(1 (afternoon-theme . [(0 1) ((emacs (24 1))) "Dark color theme with a deep blue background" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/osener/emacs-afternoon-theme") (:keywords "themes") (:maintainer "Ozan Sener" . "ozan@ozansener.com") (:authors ("Ozan Sener" . "ozan@ozansener.com")))]) (alect-themes . [(0 10) ((emacs (24 0))) "Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/alezost/alect-themes") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")))]) (ample-theme . [(0 3 0) nil "Calm Dark Theme for Emacs" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/jordonbiondo/ample-theme") (:keywords "theme" "dark") (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo" . "jordonbiondo@gmail.com") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo" . "jordonbiondo@gmail.com")))]) (annotate . [(1 8 1) nil "annotate files without changing them" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/bastibe/annotate.el") (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold , cage" . "cage-dev@twistfold.it") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold")) (:commit . "a2751a028f9303e6b891bfe1beee49e1e3197256"))]) (anti-zenburn-theme . [(2 5 1) nil "Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/m00natic/anti-zenburn-theme") (:maintainer "Andrey Kotlarski" . "m00naticus@gmail.com") (:authors ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "m00naticus@gmail.com")))]) (anzu . [(0 64) ((emacs (25 1))) "Show number of matches in mode-line while searching" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/anzu") (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")))]) (apache-mode . [(2 2 0) nil "Major mode for editing Apache httpd configuration files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/apache-mode") (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:authors ("Karl Chen" . "quarl@nospam.quarl.org")) (:keywords "languages" "faces"))]) (apropospriate-theme . [(0 2 0) nil "A light & dark theme set for Emacs." tar ((:url . "http://github.com/waymondo/apropospriate-theme") (:maintainer "Justin Talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com") (:authors ("Justin Talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com")) (:commit . "a03fd98f438806bfd74ed3cd0957de859ea7fd2f"))]) (arduino-mode . [(1 3 0) ((emacs (25 1)) (spinner (1 7 3))) "Major mode for editing Arduino code" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/stardiviner/arduino-mode") (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "numbchild@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "arduino"))]) (autothemer . [(0 2 14) ((dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (26 1))) "Conveniently define themes" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/jasonm23/autothemer") (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com") (:commit . "87a21019ed4f41a487a8af34467e0ebff19f365e"))]) (better-jumper . [(1 0 1) ((emacs (25 1))) "configurable jump list" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/gilbertw1/better-jumper") (:keywords "convenience" "jump" "history" "evil") (:maintainer "Bryan Gilbert" . "bryan@bryan.sh") (:authors ("Bryan Gilbert ")))]) (bind-map . [(1 1 2) ((emacs (24 3))) "Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/justbur/emacs-bind-map") (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "justin@burkett.cc") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "justin@burkett.cc")) (:commit . "6977e0fec5c4a3c62a10503798c2a15194167046"))]) (bison-mode . [(0 4) nil "Major mode for editing bison, yacc and lex files." tar ((:maintainer "Eric Beuscher" . "beuscher@eecs.tulane.edu") (:authors ("Eric Beuscher" . "beuscher@eecs.tulane.edu")) (:keywords "bison-mode" "yacc-mode") (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/bison-mode.html"))]) (boxquote . [(2 3) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Quote text with a semi-box." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/davep/boxquote.el") (:keywords "quoting") (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org")) (:commit . "fe676396fa7e4372e01bf2c3d9a62e8d53615d46"))]) (buttercup . [(1 28) ((emacs (24 3))) "Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup") (:maintainer "Ola Nilsson" . "ola.nilsson@gmail.com") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "contact@jorgenschaefer.de")) (:commit . "eaa4b3ccd115a2bb25be98dc637950645d3adbae"))]) (caml . [(4 9) ((emacs (24 3))) "Caml mode for GNU Emacs" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/ocaml/caml-mode") (:maintainer "Christophe Troestler" . "Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be") (:authors ("Jacques Garrigue" . "garrigue@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp") ("Ian T Zimmerman" . "itz@rahul.net") ("Damien Doligez" . "damien.doligez@inria.fr")) (:keywords "ocaml"))]) (cdlatex . [(4 14) nil "Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math" tar ((:keywords "tex") (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik" . "carsten.dominik@gmail.com") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik" . "carsten.dominik@gmail.com")) (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/cdlatex.html") (:commit . "6f734db8ab87f11dffb77c33a445140baeb723c4"))]) (cider . [(1 5 0) ((emacs (26)) (clojure-mode (5 15 1)) (parseedn (1 0 6)) (queue (0 2)) (spinner (1 7)) (seq (2 22)) (sesman (0 3 2))) "Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks" tar ((:url . "http://www.github.com/clojure-emacs/cider") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") (:authors ("Tim King" . "kingtim@gmail.com") ("Phil Hagelberg" . "technomancy@gmail.com") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") ("Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com") ("Hugo Duncan" . "hugo@hugoduncan.org") ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:commit . "700ded1d6c245e01fca7f364db1561ad1e1bb595"))]) (clojure-mode . [(5 15 1) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for Clojure code" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "clojurescript" "lisp") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") (:commit . "ad322e989e56c10c05bb286e5b55a82b1e031d62"))]) (coffee-mode . [(0 6 3) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for CoffeeScript code" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode") (:keywords "coffeescript" "major" "mode") (:maintainer "Chris Wanstrath" . "chris@ozmm.org") (:authors ("Chris Wanstrath" . "chris@ozmm.org")) (:commit . "adfb7ae73d6ee2ef790c780dd3c967e62930e94a"))]) (corfu-terminal . [(0 5) ((emacs (26 1)) (corfu (0 24)) (popon (0 1))) "Corfu popup on terminal" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-corfu-terminal") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org") (:authors ("Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org")) (:commit . "1a15a01e2e1464daadfa4973cb695802e5c23a25"))]) (crux . [(0 4 0) ((seq (1 11))) "A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/bbatsov/crux") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev")) (:keywords "convenience"))]) (cyberpunk-theme . [(1 22) nil "Cyberpunk Color Theme" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/n3mo/cyberpunk-theme.el") (:keywords "color" "theme" "cyberpunk") (:maintainer "Nicholas M. Van Horn" . "nvanhorn@protonmail.com") (:authors ("Nicholas M. Van Horn" . "nvanhorn@protonmail.com")))]) (cycle-at-point . [(0 1) ((emacs (28 1)) (recomplete (0 2))) "Cycle (rotate) the thing under the cursor" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-cycle-at-point") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton") (:authors ("Campbell Barton")) (:commit . "ea22b90f35f4cef73387047b3ef3fad83787d4e2"))]) (d-mode . [(202003130913) ((emacs (25 1))) "D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs" tar ((:maintainer "Russel Winder" . "russel@winder.org.uk") (:authors ("William Baxter")) (:keywords "d" "programming" "language" "emacs" "cc-mode") (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/d-mode.html"))]) (dart-mode . [(1 0 7) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Dart files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/bradyt/dart-mode") (:maintainer "https://github.com/bradyt/dart-mode/issues") (:authors ("https://github.com/bradyt/dart-mode/issues")) (:keywords "languages"))]) (diff-ansi . [(0 2) ((emacs (27 1))) "Display diff's using alternative diffing tools" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.org/ideasman42/emacs-diff-ansi") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "71336e614e3150c47c58f99f2df10a3af73370ac"))]) (doc-show-inline . [(0 1) ((emacs (26 2))) "Show doc-strings found in external files" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-doc-show-inline") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "1c5837d2a667d977a1bd90ba44ebd911cc660f26"))]) (dockerfile-mode . [(1 7) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/spotify/dockerfile-mode") (:keywords "docker") (:commit . "74ed3dfd1584298a0ea9881115d33ba1808a4c3f"))]) (dracula-theme . [(1 7 0) ((emacs (24 3))) "Dracula Theme" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/dracula/emacs") (:maintainer "Étienne Deparis" . "etienne@depar.is") (:authors ("film42")))]) (drupal-mode . [(0 7 4) ((php-mode (1 5 0))) "Advanced minor mode for Drupal development" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/arnested/drupal-mode") (:keywords "programming" "php" "drupal") (:maintainer "Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk") (:authors ("Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk")) (:commit . "ed90b0c4d808365e9ae9f16cc8a96eff17815621"))]) (edit-indirect . [(0 1 10) ((emacs (24 3))) "Edit regions in separate buffers" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/Fanael/edit-indirect") (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) (:commit . "f80f63822ffae78de38dbe72cacaeb1aaa96c732"))]) (editorconfig . [(0 9 1) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (nadvice (0 3)) (emacs (24))) "EditorConfig Emacs Plugin" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs#readme") (:maintainer "EditorConfig Team" . "editorconfig@googlegroups.com") (:authors ("EditorConfig Team" . "editorconfig@googlegroups.com")) (:commit . "3352e487809dda4a0366314e30c9efa431b61f79"))]) (elixir-mode . [(2 4 0) ((emacs (25))) "Major mode for editing Elixir files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/elixir-editors/emacs-elixir") (:keywords "languages" "elixir") (:commit . "1d94b525ddcc995b5a979de7b050c2309648ca6f"))]) (elpher . [(3 4 2) ((emacs (27 1))) "A friendly gopher and gemini client" tar ((:url . "https://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher") (:keywords "comm" "gopher") (:maintainer "Tim Vaughan" . "plugd@thelambdalab.xyz") (:authors ("Tim Vaughan" . "plugd@thelambdalab.xyz")) (:commit . "f117f2f53490dbe521d3a726362b37dba0cd418a"))]) (evil . [(1 15 0) nil "extensible vi layer" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil") (:keywords "emulation" "vim") (:maintainer "Tom Dalziel" . "tom.dalziel@gmail.com") (:commit . "008a6cdb12f15e748979a7d1c2f26c34c84dedbf"))]) (evil-anzu . [(0 2) ((evil (1 0 0)) (anzu (0 46))) "anzu for evil-mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-evil-anzu") (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") ("Fredrik Bergroth" . "fbergroth@gmail.com")))]) (evil-args . [(1 1) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil." tar ((:url . "http://github.com/wcsmith/evil-args") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation") (:maintainer "Connor Smith" . "wconnorsmith@gmail.com") (:authors ("Connor Smith" . "wconnorsmith@gmail.com")) (:commit . "2671071a4a57eaee7cc8c27b9e4b6fc60fd2ccd3"))]) (evil-exchange . [(0 41) ((evil (1 2 8)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Exchange text more easily within Evil" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/Dewdrops/evil-exchange") (:keywords "evil" "plugin") (:maintainer "Dewdrops" . "v_v_4474@126.com") (:authors ("Dewdrops" . "v_v_4474@126.com")))]) (evil-goggles . [(0 0 2) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Add a visual hint to evil operations" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/edkolev/evil-goggles") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim" "visual") (:maintainer "edkolev" . "evgenysw@gmail.com") (:authors ("edkolev" . "evgenysw@gmail.com")) (:commit . "7801d9204cd57d5aec11ef43b15357a431cf025c"))]) (evil-indent-plus . [(1 0 1) ((evil (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Evil textobjects based on indentation" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/TheBB/evil-indent-plus") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "evfonn@gmail.com") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "evfonn@gmail.com")))]) (evil-lisp-state . [(8 2) ((evil (1 0 9)) (bind-map (0)) (smartparens (1 6 1))) "An evil state to edit Lisp code" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/syl20bnr/evil-lisp-state") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "smartparens" "lisp" "mnemonic") (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com")))]) (evil-matchit . [(3 0 0) ((emacs (25 1))) "Vim matchit ported to Evil" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-matchit") (:keywords "matchit" "vim" "evil") (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:commit . "7a2a7384b6e752a805d6fbb78cf9425e54c2b18b"))]) (evil-nerd-commenter . [(3 5 8) ((emacs (25 1))) "Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-nerd-commenter") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:commit . "9609fb170da00aeca1716b022d93e1cb68464a34"))]) (evil-numbers . [(0 7) ((emacs (24 1)) (evil (1 2 0))) "Increment/decrement numbers like in VIM" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/juliapath/evil-numbers") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:maintainer "Julia Path" . "julia@jpath.de") (:authors ("Michael Markert" . "markert.michael@googlemail.com")) (:commit . "61dde4e3715fd1255df8f87a37d9c8022e909bf4"))]) (evil-visualstar . [(0 2 0) ((evil (0))) "Starts a * or # search from the visual selection" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/bling/evil-visualstar") (:keywords "evil" "vim" "visualstar") (:maintainer "Bailey Ling") (:authors ("Bailey Ling")))]) (flymake-kondor . [(0 1 3) ((emacs (26 1))) "Linter with clj-kondo" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/turbo-cafe/flymake-kondor") (:maintainer "https://turbocafe.keybase.pub") (:authors ("https://turbocafe.keybase.pub")))]) (flymake-popon . [(0 5) ((emacs (26 1)) (flymake (1 2 2)) (popon (0 1)) (posframe (1 1 7))) "Flymake diagnostics on cursor hover" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-flymake-popon") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org") (:authors ("Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org")) (:commit . "e9572a1b63b65ec7417f7add0584fd5aeb0d6dc4"))]) (focus . [(1 0 1) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Dim the font color of text in surrounding sections" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/larstvei/Focus") (:maintainer "Lars Tveito" . "larstvei@ifi.uio.no") (:authors ("Lars Tveito" . "larstvei@ifi.uio.no")) (:commit . "2507ec4ec5a9402647ef85540669db1815520c15"))]) (forth-mode . [(0 2) nil "Programming language mode for Forth" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/forth-mode") (:keywords "languages" "forth") (:maintainer "Lars Brinkhoff" . "lars@nocrew.org") (:authors ("Lars Brinkhoff" . "lars@nocrew.org")) (:commit . "38d5152011ee67e0cff9d4a5ddfb1f908e5be013"))]) (free-keys . [(1 0) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Show free keybindings for modkeys or prefixes" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/Fuco1/free-keys") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:commit . "6f9172376af4d399c7853cbdfdd7425348a878f9"))]) (geiser . [(0 28) ((emacs (25 1)) (project (0 8 1))) "GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/") (:keywords "languages" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org")) (:commit . "04dbdacfeca0190856abad859360da4bb873f9dd"))]) (geiser-chez . [(0 17) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 19))) "Chez Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/chez") (:keywords "languages" "chez" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Peter" . "craven@gmx.net")))]) (geiser-chibi . [(0 17) ((emacs (24 4)) (geiser (0 18))) "Chibi Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/chibi") (:keywords "languages" "chibi" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Peter" . "craven@gmx.net")))]) (geiser-chicken . [(0 17) ((emacs (24 4)) (geiser (0 19))) "Chicken's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/chicken") (:keywords "languages" "chicken" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Daniel Leslie") (:authors ("Daniel Leslie")))]) (geiser-gambit . [(0 18 1) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 18))) "Gambit's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/gambit") (:keywords "languages" "gambit" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Daniel Leslie")) (:commit . "381d74ca5059b44fe3d8b5daf42214019c6d1a88"))]) (geiser-gauche . [(0 0 2) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 11 2))) "Gauche scheme support for Geiser" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/gauche") (:maintainer "András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com") (:authors ("András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com")) (:keywords "languages" "gauche" "scheme" "geiser"))]) (geiser-guile . [(0 28 0) ((emacs (25 1)) (transient (0 3)) (geiser (0 28))) "Guile and Geiser talk to each other" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/guile") (:keywords "languages" "guile" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org")) (:commit . "f5e82dc0f5a076335f201885a7edbefaa1ad435f"))]) (geiser-kawa . [(0 0 1) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 16))) "Kawa scheme support for Geiser" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/kawa") (:maintainer "spellcard199" . "spellcard199@protonmail.com") (:authors ("spellcard199" . "spellcard199@protonmail.com")) (:keywords "languages" "kawa" "scheme" "geiser"))]) (geiser-mit . [(0 15) ((emacs (24 4)) (geiser (0 18))) "MIT/GNU Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/mit") (:keywords "languages" "mit" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Peter" . "craven@gmx.net")))]) (geiser-racket . [(0 16) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 16))) "Support for Racket in Geiser" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/racket") (:maintainer "Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org")) (:keywords "languages" "racket" "scheme" "geiser"))]) (geiser-stklos . [(1 4) ((emacs (24 4)) (geiser (0 16))) "STklos Scheme implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/stklos") (:keywords "languages" "stklos" "scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jeronimo Pellegrini" . "j_p@aleph0.info") (:authors ("Jeronimo Pellegrini" . "j_p@aleph0.info")))]) (git-commit . [(3 3 0) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 19 1)) (transient (0 3 6)) (with-editor (3 0 5))) "Edit Git commit messages" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/magit/magit") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "lunaryorn@gmail.com") ("Florian Ragwitz" . "rafl@debian.org") ("Marius Vollmer" . "marius.vollmer@gmail.com")))]) (git-modes . [(1 4 0) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major modes for editing Git configuration files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/magit/git-modes") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "lunaryorn@gmail.com") ("Rüdiger Sonderfeld" . "ruediger@c-plusplus.net") ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")))]) (gnu-apl-mode . [(1 5 1) nil "Emacs mode for GNU APL" tar ((:url . "http://www.gnu.org/software/apl/") (:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "Elias Mårtenson" . "lokedhs@gmail.com") (:authors ("Elias Mårtenson" . "lokedhs@gmail.com")) (:commit . "deabf59d2375d4662221f8222e28caeb1be96428"))]) (gnuplot . [(0 8 0) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major-mode and interactive frontend for gnuplot" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/gnuplot") (:maintainer "Bruce Ravel" . "bruceravel1@gmail.com") (:authors ("Jon Oddie") ("Bruce Ravel") ("Phil Type")) (:keywords "data" "gnuplot" "plotting"))]) (go-mode . [(1 6 0) ((emacs (26 1))) "Major mode for the Go programming language" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el") (:keywords "languages" "go") (:maintainer "The go-mode Authors") (:authors ("The go-mode Authors")) (:commit . "3273fcece5d9ab7edd4f15b2d6bce61f4e5a0666"))]) (gotham-theme . [(1 1 9) ((emacs (24 1))) "A very dark Emacs color theme" tar ((:url . "https://depp.brause.cc/gotham-theme") (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de")))]) (goto-chg . [(1 7 5) ((emacs (24 1))) "Go to last change" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/emacs-evil/goto-chg") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:authors ("David Andersson ")))]) (graphql-mode . [(1 0 0) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing GraphQL schemas" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/davazp/graphql-mode") (:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "David Vazquez Pua" . "davazp@gmail.com") (:authors ("David Vazquez Pua" . "davazp@gmail.com")) (:commit . "fe8d7e2db5581cd0cb7a69563bc44f0669f76322"))]) (gruvbox-theme . [(1 30 1) ((autothemer (0 2))) "A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/greduan/emacs-theme-gruvbox") (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com")) (:commit . "3177b458dcbd5db6135a8d57fd5b765131e4da6a"))]) (guru-mode . [(1 0) nil "Become an Emacs guru" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/bbatsov/guru-mode") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov")) (:keywords "convenience"))]) (haml-mode . [(3 1 10) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing Haml files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/nex3/haml-mode") (:keywords "markup" "languages" "html") (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum")))]) (haskell-mode . [(17 2) nil "A Haskell editing mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/haskell/haskell-mode") (:keywords "faces" "files" "haskell") (:maintainer "1992 Simon Marlow") (:authors ("1992 Simon Marlow") ("1997-1998 Graeme E Moss" . "gem@cs.york.ac.uk") ("Tommy Thorn" . "thorn@irisa.fr") ("2001-2002 Reuben Thomas (>=v1.4)") ("2003 Dave Love" . "fx@gnu.org") ("2016 Arthur Fayzrakhmanov")) (:commit . "e72677668f5fc7cc148008e885a0f256e245dd43"))]) (haskell-tng-mode . [(0 0 1) ((emacs (27 1)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Major mode for editing Haskell" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/tseenshe/haskell-tng-mode") (:keywords "languages"))]) (helm . [(3 8 8) ((helm-core (3 8 8)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:url . "https://emacs-helm.github.io/helm/") (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "thievol@posteo.net") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "thievol@posteo.net")) (:commit . "0a9a1e32cf130d181b26e23919402c8c25f41996"))]) (helm-core . [(3 8 8) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (1 9 7))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:url . "https://emacs-helm.github.io/helm/") (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "thievol@posteo.net") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "thievol@posteo.net")) (:commit . "0a9a1e32cf130d181b26e23919402c8c25f41996"))]) (highlight-parentheses . [(2 1 1) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight surrounding parentheses" tar ((:url . "https://sr.ht/~tsdh/highlight-parentheses.el/") (:keywords "faces" "matching") (:maintainer "Tassilo Horn" . "tsdh@gnu.org") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:commit . "438a1cb2563e2a2496be4678cc0df8d5b22caf5d"))]) (hl-block-mode . [(0 1) ((emacs (26 1))) "Highlighting nested blocks" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-hl-block-mode") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "877e14c0645397aa8c1a45eb34ea70f3ecd21280"))]) (htmlize . [(1 57) nil "Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/hniksic/emacs-htmlize") (:maintainer "Hrvoje Niksic" . "hniksic@gmail.com") (:authors ("Hrvoje Niksic" . "hniksic@gmail.com")) (:keywords "hypermedia" "extensions"))]) (idle-highlight-mode . [(1 1 3) ((emacs (27 1))) "Highlight the word the point is on" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-idle-highlight-mode") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Phil Hagelberg, Cornelius Mika, Campbell Barton") (:authors ("Phil Hagelberg, Cornelius Mika, Campbell Barton")) (:commit . "f71e57554071a398dbc0e2d48a71908cf13541b4"))]) (idris-mode . [(1 1 0) ((emacs (24)) (prop-menu (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing Idris code" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/idris-hackers/idris-mode") (:keywords "languages"))]) (iedit . [(0 9 9 9 9) nil "Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/victorhge/iedit") (:keywords "occurrence" "region" "simultaneous" "refactoring") (:maintainer "Victor Ren" . "victorhge@gmail.com") (:authors ("Victor Ren" . "victorhge@gmail.com")) (:commit . "699e179dac18c78698cba1a2052bee6f0bbc6bf7"))]) (inf-clojure . [(3 2 1) ((emacs (25 1)) (clojure-mode (5 11))) "Run an external Clojure process in an Emacs buffer" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/clojure-emacs/inf-clojure") (:keywords "processes" "comint" "clojure") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") (:commit . "151b20ba9d3ae39b88f91aecbab98bd5a5215f1a"))]) (inf-ruby . [(2 6 2) ((emacs (24 3))) "Run a Ruby process in a buffer" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/nonsequitur/inf-ruby") (:keywords "languages" "ruby") (:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") (:authors ("Yukihiro Matsumoto") ("Nobuyoshi Nakada") ("Cornelius Mika" . "cornelius.mika@gmail.com") ("Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") ("Kyle Hargraves" . "pd@krh.me")) (:commit . "eb7bf95d5b03bdb9b28647c89ea0a73e35fe0ad1"))]) (inkpot-theme . [(0 1) ((emacs (24 1))) "A port of vim's inkpot theme" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-inkpot-theme") (:maintainer "Sarah Iovan" . "sarah@hwaetageek.com") (:authors ("Sarah Iovan" . "sarah@hwaetageek.com") ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "de745de9ab7f67431a5ce493a63be68d408ec40e"))]) (j-mode . [(1 1 1) nil "Major mode for editing J programs" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/zellio/j-mode") (:keywords "j" "languages"))]) (jade-mode . [(1 0 1) nil "Major mode for editing .jade files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/brianc/jade-mode") (:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "Brian M. Carlson and other contributors") (:authors ("Brian M. Carlson and other contributors")) (:commit . "dad17dc86c93401646802a639a98dd2ec875db6f"))]) (jinja2-mode . [(0 3) nil "A major mode for jinja2" tar ((:maintainer "Florian Mounier aka paradoxxxzero") (:authors ("Florian Mounier aka paradoxxxzero")) (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/jinja2-mode.html") (:commit . "a598357069a68b0ac2bf128c19edd8e899084cdc"))]) (julia-mode . [(0 4) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Julia source code" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs") (:keywords "languages"))]) (keycast . [(1 2 0) ((emacs (25 3))) "Show current command and its key in the mode line" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/tarsius/keycast") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:commit . "98c2dda1a2ca0fc95f7425847a36abad5b31a4c7"))]) (kotlin-mode . [(2 0 0) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for kotlin" tar ((:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "Shodai Yokoyama" . "quantumcars@gmail.com") (:authors ("Shodai Yokoyama" . "quantumcars@gmail.com")) (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/kotlin-mode.html") (:commit . "d92c3b773473e9fe15f61f6177e4fbf097aadd05"))]) (lua-mode . [(20210802) ((emacs (24 3))) "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" tar ((:url . "http://immerrr.github.com/lua-mode") (:maintainer "2011-2013 immerrr" . "immerrr+lua@gmail.com") (:authors ("2011-2013 immerrr" . "immerrr+lua@gmail.com") ("2010-2011 Reuben Thomas" . "rrt@sc3d.org") ("2006 Juergen Hoetzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info") ("2004 various (support for Lua 5 and byte compilation)") ("2001 Christian Vogler" . "cvogler@gradient.cis.upenn.edu") ("1997 Bret Mogilefsky" . "mogul-lua@gelatinous.com") ("tcl-mode by Gregor Schmid" . "schmid@fb3-s7.math.tu-berlin.de") ("with tons of assistance from") ("Paul Du Bois" . "pld-lua@gelatinous.com") ("Aaron Smith" . "aaron-lua@gelatinous.com")) (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools"))]) (macrostep . [(0 9) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "interactive macro expander" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/joddie/macrostep") (:maintainer "joddie" . "j.j.oddie@gmail.com") (:authors ("joddie" . "j.j.oddie@gmail.com")) (:keywords "lisp" "languages" "macro" "debugging"))]) (magit . [(3 3 0) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 19 1)) (git-commit (3 3 0)) (magit-section (3 3 0)) (transient (0 3 6)) (with-editor (3 0 5))) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/magit/magit") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Marius Vollmer" . "marius.vollmer@gmail.com") ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")))]) (magit-section . [(3 3 0) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 19 1))) "Sections for read-only buffers" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/magit/magit") (:keywords "tools") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")))]) (markdown-mode . [(2 5) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for Markdown-formatted text" tar ((:url . "https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/") (:keywords "markdown" "github flavored markdown" "itex") (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . "jblevins@xbeta.org") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "jblevins@xbeta.org")) (:commit . "eecf2f20b097f9e6a0eaf938af967122fbec35dd"))]) (material-theme . [(2015) ((emacs (24 1))) "A Theme based on the colors of the Google Material Design" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/cpaulik/emacs-material-theme") (:keywords "themes") (:maintainer "Christoph Paulik" . "cpaulik@gmail.com") (:authors ("Christoph Paulik" . "cpaulik@gmail.com")))]) (mentor . [(0 5) ((emacs (25 1)) (xml-rpc (1 6 15)) (seq (1 11)) (async (1 9 3)) (url-scgi (0 7))) "Frontend for the rTorrent bittorrent client" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/skangas/mentor") (:keywords "comm" "processes" "bittorrent") (:maintainer "Stefan Kangas" . "stefankangas@gmail.com") (:authors ("Stefan Kangas" . "stefankangas@gmail.com")) (:commit . "480602f2ec5467aa2418ee98b328fb85d3b58d0c"))]) (moe-theme . [(1 0 2) nil "A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun!" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/kuanyui/moe-theme.el") (:keywords "themes") (:maintainer "kuanyui" . "azazabc123@gmail.com") (:authors ("kuanyui" . "azazabc123@gmail.com")))]) (monokai-theme . [(3 5 3) nil "A fruity color theme for Emacs." tar ((:url . "http://github.com/oneKelvinSmith/monokai-emacs") (:maintainer "Kelvin Smith" . "oneKelvinSmith@gmail.com") (:authors ("Kelvin Smith" . "oneKelvinSmith@gmail.com")))]) (mpv . [(0 2 0) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (25 1)) (json (1 3)) (org (8 0))) "control mpv for easy note-taking" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/kljohann/mpv.el") (:keywords "tools" "multimedia") (:maintainer "Johann Klähn" . "johann@jklaehn.de") (:authors ("Johann Klähn" . "johann@jklaehn.de")))]) (multiple-cursors . [(1 4 0) nil "Multiple cursors for emacs." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/magnars/multiple-cursors.el") (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:keywords "editing" "cursors"))]) (nasm-mode . [(1 1 1) ((emacs (24 3))) "NASM x86 assembly major mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/nasm-mode") (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")))]) (nginx-mode . [(1 1 9) nil "major mode for editing nginx config files" tar ((:maintainer "Andrew J Cosgriff" . "andrew@cosgriff.name") (:authors ("Andrew J Cosgriff" . "andrew@cosgriff.name")) (:keywords "languages" "nginx") (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/nginx-mode.html"))]) (nix-mode . [(1 4 4) ((emacs (25 1)) (magit-section (0)) (transient (0 3))) "Major mode for editing .nix files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/NixOS/nix-mode") (:keywords "nix" "languages" "tools" "unix") (:maintainer "Matthew Bauer" . "mjbauer95@gmail.com") (:commit . "e4e604ae3ac91748c4e7d51a591cb9ee60961b7c"))]) (oblivion-theme . [(0 1) ((emacs (24 1))) "A port of GEdit oblivion theme" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-oblivion-theme") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "3a1d67637ea4a6099a62de45842b8c5e4440ede4"))]) (org-auto-tangle . [(0 6 0) ((emacs (24 1)) (async (1 9 3))) "Automatically and Asynchronously tangles org files on save" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/yilkalargaw/org-auto-tangle") (:keywords "outlines") (:maintainer "Yilkal Argaw" . "yilkalargawworkneh@gmail.com") (:authors ("Yilkal Argaw" . "yilkalargawworkneh@gmail.com")) (:commit . "2494a6f78c9db5311123abc7cad119851a29a55c"))]) (org-contrib . [(0 4) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 4 6))) "Unmaintained add-ons for Org-mode" tar ((:url . "https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/org-contrib") (:keywords "org") (:maintainer "Bastien Guerry" . "bzg@gnu.org") (:authors ("Bastien Guerry" . "bzg@gnu.org")) (:commit . "c6aef31ccfc7c4418c3b51e98f7c3bd8e255f5e6"))]) (org-drill . [(2 7 0) ((emacs (25 3)) (seq (2 14)) (org (9 3)) (persist (0 3))) "Self-testing using spaced repetition" tar ((:url . "https://gitlab.com/phillord/org-drill/issues") (:keywords "games" "outlines" "multimedia") (:maintainer "Phillip Lord" . "phillip.lord@russet.org.uk") (:authors ("Paul Sexton" . "eeeickythump@gmail.com")) (:commit . "4c114489e682e514e79701045d541ab6f3dc3fb4"))]) (org-journal . [(2 1 2) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 1))) "a simple org-mode based journaling mode" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/bastibe/org-journal") (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold") ("Christian Schwarzgruber")))]) (org-mime . [(0 3 2) ((emacs (25 1))) "org html export for text/html MIME emails" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/org-mime/org-mime") (:keywords "mime" "mail" "email" "html") (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:authors ("Eric Schulte")) (:commit . "cc00afcf0291633324364c1c83bfe2833cfdc1bf"))]) (org-present . [(0 1) ((org (7))) "Minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/rlister/org-present") (:maintainer "Ric Lister") (:authors ("Ric Lister")))]) (org-superstar . [(1 5 1) ((org (9 1 9)) (emacs (26 1))) "Prettify headings and plain lists in Org mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/integral-dw/org-superstar-mode") (:keywords "faces" "outlines") (:maintainer "D. Williams" . "d.williams@posteo.net") (:authors ("D. Williams" . "d.williams@posteo.net")))]) (org-tree-slide . [(2 8 18) ((emacs (24 4))) "A presentation tool for org-mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/takaxp/org-tree-slide") (:keywords "convenience" "org-mode" "presentation" "narrowing") (:maintainer "Takaaki ISHIKAWA ") (:authors ("Takaaki ISHIKAWA ")) (:commit . "1fb3ecb637d0baff40dff7965dcac63b9674377b"))]) (orgit . [(1 8 0) ((emacs (25 1)) (magit (3 0)) (org (9 4))) "support for Org links to Magit buffers" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/magit/orgit") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:commit . "0b49d7a869b8fef3537a75df4db693ca3e3935a3"))]) (pacmacs . [(0 1 1) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 18 0))) "Pacman for Emacs" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/codingteam/pacmacs.el") (:maintainer "Alexey Kutepov" . "reximkut@gmail.com") (:authors ("Codingteam" . "codingteam@conference.jabber.ru")) (:commit . "071d008ebd734f469b87597cbdd34139a92e5308"))]) (parseclj . [(1 1 0) ((emacs (25))) "Clojure/EDN parser" tar ((:keywords "lisp" "clojure" "edn" "parser") (:maintainer "Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net") (:authors ("Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net")) (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/parseclj.html") (:commit . "90595049634549e6d8872f719b13e9555897d17b"))]) (parseedn . [(1 1 0) ((emacs (26)) (parseclj (1 1 0)) (map (2))) "Clojure/EDN parser" tar ((:keywords "lisp" "clojure" "edn" "parser") (:maintainer "Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net") (:authors ("Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net")) (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/parseedn.html") (:commit . "ea7b5281ec80aca0bd1cc93a348aebb302497339"))]) (pcmpl-args . [(0 1 3) ((emacs (25 1))) "Enhanced shell command completion" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/JonWaltman/pcmpl-args.el") (:keywords "abbrev" "completion" "convenience" "processes" "terminals" "unix") (:maintainer "Jonathan Waltman" . "jonathan.waltman@gmail.com") (:authors ("Jonathan Waltman" . "jonathan.waltman@gmail.com")) (:commit . "5f2943fd70d94065496c52d21f05eb89028637cc"))]) (pcre2el . [(1 11) ((emacs (25 1))) "regexp syntax converter" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/joddie/pcre2el") (:maintainer "joddie ") (:authors ("joddie ")) (:commit . "3a59d133d1ed9fd941ddecc85ee2a8e32be3d267"))]) (pdf-tools . [(1 0) ((emacs (24 3)) (tablist (1 0)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "Support library for PDF documents" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/vedang/pdf-tools/") (:keywords "files" "multimedia") (:maintainer "Andreas Politz" . "politza@fh-trier.de") (:authors ("Andreas Politz" . "politza@fh-trier.de")))]) (php-mode . [(1 24 1) ((emacs (25 2))) "Major mode for editing PHP code" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/php-mode") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:commit . "ae3b0b184e096b8bd916516ae7db908dbb27ec1e"))]) (popon . [(0 11) ((emacs (25 1))) "\"Pop\" floating text \"on\" a window" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-popon") (:keywords "lisp" "extensions" "frames") (:maintainer "Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org") (:authors ("Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org")) (:commit . "1ece1f531440b17e4921c30d574c7c30a4a9519d"))]) (popup . [(0 5 9) ((emacs (24 3))) "Visual Popup User Interface" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/auto-complete/popup-el") (:keywords "lisp") (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "m2ym.pub@gmail.com")))]) (projectile . [(2 6 0) ((emacs (25 1))) "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/bbatsov/projectile") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev")) (:commit . "e3bae8c91bb69c501dcc2e74f9ea14e89cf0a09c"))]) (proof-general . [(4 5) ((emacs (25 2))) "A generic Emacs interface for proof assistants" tar ((:url . "https://proofgeneral.github.io/") (:commit . "c366365aaddeb3a65dc0816c8f93ec209dc9de44"))]) (prop-menu . [(0 1 2) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Create and display a context menu based on text and overlay properties" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/david-christiansen/prop-menu-el") (:maintainer "David Christiansen" . "david@davidchristiansen.dk") (:authors ("David Christiansen" . "david@davidchristiansen.dk")) (:keywords "convenience"))]) (rainbow-delimiters . [(2 1 5) nil "Highlight brackets according to their depth" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/Fanael/rainbow-delimiters") (:keywords "faces" "convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com") (:authors ("Jeremy Rayman" . "opensource@jeremyrayman.com") ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")))]) (raku-mode . [(0 2 1) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for editing Raku code" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/hinrik/perl6-mode") (:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "hinrik.sig@gmail.com") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "hinrik.sig@gmail.com")) (:commit . "4ee9045eeb90f7831d7c0ee2e4adfcd957f712be"))]) (recomplete . [(0 2) ((emacs (26 1))) "Immediately (re)complete actions" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-recomplete") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "2b38ca25e3392636fe936d3edad447970279a463"))]) (request . [(0 3 3) ((emacs (24 4))) "Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/tkf/emacs-request") (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki ") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki ")))]) (rfc-mode . [(1 3 0) ((emacs (25 1))) "RFC document browser and viewer" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/galdor/rfc-mode") (:maintainer "Nicolas Martyanoff" . "khaelin@gmail.com") (:authors ("Nicolas Martyanoff" . "khaelin@gmail.com")) (:commit . "02546beecf4c495940885e7b7b911d84b12646ef"))]) (rubocop . [(0 6 0) ((emacs (24))) "An Emacs interface for RuboCop" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-emacs") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov")) (:keywords "project" "convenience"))]) (rust-mode . [(1 0 5) ((emacs (25 1))) "A major-mode for editing Rust source code" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-mode") (:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "Mozilla") (:authors ("Mozilla")) (:commit . "7bff48894dc532caf4010be3060370d315ef75f6"))]) (sass-mode . [(3 0 16) ((haml-mode (3 0 15)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing Sass files" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/nex3/haml/tree/master") (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum")) (:keywords "markup" "language" "css"))]) (scala-mode . [(0 23) nil "Major mode for editing Scala" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode") (:keywords "languages"))]) (scroll-on-drag . [(0 1) ((emacs (26 2))) "Interactive scrolling" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-scroll-on-drag") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "a668537a8da77e4425b6a4110bdaba598a295f9e"))]) (scroll-on-jump . [(0 1) ((emacs (26 2))) "Scroll when jumping to a new point" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-scroll-on-jump") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "30e23e86949b1bd53906d3f9036dfb57213e336c"))]) (sesman . [(0 3 2) ((emacs (25))) "Generic Session Manager" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/vspinu/sesman") (:keywords "process") (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")))]) (shellcop . [(0 1 0) ((emacs (25 1))) "Analyze info&error in shell-mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/redguardtoo/shellcop") (:keywords "unix" "tools") (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:commit . "4e71f5b9199a0ad10017104a6b2bf5ef5f207dfc"))]) (slime . [(2 26 1) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (macrostep (0 9))) "Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/slime/slime") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "slime"))]) (sly . [(1 0 43) ((emacs (24 3))) "Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/joaotavora/sly") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "sly"))]) (smartparens . [(1 11 0) nil "Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "editing") (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:commit . "4873352b5d0a1c5142658122de1b6950b8fe7e4d"))]) (solarized-theme . [(1 3 0) ((emacs (24 1))) "The Solarized color theme" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/bbatsov/solarized-emacs") (:keywords "convenience" "themes" "solarized") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev")))]) (spacemacs-theme . [(0 2) ((emacs (24))) "Color theme with a dark and light versions." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/nashamri/spacemacs-theme") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:maintainer "Nasser Alshammari") (:authors ("Nasser Alshammari")) (:commit . "4857e6eb7ea20be3a2631beee42d0644dff7eb1b"))]) (spell-fu . [(0 3) ((emacs (26 2))) "Fast & light spelling highlighter" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.org/ideasman42/emacs-spell-fu") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "ddad489f2c87467480520502a93e682f81bfac18"))]) (stylus-mode . [(1 0 1) nil "Major mode for editing .styl files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/brianc/jade-mode") (:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "Brian M. Carlson and other contributors") (:authors ("Brian M. Carlson and other contributors")) (:commit . "dad17dc86c93401646802a639a98dd2ec875db6f"))]) (subatomic-theme . [(1 8 2) nil "Low contrast bluish color theme" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/cryon/subatomic") (:keywords "color-theme" "blue" "low contrast") (:maintainer "John Olsson" . "john@cryon.se") (:authors ("John Olsson" . "john@cryon.se")) (:commit . "2d5acd143a153e16372d59000e57d76291ab81dd"))]) (subed . [(1 0 18) ((emacs (25 1))) "A major mode for editing subtitles" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/sachac/subed") (:keywords "convenience" "files" "hypermedia" "multimedia") (:maintainer "Sacha Chua" . "sacha@sachachua.com") (:authors ("Random User")) (:commit . "fcd2299f365eb37ced4a838bd39aaefd6c6ac576"))]) (sweeprolog . [(0 8 3) ((emacs (28 1))) "Embedded SWI-Prolog" tar ((:url . "https://git.sr.ht/~eshel/sweep") (:keywords "prolog" "languages" "extensions") (:maintainer "Eshel Yaron" . "~eshel/dev@lists.sr.ht") (:authors ("Eshel Yaron" . "me@eshelyaron.com")) (:commit . "8a532f318320f5a62a6295edc35a21cd45aa69a1"))]) (swift-mode . [(8 6 0) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 3))) "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/swift-emacs/swift-mode") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:maintainer "taku0 (http://github.com/taku0)") (:authors ("taku0 (http://github.com/taku0)") ("Chris Barrett" . "chris.d.barrett@me.com") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") ("Arthur Evstifeev" . "lod@pisem.net")) (:commit . "cdd194cbadcee724a9813da386f0a612082b1ab1"))]) (swsw . [(2 3) ((emacs (27 1))) "Simple window switching" tar ((:url . "https://dsemy.com/projects/swsw") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "swsw Mailing List" . "~dsemy/swsw-devel@lists.sr.ht") (:authors ("Daniel Semyonov" . "daniel@dsemy.com")) (:commit . "f41a36677737786d0f651f2d0ba5eb23d63c8ab5"))]) (symbol-overlay . [(4 1) ((emacs (24 3)) (seq (2 2))) "Highlight symbols with keymap-enabled overlays" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/wolray/symbol-overlay/") (:keywords "faces" "matching") (:maintainer "wolray" . "wolray@foxmail.com") (:authors ("wolray" . "wolray@foxmail.com")) (:commit . "d1464042783e252f5cac1fcac82fee16fc3534db"))]) (systemd . [(1 6) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for editing systemd units" tar ((:maintainer "Mark Oteiza" . "mvoteiza@udel.edu") (:authors ("Mark Oteiza" . "mvoteiza@udel.edu")) (:keywords "tools" "unix") (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/systemd.html"))]) (tablist . [(1 0) ((emacs (24 3))) "Extended tabulated-list-mode" tar ((:keywords "extensions" "lisp") (:maintainer "Andreas Politz" . "politza@fh-trier.de") (:authors ("Andreas Politz" . "politza@fh-trier.de")) (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/tablist.html"))]) (tangotango-theme . [(0 0 7) nil "Tango Palette color theme for Emacs 24." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/juba/color-theme-tangotango") (:keywords "tango" "palette" "color" "theme" "emacs") (:maintainer "Julien Barnier") (:authors ("Julien Barnier")))]) (telephone-line . [(0 5) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (cl-generic (0 2)) (seq (1 8))) "Rewrite of Powerline" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/dbordak/telephone-line") (:keywords "mode-line") (:maintainer "Daniel Bordak" . "dbordak@fastmail.fm") (:authors ("Daniel Bordak" . "dbordak@fastmail.fm")))]) (textile-mode . [(1 0 0) nil "Textile markup editing major mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/juba/textile-mode") (:keywords "wp" "languages") (:maintainer "Julien Barnier" . "julien@nozav.org") (:authors ("Julien Barnier" . "julien@nozav.org")) (:commit . "16ac26b5b4c9bb5c7a3c7aed6c6b3a6c5fb8c62c"))]) (toc-org . [(1 1) nil "add table of contents to org-mode files (formerly, org-toc)" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/snosov1/toc-org") (:keywords "org-mode" "org-toc" "toc-org" "org" "toc" "table" "of" "contents") (:maintainer "Sergei Nosov ") (:authors ("Sergei Nosov ")))]) (treeview . [(1 1 1) ((emacs (24 4))) "A generic tree navigation library" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/tilmanrassy/emacs-treeview") (:keywords "lisp" "tools" "internal" "convenience") (:maintainer "Tilman Rassy" . "tilman.rassy@googlemail.com") (:authors ("Tilman Rassy" . "tilman.rassy@googlemail.com")) (:commit . "b68f77bf102b289e7b0e97f767bb7ffff9a5835b"))]) (tuareg . [(3 0 1) ((emacs (26 3)) (caml (4 8))) "OCaml mode" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/ocaml/tuareg") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:maintainer "Christophe Troestler" . "Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be") (:authors ("Albert Cohen" . "Albert.Cohen@inria.fr") ("Sam Steingold" . "sds@gnu.org") ("Christophe Troestler" . "Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be") ("Till Varoquaux" . "till@pps.jussieu.fr") ("Sean McLaughlin" . "seanmcl@gmail.com") ("Stefan Monnier" . "monnier@iro.umontreal.ca")) (:commit . "4d94293cc5a7bba6cd043e29968719ce597d65f5"))]) (typescript-mode . [(0 4) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing typescript" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/ananthakumaran/typescript.el") (:keywords "typescript" "languages") (:commit . "2a58631230fe2d176352af262a0efdecc21f90ac"))]) (ujelly-theme . [(1 2 9) nil "Ujelly theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/marktran/color-theme-ujelly") (:maintainer "Mark Tran" . "mark.tran@gmail.com") (:authors ("Mark Tran" . "mark.tran@gmail.com")))]) (undo-fu . [(0 4) ((emacs (25 1))) "Undo helper with redo" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "46de023b5f8ddb989eeff7665feeec2877d8eda8"))]) (undo-fu-session . [(0 2) ((emacs (28 1))) "Persistent undo, available between sessions" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.com/ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu-session") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:commit . "e2043f8350970e1a9ef06a94956a733826cdf32b"))]) (vc-fossil . [(20220707) nil "VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system" tar ((:maintainer "Alfred M. Szmidt" . "ams@gnu.org") (:authors ("Venkat Iyer" . "venkat@comit.com")) (:url . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/vc-fossil.html") (:commit . "8ce6113aa272583130e5f929fefd67115c8f572a"))]) (vcomplete . [(1 2 1) ((emacs (25 1))) "Visual completions" tar ((:url . "https://dsemy.com/projects/vcomplete") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:maintainer "Vcomplete Mailing List" . "~dsemy/vcomplete-devel@lists.sr.ht") (:authors ("Daniel Semyonov" . "daniel@dsemy.com")) (:commit . "8450b1befd46ac9754d57e2f98f150f33bb317ce"))]) (visual-fill-column . [(2 5) ((emacs (25 1))) "fill-column for visual-line-mode" tar ((:url . "https://codeberg.org/joostkremers/visual-fill-column") (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . "joostkremers@fastmail.fm") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "joostkremers@fastmail.fm")) (:commit . "afaad5ac6b15cdf9f362662538e35d48578e218a"))]) (web-mode . [(17 3 3) ((emacs (23 1))) "major mode for editing web templates" tar ((:url . "https://web-mode.org") (:keywords "languages") (:maintainer "François-Xavier Bois" . "fxbois@gmail.com") (:authors ("François-Xavier Bois")) (:commit . "4b8a695825fda366927894e498421f35fce1cbb9"))]) (webpaste . [(3 2 2) ((emacs (24 4)) (request (0 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Paste to pastebin-like services" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/etu/webpaste.el") (:keywords "convenience" "comm" "paste") (:maintainer "Elis \"etu\" Hirwing" . "elis@hirwing.se") (:authors ("Elis \"etu\" Hirwing" . "elis@hirwing.se")))]) (wgrep . [(2 3 3) nil "Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-wgrep/raw/master/wgrep.el") (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com")) (:keywords "grep" "edit" "extensions"))]) (with-editor . [(3 2 0) ((emacs (24 4))) "Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/magit/with-editor") (:keywords "tools") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:commit . "a762199d9bb8ee60311eaabf791b3dd64140effd"))]) (with-simulated-input . [(3 0) ((emacs (24 4))) "A macro to simulate user input non-interactively" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/with-simulated-input") (:keywords "lisp" "tools" "extensions") (:maintainer "Ryan C Thompson" . "rct@thompsonclan.org") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson" . "rct@thompsonclan.org") ("Nikita Bloshchanevich" . "nikblos@outlook.com")) (:commit . "07bdfbe9ab9eab4a04ad02e98b011649a4f4e6a2"))]) (ws-butler . [(0 6) nil "Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace." tar ((:url . "https://github.com/lewang/ws-butler") (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:authors ("Le Wang")))]) (xah-fly-keys . [(22 0 20221031102959) ((emacs (24 1))) "ergonomic modal keybinding minor mode." tar ((:url . "http://xahlee.info/emacs/misc/xah-fly-keys.html") (:keywords "convenience" "emulations" "vim" "ergoemacs") (:maintainer "Xah Lee" . "xah@xahlee.org") (:authors ("Xah Lee ( http://xahlee.info/ )")) (:commit . "644dc9a4e254264560019578f8b84bc4523de8de"))]) (xml-rpc . [(1 6 16) nil "An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC" tar ((:url . "http://github.com/xml-rpc-el/xml-rpc-el") (:keywords "xml" "rpc" "network") (:maintainer "Mark A. Hershberger" . "mah@everybody.org") (:commit . "fc0c82eb5c8a5d5d837a21bca50f7c8169165f03"))]) (yaml-mode . [(0 0 15) ((emacs (24 1))) "Major mode for editing YAML files" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode") (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:authors ("Yoshiki Kurihara" . "clouder@gmail.com") ("Marshall T. Vandegrift" . "llasram@gmail.com")) (:keywords "data" "yaml"))]) (yasnippet-snippets . [(1 0) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Collection of yasnippet snippets" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/AndreaCrotti/yasnippet-snippets") (:maintainer "Andrea Crotti" . "andrea.crotti.0@gmail.com") (:authors ("Andrea Crotti" . "andrea.crotti.0@gmail.com")) (:keywords "snippets"))]) (zenburn-theme . [(2 7 0) nil "A low contrast color theme for Emacs." tar ((:url . "http://github.com/bbatsov/zenburn-emacs") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com")))]) (zig-mode . [(0 0 8) ((emacs (24 3))) "A major mode for the Zig programming language" tar ((:url . "https://github.com/zig-lang/zig-mode") (:maintainer "Andrea Orru , Andrew Kelley" . "superjoe30@gmail.com") (:authors ("Andrea Orru , Andrew Kelley" . "superjoe30@gmail.com")) (:keywords "zig" "languages"))]))