2022-08-25 13:42:37 -04:00

492 lines
22 KiB

;;; caption.el --- AUCTeX style for `caption.sty' (v3.4a) -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2015--2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Arash Esbati <arash@gnu.org>
;; Maintainer: auctex-devel@gnu.org
;; Created: 2015-02-21
;; Keywords: tex
;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
;; 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file adds support for `caption.sty' (v3.4a) from 2019/10/18.
;; `caption.sty' is part of TeXLive.
;; If things do not work or when in doubt, press `C-c C-n'. Comments
;; for improvement are welcome.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib))
;; Needed for compiling `LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style':
(require 'latex)
;; Needed for auto-parsing:
(require 'tex)
;; Silence the compiler:
(declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
(keywords class))
(declare-function LaTeX-babel-active-languages "babel" ())
(declare-function LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages "polyglossia" ())
(declare-function LaTeX-newfloat-DeclareFloatingEnvironment-list
"newfloat" ())
(defvar LaTeX-bicaption-key-val-options)
(defvar LaTeX-subcaption-key-val-options)
(defvar LaTeX-caption-key-val-options
("font" ("scriptsize" "footnotesize" "small" "normalsize" "large"
"Large" "normalfont" "up" "it" "sl" "sc" "md" "bf" "rm"
"sf" "tt" "singlespacing" "onehalfspacing" "doublespacing"
"stretch" "normalcolor" "color" "normal"))
("font+" ("scriptsize" "footnotesize" "small" "normalsize" "large"
"Large" "normalfont" "up" "it" "sl" "sc" "md" "bf" "rm"
"sf" "tt" "singlespacing" "onehalfspacing" "doublespacing"
"stretch" "normalcolor" "color" "normal"))
("format" ("plain" "hang"))
("hypcap" ("false" "no" "off" "0" "true" "yes" "on" "1"))
("justification" ("justified" "centering" "centerlast" "centerfirst"
"raggedright" "RaggedRight" "raggedleft"))
("labelfont" ("scriptsize" "footnotesize" "small" "normalsize" "large"
"Large" "normalfont" "up" "it" "sl" "sc" "md" "bf" "rm"
"sf" "tt" "singlespacing" "onehalfspacing" "doublespacing"
"stretch" "normalcolor" "color" "normal"))
("labelfont+" ("scriptsize" "footnotesize" "small" "normalsize" "large"
"Large" "normalfont" "up" "it" "sl" "sc" "md" "bf" "rm"
"sf" "tt" "singlespacing" "onehalfspacing" "doublespacing"
"stretch" "normalcolor" "color" "normal"))
("labelformat" ("default" "empty" "simple" "brace" "parens"
"autodot" "unnumbered"))
("labelsep" ("none" "colon" "period" "space" "quad" "newline" "endash"))
("list" ("false" "no" "off" "0" "true" "yes" "on" "1"))
("listformat" ("empty" "simple" "paren" "subsimple" "subparens"))
("position" ("top" "above" "bottom" "below" "auto"))
("singlelinecheck" ("false" "no" "off" "0" "true" "yes" "on" "1"))
("slc" ("false" "no" "off" "0" "true" "yes" "on" "1"))
("strut" ("false" "no" "off" "0" "true" "yes" "on" "1"))
("style" ("base" "default"))
("textfont" ("scriptsize" "footnotesize" "small" "normalsize" "large"
"Large" "normalfont" "up" "it" "sl" "sc" "md" "bf" "rm"
"sf" "tt" "singlespacing" "onehalfspacing" "doublespacing"
"stretch" "normalcolor" "color" "normal"))
("textfont+" ("scriptsize" "footnotesize" "small" "normalsize" "large"
"Large" "normalfont" "up" "it" "sl" "sc" "md" "bf" "rm"
"sf" "tt" "singlespacing" "onehalfspacing" "doublespacing"
"stretch" "normalcolor" "color" "normal"))
("textformat" ("empty" "simple" "period"))
("type" ("figure" "table"))
("type*" ("figure" "table"))
"Key=value options for caption macros.")
(defun LaTeX-caption-key-val-options ()
"Return an updated list of key=vals from caption package.
The key=val list will also contain elements from subcaption
package if loaded."
;; Update the style list once so we don't run this function more
;; than once:
;; Check if `subcaption.el' is loaded:
(when (member "subcaption" TeX-active-styles)
;; If loaded, update also the entry for `subrefformat' when
;; processing the `labelformat'. `subrefformat' keys takes the
;; same values as `labelformat'. We have to check if we have an
;; entry for `\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat', otherwise there is no
;; need to run this procedure:
(if (and (LaTeX-caption-DeclareCaption-list)
(mapconcat #'identity
(mapcar #'car
(let (result)
(dolist (keyvals (LaTeX-caption-DeclareCaption-list) result)
(when (string-equal (nth 1 keyvals) "LabelFormat")
(let* ((key "subrefformat")
(val (nth 2 keyvals))
(cadr (assoc key
(cadr (assoc key result))))
(cl-pushnew (list key (TeX-delete-duplicate-strings
(append vals-predefined
(list val))))
result :test #'equal))))))
;; Check if `bicaption.el' is loaded:
(when (member "bicaption" TeX-active-styles)
(cond ((and (member "babel" TeX-active-styles)
`(,(list "language"
(butlast (LaTeX-babel-active-languages)))))
((and (member "polyglossia" TeX-active-styles)
`(,(list "language"
(butlast (LaTeX-polyglossia-active-languages)))))
(t nil))
;; Support for environments defined with `newfloat.sty': These
;; environments are added to `type' and `type*' keys:
(when (and (member "newfloat" TeX-active-styles)
(let (result)
(dolist (key '("type" "type*") result)
(let ((val (mapcar #'car
(cadr (assoc key LaTeX-caption-key-val-options))))
(cl-pushnew (list key (TeX-delete-duplicate-strings
(append vals-predefined
result :test #'equal)))))
;; Update to standard key-vals from `caption.el':
(when (LaTeX-caption-DeclareCaption-list)
(let (result)
(dolist (keyvals (LaTeX-caption-DeclareCaption-list) result)
(let* ((key (if (string-equal (nth 1 keyvals) "LabelSeparator")
(downcase (substring (nth 1 keyvals) 0 8))
(downcase (nth 1 keyvals))))
(val (nth 2 keyvals))
(cadr (assoc key LaTeX-caption-key-val-options)))
(vals-parsed (cadr (assoc key result))))
;; For `\DeclareCaptionOption', only add the value
;; (remember: key=^^^^^^, val="defined key")
(if (string-equal key "option")
(cl-pushnew (list val) result :test #'equal)
(cl-pushnew (list key (TeX-delete-duplicate-strings
(append vals-predefined
(list val))))
result :test #'equal))))))
(defvar LaTeX-caption-supported-float-types
'("figure" "table" "ContinuedFloat" ; Standard caption.sty
"sub" "subtable" "subfigure" ; subcaption.sty
"bi" "bi-first" "bi-second" ; bicaption.sty
"ruled" "boxed" ; float.sty
"floatingfigure" "floatingtable" ; floatflt.sty
"lstlisting" ; listings.sty
"longtable" ; longtable.sty
"figwindow" "tabwindow" ; picinpar.sty
"parpic" ; picins.sty
"SCfigure" "SCtable" ; sidecap.sty
"supertabular" "xtabular" ; supertabular.sty & xtab.sty
"threeparttable" "measuredfigure" ; threeparttable.sty
"wrapfigure" "wraptable") ; wrapfigure.sty
"List of float types supported by `caption.sty'.
These types are provided by other LaTeX packages.")
;; Setup for various \DeclareCaption's:
(TeX-auto-add-type "caption-DeclareCaption" "LaTeX")
;; The 2. argument to `DeclareCaption[A-Za-z]' contains (La)TeX code.
;; We deliberately ignore that argument in our regex since it is not
;; needed for this style and would pollute the auto generated
;; `docname.el' file.
(defvar LaTeX-caption-DeclareCaption-regexp
`(,(concat "\\\\DeclareCaption\\(Font\\|Format\\|Justification"
"[ \t\n\r%]*"
(0 1 2) LaTeX-auto-caption-DeclareCaption)
"Matches the arguments of different `\\DeclareCaption*' from `caption.sty'.")
(defun LaTeX-caption-auto-prepare ()
"Clear `LaTeX-auto-caption-DeclareCaption' before parsing."
(setq LaTeX-auto-caption-DeclareCaption nil))
(add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook #'LaTeX-caption-auto-prepare t)
(add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t)
;; In `LaTeX-caption-DeclareCaption-regexp', we match (0 1 2). When
;; adding a new `Name', we need something unique for `0'-match until
;; the next `C-c C-n'. We mimic that regex-match bei concat'ing the
;; elements. It will vanish upon next `C-c C-n'.
(defun LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption (optional format)
"Insert various `\\DeclareCaptionFORMAT' commands.
If OPTIONAL, insert argument in square brackets. FORMAT is the
suffix of the LaTeX macro."
(let ((name (TeX-read-string "Name: ")))
(list (concat "\\DeclareCaption" format "{" name "}")
format name))
(TeX-argument-insert name optional)))
;; Support for an undocumented feature of caption.sty:
;; `\captionbox' sets the width of the caption equal to the width of
;; the contents (a feature provided e.g. by `threeparttable.sty').
;; The starred version typesets the caption without label and without
;; entry to the list of figures or tables.
;; The first mandatory argument {<heading>} contains the caption text
;; and the label. We used to use `TeX-insert-macro' to do the job
;; (Thanks to M. Giordano for his valuable comments on this!), but now
;; moved to `LaTeX-label'.
;; Syntax:
;; \captionbox[<list entry>]{<heading>}[<width>][<inner-pos>]{<contents>}
;; \captionbox*{<heading>}[<width>][<inner-pos>]{<contents>}
(defun LaTeX-arg-caption-captionbox (optional &optional star)
"Query for the arguments of \"\\captionbox\" incl. a label and insert them.
If OPTIONAL is non-nil, indicate it while reading the caption.
If STAR is non-nil, then do not query for a \\label and a short
caption, insert only a caption."
(let* ((currenv (LaTeX-current-environment))
(caption (TeX-read-string
(TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Caption")))
(when (and (not star)
(>= (length caption) LaTeX-short-caption-prompt-length))
(TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Short caption")))))
(when (and short-caption (not (string= short-caption "")))
(insert LaTeX-optop short-caption LaTeX-optcl))
(insert TeX-grop caption)
(unless star (LaTeX-label currenv 'environment))
(insert TeX-grcl))
(let* ((TeX-arg-opening-brace "[")
(TeX-arg-closing-brace "]")
(TeX-last-optional-rejected nil)
(width (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style
(completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Width")
(mapcar (lambda (elt) (concat TeX-esc (car elt)))
(TeX-last-optional-rejected (or (not width)
(and width (string= width ""))))
(inpos (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style
(if (and width (not (string-equal width "")))
(completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Inner position")
'("c" "l" "r" "s"))
(and width (TeX-argument-insert width t))
(and inpos (TeX-argument-insert inpos t)))
;; Fill the paragraph before inserting {}. We can use
;; `LaTeX-fill-paragraph' without messing up the code since
;; \caption starts a new paragraph with AUCTeX
;; (cf. `paragraph-start').
(when auto-fill-function (LaTeX-fill-paragraph)))
(defun LaTeX-arg-caption-captionof (optional &optional star)
"Query for the arguments of \"\\captionof\" macro and insert them.
If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the arguments in brackets. If
STAR is non-nil, do not query for a short-caption and a label."
(let* ((envtype (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Float type")
(figtypes '("figure" "subfigure" "floatingfigure"
"figwindow" "SCfigure" "measuredfigure" "wrapfigure"))
(tabtypes '("table" "subtable" "floatingtable" "tabwindow" "SCtable"
"supertabular" "xtabular" "threeparttable" "wraptable"))
(caption (TeX-read-string
(TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Caption")))
(when (and (not star)
(>= (length caption) LaTeX-short-caption-prompt-length))
(TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Short caption")))))
(TeX-argument-insert envtype optional)
(when (and short-caption (not (string= short-caption "")))
(insert LaTeX-optop short-caption LaTeX-optcl))
(TeX-argument-insert caption optional)
(when auto-fill-function (LaTeX-fill-paragraph))
(when (and (not star)
;; Check if `envtype' is a figure or a table, also
;; consult `LaTeX-label-alist' for additions from user
;; or newfloat.el, then run `LaTeX-label' w/
;; 'environment arg, otherwise w/o.
(if (or (member envtype figtypes)
(member envtype tabtypes)
(assoc envtype LaTeX-label-alist))
(LaTeX-label (cond ((member envtype figtypes)
((member envtype tabtypes)
(t envtype))
(LaTeX-label envtype))))
(lambda ()
;; Add caption to the parser.
(TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-caption-DeclareCaption-regexp)
;; Caption commands:
'("caption*" t)
[TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Float type")
'("captionof" LaTeX-arg-caption-captionof)
'("captionof*" (LaTeX-arg-caption-captionof t))
(TeX-arg-conditional (member "bicaption" (TeX-style-list))
([TeX-arg-eval completing-read
(TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Float type")
(TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-caption-key-val-options)))
(TeX-arg-conditional (member "bicaption" (TeX-style-list))
([TeX-arg-eval completing-read
(TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Float type")
(TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-caption-key-val-options)))
[TeX-arg-eval completing-read
(TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Single key")
(TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Float type")
[TeX-arg-eval completing-read
(TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Single key")
(TeX-arg-eval completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Float type")
'("captionbox" (LaTeX-arg-caption-captionbox) t)
'("captionbox*" (LaTeX-arg-caption-captionbox t) t)
'("continuedfloat" 0)
'("continuedfloat*" 0)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "Font") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "Format") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "Format") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "Justification") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "LabelFormat") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "LabelSeparator") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "LabelSeparator") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "ListFormat") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "Option") t)
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "Style")
[TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-caption-key-val-options) "Additional options"]
(TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-caption-key-val-options) "Options"))
(LaTeX-arg-caption-DeclareCaption "TextFormat") t)
'("bothIfFirst" 2)
'("bothIfSecond" 2))
;; \caption(box|of) macros should get their own lines
(LaTeX-paragraph-commands-add-locally '("captionbox" "captionof"))
;; Fontification
(when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
(eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("caption" "*[{")
("captionlistentry" "[{")
("captionof" "*{[{")
("captionbox" "*[{[["))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("captionsetup" "*[[{")
("clearcaptionsetup" "*[{")
("continuedfloat" "")
("DeclareCaptionFont" "{{")
("DeclareCaptionFormat" "*{{")
("DeclareCaptionJustification" "{{")
("DeclareCaptionLabelFormat" "{{")
("DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator" "*{{")
("DeclareCaptionListFormat" "{{")
("DeclareCaptionOption" "{{")
("DeclareCaptionStyle" "{[{")
("DeclareCaptionTextFormat" "{{"))
'function)) )
(defun LaTeX-caption-package-options ()
"Prompt for package options for the caption package."
(TeX-read-key-val t
(append '(("compatibility" ("true" "false")))
'(("figureposition" ("top" "above" "bottom" "below")))
'(("tableposition" ("top" "above" "bottom" "below")))
;;; caption.el ends here