;;; lsp-zig.el --- lsp-mode Zig integration -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2021 Riccardo Binetti ;; Author: Riccardo Binetti ;; Keywords: languages,tools ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; client for zls, the Zig language server ;;; Code: (require 'lsp-mode) (defgroup lsp-zig nil "LSP support for Zig via zls." :group 'lsp-mode :link '(url-link "https://github.com/zigtools/zls")) (defcustom lsp-zig-zls-executable "zls" "The zls executable to use. Leave as just the executable name to use the default behavior of finding the executable with variable `exec-path'." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-trace-server "off" "Traces the communication between Emacs and the language server." :group 'lsp-zig :type '(choice (const "off") (const "messages") (const "verbose"))) (defcustom lsp-zls-enable-snippets t "Enables snippet completions when the client also supports them." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-enable-argument-placeholders t "Whether to enable function argument placeholder completions." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-enable-build-on-save nil "Whether to enable build-on-save diagnostics." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-build-on-save-step "install" "Select which step should be executed on build-on-save." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-enable-autofix nil "Whether to automatically fix errors on save. Currently supports adding and removing discards." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-semantic-tokens "partial" "Traces the communication between Emacs and the language server." :group 'lsp-zig :type '(choice (const "off") (const "messages") (const "verbose"))) (defcustom lsp-zig-enable-inlay-hints t "Enables inlay hint support when the client also supports it." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-inlay-hints-show-variable-type-hints t "Enable inlay hints for variable type." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-inlay-hints-show-parameter-name t "Enable inlay hints for parameter names." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-inlay-hints-exclude-single-argument t "Don't show inlay hints for single argument calls." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-inlay-hints-show-builtin t "Don't show inlay hints for single argument calls." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-inlay-hints-hide-redundant-param-names nil "Hides inlay hints when parameter name matches the identifier (e.g. foo: foo)." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-inlay-hints-hide-redundant-param-names-last-token nil "Hides inlay hints when parameter name matches the last token of a parameter node (e.g. foo: bar.foo, foo: &foo)." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-warn-style nil "Enables warnings for style guideline mismatches." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-highlight-global-var-declarations nil "Whether to highlight global var declarations." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-dangerous-comptime-experiments-do-not-enable nil "When true, skips searching for references in std. Improves lookup speed for functions in user's code. Renaming and go-to-definition will continue to work as is." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-skip-std-references nil "hen true, skips searching for references in std. Improves lookup speed for functions in user's code. Renaming and go-to-definition will continue to work as is." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-prefer-ast-check-as-child-process t "Favor using `zig ast-check` instead of ZLS's fork." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-record-session nil "When true, zls will record all request is receives and write in into `record_session_path`, so that they can replayed with `zls replay`." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-zig-record-session-path "" "Output file path when `record_session` is set. The recommended file extension *.zlsreplay." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-replay-session-path "" "Used when calling `zls replay` for specifying the replay file. If no extra argument is given `record_session_path` is used as the default path." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-builtin-path "" "Path to `builtin'; useful for debugging, automatically set if let null." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-zig-lib-path "" "Zig library path. e.g. `/path/to/zig/lib/zig`, used to analyze std library imports." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-zig-exe-path "" " Zig executable path. e.g. /path/to/zig/zig, used to run the custom build runner. If null, zig is looked up in PATH. Will be used to infer the zig standard library path if none is provided." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-build-runner-path "" "Path to the `build_runner.zig` file provided by zls. null is equivalent to `${executable_directory}/build_runner.zig`." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-global-cache-path "" "Path to a directory that will be used as zig's cache. null is equivalent to `${KnownFolders.Cache}/zls`." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-build-runner-global-cache-path "" "Path to a directory that will be used as the global cache path when executing a projects build.zig. null is equivalent to the path shown by `zig env`." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'string) (defcustom lsp-zig-completions-with-replace nil "Completions confirm behavior. If `true', replace the text after the cursor." :group 'lsp-zig :type 'boolean) ;; ;;; Installation (defcustom lsp-zig-server-store-path (expand-file-name "zig/" lsp-server-install-dir) "The path to the file in which zls will be stored." :type 'file :group 'lsp-zig) (defconst lsp-zig-download-url-format "https://github.com/zigtools/zls/releases/latest/download/zls-%s-%s.%s" "Format to the download url link.") (defun lsp-zig--zls-url () "Return Url points to the zls' zip/tar file." (let* ((x86 (string-prefix-p "x86_64" system-configuration)) (arch (if x86 "x86_64" "aarch64"))) (cl-case system-type ((cygwin windows-nt ms-dos) (format lsp-zig-download-url-format arch "windows" "zip")) (darwin (format lsp-zig-download-url-format arch "macos" "tar.gz")) (gnu/linux (format lsp-zig-download-url-format arch "linux" "tar.gz"))))) (defun lsp-zig--stored-zls-executable () "Return the stored zls executable. This is differ from the variable `lsp-zig-zls-executable'; this is local storage and not the global storage." (f-join lsp-zig-server-store-path (pcase system-type ('windows-nt "bin/zls.exe") (_ "bin/zls")))) (lsp-dependency 'zls '(:system "zls") `(:download :url ,(lsp-zig--zls-url) :decompress ,(pcase system-type ('windows-nt :zip) (_ :targz)) :store-path ,(f-join lsp-zig-server-store-path "temp") :set-executable? t) `(:system ,(lsp-zig--stored-zls-executable))) ;; ;;; Core (lsp-register-custom-settings '(("zls.enable_snippets" lsp-zls-enable-snippets t) ("zls.enable_argument_placeholders" lsp-zig-enable-argument-placeholders t) ("zls.enable_build_on_save" lsp-zig-enable-build-on-save t) ("zls.build_on_save_step" lsp-zig-build-on-save-step) ("zls.enable_autofix" lsp-zig-enable-autofix t) ("zls.semantic_tokens" lsp-zig-semantic-tokens) ("zls.enable_inlay_hints" lsp-zig-enable-inlay-hints t) ("zls.inlay_hints_show_variable_type_hints" lsp-zig-inlay-hints-show-variable-type-hints t) ("zls.inlay_hints_show_parameter_name" lsp-zig-inlay-hints-show-parameter-name t) ("zls.inlay_hints_show_builtin" lsp-zig-inlay-hints-show-builtin t) ("zls.inlay_hints_exclude_single_argument" lsp-zig-inlay-hints-exclude-single-argument t) ("zls.inlay_hints_hide_redundant_param_names" lsp-zig-inlay-hints-hide-redundant-param-names t) ("zls.inlay_hints_hide_redundant_param_names_last_token" lsp-zig-inlay-hints-hide-redundant-param-names-last-token t) ("zls.warn_style" lsp-zig-warn-style t) ("zls.highlight_global_var_declarations" lsp-zig-highlight-global-var-declarations t) ("zls.dangerous_comptime_experiments_do_not_enable" lsp-zig-dangerous-comptime-experiments-do-not-enable t) ("zls.skip_std_references" lsp-zig-skip-std-references t) ("zls.prefer_ast_check_as_child_process" lsp-zig-prefer-ast-check-as-child-process t) ("zls.record_session" lsp-zig-record-session t) ("zls.record_session_path" lsp-zig-record-session-path) ("zls.replay_session_path" lsp-zig-replay-session-path) ("zls.builtin_path" lsp-zig-builtin-path) ("zls.zig_lib_path" lsp-zig-zig-lib-path) ("zls.zig_exe_path" lsp-zig-zig-exe-path) ("zls.build_runner_path" lsp-zig-build-runner-path) ("zls.global_cache_path" lsp-zig-global-cache-path) ("zls.build_runner_global_cache_path" lsp-zig-build-runner-global-cache-path) ("zls.completion_label_details" lsp-zig-completions-with-replace t))) (lsp-register-client (make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection (lambda () (or (executable-find lsp-zig-zls-executable) (lsp-zig--stored-zls-executable))) (lambda () (or (executable-find lsp-zig-zls-executable) (file-executable-p (lsp-zig--stored-zls-executable))))) :activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "zig") :priority -1 :server-id 'zls :download-server-fn (lambda (_client callback error-callback _update?) (lsp-package-ensure 'zls callback error-callback)))) (lsp-consistency-check lsp-zig) (provide 'lsp-zig) ;;; lsp-zig.el ends here