;;; nerd-icons-data-devicon.el --- glyphset devicon -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Hongyu Ding ;; Author: Hongyu Ding ;; Keywords: lisp ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; devicon ;; from Nerd Font Version: 3.2.1 ;;; Code: (defvar nerd-icons/devicon-alist '( ("nf-dev-android" . "\xe70e") ("nf-dev-angular" . "\xe753") ("nf-dev-appcelerator" . "\xe7ab") ("nf-dev-apple" . "\xe711") ("nf-dev-appstore" . "\xe713") ("nf-dev-aptana" . "\xe799") ("nf-dev-asterisk" . "\xe7ac") ("nf-dev-atlassian" . "\xe75b") ("nf-dev-atom" . "\xe764") ("nf-dev-aws" . "\xe7ad") ("nf-dev-backbone" . "\xe752") ("nf-dev-bing_small" . "\xe700") ("nf-dev-bintray" . "\xe794") ("nf-dev-bitbucket" . "\xe703") ("nf-dev-blackberry" . "\xe723") ("nf-dev-bootstrap" . "\xe747") ("nf-dev-bower" . "\xe74d") ("nf-dev-brackets" . "\xe79d") ("nf-dev-bugsense" . "\xe78d") ("nf-dev-celluloid" . "\xe76b") ("nf-dev-chart" . "\xe760") ("nf-dev-chrome" . "\xe743") ("nf-dev-cisco" . "\xe765") ("nf-dev-clojure" . "\xe768") ("nf-dev-clojure_alt" . "\xe76a") ("nf-dev-cloud9" . "\xe79f") ("nf-dev-coda" . "\xe793") ("nf-dev-code" . "\xe796") ("nf-dev-code_badge" . "\xe7a3") ("nf-dev-codeigniter" . "\xe780") ("nf-dev-codepen" . "\xe716") ("nf-dev-codrops" . "\xe72f") ("nf-dev-coffeescript" . "\xe751") ("nf-dev-compass" . "\xe761") ("nf-dev-composer" . "\xe783") ("nf-dev-creativecommons" . "\xe789") ("nf-dev-creativecommons_badge" . "\xe78a") ("nf-dev-css3" . "\xe749") ("nf-dev-css3_full" . "\xe74a") ("nf-dev-css_tricks" . "\xe701") ("nf-dev-cssdeck" . "\xe72a") ("nf-dev-dart" . "\xe798") ("nf-dev-database" . "\xe706") ("nf-dev-debian" . "\xe77d") ("nf-dev-digital_ocean" . "\xe7ae") ("nf-dev-django" . "\xe71d") ("nf-dev-dlang" . "\xe7af") ("nf-dev-docker" . "\xe7b0") ("nf-dev-doctrine" . "\xe774") ("nf-dev-dojo" . "\xe71c") ("nf-dev-dotnet" . "\xe77f") ("nf-dev-dreamweaver" . "\xe79c") ("nf-dev-dropbox" . "\xe707") ("nf-dev-drupal" . "\xe742") ("nf-dev-eclipse" . "\xe79e") ("nf-dev-ember" . "\xe71b") ("nf-dev-envato" . "\xe75d") ("nf-dev-erlang" . "\xe7b1") ("nf-dev-extjs" . "\xe78e") ("nf-dev-firebase" . "\xe787") ("nf-dev-firefox" . "\xe745") ("nf-dev-fsharp" . "\xe7a7") ("nf-dev-ghost" . "\xe71f") ("nf-dev-ghost_small" . "\xe714") ("nf-dev-git" . "\xe702") ("nf-dev-git_branch" . "\xe725") ("nf-dev-git_commit" . "\xe729") ("nf-dev-git_compare" . "\xe728") ("nf-dev-git_merge" . "\xe727") ("nf-dev-git_pull_request" . "\xe726") ("nf-dev-github" . "\xe70a") ("nf-dev-github_alt" . "\xe708") ("nf-dev-github_badge" . "\xe709") ("nf-dev-github_full" . "\xe717") ("nf-dev-gnu" . "\xe779") ("nf-dev-go" . "\xe724") ("nf-dev-google_cloud_platform" . "\xe7b2") ("nf-dev-google_drive" . "\xe731") ("nf-dev-grails" . "\xe7b3") ("nf-dev-groovy" . "\xe775") ("nf-dev-grunt" . "\xe74c") ("nf-dev-gulp" . "\xe763") ("nf-dev-hackernews" . "\xe71a") ("nf-dev-haskell" . "\xe777") ("nf-dev-heroku" . "\xe77b") ("nf-dev-html5" . "\xe736") ("nf-dev-html5_3d_effects" . "\xe735") ("nf-dev-html5_connectivity" . "\xe734") ("nf-dev-html5_device_access" . "\xe733") ("nf-dev-html5_multimedia" . "\xe732") ("nf-dev-ie" . "\xe744") ("nf-dev-illustrator" . "\xe7b4") ("nf-dev-intellij" . "\xe7b5") ("nf-dev-ionic" . "\xe7a9") ("nf-dev-java" . "\xe738") ("nf-dev-javascript" . "\xe74e") ("nf-dev-javascript_badge" . "\xe781") ("nf-dev-javascript_shield" . "\xe74f") ("nf-dev-jekyll_small" . "\xe70d") ("nf-dev-jenkins" . "\xe767") ("nf-dev-jira" . "\xe75c") ("nf-dev-joomla" . "\xe741") ("nf-dev-jquery" . "\xe750") ("nf-dev-jquery_ui" . "\xe754") ("nf-dev-komodo" . "\xe792") ("nf-dev-krakenjs" . "\xe785") ("nf-dev-krakenjs_badge" . "\xe784") ("nf-dev-laravel" . "\xe73f") ("nf-dev-less" . "\xe758") ("nf-dev-linux" . "\xe712") ("nf-dev-magento" . "\xe740") ("nf-dev-mailchimp" . "\xe79a") ("nf-dev-markdown" . "\xe73e") ("nf-dev-materializecss" . "\xe7b6") ("nf-dev-meteor" . "\xe7a5") ("nf-dev-meteorfull" . "\xe7a6") ("nf-dev-mitlicence" . "\xe78b") ("nf-dev-modernizr" . "\xe720") ("nf-dev-mongodb" . "\xe7a4") ("nf-dev-mootools" . "\xe790") ("nf-dev-mootools_badge" . "\xe78f") ("nf-dev-mozilla" . "\xe786") ("nf-dev-msql_server" . "\xe77c") ("nf-dev-mysql" . "\xe704") ("nf-dev-nancy" . "\xe766") ("nf-dev-netbeans" . "\xe79b") ("nf-dev-netmagazine" . "\xe72e") ("nf-dev-nginx" . "\xe776") ("nf-dev-nodejs" . "\xe719") ("nf-dev-nodejs_small" . "\xe718") ("nf-dev-npm" . "\xe71e") ("nf-dev-onedrive" . "\xe762") ("nf-dev-openshift" . "\xe7b7") ("nf-dev-opensource" . "\xe771") ("nf-dev-opera" . "\xe746") ("nf-dev-perl" . "\xe769") ("nf-dev-phonegap" . "\xe730") ("nf-dev-photoshop" . "\xe7b8") ("nf-dev-php" . "\xe73d") ("nf-dev-postgresql" . "\xe76e") ("nf-dev-prolog" . "\xe7a1") ("nf-dev-python" . "\xe73c") ("nf-dev-rackspace" . "\xe7b9") ("nf-dev-raphael" . "\xe75f") ("nf-dev-rasberry_pi" . "\xe722") ("nf-dev-react" . "\xe7ba") ("nf-dev-redhat" . "\xe7bb") ("nf-dev-redis" . "\xe76d") ("nf-dev-requirejs" . "\xe770") ("nf-dev-responsive" . "\xe797") ("nf-dev-ruby" . "\xe739") ("nf-dev-ruby_on_rails" . "\xe73b") ("nf-dev-ruby_rough" . "\xe791") ("nf-dev-rust" . "\xe7a8") ("nf-dev-safari" . "\xe748") ("nf-dev-sass" . "\xe74b") ("nf-dev-scala" . "\xe737") ("nf-dev-scriptcs" . "\xe7bc") ("nf-dev-scrum" . "\xe7a0") ("nf-dev-senchatouch" . "\xe78c") ("nf-dev-sizzlejs" . "\xe788") ("nf-dev-smashing_magazine" . "\xe72d") ("nf-dev-snap_svg" . "\xe75e") ("nf-dev-sqllite" . "\xe7c4") ("nf-dev-stackoverflow" . "\xe710") ("nf-dev-streamline" . "\xe705") ("nf-dev-stylus" . "\xe759") ("nf-dev-sublime" . "\xe7aa") ("nf-dev-swift" . "\xe755") ("nf-dev-symfony" . "\xe756") ("nf-dev-symfony_badge" . "\xe757") ("nf-dev-techcrunch" . "\xe72c") ("nf-dev-terminal" . "\xe795") ("nf-dev-terminal_badge" . "\xe7a2") ("nf-dev-travis" . "\xe77e") ("nf-dev-trello" . "\xe75a") ("nf-dev-typo3" . "\xe772") ("nf-dev-ubuntu" . "\xe73a") ("nf-dev-uikit" . "\xe773") ("nf-dev-unity_small" . "\xe721") ("nf-dev-vim" . "\xe7c5") ("nf-dev-visualstudio" . "\xe70c") ("nf-dev-w3c" . "\xe76c") ("nf-dev-webplatform" . "\xe76f") ("nf-dev-windows" . "\xe70f") ("nf-dev-wordpress" . "\xe70b") ("nf-dev-yahoo" . "\xe715") ("nf-dev-yahoo_small" . "\xe72b") ("nf-dev-yeoman" . "\xe77a") ("nf-dev-yii" . "\xe782") ("nf-dev-zend" . "\xe778") )) (provide 'nerd-icons-data-devicon) ;;; nerd-icons-data-devicon.el ends here