;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; inspiration for conditional capture template : https://storax.github.io/blog/2016/05/02/org-capture-tricks/ ; helper functions (defvar my-capture-prmt-history nil "History of prompt answers for org capture.") (defun my/prmt (prompt variable) "PROMPT for string, save it to VARIABLE and insert it." (make-local-variable variable) (set variable (read-string (concat prompt ": ") nil my-capture-prmt-history))) (defun my/inc (what text &rest fmtvars) "Ask user to include WHAT. If user agrees return TEXT." (when (y-or-n-p (concat "Include " what "?")) (apply 'format text fmtvars))) (defun my/inc_date (what prefix) "Ask user to include a date. If user agrees prompt for date." (when (y-or-n-p (concat "Include " what "?")) (concat prefix (org-time-stamp nil)))) ; orgmode capture templates (setq org-capture-templates '( ("d" "TODO (Main)" entry (file "~/org/orgzly/_todo.org") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_todo.org") :prepend t :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" ) ("s" "TODO (Slipbox)" entry (file "~/org/orgzly/_slipbox.org") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_slipbox.org") :prepend t :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" ) ("b" "Blog Post" entry (file+headline "~/org/blog/_blog.org" "Drafts") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_blog.org") ) ("g" "Gaming") ("gd" "Destiny") ("gdc" "To Do - Crafted Gun" entry (id "65a28e9e-e484-4722-8a25-4fbf0a8dea2c") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_game_destiny_gun.org") :prepend t :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("gw" "Warframe") ("gwd" "Daily Reset" entry (file+headline "~/org/games/games_warframe.org" "Daily / Weekly Reset") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_game_warframe_daily_reset.org") :prepend t :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("gww" "Weekly Reset" entry (file+headline "~/org/games/games_warframe.org" "Daily / Weekly Reset") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_game_warframe_weekly_reset.org") :prepend t :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("gwt" "To Do" entry (file+headline "~/org/games/games_warframe.org" "To Do") "** TODO %^{Heading}\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" :prepend "t" ) ("h" "Health") ("hc" "Couples") ("hch" "Homework" entry (file+headline "~/org/health/health_couples.org" "Homework") "** TODO %^{Heading} :health:couples:homework:\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hcl" "Log Entry" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_couples.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} :health:couples:log:%^g\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "f" ) ("hcd" "Appointment noteworthy developments / [time] in review" entry (file+headline "~/org/health/health_couples.org" "To Do") "** READY [#A] %^{Heading} :health:couples:appointment:%^g\nDEADLINE: %^t\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" :prepend "t" ) ("hca" "Appointment Notes" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_couples.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} :health:couples:appointment:%^g\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hm" "Mike") ("hmh" "Homework" entry (file+headline "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Homework") "** TODO %^{Heading} :health::homework:\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hml" "Log Entry" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} :health:log:%^g\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "f" ) ("hmd" "Appointment noteworthy developments / [time] in review" entry (file+headline "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "To Do") "** READY [#A] %^{Heading} :health:appointment:%^g\nDEADLINE: %^t\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" :prepend "t" ) ("hma" "Appointment Notes" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} :health:appointment:%^g\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hmx" "Anxiety Entry" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} :panic:\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U\n:END:\n** Level (0-10/none-strong): %^{Level}\n** What brought on your feelings of anxiety or panic?\n%?\n** Anxiety and Panic Responses\n*** Physical Sensations\nlist the physical sensations you felt during your anxiety response\ne.g. dizziness, shortness of breath, blushing, sweating, muscle tension. Indicate three that frighten you the most.\n*** Thoughts and Images\nlist the thoughts you had when anticipating or experiencing your anxiety response\ne.g. 'im having a heart attack', 'im losign control', 'something terrible will happen'\n*** Behaviors and Actions\nlist the behaviors you exhibited or actions you took as a result of your anxiety response\n" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("m" "Music import (beets)" entry (file "~/org/orgzly/_slipbox.org") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_beets.org") :prepend t :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" ) ("p" "Photography") ("pt" "Theme (Film)" entry (file+headline "~/org/photography/film.org" "Themes - Active") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_photog_theme.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("pi" "Theme (Instant Film)" entry (file+headline "~/org/photography/instant_film.org" "Themes - Active") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_photog_instant_film_theme.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("r" "Recipe") ("rs" "Standard" plain (file "~/org/culinary/_recipes.org") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_culinary_recipe.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("rb" "Budget Bytes" plain (file "~/org/culinary/_recipes.org") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_culinary_budget_bytes.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("t" "Trip" entry (file+headline "~/org/trips.org" "Planned") (file "~/org/_org-capture-templates/template_trip.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ))