remove burly ; persp-mode is a better fit for current needs

This commit is contained in:
KemoNine 2023-04-08 13:32:43 -04:00
parent c05bd7c9ce
commit c6acdcb3a2
13 changed files with 1 additions and 2298 deletions

View file

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
;;; burly-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "burly" "burly.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from burly.el
(autoload 'burly-open-last-bookmark "burly" "\
Open the last-opened Burly bookmark.
Helpful for, e.g. quickly restoring an overview while working on
a project." t nil)
(autoload 'burly-kill-buffer-url "burly" "\
Copy BUFFER's URL to the kill ring.
\(fn BUFFER)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-kill-frames-url "burly" "\
Copy current frameset's URL to the kill ring." t nil)
(autoload 'burly-kill-windows-url "burly" "\
Copy current frame's window configuration URL to the kill ring." t nil)
(autoload 'burly-open-url "burly" "\
Open Burly URL.
\(fn URL)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-bookmark-frames "burly" "\
Bookmark the current frames as NAME.
\(fn NAME)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-bookmark-windows "burly" "\
Bookmark the current frame's window configuration as NAME.
\(fn NAME)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-open-bookmark "burly" "\
Restore a window configuration to the current frame from a Burly BOOKMARK.
\(fn BOOKMARK)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-bookmark-handler "burly" "\
Handler function for Burly BOOKMARK.
\(fn BOOKMARK)" nil nil)
(register-definition-prefixes "burly" '("burly-"))
;;;### (autoloads nil "burly-tabs" "burly-tabs.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from burly-tabs.el
(defvar burly-tabs-mode nil "\
Non-nil if Burly-Tabs mode is enabled.
See the `burly-tabs-mode' command
for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `burly-tabs-mode'.")
(custom-autoload 'burly-tabs-mode "burly-tabs" nil)
(autoload 'burly-tabs-mode "burly-tabs" "\
Integrate Burly with `tab-bar-mode'.
When active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new tabs and named
This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the
`Burly-Tabs mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive,
enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.
If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable
the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number.
Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.
To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer,
evaluate `(default-value \\='burly-tabs-mode)'.
The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when
it is disabled.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(register-definition-prefixes "burly-tabs" '("burly-"))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("burly-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; burly-autoloads.el ends here

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
(define-package "burly" "20221024.2019" "Save and restore frame/window configurations with buffers"
'((emacs "27.1")
(map "2.1"))
:commit "f570fa87ee72a451f535cfb038d81798a01a7e20" :authors
'(("Adam Porter" . ""))
'("Adam Porter" . "")
:url "")
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
;;; burly-tabs.el --- Burly's support for tab-bar -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Adam Porter
;; Author: Adam Porter <>
;; Keywords: tab-bar, tabs, frames
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library provides support for `tab-bar-mode'.
;;; Code:
;; TODO: In Emacs 28, add an entry to the tab context menu. See
;; <>.
;;;; Requirements
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'map)
(require 'tab-bar)
(require 'burly)
;;;; Commands
(define-minor-mode burly-tabs-mode
"Integrate Burly with `tab-bar-mode'.
When active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new tabs and named
:global t
:group 'burly
(unless (version<= "28.1" emacs-version)
(user-error "`burly-tabs-mode' requires Emacs 28.1 or later"))
(if burly-tabs-mode
(advice-add #'burly--windows-set :before #'burly-tabs--windows-set-before-advice)
(advice-add #'burly--windows-set :after #'burly-tabs--windows-set-after-advice))
;; Disable mode.
(advice-remove #'burly--windows-set #'burly-tabs--windows-set-before-advice)
(advice-remove #'burly--windows-set #'burly-tabs--windows-set-after-advice)))
(cl-defun burly-tabs-reset-tab (&optional (tab (tab-bar--current-tab-find)))
"Reset TAB to its saved configuration.
Resets TAB to the Burly bookmark that it was created from."
(pcase-let* ((`(,_ . ,(map burly-bookmark-name)) tab))
(unless burly-bookmark-name
(user-error "Tab has no associated Burly bookmark (`burly-tabs-mode' must be enabled when opening a bookmark)"))
(burly-open-bookmark burly-bookmark-name)))
(defalias 'burly-reset-tab #'burly-tabs-reset-tab)
;;;; Functions
(defun burly-tabs--windows-set-before-advice (&rest _ignore)
"Cause bookmark to be opened in a tab by that name.
If a tab already exists named the value of
`burly-opened-bookmark-name', select it; otherwise call
`tab-bar-new-tab'. To be used as advice to
(if (tab-bar--tab-index-by-name burly-opened-bookmark-name)
(tab-bar-select-tab-by-name burly-opened-bookmark-name)
(defun burly-tabs--windows-set-after-advice (&rest _ignore)
"Set current tab's `burly-bookmark-name' to BOOKMARK-NAME.
To be used as advice to `burly--windows-set'."
(tab-rename burly-opened-bookmark-name)
(let ((current-tab (tab-bar--current-tab-find)))
(setf (alist-get 'burly-bookmark-name (cdr current-tab))
(provide 'burly-tabs)
;;; burly-tabs.el ends here

View file

@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
;;; burly.el --- Save and restore frame/window configurations with buffers -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Adam Porter
;; Author: Adam Porter <>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.3-pre
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (map "2.1"))
;; Keywords: convenience
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This package provides tools to save and restore frame and window
;; configurations in Emacs, including buffers that may not be live
;; anymore. In this way, it's like a lightweight "workspace" manager,
;; allowing you to easily restore one or more frames, including their
;; windows, the windows' layout, and their buffers.
;; Internally it uses Emacs's bookmarks system to restore buffers to
;; their previous contents and location. This provides power and
;; extensibility, since many major modes already integrate with
;; Emacs's bookmarks system. However, in case a mode's bookmarking
;; function isn't satisfactory, Burly allows the user to customize
;; buffer-restoring functions for specific modes.
;; For Org mode, Burly provides such custom functions so that narrowed
;; and indirect Org buffers are properly restored, and headings are
;; located by outline path in case they've moved since a bookmark was
;; made (the org-bookmark-heading package also provides this through
;; the Emacs bookmark system, but users may not have it installed, and
;; the functionality is too useful to not include here by default).
;; Internally, buffers and window configurations are also encoded as
;; URLs, and users may also save and open those URLs instead of using
;; Emacs bookmarks. (The name "Burly" comes from "buffer URL.")
;;; Code:
;;;; Requirements
(require 'bookmark)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'map)
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'thingatpt)
(require 'url-parse)
(require 'url-util)
;;;; Variables
(defvar burly--window-state nil
"Used to work around `bookmark--jump-via' affecting window configuration.")
(defvar burly-opened-bookmark-name nil
"The name of the last bookmark opened by Burly.")
;;;; Customization
(defgroup burly nil
"Save and restore window configurations and their buffers."
:group 'convenience
:link '(url-link "")
:link '(custom-manual "(Burly)Usage"))
(defcustom burly-bookmark-prefix "Burly: "
"Prefix string for the name of new Burly bookmarks."
:type 'string)
(defcustom burly-major-mode-alist
(list (cons 'org-mode
(list (cons 'make-url-fn #'burly--org-mode-buffer-url)
(cons 'follow-url-fn #'burly-follow-url-org-mode))))
"Alist mapping major modes to the appropriate Burly functions."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol
:value-type (set (cons (const make-url-fn) (function :tag "Make-URL function"))
(cons (const follow-url-fn) (function :tag "Follow-URL function")))))
(defcustom burly-frameset-filter-alist '((name . nil))
"Alist of frame parameters and filtering functions.
See variable `frameset-filter-alist'."
:type '(alist :key-type (symbol :tag "Frame parameter")
:value-type (choice (const :tag "Always copied" nil)
(const :tag "Never copied" :never)
(function :tag "Filter function"))))
(defcustom burly-window-persistent-parameters
(list (cons 'burly-url 'writable)
(cons 'header-line-format 'writable)
(cons 'mode-line-format 'writable)
(cons 'tab-line-format 'writable)
(cons 'no-other-window 'writable)
(cons 'no-delete-other-windows 'writable)
(cons 'window-preserved-size 'writable)
(cons 'window-side 'writable)
(cons 'window-slot 'writable))
"Additional window parameters to persist.
See Info node `(elisp)Window Parameters'. See also option
:type '(alist :key-type (symbol :tag "Window parameter")
:value-type (choice (const :tag "Not saved" nil)
(const :tag "Saved" writable))))
(defcustom burly-set-window-persistent-parameters t
"Sync `window-persistent-parameters' with `burly' option.
When this option is non-nil, `window-persistent-parameters' is
set to the value of `burly-window-persistent-parameters' when
Burly restores a window configuration.
By default, `window-persistent-parameters' does not save many of
the parameters that are in the default value of
`burly-window-persistent-parameters', which causes, e.g. a
built-in command like `window-toggle-side-windows' to not persist
such parameters when side windows are toggled (which could,
e.g. cause a window's `mode-line-format' to not persist). So
enabling this option solves that.
Note: When this option is non-nil,
`burly-window-persistent-parameters' should be set heeding the
warning in the manual about not using the `writable' value for
parameters whose values do not have a read syntax."
:type 'boolean)
;;;; Commands
(defun burly-open-last-bookmark ()
"Open the last-opened Burly bookmark.
Helpful for, e.g. quickly restoring an overview while working on
a project."
(unless burly-opened-bookmark-name
(user-error "Use command `burly-open-bookmark' first"))
(burly-open-bookmark burly-opened-bookmark-name))
(defun burly-kill-buffer-url (buffer)
"Copy BUFFER's URL to the kill ring."
(interactive "bBuffer: ")
(let ((url (burly-buffer-url (get-buffer buffer))))
(kill-new url)
(message "%s" url)))
(defun burly-kill-frames-url ()
"Copy current frameset's URL to the kill ring."
(let ((url (burly-frames-url)))
(kill-new url)
(message "%s" url)))
(defun burly-kill-windows-url ()
"Copy current frame's window configuration URL to the kill ring."
(let ((url (burly-windows-url)))
(kill-new url)
(message "%s" url)))
(defun burly-open-url (url)
"Open Burly URL."
;; FIXME: If point is on an "emacs+burly..." URL, but it's after the "emacs+burly"
;; part, `thing-at-point-url-at-point' doesn't pick up the whole URL.
(interactive (list (or (thing-at-point-url-at-point t)
(read-string "URL: "))))
(cl-assert (string-prefix-p "emacs+burly+" url) t "burly-open-url: URL not an emacs+burly one:")
(pcase-let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url url))
((cl-struct url type) urlobj)
(subtype (car (last (split-string type "+" 'omit-nulls)))))
(pcase-exhaustive subtype
((or "bookmark" "file" "name") (pop-to-buffer (burly-url-buffer url)))
("frames" (burly--frameset-restore urlobj))
("windows" (burly--windows-set urlobj)))))
(defun burly-bookmark-frames (name)
"Bookmark the current frames as NAME."
(list (completing-read "Save Burly bookmark: " (burly-bookmark-names)
nil nil burly-bookmark-prefix)))
(let ((record (list (cons 'url (burly-frames-url))
(cons 'handler #'burly-bookmark-handler))))
(bookmark-store name record nil)))
(defun burly-bookmark-windows (name)
"Bookmark the current frame's window configuration as NAME."
(list (completing-read "Save Burly bookmark: " (burly-bookmark-names)
nil nil burly-bookmark-prefix)))
(let ((record (list (cons 'url (burly-windows-url))
(cons 'handler #'burly-bookmark-handler))))
(bookmark-store name record nil)))
(defun burly-open-bookmark (bookmark)
"Restore a window configuration to the current frame from a Burly BOOKMARK."
(list (completing-read "Open Burly bookmark: " (burly-bookmark-names)
nil nil burly-bookmark-prefix)))
(cl-assert (and bookmark (not (string-empty-p bookmark))) nil
"(burly-open-bookmark): Invalid Burly bookmark: '%s'" bookmark)
(bookmark-jump bookmark))
;;;; Functions
;;;;; Buffers
(defun burly-url-buffer (url)
"Return buffer for URL."
(cl-assert (string-prefix-p "emacs+burly+" url) t "burly-url-buffer: URL not an emacs+burly one: %s" url)
(pcase-let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url url))
((cl-struct url type) urlobj)
(subtype (car (last (split-string type "+" 'omit-nulls)))))
(pcase-exhaustive subtype
("bookmark" (burly--bookmark-url-buffer urlobj))
("file" (burly--file-url-buffer urlobj))
("name" (let ((buffer-name (decode-coding-string (cdr (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(or (get-buffer buffer-name)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*Burly (error): " buffer-name "*"))
(insert "Burly was unable to get a buffer named: " buffer-name "\n"
"URL: " url "\n"
"Please report this error to the developer\n\n")
(defun burly-buffer-url (buffer)
"Return URL for BUFFER."
(let* ((major-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buffer))
(make-url-fn (map-nested-elt burly-major-mode-alist (list major-mode 'make-url-fn))))
(cond (make-url-fn (funcall make-url-fn buffer))
(t (or (with-current-buffer buffer
(when-let* ((record (ignore-errors
(cl-labels ((encode (element)
(cl-typecase element
(string (encode-coding-string element 'utf-8-unix))
(proper-list (mapcar #'encode element))
(cons (cons (encode (car element))
(encode (cdr element))))
(t element))))
;; Encode all strings in record with UTF-8.
;; NOTE: If we stop using URLs in the future, maybe this won't be needed.
(setf record (encode record)))
(burly--bookmark-record-url record)))
;; Buffer can't seem to be bookmarked, so record it as
;; a name-only buffer. For some reason, it works
;; better to use the buffer name in the query string
;; rather than the filename/path part.
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+name" nil nil nil nil
(concat "?" (encode-coding-string (buffer-name buffer)
nil nil 'fullness)))))))
;;;;; Files
(defun burly--file-url-buffer (urlobj)
"Return buffer for \"emacs+burly+file:\" URLOBJ."
(pcase-let* ((`(,path . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(query (url-parse-query-string query-string))
(buffer (find-file-noselect path))
(major-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buffer))
(follow-fn (map-nested-elt burly-major-mode-alist (list major-mode 'follow-url-fn))))
(cl-assert follow-fn nil "Major mode not in `burly-major-mode-alist': %s" major-mode)
(funcall follow-fn :buffer buffer :query query)))
;;;;; Frames
;; Looks like frameset.el should make this pretty easy.
(require 'frameset)
(cl-defun burly-frames-url (&optional (frames (frame-list)))
"Return URL for frameset of FRAMES.
FRAMES defaults to all live frames."
(dolist (frame frames)
;; Set URL window parameter for each window before saving state.
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list frame 'never)))
(let* ((window-persistent-parameters (append burly-window-persistent-parameters
(frameset-filter-alist (append burly-frameset-filter-alist frameset-filter-alist))
(query (frameset-save frames))
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(filename (concat "?" (url-hexify-string (prin1-to-string query))))
(url (url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+frames" nil nil nil nil
(dolist (frame frames)
;; Clear window parameters.
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list frame 'never) 'nullify))
(defun burly--frameset-restore (urlobj)
"Restore FRAMESET according to URLOBJ."
(setf window-persistent-parameters (copy-sequence burly-window-persistent-parameters))
(pcase-let* ((`(,_ . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(frameset (read (url-unhex-string query-string)))
(frameset-filter-alist (append burly-frameset-filter-alist frameset-filter-alist)))
;; Restore buffers. (Apparently `cl-loop''s in-ref doesn't work with
;; its destructuring, so we can't just `setf' on `window-state'.)
(setf (frameset-states frameset)
(cl-loop for (frame-parameters . window-state) in (frameset-states frameset)
collect (cons frame-parameters (burly--bufferize-window-state window-state))))
(condition-case err
(frameset-restore frameset)
(error (delay-warning 'burly (format "Error while restoring frameset: ERROR:%S FRAMESET:%S" err frameset))))))
;;;;; Windows
(cl-defun burly-windows-url (&optional (frame (selected-frame)))
"Return URL for window configuration on FRAME."
(with-selected-frame frame
(let* ((query (burly--window-state frame))
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(filename (concat "?" (url-hexify-string (prin1-to-string query)))))
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+windows" nil nil nil nil
(cl-defun burly--window-state (&optional (frame (selected-frame)))
"Return window state for FRAME.
Sets `burly-url' window parameter in each window before
(with-selected-frame frame
;; Set URL window parameter for each window before saving state.
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list nil 'never))
(let* ((window-persistent-parameters (append burly-window-persistent-parameters
(window-state (window-state-get nil 'writable)))
;; Clear window parameters we set (because they aren't kept
;; current, so leaving them could be confusing).
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list nil 'never) 'nullify)
(defun burly--windows-set-url (windows &optional nullify)
"Set `burly-url' window parameter in WINDOWS.
If NULLIFY, set the parameter to nil."
(dolist (window windows)
(let ((value (if nullify nil (burly-buffer-url (window-buffer window)))))
(set-window-parameter window 'burly-url value))))
(defun burly--windows-set (urlobj)
"Set window configuration according to URLOBJ."
(setf window-persistent-parameters (copy-sequence burly-window-persistent-parameters))
(pcase-let* ((window-persistent-parameters (append burly-window-persistent-parameters
(`(,_ . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
;; FIXME: Remove this condition-case eventually, after giving users time to update their bookmarks.
(state (condition-case nil
(read (url-unhex-string query-string))
(invalid-read-syntax (display-warning 'burly "Please recreate that Burly bookmark (storage format changed)")
(read query-string))))
(state (burly--bufferize-window-state state)))
(window-state-put state (frame-root-window))
;; HACK: Since `bookmark--jump-via' insists on calling a
;; buffer-display function after handling the bookmark, we add a
;; function to `bookmark-after-jump-hook' to restore the window
;; configuration that we just set.
(setf burly--window-state (window-state-get (frame-root-window) 'writable))
(push #'burly--bookmark-window-state-hack bookmark-after-jump-hook)))
(defun burly--bufferize-window-state (state)
"Return window state STATE with its buffers reincarnated."
(cl-labels ((bufferize-state
;; Set windows' buffers in STATE.
(state) (pcase state
(`(leaf . ,_attrs) (bufferize-leaf state))
((pred atom) state)
(`(,_key . ,(pred atom)) state)
((pred list) (mapcar #'bufferize-state state))))
(leaf) (pcase-let* ((`(leaf . ,attrs) leaf)
((map parameters buffer) attrs)
((map burly-url) parameters)
(`(,_buffer-name . ,buffer-attrs) buffer)
(new-buffer (burly-url-buffer burly-url)))
(setf (map-elt attrs 'buffer) (cons new-buffer buffer-attrs))
(cons 'leaf attrs))))
(if-let ((leaf-pos (cl-position 'leaf state)))
;; A one-window frame: the elements following `leaf' are that window's params.
(append (cl-subseq state 0 leaf-pos)
(bufferize-leaf (cl-subseq state leaf-pos)))
;; Multi-window frame.
(bufferize-state state))))
;;;;; Bookmarks
(defun burly--bookmark-window-state-hack (&optional _)
"Put window state from `burly--window-state'.
This function is to be called in `bookmark-after-jump-hook' to
work around `bookmark--jump-via's calling a buffer-display
function which changes the window configuration after
`burly--windows-set' has set it. This function removes itself
from the hook."
(cl-assert burly--window-state)
(window-state-put burly--window-state (frame-root-window)))
(setf bookmark-after-jump-hook (delete #'burly--bookmark-window-state-hack bookmark-after-jump-hook)
burly--window-state nil)))
(defun burly-bookmark-handler (bookmark)
"Handler function for Burly BOOKMARK."
(let ((previous-name burly-opened-bookmark-name))
;; Set opened bookmark name before actually opening it so that the
;; tabs-mode advice functions can use it beforehand.
(setf burly-opened-bookmark-name (car bookmark))
(condition-case err
(burly-open-url (alist-get 'url (bookmark-get-bookmark-record bookmark)))
(error (setf burly-opened-bookmark-name previous-name)
(signal (car err) (cdr err))))))
(defun burly--bookmark-record-url (record)
"Return a URL for bookmark RECORD."
(cl-assert record)
(pcase-let* ((`(,name . ,props) record)
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(query (cl-loop for prop in props
;; HACK: Remove unreadable values from props.
do (cl-loop for value in-ref (cdr prop)
when (or (bufferp value))
do (setf value nil))
collect (list (car prop) (prin1-to-string (cdr prop)))))
(filename (concat (url-hexify-string name) "?" (url-build-query-string (remove nil query)))))
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+bookmark" nil nil nil nil
filename nil nil 'fullness))))
(defun burly--bookmark-url-buffer (urlobj)
"Return buffer for bookmark specified by URLOBJ.
URLOBJ should be a URL object as returned by
(pcase-let* ((`(,path . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(query (url-parse-query-string query-string))
;; Convert back to alist.
(props (cl-loop for prop in query
for key = (intern (car prop))
for value = (pcase key
('handler (intern (cadr prop)))
('help-args (read (cadr prop)))
('help-fn (ignore-errors
;; NOTE: Due to changes in help-mode.el which serialize natively
;; compiled subrs in the bookmark record, which cannot be read
;; back (which actually break the entire bookmark system when
;; such a record is saved in the bookmarks file), we have to
;; workaround a failure to read here. See bug#56643.
(read (cadr prop))))
('position (cl-parse-integer (cadr prop)))
(_ (read (cadr prop))))
collect (cons key value)))
(record (cons path props)))
(cl-labels ((decode (element)
(cl-typecase element
(string (decode-coding-string element 'utf-8-unix))
(proper-list (mapcar #'decode element))
(cons (cons
(decode (car element))
(decode (cdr element))))
(t element))))
;; Decode all strings in record with UTF-8.
;; NOTE: If we stop using URLs in the future, maybe this won't be needed.
(setf record (decode record)))
(condition-case err
(bookmark-jump record)
(error (delay-warning 'burly (format "Error while opening bookmark: ERROR:%S RECORD:%S" err record))))
(defun burly-bookmark-names ()
"Return list of all Burly bookmark names."
(cl-loop for bookmark in bookmark-alist
for (_name . params) = bookmark
when (equal #'burly-bookmark-handler (alist-get 'handler params))
collect (car bookmark)))
;;;;; Org buffers
;; We only require Org when compiling the file. At runtime, Org will
;; be loaded before we call any of its functions, because we load the
;; Org file into a buffer first, which activates `org-mode'.
(require 'org))
(declare-function org-before-first-heading-p "org")
(declare-function org-back-to-heading "org")
(declare-function org-find-olp "org")
(declare-function org-tree-to-indirect-buffer "org")
(declare-function org-narrow-to-subtree "org")
(declare-function org-heading-components "org")
(declare-function org-up-heading-safe "org")
(defun burly--org-mode-buffer-url (buffer)
"Return URL for Org BUFFER."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(cl-assert (or (buffer-file-name buffer)
(buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer buffer)))
nil "Buffer has no file name: %s" buffer)
(let* ((narrowed (buffer-narrowed-p))
(indirect (buffer-base-buffer buffer))
;; For narrowing purposes, start with the heading at the top of the buffer.
(when (buffer-narrowed-p)
(goto-char (point-min))
;; `org-get-outline-path' replaces links in headings with their
;; descriptions, which prevents using them in regexp searches.
(when (org-heading-components)
(nreverse (cl-loop collect (substring-no-properties (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
while (org-up-heading-safe))))))))
(when (ignore-errors (org-heading-components))
(nreverse (cl-loop collect (substring-no-properties (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
while (org-up-heading-safe))))))
(pos (point))
(relative-pos (when top-olp
(- (point) (save-excursion
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(query (list (list "pos" pos)
(when top-olp
(list "top-olp" (prin1-to-string top-olp)))
(when point-olp
(list "point-olp" (prin1-to-string point-olp)))
(when relative-pos
(list "relative-pos" relative-pos))
(when indirect
(list "indirect" "t"))
(when narrowed
(list "narrowed" "t"))))
(buffer-file (or (buffer-file-name buffer)
(buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer buffer))))
(filename (concat buffer-file "?" (url-build-query-string (remove nil query)))))
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+file" nil nil nil nil
filename nil nil 'fullness)))))
(cl-defun burly-follow-url-org-mode (&key buffer query)
"In BUFFER, jump to heading and position from QUERY, and return a buffer.
If QUERY specifies that the buffer should be indirect, a new,
indirect buffer is returned. Otherwise BUFFER is returned."
;; `pcase's map support uses `alist-get', which does not work with string keys
;; unless its TESTFN arg is bound to, e.g. `equal', but `map-elt' has deprecated
;; its TESTFN arg, and there's no way to pass it or bind it when using `pcase'
;; anyway. So we rebind `alist-get' to a function that uses `assoc-string'.
(with-current-buffer buffer
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'alist-get)
(lambda (key alist &optional _default _remove _testfn)
;; Only the first value in the list of values is returned, so multiple
;; values are not supported. I don't expect this to be a problem...
(cadr (assoc-string key alist)))))
(pcase-let* (((map ("pos" pos)
("indirect" indirect)
("narrowed" narrowed)
("top-olp" top-olp)
("point-olp" point-olp)
("relative-pos" relative-pos))
(heading-pos (when top-olp
(org-find-olp (read top-olp) 'this-buffer))))
(if heading-pos
(goto-char heading-pos)
(goto-char (string-to-number pos)))
(cond (indirect (org-tree-to-indirect-buffer))
(narrowed (progn
(goto-char (org-find-olp (read point-olp) 'this-buffer)))))
(when (and heading-pos relative-pos)
(forward-char (string-to-number relative-pos)))
;;;; Footer
(provide 'burly)
;;; burly.el ends here

View file

@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
This is, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from README.texi.
* Burly: (burly). Save and restore window configurations and their buffers.

File:, Node: Top, Next: Installation, Up: (dir)
This package provides tools to save and restore frame and window
configurations in Emacs, including buffers that may not be live anymore.
In this way, its like a lightweight "workspace" manager, allowing you
to easily restore one or more frames, including their windows, the
windows layout, and their buffers.
Internally it uses Emacss bookmarks system to restore buffers to
their previous contents and location. This provides power and
extensibility, since many major modes already integrate with Emacss
bookmarks system. However, in case a modes bookmarking function isnt
satisfactory, Burly allows the user to customize buffer-restoring
functions for specific modes.
For Org mode, Burly provides such custom functions so that narrowed
and indirect Org buffers are properly restored, and headings are located
by outline path in case theyve moved since a bookmark was made (the
org-bookmark-heading (
package also provides this through the Emacs bookmark system, but users
may not have it installed, and the functionality is too useful to not
include here by default).
Internally, buffers and frame/window configurations are also encoded
as URLs, and users may also save and open those URLs instead of using
Emacs bookmarks. (The name "Burly" comes from "buffer URL.") For
example, a URL to the Installation/Quelpa heading in this file, as Im
writing it, looks like this:
In terms of built-in features, Burly may be seen as integrating or
leveraging the built-in libraries bookmark.el, window.el, and
* Menu:
* Installation::
* Usage::
* Changelog::
* Development::
* Credits::
* License::
— The Detailed Node Listing —
* Quelpa::
* Manual::
* Bookmark commands::
* URL commands::
* Tab bar::
* Tips::
* 0.3-pre: 03-pre.
* 0.2: 02.
* 0.1: 01.

File:, Node: Installation, Next: Usage, Prev: Top, Up: Top
1 Installation
* Menu:
* Quelpa::
* Manual::

File:, Node: MELPA, Next: Quelpa, Up: Installation
If you installed from MELPA, youre done. Just run one of the commands

File:, Node: Quelpa, Next: Manual, Prev: MELPA, Up: Installation
1.2 Quelpa
The easiest way is to install with quelpa-use-package
(, like this:
(use-package burly
:quelpa (burly :fetcher github :repo "alphapapa/burly.el"))

File:, Node: Manual, Prev: Quelpa, Up: Installation
1.3 Manual
1. Install version 2.1 or later of the map library from GNU ELPA.
2. Copy burly.el into a directory in your load-path, then
(require 'burly).

File:, Node: Usage, Next: Changelog, Prev: Installation, Up: Top
2 Usage
* Menu:
* Bookmark commands::
* URL commands::
* Tab bar::
* Tips::

File:, Node: Bookmark commands, Next: URL commands, Up: Usage
2.1 Bookmark commands
Most users will probably use Burly by bookmarking frame and window
configurations and accessing them with these commands:
burly-bookmark-frames: Bookmark the current frames and their
window configurations.
burly-bookmark-windows: Bookmark the current frames window
burly-open-bookmark: Select and open a Burly bookmark.
burly-open-last-bookmark: Open the last-opened Burly bookmark.
Helpful for, e.g. quickly restoring an overview while working on a
Note that bookmarks created by Burly are regular Emacs bookmarks, so
they can be managed by Emacss built-in bookmark commands, e.g.
list-bookmarks, bookmark-delete, etc.

File:, Node: URL commands, Next: Tab bar, Prev: Bookmark commands, Up: Usage
2.2 URL commands
These commands work on URL strings. While most users probably wont use
these, they may be useful for building custom tooling.
burly-open-url: Open a Burly URL (at point, or prompt for one),
displaying the buffer(s) in the current window or frame.
burly-kill-buffer-url: Copy BUFFERs URL to the kill ring.
burly-kill-frames-url: Copy the current framesets URL to the
kill ring.
burly-kill-windows-url: Copy the current frames window
configuration URL to the kill ring.

File:, Node: Tab bar, Next: Tips, Prev: URL commands, Up: Usage
2.3 Tab bar
Burly supports Emacss tab-bar-mode with burly-tabs-mode. When
active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new tabs, and the tabs are named
according to the bookmarks. Reopening a Burly bookmark uses the
designated tab, if it already exists, and tabs may be reset to their
bookmarked state with the command burly-reset-tab (which you might
bind to C-x t R).

File:, Node: Tips, Prev: Tab bar, Up: Usage
2.4 Tips
• You can customize settings in the burly group.
• An Info manual is included with this package.

File:, Node: Changelog, Next: Development, Prev: Usage, Up: Top
3 Changelog
* Menu:
* 0.3-pre: 03-pre.
* 0.2: 02.
* 0.1: 01.

File:, Node: 03-pre, Next: 02, Up: Changelog
3.1 0.3-pre
• Command burly-tabs-mode, which integrates Burly with
tab-bar-mode. When active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new
tabs, and the tabs are named according to the bookmark.
• Command burly-reset-tab, which resets a tab to the state of the
bookmark which opened it.
• Emacs version 28.1 or later is required.
• Buffers that cant be restored by name no longer cause an error
which aborts restoration of the rest of the bookmarks buffers.
• Added workaround for regression in Emacs 28 regarding bookmarks for
help-mode buffers. (See Emacs bug 56643

File:, Node: 02, Next: 01, Prev: 03-pre, Up: Changelog
3.2 0.2
• Bookmark commands use completing-read and offer existing Burly
bookmark names, making it easier to update bookmarks. (Thanks to
Erik Sjöstrand (
• Command burly-open-last-bookmark.
• Option burly-set-window-persistent-parameters, which synchronizes
window-persistent-parameters with
burly-window-persistent-parameters, ensuring that built-in Emacs
commands like window-toggle-side-windows persist parameters that
are persisted with Burly.
• Option burly-window-persistent-parameterss default value
includes more window parameters, like header/mode line, side, slot,
etc, making it easier to restore an overview of a project or
• Emacs version 27.1 or later is required.
• Narrow Org buffers to correct heading (at the top of the buffer
rather than at point).
• Buffers whose names have multibyte characters. (Fixes #43
( Thanks to Liu
Hui ( for reporting.)
• Bind print-level to nil where prin1-to-string is used (in case
the value is non-nil in a users config, which would cause
truncated values).

File:, Node: 01, Prev: 02, Up: Changelog
3.3 0.1
Initial release.

File:, Node: Development, Next: Credits, Prev: Changelog, Up: Top
4 Development
Bug reports, feature requests, suggestions — _oh my_!

File:, Node: Credits, Next: License, Prev: Development, Up: Top
5 Credits
• Thanks to Clemens Radermacher ( and
Robert Weiner ( for their suggestions.
• Thanks to Trey Peacock ( for
extensive feedback on pre-release versions.

File:, Node: License, Prev: Credits, Up: Top
6 License

Tag Table:
Node: Top219
Node: Installation2378
Node: MELPA2529
Node: Quelpa2701
Node: Manual3014
Node: Usage3283
Node: Bookmark commands3454
Node: URL commands4320
Node: Tab bar5001
Node: Tips5490
Node: Changelog5685
Node: 03-pre5847
Node: 026658
Node: 018079
Node: Development8173
Node: Credits8344
Node: License8704

End Tag Table

Local Variables:
coding: utf-8

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the
topmost node of the Info hierarchy, called (dir)Top.
The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at this node.

File: dir, Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree
This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.
Typing "q" exits, "H" lists all Info commands, "d" returns here,
"h" gives a primer for first-timers,
"mEmacs<Return>" visits the Emacs manual, etc.
In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference
to select it.
* Menu:
* Burly: (burly). Save and restore window configurations and
their buffers.

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) ; this goes in chemacs2 init -- DO NOT UNCOMMENT (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) ; this goes in chemacs2 init -- DO NOT UNCOMMENT
(package-initialize) ; this goes in chemacs2 init -- DO NOT UNCOMMENT (package-initialize) ; this goes in chemacs2 init -- DO NOT UNCOMMENT
(add-to-list 'package-selected-packages (add-to-list 'package-selected-packages
'(persp-mode burly rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters markdown-mode devdocs devdocs-browser focus zoom popwin dired-single diredfl xclip doominhibitinhibit-modeline magit helpful helm helm-org helm-ls-git dired-rainbow dired-rainbow-listing dired-single dash s origami modus-themes use-package) '(persp-mode rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters markdown-mode devdocs devdocs-browser focus zoom popwin dired-single diredfl xclip doominhibitinhibit-modeline magit helpful helm helm-org helm-ls-git dired-rainbow dired-rainbow-listing dired-single dash s origami modus-themes use-package)
) )
(require 'use-package) (require 'use-package)
@ -479,19 +479,6 @@
;(tab-bar-mode t) ;(tab-bar-mode t)
;(burly-tabs-mode 1) ;(burly-tabs-mode 1)
; burly
(require 'burly)
; C-x r b 'helm-filtered-bookmarks (list-bookmarks) defined above in helm section
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r l") 'helm-filtered-bookmarks) ; list-bookmarks
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r o") 'burly-open-bookmark)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r O") 'burly-reset-tab)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r k") 'helm-bookmark-rename)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r k") 'bookmark-delete)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r f") 'burly-bookmark-frames)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r w") 'burly-bookmark-windows)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; persp-mode ; persp-mode
(setq persp-auto-resume-time -1.0) (setq persp-auto-resume-time -1.0)

View file

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
;;; burly-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "burly" "burly.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from burly.el
(autoload 'burly-open-last-bookmark "burly" "\
Open the last-opened Burly bookmark.
Helpful for, e.g. quickly restoring an overview while working on
a project." t nil)
(autoload 'burly-kill-buffer-url "burly" "\
Copy BUFFER's URL to the kill ring.
\(fn BUFFER)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-kill-frames-url "burly" "\
Copy current frameset's URL to the kill ring." t nil)
(autoload 'burly-kill-windows-url "burly" "\
Copy current frame's window configuration URL to the kill ring." t nil)
(autoload 'burly-open-url "burly" "\
Open Burly URL.
\(fn URL)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-bookmark-frames "burly" "\
Bookmark the current frames as NAME.
\(fn NAME)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-bookmark-windows "burly" "\
Bookmark the current frame's window configuration as NAME.
\(fn NAME)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-open-bookmark "burly" "\
Restore a window configuration to the current frame from a Burly BOOKMARK.
\(fn BOOKMARK)" t nil)
(autoload 'burly-bookmark-handler "burly" "\
Handler function for Burly BOOKMARK.
\(fn BOOKMARK)" nil nil)
(register-definition-prefixes "burly" '("burly-"))
;;;### (autoloads nil "burly-tabs" "burly-tabs.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from burly-tabs.el
(defvar burly-tabs-mode nil "\
Non-nil if Burly-Tabs mode is enabled.
See the `burly-tabs-mode' command
for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `burly-tabs-mode'.")
(custom-autoload 'burly-tabs-mode "burly-tabs" nil)
(autoload 'burly-tabs-mode "burly-tabs" "\
Integrate Burly with `tab-bar-mode'.
When active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new tabs and named
This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the
`Burly-Tabs mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive,
enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.
If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable
the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number.
Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.
To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer,
evaluate `(default-value \\='burly-tabs-mode)'.
The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when
it is disabled.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(register-definition-prefixes "burly-tabs" '("burly-"))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("burly-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; burly-autoloads.el ends here

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
(define-package "burly" "20221024.2019" "Save and restore frame/window configurations with buffers"
'((emacs "27.1")
(map "2.1"))
:commit "f570fa87ee72a451f535cfb038d81798a01a7e20" :authors
'(("Adam Porter" . ""))
'("Adam Porter" . "")
:url "")
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
;;; burly-tabs.el --- Burly's support for tab-bar -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Adam Porter
;; Author: Adam Porter <>
;; Keywords: tab-bar, tabs, frames
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This library provides support for `tab-bar-mode'.
;;; Code:
;; TODO: In Emacs 28, add an entry to the tab context menu. See
;; <>.
;;;; Requirements
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'map)
(require 'tab-bar)
(require 'burly)
;;;; Commands
(define-minor-mode burly-tabs-mode
"Integrate Burly with `tab-bar-mode'.
When active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new tabs and named
:global t
:group 'burly
(unless (version<= "28.1" emacs-version)
(user-error "`burly-tabs-mode' requires Emacs 28.1 or later"))
(if burly-tabs-mode
(advice-add #'burly--windows-set :before #'burly-tabs--windows-set-before-advice)
(advice-add #'burly--windows-set :after #'burly-tabs--windows-set-after-advice))
;; Disable mode.
(advice-remove #'burly--windows-set #'burly-tabs--windows-set-before-advice)
(advice-remove #'burly--windows-set #'burly-tabs--windows-set-after-advice)))
(cl-defun burly-tabs-reset-tab (&optional (tab (tab-bar--current-tab-find)))
"Reset TAB to its saved configuration.
Resets TAB to the Burly bookmark that it was created from."
(pcase-let* ((`(,_ . ,(map burly-bookmark-name)) tab))
(unless burly-bookmark-name
(user-error "Tab has no associated Burly bookmark (`burly-tabs-mode' must be enabled when opening a bookmark)"))
(burly-open-bookmark burly-bookmark-name)))
(defalias 'burly-reset-tab #'burly-tabs-reset-tab)
;;;; Functions
(defun burly-tabs--windows-set-before-advice (&rest _ignore)
"Cause bookmark to be opened in a tab by that name.
If a tab already exists named the value of
`burly-opened-bookmark-name', select it; otherwise call
`tab-bar-new-tab'. To be used as advice to
(if (tab-bar--tab-index-by-name burly-opened-bookmark-name)
(tab-bar-select-tab-by-name burly-opened-bookmark-name)
(defun burly-tabs--windows-set-after-advice (&rest _ignore)
"Set current tab's `burly-bookmark-name' to BOOKMARK-NAME.
To be used as advice to `burly--windows-set'."
(tab-rename burly-opened-bookmark-name)
(let ((current-tab (tab-bar--current-tab-find)))
(setf (alist-get 'burly-bookmark-name (cdr current-tab))
(provide 'burly-tabs)
;;; burly-tabs.el ends here

View file

@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
;;; burly.el --- Save and restore frame/window configurations with buffers -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Adam Porter
;; Author: Adam Porter <>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.3-pre
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (map "2.1"))
;; Keywords: convenience
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This package provides tools to save and restore frame and window
;; configurations in Emacs, including buffers that may not be live
;; anymore. In this way, it's like a lightweight "workspace" manager,
;; allowing you to easily restore one or more frames, including their
;; windows, the windows' layout, and their buffers.
;; Internally it uses Emacs's bookmarks system to restore buffers to
;; their previous contents and location. This provides power and
;; extensibility, since many major modes already integrate with
;; Emacs's bookmarks system. However, in case a mode's bookmarking
;; function isn't satisfactory, Burly allows the user to customize
;; buffer-restoring functions for specific modes.
;; For Org mode, Burly provides such custom functions so that narrowed
;; and indirect Org buffers are properly restored, and headings are
;; located by outline path in case they've moved since a bookmark was
;; made (the org-bookmark-heading package also provides this through
;; the Emacs bookmark system, but users may not have it installed, and
;; the functionality is too useful to not include here by default).
;; Internally, buffers and window configurations are also encoded as
;; URLs, and users may also save and open those URLs instead of using
;; Emacs bookmarks. (The name "Burly" comes from "buffer URL.")
;;; Code:
;;;; Requirements
(require 'bookmark)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'map)
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'thingatpt)
(require 'url-parse)
(require 'url-util)
;;;; Variables
(defvar burly--window-state nil
"Used to work around `bookmark--jump-via' affecting window configuration.")
(defvar burly-opened-bookmark-name nil
"The name of the last bookmark opened by Burly.")
;;;; Customization
(defgroup burly nil
"Save and restore window configurations and their buffers."
:group 'convenience
:link '(url-link "")
:link '(custom-manual "(Burly)Usage"))
(defcustom burly-bookmark-prefix "Burly: "
"Prefix string for the name of new Burly bookmarks."
:type 'string)
(defcustom burly-major-mode-alist
(list (cons 'org-mode
(list (cons 'make-url-fn #'burly--org-mode-buffer-url)
(cons 'follow-url-fn #'burly-follow-url-org-mode))))
"Alist mapping major modes to the appropriate Burly functions."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol
:value-type (set (cons (const make-url-fn) (function :tag "Make-URL function"))
(cons (const follow-url-fn) (function :tag "Follow-URL function")))))
(defcustom burly-frameset-filter-alist '((name . nil))
"Alist of frame parameters and filtering functions.
See variable `frameset-filter-alist'."
:type '(alist :key-type (symbol :tag "Frame parameter")
:value-type (choice (const :tag "Always copied" nil)
(const :tag "Never copied" :never)
(function :tag "Filter function"))))
(defcustom burly-window-persistent-parameters
(list (cons 'burly-url 'writable)
(cons 'header-line-format 'writable)
(cons 'mode-line-format 'writable)
(cons 'tab-line-format 'writable)
(cons 'no-other-window 'writable)
(cons 'no-delete-other-windows 'writable)
(cons 'window-preserved-size 'writable)
(cons 'window-side 'writable)
(cons 'window-slot 'writable))
"Additional window parameters to persist.
See Info node `(elisp)Window Parameters'. See also option
:type '(alist :key-type (symbol :tag "Window parameter")
:value-type (choice (const :tag "Not saved" nil)
(const :tag "Saved" writable))))
(defcustom burly-set-window-persistent-parameters t
"Sync `window-persistent-parameters' with `burly' option.
When this option is non-nil, `window-persistent-parameters' is
set to the value of `burly-window-persistent-parameters' when
Burly restores a window configuration.
By default, `window-persistent-parameters' does not save many of
the parameters that are in the default value of
`burly-window-persistent-parameters', which causes, e.g. a
built-in command like `window-toggle-side-windows' to not persist
such parameters when side windows are toggled (which could,
e.g. cause a window's `mode-line-format' to not persist). So
enabling this option solves that.
Note: When this option is non-nil,
`burly-window-persistent-parameters' should be set heeding the
warning in the manual about not using the `writable' value for
parameters whose values do not have a read syntax."
:type 'boolean)
;;;; Commands
(defun burly-open-last-bookmark ()
"Open the last-opened Burly bookmark.
Helpful for, e.g. quickly restoring an overview while working on
a project."
(unless burly-opened-bookmark-name
(user-error "Use command `burly-open-bookmark' first"))
(burly-open-bookmark burly-opened-bookmark-name))
(defun burly-kill-buffer-url (buffer)
"Copy BUFFER's URL to the kill ring."
(interactive "bBuffer: ")
(let ((url (burly-buffer-url (get-buffer buffer))))
(kill-new url)
(message "%s" url)))
(defun burly-kill-frames-url ()
"Copy current frameset's URL to the kill ring."
(let ((url (burly-frames-url)))
(kill-new url)
(message "%s" url)))
(defun burly-kill-windows-url ()
"Copy current frame's window configuration URL to the kill ring."
(let ((url (burly-windows-url)))
(kill-new url)
(message "%s" url)))
(defun burly-open-url (url)
"Open Burly URL."
;; FIXME: If point is on an "emacs+burly..." URL, but it's after the "emacs+burly"
;; part, `thing-at-point-url-at-point' doesn't pick up the whole URL.
(interactive (list (or (thing-at-point-url-at-point t)
(read-string "URL: "))))
(cl-assert (string-prefix-p "emacs+burly+" url) t "burly-open-url: URL not an emacs+burly one:")
(pcase-let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url url))
((cl-struct url type) urlobj)
(subtype (car (last (split-string type "+" 'omit-nulls)))))
(pcase-exhaustive subtype
((or "bookmark" "file" "name") (pop-to-buffer (burly-url-buffer url)))
("frames" (burly--frameset-restore urlobj))
("windows" (burly--windows-set urlobj)))))
(defun burly-bookmark-frames (name)
"Bookmark the current frames as NAME."
(list (completing-read "Save Burly bookmark: " (burly-bookmark-names)
nil nil burly-bookmark-prefix)))
(let ((record (list (cons 'url (burly-frames-url))
(cons 'handler #'burly-bookmark-handler))))
(bookmark-store name record nil)))
(defun burly-bookmark-windows (name)
"Bookmark the current frame's window configuration as NAME."
(list (completing-read "Save Burly bookmark: " (burly-bookmark-names)
nil nil burly-bookmark-prefix)))
(let ((record (list (cons 'url (burly-windows-url))
(cons 'handler #'burly-bookmark-handler))))
(bookmark-store name record nil)))
(defun burly-open-bookmark (bookmark)
"Restore a window configuration to the current frame from a Burly BOOKMARK."
(list (completing-read "Open Burly bookmark: " (burly-bookmark-names)
nil nil burly-bookmark-prefix)))
(cl-assert (and bookmark (not (string-empty-p bookmark))) nil
"(burly-open-bookmark): Invalid Burly bookmark: '%s'" bookmark)
(bookmark-jump bookmark))
;;;; Functions
;;;;; Buffers
(defun burly-url-buffer (url)
"Return buffer for URL."
(cl-assert (string-prefix-p "emacs+burly+" url) t "burly-url-buffer: URL not an emacs+burly one: %s" url)
(pcase-let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url url))
((cl-struct url type) urlobj)
(subtype (car (last (split-string type "+" 'omit-nulls)))))
(pcase-exhaustive subtype
("bookmark" (burly--bookmark-url-buffer urlobj))
("file" (burly--file-url-buffer urlobj))
("name" (let ((buffer-name (decode-coding-string (cdr (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(or (get-buffer buffer-name)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*Burly (error): " buffer-name "*"))
(insert "Burly was unable to get a buffer named: " buffer-name "\n"
"URL: " url "\n"
"Please report this error to the developer\n\n")
(defun burly-buffer-url (buffer)
"Return URL for BUFFER."
(let* ((major-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buffer))
(make-url-fn (map-nested-elt burly-major-mode-alist (list major-mode 'make-url-fn))))
(cond (make-url-fn (funcall make-url-fn buffer))
(t (or (with-current-buffer buffer
(when-let* ((record (ignore-errors
(cl-labels ((encode (element)
(cl-typecase element
(string (encode-coding-string element 'utf-8-unix))
(proper-list (mapcar #'encode element))
(cons (cons (encode (car element))
(encode (cdr element))))
(t element))))
;; Encode all strings in record with UTF-8.
;; NOTE: If we stop using URLs in the future, maybe this won't be needed.
(setf record (encode record)))
(burly--bookmark-record-url record)))
;; Buffer can't seem to be bookmarked, so record it as
;; a name-only buffer. For some reason, it works
;; better to use the buffer name in the query string
;; rather than the filename/path part.
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+name" nil nil nil nil
(concat "?" (encode-coding-string (buffer-name buffer)
nil nil 'fullness)))))))
;;;;; Files
(defun burly--file-url-buffer (urlobj)
"Return buffer for \"emacs+burly+file:\" URLOBJ."
(pcase-let* ((`(,path . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(query (url-parse-query-string query-string))
(buffer (find-file-noselect path))
(major-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buffer))
(follow-fn (map-nested-elt burly-major-mode-alist (list major-mode 'follow-url-fn))))
(cl-assert follow-fn nil "Major mode not in `burly-major-mode-alist': %s" major-mode)
(funcall follow-fn :buffer buffer :query query)))
;;;;; Frames
;; Looks like frameset.el should make this pretty easy.
(require 'frameset)
(cl-defun burly-frames-url (&optional (frames (frame-list)))
"Return URL for frameset of FRAMES.
FRAMES defaults to all live frames."
(dolist (frame frames)
;; Set URL window parameter for each window before saving state.
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list frame 'never)))
(let* ((window-persistent-parameters (append burly-window-persistent-parameters
(frameset-filter-alist (append burly-frameset-filter-alist frameset-filter-alist))
(query (frameset-save frames))
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(filename (concat "?" (url-hexify-string (prin1-to-string query))))
(url (url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+frames" nil nil nil nil
(dolist (frame frames)
;; Clear window parameters.
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list frame 'never) 'nullify))
(defun burly--frameset-restore (urlobj)
"Restore FRAMESET according to URLOBJ."
(setf window-persistent-parameters (copy-sequence burly-window-persistent-parameters))
(pcase-let* ((`(,_ . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(frameset (read (url-unhex-string query-string)))
(frameset-filter-alist (append burly-frameset-filter-alist frameset-filter-alist)))
;; Restore buffers. (Apparently `cl-loop''s in-ref doesn't work with
;; its destructuring, so we can't just `setf' on `window-state'.)
(setf (frameset-states frameset)
(cl-loop for (frame-parameters . window-state) in (frameset-states frameset)
collect (cons frame-parameters (burly--bufferize-window-state window-state))))
(condition-case err
(frameset-restore frameset)
(error (delay-warning 'burly (format "Error while restoring frameset: ERROR:%S FRAMESET:%S" err frameset))))))
;;;;; Windows
(cl-defun burly-windows-url (&optional (frame (selected-frame)))
"Return URL for window configuration on FRAME."
(with-selected-frame frame
(let* ((query (burly--window-state frame))
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(filename (concat "?" (url-hexify-string (prin1-to-string query)))))
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+windows" nil nil nil nil
(cl-defun burly--window-state (&optional (frame (selected-frame)))
"Return window state for FRAME.
Sets `burly-url' window parameter in each window before
(with-selected-frame frame
;; Set URL window parameter for each window before saving state.
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list nil 'never))
(let* ((window-persistent-parameters (append burly-window-persistent-parameters
(window-state (window-state-get nil 'writable)))
;; Clear window parameters we set (because they aren't kept
;; current, so leaving them could be confusing).
(burly--windows-set-url (window-list nil 'never) 'nullify)
(defun burly--windows-set-url (windows &optional nullify)
"Set `burly-url' window parameter in WINDOWS.
If NULLIFY, set the parameter to nil."
(dolist (window windows)
(let ((value (if nullify nil (burly-buffer-url (window-buffer window)))))
(set-window-parameter window 'burly-url value))))
(defun burly--windows-set (urlobj)
"Set window configuration according to URLOBJ."
(setf window-persistent-parameters (copy-sequence burly-window-persistent-parameters))
(pcase-let* ((window-persistent-parameters (append burly-window-persistent-parameters
(`(,_ . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
;; FIXME: Remove this condition-case eventually, after giving users time to update their bookmarks.
(state (condition-case nil
(read (url-unhex-string query-string))
(invalid-read-syntax (display-warning 'burly "Please recreate that Burly bookmark (storage format changed)")
(read query-string))))
(state (burly--bufferize-window-state state)))
(window-state-put state (frame-root-window))
;; HACK: Since `bookmark--jump-via' insists on calling a
;; buffer-display function after handling the bookmark, we add a
;; function to `bookmark-after-jump-hook' to restore the window
;; configuration that we just set.
(setf burly--window-state (window-state-get (frame-root-window) 'writable))
(push #'burly--bookmark-window-state-hack bookmark-after-jump-hook)))
(defun burly--bufferize-window-state (state)
"Return window state STATE with its buffers reincarnated."
(cl-labels ((bufferize-state
;; Set windows' buffers in STATE.
(state) (pcase state
(`(leaf . ,_attrs) (bufferize-leaf state))
((pred atom) state)
(`(,_key . ,(pred atom)) state)
((pred list) (mapcar #'bufferize-state state))))
(leaf) (pcase-let* ((`(leaf . ,attrs) leaf)
((map parameters buffer) attrs)
((map burly-url) parameters)
(`(,_buffer-name . ,buffer-attrs) buffer)
(new-buffer (burly-url-buffer burly-url)))
(setf (map-elt attrs 'buffer) (cons new-buffer buffer-attrs))
(cons 'leaf attrs))))
(if-let ((leaf-pos (cl-position 'leaf state)))
;; A one-window frame: the elements following `leaf' are that window's params.
(append (cl-subseq state 0 leaf-pos)
(bufferize-leaf (cl-subseq state leaf-pos)))
;; Multi-window frame.
(bufferize-state state))))
;;;;; Bookmarks
(defun burly--bookmark-window-state-hack (&optional _)
"Put window state from `burly--window-state'.
This function is to be called in `bookmark-after-jump-hook' to
work around `bookmark--jump-via's calling a buffer-display
function which changes the window configuration after
`burly--windows-set' has set it. This function removes itself
from the hook."
(cl-assert burly--window-state)
(window-state-put burly--window-state (frame-root-window)))
(setf bookmark-after-jump-hook (delete #'burly--bookmark-window-state-hack bookmark-after-jump-hook)
burly--window-state nil)))
(defun burly-bookmark-handler (bookmark)
"Handler function for Burly BOOKMARK."
(let ((previous-name burly-opened-bookmark-name))
;; Set opened bookmark name before actually opening it so that the
;; tabs-mode advice functions can use it beforehand.
(setf burly-opened-bookmark-name (car bookmark))
(condition-case err
(burly-open-url (alist-get 'url (bookmark-get-bookmark-record bookmark)))
(error (setf burly-opened-bookmark-name previous-name)
(signal (car err) (cdr err))))))
(defun burly--bookmark-record-url (record)
"Return a URL for bookmark RECORD."
(cl-assert record)
(pcase-let* ((`(,name . ,props) record)
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(query (cl-loop for prop in props
;; HACK: Remove unreadable values from props.
do (cl-loop for value in-ref (cdr prop)
when (or (bufferp value))
do (setf value nil))
collect (list (car prop) (prin1-to-string (cdr prop)))))
(filename (concat (url-hexify-string name) "?" (url-build-query-string (remove nil query)))))
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+bookmark" nil nil nil nil
filename nil nil 'fullness))))
(defun burly--bookmark-url-buffer (urlobj)
"Return buffer for bookmark specified by URLOBJ.
URLOBJ should be a URL object as returned by
(pcase-let* ((`(,path . ,query-string) (url-path-and-query urlobj))
(query (url-parse-query-string query-string))
;; Convert back to alist.
(props (cl-loop for prop in query
for key = (intern (car prop))
for value = (pcase key
('handler (intern (cadr prop)))
('help-args (read (cadr prop)))
('help-fn (ignore-errors
;; NOTE: Due to changes in help-mode.el which serialize natively
;; compiled subrs in the bookmark record, which cannot be read
;; back (which actually break the entire bookmark system when
;; such a record is saved in the bookmarks file), we have to
;; workaround a failure to read here. See bug#56643.
(read (cadr prop))))
('position (cl-parse-integer (cadr prop)))
(_ (read (cadr prop))))
collect (cons key value)))
(record (cons path props)))
(cl-labels ((decode (element)
(cl-typecase element
(string (decode-coding-string element 'utf-8-unix))
(proper-list (mapcar #'decode element))
(cons (cons
(decode (car element))
(decode (cdr element))))
(t element))))
;; Decode all strings in record with UTF-8.
;; NOTE: If we stop using URLs in the future, maybe this won't be needed.
(setf record (decode record)))
(condition-case err
(bookmark-jump record)
(error (delay-warning 'burly (format "Error while opening bookmark: ERROR:%S RECORD:%S" err record))))
(defun burly-bookmark-names ()
"Return list of all Burly bookmark names."
(cl-loop for bookmark in bookmark-alist
for (_name . params) = bookmark
when (equal #'burly-bookmark-handler (alist-get 'handler params))
collect (car bookmark)))
;;;;; Org buffers
;; We only require Org when compiling the file. At runtime, Org will
;; be loaded before we call any of its functions, because we load the
;; Org file into a buffer first, which activates `org-mode'.
(require 'org))
(declare-function org-before-first-heading-p "org")
(declare-function org-back-to-heading "org")
(declare-function org-find-olp "org")
(declare-function org-tree-to-indirect-buffer "org")
(declare-function org-narrow-to-subtree "org")
(declare-function org-heading-components "org")
(declare-function org-up-heading-safe "org")
(defun burly--org-mode-buffer-url (buffer)
"Return URL for Org BUFFER."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(cl-assert (or (buffer-file-name buffer)
(buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer buffer)))
nil "Buffer has no file name: %s" buffer)
(let* ((narrowed (buffer-narrowed-p))
(indirect (buffer-base-buffer buffer))
;; For narrowing purposes, start with the heading at the top of the buffer.
(when (buffer-narrowed-p)
(goto-char (point-min))
;; `org-get-outline-path' replaces links in headings with their
;; descriptions, which prevents using them in regexp searches.
(when (org-heading-components)
(nreverse (cl-loop collect (substring-no-properties (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
while (org-up-heading-safe))))))))
(when (ignore-errors (org-heading-components))
(nreverse (cl-loop collect (substring-no-properties (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
while (org-up-heading-safe))))))
(pos (point))
(relative-pos (when top-olp
(- (point) (save-excursion
(print-length nil) ; Important!
(query (list (list "pos" pos)
(when top-olp
(list "top-olp" (prin1-to-string top-olp)))
(when point-olp
(list "point-olp" (prin1-to-string point-olp)))
(when relative-pos
(list "relative-pos" relative-pos))
(when indirect
(list "indirect" "t"))
(when narrowed
(list "narrowed" "t"))))
(buffer-file (or (buffer-file-name buffer)
(buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer buffer))))
(filename (concat buffer-file "?" (url-build-query-string (remove nil query)))))
(url-recreate-url (url-parse-make-urlobj "emacs+burly+file" nil nil nil nil
filename nil nil 'fullness)))))
(cl-defun burly-follow-url-org-mode (&key buffer query)
"In BUFFER, jump to heading and position from QUERY, and return a buffer.
If QUERY specifies that the buffer should be indirect, a new,
indirect buffer is returned. Otherwise BUFFER is returned."
;; `pcase's map support uses `alist-get', which does not work with string keys
;; unless its TESTFN arg is bound to, e.g. `equal', but `map-elt' has deprecated
;; its TESTFN arg, and there's no way to pass it or bind it when using `pcase'
;; anyway. So we rebind `alist-get' to a function that uses `assoc-string'.
(with-current-buffer buffer
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'alist-get)
(lambda (key alist &optional _default _remove _testfn)
;; Only the first value in the list of values is returned, so multiple
;; values are not supported. I don't expect this to be a problem...
(cadr (assoc-string key alist)))))
(pcase-let* (((map ("pos" pos)
("indirect" indirect)
("narrowed" narrowed)
("top-olp" top-olp)
("point-olp" point-olp)
("relative-pos" relative-pos))
(heading-pos (when top-olp
(org-find-olp (read top-olp) 'this-buffer))))
(if heading-pos
(goto-char heading-pos)
(goto-char (string-to-number pos)))
(cond (indirect (org-tree-to-indirect-buffer))
(narrowed (progn
(goto-char (org-find-olp (read point-olp) 'this-buffer)))))
(when (and heading-pos relative-pos)
(forward-char (string-to-number relative-pos)))
;;;; Footer
(provide 'burly)
;;; burly.el ends here

View file

@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
This is, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from README.texi.
* Burly: (burly). Save and restore window configurations and their buffers.

File:, Node: Top, Next: Installation, Up: (dir)
This package provides tools to save and restore frame and window
configurations in Emacs, including buffers that may not be live anymore.
In this way, its like a lightweight "workspace" manager, allowing you
to easily restore one or more frames, including their windows, the
windows layout, and their buffers.
Internally it uses Emacss bookmarks system to restore buffers to
their previous contents and location. This provides power and
extensibility, since many major modes already integrate with Emacss
bookmarks system. However, in case a modes bookmarking function isnt
satisfactory, Burly allows the user to customize buffer-restoring
functions for specific modes.
For Org mode, Burly provides such custom functions so that narrowed
and indirect Org buffers are properly restored, and headings are located
by outline path in case theyve moved since a bookmark was made (the
org-bookmark-heading (
package also provides this through the Emacs bookmark system, but users
may not have it installed, and the functionality is too useful to not
include here by default).
Internally, buffers and frame/window configurations are also encoded
as URLs, and users may also save and open those URLs instead of using
Emacs bookmarks. (The name "Burly" comes from "buffer URL.") For
example, a URL to the Installation/Quelpa heading in this file, as Im
writing it, looks like this:
In terms of built-in features, Burly may be seen as integrating or
leveraging the built-in libraries bookmark.el, window.el, and
* Menu:
* Installation::
* Usage::
* Changelog::
* Development::
* Credits::
* License::
— The Detailed Node Listing —
* Quelpa::
* Manual::
* Bookmark commands::
* URL commands::
* Tab bar::
* Tips::
* 0.3-pre: 03-pre.
* 0.2: 02.
* 0.1: 01.

File:, Node: Installation, Next: Usage, Prev: Top, Up: Top
1 Installation
* Menu:
* Quelpa::
* Manual::

File:, Node: MELPA, Next: Quelpa, Up: Installation
If you installed from MELPA, youre done. Just run one of the commands

File:, Node: Quelpa, Next: Manual, Prev: MELPA, Up: Installation
1.2 Quelpa
The easiest way is to install with quelpa-use-package
(, like this:
(use-package burly
:quelpa (burly :fetcher github :repo "alphapapa/burly.el"))

File:, Node: Manual, Prev: Quelpa, Up: Installation
1.3 Manual
1. Install version 2.1 or later of the map library from GNU ELPA.
2. Copy burly.el into a directory in your load-path, then
(require 'burly).

File:, Node: Usage, Next: Changelog, Prev: Installation, Up: Top
2 Usage
* Menu:
* Bookmark commands::
* URL commands::
* Tab bar::
* Tips::

File:, Node: Bookmark commands, Next: URL commands, Up: Usage
2.1 Bookmark commands
Most users will probably use Burly by bookmarking frame and window
configurations and accessing them with these commands:
burly-bookmark-frames: Bookmark the current frames and their
window configurations.
burly-bookmark-windows: Bookmark the current frames window
burly-open-bookmark: Select and open a Burly bookmark.
burly-open-last-bookmark: Open the last-opened Burly bookmark.
Helpful for, e.g. quickly restoring an overview while working on a
Note that bookmarks created by Burly are regular Emacs bookmarks, so
they can be managed by Emacss built-in bookmark commands, e.g.
list-bookmarks, bookmark-delete, etc.

File:, Node: URL commands, Next: Tab bar, Prev: Bookmark commands, Up: Usage
2.2 URL commands
These commands work on URL strings. While most users probably wont use
these, they may be useful for building custom tooling.
burly-open-url: Open a Burly URL (at point, or prompt for one),
displaying the buffer(s) in the current window or frame.
burly-kill-buffer-url: Copy BUFFERs URL to the kill ring.
burly-kill-frames-url: Copy the current framesets URL to the
kill ring.
burly-kill-windows-url: Copy the current frames window
configuration URL to the kill ring.

File:, Node: Tab bar, Next: Tips, Prev: URL commands, Up: Usage
2.3 Tab bar
Burly supports Emacss tab-bar-mode with burly-tabs-mode. When
active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new tabs, and the tabs are named
according to the bookmarks. Reopening a Burly bookmark uses the
designated tab, if it already exists, and tabs may be reset to their
bookmarked state with the command burly-reset-tab (which you might
bind to C-x t R).

File:, Node: Tips, Prev: Tab bar, Up: Usage
2.4 Tips
• You can customize settings in the burly group.
• An Info manual is included with this package.

File:, Node: Changelog, Next: Development, Prev: Usage, Up: Top
3 Changelog
* Menu:
* 0.3-pre: 03-pre.
* 0.2: 02.
* 0.1: 01.

File:, Node: 03-pre, Next: 02, Up: Changelog
3.1 0.3-pre
• Command burly-tabs-mode, which integrates Burly with
tab-bar-mode. When active, Burly bookmarks are opened in new
tabs, and the tabs are named according to the bookmark.
• Command burly-reset-tab, which resets a tab to the state of the
bookmark which opened it.
• Emacs version 28.1 or later is required.
• Buffers that cant be restored by name no longer cause an error
which aborts restoration of the rest of the bookmarks buffers.
• Added workaround for regression in Emacs 28 regarding bookmarks for
help-mode buffers. (See Emacs bug 56643

File:, Node: 02, Next: 01, Prev: 03-pre, Up: Changelog
3.2 0.2
• Bookmark commands use completing-read and offer existing Burly
bookmark names, making it easier to update bookmarks. (Thanks to
Erik Sjöstrand (
• Command burly-open-last-bookmark.
• Option burly-set-window-persistent-parameters, which synchronizes
window-persistent-parameters with
burly-window-persistent-parameters, ensuring that built-in Emacs
commands like window-toggle-side-windows persist parameters that
are persisted with Burly.
• Option burly-window-persistent-parameterss default value
includes more window parameters, like header/mode line, side, slot,
etc, making it easier to restore an overview of a project or
• Emacs version 27.1 or later is required.
• Narrow Org buffers to correct heading (at the top of the buffer
rather than at point).
• Buffers whose names have multibyte characters. (Fixes #43
( Thanks to Liu
Hui ( for reporting.)
• Bind print-level to nil where prin1-to-string is used (in case
the value is non-nil in a users config, which would cause
truncated values).

File:, Node: 01, Prev: 02, Up: Changelog
3.3 0.1
Initial release.

File:, Node: Development, Next: Credits, Prev: Changelog, Up: Top
4 Development
Bug reports, feature requests, suggestions — _oh my_!

File:, Node: Credits, Next: License, Prev: Development, Up: Top
5 Credits
• Thanks to Clemens Radermacher ( and
Robert Weiner ( for their suggestions.
• Thanks to Trey Peacock ( for
extensive feedback on pre-release versions.

File:, Node: License, Prev: Credits, Up: Top
6 License

Tag Table:
Node: Top219
Node: Installation2378
Node: MELPA2529
Node: Quelpa2701
Node: Manual3014
Node: Usage3283
Node: Bookmark commands3454
Node: URL commands4320
Node: Tab bar5001
Node: Tips5490
Node: Changelog5685
Node: 03-pre5847
Node: 026658
Node: 018079
Node: Development8173
Node: Credits8344
Node: License8704

End Tag Table

Local Variables:
coding: utf-8

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the
topmost node of the Info hierarchy, called (dir)Top.
The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at this node.

File: dir, Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree
This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.
Typing "q" exits, "H" lists all Info commands, "d" returns here,
"h" gives a primer for first-timers,
"mEmacs<Return>" visits the Emacs manual, etc.
In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference
to select it.
* Menu:
* Burly: (burly). Save and restore window configurations and
their buffers.