# Enables Default Home Assistant Components default_config: # Enables Person Component person: # Enables System Health system_health: # Cameras # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/camera/ #camera: !include_dir_merge_list cameras/ # Enable the configuration UI # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/config/ config: # Counters # @link https://www.home-assistant.io/components/counter/ #counter: !include misc/counters.yaml # Enable the UI customizer # @link https://github.com/andrey-git/home-assistant-customizer # customizer: # custom_ui: local # Device trackers # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker/ #device_tracker: !include misc/device_trackers.yaml # Discover some devices automatically # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/discovery/ discovery: ignore: - google_cast # Displays # @see /custom_components/display/ # @link https://github.com/daemondazz/homeassistant-displays #display: !include misc/displays.yaml # Enable the official UI # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/frontend/ frontend: # javascript_version: latest # extra_html_url: # - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html # - /local/custom_ui/state-card-hline.html # - /local/custom_ui/state-card-value_only.html # extra_html_url_es5: # - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui-es5.html # - /local/custom_ui/state-card-hline.html # - /local/custom_ui/state-card-value_only.html # themes: !include_dir_named themes/ # Combine entities into groups and organize UI # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/group/ #group: !include_dir_merge_named groups/ # Enable support for tracking state changes over time # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/history/ history: # Setup basic Home Assistant information homeassistant: name: !secret zone_home_name latitude: !secret zone_home_latitude longitude: !secret zone_home_longitude elevation: !secret zone_home_elevation unit_system: imperial # metric time_zone: !secret homeassistant_time_zone #customize_glob: !include customize_glob.yaml #customize: !include customize.yaml whitelist_external_dirs: - !secret homeassistant_whitelist_config # Enable the web server # `cors_allowed_origins` includes the domain:port for AppDaemon. # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/http/ http: api_password: !secret http_password base_url: !secret http_base_url # Input booleans # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/input_boolean/ #input_boolean: !include misc/input_booleans.yaml # Lists of selectable values # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/input_select/ #input_select: !include misc/input_selects.yaml # LIFX # @link https://www.home-assistant.io/components/lifx/ #lifx: !include misc/lifx.yaml # Lights # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/light/ #light: !include_dir_merge_list lights/ # View all events in a logbook # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/logbook/ logbook: # Log some details # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/logger/ logger: default: warning # logs: # aiohttp.server: critical # EBOX newer component bug. # custom_components.display: critical # When tablet is offline. # custom_components.light.lightpack: critical # When Lightpack is offline. # homeassistant.components.device_tracker.unifi: fatal # When Unifi Controller is temporarily unreachable. # homeassistant.components.media_player.plex: fatal # When Plex is offline. # homeassistant.components.switch.tplink: error # When switch is unplugged. # pyunifi.controller: error # When Unifi Controller is temporarily unreachable. # Media players # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/media_player/ #media_player: !include misc/media_players.yaml # MQTT Integration # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/mqtt/ #mqtt: # broker: !secret mqtt_broker # port: !secret mqtt_port # username: !secret mqtt_username # password: !secret mqtt_password # birth_message: # topic: 'hass/status' # payload: 'online' # will_message: # topic: 'hass/status' # payload: 'offline' # Notification services # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/notify/ #notify: !include_dir_merge_list notifications/ # Database recorder # Limit the number of tracked entities and length of history. # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/recorder/ #recorder: !include misc/recorder.yaml recorder: db_url: !secret recorder_db_url purge_keep_days: 90 purge_interval: 1 # Scenes # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/scene/ #scene: !include misc/scenes.yaml # Scripts # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/script/ #script: !include_dir_named scripts/ # Sensors # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor/ #sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors/ # Shell commands # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/shell_command/ #shell_command: !include misc/shell_commands.yaml # Track the sun # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/sun/ sun: # Switches # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/switch/ #switch: !include_dir_merge_list switches/ # Check for available updates # Note: This component will send some information about your system to # the developers to assist with development of Home Assistant. # Optionally allow Home Assistant developers to focus on popular components. # @link https://home-assistant.io/blog/2016/10/25/explaining-the-updater/ # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/updater/ updater: include_used_components: true # Variables # @see /custom_components/variable.py # @link https://github.com/rogro82/hass-variables #variable: !include misc/variables.yaml # Zones # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/zone/ #zone: !include misc/zones.yaml # ZWave integration # @link https://home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/adding/ # @link https://home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/ # @link https://home-assistant.io/components/zwave/ #zwave: # usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0 # network_key: !secret zwave_network_key