;;; org-alert.el --- Notify org deadlines via notify-send ;; Copyright (C) 2015 Stephen Pegoraro ;; Author: Stephen Pegoraro ;; Version: 0.2.0 ;; Package-Requires: ((org "9.0") (alert "1.2")) ;; Keywords: org, org-mode, notify, notifications, calendar ;; URL: https://github.com/spegoraro/org-alert ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This package provides functions to display system notifications for ;; any org-mode deadlines that are due in your agenda. To perform a ;; one-shot check call (org-alert-deadlines). To enable repeated ;; checking call (org-alert-enable) and to disable call ;; (org-alert-disable). You can set the checking interval by changing ;; the org-alert-interval variable to the number of seconds you'd ;; like. ;;; Code: (require 'cl-lib) (require 'alert) (require 'org-agenda) (defvar org-alert-interval 300 "Interval in seconds to recheck and display deadlines.") ;; TODO look for a property of the agenda entry as suggested in ;; https://github.com/spegoraro/org-alert/issues/20 (defvar org-alert-notify-cutoff 10 "Default time in minutes before a deadline a notification should be sent.") (defvar org-alert-notify-after-event-cutoff nil "Time in minutes after a deadline to stop sending notifications. If nil, never stop sending notifications.") (defvar org-alert-notification-title "*org*" "Title to be sent with notify-send.") (defvar org-alert-match-string "SCHEDULED>=\"\"+SCHEDULED<\"\"|DEADLINE>=\"\"+DEADLINE<\"\"" "property/todo/tags match string to be passed to `org-map-entries'.") (defvar org-alert-time-match-string "\\(?:SCHEDULED\\|DEADLINE\\):.*<.*\\([0-9]\\{2\\}:[0-9]\\{2\\}\\).*>" "regex to find times in an org subtree. The first capture group is used to extract the time") (defvar org-alert-cutoff-prop "REMINDERN" "org property used to set a custom cutoff for an individual entry") (defun org-alert--read-subtree () "Return the current subtree as a string. Adapted from `org-copy-subtree` from org-mode." (org-preserve-local-variables (let (beg end folded (beg0 (point))) (org-back-to-heading t) (setq beg (point)) (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\n") (save-match-data (save-excursion (outline-end-of-heading) (setq folded (org-invisible-p))) (ignore-errors (org-forward-heading-same-level (1- n) t)) (org-end-of-subtree t t)) ;; Include the end of an inlinetask (when (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask) (looking-at-p (concat (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp) "END[ \t]*$"))) (end-of-line)) (setq end (point)) (goto-char beg0) (when (> end beg) (setq org-subtree-clip-folded folded) (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))) ;; I think this is unnecessary now that we're using read-subtree ;; instead of copy-subtree (defun org-alert--strip-text-properties (text) "Strip all of the text properties from a copy of TEXT and return the stripped copy" (let ((text (substring text))) (set-text-properties 0 (length text) nil text) text)) (defun org-alert--grab-subtree () "Return the current org subtree as a string with the text-properties stripped, along with the cutoff to apply" (let* ((subtree (org-alert--read-subtree)) (props (org-entry-properties)) (prop (alist-get org-alert-cutoff-prop props org-alert-notify-cutoff nil #'string-equal)) (prop (if (stringp prop) (string-to-number prop) prop)) (text (org-alert--strip-text-properties subtree))) (list (apply #'concat (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (s) (string= s "")) (cdr (split-string text "\n")))) prop))) (defun org-alert--to-minute (hour minute) "Convert HOUR and MINUTE to minutes" (+ (* 60 hour) minute)) (defun org-alert--check-time (time cutoff &optional now) "Check if TIME is less than CUTOFF (in minutes) from NOW. If `org-alert-notify-after-event-cutoff` is set, also check that NOW is less than `org-alert-notify-after-event-cutoff` past TIME." (let* ((time (mapcar #'string-to-number (split-string time ":"))) (now (or now (decode-time (current-time)))) (now (org-alert--to-minute (decoded-time-hour now) (decoded-time-minute now))) (then (org-alert--to-minute (car time) (cadr time))) (time-until (- then now))) (if org-alert-notify-after-event-cutoff (and (<= time-until cutoff) ;; negative time-until past events (> time-until (- org-alert-notify-after-event-cutoff))) (<= time-until cutoff)))) (defun org-alert--parse-entry () "Parse an entry from the org agenda and return a list of the heading, the scheduled/deadline time, and the cutoff to apply" (let ((head (org-alert--strip-text-properties (org-get-heading t t t t)))) (cl-destructuring-bind (body cutoff) (org-alert--grab-subtree) (string-match org-alert-time-match-string body) (list head (match-string 1 body) cutoff)))) (defun org-alert--dispatch () (let ((entry (org-alert--parse-entry))) (cl-destructuring-bind (head time cutoff) entry (if time (when (org-alert--check-time time cutoff) (alert (concat time ": " head) :title org-alert-notification-title)) (alert head :title org-alert-notification-title))))) (defun org-alert-check () "Check for active, due deadlines and initiate notifications." (interactive) (org-map-entries 'org-alert--dispatch org-alert-match-string 'agenda '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'todo org-done-keywords-for-agenda)) t) (defun org-alert-enable () "Enable the notification timer. Cancels existing timer if running." (interactive) (org-alert-disable) (run-at-time 0 org-alert-interval 'org-alert-check)) (defun org-alert-disable () "Cancel the running notification timer." (interactive) (dolist (timer timer-list) (if (eq (elt timer 5) 'org-alert-check) (cancel-timer timer)))) (provide 'org-alert) ;;; org-alert.el ends here