/* * Copyright (c) 2020 The ZMK Contributors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include #include // ARTS Row #define KEY_A 13 #define KEY_R 14 #define KEY_T 15 #define KEY_S 16 // EYIO Row #define KEY_E 7 #define KEY_Y 8 #define KEY_I 9 #define KEY_O 10 #include "../../../artsey.dtsi" / { keymap { compatible = "zmk,keymap"; base { label = "Base"; bindings = < &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &layer_parentheticals_kp LAYER_ID_PARENTHETICALS A &kp R &kp T &layer_numbers_kp LAYER_ID_NUMBERS S &layer_symbols_kp LAYER_ID_SYMBOLS E &kp Y &kp I &layer_navigation_kp LAYER_ID_NAVIGATION O &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none >; }; numbers { label = "Numbers"; bindings = < /* TODO: NEED TO SETUP Fn LEADER KEY(S) */ &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &layer_parentheticals_kp LAYER_ID_PARENTHETICALS N1 &kp N2 &kp N3 &layer_base_none LAYER_ID_BASE 0 &layer_symbols_kp LAYER_ID_SYMBOLS N4 &kp N5 &kp N6 &layer_navigation_none LAYER_ID_NAVIGATION 0 &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none >; }; symbols { label = "Symbols"; bindings = < &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &layer_parentheticals_none LAYER_ID_PARENTHETICALS 0 &kp BSLH &kp SEMI &layer_numbers_kp LAYER_ID_NUMBERS GRAVE &layer_base_none LAYER_ID_BASE 0 &kp MINUS &kp EQUAL &layer_navigation_none LAYER_ID_NAVIGATION 0 &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none >; }; parentheticals { label = "Paren"; bindings = < &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &layer_base_none LAYER_ID_BASE 0 &kp LPAR &kp RPAR &layer_numbers_kp LAYER_ID_NUMBERS LBRC &layer_symbols_none LAYER_ID_SYMBOLS 0 &kp LBKT &kp RBKT &layer_navigation_kp LAYER_ID_NAVIGATION RBRC &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none >; }; navigation { label = "Nav"; bindings = < &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &layer_parentheticals_kp LAYER_ID_PARENTHETICALS HOME &kp UP &kp END &layer_numbers_none LAYER_ID_NUMBERS 0 &layer_symbols_kp LAYER_ID_SYMBOLS LEFT &kp DOWN &kp RIGHT &layer_base_none LAYER_ID_BASE 0 &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none >; }; }; };