;;; nerd-icons-data-sucicon.el --- glyphset sucicon -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Hongyu Ding ;; Author: Hongyu Ding ;; Keywords: lisp ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; sucicon ;; from Nerd Font Version: 3.2.1 ;;; Code: (defvar nerd-icons/sucicon-alist '( ("nf-custom-ada" . "\xe6b5") ("nf-custom-asm" . "\xe6ab") ("nf-custom-astro" . "\xe6b3") ("nf-custom-c" . "\xe61e") ("nf-custom-common_lisp" . "\xe6b0") ("nf-custom-cpp" . "\xe61d") ("nf-custom-crystal" . "\xe62f") ("nf-custom-default" . "\xe612") ("nf-custom-electron" . "\xe62e") ("nf-custom-elixir" . "\xe62d") ("nf-custom-elm" . "\xe62c") ("nf-custom-emacs" . "\xe632") ("nf-custom-fennel" . "\xe6af") ("nf-custom-folder" . "\xe5ff") ("nf-custom-folder_config" . "\xe5fc") ("nf-custom-folder_git" . "\xe5fb") ("nf-custom-folder_git_branch" . "\xe5fb") ("nf-custom-folder_github" . "\xe5fd") ("nf-custom-folder_npm" . "\xe5fa") ("nf-custom-folder_oct" . "\xe6ad") ("nf-custom-folder_open" . "\xe5fe") ("nf-custom-go" . "\xe626") ("nf-custom-home" . "\xe617") ("nf-custom-kotlin" . "\xe634") ("nf-custom-msdos" . "\xe629") ("nf-custom-neovim" . "\xe6ae") ("nf-custom-orgmode" . "\xe633") ("nf-custom-play_arrow" . "\xe602") ("nf-custom-prettier" . "\xe6b4") ("nf-custom-puppet" . "\xe631") ("nf-custom-purescript" . "\xe630") ("nf-custom-scheme" . "\xe6b1") ("nf-custom-toml" . "\xe6b2") ("nf-custom-v_lang" . "\xe6ac") ("nf-custom-vim" . "\xe62b") ("nf-custom-windows" . "\xe62a") ("nf-seti-apple" . "\xe635") ("nf-seti-argdown" . "\xe636") ("nf-seti-asm" . "\xe637") ("nf-seti-audio" . "\xe638") ("nf-seti-babel" . "\xe639") ("nf-seti-bazel" . "\xe63a") ("nf-seti-bicep" . "\xe63b") ("nf-seti-bower" . "\xe61a") ("nf-seti-bsl" . "\xe63c") ("nf-seti-c" . "\xe649") ("nf-seti-c_sharp" . "\xe648") ("nf-seti-cake" . "\xe63e") ("nf-seti-cake_php" . "\xe63d") ("nf-seti-checkbox" . "\xe63f") ("nf-seti-checkbox_unchecked" . "\xe640") ("nf-seti-cjsx" . "\xe61b") ("nf-seti-clock" . "\xe641") ("nf-seti-clojure" . "\xe642") ("nf-seti-code_climate" . "\xe643") ("nf-seti-code_search" . "\xe644") ("nf-seti-coffee" . "\xe61b") ("nf-seti-coldfusion" . "\xe645") ("nf-seti-config" . "\xe615") ("nf-seti-cpp" . "\xe646") ("nf-seti-crystal" . "\xe62f") ("nf-seti-crystal_embedded" . "\xe647") ("nf-seti-css" . "\xe614") ("nf-seti-csv" . "\xe64a") ("nf-seti-cu" . "\xe64b") ("nf-seti-d" . "\xe651") ("nf-seti-dart" . "\xe64c") ("nf-seti-db" . "\xe64d") ("nf-seti-default" . "\xe64e") ("nf-seti-deprecation_cop" . "\xe64f") ("nf-seti-docker" . "\xe650") ("nf-seti-editorconfig" . "\xe652") ("nf-seti-ejs" . "\xe618") ("nf-seti-elixir" . "\xe62d") ("nf-seti-elixir_script" . "\xe653") ("nf-seti-elm" . "\xe62c") ("nf-seti-error" . "\xe654") ("nf-seti-eslint" . "\xe655") ("nf-seti-ethereum" . "\xe656") ("nf-seti-f_sharp" . "\xe65a") ("nf-seti-favicon" . "\xe623") ("nf-seti-firebase" . "\xe657") ("nf-seti-firefox" . "\xe658") ("nf-seti-folder" . "\xe613") ("nf-seti-font" . "\xe659") ("nf-seti-git" . "\xe65d") ("nf-seti-git_folder" . "\xe65d") ("nf-seti-git_ignore" . "\xe65d") ("nf-seti-github" . "\xe65b") ("nf-seti-gitlab" . "\xe65c") ("nf-seti-go" . "\xe627") ("nf-seti-go2" . "\xe65e") ("nf-seti-godot" . "\xe65f") ("nf-seti-gradle" . "\xe660") ("nf-seti-grails" . "\xe661") ("nf-seti-graphql" . "\xe662") ("nf-seti-grunt" . "\xe611") ("nf-seti-gulp" . "\xe610") ("nf-seti-hacklang" . "\xe663") ("nf-seti-haml" . "\xe664") ("nf-seti-happenings" . "\xe665") ("nf-seti-haskell" . "\xe61f") ("nf-seti-haxe" . "\xe666") ("nf-seti-heroku" . "\xe607") ("nf-seti-hex" . "\xe667") ("nf-seti-home" . "\xe617") ("nf-seti-html" . "\xe60e") ("nf-seti-ignored" . "\xe668") ("nf-seti-illustrator" . "\xe669") ("nf-seti-image" . "\xe60d") ("nf-seti-info" . "\xe66a") ("nf-seti-ionic" . "\xe66b") ("nf-seti-jade" . "\xe66c") ("nf-seti-java" . "\xe66d") ("nf-seti-javascript" . "\xe60c") ("nf-seti-jenkins" . "\xe66e") ("nf-seti-jinja" . "\xe66f") ("nf-seti-json" . "\xe60b") ("nf-seti-julia" . "\xe624") ("nf-seti-karma" . "\xe622") ("nf-seti-kotlin" . "\xe634") ("nf-seti-less" . "\xe60b") ("nf-seti-license" . "\xe60a") ("nf-seti-liquid" . "\xe670") ("nf-seti-livescript" . "\xe671") ("nf-seti-lock" . "\xe672") ("nf-seti-lua" . "\xe620") ("nf-seti-makefile" . "\xe673") ("nf-seti-markdown" . "\xe609") ("nf-seti-maven" . "\xe674") ("nf-seti-mdo" . "\xe675") ("nf-seti-mustache" . "\xe60f") ("nf-seti-new_file" . "\xe676") ("nf-seti-nim" . "\xe677") ("nf-seti-notebook" . "\xe678") ("nf-seti-npm" . "\xe616") ("nf-seti-npm_ignored" . "\xe616") ("nf-seti-nunjucks" . "\xe679") ("nf-seti-ocaml" . "\xe67a") ("nf-seti-odata" . "\xe67b") ("nf-seti-pddl" . "\xe67c") ("nf-seti-pdf" . "\xe67d") ("nf-seti-perl" . "\xe67e") ("nf-seti-photoshop" . "\xe67f") ("nf-seti-php" . "\xe608") ("nf-seti-pipeline" . "\xe680") ("nf-seti-plan" . "\xe681") ("nf-seti-platformio" . "\xe682") ("nf-seti-play_arrow" . "\xe602") ("nf-seti-powershell" . "\xe683") ("nf-seti-prisma" . "\xe684") ("nf-seti-project" . "\xe601") ("nf-seti-prolog" . "\xe685") ("nf-seti-pug" . "\xe686") ("nf-seti-puppet" . "\xe631") ("nf-seti-purescript" . "\xe630") ("nf-seti-python" . "\xe606") ("nf-seti-r" . "\xe68a") ("nf-seti-rails" . "\xe604") ("nf-seti-react" . "\xe625") ("nf-seti-reasonml" . "\xe687") ("nf-seti-rescript" . "\xe688") ("nf-seti-rollup" . "\xe689") ("nf-seti-ruby" . "\xe605") ("nf-seti-rust" . "\xe68b") ("nf-seti-salesforce" . "\xe68c") ("nf-seti-sass" . "\xe603") ("nf-seti-sbt" . "\xe68d") ("nf-seti-scala" . "\xe68e") ("nf-seti-search" . "\xe68f") ("nf-seti-settings" . "\xe690") ("nf-seti-shell" . "\xe691") ("nf-seti-slim" . "\xe692") ("nf-seti-smarty" . "\xe693") ("nf-seti-spring" . "\xe694") ("nf-seti-stylelint" . "\xe695") ("nf-seti-stylus" . "\xe600") ("nf-seti-sublime" . "\xe696") ("nf-seti-svelte" . "\xe697") ("nf-seti-svg" . "\xe698") ("nf-seti-swift" . "\xe699") ("nf-seti-terraform" . "\xe69a") ("nf-seti-tex" . "\xe69b") ("nf-seti-text" . "\xe64e") ("nf-seti-time_cop" . "\xe641") ("nf-seti-todo" . "\xe69c") ("nf-seti-tsconfig" . "\xe69d") ("nf-seti-twig" . "\xe61c") ("nf-seti-typescript" . "\xe628") ("nf-seti-vala" . "\xe69e") ("nf-seti-video" . "\xe69f") ("nf-seti-vue" . "\xe6a0") ("nf-seti-wasm" . "\xe6a1") ("nf-seti-wat" . "\xe6a2") ("nf-seti-webpack" . "\xe6a3") ("nf-seti-wgt" . "\xe6a4") ("nf-seti-word" . "\xe6a5") ("nf-seti-xls" . "\xe6a6") ("nf-seti-xml" . "\xe619") ("nf-seti-yarn" . "\xe6a7") ("nf-seti-yml" . "\xe6a8") ("nf-seti-zig" . "\xe6a9") ("nf-seti-zip" . "\xe6aa") )) (provide 'nerd-icons-data-sucicon) ;;; nerd-icons-data-sucicon.el ends here