;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; orgmode capture templates (setq org-capture-templates '( ("b" "Blog Post" entry (file+headline "~/org/blog_posts.org" "Drafts") (file "~/org/template_blog.org") ) ("g" "GAZ") ("gs" "Server") ("gsl" "[Audit] Log" entry (file+datetree "~/org/gaz/gaz_server_audit_log.org") "* %U %^g\n- %?" :prepend t :clock-in t ) ("gsu" "[Update] Log" entry (file+datetree "~/org/gaz/gaz_server_audit_log.org") "* %U %^g\n%?%[~/org/gaz/gaz_server_update_checklist_template.org]" :prepend t :clock-in t ) ("h" "Health") ("hm" "Mike") ("hml" "Log Entry" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} %^g\n%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hmw" "Week in review" entry (file+headline "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "To Do") "** WIP [#A] Week in review (ending %^{Ending}) \n%?" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" :prepend "t" ) ("hma" "Appointment Entry" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Appointment Notes") "* %^{AptTime} %^{Text} %^{pcp:threapy:dratiyeh:ryan:telehealth}g\n%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hmx" "Anxiety Entry" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} :panic:\n** Level (0-10/none-strong): %^{Level}\n** What brought on your feelings of anxiety or panic?\n%?\n** Anxiety and Panic Responses\n*** Physical Sensations\nlist the physical sensations you felt during your anxiety response\ne.g. dizziness, shortness of breath, blushing, sweating, muscle tension. Indicate three that frighten you the most.\n*** Thoughts and Images\nlist the thoughts you had when anticipating or experiencing your anxiety response\ne.g. 'im having a heart attack', 'im losign control', 'something terrible will happen'\n*** Behaviors and Actions\nlist the behaviors you exhibited or actions you took as a result of your anxiety response\n" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "f" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hmj" "mmj") ("hmjc" "mmj - sugar cube" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U Sugar Cube :mmj:\n :PROPERTIES:\n :THC: %^{THC}\n :CBD: %^{CBD}\n :Quantity: %^{Quantity}\n :END:" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "t" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hmjf" "mmj - flower" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_mike.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U Flower :mmj:\n :PROPERTIES:\n :THC: %^{THC}\n :CBD: %^{CBD}\n :Quantity: %^{Quantity}\n :END:" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "t" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hh" "Houdini") ("hhl" "Log Entry" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_houdini.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Text} %^g\n%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "t" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hhf" "Food" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_houdini.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Food} - %^{Amount} :food:%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "t" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hhm" "Medication" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_houdini.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Medication} :medication:%?" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "t" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("hhw" "Weight" entry (file+datetree "~/org/health/health_houdini.org" "Log") "* %^{Timestamp}U %^{Weight} lbs %?:weight:" :time-prompt "t" :immediate-finish "t" :jump-to-captured "t" :unnarrowed "t" ) ("p" "Photography") ("pt" "Theme (Film)" entry (file+headline "~/org/photography/film.org" "Themes - Active") (file "~/org/photography/template_theme.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("pi" "Theme (Instant Film)" entry (file+headline "~/org/photography/instant_film.org" "Themes - Active") (file "~/org/photography/template_instant_film_theme.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("r" "Recipe") ("rs" "Standard" plain (file "~/org/culinary/_recipes.org") (file "~/org/culinary/template_recipe.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("rb" "Budget Bytes" plain (file "~/org/culinary/_recipes.org") (file "~/org/culinary/template_budget_bytes.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ("t" "Trip" entry (file+headline "~/org/trips.org" "Planned") (file "~/org/template_trip.org") :empty-lines-before 1 ) ))