;;; nerd-icons-data-codicon.el --- glyphset codicon -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Hongyu Ding ;; Author: Hongyu Ding ;; Keywords: lisp ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; codicon ;; from Nerd Font Version: 3.2.1 ;;; Code: (defvar nerd-icons/codicon-alist '( ("nf-cod-account" . "\xeb99") ("nf-cod-activate_breakpoints" . "\xea97") ("nf-cod-add" . "\xea60") ("nf-cod-archive" . "\xea98") ("nf-cod-arrow_both" . "\xea99") ("nf-cod-arrow_circle_down" . "\xebfc") ("nf-cod-arrow_circle_left" . "\xebfd") ("nf-cod-arrow_circle_right" . "\xebfe") ("nf-cod-arrow_circle_up" . "\xebff") ("nf-cod-arrow_down" . "\xea9a") ("nf-cod-arrow_left" . "\xea9b") ("nf-cod-arrow_right" . "\xea9c") ("nf-cod-arrow_small_down" . "\xea9d") ("nf-cod-arrow_small_left" . "\xea9e") ("nf-cod-arrow_small_right" . "\xea9f") ("nf-cod-arrow_small_up" . "\xeaa0") ("nf-cod-arrow_swap" . "\xebcb") ("nf-cod-arrow_up" . "\xeaa1") ("nf-cod-azure" . "\xebd8") ("nf-cod-azure_devops" . "\xebe8") ("nf-cod-beaker" . "\xea79") ("nf-cod-beaker_stop" . "\xebe1") ("nf-cod-bell" . "\xeaa2") ("nf-cod-bell_dot" . "\xeb9a") ("nf-cod-bell_slash" . "\xec08") ("nf-cod-bell_slash_dot" . "\xec09") ("nf-cod-blank" . "\xec03") ("nf-cod-bold" . "\xeaa3") ("nf-cod-book" . "\xeaa4") ("nf-cod-bookmark" . "\xeaa5") ("nf-cod-bracket_dot" . "\xebe5") ("nf-cod-bracket_error" . "\xebe6") ("nf-cod-briefcase" . "\xeaac") ("nf-cod-broadcast" . "\xeaad") ("nf-cod-browser" . "\xeaae") ("nf-cod-bug" . "\xeaaf") ("nf-cod-calendar" . "\xeab0") ("nf-cod-call_incoming" . "\xeb92") ("nf-cod-call_outgoing" . "\xeb93") ("nf-cod-case_sensitive" . "\xeab1") ("nf-cod-check" . "\xeab2") ("nf-cod-check_all" . "\xebb1") ("nf-cod-checklist" . "\xeab3") ("nf-cod-chevron_down" . "\xeab4") ("nf-cod-chevron_left" . "\xeab5") ("nf-cod-chevron_right" . "\xeab6") ("nf-cod-chevron_up" . "\xeab7") ("nf-cod-chip" . "\xec19") ("nf-cod-chrome_close" . "\xeab8") ("nf-cod-chrome_maximize" . "\xeab9") ("nf-cod-chrome_minimize" . "\xeaba") ("nf-cod-chrome_restore" . "\xeabb") ("nf-cod-circle" . "\xeabc") ("nf-cod-circle_filled" . "\xea71") ("nf-cod-circle_large" . "\xebb5") ("nf-cod-circle_large_filled" . "\xebb4") ("nf-cod-circle_slash" . "\xeabd") ("nf-cod-circle_small" . "\xec07") ("nf-cod-circle_small_filled" . "\xeb8a") ("nf-cod-circuit_board" . "\xeabe") ("nf-cod-clear_all" . "\xeabf") ("nf-cod-clippy" . "\xeac0") ("nf-cod-close" . "\xea76") ("nf-cod-close_all" . "\xeac1") ("nf-cod-cloud" . "\xebaa") ("nf-cod-cloud_download" . "\xeac2") ("nf-cod-cloud_upload" . "\xeac3") ("nf-cod-code" . "\xeac4") ("nf-cod-coffee" . "\xec15") ("nf-cod-collapse_all" . "\xeac5") ("nf-cod-color_mode" . "\xeac6") ("nf-cod-combine" . "\xebb6") ("nf-cod-comment" . "\xea6b") ("nf-cod-comment_discussion" . "\xeac7") ("nf-cod-comment_draft" . "\xec0e") ("nf-cod-comment_unresolved" . "\xec0a") ("nf-cod-compass" . "\xebd5") ("nf-cod-compass_active" . "\xebd7") ("nf-cod-compass_dot" . "\xebd6") ("nf-cod-copilot" . "\xec1e") ("nf-cod-copy" . "\xebcc") ("nf-cod-credit_card" . "\xeac9") ("nf-cod-dash" . "\xeacc") ("nf-cod-dashboard" . "\xeacd") ("nf-cod-database" . "\xeace") ("nf-cod-debug" . "\xead8") ("nf-cod-debug_all" . "\xebdc") ("nf-cod-debug_alt" . "\xeb91") ("nf-cod-debug_alt_small" . "\xeba8") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_conditional" . "\xeaa7") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_conditional_unverified" . "\xeaa6") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_data" . "\xeaa9") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_data_unverified" . "\xeaa8") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_function" . "\xeb88") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_function_unverified" . "\xeb87") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_log" . "\xeaab") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_log_unverified" . "\xeaaa") ("nf-cod-debug_breakpoint_unsupported" . "\xeb8c") ("nf-cod-debug_console" . "\xeb9b") ("nf-cod-debug_continue" . "\xeacf") ("nf-cod-debug_continue_small" . "\xebe0") ("nf-cod-debug_coverage" . "\xebdd") ("nf-cod-debug_disconnect" . "\xead0") ("nf-cod-debug_line_by_line" . "\xebd0") ("nf-cod-debug_pause" . "\xead1") ("nf-cod-debug_rerun" . "\xebc0") ("nf-cod-debug_restart" . "\xead2") ("nf-cod-debug_restart_frame" . "\xeb90") ("nf-cod-debug_reverse_continue" . "\xeb8e") ("nf-cod-debug_stackframe" . "\xeb8b") ("nf-cod-debug_stackframe_active" . "\xeb89") ("nf-cod-debug_start" . "\xead3") ("nf-cod-debug_step_back" . "\xeb8f") ("nf-cod-debug_step_into" . "\xead4") ("nf-cod-debug_step_out" . "\xead5") ("nf-cod-debug_step_over" . "\xead6") ("nf-cod-debug_stop" . "\xead7") ("nf-cod-desktop_download" . "\xea78") ("nf-cod-device_camera" . "\xeada") ("nf-cod-device_camera_video" . "\xead9") ("nf-cod-device_mobile" . "\xeadb") ("nf-cod-diff" . "\xeae1") ("nf-cod-diff_added" . "\xeadc") ("nf-cod-diff_ignored" . "\xeadd") ("nf-cod-diff_modified" . "\xeade") ("nf-cod-diff_removed" . "\xeadf") ("nf-cod-diff_renamed" . "\xeae0") ("nf-cod-discard" . "\xeae2") ("nf-cod-edit" . "\xea73") ("nf-cod-editor_layout" . "\xeae3") ("nf-cod-ellipsis" . "\xea7c") ("nf-cod-empty_window" . "\xeae4") ("nf-cod-error" . "\xea87") ("nf-cod-error_small" . "\xebfb") ("nf-cod-exclude" . "\xeae5") ("nf-cod-expand_all" . "\xeb95") ("nf-cod-export" . "\xebac") ("nf-cod-extensions" . "\xeae6") ("nf-cod-eye" . "\xea70") ("nf-cod-eye_closed" . "\xeae7") ("nf-cod-feedback" . "\xeb96") ("nf-cod-file" . "\xea7b") ("nf-cod-file_binary" . "\xeae8") ("nf-cod-file_code" . "\xeae9") ("nf-cod-file_media" . "\xeaea") ("nf-cod-file_pdf" . "\xeaeb") ("nf-cod-file_submodule" . "\xeaec") ("nf-cod-file_symlink_directory" . "\xeaed") ("nf-cod-file_symlink_file" . "\xeaee") ("nf-cod-file_zip" . "\xeaef") ("nf-cod-files" . "\xeaf0") ("nf-cod-filter" . "\xeaf1") ("nf-cod-filter_filled" . "\xebce") ("nf-cod-flame" . "\xeaf2") ("nf-cod-fold" . "\xeaf5") ("nf-cod-fold_down" . "\xeaf3") ("nf-cod-fold_up" . "\xeaf4") ("nf-cod-folder" . "\xea83") ("nf-cod-folder_active" . "\xeaf6") ("nf-cod-folder_library" . "\xebdf") ("nf-cod-folder_opened" . "\xeaf7") ("nf-cod-game" . "\xec17") ("nf-cod-gear" . "\xeaf8") ("nf-cod-gift" . "\xeaf9") ("nf-cod-gist_secret" . "\xeafa") ("nf-cod-git_commit" . "\xeafc") ("nf-cod-git_compare" . "\xeafd") ("nf-cod-git_fetch" . "\xec1d") ("nf-cod-git_merge" . "\xeafe") ("nf-cod-git_pull_request" . "\xea64") ("nf-cod-git_pull_request_closed" . "\xebda") ("nf-cod-git_pull_request_create" . "\xebbc") ("nf-cod-git_pull_request_draft" . "\xebdb") ("nf-cod-git_pull_request_go_to_changes" . "\xec0b") ("nf-cod-git_pull_request_new_changes" . "\xec0c") ("nf-cod-github" . "\xea84") ("nf-cod-github_action" . "\xeaff") ("nf-cod-github_alt" . "\xeb00") ("nf-cod-github_inverted" . "\xeba1") ("nf-cod-globe" . "\xeb01") ("nf-cod-go_to_file" . "\xea94") ("nf-cod-grabber" . "\xeb02") ("nf-cod-graph" . "\xeb03") ("nf-cod-graph_left" . "\xebad") ("nf-cod-graph_line" . "\xebe2") ("nf-cod-graph_scatter" . "\xebe3") ("nf-cod-gripper" . "\xeb04") ("nf-cod-group_by_ref_type" . "\xeb97") ("nf-cod-heart" . "\xeb05") ("nf-cod-heart_filled" . "\xec04") ("nf-cod-history" . "\xea82") ("nf-cod-home" . "\xeb06") ("nf-cod-horizontal_rule" . "\xeb07") ("nf-cod-hubot" . "\xeb08") ("nf-cod-inbox" . "\xeb09") ("nf-cod-indent" . "\xebf9") ("nf-cod-info" . "\xea74") ("nf-cod-insert" . "\xec11") ("nf-cod-inspect" . "\xebd1") ("nf-cod-issue_draft" . "\xebd9") ("nf-cod-issue_reopened" . "\xeb0b") ("nf-cod-issues" . "\xeb0c") ("nf-cod-italic" . "\xeb0d") ("nf-cod-jersey" . "\xeb0e") ("nf-cod-json" . "\xeb0f") ("nf-cod-kebab_vertical" . "\xeb10") ("nf-cod-key" . "\xeb11") ("nf-cod-law" . "\xeb12") ("nf-cod-layers" . "\xebd2") ("nf-cod-layers_active" . "\xebd4") ("nf-cod-layers_dot" . "\xebd3") ("nf-cod-layout" . "\xebeb") ("nf-cod-layout_activitybar_left" . "\xebec") ("nf-cod-layout_activitybar_right" . "\xebed") ("nf-cod-layout_centered" . "\xebf7") ("nf-cod-layout_menubar" . "\xebf6") ("nf-cod-layout_panel" . "\xebf2") ("nf-cod-layout_panel_center" . "\xebef") ("nf-cod-layout_panel_justify" . "\xebf0") ("nf-cod-layout_panel_left" . "\xebee") ("nf-cod-layout_panel_off" . "\xec01") ("nf-cod-layout_panel_right" . "\xebf1") ("nf-cod-layout_sidebar_left" . "\xebf3") ("nf-cod-layout_sidebar_left_off" . "\xec02") ("nf-cod-layout_sidebar_right" . "\xebf4") ("nf-cod-layout_sidebar_right_off" . "\xec00") ("nf-cod-layout_statusbar" . "\xebf5") ("nf-cod-library" . "\xeb9c") ("nf-cod-lightbulb" . "\xea61") ("nf-cod-lightbulb_autofix" . "\xeb13") ("nf-cod-link" . "\xeb15") ("nf-cod-link_external" . "\xeb14") ("nf-cod-list_filter" . "\xeb83") ("nf-cod-list_flat" . "\xeb84") ("nf-cod-list_ordered" . "\xeb16") ("nf-cod-list_selection" . "\xeb85") ("nf-cod-list_tree" . "\xeb86") ("nf-cod-list_unordered" . "\xeb17") ("nf-cod-live_share" . "\xeb18") ("nf-cod-loading" . "\xeb19") ("nf-cod-location" . "\xeb1a") ("nf-cod-lock" . "\xea75") ("nf-cod-lock_small" . "\xebe7") ("nf-cod-magnet" . "\xebae") ("nf-cod-mail" . "\xeb1c") ("nf-cod-mail_read" . "\xeb1b") ("nf-cod-map" . "\xec05") ("nf-cod-map_filled" . "\xec06") ("nf-cod-markdown" . "\xeb1d") ("nf-cod-megaphone" . "\xeb1e") ("nf-cod-mention" . "\xeb1f") ("nf-cod-menu" . "\xeb94") ("nf-cod-merge" . "\xebab") ("nf-cod-mic" . "\xec12") ("nf-cod-mic_filled" . "\xec1c") ("nf-cod-milestone" . "\xeb20") ("nf-cod-mirror" . "\xea69") ("nf-cod-mortar_board" . "\xeb21") ("nf-cod-move" . "\xeb22") ("nf-cod-multiple_windows" . "\xeb23") ("nf-cod-music" . "\xec1b") ("nf-cod-mute" . "\xeb24") ("nf-cod-new_file" . "\xea7f") ("nf-cod-new_folder" . "\xea80") ("nf-cod-newline" . "\xebea") ("nf-cod-no_newline" . "\xeb25") ("nf-cod-note" . "\xeb26") ("nf-cod-notebook" . "\xebaf") ("nf-cod-notebook_template" . "\xebbf") ("nf-cod-octoface" . "\xeb27") ("nf-cod-open_preview" . "\xeb28") ("nf-cod-organization" . "\xea7e") ("nf-cod-output" . "\xeb9d") ("nf-cod-package" . "\xeb29") ("nf-cod-paintcan" . "\xeb2a") ("nf-cod-pass" . "\xeba4") ("nf-cod-pass_filled" . "\xebb3") ("nf-cod-person" . "\xea67") ("nf-cod-person_add" . "\xebcd") ("nf-cod-piano" . "\xec1a") ("nf-cod-pie_chart" . "\xebe4") ("nf-cod-pin" . "\xeb2b") ("nf-cod-pinned" . "\xeba0") ("nf-cod-pinned_dirty" . "\xebb2") ("nf-cod-play" . "\xeb2c") ("nf-cod-play_circle" . "\xeba6") ("nf-cod-plug" . "\xeb2d") ("nf-cod-preserve_case" . "\xeb2e") ("nf-cod-preview" . "\xeb2f") ("nf-cod-primitive_square" . "\xea72") ("nf-cod-project" . "\xeb30") ("nf-cod-pulse" . "\xeb31") ("nf-cod-question" . "\xeb32") ("nf-cod-quote" . "\xeb33") ("nf-cod-radio_tower" . "\xeb34") ("nf-cod-reactions" . "\xeb35") ("nf-cod-record" . "\xeba7") ("nf-cod-record_keys" . "\xea65") ("nf-cod-record_small" . "\xebfa") ("nf-cod-redo" . "\xebb0") ("nf-cod-references" . "\xeb36") ("nf-cod-refresh" . "\xeb37") ("nf-cod-regex" . "\xeb38") ("nf-cod-remote" . "\xeb3a") ("nf-cod-remote_explorer" . "\xeb39") ("nf-cod-remove" . "\xeb3b") ("nf-cod-replace" . "\xeb3d") ("nf-cod-replace_all" . "\xeb3c") ("nf-cod-reply" . "\xea7d") ("nf-cod-repo" . "\xea62") ("nf-cod-repo_clone" . "\xeb3e") ("nf-cod-repo_force_push" . "\xeb3f") ("nf-cod-repo_forked" . "\xea63") ("nf-cod-repo_pull" . "\xeb40") ("nf-cod-repo_push" . "\xeb41") ("nf-cod-report" . "\xeb42") ("nf-cod-request_changes" . "\xeb43") ("nf-cod-rocket" . "\xeb44") ("nf-cod-root_folder" . "\xeb46") ("nf-cod-root_folder_opened" . "\xeb45") ("nf-cod-rss" . "\xeb47") ("nf-cod-ruby" . "\xeb48") ("nf-cod-run_above" . "\xebbd") ("nf-cod-run_all" . "\xeb9e") ("nf-cod-run_below" . "\xebbe") ("nf-cod-run_errors" . "\xebde") ("nf-cod-save" . "\xeb4b") ("nf-cod-save_all" . "\xeb49") ("nf-cod-save_as" . "\xeb4a") ("nf-cod-screen_full" . "\xeb4c") ("nf-cod-screen_normal" . "\xeb4d") ("nf-cod-search" . "\xea6d") ("nf-cod-search_fuzzy" . "\xec0d") ("nf-cod-search_stop" . "\xeb4e") ("nf-cod-send" . "\xec0f") ("nf-cod-server" . "\xeb50") ("nf-cod-server_environment" . "\xeba3") ("nf-cod-server_process" . "\xeba2") ("nf-cod-settings" . "\xeb52") ("nf-cod-settings_gear" . "\xeb51") ("nf-cod-shield" . "\xeb53") ("nf-cod-sign_in" . "\xea6f") ("nf-cod-sign_out" . "\xea6e") ("nf-cod-smiley" . "\xeb54") ("nf-cod-snake" . "\xec16") ("nf-cod-sort_precedence" . "\xeb55") ("nf-cod-source_control" . "\xea68") ("nf-cod-sparkle" . "\xec10") ("nf-cod-split_horizontal" . "\xeb56") ("nf-cod-split_vertical" . "\xeb57") ("nf-cod-squirrel" . "\xeb58") ("nf-cod-star_empty" . "\xea6a") ("nf-cod-star_full" . "\xeb59") ("nf-cod-star_half" . "\xeb5a") ("nf-cod-stop_circle" . "\xeba5") ("nf-cod-symbol_array" . "\xea8a") ("nf-cod-symbol_boolean" . "\xea8f") ("nf-cod-symbol_class" . "\xeb5b") ("nf-cod-symbol_color" . "\xeb5c") ("nf-cod-symbol_constant" . "\xeb5d") ("nf-cod-symbol_enum" . "\xea95") ("nf-cod-symbol_enum_member" . "\xeb5e") ("nf-cod-symbol_event" . "\xea86") ("nf-cod-symbol_field" . "\xeb5f") ("nf-cod-symbol_file" . "\xeb60") ("nf-cod-symbol_interface" . "\xeb61") ("nf-cod-symbol_key" . "\xea93") ("nf-cod-symbol_keyword" . "\xeb62") ("nf-cod-symbol_method" . "\xea8c") ("nf-cod-symbol_misc" . "\xeb63") ("nf-cod-symbol_namespace" . "\xea8b") ("nf-cod-symbol_numeric" . "\xea90") ("nf-cod-symbol_operator" . "\xeb64") ("nf-cod-symbol_parameter" . "\xea92") ("nf-cod-symbol_property" . "\xeb65") ("nf-cod-symbol_ruler" . "\xea96") ("nf-cod-symbol_snippet" . "\xeb66") ("nf-cod-symbol_string" . "\xeb8d") ("nf-cod-symbol_structure" . "\xea91") ("nf-cod-symbol_variable" . "\xea88") ("nf-cod-sync" . "\xea77") ("nf-cod-sync_ignored" . "\xeb9f") ("nf-cod-table" . "\xebb7") ("nf-cod-tag" . "\xea66") ("nf-cod-target" . "\xebf8") ("nf-cod-tasklist" . "\xeb67") ("nf-cod-telescope" . "\xeb68") ("nf-cod-terminal" . "\xea85") ("nf-cod-terminal_bash" . "\xebca") ("nf-cod-terminal_cmd" . "\xebc4") ("nf-cod-terminal_debian" . "\xebc5") ("nf-cod-terminal_linux" . "\xebc6") ("nf-cod-terminal_powershell" . "\xebc7") ("nf-cod-terminal_tmux" . "\xebc8") ("nf-cod-terminal_ubuntu" . "\xebc9") ("nf-cod-text_size" . "\xeb69") ("nf-cod-three_bars" . "\xeb6a") ("nf-cod-thumbsdown" . "\xeb6b") ("nf-cod-thumbsdown_filled" . "\xec13") ("nf-cod-thumbsup" . "\xeb6c") ("nf-cod-thumbsup_filled" . "\xec14") ("nf-cod-tools" . "\xeb6d") ("nf-cod-trash" . "\xea81") ("nf-cod-triangle_down" . "\xeb6e") ("nf-cod-triangle_left" . "\xeb6f") ("nf-cod-triangle_right" . "\xeb70") ("nf-cod-triangle_up" . "\xeb71") ("nf-cod-twitter" . "\xeb72") ("nf-cod-type_hierarchy" . "\xebb9") ("nf-cod-type_hierarchy_sub" . "\xebba") ("nf-cod-type_hierarchy_super" . "\xebbb") ("nf-cod-unfold" . "\xeb73") ("nf-cod-ungroup_by_ref_type" . "\xeb98") ("nf-cod-unlock" . "\xeb74") ("nf-cod-unmute" . "\xeb75") ("nf-cod-unverified" . "\xeb76") ("nf-cod-variable_group" . "\xebb8") ("nf-cod-verified" . "\xeb77") ("nf-cod-verified_filled" . "\xebe9") ("nf-cod-versions" . "\xeb78") ("nf-cod-vm" . "\xea7a") ("nf-cod-vm_active" . "\xeb79") ("nf-cod-vm_connect" . "\xeba9") ("nf-cod-vm_outline" . "\xeb7a") ("nf-cod-vm_running" . "\xeb7b") ("nf-cod-vr" . "\xec18") ("nf-cod-wand" . "\xebcf") ("nf-cod-warning" . "\xea6c") ("nf-cod-watch" . "\xeb7c") ("nf-cod-whitespace" . "\xeb7d") ("nf-cod-whole_word" . "\xeb7e") ("nf-cod-window" . "\xeb7f") ("nf-cod-word_wrap" . "\xeb80") ("nf-cod-workspace_trusted" . "\xebc1") ("nf-cod-workspace_unknown" . "\xebc3") ("nf-cod-workspace_untrusted" . "\xebc2") ("nf-cod-zoom_in" . "\xeb81") ("nf-cod-zoom_out" . "\xeb82") )) (provide 'nerd-icons-data-codicon) ;;; nerd-icons-data-codicon.el ends here