;;; lsp-kotlin.el --- description -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2020 emacs-lsp maintainers ;; Author: emacs-lsp maintainers ;; Keywords: lsp, kotlin ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; LSP Clients for the Kotlin Programming Language. ;;; Code: (require 'lsp-mode) (require 'cl-lib) (require 'dash) (defgroup lsp-kotlin nil "LSP support for Kotlin, using KotlinLanguageServer." :group 'lsp-mode :link '(url-link "https://github.com/fwcd/KotlinLanguageServer")) (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'lsp-kotlin-language-server-path 'lsp-clients-kotlin-server-executable "lsp-mode 6.4") (defcustom lsp-clients-kotlin-server-executable (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) "kotlin-language-server.bat" "kotlin-language-server") "The kotlin-language-server executable to use. Leave as just the executable name to use the default behavior of finding the executable with `exec-path'." :type 'string :group 'lsp-kotlin) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-trace-server "off" "Traces the communication between VSCode and the Kotlin language server." :type '(choice (:tag "off" "messages" "verbose")) :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-compiler-jvm-target "1.8" "Specifies the JVM target, e.g. \"1.6\" or \"1.8\"." :type 'string :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-linting-debounce-time 250 "[DEBUG] Specifies the debounce time limit. Lower to increase responsiveness at the cost of possible stability issues." :type 'number :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-completion-snippets-enabled t "Specifies whether code completion should provide snippets (true) or plain-text items (false)." :type 'boolean :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-debug-adapter-enabled t "[Recommended] Specifies whether the debug adapter should be used. When enabled a debugger for Kotlin will be available." :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-debug-adapter-path "" "Optionally a custom path to the debug adapter executable." :type 'string :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-external-sources-use-kls-scheme t "[Recommended] Specifies whether URIs inside JARs should be represented using the `kls'-scheme." :type 'boolean :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-external-sources-auto-convert-to-kotlin t "Specifies whether decompiled/external classes should be auto-converted to Kotlin." :type 'boolean :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-server-download-url "https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server/releases/latest/download/server.zip" "The URL for the language server download." :type 'string :group 'lsp-kotlin :package-version '(lsp-mode . "8.0.1")) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-workspace-dir (expand-file-name (locate-user-emacs-file "workspace/")) "LSP kotlin workspace directory." :group 'lsp-kotlin :risky t :type 'directory) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-workspace-cache-dir (expand-file-name ".cache/" lsp-kotlin-workspace-dir) "LSP kotlin workspace cache directory." :group 'lsp-kotlin :risky t :type 'directory) ;; cache in this case is the dependency cache. Given as an initialization option. (defcustom lsp-kotlin-ondisk-cache-path nil "Path to the ondisk cache if used. If lsp-kotlin-ondisk-cache-enabled is t, but path is nil, then the project root is used as a default." :type 'string :group 'lsp-kotlin) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-ondisk-cache-enabled nil "Specifies whether to enable ondisk cache or not. If nil, in-memory cache will be used." :type 'boolean :group 'lsp-kotlin) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-inlayhints-enable-typehints t "Specifies whether to enable type hints or not. Requires lsp-inlay-hints-mode." :type 'boolean :group 'lsp-kotlin) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-inlayhints-enable-parameterhints t "Specifies whether to enable parameter hints or not. Requires lsp-inlay-hints-mode." :type 'boolean :group 'lsp-kotlin) (defcustom lsp-kotlin-inlayhints-enable-chainedhints t "Specifies whether to enable chained hints or not. Requires lsp-inlay-hints-mode." :type 'boolean :group 'lsp-kotlin) (lsp-register-custom-settings '(("kotlin.externalSources.autoConvertToKotlin" lsp-kotlin-external-sources-auto-convert-to-kotlin t) ("kotlin.externalSources.useKlsScheme" lsp-kotlin-external-sources-use-kls-scheme t) ("kotlin.debugAdapter.path" lsp-kotlin-debug-adapter-path) ("kotlin.debugAdapter.enabled" lsp-kotlin-debug-adapter-enabled t) ("kotlin.completion.snippets.enabled" lsp-kotlin-completion-snippets-enabled t) ("kotlin.linting.debounceTime" lsp-kotlin-linting-debounce-time) ("kotlin.compiler.jvm.target" lsp-kotlin-compiler-jvm-target) ("kotlin.trace.server" lsp-kotlin-trace-server) ("kotlin.languageServer.path" lsp-clients-kotlin-server-executable) ("kotlin.inlayHints.typeHints" lsp-kotlin-inlayhints-enable-typehints t) ("kotlin.inlayHints.parameterHints" lsp-kotlin-inlayhints-enable-parameterhints t) ("kotlin.inlayHints.chainedHints" lsp-kotlin-inlayhints-enable-chainedhints t))) (defvar lsp-kotlin--language-server-path (f-join lsp-server-install-dir "kotlin" "server" "bin" (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) "kotlin-language-server.bat" "kotlin-language-server")) "The path to store the language server at if necessary.") ;; Debug and running (declare-function dap-debug "ext:dap-mode" (template) t) (defun lsp-kotlin-run-main (main-class project-root debug?) (require 'dap-kotlin) (dap-debug (list :type "kotlin" :request "launch" :mainClass main-class :projectRoot project-root :noDebug (not debug?)))) (defun lsp-kotlin-lens-backend (_modified? callback) (when lsp-kotlin-debug-adapter-enabled (lsp-request-async "kotlin/mainClass" (list :uri (lsp--buffer-uri)) (lambda (mainInfo) (let ((main-class (lsp-get mainInfo :mainClass)) (project-root (lsp-get mainInfo :projectRoot)) (range (lsp-get mainInfo :range))) (funcall callback (list (lsp-make-code-lens :range range :command (lsp-make-command :title "Run" :command (lambda () (interactive) (lsp-kotlin-run-main main-class project-root nil)))) (lsp-make-code-lens :range range :command (lsp-make-command :title "Debug" :command (lambda () (interactive) (lsp-kotlin-run-main main-class project-root t))))) lsp--cur-version))) :mode 'tick))) (defvar lsp-lens-backends) (declare-function lsp-lens-refresh "lsp-lens" (buffer-modified? &optional buffer)) (define-minor-mode lsp-kotlin-lens-mode "Toggle run/debug overlays." :group 'lsp-kotlin :global nil :init-value nil :lighter nil (cond (lsp-kotlin-lens-mode (require 'lsp-lens) ;; set lens backends so they are available is lsp-lens-mode is activated ;; backend does not support lenses, and block our other ones from showing. When backend support lenses again, we can use cl-pushnew to add it to lsp-lens-backends instead of overwriting (setq-local lsp-lens-backends (list #'lsp-kotlin-lens-backend)) (lsp-lens-refresh t)) (t (setq-local lsp-lens-backends (delete #'lsp-kotlin-lens-backend lsp-lens-backends))))) ;; Stolen from lsp-java: ;; https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-java/blob/a1aff851bcf4f397f2a968557d213db1fede0c8a/lsp-java.el#L1065 (declare-function helm-make-source "ext:helm-source") (defvar lsp-kotlin--helm-result nil) (defun lsp-kotlin--completing-read-multiple (message items initial-selection) (if (functionp 'helm) (progn (require 'helm-source) (helm :sources (helm-make-source message 'helm-source-sync :candidates items :action '(("Identity" lambda (_) (setq lsp-kotlin--helm-result (helm-marked-candidates))))) :buffer "*lsp-kotlin select*" :prompt message) lsp-kotlin--helm-result) (if (functionp 'ivy-read) (let (result) (ivy-read message (mapcar #'car items) :action (lambda (c) (setq result (list (cdr (assoc c items))))) :multi-action (lambda (candidates) (setq result (mapcar (lambda (c) (cdr (assoc c items))) candidates)))) result) (let ((deps initial-selection) dep) (while (setq dep (cl-rest (lsp--completing-read (if deps (format "%s (selected %s): " message (length deps)) (concat message ": ")) items (-lambda ((name . id)) (if (-contains? deps id) (concat name " ✓") name))))) (if (-contains? deps dep) (setq deps (remove dep deps)) (cl-pushnew dep deps))) deps)))) (defun lsp-kotlin-implement-member () (interactive) (lsp-request-async "kotlin/overrideMember" (list :textDocument (list :uri (lsp--buffer-uri)) :position (lsp--cur-position)) (lambda (member-options) (-if-let* ((option-items (-map (lambda (x) (list (lsp-get x :title) (lsp-get (lsp-get (lsp-get x :edit) :changes) (intern (concat ":" (lsp--buffer-uri)))))) member-options)) (selected-members (lsp-kotlin--completing-read-multiple "Select overrides" option-items nil))) (dolist (edit (-flatten selected-members)) (lsp--apply-text-edits edit)))))) (defun lsp-kotlin--parse-uri (uri) "Get the path for where we'll store the file, calculating it based on URI." (or (save-match-data (when (string-match "kls:file:///\\(.*\\)!/\\(.*\.\\(class\\|java\\|kt\\)\\)?.*" uri) (let* ((jar-path (match-string 1 uri)) (file-path (match-string 2 uri)) (lib-name (string-join (last (split-string jar-path "/") 2) ".")) (buffer-name (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "." file-path t t)) (file-location (expand-file-name (concat lsp-kotlin-workspace-cache-dir "/" lib-name "/" buffer-name)))) file-location))) (error "Unable to match %s" uri))) (defun lsp-kotlin--uri-handler (uri) "Load a file corresponding to URI executing request to the kotlin server." (let ((file-location (lsp-kotlin--parse-uri uri))) (unless (file-readable-p file-location) (lsp-kotlin--ensure-dir (file-name-directory file-location)) (with-lsp-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'kotlin-ls nil) (let ((content (lsp-send-request (lsp-make-request "kotlin/jarClassContents" (list :uri uri))))) (with-temp-file file-location (insert content))))) file-location)) (defun lsp-kotlin--ensure-dir (path) "Ensure that directory PATH exists." (unless (file-directory-p path) (make-directory path t))) (lsp-dependency 'kotlin-language-server `(:system ,lsp-clients-kotlin-server-executable) `(:download :url lsp-kotlin-server-download-url :decompress :zip :store-path ,(f-join lsp-server-install-dir "kotlin" "kotlin-language-server.zip") :binary-path lsp-clients-kotlin-server-executable :set-executable? t)) (lsp-register-client (make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection (lambda () `(,(or (when (f-exists? lsp-kotlin--language-server-path) lsp-kotlin--language-server-path) (or (executable-find lsp-clients-kotlin-server-executable) (lsp-package-path 'kotlin-language-server)) "kotlin-language-server")))) :major-modes '(kotlin-mode kotlin-ts-mode) :priority -1 :server-id 'kotlin-ls :uri-handlers (lsp-ht ("kls" #'lsp-kotlin--uri-handler)) :initialized-fn (lambda (workspace) (with-lsp-workspace workspace (lsp--set-configuration (lsp-configuration-section "kotlin")))) :initialization-options (lambda () (when lsp-kotlin-ondisk-cache-enabled (list :storagePath (or lsp-kotlin-ondisk-cache-path (lsp-workspace-root))))) :download-server-fn (lambda (_client callback error-callback _update?) (lsp-package-ensure 'kotlin-language-server callback error-callback)))) (lsp-consistency-check lsp-kotlin) (provide 'lsp-kotlin) ;;; lsp-kotlin.el ends here