/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Massdrop Inc. * * This file is part of Massdrop Loader. * * Massdrop Loader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Massdrop Loader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Massdrop Loader. If not, see . */ #include "mdloader_common.h" #include "mdloader_parser.h" char verbose; char testmode; char first_device; int restart_after_program; int hex_cols; int hex_colw; //SAM-BA Settings mailbox_t initparams; mailbox_t appletinfo; //Applet information reported by binary appinfo_t appinfo; //Applet application information from end of applet binary mcu_t mcus[] = { //Name, Chip ID Chip ID, Program Memory, Data Memory, Program Addr, Data Addr // Address (FLASH_SIZE) (HSRAM_SIZE) (FLASH_ADDR) (HSRAM_ADDR) { "SAMD51J18A", 0x41002018, 0x60060006, 0x40000, 0x20000, 0x00000000, 0x20000000}, }; mcu_t *mcu; //Pointer to mcus entry if found uint32_t bootloader_length; //Guard against bootloader area writing //Return 1 if attempt to write to bootloader area //Return 0 otherwise //The applet also performs this check int check_bootloader_write_attempt(int addr) { if (addr < mcu->flash_addr + bootloader_length) { printf("Attempt to write to bootloader section denied!\n"); return 1; } return 0; } int read_error; //Cleared on read attempt and set to 1 if read fails //Print bootloader's serial number if programmed in //Return 1 on sucess, 0 on failure int print_bootloader_serial(void) { int seroffset = read_word(bootloader_length - 4); if (read_error) { printf("Serial Number: Read error!\n"); return 0; } if (verbose > 0) printf("Serial Number offset: 0x%08x\n", seroffset); if (seroffset >= mcu->flash_addr + bootloader_length) { printf("Serial Number: Not programmed!\n"); return 0; } char *readbuf = recv_file(seroffset, SERIAL_MAX_LENGTH * 2); if (!readbuf) { printf("Serial Number: Error retrieving!\n"); return 0; } printf("Serial Number: "); int ind; for (ind = 0; ind < SERIAL_MAX_LENGTH * 2; ind += 2) printf("%c", readbuf[ind]); printf("\n"); free(readbuf); //Free buffer created in recv_file return 1; } //Write mailbox data //Return 1 on sucess, 0 on failure int send_mail(mailbox_t *mail) { int byte; int *pmail = (int *)mail; if (verbose) printf("Sending mail {\n"); for (byte = 0; byte < sizeof(mailbox_t) / sizeof(int); byte++) { if (verbose) printf(" "); write_word(appinfo.mail_addr+byte*sizeof(int), *pmail); pmail++; } if (verbose) printf("}\n"); return 1; } //Read mailbox data //Return 1 on sucess, 0 on failure int read_mail(mailbox_t *mail) { int byte; int *pmail = (int *)mail; if (verbose) printf("Retrieving mail {\n"); for (byte = 0; byte < sizeof(mailbox_t) / sizeof(int); byte++) { if (verbose) printf(" "); *pmail = read_word(appinfo.mail_addr+byte*sizeof(int)); pmail++; } if (verbose) printf("}\n"); return 1; } //Print mailbox data //Return 1 on sucess, 0 on failure int print_mail(mailbox_t *mail) { int arg; int *pmail = (int *)mail; printf("Mailbox contents:\n"); printf("Command: %i\n", mail->command); printf("Status: %i\n", mail->status); pmail += 2; //Bypass command and status for (arg = 0; arg < (sizeof(mailbox_t) / sizeof(int)) - 2; arg++) { printf("Arg %i: %08X\n", arg, *pmail); pmail++; } return 1; } //Run applet command and wait for device response //Return 1 on sucess, 0 on failure int run_applet(mailbox_t *mail) { int retries; int command; command = mail->command; if (command == APPLET_CMD_FULL_ERASE) retries = APPLET_RETRY_ERASE; else retries = APPLET_RETRY_NORMAL; goto_address(appinfo.load_addr); //Run the applet if (verbose) printf("RUN: Command out: %08x\n", command); do { slp(APPLET_WAIT_MS); //Allow applet to run if (verbose) printf("RUN: Waiting on applet return\n"); mail->command = read_word(appinfo.mail_addr); } while ((mail->command != ~command) && retries--); if (verbose) print_mail(mail); if (retries == -1) { if (verbose) printf("RUN: Error running applet\n"); return 0; } read_mail(mail); if (mail->status == STATUS_OK) { if (verbose) printf("RUN: Applet return OK!\n"); return 1; } else { printf("RUN: Applet return ERROR!\n"); if (verbose) print_mail(mail); return 0; } } //Print a formatted hex/ascii listing of supplied data void print_hex_listing(char *data, int binfilesize, int markbyte, int base_addr) { unsigned char *pbinfile = (unsigned char *)data; int chrnum; int binfileend = binfilesize; int addr = base_addr; int pf = (markbyte == 0); unsigned char *ascii; unsigned char *pascii = NULL; unsigned int cols = hex_cols; unsigned int colw = hex_colw; if (cols < 1) { printf("Error: Hex listing column count invalid!\n"); return; } if (colw < 1) { printf("Error: Hex listing column width invalid!\n"); return; } ascii = (unsigned char *)calloc(cols * colw * sizeof(unsigned char) + 1, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ascii == NULL) { printf("Error: Could not allocate memory for data listing!\n"); return; } pascii = ascii; printf("\n"); for (chrnum = 0; chrnum < binfileend; chrnum++, pbinfile++) { if (chrnum) { if (chrnum % (cols * colw) == 0) { *pascii = 0; printf("|%s|", ascii); if (chrnum > markbyte && !pf) { printf(" @%i", markbyte % (cols * colw) + 1); pf = 1; } printf("\n"); addr += cols * colw; printf("%08X | ", addr); pascii = ascii; } else if (chrnum % colw == 0) printf("%c", COLCHAR); } else printf("%08X | ", addr); if (*pbinfile >= 0x20 && *pbinfile <= 0x7E) *pascii = *pbinfile; else *pascii = ' '; pascii++; if (*pbinfile < 0x10) printf("0"); printf("%X%c", *pbinfile, TOKCHAR); } //Finish off a line with spaces if data ended early while (chrnum % (cols * colw) != 0) { if (chrnum % colw == 0) printf("%c", COLCHAR); *pascii = ' '; pascii++; printf(" %c", TOKCHAR); chrnum++; } //Print last ascii line *pascii = 0; printf("|%s|", ascii); if (chrnum > markbyte && !pf) printf(" @%i", markbyte % (colw * cols) + 1); printf("\n\n"); free(ascii); } int test_port(char *portname, char silent) { if (!open_port(portname, silent)) { if (!silent) printf("Error: Could not open port! (Correct port?)\n"); return 0; } if (!config_port()) { if (!silent) printf("Error: Could not configure port! (Correct port?)\n"); close_port(silent); return 0; } if (!set_normal_mode()) { if (!silent) printf("Error: Could not communicate with device! (Correct port?)\n"); close_port(silent); return 0; } return 1; } int test_mcu(char silent) { //Find MCU via device ID int8_t mcu_index = -1; int8_t mcu_max = sizeof(mcus) / sizeof(mcu_t); int deviceid; for (mcu_index = 0; mcu_index < mcu_max; mcu_index++) { mcu = (mcu_t *)&mcus[mcu_index]; deviceid = read_word(mcu->cidr_addr); if (read_error) { if (!silent && verbose) printf("Notice: Could not read device ID at %08X!\n", mcu->cidr_addr); continue; } if (deviceid == mcu->cidr) { if (!silent && verbose) printf("Found supported device ID: %08X\n", deviceid); break; } } if (mcu_index == mcu_max) { if (!silent) printf("Error: Could not find matching device ID!\n"); return 0; } return 1; } //Upper case any lower case characters in a string void strlower(char *str) { char *c = str; while (*c) { if (*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z') *c += 32; c++; } } //Lower case any upper case characters in a string void strupper(char *str) { char *c = str; while (*c) { if (*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'z') *c -= 32; c++; } } //Return file size of given file int filesize(char *fname) { struct stat st; stat(fname, &st); return (int)st.st_size; } //Read byte from device //Must check read_error for a read error after return //Return unsigned byte from memory location int read_byte(int addr) { return read_data(addr, 1); } //Read half word from device //Must check read_error for a read error after return //Return unsigned half word from memory location int read_half_word(int addr) { return read_data(addr, 2); } //Read word from device //Must check read_error for a read error after return //Return unsigned word from memory location int read_word(int addr) { return read_data(addr, 4); } //Write word to device //Return 1 on success, 0 on failure int write_word(int addr, int data) { return write_data(addr, 4, data); } //Write half word to device //Return 1 on success, 0 on failure int write_half_word(int addr, int data) { return write_data(addr, 2, data); } //Write byte to device //Return 1 on success, 0 on failure int write_byte(int addr, int data) { return write_data(addr, 1, data); } //Set terminal command mode //Return 0 always int set_terminal_mode(void) { //NOT SUPPORTING TERMINAL MODE return 0; } //Display program version void display_version(void) { printf(PROGRAM_NAME " %i.%02i\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR); printf("\n"); } //Display program copyright void display_copyright(void) { printf(PROGRAM_NAME " Copyright (C) 2018 Massdrop Inc.\n"); printf("This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n"); printf("\n"); } //Display program help void display_help(void) { printf("Usage: mdloader [options] ...\n"); printf(" -h --help Print this help message\n"); printf(" -v --verbose Print verbose messages\n"); printf(" -V --version Print version information\n"); printf(" -f --first Use first found device port as programming port\n"); printf(" -l --list Print valid attached devices for programming\n"); printf(" -p --port port Specify programming port\n"); printf(" -U --upload file Read firmware from device into \n"); printf(" -a --addr address Read firmware starting from
\n"); printf(" -s --size size Read firmware size of \n"); printf(" -D --download file Write firmware from into device\n"); printf(" -t --test Test mode (download/upload writes disabled, upload outputs data to stdout, restart disabled)\n"); printf(" --cols count Hex listing column count [%i]\n", COLS); printf(" --colw width Hex listing column width [%i]\n", COLW); printf(" --restart Restart device after successful programming\n"); printf("\n"); } #define SW_COLS 1000 #define SW_COLW 1001 //Program command line options struct option long_options[] = { //Flags { "restart", no_argument, &restart_after_program, 1 }, //Other { "verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'V' }, { "list", no_argument, 0, 'l' }, { "first", no_argument, 0, 'f' }, { "port", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "download", required_argument, 0, 'D' }, { "upload", required_argument, 0, 'U' }, { "addr", required_argument, 0, 'a' }, { "size", required_argument, 0, 's' }, { "test", no_argument, 0, 't' }, { "cols", required_argument, 0, SW_COLS }, { "colw", required_argument, 0, SW_COLW }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { verbose = 0; testmode = 0; first_device = 0; restart_after_program = 0; hex_cols = COLS; hex_colw = COLW; display_version(); display_copyright(); int command = CMD_NONE; char portname[500] = ""; char fname[1024] = ""; int upload_address = 0; int upload_size = 0; int upload_address_set = 0; int upload_size_set = 0; while (command != CMD_ABORT && command != CMD_HELP) { int c; int option_index = 0; int base; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvVlftp:D:U:a:s:", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'h': command = CMD_HELP; break; case 'V': command = CMD_VERSION; break; case 'l': if (command == CMD_NONE) command = CMD_LISTDEV; else { printf("Error: Another command conflicts with list!\n\n"); command = CMD_ABORT; } break; case 'f': first_device = 1; break; case 'p': sprintf(portname, "%s", optarg); break; case 'U': sprintf(fname, "%s", optarg); if (command == CMD_NONE) command = CMD_UPLOAD; else { printf("Error: Another command conflicts with upload!\n\n"); command = CMD_ABORT; } break; case 'a': strlower(optarg); if (strstr(optarg, "0x") != NULL) base = 16; else base = 10; upload_address = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, base); upload_address_set = 1; break; case 's': strlower(optarg); if (strstr(optarg, "0x") != NULL) base = 16; else base = 10; upload_size = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, base); upload_size_set = 1; break; case 'D': sprintf(fname, "%s", optarg); if (command == CMD_NONE) command = CMD_DOWNLOAD; else { printf("Error: Another command conflicts with download!\n\n"); command = CMD_ABORT; } break; case 't': testmode = 1; break; case SW_COLS: hex_cols = atoi(optarg); if (hex_cols < 1) { printf("Error: Hex listing column count must be greater than 0\n\n"); command = CMD_ABORT; } break; case SW_COLW: hex_colw = atoi(optarg); if (hex_colw < 1) { printf("Error: Hex listing column width must be greater than 0\n\n"); command = CMD_ABORT; } break; default: command = CMD_ABORT; break; } } if (command == CMD_HELP || command == CMD_ABORT) { display_help(); goto exitProgram; } if (command == CMD_VERSION) { //Already displayed version by default goto exitProgram; } if (command == CMD_LISTDEV) { list_devices(NULL); goto exitProgram; } if (command == CMD_NONE) { if (!testmode && !restart_after_program) //Allow certain commands/flags through if alone { display_help(); goto exitProgram; } } if (command == CMD_UPLOAD) { int upload_error = 0; if (!upload_address_set) { printf("Error: Upload address must be set! Ex: --addr 0x4000\n"); upload_error = 1; } if (!upload_size_set) { printf("Error: Upload size must be set! Ex: --size 8192\n"); upload_error = 1; } if (upload_error) { goto exitProgram; } } if (first_device) { //Set port according to first discovered device int tries = 60; printf("Scanning for device for %i seconds\n", tries); while (tries) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); list_devices(portname); if (*portname != 0) { printf("\n"); break; //Device port set } tries--; slp(1000); //Sleep 1s } if (!tries) { printf("\n"); printf("Error: Could not find a valid device port!\n"); goto exitProgram; } } if (*portname == 0) { printf("Error: No port specified!\n"); print_com_example(); goto exitProgram; } if (testmode) { printf("NOTICE: Test mode is active. Writes are disabled!\n\n"); } mailbox_t mail; if (!test_port(portname, FALSE)) goto exitProgram; if (!test_mcu(FALSE)) goto closePort; printf("Found MCU: %s\n", mcu->name); print_bootloader_version(); if (verbose) printf("Device ID: %08X\n", mcu->cidr); //Load applet FILE *fIn; char appletfname[128] = ""; strlower(mcu->name); sprintf(appletfname, "applet-flash-%s.bin", mcu->name); printf("Applet file: %s\n", appletfname); fIn = fopen(appletfname, "rb"); if (!fIn) { printf("Error: Could not open applet file: %s\n", appletfname); goto closePort; } else { char *appletbuf; int filebytes; int readbytes; filebytes = filesize(appletfname); if (filebytes == 0) { printf("Error: Applet file is empty!\n"); fclose(fIn); goto closePort; } appletbuf = (char *)calloc(filebytes,1); if (appletbuf == NULL) { printf("Error: Could not allocate memory for applet file!\n"); fclose(fIn); goto closePort; } readbytes = (int)fread(appletbuf, 1, filebytes, fIn); fclose(fIn); if (readbytes != filebytes) { printf("Error: Applet read error!\n"); goto closePort; } if (readbytes < sizeof(appinfo_t)) { printf("Error: Applet binary too small!\n"); goto closePort; } memcpy(&appinfo, appletbuf + readbytes - sizeof(appinfo_t), sizeof(appinfo_t)); if (appinfo.magic != 0x4142444D) { printf("Error: Applet info not found!\n"); goto closePort; } if (verbose) { printf("Applet load address: %08X\n", appinfo.load_addr); printf("Applet mail address: %08X\n", appinfo.mail_addr); } //printf("Applet data:\n"); //print_hex_listing(appletbuf, readbytes, 0, 0); if (verbose) printf("Applet size: %i\n", readbytes); if (!send_file(appinfo.load_addr, readbytes, appletbuf)) { printf("Error: Could not send applet!\n"); free(appletbuf); goto closePort; } free(appletbuf); //printf("Applet data in RAM:\n"); //char *data_recv = recv_file(appinfo.load_addr, readbytes); //if (data_recv) //{ // print_hex_listing(data_recv, readbytes, 0, appinfo.load_addr); // free(data_recv); //Free memory allocated in recv_file //} } initparams.command = APPLET_CMD_INIT; initparams.status = STATUS_BUSY; initparams.argument.inputInit.bank = 0; initparams.argument.inputInit.comType = USB_COM_TYPE; initparams.argument.inputInit.traceLevel = 0; send_mail(&initparams); if (run_applet(&initparams) == 0) { printf("Error: Applet run error for init!\n"); goto closePort; } if (verbose) { printf("Memory Size: %08X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.memorySize); printf("Buffer Addr: %08X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferAddress); printf("Buffer Size: %08X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferSize); printf("Lock Region Size: %04X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.memoryInfo.lockRegionSize); printf("Lock Region Bits: %04X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.memoryInfo.numbersLockBits); printf("Page Size: %08X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.pageSize); printf("Number of Pages: %08X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.nbPages); printf("App Start Page: %08X\n", initparams.argument.outputInit.appStartPage); printf("\n"); } appletinfo.command = APPLET_CMD_INFO; appletinfo.status = STATUS_BUSY; send_mail(&appletinfo); if (run_applet(&appletinfo) == 0) { printf("Error: Applet run error for info!\n"); goto closePort; } printf("Applet Version: %i\n", appletinfo.argument.outputInfo.version_number); if (initparams.argument.outputInit.memorySize != mcu->flash_size) { printf("Error: MCU memory size mismatch! (Given %08X, Applet reported %08X)\n", mcu->flash_size, initparams.argument.outputInit.memorySize); goto closePort; } bootloader_length = initparams.argument.outputInit.appStartPage * initparams.argument.outputInit.pageSize; if (bootloader_length == 0) { printf("Error: Applet reported zero length bootloader!\n"); goto closePort; } if (verbose) { printf("Bootloader length: 0x%X\n", bootloader_length); print_bootloader_serial(); } if (command == CMD_DOWNLOAD) { //Load application data_t *data = NULL; data = load_file(fname); if (!data) { printf("Error: Could not parse file!\n"); goto closePort; } if (data->addr < (mcu->flash_addr + bootloader_length)) { printf("Error: Attempt to write to bootloader section!\n"); //This check is also performed in the loaded applet free_data(data); goto closePort; } if (data->size > mcu->flash_size - (mcu->flash_addr + bootloader_length)) { printf("Error: Attempt to write outside memory bounds!\n"); free_data(data); goto closePort; } char *pds = data->data; char *pde = data->data + data->size; int readbytes; printf("Writing firmware... "); if (testmode) printf("(test mode disables writes) "); readbytes = pde - pds < initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferSize ? pde - pds : initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferSize; int memoryOffset = data->addr; while (readbytes > 0) { //printf("Send firmware (%i):\n", readbytes); //print_hex_listing(pds, readbytes, 0, 0); if (!send_file(initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferAddress, readbytes, pds)) { printf("\nError: Failed write to applet buffer!\n"); free_data(data); goto closePort; } memset(&mail, 0, sizeof(mailbox_t)); //Note: Testmode will turn writes into reads if (testmode) { mail.command = APPLET_CMD_READ; mail.argument.inputRead.bufferAddr = initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferAddress; mail.argument.inputRead.bufferSize = readbytes; mail.argument.inputRead.memoryOffset = memoryOffset; } else { mail.command = APPLET_CMD_WRITE; mail.argument.inputWrite.bufferAddr = initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferAddress; mail.argument.inputWrite.bufferSize = readbytes; mail.argument.inputWrite.memoryOffset = memoryOffset; } send_mail(&mail); run_applet(&mail); if (mail.status != STATUS_OK) { printf("\nError: Applet failed write!\n"); free_data(data); goto closePort; } if (testmode) { if (mail.argument.outputRead.bytesRead != readbytes) { printf("\nError: Sent bytes != written bytes (%i != %i)\n", readbytes, mail.argument.outputRead.bytesRead); free_data(data); goto closePort; } } else { if (mail.argument.outputWrite.bytesWritten != readbytes) { printf("\nError: Sent bytes != written bytes (%i != %i)\n", readbytes, mail.argument.outputWrite.bytesWritten); free_data(data); goto closePort; } } memoryOffset += readbytes; pds += readbytes; readbytes = pde - pds < initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferSize ? pde - pds : initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferSize; } free_data(data); printf("Complete!\n"); if (restart_after_program) jump_application(); } if (command == CMD_UPLOAD) { if (upload_address + upload_size > mcu->flash_size) { printf("Error: Attempt to read outside memory bounds!\n"); goto closePort; } if (upload_size <= 0) { printf("Error: Invalid read size!\n"); goto closePort; } //Read memory char *readbuffer; char *preadbuffer; readbuffer = (char *)malloc(upload_size); preadbuffer = readbuffer; if (!readbuffer) { printf("Error: Could not allocate memory for firmware read!\n"); } else { printf("Reading memory %08X - %08X... \n", upload_address, upload_address+upload_size-1); //printf("Address: %08X\n", upload_address); //printf("Size: %08X\n", upload_size); int readbytes = upload_size; int curbytes = initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferSize; int memoryOffset = upload_address; while (readbytes > 0) { if (curbytes > readbytes) curbytes = readbytes; memset(&mail, 0, sizeof(mailbox_t)); mail.command = APPLET_CMD_READ; mail.argument.inputRead.bufferAddr = initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferAddress; mail.argument.inputRead.bufferSize = curbytes; mail.argument.inputRead.memoryOffset = memoryOffset; if (send_mail(&mail) != 1) { printf("\nError: Failed to send applet mail!\n"); free(readbuffer); goto closePort; } if (run_applet(&mail) != 1) { printf("\nError: Failed to run applet!\n"); free(readbuffer); goto closePort; } if (mail.status != STATUS_OK) { printf("\nError: Applet status not OK! [%i]\n", mail.status); free(readbuffer); goto closePort; } if (mail.argument.outputRead.bytesRead != curbytes) { printf("\nError: Sent bytes != written bytes (%i != %i)\n", curbytes, mail.argument.outputRead.bytesRead); free(readbuffer); goto closePort; } char *bufread = recv_file(initparams.argument.outputInit.bufferAddress, curbytes); if (bufread) { memcpy(preadbuffer, bufread, curbytes); preadbuffer += curbytes; free(bufread); } else { printf("Error: Could not read data buffer!\n"); free(readbuffer); goto closePort; } memoryOffset += curbytes; readbytes -= curbytes; } if (testmode) print_hex_listing(readbuffer, upload_size, 0, upload_address); else { printf("Writing firmware to file... "); FILE *fOut = fopen(fname, "wb"); if (!fOut) { printf("Failed!\n"); printf("Error: Could not open file for firmware read output!\n"); goto closePort; } fwrite(readbuffer, upload_size, sizeof(char), fOut); fclose(fOut); printf("Success!\n"); } free(readbuffer); printf("Complete!\n"); } } //Allow for restart flag with no command to restart the device if (command == CMD_NONE && restart_after_program) jump_application(); closePort: close_port(FALSE); exitProgram: return 0; }