 320x240
ST7565             - Small monochrome LCD
STM32LTDC          - STM32 ART graphics STM32F4 and STM32F7 series CPU's
TestStub           - NULL driver just to test compile
TLS8204            - Small monochrome LCD
UC8173             - E-Ink display driver
UC1601s            - Small (64x132) monochrome LCD
UC1610             - Small (78x64 or 160x104) 4 level grayscale LCD
UC8175             - Small E-Ink display
WS29EPD            - Small E-Ink display by WaveShare
QImage             - Driver that allows rendering into a QImage object (of the Qt framework)
uGFXnet            - Remote Network display (in drivers/multiple/uGFXnet directory)
Win32              - Microsoft Windows (in drivers/multiple/Win32 directory)
X                  - X Windows (Xlib) (in drivers/multiple/X directory)