
230 lines
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* MAX1704X Arduino Library for MAX17043 and MAX17044 Fuel Gauge.
* Version 1.0.0
* Copyright © 2018 Daniel Porrey. All Rights Reserved.
* https://github.com/porrey/max1704x
* This file is part of the MAX1704X Arduino Library.
* The MAX1704X Arduino Library is free software: you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* The MAX1704X Arduino Library is distributed in the hope that it
* will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with the MAX1704X Arduino Library. If not,
* see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
#include "MAX1704X.h"
MAX1704X::MAX1704X(float maxVoltage)
this->_maxVoltage = maxVoltage;
void MAX1704X::begin()
uint16_t MAX1704X::adc()
// ***
// *** 12-bit ADC; remove the 4 MSB's
// ***
return (uint16_t)(this->readRegister16(REGISTER_VCELL) >> 4);
float MAX1704X::voltage()
// ***
// *** The MAX1704X is a 12-bit ADC measuring 0 to 5 volts.
// ***
return (float)(this->adc() / 4096.0 * this->_maxVoltage);
float MAX1704X::percent()
// ***
// *** Read the 16-bit register value
// ***
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_SOC);
// ***
// *** The high byte is the percentage.
// ***
float percentage = (float)toHighByte(value);
// ***
// *** The low byte contains additional resolution of 1/256%.
// ***
float fraction = (float)(toLowByte(value) / 256.f);
return percentage + fraction;
uint16_t MAX1704X::version()
return this->readRegister16(REGISTER_VERSION);
uint8_t MAX1704X::compensation()
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
return toHighByte(value);
void MAX1704X::compensation(uint8_t data)
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
uint8_t lowByte = toLowByte(value);
uint16_t newValue = toUint16(data, lowByte);
this->writeRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG, newValue);
bool MAX1704X::sleep()
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
setBit(value, 7);
this->writeRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG, value);
bool MAX1704X::isSleeping()
// ***
// *** The sleep bit is bit 7 in the config byte.
// ***
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
return (value & 0x80);
bool MAX1704X::wake()
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
clearBit(value, 7);
this->writeRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG, value);
void MAX1704X::reset()
// ***
// *** Write the command 0x5400 to the command register.
// ***
this->writeRegister16(REGISTER_COMMAND, 0x5400);
void MAX1704X::quickstart()
// ***
// *** Write the command 0x4000 to the mode register.
// ***
this->writeRegister16(REGISTER_MODE, 0x4000);
bool MAX1704X::alertIsActive()
// ***
// *** The alert bit is bit 5 in the config byte.
// ***
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
return (value & 0x20);
void MAX1704X::clearAlert()
// ***
// *** Get the config register value. Bit 5
// *** contains the alert value.
// ***
uint16_t value = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
clearBit(value, 5);
this->writeRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG, value);
uint8_t MAX1704X::getThreshold()
// ***
// *** Get the config register value. The last 5 bits
// *** contains the threshold in 2's complement form.
// ***
uint16_t config = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
// ***
// *** Use only the last 5 bits of the config.
// ***
return configToThreshold(config & 0x001F);
void MAX1704X::setThreshold(uint8_t threshold)
// ***
// *** Get the config register value. The last 5 bits
// *** contains the threshold in 2's complement form.
// ***
uint16_t config = this->readRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG);
// ***
// *** Set the last 5 bits to 0.
// ***
config &= 0xFFE0;
// ***
// *** The value of threshold can be between 1% and 32%.
// ***
uint8_t configThreshold = this->thresholdToConfig(threshold);
// ***
// *** Combine the threshold with the config.
// ***
config = config + configThreshold;
// ***
// *** Write the new register value.
// ***
this->writeRegister16(REGISTER_CONFIG, config);
uint8_t MAX1704X::thresholdToConfig(uint8_t threshold)
return 31 - (constrain(threshold, 1, 32) - 1);
uint8_t MAX1704X::configToThreshold(uint8_t config)
return (32 - constrain(config, 0, 31));
uint16_t MAX1704X::readRegister16(uint8_t registerId)
Wire.requestFrom(I2C_ADDRESS, 2);
uint8_t highByte = Wire.read();
uint8_t lowByte = Wire.read();
uint16_t data = toUint16(highByte, lowByte);
return data;
void MAX1704X::writeRegisterId(uint8_t registerId)
void MAX1704X::writeRegister16(uint8_t registerId, uint16_t data)