;;; dashboard-widgets.el --- A startup screen extracted from Spacemacs -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (c) 2016-2022 emacs-dashboard maintainers ;; ;; Author : Rakan Al-Hneiti ;; Maintainer : Jesús Martínez ;; Shen, Jen-Chieh ;; URL : https://github.com/emacs-dashboard/emacs-dashboard ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 ;; ;; Created: October 05, 2016 ;; Package-Version: 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT ;; Keywords: startup, screen, tools, dashboard ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1")) ;;; Commentary: ;; An extensible Emacs dashboard, with sections for ;; bookmarks, projects (projectile or project.el), org-agenda and more. ;;; Code: (require 'cl-lib) (require 'subr-x) (require 'image) ;; Compiler pacifier (declare-function all-the-icons-icon-for-dir "ext:all-the-icons.el") (declare-function all-the-icons-icon-for-file "ext:all-the-icons.el") (declare-function all-the-icons-fileicon "ext:data-fileicons.el") (declare-function all-the-icons-octicon "ext:data-octicons.el") (declare-function bookmark-get-filename "ext:bookmark.el") (declare-function bookmark-all-names "ext:bookmark.el") (declare-function calendar-date-compare "ext:calendar.el") (declare-function projectile-cleanup-known-projects "ext:projectile.el") (declare-function projectile-load-known-projects "ext:projectile.el") (declare-function projectile-mode "ext:projectile.el") (declare-function projectile-relevant-known-projects "ext:projectile.el") ;;; project.el in Emacs 26 does not contain this function (declare-function project-known-project-roots "ext:project.el" nil t) (declare-function project-forget-zombie-projects "ext:project.el" nil t) (declare-function org-agenda-format-item "ext:org-agenda.el") (declare-function org-compile-prefix-format "ext:org-agenda.el") (declare-function org-entry-get "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-entry-is-done-p "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-entry-is-todo-p "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-get-category "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-get-deadline-time "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-get-heading "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-get-scheduled-time "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-get-tags "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-get-todo-face "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-get-todo-state "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-in-archived-heading-p "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-map-entries "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-outline-level "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-release-buffers "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-time-string-to-time "ext:org.el") (declare-function org-today "ext:org.el") (declare-function recentf-cleanup "ext:recentf.el") (defalias 'org-time-less-p 'time-less-p) (defvar org-level-faces) (defvar org-agenda-new-buffers) (defvar org-agenda-prefix-format) (defvar org-agenda-todo-keyword-format) (defvar org-todo-keywords-1) (defvar all-the-icons-dir-icon-alist) (defvar package-activated-list) (defcustom dashboard-page-separator "\n\n" "Separator to use between the different pages." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-image-banner-max-height 0 "Maximum height of banner image. This setting applies only if Emacs supports image transforms or compiled with Imagemagick support. When value is non-zero the image banner will be resized to the specified height in pixels, with aspect ratio preserved." :type 'integer :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-image-banner-max-width 0 "Maximum width of banner image. This setting applies if Emacs supports image transforms or compiled with Imagemagick support. When value is non-zero the image banner will be resized to the specified width in pixels, with aspect ratio preserved." :type 'integer :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-set-heading-icons nil "When non nil, heading sections will have icons." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-set-file-icons nil "When non nil, file lists will have icons." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-set-navigator nil "When non nil, a navigator will be displayed under the banner." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-set-init-info t "When non nil, init info will be displayed under the banner." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-set-footer t "When non nil, a footer will be displayed at the bottom." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-footer-messages '("The one true editor, Emacs!" "Who the hell uses VIM anyway? Go Evil!" "Free as free speech, free as free Beer" "Happy coding!" "Vi Vi Vi, the editor of the beast" "Welcome to the church of Emacs" "While any text editor can save your files, only Emacs can save your soul" "I showed you my source code, pls respond") "A list of messages, one of which dashboard chooses to display." :type 'list :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-show-shortcuts t "Whether to show shortcut keys for each section." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defconst dashboard-banners-directory (concat (file-name-directory (locate-library "dashboard")) "banners/") "Default banner directory.") (defconst dashboard-banner-official-png (concat dashboard-banners-directory "emacs.png") "Emacs banner image.") (defconst dashboard-banner-logo-png (concat dashboard-banners-directory "logo.png") "Emacs banner image.") (defconst dashboard-banner-length 75 "Width of a banner.") (defcustom dashboard-banner-logo-title "Welcome to Emacs!" "Specify the startup banner." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-navigator-buttons nil "Specify the navigator buttons. The format is: 'icon title help action face prefix suffix'. Example: '((\"☆\" \"Star\" \"Show stars\" (lambda (&rest _) (show-stars)) 'warning \"[\" \"]\"))" :type '(repeat (repeat (list string string string function symbol string string))) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-init-info (lambda () (let ((package-count 0) (time (emacs-init-time))) (when (bound-and-true-p package-alist) (setq package-count (length package-activated-list))) (when (boundp 'straight--profile-cache) (setq package-count (+ (hash-table-count straight--profile-cache) package-count))) (when (fboundp 'elpaca--queued) (setq package-count (length (elpaca--queued)))) (if (zerop package-count) (format "Emacs started in %s" time) (format "%d packages loaded in %s" package-count time)))) "Init info with packages loaded and init time." :type '(function string) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-footer (nth (random (1- (1+ (length dashboard-footer-messages)))) dashboard-footer-messages) "A footer with some short message." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-footer-icon (if (and (display-graphic-p) (or (fboundp 'all-the-icons-fileicon) (require 'all-the-icons nil 'noerror))) (all-the-icons-fileicon "emacs" :height 1.1 :v-adjust -0.05 :face 'font-lock-keyword-face) (propertize ">" 'face 'dashboard-footer)) "Footer's icon." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-startup-banner 'official "Specify the startup banner. Default value is `official', it displays the Emacs logo. `logo' displays Emacs alternative logo. An integer value is the index of text banner. A string value must be a path to a .PNG or .TXT file. If the value is nil then no banner is displayed." :type '(choice (const :tag "offical" official) (const :tag "logo" logo) (string :tag "a png or txt path")) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-buffer-last-width nil "Previous width of dashboard-buffer." :type 'integer :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-item-generators '((recents . dashboard-insert-recents) (bookmarks . dashboard-insert-bookmarks) (projects . dashboard-insert-projects) (agenda . dashboard-insert-agenda) (registers . dashboard-insert-registers)) "Association list of items to how to generate in the startup buffer. Will be of the form `(list-type . list-function)'. Possible values for list-type are: `recents', `bookmarks', `projects', `agenda' ,`registers'." :type '(repeat (alist :key-type symbol :value-type function)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-projects-backend 'projectile "The package that supplies the list of recent projects. With the value `projectile', the projects widget uses the package projectile (available in MELPA). With the value `project-el', the widget uses the package project (available in GNU ELPA). To activate the projects widget, add e.g. `(projects . 10)' to `dashboard-items' after making sure the necessary package is installed." :type '(choice (const :tag "Use projectile" projectile) (const :tag "Use project.el" project-el)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-items '((recents . 5) (bookmarks . 5) (agenda . 5)) "Association list of items to show in the startup buffer. Will be of the form `(list-type . list-size)'. If nil it is disabled. Possible values for list-type are: `recents' `bookmarks' `projects' `agenda' `registers'." :type '(repeat (alist :key-type symbol :value-type integer)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-item-shortcuts '((recents . "r") (bookmarks . "m") (projects . "p") (agenda . "a") (registers . "e")) "Association list of items and their corresponding shortcuts. Will be of the form `(list-type . keys)' as understood by `(kbd keys)'. If nil, shortcuts are disabled. If an entry's value is nil, that item's shortcut is disbaled. See `dashboard-items' for possible values of list-type.'" :type '(repeat (alist :key-type symbol :value-type string)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-item-names nil "Association list of item heading names. When an item is nil or not present, the default name is used. Will be of the form `(default-name . new-name)'." :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type string) :options '("Recent Files:" "Bookmarks:" "Agenda for today:" "Agenda for the coming week:" "Registers:" "Projects:") :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-items-default-length 20 "Length used for startup lists with otherwise unspecified bounds. Set to nil for unbounded." :type 'integer :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-heading-icons '((recents . "history") (bookmarks . "bookmark") (agenda . "calendar") (projects . "rocket") (registers . "database")) "Association list for the icons of the heading sections. Will be of the form `(list-type . icon-name-string)`. If nil it is disabled. Possible values for list-type are: `recents' `bookmarks' `projects' `agenda' `registers'" :type '(repeat (alist :key-type symbol :value-type string)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-path-style nil "Style to display path." :type '(choice (const :tag "No specify" nil) (const :tag "Truncate the beginning part of the path" truncate-beginning) (const :tag "Truncate the middle part of the path" truncate-middle) (const :tag "Truncate the end part of the path" truncate-end)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-path-max-length 70 "Maximum length for path to display." :type 'integer :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-path-shorten-string "..." "String the that displays in the center of the path." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defvar recentf-list nil) (defvar dashboard-buffer-name) ;; ;; Faces ;; (defface dashboard-text-banner '((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face))) "Face used for text banners." :group 'dashboard) (defface dashboard-banner-logo-title '((t :inherit default)) "Face used for the banner title." :group 'dashboard) (defface dashboard-navigator '((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face))) "Face used for the navigator." :group 'dashboard) (defface dashboard-heading '((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face))) "Face used for widget headings." :group 'dashboard) (defface dashboard-items-face '((t (:inherit widget-button))) "Face used for items." :group 'dashboard) (defface dashboard-no-items-face '((t (:inherit widget-button))) "Face used for no items." :group 'dashboard) (defface dashboard-footer '((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))) "Face used for widget headings." :group 'dashboard) (define-obsolete-face-alias 'dashboard-text-banner-face 'dashboard-text-banner "1.2.6") (define-obsolete-face-alias 'dashboard-banner-logo-title-face 'dashboard-banner-logo-title "1.2.6") (define-obsolete-face-alias 'dashboard-heading-face 'dashboard-heading "1.2.6") ;; ;; Util ;; (defmacro dashboard-mute-apply (&rest body) "Execute BODY without message." (declare (indent 0) (debug t)) `(let (message-log-max) (with-temp-message (or (current-message) nil) (let ((inhibit-message t)) ,@body)))) (defun dashboard-funcall-fboundp (fnc &rest args) "Call FNC with ARGS if exists." (when (fboundp fnc) (if args (funcall fnc args) (funcall fnc)))) ;; ;; Generic widget helpers ;; (defun dashboard-subseq (seq end) "Return the subsequence of SEQ from 0 to END." (let ((len (length seq))) (butlast seq (- len (min len end))))) (defun dashboard-get-shortcut-name (item) "Get the shortcut name to be used for ITEM." (let ((elem (rassoc item dashboard-item-shortcuts))) (and elem (car elem)))) (defun dashboard-get-shortcut (item) "Get the shortcut to be used for ITEM." (let ((elem (assq item dashboard-item-shortcuts))) (and elem (cdr elem)))) (defmacro dashboard-insert-shortcut (shortcut-id shortcut-char search-label &optional no-next-line) "Insert a shortcut SHORTCUT-CHAR for a given SEARCH-LABEL. Optionally, provide NO-NEXT-LINE to move the cursor forward a line." (let* (;; Ensure punctuation and upper case in search string is not ;; used to construct the `defun' (name (downcase (replace-regexp-in-string "[[:punct:]]+" "" (format "%s" search-label)))) ;; remove symbol quote (sym (intern (replace-regexp-in-string "'" "" (format "dashboard-jump-to-%s" shortcut-id))))) `(progn (eval-when-compile (defvar dashboard-mode-map)) (defun ,sym nil ,(concat "Jump to " name ". This code is dynamically generated in `dashboard-insert-shortcut'.") (interactive) (unless (search-forward ,search-label (point-max) t) (search-backward ,search-label (point-min) t)) ,@(unless no-next-line '((forward-line 1))) (back-to-indentation)) (eval-after-load 'dashboard (define-key dashboard-mode-map ,shortcut-char ',sym))))) (defun dashboard-append (msg &optional _messagebuf) "Append MSG to dashboard buffer. If MESSAGEBUF is not nil then MSG is also written in message buffer." (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create dashboard-buffer-name) (goto-char (point-max)) (let (buffer-read-only) (insert msg)))) (defun dashboard-modify-heading-icons (alist) "Append ALIST items to `dashboard-heading-icons' to modify icons." (dolist (icon alist) (add-to-list 'dashboard-heading-icons icon))) (defun dashboard-insert-page-break () "Insert a page break line in dashboard buffer." (dashboard-append dashboard-page-separator)) (defun dashboard-insert-heading (heading &optional shortcut) "Insert a widget HEADING in dashboard buffer, adding SHORTCUT if provided." (when (and (display-graphic-p) dashboard-set-heading-icons) ;; Try loading `all-the-icons' (unless (or (fboundp 'all-the-icons-octicon) (require 'all-the-icons nil 'noerror)) (error "Package `all-the-icons' isn't installed")) (insert (cond ((string-equal heading "Recent Files:") (all-the-icons-octicon (cdr (assoc 'recents dashboard-heading-icons)) :height 1.2 :v-adjust 0.0 :face 'dashboard-heading)) ((string-equal heading "Bookmarks:") (all-the-icons-octicon (cdr (assoc 'bookmarks dashboard-heading-icons)) :height 1.2 :v-adjust 0.0 :face 'dashboard-heading)) ((or (string-equal heading "Agenda for today:") (string-equal heading "Agenda for the coming week:")) (all-the-icons-octicon (cdr (assoc 'agenda dashboard-heading-icons)) :height 1.2 :v-adjust 0.0 :face 'dashboard-heading)) ((string-equal heading "Registers:") (all-the-icons-octicon (cdr (assoc 'registers dashboard-heading-icons)) :height 1.2 :v-adjust 0.0 :face 'dashboard-heading)) ((string-equal heading "Projects:") (all-the-icons-octicon (cdr (assoc 'projects dashboard-heading-icons)) :height 1.2 :v-adjust 0.0 :face 'dashboard-heading)) (t " "))) (insert " ")) (insert (propertize heading 'face 'dashboard-heading)) ;; Turn the inserted heading into an overlay, so that we may freely change ;; its name without breaking any of the functions that expect the default name. ;; If there isn't a suitable entry in `dashboard-item-names', ;; we fallback to using HEADING. In that case we still want it to be an ;; overlay to maintain consistent behavior (such as the point movement) ;; between modified and default headings. (let ((ov (make-overlay (- (point) (length heading)) (point) nil t))) (overlay-put ov 'display (or (cdr (assoc heading dashboard-item-names)) heading)) (overlay-put ov 'face 'dashboard-heading)) (when shortcut (insert (format " (%s)" shortcut)))) (defun dashboard-center-line (string) "Center a STRING accoring to it's size." (insert (make-string (max 0 (floor (/ (- dashboard-banner-length (+ (string-width string) 1)) 2))) ?\ ))) ;; ;; BANNER ;; (defun dashboard-insert-ascii-banner-centered (file) "Insert banner from FILE." (let ((ascii-banner (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents file) (let ((banner-width 0)) (while (not (eobp)) (let ((line-length (- (line-end-position) (line-beginning-position)))) (if (< banner-width line-length) (setq banner-width line-length))) (forward-line 1)) (goto-char 0) (let ((margin (max 0 (floor (/ (- dashboard-banner-length banner-width) 2))))) (while (not (eobp)) (insert (make-string margin ?\ )) (forward-line 1)))) (buffer-string)))) (put-text-property 0 (length ascii-banner) 'face 'dashboard-text-banner ascii-banner) (insert ascii-banner))) (defun dashboard--type-is-gif-p (image-path) "Return if image is a gif. String -> bool. Argument IMAGE-PATH path to the image." (eq 'gif (image-type image-path))) (defun dashboard-insert-image-banner (banner) "Display an image BANNER." (when (file-exists-p banner) (let* ((title dashboard-banner-logo-title) (size-props (append (when (> dashboard-image-banner-max-width 0) (list :max-width dashboard-image-banner-max-width)) (when (> dashboard-image-banner-max-height 0) (list :max-height dashboard-image-banner-max-height)))) (spec (cond ((dashboard--type-is-gif-p banner) (create-image banner)) ((image-type-available-p 'imagemagick) (apply 'create-image banner 'imagemagick nil size-props)) (t (apply 'create-image banner nil nil (when (and (fboundp 'image-transforms-p) (memq 'scale (funcall 'image-transforms-p))) size-props))))) ;; TODO: For some reason, `elisp-lint' is reporting error void ;; function `image-size'. (size (when (fboundp 'image-size) (image-size spec))) (width (car size)) (left-margin (max 0 (floor (- dashboard-banner-length width) 2)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "\n") (insert (make-string left-margin ?\ )) (insert-image spec) (when (dashboard--type-is-gif-p banner) (image-animate spec 0 t)) (insert "\n\n") (when title (dashboard-center-line title) (insert (format "%s\n\n" (propertize title 'face 'dashboard-banner-logo-title))))))) ;; ;; INIT INFO ;; (defun dashboard-insert-init-info () "Insert init info when `dashboard-set-init-info' is t." (when dashboard-set-init-info (let ((init-info (if (functionp dashboard-init-info) (funcall dashboard-init-info) dashboard-init-info))) (dashboard-center-line init-info) (insert (propertize init-info 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))))) (defun dashboard-get-banner-path (index) "Return the full path to banner with index INDEX." (concat dashboard-banners-directory (format "%d.txt" index))) (defun dashboard-choose-banner () "Return the full path of a banner based on the dotfile value." (when dashboard-startup-banner (cond ((eq 'official dashboard-startup-banner) (if (and (display-graphic-p) (image-type-available-p 'png)) dashboard-banner-official-png (dashboard-get-banner-path 1))) ((eq 'logo dashboard-startup-banner) (if (and (display-graphic-p) (image-type-available-p 'png)) dashboard-banner-logo-png (dashboard-get-banner-path 1))) ((integerp dashboard-startup-banner) (dashboard-get-banner-path dashboard-startup-banner)) ((stringp dashboard-startup-banner) (if (and (file-exists-p dashboard-startup-banner) (or (string-suffix-p ".txt" dashboard-startup-banner) (and (display-graphic-p) (image-type-available-p (intern (file-name-extension dashboard-startup-banner)))))) dashboard-startup-banner (message "could not find banner %s, use default instead" dashboard-startup-banner) (dashboard-get-banner-path 1))) (t (dashboard-get-banner-path 1))))) (defun dashboard-insert-banner () "Insert Banner at the top of the dashboard." (goto-char (point-max)) (let ((banner (dashboard-choose-banner)) buffer-read-only) (when banner (if (image-type-available-p (intern (file-name-extension banner))) (dashboard-insert-image-banner banner) (dashboard-insert-ascii-banner-centered banner)) (dashboard-insert-navigator) (dashboard-insert-init-info)))) (defun dashboard-insert-navigator () "Insert Navigator of the dashboard." (when (and dashboard-set-navigator dashboard-navigator-buttons) (dolist (line dashboard-navigator-buttons) (dolist (btn line) (let* ((icon (car btn)) (title (cadr btn)) (help (or (cadr (cdr btn)) "")) (action (or (cadr (cddr btn)) #'ignore)) (face (or (cadr (cddr (cdr btn))) 'dashboard-navigator)) (prefix (or (cadr (cddr (cddr btn))) (propertize "[" 'face face))) (suffix (or (cadr (cddr (cddr (cdr btn)))) (propertize "]" 'face face)))) (widget-create 'item :tag (concat (when icon (propertize icon 'face (let ((prop-face (get-text-property 0 'face icon))) (if prop-face `(:inherit ,prop-face :inherit ,face) `(:inherit ,face))))) (when (and icon title (not (string-equal icon "")) (not (string-equal title ""))) (propertize " " 'face 'variable-pitch)) (when title (propertize title 'face face))) :help-echo help :action action :button-face 'dashboard-items-face :mouse-face 'highlight :button-prefix prefix :button-suffix suffix :format "%[%t%]") (insert " "))) (let* ((width (current-column))) (beginning-of-line) (dashboard-center-line (make-string width ?\s)) (end-of-line)) (insert "\n")) (insert "\n"))) (defmacro dashboard-insert-section (section-name list list-size shortcut-id shortcut-char action &rest widget-params) "Add a section with SECTION-NAME and LIST of LIST-SIZE items to the dashboard. SHORTCUT-CHAR is the keyboard shortcut used to access the section. ACTION is theaction taken when the user activates the widget button. WIDGET-PARAMS are passed to the \"widget-create\" function." `(progn (dashboard-insert-heading ,section-name (if (and ,list ,shortcut-char dashboard-show-shortcuts) ,shortcut-char)) (if ,list (when (and (dashboard-insert-section-list ,section-name (dashboard-subseq ,list ,list-size) ,action ,@widget-params) ,shortcut-id ,shortcut-char) (dashboard-insert-shortcut ,shortcut-id ,shortcut-char ,section-name)) (insert (propertize "\n --- No items ---" 'face 'dashboard-no-items-face))))) ;; ;; Section list ;; (defmacro dashboard-insert-section-list (section-name list action &rest rest) "Insert into SECTION-NAME a LIST of items, expanding ACTION and passing REST to widget creation." `(when (car ,list) (mapc (lambda (el) (let ((tag ,@rest)) (insert "\n ") (when (and (display-graphic-p) dashboard-set-file-icons (or (fboundp 'all-the-icons-icon-for-dir) (require 'all-the-icons nil 'noerror))) (let* ((path (car (last (split-string ,@rest " - ")))) (icon (if (and (not (file-remote-p path)) (file-directory-p path)) (all-the-icons-icon-for-dir path nil "") (cond ((or (string-equal ,section-name "Agenda for today:") (string-equal ,section-name "Agenda for the coming week:")) (all-the-icons-octicon "primitive-dot" :height 1.0 :v-adjust 0.01)) ((file-remote-p path) (all-the-icons-octicon "radio-tower" :height 1.0 :v-adjust 0.01)) (t (all-the-icons-icon-for-file (file-name-nondirectory path) :v-adjust -0.05)))))) (setq tag (concat icon " " ,@rest)))) (widget-create 'item :tag tag :action ,action :button-face 'dashboard-items-face :mouse-face 'highlight :button-prefix "" :button-suffix "" :format "%[%t%]"))) ,list))) ;; Footer (defun dashboard-random-footer () "Return a random footer from `dashboard-footer-messages'." (nth (random (length dashboard-footer-messages)) dashboard-footer-messages)) (defun dashboard-insert-footer () "Insert footer of dashboard." (when-let ((footer (and dashboard-set-footer (dashboard-random-footer)))) (insert "\n") (dashboard-center-line footer) (insert dashboard-footer-icon) (insert " ") (insert (propertize footer 'face 'dashboard-footer)) (insert "\n"))) ;; ;; Truncate ;; (defcustom dashboard-shorten-by-window-width nil "Shorten path by window edges." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-shorten-path-offset 0 "Shorten path offset on the edges." :type 'integer :group 'dashboard) (defun dashboard-f-filename (path) "Return file name from PATH." (file-name-nondirectory path)) (defun dashboard-f-base (path) "Return directory name from PATH." (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name (file-name-directory path)))) (defun dashboard-shorten-path-beginning (path) "Shorten PATH from beginning if exceeding maximum length." (let* ((len-path (length path)) (len-rep (length dashboard-path-shorten-string)) (len-total (- dashboard-path-max-length len-rep)) front) (if (<= len-path dashboard-path-max-length) path (setq front (ignore-errors (substring path (- len-path len-total) len-path))) (if front (concat dashboard-path-shorten-string front) "")))) (defun dashboard-shorten-path-middle (path) "Shorten PATH from middle if exceeding maximum length." (let* ((len-path (length path)) (len-rep (length dashboard-path-shorten-string)) (len-total (- dashboard-path-max-length len-rep)) (center (/ len-total 2)) (end-back center) (start-front (- len-path center)) back front) (if (<= len-path dashboard-path-max-length) path (setq back (substring path 0 end-back) front (ignore-errors (substring path start-front len-path))) (if front (concat back dashboard-path-shorten-string front) "")))) (defun dashboard-shorten-path-end (path) "Shorten PATH from end if exceeding maximum length." (let* ((len-path (length path)) (len-rep (length dashboard-path-shorten-string)) (len-total (- dashboard-path-max-length len-rep)) back) (if (<= len-path dashboard-path-max-length) path (setq back (ignore-errors (substring path 0 len-total))) (if (and back (< 0 dashboard-path-max-length)) (concat back dashboard-path-shorten-string) "")))) (defun dashboard--get-base-length (path type) "Return the length of the base from the PATH by TYPE." (let* ((is-dir (file-directory-p path)) (base (if is-dir (dashboard-f-base path) (dashboard-f-filename path))) (option (cl-case type (recents 'dashboard-recentf-show-base) (bookmarks 'dashboard-bookmarks-show-base) (projects 'dashboard-projects-show-base))) (option-val (symbol-value option)) base-len) (cl-case option-val (`align (setq base-len (dashboard--align-length-by-type type))) (`nil (setq base-len 0)) (t (setq base-len (length base)))) base-len)) (defun dashboard-shorten-path (path type) "Shorten the PATH by TYPE." (setq path (abbreviate-file-name path)) (let ((dashboard-path-max-length (if (and dashboard-path-style dashboard-shorten-by-window-width) (- (window-width) (dashboard--get-base-length path type) dashboard-shorten-path-offset) dashboard-path-max-length))) (cl-case dashboard-path-style (truncate-beginning (dashboard-shorten-path-beginning path)) (truncate-middle (dashboard-shorten-path-middle path)) (truncate-end (dashboard-shorten-path-end path)) (t path)))) (defun dashboard-shorten-paths (paths alist type) "Shorten all path from PATHS by TYPE and store it to ALIST." (let (lst-display abbrev (index 0)) (setf (symbol-value alist) nil) ; reset (dolist (item paths) (setq abbrev (dashboard-shorten-path item type) ;; Add salt here, and use for extraction. ;; See function `dashboard-extract-key-path-alist'. abbrev (format "%s|%s" index abbrev)) ;; store `abbrev' as id; and `item' with value (push (cons abbrev item) (symbol-value alist)) (push abbrev lst-display) (cl-incf index)) (reverse lst-display))) (defun dashboard-extract-key-path-alist (key alist) "Remove salt from KEY, and return true shorten path from ALIST." (let* ((key (car (assoc key alist))) (split (split-string key "|"))) (nth 1 split))) (defun dashboard-expand-path-alist (key alist) "Get the full path (un-shorten) using KEY from ALIST." (cdr (assoc key alist))) (defun dashboard--generate-align-format (fmt len) "Return FMT after inserting align LEN." (let ((pos (1+ (string-match-p "%s" fmt)))) (concat (substring fmt 0 pos) (concat "-" (number-to-string len)) (substring fmt pos (length fmt))))) (defun dashboard--align-length-by-type (type) "Return the align length by TYPE of the section." (let ((len-item (cdr (assoc type dashboard-items))) (count 0) (align-length -1) len-list base) (cl-case type (`recents (require 'recentf) (setq len-list (length recentf-list)) (while (and (< count len-item) (< count len-list)) (setq base (nth count recentf-list) align-length (max align-length (length (dashboard-f-filename base)))) (cl-incf count))) (`bookmarks (let ((bookmarks-lst (bookmark-all-names))) (setq len-list (length bookmarks-lst)) (while (and (< count len-item) (< count len-list)) (setq base (nth count bookmarks-lst) align-length (max align-length (length base))) (cl-incf count)))) (`projects (let ((projects-lst (dashboard-projects-backend-load-projects))) (setq len-list (length projects-lst)) (while (and (< count len-item) (< count len-list)) (setq base (nth count projects-lst) align-length (max align-length (length (dashboard-f-base base)))) (cl-incf count)))) (t (error "Unknown type for align length: %s" type))) align-length)) ;; ;; Recentf ;; (defcustom dashboard-recentf-show-base nil "Show the base file name infront of it's path." :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't show the base infront" nil) (const :tag "Respect format" t) (const :tag "Align the from base" align)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-recentf-item-format "%s %s" "Format to use when showing the base of the file name." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defvar dashboard-recentf-alist nil "Alist records shorten's recent files and it's full paths.") (defvar dashboard--recentf-cache-item-format nil "Cache to record the new generated align format.") (defun dashboard-insert-recents (list-size) "Add the list of LIST-SIZE items from recently edited files." (setq dashboard--recentf-cache-item-format nil) (dashboard-mute-apply (recentf-mode 1) (recentf-cleanup)) (dashboard-insert-section "Recent Files:" (dashboard-shorten-paths recentf-list 'dashboard-recentf-alist 'recents) list-size 'recents (dashboard-get-shortcut 'recents) `(lambda (&rest _) (find-file-existing (dashboard-expand-path-alist ,el dashboard-recentf-alist))) (let* ((file (dashboard-expand-path-alist el dashboard-recentf-alist)) (filename (dashboard-f-filename file)) (path (dashboard-extract-key-path-alist el dashboard-recentf-alist))) (cl-case dashboard-recentf-show-base (`align (unless dashboard--recentf-cache-item-format (let* ((len-align (dashboard--align-length-by-type 'recents)) (new-fmt (dashboard--generate-align-format dashboard-recentf-item-format len-align))) (setq dashboard--recentf-cache-item-format new-fmt))) (format dashboard--recentf-cache-item-format filename path)) (`nil path) (t (format dashboard-recentf-item-format filename path)))))) ;; ;; Bookmarks ;; (defcustom dashboard-bookmarks-show-base t "Show the base file name infront of it's path." :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't show the base infront" nil) (const :tag "Respect format" t) (const :tag "Align the from base" align)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-bookmarks-item-format "%s - %s" "Format to use when showing the base of the file name." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defvar dashboard--bookmarks-cache-item-format nil "Cache to record the new generated align format.") (defun dashboard-insert-bookmarks (list-size) "Add the list of LIST-SIZE items of bookmarks." (require 'bookmark) (dashboard-insert-section "Bookmarks:" (dashboard-subseq (bookmark-all-names) list-size) list-size 'bookmarks (dashboard-get-shortcut 'bookmarks) `(lambda (&rest _) (bookmark-jump ,el)) (if-let* ((filename el) (path (bookmark-get-filename el)) (path-shorten (dashboard-shorten-path path 'bookmarks))) (cl-case dashboard-bookmarks-show-base (`align (unless dashboard--bookmarks-cache-item-format (let* ((len-align (dashboard--align-length-by-type 'bookmarks)) (new-fmt (dashboard--generate-align-format dashboard-bookmarks-item-format len-align))) (setq dashboard--bookmarks-cache-item-format new-fmt))) (format dashboard--bookmarks-cache-item-format filename path-shorten)) (`nil path-shorten) (t (format dashboard-bookmarks-item-format filename path-shorten))) el))) ;; ;; Projects ;; (defcustom dashboard-projects-switch-function nil "Custom function to switch to projects from dashboard. If non-NIL, should be bound to a function with one argument. The function will be called with the root directory of the project to switch to." :type '(choice (const :tag "Default" nil) function) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-projects-show-base nil "Show the project name infront of it's path." :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't show the base infront" nil) (const :tag "Respect format" t) (const :tag "Align the from base" align)) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-projects-item-format "%s %s" "Format to use when showing the base of the project name." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defvar dashboard-projects-alist nil "Alist records the shorten's project paths and it's full paths.") (defvar dashboard--projects-cache-item-format nil "Cache to record the new generated align format.") (defun dashboard-insert-projects (list-size) "Add the list of LIST-SIZE items of projects." (setq dashboard--projects-cache-item-format nil) (dashboard-insert-section "Projects:" (dashboard-shorten-paths (dashboard-subseq (dashboard-projects-backend-load-projects) list-size) 'dashboard-projects-alist 'projects) list-size 'projects (dashboard-get-shortcut 'projects) `(lambda (&rest _) (funcall (dashboard-projects-backend-switch-function) (dashboard-expand-path-alist ,el dashboard-projects-alist))) (let* ((file (dashboard-expand-path-alist el dashboard-projects-alist)) (filename (dashboard-f-base file)) (path (dashboard-extract-key-path-alist el dashboard-projects-alist))) (cl-case dashboard-projects-show-base (`align (unless dashboard--projects-cache-item-format (let* ((len-align (dashboard--align-length-by-type 'projects)) (new-fmt (dashboard--generate-align-format dashboard-projects-item-format len-align))) (setq dashboard--projects-cache-item-format new-fmt))) (format dashboard--projects-cache-item-format filename path)) (`nil path) (t (format dashboard-projects-item-format filename path)))))) (defun dashboard-projects-backend-load-projects () "Depending on `dashboard-projects-backend' load corresponding backend. Return function that returns a list of projects." (cl-case dashboard-projects-backend (`projectile (require 'projectile) (dashboard-mute-apply (projectile-cleanup-known-projects)) (projectile-load-known-projects)) (`project-el (require 'project) (dashboard-mute-apply (dashboard-funcall-fboundp #'project-forget-zombie-projects)) (project-known-project-roots)) (t (display-warning '(dashboard) "Invalid value for `dashboard-projects-backend'" :error)))) (defun dashboard-projects-backend-switch-function () "Return the function to switch to a project. Custom variable `dashboard-projects-switch-function' variable takes preference over custom backends." (or dashboard-projects-switch-function (cl-case dashboard-projects-backend (`projectile 'projectile-switch-project-by-name) (`project-el (lambda (project) "This function is used to switch to `PROJECT'." (let ((default-directory project)) (project-find-file)))) (t (display-warning '(dashboard) "Invalid value for `dashboard-projects-backend'" :error))))) ;; ;; Org Agenda ;; (defcustom dashboard-week-agenda t "Show agenda weekly if its not nil." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-agenda-time-string-format "%Y-%m-%d" "Format time of agenda entries." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-match-agenda-entry nil "Match agenda to extra filter. It is the MATCH attribute for `org-map-entries'" :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-agenda-release-buffers nil "If not nil use `org-release-buffers' after getting the entries." :type 'boolean :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-filter-agenda-entry 'dashboard-filter-agenda-by-time "Function to filter `org-agenda' entries." :type '(choice (const :tag "No filter" dashboard-no-filter-agenda) (const :tag "Filter by time" dashboard-filter-agenda-by-time) (const :tag "Filter by todo" dashboard-filter-agenda-by-todo) (function :tag "Custom function")) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-agenda-sort-strategy nil "A list of strategies to sort the agenda. If nil agenda is not sorted." :type '(repeat (choice (const time-up) (const time-down) (const todo-state-up) (const todo-state-down))) :group 'dashboard) (defcustom dashboard-agenda-prefix-format " %i %-12:c %s " "Format for each entry in the agenda. When the dashboard-agenda is created this format is inserted into `org-agenda-prefix-format' as `dashboard-agenda' and compiled with `org-compile-prefix-format' previous calling `dashboard-agenda-entry-format' for each agenda entry." :type 'string :group 'dashboard) (defun dashboard-agenda-entry-format () "Format agenda entry to show it on dashboard." (let* ((scheduled-time (org-get-scheduled-time (point))) (deadline-time (org-get-deadline-time (point))) (entry-timestamp (dashboard-agenda--entry-timestamp (point))) (entry-time (or scheduled-time deadline-time entry-timestamp)) (item (org-agenda-format-item (dashboard-agenda--formatted-time) (dashboard-agenda--formatted-headline) (org-outline-level) (org-get-category) (org-get-tags))) (todo-state (org-get-todo-state)) (todo-index (and todo-state (length (member todo-state org-todo-keywords-1)))) (entry-data (list 'dashboard-agenda-time entry-time 'dashboard-agenda-todo-index todo-index 'dashboard-agenda-file (buffer-file-name) 'dashboard-agenda-loc (point)))) (add-text-properties 0 (length item) entry-data item) item)) (defun dashboard-agenda--entry-timestamp (point) "Get the timestamp from an entry at POINT." (when-let ((timestamp (org-entry-get point "TIMESTAMP"))) (org-time-string-to-time timestamp))) (defun dashboard-agenda--formatted-headline () "Set agenda faces to `HEADLINE' when face text property is nil." (let* ((headline (org-get-heading t t t t)) (todo (or (org-get-todo-state) "")) (org-level-face (nth (- (org-outline-level) 1) org-level-faces)) (todo-state (format org-agenda-todo-keyword-format todo))) (when (null (get-text-property 0 'face headline)) (add-face-text-property 0 (length headline) org-level-face t headline)) (when (null (get-text-property 0 'face todo-state)) (add-face-text-property 0 (length todo-state) (org-get-todo-face todo) t todo-state)) (concat todo-state " " headline))) (defun dashboard-agenda--formatted-time () "Get the scheduled or dead time of an entry. If no time is found return nil." (when-let ((time (or (org-get-scheduled-time (point)) (org-get-deadline-time (point)) (dashboard-agenda--entry-timestamp (point))))) (format-time-string dashboard-agenda-time-string-format time))) (defun dashboard-due-date-for-agenda () "Return due-date for agenda period." (if dashboard-week-agenda (time-add (current-time) (* 86400 8)) (time-add (current-time) 86400))) (defun dashboard-filter-agenda-by-time () "Include entry if it has a scheduled-time or deadline-time in the future. An entry is included if this function returns nil and excluded if returns a point." (let ((scheduled-time (org-get-scheduled-time (point))) (deadline-time (org-get-deadline-time (point))) (entry-timestamp (dashboard-agenda--entry-timestamp (point))) (due-date (dashboard-due-date-for-agenda))) (unless (and (not (org-entry-is-done-p)) (not (org-in-archived-heading-p)) (or (and scheduled-time (org-time-less-p scheduled-time due-date)) (and deadline-time (org-time-less-p deadline-time due-date)) (and entry-timestamp (org-time-less-p entry-timestamp due-date)))) (point)))) (defun dashboard-filter-agenda-by-todo () "Include entry if it is todo and not done. An entry is included if this function returns nil and excluded if returns a point." (unless (and (org-entry-is-todo-p) (not (org-entry-is-done-p)) (not (org-in-archived-heading-p))) (point))) (defun dashboard-no-filter-agenda () "No filter agenda entries." (when (org-entry-is-done-p) (point))) (defun dashboard-get-agenda () "Get agenda items for today or for a week from now." (if-let ((prefix-format (assoc 'dashboard-agenda org-agenda-prefix-format))) (setcdr prefix-format dashboard-agenda-prefix-format) (push (cons 'dashboard-agenda dashboard-agenda-prefix-format) org-agenda-prefix-format)) (org-compile-prefix-format 'dashboard-agenda) (prog1 (org-map-entries 'dashboard-agenda-entry-format dashboard-match-agenda-entry 'agenda dashboard-filter-agenda-entry) (dashboard-agenda--release-buffers))) (defun dashboard-agenda--release-buffers () "Release agenda buffers buffers. This is what `org-agenda-exit' do." (when dashboard-agenda-release-buffers (org-release-buffers org-agenda-new-buffers) (setq org-agenda-new-buffers nil))) (defun dashboard-agenda--sorted-agenda () "Return agenda sorted by time. For now, it only works when dashboard-agenda has been filter by time and dashboard-agenda-sort is not nil." (let ((agenda (dashboard-get-agenda)) (sort-function (dashboard-agenda--sort-function))) (sort agenda sort-function))) (defun dashboard-agenda--sort-function () "Get the function use to sorted the agenda. Depending on the list `dashboard-agenda-sorting-strategy' use this strategies to build a predicate to compare each enty. This is similar as `org-entries-lessp' but with a different aproach." (dashboard-agenda--build-sort-function dashboard-agenda-sort-strategy)) (defun dashboard-agenda--build-sort-function (strategies) "Build a predicate to sort the dashboard agenda. If `STRATEGIES' is nil then sort using the nil predicate. Look for the strategy predicate, the attributes of the entry and compare entries. If no predicate is found for the strategy it uses nil predicate." (if (null strategies) (lambda (_dont _care) nil) (let ((predicate (dashboard-agenda--build-sort-function-predicate (car strategies))) (attribute (dashboard-agenda--build-sort-function-attribute (car strategies)))) (if (null predicate) (lambda (_dont _care) nil) (lambda (entry1 entry2) (dashboard-agenda--compare-entries entry1 entry2 (cdr strategies) predicate attribute)))))) (defun dashboard-agenda--build-sort-function-predicate (strategy) "Return the predicate to compare two entryes depending on the `STRATEGY'." (cl-case strategy (`time-up 'org-time-less-p) (`time-down (lambda (a b) (org-time-less-p b a))) (`todo-state-up '>) (`todo-state-down '<))) (defun dashboard-agenda--build-sort-function-attribute (strategy) "Return the argument to compare two entries depending to the `STRATEGY'." (cond ((memq strategy '(time-up time-down)) 'dashboard-agenda-time) ((memq strategy '(todo-state-up todo-state-down)) 'dashboard-agenda-todo-index) (t nil))) (defun dashboard-agenda--compare-entries (entry1 entry2 strategies predicate attribute) "Compare `ENTRY1' and `ENTRY2' by `ATTRIBUTE' using `PREDICATE'. If both attributes are nil or equals the next strategy in `STRATEGIES' is used to compare." (let ((arg1 (get-text-property 0 attribute entry1)) (arg2 (get-text-property 0 attribute entry2))) (cond ((or (and (null arg1) (null arg2)) (equal arg1 arg2)) (apply (dashboard-agenda--build-sort-function strategies) (list entry1 entry2))) ((null arg1) nil) ((null arg2) t) (t (apply predicate (list arg1 arg2)))))) (defun dashboard-insert-agenda (list-size) "Add the list of LIST-SIZE items of agenda." (require 'org-agenda) (dashboard-insert-section (if dashboard-week-agenda "Agenda for the coming week:" "Agenda for today:") (dashboard-agenda--sorted-agenda) list-size 'agenda (dashboard-get-shortcut 'agenda) `(lambda (&rest _) (let ((buffer (find-file-other-window (get-text-property 0 'dashboard-agenda-file ,el)))) (with-current-buffer buffer (goto-char (get-text-property 0 'dashboard-agenda-loc ,el)) (switch-to-buffer buffer)))) (format "%s" el))) ;; ;; Registers ;; (defun dashboard-insert-registers (list-size) "Add the list of LIST-SIZE items of registers." (require 'register) (dashboard-insert-section "Registers:" register-alist list-size 'registers (dashboard-get-shortcut 'registers) (lambda (&rest _) (jump-to-register (car el))) (format "%c - %s" (car el) (register-describe-oneline (car el))))) (provide 'dashboard-widgets) ;;; dashboard-widgets.el ends here