2021-01-20 03:38:36 +00:00
config Fix nibble keymap bug, add 'tilde escape' implementation that is similar to grave escape using mod-morph from zmk PR 543 2021-01-20 03:38:25 +00:00
vscode Rearrange folder layout now that upstream projects aren't mirrored inside this repo 2021-01-05 07:17:41 -05:00 Update notes 2021-01-20 03:38:36 +00:00 Add nibble keymap and config 2021-01-19 03:14:14 +00:00

ZMK Notes

Docker Volume

Need to have the zmk-config directory mounted at /workspaces/zmk-config in Docker container

git commit linting setup

Issue 575 on GitHub

# cd /path/to/zmk
npm install --save-dev @commitlint/{cli,config-conventional}
echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']};" > commitlint.config.js
npm install --save-dev husky@next
npm install pinst --save-dev
npx husky install
npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx --no-install commitlint --edit $1"
npx commitlint --from HEAD~1 --to HEAD --verbose
touch foo
git commit -m "foo: this will fail"
git commit -m "chore: lint on commitmsg"
git reset HEAD~1
rm foo


west build --board nice_nano -d build/m60 -- -DSHIELD=m60 -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nice_nano -d build/tidbit -- -DSHIELD=tidbit -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nice_nano -d build/nibble -- -DSHIELD=nibble -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nice_nano -d build/pockettype/default -- -DSHIELD=pockettype -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nrf52840_mdk_dongle -d build/pockettype/central -- -DSHIELD=pockettype_central -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nice_nano -d build/pockettype/peripheral -- -DSHIELD=pockettype_peripheral -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nice_nano -d build/tg4x -- -DSHIELD=tg4x -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nice_nano -d build/lily58/left -- -DSHIELD=lily58_left -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nice_nano -d build/lily58/right -- -DSHIELD=lily58_right -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board nrf52840_mdk_dongle -d build/mdk_dongle -- -DSHIELD=mdk_dongle -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board itsybitsy_nrf52840 -d build/azarashi64/left -- -DSHIELD=azarashi64_left -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config

west build --board itsybitsy_nrf52840 -d build/azarashi64/right -- -DSHIELD=azarashi64_right -DZMK_CONFIG=/workspaces/zmk-config/zmk-config/config