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No commits in common. "6cf82bc8d8d0331648acf240b927a2dfc5735fe2" and "0b0cabd3fab1484a91eb83b3cf1bb7ce5a60dd87" have entirely different histories.

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@ -213,11 +213,11 @@
function_layer {
label = "Function";
bindings = <
&kp GRAVE &kp F1 &kp F2 &kp F3 &kp F4 &kp F5 &kp F6 &kp F7 &kp F8 &kp F9 &kp F10 &kp DEL
&trans &kp F1 &kp F2 &kp F3 &kp F4 &kp F5 &kp F6 &kp F7 &kp F8 &kp F9 &kp F10 &kp DEL
&trans &kp PG_UP &kp HOME &kp UP &kp END &kp F11 &kp F12 &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp DEL
&trans &kp PG_DN &kp LEFT &kp DOWN &kp RIGHT &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp INSERT
&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &ext_power EP_TOG &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp PSCRN
&trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &mo LAYER_ID_FUNC &kp C_MUTE &kp C_PLAY_PAUSE
&trans &trans &kp GRAVE &trans &trans &mo LAYER_ID_FUNC &kp C_MUTE &kp C_PLAY_PAUSE