;;; nerd-icons-data-octicon.el --- glyphset octicon -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Hongyu Ding ;; Author: Hongyu Ding ;; Keywords: lisp ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; octicon ;; from Nerd Font Version: 3.0.2 ;;; Code: (defvar nerd-icons/octicon-alist '( ("nf-oct-accessibility" . "\xf406") ("nf-oct-accessibility_inset" . "\xf40b") ("nf-oct-alert" . "\xf421") ("nf-oct-alert_fill" . "\xf40c") ("nf-oct-apps" . "\xf40e") ("nf-oct-archive" . "\xf411") ("nf-oct-arrow_both" . "\xf416") ("nf-oct-arrow_down" . "\xf433") ("nf-oct-arrow_down_left" . "\xf424") ("nf-oct-arrow_down_right" . "\xf43e") ("nf-oct-arrow_left" . "\xf434") ("nf-oct-arrow_right" . "\xf432") ("nf-oct-arrow_switch" . "\xf443") ("nf-oct-arrow_up" . "\xf431") ("nf-oct-arrow_up_left" . "\xf45c") ("nf-oct-arrow_up_right" . "\xf46c") ("nf-oct-beaker" . "\xf499") ("nf-oct-bell" . "\xf49a") ("nf-oct-bell_fill" . "\xf476") ("nf-oct-bell_slash" . "\xf478") ("nf-oct-blocked" . "\xf479") ("nf-oct-bold" . "\xf49d") ("nf-oct-book" . "\xf405") ("nf-oct-bookmark" . "\xf461") ("nf-oct-bookmark_fill" . "\xf47a") ("nf-oct-bookmark_slash" . "\xf533") ("nf-oct-bookmark_slash_fill" . "\xf493") ("nf-oct-briefcase" . "\xf491") ("nf-oct-broadcast" . "\xf43c") ("nf-oct-browser" . "\xf488") ("nf-oct-bug" . "\xf46f") ("nf-oct-cache" . "\xf49b") ("nf-oct-calendar" . "\xf455") ("nf-oct-check" . "\xf42e") ("nf-oct-check_circle" . "\xf49e") ("nf-oct-check_circle_fill" . "\xf4a4") ("nf-oct-checkbox" . "\xf4a7") ("nf-oct-checklist" . "\xf45e") ("nf-oct-chevron_down" . "\xf47c") ("nf-oct-chevron_left" . "\xf47d") ("nf-oct-chevron_right" . "\xf460") ("nf-oct-chevron_up" . "\xf47b") ("nf-oct-circle" . "\xf4aa") ("nf-oct-circle_slash" . "\xf468") ("nf-oct-clock" . "\xf43a") ("nf-oct-clock_fill" . "\xf4ab") ("nf-oct-cloud" . "\xf4ac") ("nf-oct-cloud_offline" . "\xf4ad") ("nf-oct-code" . "\xf44f") ("nf-oct-code_of_conduct" . "\xf4ae") ("nf-oct-code_review" . "\xf4af") ("nf-oct-code_square" . "\xf4b0") ("nf-oct-codescan" . "\xf4b1") ("nf-oct-codescan_checkmark" . "\xf4b2") ("nf-oct-codespaces" . "\xf4b3") ("nf-oct-columns" . "\xf4b4") ("nf-oct-command_palette" . "\xf4b5") ("nf-oct-comment" . "\xf41f") ("nf-oct-comment_discussion" . "\xf442") ("nf-oct-commit" . "\xf4b6") ("nf-oct-container" . "\xf4b7") ("nf-oct-copilot" . "\xf4b8") ("nf-oct-copilot_error" . "\xf4b9") ("nf-oct-copilot_warning" . "\xf4ba") ("nf-oct-copy" . "\xf4bb") ("nf-oct-cpu" . "\xf4bc") ("nf-oct-credit_card" . "\xf439") ("nf-oct-cross_reference" . "\xf4bd") ("nf-oct-dash" . "\xf48b") ("nf-oct-database" . "\xf472") ("nf-oct-dependabot" . "\xf4be") ("nf-oct-desktop_download" . "\xf498") ("nf-oct-device_camera" . "\xf446") ("nf-oct-device_camera_video" . "\xf447") ("nf-oct-device_desktop" . "\xf4a9") ("nf-oct-device_mobile" . "\xf42c") ("nf-oct-diamond" . "\xf4bf") ("nf-oct-diff" . "\xf440") ("nf-oct-diff_added" . "\xf457") ("nf-oct-diff_ignored" . "\xf474") ("nf-oct-diff_modified" . "\xf459") ("nf-oct-diff_removed" . "\xf458") ("nf-oct-diff_renamed" . "\xf45a") ("nf-oct-discussion_closed" . "\xf4c0") ("nf-oct-discussion_duplicate" . "\xf4c1") ("nf-oct-discussion_outdated" . "\xf4c2") ("nf-oct-dot" . "\xf4c3") ("nf-oct-dot_fill" . "\xf444") ("nf-oct-download" . "\xf409") ("nf-oct-duplicate" . "\xf4c4") ("nf-oct-ellipsis" . "\xf475") ("nf-oct-eye" . "\xf441") ("nf-oct-eye_closed" . "\xf4c5") ("nf-oct-feed_discussion" . "\xf4c6") ("nf-oct-feed_forked" . "\xf4c7") ("nf-oct-feed_heart" . "\xf4c8") ("nf-oct-feed_merged" . "\xf4c9") ("nf-oct-feed_person" . "\xf4ca") ("nf-oct-feed_repo" . "\xf4cb") ("nf-oct-feed_rocket" . "\xf4cc") ("nf-oct-feed_star" . "\xf4cd") ("nf-oct-feed_tag" . "\xf4ce") ("nf-oct-feed_trophy" . "\xf4cf") ("nf-oct-file" . "\xf4a5") ("nf-oct-file_added" . "\xf4d0") ("nf-oct-file_badge" . "\xf4d1") ("nf-oct-file_binary" . "\xf471") ("nf-oct-file_code" . "\xf40d") ("nf-oct-file_diff" . "\xf4d2") ("nf-oct-file_directory" . "\xf413") ("nf-oct-file_directory_fill" . "\xf4d3") ("nf-oct-file_directory_open_fill" . "\xf4d4") ("nf-oct-file_media" . "\xf40f") ("nf-oct-file_moved" . "\xf4d5") ("nf-oct-file_removed" . "\xf4d6") ("nf-oct-file_submodule" . "\xf414") ("nf-oct-file_symlink_directory" . "\xf482") ("nf-oct-file_symlink_file" . "\xf481") ("nf-oct-file_zip" . "\xf410") ("nf-oct-filter" . "\xf4d7") ("nf-oct-fiscal_host" . "\xf4d8") ("nf-oct-flame" . "\xf490") ("nf-oct-fold" . "\xf48c") ("nf-oct-fold_down" . "\xf4d9") ("nf-oct-fold_up" . "\xf4da") ("nf-oct-gear" . "\xf423") ("nf-oct-gift" . "\xf436") ("nf-oct-git_branch" . "\xf418") ("nf-oct-git_commit" . "\xf417") ("nf-oct-git_compare" . "\xf47f") ("nf-oct-git_merge" . "\xf419") ("nf-oct-git_merge_queue" . "\xf4db") ("nf-oct-git_pull_request" . "\xf407") ("nf-oct-git_pull_request_closed" . "\xf4dc") ("nf-oct-git_pull_request_draft" . "\xf4dd") ("nf-oct-globe" . "\xf484") ("nf-oct-goal" . "\xf4de") ("nf-oct-grabber" . "\xf4a6") ("nf-oct-graph" . "\xf437") ("nf-oct-hash" . "\xf4df") ("nf-oct-heading" . "\xf4e0") ("nf-oct-heart" . "\x2665") ("nf-oct-heart_fill" . "\xf4e1") ("nf-oct-history" . "\xf464") ("nf-oct-home" . "\xf46d") ("nf-oct-home_fill" . "\xf4e2") ("nf-oct-horizontal_rule" . "\xf45b") ("nf-oct-hourglass" . "\xf4e3") ("nf-oct-hubot" . "\xf477") ("nf-oct-id_badge" . "\xf4e4") ("nf-oct-image" . "\xf4e5") ("nf-oct-inbox" . "\xf48d") ("nf-oct-infinity" . "\xf4e6") ("nf-oct-info" . "\xf449") ("nf-oct-issue_closed" . "\xf41d") ("nf-oct-issue_draft" . "\xf4e7") ("nf-oct-issue_opened" . "\xf41b") ("nf-oct-issue_reopened" . "\xf41c") ("nf-oct-issue_tracked_by" . "\xf4e8") ("nf-oct-issue_tracks" . "\xf4e9") ("nf-oct-italic" . "\xf49f") ("nf-oct-iterations" . "\xf4ea") ("nf-oct-kebab_horizontal" . "\xf4eb") ("nf-oct-key" . "\xf43d") ("nf-oct-key_asterisk" . "\xf4ec") ("nf-oct-law" . "\xf495") ("nf-oct-light_bulb" . "\xf400") ("nf-oct-link" . "\xf44c") ("nf-oct-link_external" . "\xf465") ("nf-oct-list_ordered" . "\xf452") ("nf-oct-list_unordered" . "\xf451") ("nf-oct-location" . "\xf450") ("nf-oct-lock" . "\xf456") ("nf-oct-log" . "\xf4ed") ("nf-oct-logo_gist" . "\xf480") ("nf-oct-logo_github" . "\xf470") ("nf-oct-mail" . "\xf42f") ("nf-oct-mark_github" . "\xf408") ("nf-oct-markdown" . "\xf48a") ("nf-oct-megaphone" . "\xf45f") ("nf-oct-mention" . "\xf486") ("nf-oct-meter" . "\xf463") ("nf-oct-milestone" . "\xf45d") ("nf-oct-mirror" . "\xf41a") ("nf-oct-moon" . "\xf4ee") ("nf-oct-mortar_board" . "\xf494") ("nf-oct-move_to_bottom" . "\xf4ef") ("nf-oct-move_to_end" . "\xf4f0") ("nf-oct-move_to_start" . "\xf4f1") ("nf-oct-move_to_top" . "\xf4f2") ("nf-oct-multi_select" . "\xf4f3") ("nf-oct-mute" . "\xf466") ("nf-oct-no_entry" . "\xf4f4") ("nf-oct-north_star" . "\xf4f5") ("nf-oct-note" . "\xf4f6") ("nf-oct-number" . "\xf4f7") ("nf-oct-organization" . "\xf42b") ("nf-oct-package" . "\xf487") ("nf-oct-package_dependencies" . "\xf4f8") ("nf-oct-package_dependents" . "\xf4f9") ("nf-oct-paintbrush" . "\xf48f") ("nf-oct-paper_airplane" . "\xf4fa") ("nf-oct-paperclip" . "\xf4fb") ("nf-oct-passkey_fill" . "\xf4fc") ("nf-oct-paste" . "\xf429") ("nf-oct-pencil" . "\xf448") ("nf-oct-people" . "\xf4fd") ("nf-oct-person" . "\xf415") ("nf-oct-person_add" . "\xf4fe") ("nf-oct-person_fill" . "\xf4ff") ("nf-oct-pin" . "\xf435") ("nf-oct-play" . "\xf500") ("nf-oct-plug" . "\xf492") ("nf-oct-plus" . "\xf44d") ("nf-oct-plus_circle" . "\xf501") ("nf-oct-project" . "\xf502") ("nf-oct-project_roadmap" . "\xf503") ("nf-oct-project_symlink" . "\xf504") ("nf-oct-project_template" . "\xf505") ("nf-oct-pulse" . "\xf469") ("nf-oct-question" . "\xf420") ("nf-oct-quote" . "\xf453") ("nf-oct-read" . "\xf430") ("nf-oct-rel_file_path" . "\xf506") ("nf-oct-reply" . "\xf4a8") ("nf-oct-repo" . "\xf401") ("nf-oct-repo_clone" . "\xf43f") ("nf-oct-repo_deleted" . "\xf507") ("nf-oct-repo_forked" . "\xf402") ("nf-oct-repo_locked" . "\xf508") ("nf-oct-repo_pull" . "\xf404") ("nf-oct-repo_push" . "\xf403") ("nf-oct-repo_template" . "\xf509") ("nf-oct-report" . "\xf50a") ("nf-oct-rocket" . "\xf427") ("nf-oct-rows" . "\xf50b") ("nf-oct-rss" . "\xf428") ("nf-oct-ruby" . "\xf43b") ("nf-oct-screen_full" . "\xf50c") ("nf-oct-screen_normal" . "\xf50d") ("nf-oct-search" . "\xf422") ("nf-oct-server" . "\xf473") ("nf-oct-share" . "\xf50e") ("nf-oct-share_android" . "\xf50f") ("nf-oct-shield" . "\xf49c") ("nf-oct-shield_check" . "\xf510") ("nf-oct-shield_lock" . "\xf511") ("nf-oct-shield_slash" . "\xf512") ("nf-oct-shield_x" . "\xf513") ("nf-oct-sidebar_collapse" . "\xf514") ("nf-oct-sidebar_expand" . "\xf515") ("nf-oct-sign_in" . "\xf42a") ("nf-oct-sign_out" . "\xf426") ("nf-oct-single_select" . "\xf516") ("nf-oct-skip" . "\xf517") ("nf-oct-skip_fill" . "\xf518") ("nf-oct-sliders" . "\xf462") ("nf-oct-smiley" . "\xf4a2") ("nf-oct-sort_asc" . "\xf519") ("nf-oct-sort_desc" . "\xf51a") ("nf-oct-sparkle_fill" . "\xf51b") ("nf-oct-sponsor_tiers" . "\xf51c") ("nf-oct-square" . "\xf51d") ("nf-oct-square_fill" . "\xf445") ("nf-oct-squirrel" . "\xf483") ("nf-oct-stack" . "\xf51e") ("nf-oct-star" . "\xf41e") ("nf-oct-star_fill" . "\xf51f") ("nf-oct-stop" . "\xf46e") ("nf-oct-stopwatch" . "\xf520") ("nf-oct-strikethrough" . "\xf521") ("nf-oct-sun" . "\xf522") ("nf-oct-sync" . "\xf46a") ("nf-oct-tab" . "\xf523") ("nf-oct-tab_external" . "\xf524") ("nf-oct-table" . "\xf525") ("nf-oct-tag" . "\xf412") ("nf-oct-tasklist" . "\xf4a0") ("nf-oct-telescope" . "\xf46b") ("nf-oct-telescope_fill" . "\xf526") ("nf-oct-terminal" . "\xf489") ("nf-oct-three_bars" . "\xf44e") ("nf-oct-thumbsdown" . "\xf497") ("nf-oct-thumbsup" . "\xf496") ("nf-oct-tools" . "\xf425") ("nf-oct-trash" . "\xf48e") ("nf-oct-triangle_down" . "\xf44b") ("nf-oct-triangle_left" . "\xf438") ("nf-oct-triangle_right" . "\xf44a") ("nf-oct-triangle_up" . "\xf47e") ("nf-oct-trophy" . "\xf527") ("nf-oct-typography" . "\xf528") ("nf-oct-unfold" . "\xf42d") ("nf-oct-unlink" . "\xf529") ("nf-oct-unlock" . "\xf52a") ("nf-oct-unmute" . "\xf485") ("nf-oct-unread" . "\xf52b") ("nf-oct-unverified" . "\xf4a3") ("nf-oct-upload" . "\xf40a") ("nf-oct-verified" . "\xf4a1") ("nf-oct-versions" . "\xf454") ("nf-oct-video" . "\xf52c") ("nf-oct-webhook" . "\xf52d") ("nf-oct-workflow" . "\xf52e") ("nf-oct-x" . "\xf467") ("nf-oct-x_circle" . "\xf52f") ("nf-oct-x_circle_fill" . "\xf530") ("nf-oct-zap" . "\x26a1") ("nf-oct-zoom_in" . "\xf531") ("nf-oct-zoom_out" . "\xf532") )) (provide 'nerd-icons-data-octicon) ;;; nerd-icons-data-octicon.el ends here