initial setup / conversion to chemacs2 (coding/org profiles/configs working)

This commit is contained in:
KemoNine 2022-04-21 22:54:47 -04:00
commit 6a28bf0f85
336 changed files with 158864 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

accounting/init.el Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Make gc pauses faster by decreasing the threshold.
(setq gc-cons-threshold (* 2 1000 1000))
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
;; Comment/uncomment this line to enable MELPA Stable if desired. See `package-archive-priorities`
;; and `package-pinned-packages`. Most users will not need or want to do this.
;;(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "") t)
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package))
(require 'use-package)
; Beancount related
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/beancount-mode")
(require 'beancount)
(add-hook 'beancount-mode-hook #'outline-minor-mode)
(define-key beancount-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-n") #'outline-next-visible-heading)
(define-key beancount-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-p") #'outline-previous-visible-heading)
(define-key beancount-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-u") #'outline-up-heading)
(define-key beancount-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-d") #'outline-down-heading)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.beancount\\'" . beancount-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.bean\\'" . beancount-mode))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
;;; all-the-icons-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "all-the-icons" "all-the-icons.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from all-the-icons.el
(autoload 'all-the-icons-icon-for-dir "all-the-icons" "\
Get the formatted icon for DIR.
ARG-OVERRIDES should be a plist containining `:height',
`:v-adjust' or `:face' properties like in the normal icon
inserting functions.
Note: You want chevron, please use `all-the-icons-icon-for-dir-with-chevron'.
\(fn DIR &rest ARG-OVERRIDES)" nil nil)
(autoload 'all-the-icons-icon-for-file "all-the-icons" "\
Get the formatted icon for FILE.
ARG-OVERRIDES should be a plist containining `:height',
`:v-adjust' or `:face' properties like in the normal icon
inserting functions.
\(fn FILE &rest ARG-OVERRIDES)" nil nil)
(autoload 'all-the-icons-icon-for-mode "all-the-icons" "\
Get the formatted icon for MODE.
ARG-OVERRIDES should be a plist containining `:height',
`:v-adjust' or `:face' properties like in the normal icon
inserting functions.
\(fn MODE &rest ARG-OVERRIDES)" nil nil)
(autoload 'all-the-icons-icon-for-url "all-the-icons" "\
Get the formatted icon for URL.
If an icon for URL isn't found in `all-the-icons-url-alist', a globe is used.
ARG-OVERRIDES should be a plist containining `:height',
`:v-adjust' or `:face' properties like in the normal icon
inserting functions.
\(fn URL &rest ARG-OVERRIDES)" nil nil)
(autoload 'all-the-icons-install-fonts "all-the-icons" "\
Helper function to download and install the latests fonts based on OS.
When PFX is non-nil, ignore the prompt and just install
\(fn &optional PFX)" t nil)
(autoload 'all-the-icons-insert "all-the-icons" "\
Interactive icon insertion function.
When Prefix ARG is non-nil, insert the propertized icon.
When FAMILY is non-nil, limit the candidates to the icon set matching it.
\(fn &optional ARG FAMILY)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "all-the-icons" '("all-the-icons-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("all-the-icons-faces.el" "all-the-icons-pkg.el")
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; all-the-icons-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
;;; all-the-icons-faces.el --- A module of faces for all-the-icons
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Dominic Charlesworth <>
;; Author: Dominic Charlesworth <>
;; Version: 1.0.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
;; URL:
;; Keywords: convenient, lisp
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file contains all of the faces used by the package for
;; colouring icons
;;; Code:
(defgroup all-the-icons-faces nil
"Manage how All The Icons icons are coloured and themed."
:prefix "all-the-icons-"
:group 'tools
:group 'all-the-icons)
;; red
(defface all-the-icons-red
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#AC4142")
(((background light)) :foreground "#AC4142"))
"Face for red icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lred
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#EB595A")
(((background light)) :foreground "#EB595A"))
"Face for lred icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dred
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#843031")
(((background light)) :foreground "#843031"))
"Face for dred icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-red-alt
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#ce5643")
(((background light)) :foreground "#843031"))
"Face for dred icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; green
(defface all-the-icons-green
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#90A959")
(((background light)) :foreground "#90A959"))
"Face for green icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lgreen
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#C6E87A")
(((background light)) :foreground "#3D6837"))
"Face for lgreen icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dgreen
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#6D8143")
(((background light)) :foreground "#6D8143"))
"Face for dgreen icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; yellow
(defface all-the-icons-yellow
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#FFD446")
(((background light)) :foreground "#FFCC0E"))
"Face for yellow icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lyellow
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#FFC16D")
(((background light)) :foreground "#FF9300"))
"Face for lyellow icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dyellow
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#B48D56")
(((background light)) :foreground "#B48D56"))
"Face for dyellow icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; blue
(defface all-the-icons-blue
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#6A9FB5")
(((background light)) :foreground "#6A9FB5"))
"Face for blue icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-blue-alt
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#2188b6")
(((background light)) :foreground "#2188b6"))
"Face for blue icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lblue
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#8FD7F4")
(((background light)) :foreground "#677174"))
"Face for lblue icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dblue
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#446674")
(((background light)) :foreground "#446674"))
"Face for dblue icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; maroon
(defface all-the-icons-maroon
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#8F5536")
(((background light)) :foreground "#8F5536"))
"Face for maroon icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lmaroon
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#CE7A4E")
(((background light)) :foreground "#CE7A4E"))
"Face for lmaroon icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dmaroon
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#72584B")
(((background light)) :foreground "#72584B"))
"Face for dmaroon icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; purple
(defface all-the-icons-purple
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#AA759F")
(((background light)) :foreground "#68295B"))
"Face for purple icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-purple-alt
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#5D54E1")
(((background light)) :foreground "#5D54E1"))
"Face for purple icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lpurple
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#E69DD6")
(((background light)) :foreground "#E69DD6"))
"Face for lpurple icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dpurple
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#694863")
(((background light)) :foreground "#694863"))
"Face for dpurple icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; orange
(defface all-the-icons-orange
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#D4843E")
(((background light)) :foreground "#D4843E"))
"Face for orange icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lorange
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#FFA500")
(((background light)) :foreground "#FFA500"))
"Face for lorange icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dorange
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#915B2D")
(((background light)) :foreground "#915B2D"))
"Face for dorange icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; cyan
(defface all-the-icons-cyan
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#75B5AA")
(((background light)) :foreground "#75B5AA"))
"Face for cyan icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-cyan-alt
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#61dafb")
(((background light)) :foreground "#0595bd"))
"Face for cyan icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lcyan
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#A5FDEC")
(((background light)) :foreground "#2C7D6E"))
"Face for lcyan icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dcyan
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#48746D")
(((background light)) :foreground "#48746D"))
"Face for dcyan icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; pink
(defface all-the-icons-pink
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#F2B4B8")
(((background light)) :foreground "#FC505B"))
"Face for pink icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lpink
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#FFBDC1")
(((background light)) :foreground "#FF505B"))
"Face for lpink icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dpink
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#B18286")
(((background light)) :foreground "#7E5D5F"))
"Face for dpink icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
;; silver
(defface all-the-icons-silver
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#716E68")
(((background light)) :foreground "#716E68"))
"Face for silver icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-lsilver
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#B9B6AA")
(((background light)) :foreground "#7F7869"))
"Face for lsilver icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defface all-the-icons-dsilver
'((((background dark)) :foreground "#838484")
(((background light)) :foreground "#838484"))
"Face for dsilver icons"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(provide 'all-the-icons-faces)
;;; all-the-icons-faces.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(define-package "all-the-icons" "20220325.1238" "A library for inserting Developer icons"
'((emacs "24.3"))
:commit "65c496d3d1d1298345beb9845840067bffb2ffd8" :authors
'(("Dominic Charlesworth" . ""))
'("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")
'("convenient" "lisp")
:url "")
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
(defvar all-the-icons-data/alltheicons-alist
( "apache" . "\xe909" )
( "atom" . "\xe917" )
( "aws" . "\xe90c" )
( "bower" . "\xe918" )
( "c" . "\xe915" )
( "c-line" . "\xe90f" )
( "clojure" . "\xe919" )
( "clojure-line" . "\xe91a" )
( "coffeescript" . "\xe914" )
( "cplusplus" . "\xe913" )
( "cplusplus-line" . "\xe910" )
( "csharp" . "\xe911" )
( "csharp-line" . "\xe912" )
( "css3" . "\xe91b" )
( "css3-alt" . "\xe91c" )
( "d3" . "\xe90e" )
( "dlang" . "\xe935" )
( "elixir" . "\xe936" )
( "erlang" . "\xe934" )
( "git" . "\xe907" )
( "go" . "\xe91d" )
( "google-drive" . "\xe91e" )
( "grunt" . "\xe90d" )
( "grunt-line" . "\xe91f" )
( "gulp" . "\xe920" )
( "haskell" . "\xe921" )
( "html5" . "\xe932" )
( "jasmine" . "\xe904" )
( "java" . "\xe922" )
( "javascript" . "\xe906" )
( "javascript-badge" . "\xe923" )
( "javascript-shield" . "\xe924" )
( "less" . "\xe90b" )
( "nginx" . "\xe933" )
( "nodejs" . "\xe925" )
( "perl" . "\xe905" )
( "perldocs" . "\xe926" )
( "postgresql" . "\xe938" )
( "prolog" . "\xe927" )
( "python" . "\xe928" )
( "react" . "\xe929" )
( "ruby" . "\xe92a" )
( "ruby-alt" . "\xe92b" )
( "rust" . "\xe92c" )
( "sass" . "\xe92d" )
( "scala" . "\xe908" )
( "script" . "\xe90a" )
( "spring" . "\xe937" )
( "stylus" . "\xe92e" )
( "svg" . "\xe903" )
( "swift" . "\xe92f" )
( "terminal" . "\xe930" )
( "terminal-alt" . "\xe931" )
( "battery-charging" . "\xe939" )
( "arrow-left" . "\xe93a" )
( "arrow-right" . "\xe93b" )
( "cup-left" . "\xe93c" )
( "cup-right" . "\xe93d" )
( "slant-left" . "\xe93e" )
( "slant-right" . "\xe93f" )
( "wave-left" . "\xe940" )
( "wave-right" . "\xe941" )
(provide 'data-alltheicons)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
(defvar all-the-icons-data/fa-icon-alist
("500px" . "\xf26e")
("adjust" . "\xf042")
("adn" . "\xf170")
("align-center" . "\xf037")
("align-justify" . "\xf039")
("align-left" . "\xf036")
("align-right" . "\xf038")
("amazon" . "\xf270")
("ambulance" . "\xf0f9")
("american-sign-language-interpreting" . "\xf2a3")
("anchor" . "\xf13d")
("android" . "\xf17b")
("angellist" . "\xf209")
("angle-double-down" . "\xf103")
("angle-double-left" . "\xf100")
("angle-double-right" . "\xf101")
("angle-double-up" . "\xf102")
("angle-down" . "\xf107")
("angle-left" . "\xf104")
("angle-right" . "\xf105")
("angle-up" . "\xf106")
("apple" . "\xf179")
("archive" . "\xf187")
("area-chart" . "\xf1fe")
("arrow-circle-down" . "\xf0ab")
("arrow-circle-left" . "\xf0a8")
("arrow-circle-o-down" . "\xf01a")
("arrow-circle-o-left" . "\xf190")
("arrow-circle-o-right" . "\xf18e")
("arrow-circle-o-up" . "\xf01b")
("arrow-circle-right" . "\xf0a9")
("arrow-circle-up" . "\xf0aa")
("arrow-down" . "\xf063")
("arrow-left" . "\xf060")
("arrow-right" . "\xf061")
("arrow-up" . "\xf062")
("arrows" . "\xf047")
("arrows-alt" . "\xf0b2")
("arrows-h" . "\xf07e")
("arrows-v" . "\xf07d")
("assistive-listening-systems" . "\xf2a2")
("asterisk" . "\xf069")
("at" . "\xf1fa")
("audio-description" . "\xf29e")
("backward" . "\xf04a")
("balance-scale" . "\xf24e")
("ban" . "\xf05e")
("bar-chart" . "\xf080")
("barcode" . "\xf02a")
("bars" . "\xf0c9")
("battery-empty" . "\xf244")
("battery-full" . "\xf240")
("battery-half" . "\xf242")
("battery-quarter" . "\xf243")
("battery-three-quarters" . "\xf241")
("bed" . "\xf236")
("beer" . "\xf0fc")
("behance" . "\xf1b4")
("behance-square" . "\xf1b5")
("bell" . "\xf0f3")
("bell-o" . "\xf0a2")
("bell-slash" . "\xf1f6")
("bell-slash-o" . "\xf1f7")
("bicycle" . "\xf206")
("binoculars" . "\xf1e5")
("birthday-cake" . "\xf1fd")
("bitbucket" . "\xf171")
("bitbucket-square" . "\xf172")
("black-tie" . "\xf27e")
("blind" . "\xf29d")
("bluetooth" . "\xf293")
("bluetooth-b" . "\xf294")
("bold" . "\xf032")
("bolt" . "\xf0e7")
("bomb" . "\xf1e2")
("book" . "\xf02d")
("bookmark" . "\xf02e")
("bookmark-o" . "\xf097")
("braille" . "\xf2a1")
("briefcase" . "\xf0b1")
("btc" . "\xf15a")
("bug" . "\xf188")
("building" . "\xf1ad")
("building-o" . "\xf0f7")
("bullhorn" . "\xf0a1")
("bullseye" . "\xf140")
("bus" . "\xf207")
("buysellads" . "\xf20d")
("calculator" . "\xf1ec")
("calendar" . "\xf073")
("calendar-check-o" . "\xf274")
("calendar-minus-o" . "\xf272")
("calendar-o" . "\xf133")
("calendar-plus-o" . "\xf271")
("calendar-times-o" . "\xf273")
("camera" . "\xf030")
("camera-retro" . "\xf083")
("car" . "\xf1b9")
("caret-down" . "\xf0d7")
("caret-left" . "\xf0d9")
("caret-right" . "\xf0da")
("caret-square-o-down" . "\xf150")
("caret-square-o-left" . "\xf191")
("caret-square-o-right" . "\xf152")
("caret-square-o-up" . "\xf151")
("caret-up" . "\xf0d8")
("cart-arrow-down" . "\xf218")
("cart-plus" . "\xf217")
("cc" . "\xf20a")
("cc-amex" . "\xf1f3")
("cc-diners-club" . "\xf24c")
("cc-discover" . "\xf1f2")
("cc-jcb" . "\xf24b")
("cc-mastercard" . "\xf1f1")
("cc-paypal" . "\xf1f4")
("cc-stripe" . "\xf1f5")
("cc-visa" . "\xf1f0")
("certificate" . "\xf0a3")
("chain-broken" . "\xf127")
("check" . "\xf00c")
("check-circle" . "\xf058")
("check-circle-o" . "\xf05d")
("check-square" . "\xf14a")
("check-square-o" . "\xf046")
("chevron-circle-down" . "\xf13a")
("chevron-circle-left" . "\xf137")
("chevron-circle-right" . "\xf138")
("chevron-circle-up" . "\xf139")
("chevron-down" . "\xf078")
("chevron-left" . "\xf053")
("chevron-right" . "\xf054")
("chevron-up" . "\xf077")
("child" . "\xf1ae")
("chrome" . "\xf268")
("circle" . "\xf111")
("circle-o" . "\xf10c")
("circle-o-notch" . "\xf1ce")
("circle-thin" . "\xf1db")
("clipboard" . "\xf0ea")
("clock-o" . "\xf017")
("clone" . "\xf24d")
("cloud" . "\xf0c2")
("cloud-download" . "\xf0ed")
("cloud-upload" . "\xf0ee")
("code" . "\xf121")
("code-fork" . "\xf126")
("codepen" . "\xf1cb")
("codiepie" . "\xf284")
("coffee" . "\xf0f4")
("cog" . "\xf013")
("cogs" . "\xf085")
("columns" . "\xf0db")
("comment" . "\xf075")
("comment-o" . "\xf0e5")
("commenting" . "\xf27a")
("commenting-o" . "\xf27b")
("comments" . "\xf086")
("comments-o" . "\xf0e6")
("compass" . "\xf14e")
("compress" . "\xf066")
("connectdevelop" . "\xf20e")
("contao" . "\xf26d")
("copyright" . "\xf1f9")
("creative-commons" . "\xf25e")
("credit-card" . "\xf09d")
("credit-card-alt" . "\xf283")
("crop" . "\xf125")
("crosshairs" . "\xf05b")
("css3" . "\xf13c")
("cube" . "\xf1b2")
("cubes" . "\xf1b3")
("cutlery" . "\xf0f5")
("dashcube" . "\xf210")
("database" . "\xf1c0")
("deaf" . "\xf2a4")
("delicious" . "\xf1a5")
("desktop" . "\xf108")
("deviantart" . "\xf1bd")
("diamond" . "\xf219")
("digg" . "\xf1a6")
("dot-circle-o" . "\xf192")
("download" . "\xf019")
("dribbble" . "\xf17d")
("dropbox" . "\xf16b")
("drupal" . "\xf1a9")
("edge" . "\xf282")
("eject" . "\xf052")
("ellipsis-h" . "\xf141")
("ellipsis-v" . "\xf142")
("empire" . "\xf1d1")
("envelope" . "\xf0e0")
("envelope-o" . "\xf003")
("envelope-square" . "\xf199")
("envira" . "\xf299")
("eraser" . "\xf12d")
("eur" . "\xf153")
("exchange" . "\xf0ec")
("exclamation" . "\xf12a")
("exclamation-circle" . "\xf06a")
("exclamation-triangle" . "\xf071")
("expand" . "\xf065")
("expeditedssl" . "\xf23e")
("external-link" . "\xf08e")
("external-link-square" . "\xf14c")
("eye" . "\xf06e")
("eye-slash" . "\xf070")
("eyedropper" . "\xf1fb")
("facebook" . "\xf09a")
("facebook-official" . "\xf230")
("facebook-square" . "\xf082")
("fast-backward" . "\xf049")
("fast-forward" . "\xf050")
("fax" . "\xf1ac")
("female" . "\xf182")
("fighter-jet" . "\xf0fb")
("file" . "\xf15b")
("file-archive-o" . "\xf1c6")
("file-audio-o" . "\xf1c7")
("file-code-o" . "\xf1c9")
("file-excel-o" . "\xf1c3")
("file-image-o" . "\xf1c5")
("file-o" . "\xf016")
("file-pdf-o" . "\xf1c1")
("file-powerpoint-o" . "\xf1c4")
("file-text" . "\xf15c")
("file-text-o" . "\xf0f6")
("file-video-o" . "\xf1c8")
("file-word-o" . "\xf1c2")
("files-o" . "\xf0c5")
("film" . "\xf008")
("filter" . "\xf0b0")
("fire" . "\xf06d")
("fire-extinguisher" . "\xf134")
("firefox" . "\xf269")
("first-order" . "\xf2b0")
("flag" . "\xf024")
("flag-checkered" . "\xf11e")
("flag-o" . "\xf11d")
("flask" . "\xf0c3")
("flickr" . "\xf16e")
("floppy-o" . "\xf0c7")
("folder" . "\xf07b")
("folder-o" . "\xf114")
("folder-open" . "\xf07c")
("folder-open-o" . "\xf115")
("font" . "\xf031")
("font-awesome" . "\xf2b4")
("fonticons" . "\xf280")
("fort-awesome" . "\xf286")
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("forward" . "\xf04e")
("foursquare" . "\xf180")
("frown-o" . "\xf119")
("futbol-o" . "\xf1e3")
("gamepad" . "\xf11b")
("gavel" . "\xf0e3")
("gbp" . "\xf154")
("genderless" . "\xf22d")
("get-pocket" . "\xf265")
("gg" . "\xf260")
("gg-circle" . "\xf261")
("gift" . "\xf06b")
("git" . "\xf1d3")
("git-square" . "\xf1d2")
("github" . "\xf09b")
("github-alt" . "\xf113")
("github-square" . "\xf092")
("gitlab" . "\xf296")
("glass" . "\xf000")
("glide" . "\xf2a5")
("glide-g" . "\xf2a6")
("globe" . "\xf0ac")
("google" . "\xf1a0")
("google-plus" . "\xf0d5")
("google-plus-official" . "\xf2b3")
("google-plus-square" . "\xf0d4")
("google-wallet" . "\xf1ee")
("graduation-cap" . "\xf19d")
("gratipay" . "\xf184")
("h-square" . "\xf0fd")
("hacker-news" . "\xf1d4")
("hand-lizard-o" . "\xf258")
("hand-o-down" . "\xf0a7")
("hand-o-left" . "\xf0a5")
("hand-o-right" . "\xf0a4")
("hand-o-up" . "\xf0a6")
("hand-paper-o" . "\xf256")
("hand-peace-o" . "\xf25b")
("hand-pointer-o" . "\xf25a")
("hand-rock-o" . "\xf255")
("hand-scissors-o" . "\xf257")
("hand-spock-o" . "\xf259")
("hashtag" . "\xf292")
("hdd-o" . "\xf0a0")
("header" . "\xf1dc")
("headphones" . "\xf025")
("heart" . "\xf004")
("heart-o" . "\xf08a")
("heartbeat" . "\xf21e")
("history" . "\xf1da")
("home" . "\xf015")
("hospital-o" . "\xf0f8")
("hourglass" . "\xf254")
("hourglass-end" . "\xf253")
("hourglass-half" . "\xf252")
("hourglass-o" . "\xf250")
("hourglass-start" . "\xf251")
("houzz" . "\xf27c")
("html5" . "\xf13b")
("i-cursor" . "\xf246")
("ils" . "\xf20b")
("inbox" . "\xf01c")
("indent" . "\xf03c")
("industry" . "\xf275")
("info" . "\xf129")
("info-circle" . "\xf05a")
("inr" . "\xf156")
("instagram" . "\xf16d")
("internet-explorer" . "\xf26b")
("ioxhost" . "\xf208")
("italic" . "\xf033")
("joomla" . "\xf1aa")
("jpy" . "\xf157")
("jsfiddle" . "\xf1cc")
("key" . "\xf084")
("keyboard-o" . "\xf11c")
("krw" . "\xf159")
("language" . "\xf1ab")
("laptop" . "\xf109")
("lastfm" . "\xf202")
("lastfm-square" . "\xf203")
("leaf" . "\xf06c")
("leanpub" . "\xf212")
("lemon-o" . "\xf094")
("level-down" . "\xf149")
("level-up" . "\xf148")
("life-ring" . "\xf1cd")
("lightbulb-o" . "\xf0eb")
("line-chart" . "\xf201")
("link" . "\xf0c1")
("linkedin" . "\xf0e1")
("linkedin-square" . "\xf08c")
("linux" . "\xf17c")
("list" . "\xf03a")
("list-alt" . "\xf022")
("list-ol" . "\xf0cb")
("list-ul" . "\xf0ca")
("location-arrow" . "\xf124")
("lock" . "\xf023")
("long-arrow-down" . "\xf175")
("long-arrow-left" . "\xf177")
("long-arrow-right" . "\xf178")
("long-arrow-up" . "\xf176")
("low-vision" . "\xf2a8")
("magic" . "\xf0d0")
("magnet" . "\xf076")
("male" . "\xf183")
("map" . "\xf279")
("map-marker" . "\xf041")
("map-o" . "\xf278")
("map-pin" . "\xf276")
("map-signs" . "\xf277")
("mars" . "\xf222")
("mars-double" . "\xf227")
("mars-stroke" . "\xf229")
("mars-stroke-h" . "\xf22b")
("mars-stroke-v" . "\xf22a")
("maxcdn" . "\xf136")
("meanpath" . "\xf20c")
("medium" . "\xf23a")
("medkit" . "\xf0fa")
("meh-o" . "\xf11a")
("mercury" . "\xf223")
("microphone" . "\xf130")
("microphone-slash" . "\xf131")
("minus" . "\xf068")
("minus-circle" . "\xf056")
("minus-square" . "\xf146")
("minus-square-o" . "\xf147")
("mixcloud" . "\xf289")
("mobile" . "\xf10b")
("modx" . "\xf285")
("money" . "\xf0d6")
("moon-o" . "\xf186")
("motorcycle" . "\xf21c")
("mouse-pointer" . "\xf245")
("music" . "\xf001")
("neuter" . "\xf22c")
("newspaper-o" . "\xf1ea")
("object-group" . "\xf247")
("object-ungroup" . "\xf248")
("odnoklassniki" . "\xf263")
("odnoklassniki-square" . "\xf264")
("opencart" . "\xf23d")
("openid" . "\xf19b")
("opera" . "\xf26a")
("optin-monster" . "\xf23c")
("outdent" . "\xf03b")
("pagelines" . "\xf18c")
("paint-brush" . "\xf1fc")
("paper-plane" . "\xf1d8")
("paper-plane-o" . "\xf1d9")
("paperclip" . "\xf0c6")
("paragraph" . "\xf1dd")
("pause" . "\xf04c")
("pause-circle" . "\xf28b")
("pause-circle-o" . "\xf28c")
("paw" . "\xf1b0")
("paypal" . "\xf1ed")
("pencil" . "\xf040")
("pencil-square" . "\xf14b")
("pencil-square-o" . "\xf044")
("percent" . "\xf295")
("phone" . "\xf095")
("phone-square" . "\xf098")
("picture-o" . "\xf03e")
("pie-chart" . "\xf200")
("pied-piper" . "\xf2ae")
("pied-piper-alt" . "\xf1a8")
("pied-piper-pp" . "\xf1a7")
("pinterest" . "\xf0d2")
("pinterest-p" . "\xf231")
("pinterest-square" . "\xf0d3")
("plane" . "\xf072")
("play" . "\xf04b")
("play-circle" . "\xf144")
("play-circle-o" . "\xf01d")
("plug" . "\xf1e6")
("plus" . "\xf067")
("plus-circle" . "\xf055")
("plus-square" . "\xf0fe")
("plus-square-o" . "\xf196")
("power-off" . "\xf011")
("print" . "\xf02f")
("product-hunt" . "\xf288")
("puzzle-piece" . "\xf12e")
("qq" . "\xf1d6")
("qrcode" . "\xf029")
("question" . "\xf128")
("question-circle" . "\xf059")
("question-circle-o" . "\xf29c")
("quote-left" . "\xf10d")
("quote-right" . "\xf10e")
("random" . "\xf074")
("rebel" . "\xf1d0")
("recycle" . "\xf1b8")
("reddit" . "\xf1a1")
("reddit-alien" . "\xf281")
("reddit-square" . "\xf1a2")
("refresh" . "\xf021")
("registered" . "\xf25d")
("renren" . "\xf18b")
("repeat" . "\xf01e")
("reply" . "\xf112")
("reply-all" . "\xf122")
("retweet" . "\xf079")
("road" . "\xf018")
("rocket" . "\xf135")
("rss" . "\xf09e")
("rss-square" . "\xf143")
("rub" . "\xf158")
("safari" . "\xf267")
("scissors" . "\xf0c4")
("scribd" . "\xf28a")
("search" . "\xf002")
("search-minus" . "\xf010")
("search-plus" . "\xf00e")
("sellsy" . "\xf213")
("server" . "\xf233")
("share" . "\xf064")
("share-alt" . "\xf1e0")
("share-alt-square" . "\xf1e1")
("share-square" . "\xf14d")
("share-square-o" . "\xf045")
("shield" . "\xf132")
("ship" . "\xf21a")
("shirtsinbulk" . "\xf214")
("shopping-bag" . "\xf290")
("shopping-basket" . "\xf291")
("shopping-cart" . "\xf07a")
("sign-in" . "\xf090")
("sign-language" . "\xf2a7")
("sign-out" . "\xf08b")
("signal" . "\xf012")
("simplybuilt" . "\xf215")
("sitemap" . "\xf0e8")
("skyatlas" . "\xf216")
("skype" . "\xf17e")
("slack" . "\xf198")
("sliders" . "\xf1de")
("slideshare" . "\xf1e7")
("smile-o" . "\xf118")
("snapchat" . "\xf2ab")
("snapchat-ghost" . "\xf2ac")
("snapchat-square" . "\xf2ad")
("sort" . "\xf0dc")
("sort-alpha-asc" . "\xf15d")
("sort-alpha-desc" . "\xf15e")
("sort-amount-asc" . "\xf160")
("sort-amount-desc" . "\xf161")
("sort-asc" . "\xf0de")
("sort-desc" . "\xf0dd")
("sort-numeric-asc" . "\xf162")
("sort-numeric-desc" . "\xf163")
("soundcloud" . "\xf1be")
("space-shuttle" . "\xf197")
("spinner" . "\xf110")
("spoon" . "\xf1b1")
("spotify" . "\xf1bc")
("square" . "\xf0c8")
("square-o" . "\xf096")
("stack-exchange" . "\xf18d")
("stack-overflow" . "\xf16c")
("star" . "\xf005")
("star-half" . "\xf089")
("star-half-o" . "\xf123")
("star-o" . "\xf006")
("steam" . "\xf1b6")
("steam-square" . "\xf1b7")
("step-backward" . "\xf048")
("step-forward" . "\xf051")
("stethoscope" . "\xf0f1")
("sticky-note" . "\xf249")
("sticky-note-o" . "\xf24a")
("stop" . "\xf04d")
("stop-circle" . "\xf28d")
("stop-circle-o" . "\xf28e")
("street-view" . "\xf21d")
("strikethrough" . "\xf0cc")
("stumbleupon" . "\xf1a4")
("stumbleupon-circle" . "\xf1a3")
("subscript" . "\xf12c")
("subway" . "\xf239")
("suitcase" . "\xf0f2")
("sun-o" . "\xf185")
("superscript" . "\xf12b")
("table" . "\xf0ce")
("tablet" . "\xf10a")
("tachometer" . "\xf0e4")
("tag" . "\xf02b")
("tags" . "\xf02c")
("tasks" . "\xf0ae")
("taxi" . "\xf1ba")
("television" . "\xf26c")
("tencent-weibo" . "\xf1d5")
("terminal" . "\xf120")
("text-height" . "\xf034")
("text-width" . "\xf035")
("th" . "\xf00a")
("th-large" . "\xf009")
("th-list" . "\xf00b")
("themeisle" . "\xf2b2")
("thumb-tack" . "\xf08d")
("thumbs-down" . "\xf165")
("thumbs-o-down" . "\xf088")
("thumbs-o-up" . "\xf087")
("thumbs-up" . "\xf164")
("ticket" . "\xf145")
("times" . "\xf00d")
("times-circle" . "\xf057")
("times-circle-o" . "\xf05c")
("tint" . "\xf043")
("toggle-off" . "\xf204")
("toggle-on" . "\xf205")
("trademark" . "\xf25c")
("train" . "\xf238")
("transgender" . "\xf224")
("transgender-alt" . "\xf225")
("trash" . "\xf1f8")
("trash-o" . "\xf014")
("tree" . "\xf1bb")
("trello" . "\xf181")
("tripadvisor" . "\xf262")
("trophy" . "\xf091")
("truck" . "\xf0d1")
("try" . "\xf195")
("tty" . "\xf1e4")
("tumblr" . "\xf173")
("tumblr-square" . "\xf174")
("twitch" . "\xf1e8")
("twitter" . "\xf099")
("twitter-square" . "\xf081")
("umbrella" . "\xf0e9")
("underline" . "\xf0cd")
("undo" . "\xf0e2")
("universal-access" . "\xf29a")
("university" . "\xf19c")
("unlock" . "\xf09c")
("unlock-alt" . "\xf13e")
("upload" . "\xf093")
("usb" . "\xf287")
("usd" . "\xf155")
("user" . "\xf007")
("user-md" . "\xf0f0")
("user-plus" . "\xf234")
("user-secret" . "\xf21b")
("user-times" . "\xf235")
("users" . "\xf0c0")
("venus" . "\xf221")
("venus-double" . "\xf226")
("venus-mars" . "\xf228")
("viacoin" . "\xf237")
("viadeo" . "\xf2a9")
("viadeo-square" . "\xf2aa")
("video-camera" . "\xf03d")
("vimeo" . "\xf27d")
("vimeo-square" . "\xf194")
("vine" . "\xf1ca")
("vk" . "\xf189")
("volume-control-phone" . "\xf2a0")
("volume-down" . "\xf027")
("volume-off" . "\xf026")
("volume-up" . "\xf028")
("weibo" . "\xf18a")
("weixin" . "\xf1d7")
("whatsapp" . "\xf232")
("wheelchair" . "\xf193")
("wheelchair-alt" . "\xf29b")
("wifi" . "\xf1eb")
("wikipedia-w" . "\xf266")
("windows" . "\xf17a")
("wordpress" . "\xf19a")
("wpbeginner" . "\xf297")
("wpforms" . "\xf298")
("wrench" . "\xf0ad")
("xing" . "\xf168")
("xing-square" . "\xf169")
("y-combinator" . "\xf23b")
("yahoo" . "\xf19e")
("yelp" . "\xf1e9")
("yoast" . "\xf2b1")
("youtube" . "\xf167")
("youtube-play" . "\xf16a")
("youtube-square" . "\xf166")
(provide 'data-faicons)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
(defvar all-the-icons-data/file-icon-alist
( "1c" . "\xa5ea" )
( "1c-alt" . "\xea28" )
( "MJML" . "\xea6f" )
( "R" . "\xe905" )
( "abap" . "\xe92b" )
( "abif" . "\xea4e" )
( "access" . "\xe9ea" )
( "actionscript" . "\xe92e" )
( "ada" . "\xe90b" )
( "ae" . "\xe9f3" )
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( "akka" . "\xea0e" )
( "alex" . "\x29cb" )
( "alloy" . "\xe935" )
( "alpine-linux" . "\xe9ff" )
( "ampl" . "\xe94e" )
( "amx" . "\xe99b" )
( "angelscript" . "\xea5b" )
( "ansible" . "\x24b6" )
( "ansible-alt" . "\x61" )
( "ant" . "\xe93e" )
( "antlr" . "\xe92c" )
( "antwar" . "\x2591" )
( "api-blueprint" . "\xe92d" )
( "apl" . "\x234b" )
( "apl-old" . "\xe909" )
( "apple" . "\xe925" )
( "appveyor" . "\xe923" )
( "arc" . "\xe92f" )
( "arch-linux" . "\x41" )
( "arduino" . "\xe930" )
( "arttext" . "\x24d0" )
( "asciidoc" . "\xe918" )
( "assembly" . "\xEB4F" )
( "ats" . "\xe934" )
( "audacity" . "\xe9f9" )
( "augeas" . "\xe931" )
( "aurelia" . "\xea48" )
( "auto-hotkey" . "\xe932" )
( "autoit" . "\xe933" )
( "babel" . "\xe91f" )
( "bazel" . "\xea5a" )
( "bem" . "\xea59" )
( "bib" . "\xe601" )
( "bintray" . "\xea6e" )
( "bithound" . "\xea2a" )
( "blender" . "\xe9fa" )
( "bluespec" . "\xe93c" )
( "boo" . "\xe939" )
( "brain" . "\xe93a" )
( "brakeman" . "\xe9d6" )
( "bro" . "\xe93b" )
( "broccoli" . "\xe922" )
( "brotli" . "\xea6c" )
( "browserslist" . "\xea80" )
( "brunch" . "\xea47" )
( "buck" . "\xea46" )
( "build-boot" . "\xf103" )
( "bundler" . "\xea45" )
( "byond" . "\xe962" )
( "cabal" . "\xe9c2" )
( "caddy" . "\xea58" )
( "cake" . "\xe9e3" )
( "cakefile" . "\xe924" )
( "cakephp" . "\xea43" )
( "cakephp-old" . "\xe9d3" )
( "cc" . "\xe9d5" )
( "ceylon" . "\xe94f" )
( "chai" . "\x63" )
( "chapel" . "\xe950" )
( "chartjs" . "\xea0b" )
( "chef" . "\xea42" )
( "chuck" . "\xe943" )
( "circle-ci" . "\xea12" )
( "cirru" . "\xe951" )
( "ckeditor" . "\xea0c" )
( "clarion" . "\xe952" )
( "clean" . "\xe95b" )
( "click" . "\xe95c" )
( "clips" . "\xe940" )
( "clj" . "\xf105" )
( "cljs" . "\xf104" )
( "closure-template" . "\xea82" )
( "cmake" . "\xe93f" )
( "cobol" . "\xea44" )
( "codecov" . "\x2602" )
( "codekit" . "\xea41" )
( "codemirror" . "\xea0d" )
( "codeship" . "\xea6a" )
( "cold-fusion" . "\xe929" )
( "clisp" . "\xe972" )
( "composer" . "\xe683" )
( "config" . "\xf07c" )
( "coq" . "\xe95f" )
( "cordova" . "\xea11" )
( "cp" . "\xe942" )
( "cpan" . "\xea87" )
( "creole" . "\xe95e" )
( "crystal" . "\xe902" )
( "cs-script" . "\xe9e2" )
( "csound" . "\xe9f0" )
( "cucumber" . "\xf02b" )
( "cython" . "\xe963" )
( "d3" . "\xea10" )
( "darcs" . "\xe964" )
( "dart" . "\xe698" )
( "dashboard" . "\xf07d" )
( "dbase" . "\xe9f1" )
( "default" . "\x1f5cc" )
( "delphi" . "\xea40" )
( "devicetree" . "\xea57" )
( "diff" . "\xe960" )
( "dockerfile" . "\xf106" )
( "doclets" . "\xea3f" )
( "doge" . "\xe946" )
( "dom" . "\xea71" )
( "donejs" . "\x1f3c1" )
( "doxygen" . "\xe928" )
( "dragula" . "\x1f44c" )
( "drone" . "\xea3d" )
( "dyalog" . "\xe90c" )
( "dylib" . "\xea15" )
( "e" . "\x45" )
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( "editorconfig" . "\xea1b" )
( "eiffel" . "\xe967" )
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( "electron" . "\xea27" )
( "elm" . "\xf102" )
( "emacs" . "\xe926" )
( "elisp" . "\xe926" )
( "ember" . "\xe61b" )
( "emberscript" . "\xe968" )
( "eq" . "\xea0a" )
( "esdoc" . "\xea5c" )
( "eslint" . "\xea0f" )
( "eslint-old" . "\xe90e" )
( "excel" . "\xe9ee" )
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( "fantom" . "\xe96f" )
( "fbx" . "\xe9fc" )
( "ffmpeg" . "\xea22" )
( "finder" . "\xe9e9" )
( "firebase" . "\xea7f" )
( "flow" . "\xe921" )
( "flux" . "\xe969" )
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( "fontforge" . "\xfb00" )
( "fortran" . "\xe90a" )
( "franca" . "\xea56" )
( "freemarker" . "\xe970" )
( "frege" . "\xe96e" )
( "fsharp" . "\xe6a7" )
( "fuel-ux" . "\xea09" )
( "gams" . "\xe973" )
( "gap" . "\xe971" )
( "gdb" . "\xea08" )
( "genshi" . "\xe976" )
( "gentoo" . "\xe96d" )
( "gf" . "\xe978" )
( "gitlab" . "\xea3c" )
( "glade" . "\xe938" )
( "glyphs" . "\x47" )
( "gn" . "\xea25" )
( "gnu" . "\xe679" )
( "go" . "\xeaae" )
( "godot" . "\xe974" )
( "golo" . "\xe979" )
( "gosu" . "\xe97a" )
( "gradle" . "\xe903" )
( "graphql" . "\xe97c" )
( "graphviz" . "\xe97d" )
( "groovy" . "\xe904" )
( "grunt" . "\xe611" )
( "gulp" . "\xe610" )
( "hack" . "\xe9ce" )
( "haml" . "\xf15b" )
( "harbour" . "\xe97b" )
( "hashicorp" . "\xe97e" )
( "haxe" . "\xe907" )
( "haxedevelop" . "\xea3b" )
( "hg" . "\x263f" )
( "hoplon" . "\xea4d" )
( "hy" . "\xe97f" )
( "icu" . "\xea23" )
( "id" . "\xe9f4" )
( "idl" . "\xe947" )
( "idris" . "\xe983" )
( "igorpro" . "\xe980" )
( "image" . "\xf012" )
( "inform7" . "\xe984" )
( "inno" . "\xe985" )
( "io" . "\xe981" )
( "ioke" . "\xe982" )
( "ionic-project" . "\xf14b" )
( "isabelle" . "\xe945" )
( "j" . "\xe937" )
( "jade" . "\xe90d" )
( "jake" . "\xe948" )
( "jasmine" . "\xea3a" )
( "jenkins" . "\xe667" )
( "jest" . "\xea39" )
( "jinja" . "\xe944" )
( "jison" . "\xea55" )
( "jolie" . "\xea75" )
( "jsonld" . "\xe958" )
( "jsx" . "\xf100" )
( "jsx-2" . "\xf101" )
( "jsx2-alt" . "\xe9e6" )
( "julia" . "\x26ec" )
( "junos" . "\xea81" )
( "jupyter" . "\xe987" )
( "karma" . "\xe9cd" )
( "keynote" . "\xe9e5" )
( "khronos" . "\xe9f8" )
( "kicad" . "\xea4c" )
( "kitchenci" . "\xea38" )
( "kivy" . "\xe901" )
( "knockout" . "\x4b" )
( "kotlin" . "\xe989" )
( "krl" . "\xe988" )
( "labview" . "\xe98a" )
( "lasso" . "\xe98c" )
( "leaflet" . "\xea07" )
( "lean" . "\x4c" )
( "lerna" . "\xea37" )
( "lfe" . "\xe94c" )
( "libuv" . "\xea21" )
( "lightwave" . "\xe9fb" )
( "lime" . "\xea36" )
( "lisp" . "\xe908" )
( "livescript" . "\xe914" )
( "llvm" . "\xe91d" )
( "logtalk" . "\xe98d" )
( "lookml" . "\xe98e" )
( "lsl" . "\xe98b" )
( "lua" . "\xe91b" )
( "mako" . "\xe98f" )
( "man-page" . "\xe936" )
( "mapbox" . "\xe941" )
( "markdownlint" . "\xf0c9" )
( "marko" . "\xe920" )
( "mathematica" . "\xe990" )
( "mathjax" . "\xea06" )
( "matlab" . "\xe991" )
( "max" . "\xe993" )
( "maxscript" . "\xe900" )
( "maya" . "\xe9f6" )
( "mediawiki" . "\xe954" )
( "mercury" . "\xe994" )
( "meson" . "\xea54" )
( "metal" . "\x4d" )
( "meteor" . "\xe6a5" )
( "microsoft-infopath" . "\xea35" )
( "minecraft" . "\xe9dc" )
( "minizinc" . "\xea53" )
( "mirah" . "\xe995" )
( "miranda" . "\xea52" )
( "mocha" . "\x26fe" )
( "modula-2" . "\xe996" )
( "moment" . "\x1f558" )
( "moment-tz" . "\x1f30d" )
( "monkey" . "\xe997" )
( "moustache" . "\xe60f" )
( "mruby" . "\xea18" )
( "mupad" . "\xe9ca" )
( "nano" . "\xea76" )
( "nanoc" . "\xea51" )
( "nant" . "\xe9e1" )
( "nasm" . "\xea72" )
( "neko" . "\xea05" )
( "netlogo" . "\xe99c" )
( "new-relic" . "\xe9d7" )
( "nginx" . "\xf146b" )
( "nib" . "\x2712" )
( "nimrod" . "\xe998" )
( "nit" . "\xe999" )
( "nix" . "\xe99a" )
( "nmap" . "\xe94d" )
( "nodemon" . "\xea26" )
( "normalize" . "\xea04" )
( "npm" . "\xe91c" )
( "npm-old" . "\xf17b" )
( "nsis" . "\xea1e" )
( "nsis-old" . "\xe992" )
( "nuclide" . "\xea34" )
( "nuget" . "\xe9d9" )
( "numpy" . "\xe99d" )
( "nunjucks" . "\xe953" )
( "nvidia" . "\xe95d" )
( "nxc" . "\xea6b" )
( "obj" . "\xe9e8" )
( "objective-j" . "\xe99e" )
( "ocaml" . "\xe91a" )
( "octave" . "\xea33" )
( "onenote" . "\xe9eb" )
( "ooc" . "\xe9cb" )
( "opa" . "\x2601" )
( "opencl" . "\xe99f" )
( "opengl" . "\xea7a" )
( "openoffice" . "\xe9e4" )
( "openscad" . "\xe911" )
( "org" . "\xe917" )
( "owl" . "\xe957" )
( "ox" . "\xe9a1" )
( "oxygene" . "\xe9bf" )
( "oz" . "\xe9be" )
( "p4" . "\xea50" )
( "pan" . "\xe9bd" )
( "papyrus" . "\xe9bc" )
( "parrot" . "\xe9bb" )
( "pascal" . "\xe92a" )
( "patch" . "\xe961" )
( "pawn" . "\x265f" )
( "pb" . "\xea14" )
( "pegjs" . "\xea74" )
( "raku" . "\xe96c" )
( "phalcon" . "\xe94a" )
( "phoenix" . "\xea5f" )
( "php" . "\xf147" )
( "phpunit" . "\xea32" )
( "pickle" . "\xe9c4" )
( "pike" . "\xe9b9" )
( "platformio" . "\xea2c" )
( "pm2" . "\x2630" )
( "pod" . "\xea84" )
( "pogo" . "\xe9b8" )
( "pointwise" . "\xe977" )
( "polymer" . "\xea2b" )
( "pony" . "\xe9b7" )
( "postcss" . "\xe910" )
( "postscript" . "\xe955" )
( "povray" . "\x50" )
( "powerpoint" . "\xe9ec" )
( "powershell" . "\xe9da" )
( "precision" . "\x2295" )
( "premiere" . "\xe9f5" )
( "processing" . "\xe9a0" )
( "progress" . "\xe9c0" )
( "propeller" . "\xe9b5" )
( "proselint" . "\xea6d" )
( "protractor" . "\xe9de" )
( "ps" . "\xe6b8" )
( "pug" . "\xea13" )
( "pug-alt" . "\xe9d0" )
( "puppet" . "\xf0c3" )
( "purebasic" . "\x1b5" )
( "purescript" . "\xe9b2" )
( "racket" . "\xe9b1" )
( "raml" . "\xe913" )
( "rascal" . "\xea24" )
( "rdoc" . "\xe9b0" )
( "realbasic" . "\xe9af" )
( "reason" . "\xea1d" )
( "rebol" . "\xe9ae" )
( "red" . "\xe9ad" )
( "redux" . "\xea30" )
( "regex" . "\x2a" )
( "rexx" . "\xea16" )
( "rhino" . "\xea4a" )
( "ring" . "\x1f48d" )
( "riot" . "\xe919" )
( "robot" . "\xe9ac" )
( "rollup" . "\xea20" )
( "rollup-old" . "\xe9fd" )
( "rot" . "\x1f764" )
( "rspec" . "\xea31" )
( "rst" . "\xe9cc" )
( "sage" . "\xe9ab" )
( "saltstack" . "\xe915" )
( "sas" . "\xe95a" )
( "sbt" . "\xe9d2" )
( "sc" . "\xe9a2" )
( "scheme" . "\x3bb" )
( "scilab" . "\xe9a9" )
( "scrutinizer" . "\xe9d4" )
( "self" . "\xe9a8" )
( "sequelize" . "\xea2f" )
( "sf" . "\xe9db" )
( "shen" . "\xe9a7" )
( "shipit" . "\x26f5" )
( "shippable" . "\xea2d" )
( "shopify" . "\xe9cf" )
( "shuriken" . "\x272b" )
( "silverstripe" . "\xe800" )
( "sinatra" . "\xea03" )
( "sketch" . "\xe927" )
( "sketchup-layout" . "\xea7c" )
( "sketchup-make" . "\xea7e" )
( "sketchup-stylebuilder" . "\xea7d" )
( "slash" . "\xe9a6" )
( "snyk" . "\xea1c" )
( "solidity" . "\xea86" )
( "sparql" . "\xe959" )
( "spray" . "\xea02" )
( "sqf" . "\xe9a5" )
( "sqlite" . "\xe9dd" )
( "squarespace" . "\xea5e" )
( "stan" . "\xe9a4" )
( "stata" . "\xe9a3" )
( "storyist" . "\xe9ef" )
( "strings" . "\xe9e0" )
( "stylelint" . "\xe93d" )
( "stylus" . "\x73" )
( "stylus-full" . "\xe9f7" )
( "stylus-orb" . "\x53" )
( "sublime" . "\xe986" )
( "sv" . "\xe9c3" )
( "svn" . "\xea17" )
( "swagger" . "\xea29" )
( "tag" . "\xf015" )
( "tcl" . "\xe956" )
( "telegram" . "\x2708" )
( "terminal" . "\xf0c8" )
( "tern" . "\x1f54a" )
( "terraform" . "\xe916" )
( "test-coffeescript" . "\xea62" )
( "test-dir" . "\xea60" )
( "test-generic" . "\xea63" )
( "test-js" . "\xea64" )
( "test-perl" . "\xea65" )
( "test-python" . "\xea66" )
( "test-react" . "\xea67" )
( "test-ruby" . "\xea68" )
( "test-typescript" . "\xea69" )
( "tex" . "\xe600" )
( "textile" . "\x74" )
( "textmate" . "\x2122" )
( "thor" . "\xe9d8" )
( "tinymce" . "\xea01" )
( "tsx" . "\xe9d1" )
( "tsx-alt" . "\xe9e7" )
( "tt" . "\x54" )
( "turing" . "\xe9b6" )
( "twig" . "\x2e19" )
( "twine" . "\xea5d" )
( "txl" . "\xe9c1" )
( "typedoc" . "\xe9fe" )
( "typescript" . "\xe912" )
( "typescript-alt" . "\x2a6" )
( "typings" . "\xe9df" )
( "uno" . "\xe9b3" )
( "unreal" . "\x75" )
( "urweb" . "\xe9ba" )
( "v8" . "\xea1f" )
( "vagrant" . "\x56" )
( "vcl" . "\xe9b4" )
( "verilog" . "\xe949" )
( "vertex-shader" . "\xea79" )
( "vhdl" . "\xe9aa" )
( "video" . "\xf057" )
( "virtualbox" . "\xea3e" )
( "virtualbox-alt" . "\xea2e" )
( "visio" . "\xea83" )
( "vmware" . "\xea49" )
( "vue" . "\xe906" )
( "wasm" . "\xea70" )
( "watchman" . "\xea4f" )
( "webgl" . "\xea7b" )
( "webpack" . "\xea61" )
( "webpack-old" . "\xe91e" )
( "wercker" . "\xea19" )
( "word" . "\xe9ed" )
( "x10" . "\x2169" )
( "xamarin" . "\xea77" )
( "xmos" . "\x58" )
( "xpages" . "\xe9c5" )
( "xtend" . "\xe9c6" )
( "yarn" . "\xea1a" )
( "yasm" . "\xea73" )
( "yin-yang" . "\x262f" )
( "yoyo" . "\xe975" )
( "yui" . "\xea00" )
( "zbrush" . "\xe9f2" )
( "zephir" . "\xe9c7" )
("zig" . "\x7A")
( "zimpl" . "\xe9c8" )
(provide 'data-fileicons)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
(defvar all-the-icons-data/material-icons-alist
'(("3d_rotation" . "\xe84d")
("ac_unit" . "\xeb3b")
("access_alarm" . "\xe190")
("access_alarms" . "\xe191")
("access_time" . "\xe192")
("accessibility" . "\xe84e")
("accessible" . "\xe914")
("account_balance" . "\xe84f")
("account_balance_wallet" . "\xe850")
("account_box" . "\xe851")
("account_circle" . "\xe853")
("adb" . "\xe60e")
("add" . "\xe145")
("add_a_photo" . "\xe439")
("add_alarm" . "\xe193")
("add_alert" . "\xe003")
("add_box" . "\xe146")
("add_circle" . "\xe147")
("add_circle_outline" . "\xe148")
("add_location" . "\xe567")
("add_shopping_cart" . "\xe854")
("add_to_photos" . "\xe39d")
("add_to_queue" . "\xe05c")
("adjust" . "\xe39e")
("airline_seat_flat" . "\xe630")
("airline_seat_flat_angled" . "\xe631")
("airline_seat_individual_suite" . "\xe632")
("airline_seat_legroom_extra" . "\xe633")
("airline_seat_legroom_normal" . "\xe634")
("airline_seat_legroom_reduced" . "\xe635")
("airline_seat_recline_extra" . "\xe636")
("airline_seat_recline_normal" . "\xe637")
("airplanemode_active" . "\xe195")
("airplanemode_inactive" . "\xe194")
("airplay" . "\xe055")
("airport_shuttle" . "\xeb3c")
("alarm" . "\xe855")
("alarm_add" . "\xe856")
("alarm_off" . "\xe857")
("alarm_on" . "\xe858")
("album" . "\xe019")
("all_inclusive" . "\xeb3d")
("all_out" . "\xe90b")
("android" . "\xe859")
("announcement" . "\xe85a")
("apps" . "\xe5c3")
("archive" . "\xe149")
("arrow_back" . "\xe5c4")
("arrow_downward" . "\xe5db")
("arrow_drop_down" . "\xe5c5")
("arrow_drop_down_circle" . "\xe5c6")
("arrow_drop_up" . "\xe5c7")
("arrow_forward" . "\xe5c8")
("arrow_upward" . "\xe5d8")
("art_track" . "\xe060")
("aspect_ratio" . "\xe85b")
("assessment" . "\xe85c")
("assignment" . "\xe85d")
("assignment_ind" . "\xe85e")
("assignment_late" . "\xe85f")
("assignment_return" . "\xe860")
("assignment_returned" . "\xe861")
("assignment_turned_in" . "\xe862")
("assistant" . "\xe39f")
("assistant_photo" . "\xe3a0")
("attach_file" . "\xe226")
("attach_money" . "\xe227")
("attachment" . "\xe2bc")
("audiotrack" . "\xe3a1")
("autorenew" . "\xe863")
("av_timer" . "\xe01b")
("backspace" . "\xe14a")
("backup" . "\xe864")
("battery_alert" . "\xe19c")
("battery_charging_full" . "\xe1a3")
("battery_full" . "\xe1a4")
("battery_std" . "\xe1a5")
("battery_unknown" . "\xe1a6")
("beach_access" . "\xeb3e")
("beenhere" . "\xe52d")
("block" . "\xe14b")
("bluetooth" . "\xe1a7")
("bluetooth_audio" . "\xe60f")
("bluetooth_connected" . "\xe1a8")
("bluetooth_disabled" . "\xe1a9")
("bluetooth_searching" . "\xe1aa")
("blur_circular" . "\xe3a2")
("blur_linear" . "\xe3a3")
("blur_off" . "\xe3a4")
("blur_on" . "\xe3a5")
("book" . "\xe865")
("bookmark" . "\xe866")
("bookmark_border" . "\xe867")
("border_all" . "\xe228")
("border_bottom" . "\xe229")
("border_clear" . "\xe22a")
("border_color" . "\xe22b")
("border_horizontal" . "\xe22c")
("border_inner" . "\xe22d")
("border_left" . "\xe22e")
("border_outer" . "\xe22f")
("border_right" . "\xe230")
("border_style" . "\xe231")
("border_top" . "\xe232")
("border_vertical" . "\xe233")
("branding_watermark" . "\xe06b")
("brightness_1" . "\xe3a6")
("brightness_2" . "\xe3a7")
("brightness_3" . "\xe3a8")
("brightness_4" . "\xe3a9")
("brightness_5" . "\xe3aa")
("brightness_6" . "\xe3ab")
("brightness_7" . "\xe3ac")
("brightness_auto" . "\xe1ab")
("brightness_high" . "\xe1ac")
("brightness_low" . "\xe1ad")
("brightness_medium" . "\xe1ae")
("broken_image" . "\xe3ad")
("brush" . "\xe3ae")
("bubble_chart" . "\xe6dd")
("bug_report" . "\xe868")
("build" . "\xe869")
("burst_mode" . "\xe43c")
("business" . "\xe0af")
("business_center" . "\xeb3f")
("cached" . "\xe86a")
("cake" . "\xe7e9")
("call" . "\xe0b0")
("call_end" . "\xe0b1")
("call_made" . "\xe0b2")
("call_merge" . "\xe0b3")
("call_missed" . "\xe0b4")
("call_missed_outgoing" . "\xe0e4")
("call_received" . "\xe0b5")
("call_split" . "\xe0b6")
("call_to_action" . "\xe06c")
("camera" . "\xe3af")
("camera_alt" . "\xe3b0")
("camera_enhance" . "\xe8fc")
("camera_front" . "\xe3b1")
("camera_rear" . "\xe3b2")
("camera_roll" . "\xe3b3")
("cancel" . "\xe5c9")
("card_giftcard" . "\xe8f6")
("card_membership" . "\xe8f7")
("card_travel" . "\xe8f8")
("casino" . "\xeb40")
("cast" . "\xe307")
("cast_connected" . "\xe308")
("center_focus_strong" . "\xe3b4")
("center_focus_weak" . "\xe3b5")
("change_history" . "\xe86b")
("chat" . "\xe0b7")
("chat_bubble" . "\xe0ca")
("chat_bubble_outline" . "\xe0cb")
("check" . "\xe5ca")
("check_box" . "\xe834")
("check_box_outline_blank" . "\xe835")
("check_circle" . "\xe86c")
("chevron_left" . "\xe5cb")
("chevron_right" . "\xe5cc")
("child_care" . "\xeb41")
("child_friendly" . "\xeb42")
("chrome_reader_mode" . "\xe86d")
("class" . "\xe86e")
("clear" . "\xe14c")
("clear_all" . "\xe0b8")
("close" . "\xe5cd")
("closed_caption" . "\xe01c")
("cloud" . "\xe2bd")
("cloud_circle" . "\xe2be")
("cloud_done" . "\xe2bf")
("cloud_download" . "\xe2c0")
("cloud_off" . "\xe2c1")
("cloud_queue" . "\xe2c2")
("cloud_upload" . "\xe2c3")
("code" . "\xe86f")
("collections" . "\xe3b6")
("collections_bookmark" . "\xe431")
("color_lens" . "\xe3b7")
("colorize" . "\xe3b8")
("comment" . "\xe0b9")
("compare" . "\xe3b9")
("compare_arrows" . "\xe915")
("computer" . "\xe30a")
("confirmation_number" . "\xe638")
("contact_mail" . "\xe0d0")
("contact_phone" . "\xe0cf")
("contacts" . "\xe0ba")
("content_copy" . "\xe14d")
("content_cut" . "\xe14e")
("content_paste" . "\xe14f")
("control_point" . "\xe3ba")
("control_point_duplicate" . "\xe3bb")
("copyright" . "\xe90c")
("create" . "\xe150")
("create_new_folder" . "\xe2cc")
("credit_card" . "\xe870")
("crop" . "\xe3be")
("crop_16_9" . "\xe3bc")
("crop_3_2" . "\xe3bd")
("crop_5_4" . "\xe3bf")
("crop_7_5" . "\xe3c0")
("crop_din" . "\xe3c1")
("crop_free" . "\xe3c2")
("crop_landscape" . "\xe3c3")
("crop_original" . "\xe3c4")
("crop_portrait" . "\xe3c5")
("crop_rotate" . "\xe437")
("crop_square" . "\xe3c6")
("dashboard" . "\xe871")
("data_usage" . "\xe1af")
("date_range" . "\xe916")
("dehaze" . "\xe3c7")
("delete" . "\xe872")
("delete_forever" . "\xe92b")
("delete_sweep" . "\xe16c")
("description" . "\xe873")
("desktop_mac" . "\xe30b")
("desktop_windows" . "\xe30c")
("details" . "\xe3c8")
("developer_board" . "\xe30d")
("developer_mode" . "\xe1b0")
("device_hub" . "\xe335")
("devices" . "\xe1b1")
("devices_other" . "\xe337")
("dialer_sip" . "\xe0bb")
("dialpad" . "\xe0bc")
("directions" . "\xe52e")
("directions_bike" . "\xe52f")
("directions_boat" . "\xe532")
("directions_bus" . "\xe530")
("directions_car" . "\xe531")
("directions_railway" . "\xe534")
("directions_run" . "\xe566")
("directions_subway" . "\xe533")
("directions_transit" . "\xe535")
("directions_walk" . "\xe536")
("disc_full" . "\xe610")
("dns" . "\xe875")
("do_not_disturb" . "\xe612")
("do_not_disturb_alt" . "\xe611")
("do_not_disturb_off" . "\xe643")
("do_not_disturb_on" . "\xe644")
("dock" . "\xe30e")
("domain" . "\xe7ee")
("done" . "\xe876")
("done_all" . "\xe877")
("donut_large" . "\xe917")
("donut_small" . "\xe918")
("drafts" . "\xe151")
("drag_handle" . "\xe25d")
("drive_eta" . "\xe613")
("dvr" . "\xe1b2")
("edit" . "\xe3c9")
("edit_location" . "\xe568")
("eject" . "\xe8fb")
("email" . "\xe0be")
("enhanced_encryption" . "\xe63f")
("equalizer" . "\xe01d")
("error" . "\xe000")
("error_outline" . "\xe001")
("euro_symbol" . "\xe926")
("ev_station" . "\xe56d")
("event" . "\xe878")
("event_available" . "\xe614")
("event_busy" . "\xe615")
("event_note" . "\xe616")
("event_seat" . "\xe903")
("exit_to_app" . "\xe879")
("expand_less" . "\xe5ce")
("expand_more" . "\xe5cf")
("explicit" . "\xe01e")
("explore" . "\xe87a")
("exposure" . "\xe3ca")
("exposure_neg_1" . "\xe3cb")
("exposure_neg_2" . "\xe3cc")
("exposure_plus_1" . "\xe3cd")
("exposure_plus_2" . "\xe3ce")
("exposure_zero" . "\xe3cf")
("extension" . "\xe87b")
("face" . "\xe87c")
("fast_forward" . "\xe01f")
("fast_rewind" . "\xe020")
("favorite" . "\xe87d")
("favorite_border" . "\xe87e")
("featured_play_list" . "\xe06d")
("featured_video" . "\xe06e")
("feedback" . "\xe87f")
("fiber_dvr" . "\xe05d")
("fiber_manual_record" . "\xe061")
("fiber_new" . "\xe05e")
("fiber_pin" . "\xe06a")
("fiber_smart_record" . "\xe062")
("file_download" . "\xe2c4")
("file_upload" . "\xe2c6")
("filter" . "\xe3d3")
("filter_1" . "\xe3d0")
("filter_2" . "\xe3d1")
("filter_3" . "\xe3d2")
("filter_4" . "\xe3d4")
("filter_5" . "\xe3d5")
("filter_6" . "\xe3d6")
("filter_7" . "\xe3d7")
("filter_8" . "\xe3d8")
("filter_9" . "\xe3d9")
("filter_9_plus" . "\xe3da")
("filter_b_and_w" . "\xe3db")
("filter_center_focus" . "\xe3dc")
("filter_drama" . "\xe3dd")
("filter_frames" . "\xe3de")
("filter_hdr" . "\xe3df")
("filter_list" . "\xe152")
("filter_none" . "\xe3e0")
("filter_tilt_shift" . "\xe3e2")
("filter_vintage" . "\xe3e3")
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("flight_takeoff" . "\xe905")
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("flip_to_back" . "\xe882")
("flip_to_front" . "\xe883")
("folder" . "\xe2c7")
("folder_open" . "\xe2c8")
("folder_shared" . "\xe2c9")
("folder_special" . "\xe617")
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("format_textdirection_r_to_l" . "\xe248")
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("https" . "\xe88d")
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("local_parking" . "\xe54f")
("local_pharmacy" . "\xe550")
("local_phone" . "\xe551")
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("looks_5" . "\xe3fe")
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("looks_two" . "\xe401")
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("move_to_inbox" . "\xe168")
("movie" . "\xe02c")
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("music_video" . "\xe063")
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("portable_wifi_off" . "\xe0ce")
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("radio" . "\xe03e")
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("remove_shopping_cart" . "\xe928")
("reorder" . "\xe8fe")
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("replay_10" . "\xe059")
("replay_30" . "\xe05a")
("replay_5" . "\xe05b")
("reply" . "\xe15e")
("reply_all" . "\xe15f")
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("restaurant_menu" . "\xe561")
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("rotate_left" . "\xe419")
("rotate_right" . "\xe41a")
("rounded_corner" . "\xe920")
("router" . "\xe328")
("rowing" . "\xe921")
("rss_feed" . "\xe0e5")
("rv_hookup" . "\xe642")
("satellite" . "\xe562")
("save" . "\xe161")
("scanner" . "\xe329")
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("school" . "\xe80c")
("screen_lock_landscape" . "\xe1be")
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("screen_lock_rotation" . "\xe1c0")
("screen_rotation" . "\xe1c1")
("screen_share" . "\xe0e2")
("sd_card" . "\xe623")
("sd_storage" . "\xe1c2")
("search" . "\xe8b6")
("security" . "\xe32a")
("select_all" . "\xe162")
("send" . "\xe163")
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("sentiment_satisfied" . "\xe813")
("sentiment_very_dissatisfied" . "\xe814")
("sentiment_very_satisfied" . "\xe815")
("settings" . "\xe8b8")
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("settings_bluetooth" . "\xe8bb")
("settings_brightness" . "\xe8bd")
("settings_cell" . "\xe8bc")
("settings_ethernet" . "\xe8be")
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("settings_input_component" . "\xe8c0")
("settings_input_composite" . "\xe8c1")
("settings_input_hdmi" . "\xe8c2")
("settings_input_svideo" . "\xe8c3")
("settings_overscan" . "\xe8c4")
("settings_phone" . "\xe8c5")
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("settings_system_daydream" . "\xe1c3")
("settings_voice" . "\xe8c8")
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("shopping_cart" . "\xe8cc")
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("show_chart" . "\xe6e1")
("shuffle" . "\xe043")
("signal_cellular_4_bar" . "\xe1c8")
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("signal_cellular_no_sim" . "\xe1ce")
("signal_cellular_null" . "\xe1cf")
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("signal_wifi_4_bar" . "\xe1d8")
("signal_wifi_4_bar_lock" . "\xe1d9")
("signal_wifi_off" . "\xe1da")
("sim_card" . "\xe32b")
("sim_card_alert" . "\xe624")
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("slow_motion_video" . "\xe068")
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("switch_video" . "\xe41f")
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("tablet_android" . "\xe330")
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("wifi_tethering" . "\xe1e2")
("work" . "\xe8f9")
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("zoom_out" . "\xe900")
("zoom_out_map" . "\xe56b")))
(provide 'data-material)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
(defvar all-the-icons-data/octicons-alist
("alert" . "\xf02d")
("arrow-down" . "\xf03f")
("arrow-left" . "\xf040")
("arrow-right" . "\xf03e")
("arrow-small-down" . "\xf0a0")
("arrow-small-left" . "\xf0a1")
("arrow-small-right" . "\xf071")
("arrow-small-up" . "\xf09f")
("arrow-up" . "\xf03d")
("book" . "\xf007")
("bookmark" . "\xf07b")
("briefcase" . "\xf0d3")
("broadcast" . "\xf048")
("browser" . "\xf0c5")
("bug" . "\xf091")
("calendar" . "\xf068")
("check" . "\xf03a")
("checklist" . "\xf076")
("chevron-down" . "\xf0a3")
("chevron-left" . "\xf0a4")
("chevron-right" . "\xf078")
("chevron-up" . "\xf0a2")
("circle-slash" . "\xf084")
("circuit-board" . "\xf0d6")
("clippy" . "\xf035")
("clock" . "\xf046")
("cloud-download" . "\xf00b")
("cloud-upload" . "\xf00c")
("code" . "\xf05f")
("comment" . "\xf02b")
("comment-discussion" . "\xf04f")
("credit-card" . "\xf045")
("dash" . "\xf0ca")
("dashboard" . "\xf07d")
("database" . "\xf096")
("device-camera" . "\xf056")
("device-camera-video" . "\xf057")
("device-desktop" . "\xf27c")
("device-mobile" . "\xf038")
("diff" . "\xf04d")
("diff-added" . "\xf06b")
("diff-ignored" . "\xf099")
("diff-modified" . "\xf06d")
("diff-removed" . "\xf06c")
("diff-renamed" . "\xf06e")
("ellipsis" . "\xf09a")
("eye" . "\xf04e")
("file-binary" . "\xf094")
("file-code" . "\xf010")
("file-directory" . "\xf016")
("file-media" . "\xf012")
("file-pdf" . "\xf014")
("file-submodule" . "\xf017")
("file-symlink-directory" . "\xf0b1")
("file-symlink-file" . "\xf0b0")
("file-text" . "\xf011")
("file-zip" . "\xf013")
("flame" . "\xf0d2")
("fold" . "\xf0cc")
("gear" . "\xf02f")
("gift" . "\xf042")
("gist" . "\xf00e")
("gist-secret" . "\xf08c")
("git-branch" . "\xf020")
("git-commit" . "\xf01f")
("git-compare" . "\xf0ac")
("git-merge" . "\xf023")
("git-pull-request" . "\xf009")
("globe" . "\xf0b6")
("graph" . "\xf043")
("beaker" . "\xf0dd")
("heart" . "\x2665")
("history" . "\xf07e")
("home" . "\xf08d")
("horizontal-rule" . "\xf070")
("hourglass" . "\xf09e")
("hubot" . "\xf09d")
("inbox" . "\xf0cf")
("info" . "\xf059")
("issue-closed" . "\xf028")
("issue-opened" . "\xf026")
("issue-reopened" . "\xf027")
("jersey" . "\xf019")
("key" . "\xf049")
("keyboard" . "\xf00d")
("law" . "\xf0d8")
("light-bulb" . "\xf000")
("link" . "\xf05c")
("link-external" . "\xf07f")
("list-ordered" . "\xf062")
("list-unordered" . "\xf061")
("location" . "\xf060")
("lock" . "\xf06a")
("logo-github" . "\xf092")
("mail" . "\xf03b")
("mail-read" . "\xf03c")
("mail-reply" . "\xf051")
("mark-github" . "\xf00a")
("markdown" . "\xf0c9")
("megaphone" . "\xf077")
("mention" . "\xf0be")
("milestone" . "\xf075")
("mirror" . "\xf024")
("mortar-board" . "\xf0d7")
("mute" . "\xf080")
("no-newline" . "\xf09c")
("octoface" . "\xf008")
("organization" . "\xf037")
("package" . "\xf0c4")
("paintcan" . "\xf0d1")
("pencil" . "\xf058")
("person" . "\xf018")
("pin" . "\xf041")
("plug" . "\xf0d4")
("plus" . "\xf05d")
("primitive-dot" . "\xf052")
("primitive-square" . "\xf053")
("pulse" . "\xf085")
("puzzle" . "\xf0c0")
("question" . "\xf02c")
("quote" . "\xf063")
("radio-tower" . "\xf030")
("repo" . "\xf001")
("repo-clone" . "\xf04c")
("repo-force-push" . "\xf04a")
("repo-forked" . "\xf002")
("repo-pull" . "\xf006")
("repo-push" . "\xf005")
("rocket" . "\xf033")
("rss" . "\xf034")
("ruby" . "\xf047")
("search" . "\xf02e")
("server" . "\xf097")
("settings" . "\xf07c")
("sign-in" . "\xf036")
("sign-out" . "\xf032")
("squirrel" . "\xf0b2")
("star" . "\xf02a")
("steps" . "\xf0c7")
("stop" . "\xf08f")
("sync" . "\xf087")
("tag" . "\xf015")
("telescope" . "\xf088")
("terminal" . "\xf0c8")
("three-bars" . "\xf05e")
("thumbsdown" . "\xf0db")
("thumbsup" . "\xf0da")
("tools" . "\xf031")
("trashcan" . "\xf0d0")
("triangle-down" . "\xf05b")
("triangle-left" . "\xf044")
("triangle-right" . "\xf05a")
("triangle-up" . "\xf0aa")
("unfold" . "\xf039")
("unmute" . "\xf0ba")
("versions" . "\xf064")
("x" . "\xf081")
("zap" . "\x26A1")
(provide 'data-octicons)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
(defvar all-the-icons-data/weather-icons-alist
("alien" . "\xf075")
("barometer" . "\xf079")
("celsius" . "\xf03c")
("cloud" . "\xf041")
("cloud-down" . "\xf03d")
("cloud-refresh" . "\xf03e")
("cloud-up" . "\xf040")
("cloudy" . "\xf013")
("cloudy-gusts" . "\xf011")
("cloudy-windy" . "\xf012")
("day-cloudy" . "\xf002")
("day-cloudy-gusts" . "\xf000")
("day-cloudy-high" . "\xf07d")
("day-cloudy-windy" . "\xf001")
("day-fog" . "\xf003")
("day-hail" . "\xf004")
("day-haze" . "\xf0b6")
("day-light-wind" . "\xf0c4")
("day-lightning" . "\xf005")
("day-rain" . "\xf008")
("day-rain-mix" . "\xf006")
("day-rain-wind" . "\xf007")
("day-showers" . "\xf009")
("day-sleet" . "\xf0b2")
("day-sleet-storm" . "\xf068")
("day-snow" . "\xf00a")
("day-snow-thunderstorm" . "\xf06b")
("day-snow-wind" . "\xf065")
("day-sprinkle" . "\xf00b")
("day-storm-showers" . "\xf00e")
("day-sunny" . "\xf00d")
("day-sunny-overcast" . "\xf00c")
("day-thunderstorm" . "\xf010")
("day-windy" . "\xf085")
("degrees" . "\xf042")
("direction-down" . "\xf044")
("direction-down-left" . "\xf043")
("direction-down-right" . "\xf088")
("direction-left" . "\xf048")
("direction-right" . "\xf04d")
("direction-up" . "\xf058")
("direction-up-left" . "\xf087")
("direction-up-right" . "\xf057")
("dust" . "\xf063")
("earthquake" . "\xf0c6")
("fahrenheit" . "\xf045")
("fire" . "\xf0c7")
("flood" . "\xf07c")
("fog" . "\xf014")
("forecast-io-clear-day" . "\xf00d")
("forecast-io-clear-night" . "\xf02e")
("forecast-io-cloudy" . "\xf013")
("forecast-io-fog" . "\xf014")
("forecast-io-hail" . "\xf015")
("forecast-io-partly-cloudy-day" . "\xf002")
("forecast-io-partly-cloudy-night" . "\xf031")
("forecast-io-rain" . "\xf019")
("forecast-io-sleet" . "\xf0b5")
("forecast-io-snow" . "\xf01b")
("forecast-io-thunderstorm" . "\xf01e")
("forecast-io-tornado" . "\xf056")
("forecast-io-wind" . "\xf050")
("gale-warning" . "\xf0cd")
("hail" . "\xf015")
("horizon" . "\xf047")
("horizon-alt" . "\xf046")
("hot" . "\xf072")
("humidity" . "\xf07a")
("hurricane" . "\xf073")
("hurricane-warning" . "\xf0cf")
("lightning" . "\xf016")
("lunar-eclipse" . "\xf070")
("meteor" . "\xf071")
("moon-0" . "\xf095")
("moon-1" . "\xf096")
("moon-10" . "\xf09f")
("moon-11" . "\xf0a0")
("moon-12" . "\xf0a1")
("moon-13" . "\xf0a2")
("moon-14" . "\xf0a3")
("moon-15" . "\xf0a4")
("moon-16" . "\xf0a5")
("moon-17" . "\xf0a6")
("moon-18" . "\xf0a7")
("moon-19" . "\xf0a8")
("moon-2" . "\xf097")
("moon-20" . "\xf0a9")
("moon-21" . "\xf0aa")
("moon-22" . "\xf0ab")
("moon-23" . "\xf0ac")
("moon-24" . "\xf0ad")
("moon-25" . "\xf0ae")
("moon-26" . "\xf0af")
("moon-27" . "\xf0b0")
("moon-3" . "\xf098")
("moon-4" . "\xf099")
("moon-5" . "\xf09a")
("moon-6" . "\xf09b")
("moon-7" . "\xf09c")
("moon-8" . "\xf09d")
("moon-9" . "\xf09e")
("moon-alt-first-quarter" . "\xf0d6")
("moon-alt-full" . "\xf0dd")
("moon-alt-new" . "\xf0eb")
("moon-alt-third-quarter" . "\xf0e4")
("moon-alt-waning-crescent-1" . "\xf0e5")
("moon-alt-waning-crescent-2" . "\xf0e6")
("moon-alt-waning-crescent-3" . "\xf0e7")
("moon-alt-waning-crescent-4" . "\xf0e8")
("moon-alt-waning-crescent-5" . "\xf0e9")
("moon-alt-waning-crescent-6" . "\xf0ea")
("moon-alt-waning-gibbous-1" . "\xf0de")
("moon-alt-waning-gibbous-2" . "\xf0df")
("moon-alt-waning-gibbous-3" . "\xf0e0")
("moon-alt-waning-gibbous-4" . "\xf0e1")
("moon-alt-waning-gibbous-5" . "\xf0e2")
("moon-alt-waning-gibbous-6" . "\xf0e3")
("moon-alt-waxing-crescent-1" . "\xf0d0")
("moon-alt-waxing-crescent-2" . "\xf0d1")
("moon-alt-waxing-crescent-3" . "\xf0d2")
("moon-alt-waxing-crescent-4" . "\xf0d3")
("moon-alt-waxing-crescent-5" . "\xf0d4")
("moon-alt-waxing-crescent-6" . "\xf0d5")
("moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-1" . "\xf0d7")
("moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-2" . "\xf0d8")
("moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-3" . "\xf0d9")
("moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-4" . "\xf0da")
("moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-5" . "\xf0db")
("moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-6" . "\xf0dc")
("moon-first-quarter" . "\xf09c")
("moon-full" . "\xf0a3")
("moon-new" . "\xf095")
("moon-third-quarter" . "\xf0aa")
("moon-waning-crescent-1" . "\xf0ab")
("moon-waning-crescent-2" . "\xf0ac")
("moon-waning-crescent-3" . "\xf0ad")
("moon-waning-crescent-4" . "\xf0ae")
("moon-waning-crescent-5" . "\xf0af")
("moon-waning-crescent-6" . "\xf0b0")
("moon-waning-gibbous-1" . "\xf0a4")
("moon-waning-gibbous-2" . "\xf0a5")
("moon-waning-gibbous-3" . "\xf0a6")
("moon-waning-gibbous-4" . "\xf0a7")
("moon-waning-gibbous-5" . "\xf0a8")
("moon-waning-gibbous-6" . "\xf0a9")
("moon-waxing-crescent-1" . "\xf096")
("moon-waxing-crescent-2" . "\xf097")
("moon-waxing-crescent-3" . "\xf098")
("moon-waxing-crescent-4" . "\xf099")
("moon-waxing-crescent-5" . "\xf09a")
("moon-waxing-crescent-6" . "\xf09b")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-1" . "\xf09d")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-2" . "\xf09e")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-3" . "\xf09f")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-4" . "\xf0a0")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-5" . "\xf0a1")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-6" . "\xf0a2")
("moonrise" . "\xf0c9")
("moonset" . "\xf0ca")
("na" . "\xf07b")
("night-alt-cloudy" . "\xf086")
("night-alt-cloudy-gusts" . "\xf022")
("night-alt-cloudy-high" . "\xf07e")
("night-alt-cloudy-windy" . "\xf023")
("night-alt-hail" . "\xf024")
("night-alt-lightning" . "\xf025")
("night-alt-partly-cloudy" . "\xf081")
("night-alt-rain" . "\xf028")
("night-alt-rain-mix" . "\xf026")
("night-alt-rain-wind" . "\xf027")
("night-alt-showers" . "\xf029")
("night-alt-sleet" . "\xf0b4")
("night-alt-sleet-storm" . "\xf06a")
("night-alt-snow" . "\xf02a")
("night-alt-snow-thunderstorm" . "\xf06d")
("night-alt-snow-wind" . "\xf067")
("night-alt-sprinkle" . "\xf02b")
("night-alt-storm-showers" . "\xf02c")
("night-alt-thunderstorm" . "\xf02d")
("night-clear" . "\xf02e")
("night-cloudy" . "\xf031")
("night-cloudy-gusts" . "\xf02f")
("night-cloudy-high" . "\xf080")
("night-cloudy-windy" . "\xf030")
("night-fog" . "\xf04a")
("night-hail" . "\xf032")
("night-lightning" . "\xf033")
("night-partly-cloudy" . "\xf083")
("night-rain" . "\xf036")
("night-rain-mix" . "\xf034")
("night-rain-wind" . "\xf035")
("night-showers" . "\xf037")
("night-sleet" . "\xf0b3")
("night-sleet-storm" . "\xf069")
("night-snow" . "\xf038")
("night-snow-thunderstorm" . "\xf06c")
("night-snow-wind" . "\xf066")
("night-sprinkle" . "\xf039")
("night-storm-showers" . "\xf03a")
("night-thunderstorm" . "\xf03b")
("owm-200" . "\xf01e")
("owm-201" . "\xf01e")
("owm-202" . "\xf01e")
("owm-210" . "\xf016")
("owm-211" . "\xf016")
("owm-212" . "\xf016")
("owm-221" . "\xf016")
("owm-230" . "\xf01e")
("owm-231" . "\xf01e")
("owm-232" . "\xf01e")
("owm-300" . "\xf01c")
("owm-301" . "\xf01c")
("owm-302" . "\xf019")
("owm-310" . "\xf017")
("owm-311" . "\xf019")
("owm-312" . "\xf019")
("owm-313" . "\xf01a")
("owm-314" . "\xf019")
("owm-321" . "\xf01c")
("owm-500" . "\xf01c")
("owm-501" . "\xf019")
("owm-502" . "\xf019")
("owm-503" . "\xf019")
("owm-504" . "\xf019")
("owm-511" . "\xf017")
("owm-520" . "\xf01a")
("owm-521" . "\xf01a")
("owm-522" . "\xf01a")
("owm-531" . "\xf01d")
("owm-600" . "\xf01b")
("owm-601" . "\xf01b")
("owm-602" . "\xf0b5")
("owm-611" . "\xf017")
("owm-612" . "\xf017")
("owm-615" . "\xf017")
("owm-616" . "\xf017")
("owm-620" . "\xf017")
("owm-621" . "\xf01b")
("owm-622" . "\xf01b")
("owm-701" . "\xf01a")
("owm-711" . "\xf062")
("owm-721" . "\xf0b6")
("owm-731" . "\xf063")
("owm-741" . "\xf014")
("owm-761" . "\xf063")
("owm-762" . "\xf063")
("owm-771" . "\xf011")
("owm-781" . "\xf056")
("owm-800" . "\xf00d")
("owm-801" . "\xf011")
("owm-802" . "\xf011")
("owm-803" . "\xf012")
("owm-804" . "\xf013")
("owm-900" . "\xf056")
("owm-901" . "\xf01d")
("owm-902" . "\xf073")
("owm-903" . "\xf076")
("owm-904" . "\xf072")
("owm-905" . "\xf021")
("owm-906" . "\xf015")
("owm-957" . "\xf050")
("owm-day-200" . "\xf010")
("owm-day-201" . "\xf010")
("owm-day-202" . "\xf010")
("owm-day-210" . "\xf005")
("owm-day-211" . "\xf005")
("owm-day-212" . "\xf005")
("owm-day-221" . "\xf005")
("owm-day-230" . "\xf010")
("owm-day-231" . "\xf010")
("owm-day-232" . "\xf010")
("owm-day-300" . "\xf00b")
("owm-day-301" . "\xf00b")
("owm-day-302" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-310" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-311" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-312" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-313" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-314" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-321" . "\xf00b")
("owm-day-500" . "\xf00b")
("owm-day-501" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-502" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-503" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-504" . "\xf008")
("owm-day-511" . "\xf006")
("owm-day-520" . "\xf009")
("owm-day-521" . "\xf009")
("owm-day-522" . "\xf009")
("owm-day-531" . "\xf00e")
("owm-day-600" . "\xf00a")
("owm-day-601" . "\xf0b2")
("owm-day-602" . "\xf00a")
("owm-day-611" . "\xf006")
("owm-day-612" . "\xf006")
("owm-day-615" . "\xf006")
("owm-day-616" . "\xf006")
("owm-day-620" . "\xf006")
("owm-day-621" . "\xf00a")
("owm-day-622" . "\xf00a")
("owm-day-701" . "\xf009")
("owm-day-711" . "\xf062")
("owm-day-721" . "\xf0b6")
("owm-day-731" . "\xf063")
("owm-day-741" . "\xf003")
("owm-day-761" . "\xf063")
("owm-day-762" . "\xf063")
("owm-day-781" . "\xf056")
("owm-day-800" . "\xf00d")
("owm-day-801" . "\xf000")
("owm-day-802" . "\xf000")
("owm-day-803" . "\xf000")
("owm-day-804" . "\xf00c")
("owm-day-900" . "\xf056")
("owm-day-902" . "\xf073")
("owm-day-903" . "\xf076")
("owm-day-904" . "\xf072")
("owm-day-906" . "\xf004")
("owm-day-957" . "\xf050")
("owm-night-200" . "\xf02d")
("owm-night-201" . "\xf02d")
("owm-night-202" . "\xf02d")
("owm-night-210" . "\xf025")
("owm-night-211" . "\xf025")
("owm-night-212" . "\xf025")
("owm-night-221" . "\xf025")
("owm-night-230" . "\xf02d")
("owm-night-231" . "\xf02d")
("owm-night-232" . "\xf02d")
("owm-night-300" . "\xf02b")
("owm-night-301" . "\xf02b")
("owm-night-302" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-310" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-311" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-312" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-313" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-314" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-321" . "\xf02b")
("owm-night-500" . "\xf02b")
("owm-night-501" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-502" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-503" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-504" . "\xf028")
("owm-night-511" . "\xf026")
("owm-night-520" . "\xf029")
("owm-night-521" . "\xf029")
("owm-night-522" . "\xf029")
("owm-night-531" . "\xf02c")
("owm-night-600" . "\xf02a")
("owm-night-601" . "\xf0b4")
("owm-night-602" . "\xf02a")
("owm-night-611" . "\xf026")
("owm-night-612" . "\xf026")
("owm-night-615" . "\xf026")
("owm-night-616" . "\xf026")
("owm-night-620" . "\xf026")
("owm-night-621" . "\xf02a")
("owm-night-622" . "\xf02a")
("owm-night-701" . "\xf029")
("owm-night-711" . "\xf062")
("owm-night-721" . "\xf0b6")
("owm-night-731" . "\xf063")
("owm-night-741" . "\xf04a")
("owm-night-761" . "\xf063")
("owm-night-762" . "\xf063")
("owm-night-781" . "\xf056")
("owm-night-800" . "\xf02e")
("owm-night-801" . "\xf022")
("owm-night-802" . "\xf022")
("owm-night-803" . "\xf022")
("owm-night-804" . "\xf086")
("owm-night-900" . "\xf056")
("owm-night-902" . "\xf073")
("owm-night-903" . "\xf076")
("owm-night-904" . "\xf072")
("owm-night-906" . "\xf024")
("owm-night-957" . "\xf050")
("rain" . "\xf019")
("rain-mix" . "\xf017")
("rain-wind" . "\xf018")
("raindrop" . "\xf078")
("raindrops" . "\xf04e")
("refresh" . "\xf04c")
("refresh-alt" . "\xf04b")
("sandstorm" . "\xf082")
("showers" . "\xf01a")
("sleet" . "\xf0b5")
("small-craft-advisory" . "\xf0cc")
("smog" . "\xf074")
("smoke" . "\xf062")
("snow" . "\xf01b")
("snow" . "\xf01b")
("snow-wind" . "\xf064")
("snowflake-cold" . "\xf076")
("solar-eclipse" . "\xf06e")
("sprinkle" . "\xf01c")
("stars" . "\xf077")
("storm-showers" . "\xf01d")
("storm-showers" . "\xf01d")
("storm-warning" . "\xf0ce")
("strong-wind" . "\xf050")
("sunrise" . "\xf051")
("sunset" . "\xf052")
("thermometer" . "\xf055")
("thermometer-exterior" . "\xf053")
("thermometer-internal" . "\xf054")
("thunderstorm" . "\xf01e")
("thunderstorm" . "\xf01e")
("time-1" . "\xf08a")
("time-10" . "\xf093")
("time-11" . "\xf094")
("time-12" . "\xf089")
("time-2" . "\xf08b")
("time-3" . "\xf08c")
("time-4" . "\xf08d")
("time-5" . "\xf08e")
("time-6" . "\xf08f")
("time-7" . "\xf090")
("time-8" . "\xf091")
("time-9" . "\xf092")
("tornado" . "\xf056")
("train" . "\xf0cb")
("tsunami" . "\xf0c5")
("umbrella" . "\xf084")
("volcano" . "\xf0c8")
("wind-beaufort-0" . "\xf0b7")
("wind-beaufort-1" . "\xf0b8")
("wind-beaufort-10" . "\xf0c1")
("wind-beaufort-11" . "\xf0c2")
("wind-beaufort-12" . "\xf0c3")
("wind-beaufort-2" . "\xf0b9")
("wind-beaufort-3" . "\xf0ba")
("wind-beaufort-4" . "\xf0bb")
("wind-beaufort-5" . "\xf0bc")
("wind-beaufort-6" . "\xf0bd")
("wind-beaufort-7" . "\xf0be")
("wind-beaufort-8" . "\xf0bf")
("wind-beaufort-9" . "\xf0c0")
("wind-direction" . "\xf0b1")
("windy" . "\xf021")
("wmo4680-00" . "\xf055")
("wmo4680-01" . "\xf013")
("wmo4680-02" . "\xf055")
("wmo4680-03" . "\xf013")
("wmo4680-04" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-05" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-10" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-11" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-12" . "\xf016")
("wmo4680-18" . "\xf050")
("wmo4680-20" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-21" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-22" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-23" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-24" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-25" . "\xf015")
("wmo4680-26" . "\xf01e")
("wmo4680-27" . "\xf063")
("wmo4680-28" . "\xf063")
("wmo4680-29" . "\xf063")
("wmo4680-30" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-31" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-32" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-33" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-34" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-35" . "\xf014")
("wmo4680-40" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-41" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-42" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-43" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-44" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-45" . "\xf015")
("wmo4680-46" . "\xf015")
("wmo4680-47" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-48" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-50" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-51" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-52" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-53" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-54" . "\xf076")
("wmo4680-55" . "\xf076")
("wmo4680-56" . "\xf076")
("wmo4680-57" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-58" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-60" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-61" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-62" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-63" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-64" . "\xf015")
("wmo4680-65" . "\xf015")
("wmo4680-66" . "\xf015")
("wmo4680-67" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-68" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-70" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-71" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-72" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-73" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-74" . "\xf076")
("wmo4680-75" . "\xf076")
("wmo4680-76" . "\xf076")
("wmo4680-77" . "\xf01b")
("wmo4680-78" . "\xf076")
("wmo4680-80" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-81" . "\xf01c")
("wmo4680-82" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-83" . "\xf019")
("wmo4680-84" . "\xf01d")
("wmo4680-85" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-86" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-87" . "\xf017")
("wmo4680-89" . "\xf015")
("wmo4680-90" . "\xf016")
("wmo4680-91" . "\xf01d")
("wmo4680-92" . "\xf01e")
("wmo4680-93" . "\xf01e")
("wmo4680-94" . "\xf016")
("wmo4680-95" . "\xf01e")
("wmo4680-96" . "\xf01e")
("wmo4680-99" . "\xf056")
("wu-chanceflurries" . "\xf064")
("wu-chancerain" . "\xf019")
("wu-chancesleat" . "\xf0b5")
("wu-chancesnow" . "\xf01b")
("wu-chancetstorms" . "\xf01e")
("wu-clear" . "\xf00d")
("wu-cloudy" . "\xf002")
("wu-flurries" . "\xf064")
("wu-hazy" . "\xf0b6")
("wu-mostlycloudy" . "\xf002")
("wu-mostlysunny" . "\xf00d")
("wu-partlycloudy" . "\xf002")
("wu-partlysunny" . "\xf00d")
("wu-rain" . "\xf01a")
("wu-sleat" . "\xf0b5")
("wu-snow" . "\xf01b")
("wu-sunny" . "\xf00d")
("wu-tstorms" . "\xf01e")
("wu-unknown" . "\xf00d")
("yahoo-0" . "\xf056")
("yahoo-1" . "\xf00e")
("yahoo-10" . "\xf015")
("yahoo-11" . "\xf01a")
("yahoo-12" . "\xf01a")
("yahoo-13" . "\xf01b")
("yahoo-14" . "\xf00a")
("yahoo-15" . "\xf064")
("yahoo-16" . "\xf01b")
("yahoo-17" . "\xf015")
("yahoo-18" . "\xf017")
("yahoo-19" . "\xf063")
("yahoo-2" . "\xf073")
("yahoo-20" . "\xf014")
("yahoo-21" . "\xf021")
("yahoo-22" . "\xf062")
("yahoo-23" . "\xf050")
("yahoo-24" . "\xf050")
("yahoo-25" . "\xf076")
("yahoo-26" . "\xf013")
("yahoo-27" . "\xf031")
("yahoo-28" . "\xf002")
("yahoo-29" . "\xf031")
("yahoo-3" . "\xf01e")
("yahoo-30" . "\xf002")
("yahoo-31" . "\xf02e")
("yahoo-32" . "\xf00d")
("yahoo-3200" . "\xf077")
("yahoo-33" . "\xf083")
("yahoo-34" . "\xf00c")
("yahoo-35" . "\xf017")
("yahoo-36" . "\xf072")
("yahoo-37" . "\xf00e")
("yahoo-38" . "\xf00e")
("yahoo-39" . "\xf00e")
("yahoo-4" . "\xf01e")
("yahoo-40" . "\xf01a")
("yahoo-41" . "\xf064")
("yahoo-42" . "\xf01b")
("yahoo-43" . "\xf064")
("yahoo-44" . "\xf00c")
("yahoo-45" . "\xf00e")
("yahoo-46" . "\xf01b")
("yahoo-47" . "\xf00e")
("yahoo-5" . "\xf017")
("yahoo-6" . "\xf017")
("yahoo-7" . "\xf017")
("yahoo-8" . "\xf015")
("yahoo-9" . "\xf01a")
(provide 'data-weathericons)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
;;; all-the-icons-dired-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "all-the-icons-dired" "all-the-icons-dired.el"
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from all-the-icons-dired.el
(autoload 'all-the-icons-dired-mode "all-the-icons-dired" "\
Display all-the-icons icon for each file in a dired buffer.
If called interactively, enable All-The-Icons-Dired mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it if ARG is zero or negative. If
called from Lisp, also enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil,
and toggle it if ARG is `toggle'; disable the mode otherwise.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "all-the-icons-dired" '("all-the-icons-dired-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; all-the-icons-dired-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from all-the-icons-dired.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "all-the-icons-dired" "20220304.1638" "Shows icons for each file in dired mode" '((emacs "24.4") (all-the-icons "2.2.0")) :commit "147ed0dfd1034a686795a08dc63e2c293128597e" :authors '(("jtbm37")) :maintainer '("Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong" . "") :keywords '("files" "icons" "dired") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
;;; all-the-icons-dired.el --- Shows icons for each file in dired mode -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016-2020 jtbm37
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong
;; Author: jtbm37
;; Maintainer: Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong <>
;; Version: 2.0
;; Package-Version: 20220304.1638
;; Package-Commit: 147ed0dfd1034a686795a08dc63e2c293128597e
;; Keywords: files icons dired
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (all-the-icons "2.2.0"))
;; URL:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; To use this package, simply add this to your init.el:
;; (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'all-the-icons-dired-mode)
;; To manually install, add this to your init.el before the hook mentioned above.
;; (add-to-load-path (expand-file-name "~/path/to/all-the-icons-dired"))
;; (load "all-the-icons-dired.el")
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'dired)
(require 'all-the-icons)
(require 'subr-x)
(defface all-the-icons-dired-dir-face
'((((background dark)) :foreground "white")
(((background light)) :foreground "black"))
"Face for the directory icon"
:group 'all-the-icons-faces)
(defcustom all-the-icons-dired-v-adjust 0.01
"The default vertical adjustment of the icon in the dired buffer."
:group 'all-the-icons
:type 'number)
(defcustom all-the-icons-dired-monochrome t
"Whether to show the icons as the same color as the text on the same line."
:group 'all-the-icons
:type 'boolean)
(defvar all-the-icons-dired-mode)
(defun all-the-icons-dired--add-overlay (pos string)
"Add overlay to display STRING at POS."
(let ((ov (make-overlay (1- pos) pos)))
(overlay-put ov 'all-the-icons-dired-overlay t)
(overlay-put ov 'after-string string)))
(defun all-the-icons-dired--overlays-in (beg end)
"Get all all-the-icons-dired overlays between BEG to END."
(lambda (ov)
(overlay-get ov 'all-the-icons-dired-overlay))
(overlays-in beg end)))
(defun all-the-icons-dired--overlays-at (pos)
"Get all-the-icons-dired overlays at POS."
(apply #'all-the-icons-dired--overlays-in `(,pos ,pos)))
(defun all-the-icons-dired--remove-all-overlays ()
"Remove all `all-the-icons-dired' overlays."
(mapc #'delete-overlay
(all-the-icons-dired--overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun all-the-icons-dired--refresh ()
"Display the icons of files in a dired buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
(when (dired-move-to-filename nil)
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(when-let* ((file (dired-get-filename 'relative 'noerror))
(icon (if (file-directory-p file)
(all-the-icons-icon-for-dir file
:face 'all-the-icons-dired-dir-face
:v-adjust all-the-icons-dired-v-adjust)
(apply 'all-the-icons-icon-for-file file
`(:v-adjust ,all-the-icons-dired-v-adjust)
(when all-the-icons-dired-monochrome
`(:face ,(face-at-point))))))))
(if (member file '("." ".."))
(all-the-icons-dired--add-overlay (dired-move-to-filename) " \t")
(all-the-icons-dired--add-overlay (dired-move-to-filename) (concat icon "\t"))))))
(forward-line 1))))
(defun all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice (fn &rest args)
"Advice function for FN with ARGS."
(prog1 (apply fn args)
(when all-the-icons-dired-mode
(defvar all-the-icons-dired-advice-alist
'((dired-aux dired-do-redisplay all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-aux dired-create-directory all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-aux dired-do-create-files all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-aux dired-do-kill-lines all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-aux dired-do-rename all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-aux dired-insert-subdir all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-aux dired-kill-subdir all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired wdired-abort-changes all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired dired-internal-do-deletions all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-narrow dired-narrow--internal all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-subtree dired-subtree-insert all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired-subtree dired-subtree-remove all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired dired-readin all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(dired dired-revert all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice)
(find-dired find-dired-sentinel all-the-icons-dired--refresh-advice))
"A list of file, adviced function, and advice function.")
(defun all-the-icons-dired--setup ()
"Setup `all-the-icons-dired'."
(setq-local tab-width 1)
(pcase-dolist (`(,file ,sym ,fn) all-the-icons-dired-advice-alist)
(with-eval-after-load file
(advice-add sym :around fn)))
(defun all-the-icons-dired--teardown ()
"Functions used as advice when redisplaying buffer."
(kill-local-variable 'tab-width)
(pcase-dolist (`(,file ,sym ,fn) all-the-icons-dired-advice-alist)
(with-eval-after-load file
(advice-remove sym fn)))
(define-minor-mode all-the-icons-dired-mode
"Display all-the-icons icon for each file in a dired buffer."
:lighter " all-the-icons-dired-mode"
(when (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
(if all-the-icons-dired-mode
(provide 'all-the-icons-dired)
;;; all-the-icons-dired.el ends here

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Good signature from 066DAFCB81E42C40 GNU ELPA Signing Agent (2019) <> (trust undefined) created at 2022-04-21T17:15:02-0400 using RSA

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
;;; bind-key-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "bind-key" "bind-key.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from bind-key.el
(autoload 'bind-key "bind-key" "\
Bind KEY-NAME to COMMAND in KEYMAP (`global-map' if not passed).
KEY-NAME may be a vector, in which case it is passed straight to
`define-key'. Or it may be a string to be interpreted as
spelled-out keystrokes, e.g., \"C-c C-z\". See documentation of
`edmacro-mode' for details.
COMMAND must be an interactive function or lambda form.
KEYMAP, if present, should be a keymap variable or symbol.
For example:
(bind-key \"M-h\" #'some-interactive-function my-mode-map)
(bind-key \"M-h\" #'some-interactive-function 'my-mode-map)
If PREDICATE is non-nil, it is a form evaluated to determine when
a key should be bound. It must return non-nil in such cases.
Emacs can evaluate this form at any time that it does redisplay
or operates on menu data structures, so you should write it so it
can safely be called at any time.
(autoload 'unbind-key "bind-key" "\
Unbind the given KEY-NAME, within the KEYMAP (if specified).
See `bind-key' for more details.
\(fn KEY-NAME &optional KEYMAP)" nil t)
(autoload 'bind-key* "bind-key" "\
Similar to `bind-key', but overrides any mode-specific bindings.
\(fn KEY-NAME COMMAND &optional PREDICATE)" nil t)
(autoload 'bind-keys "bind-key" "\
Bind multiple keys at once.
Accepts keyword arguments:
:map MAP - a keymap into which the keybindings should be
:prefix KEY - prefix key for these bindings
:prefix-map MAP - name of the prefix map that should be created
for these bindings
:prefix-docstring STR - docstring for the prefix-map variable
:menu-name NAME - optional menu string for prefix map
:filter FORM - optional form to determine when bindings apply
The rest of the arguments are conses of keybinding string and a
function symbol (unquoted).
\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil t)
(autoload 'bind-keys* "bind-key" "\
\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil t)
(autoload 'describe-personal-keybindings "bind-key" "\
Display all the personal keybindings defined by `bind-key'." t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "bind-key" '("bind-key" "compare-keybindings" "get-binding-description" "override-global-m" "personal-keybindings")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; bind-key-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from bind-key.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "bind-key" "20210210.1609" "A simple way to manage personal keybindings" 'nil :commit "a7422fb8ab1baee19adb2717b5b47b9c3812a84c" :authors '(("John Wiegley" . "")) :maintainer '("John Wiegley" . "") :keywords '("keys" "keybinding" "config" "dotemacs") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
;;; bind-key.el --- A simple way to manage personal keybindings
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2017 John Wiegley
;; Author: John Wiegley <>
;; Maintainer: John Wiegley <>
;; Created: 16 Jun 2012
;; Modified: 29 Nov 2017
;; Version: 2.4
;; Package-Version: 20210210.1609
;; Package-Commit: a7422fb8ab1baee19adb2717b5b47b9c3812a84c
;; Keywords: keys keybinding config dotemacs
;; URL:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as
;; published by the free software foundation; either version 3, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu
;; general public license for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the gnu general public license
;; along with gnu emacs; see the file copying. if not, write to the
;; free software foundation, inc., 59 temple place - suite 330,
;; boston, ma 02111-1307, usa.
;;; Commentary:
;; If you have lots of keybindings set in your .emacs file, it can be hard to
;; know which ones you haven't set yet, and which may now be overriding some
;; new default in a new emacs version. This module aims to solve that
;; problem.
;; Bind keys as follows in your .emacs:
;; (require 'bind-key)
;; (bind-key "C-c x" 'my-ctrl-c-x-command)
;; If the keybinding argument is a vector, it is passed straight to
;; `define-key', so remapping a key with `[remap COMMAND]' works as
;; expected:
;; (bind-key [remap original-ctrl-c-x-command] 'my-ctrl-c-x-command)
;; If you want the keybinding to override all minor modes that may also bind
;; the same key, use the `bind-key*' form:
;; (bind-key* "<C-return>" 'other-window)
;; If you want to rebind a key only in a particular keymap, use:
;; (bind-key "C-c x" 'my-ctrl-c-x-command some-other-mode-map)
;; To unbind a key within a keymap (for example, to stop your favorite major
;; mode from changing a binding that you don't want to override everywhere),
;; use `unbind-key':
;; (unbind-key "C-c x" some-other-mode-map)
;; To bind multiple keys at once, or set up a prefix map, a `bind-keys' macro
;; is provided. It accepts keyword arguments, please see its documentation
;; for a detailed description.
;; To add keys into a specific map, use :map argument
;; (bind-keys :map dired-mode-map
;; ("o" . dired-omit-mode)
;; ("a" . some-custom-dired-function))
;; To set up a prefix map, use `:prefix-map' and `:prefix' arguments (both are
;; required)
;; (bind-keys :prefix-map my-customize-prefix-map
;; :prefix "C-c c"
;; ("f" . customize-face)
;; ("v" . customize-variable))
;; You can combine all the keywords together. Additionally,
;; `:prefix-docstring' can be specified to set documentation of created
;; `:prefix-map' variable.
;; To bind multiple keys in a `bind-key*' way (to be sure that your bindings
;; will not be overridden by other modes), you may use `bind-keys*' macro:
;; (bind-keys*
;; ("C-o" . other-window)
;; ("C-M-n" . forward-page)
;; ("C-M-p" . backward-page))
;; After Emacs loads, you can see a summary of all your personal keybindings
;; currently in effect with this command:
;; M-x describe-personal-keybindings
;; This display will tell you if you've overridden a default keybinding, and
;; what the default was. Also, it will tell you if the key was rebound after
;; your binding it with `bind-key', and what it was rebound it to.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'easy-mmode)
(defgroup bind-key nil
"A simple way to manage personal keybindings"
:group 'emacs)
(defcustom bind-key-column-widths '(18 . 40)
"Width of columns in `describe-personal-keybindings'."
:type '(cons integer integer)
:group 'bind-key)
(defcustom bind-key-segregation-regexp
"\\`\\(\\(C-[chx] \\|M-[gso] \\)\\([CM]-\\)?\\|.+-\\)"
"Regular expression used to divide key sets in the output from
:type 'regexp
:group 'bind-key)
(defcustom bind-key-describe-special-forms nil
"If non-nil, extract docstrings from lambdas, closures and keymaps if possible."
:type 'boolean
:group 'bind-key)
;; Create override-global-mode to force key remappings
(defvar override-global-map (make-keymap)
"override-global-mode keymap")
(define-minor-mode override-global-mode
"A minor mode so that keymap settings override other modes."
t "")
;; the keymaps in `emulation-mode-map-alists' take precedence over
;; `minor-mode-map-alist'
(add-to-list 'emulation-mode-map-alists
`((override-global-mode . ,override-global-map)))
(defvar personal-keybindings nil
"List of bindings performed by `bind-key'.
Elements have the form ((KEY . [MAP]) CMD ORIGINAL-CMD)")
(defmacro bind-key (key-name command &optional keymap predicate)
"Bind KEY-NAME to COMMAND in KEYMAP (`global-map' if not passed).
KEY-NAME may be a vector, in which case it is passed straight to
`define-key'. Or it may be a string to be interpreted as
spelled-out keystrokes, e.g., \"C-c C-z\". See documentation of
`edmacro-mode' for details.
COMMAND must be an interactive function or lambda form.
KEYMAP, if present, should be a keymap variable or symbol.
For example:
(bind-key \"M-h\" #'some-interactive-function my-mode-map)
(bind-key \"M-h\" #'some-interactive-function 'my-mode-map)
If PREDICATE is non-nil, it is a form evaluated to determine when
a key should be bound. It must return non-nil in such cases.
Emacs can evaluate this form at any time that it does redisplay
or operates on menu data structures, so you should write it so it
can safely be called at any time."
(let ((namevar (make-symbol "name"))
(keyvar (make-symbol "key"))
(kmapvar (make-symbol "kmap"))
(kdescvar (make-symbol "kdesc"))
(bindingvar (make-symbol "binding")))
`(let* ((,namevar ,key-name)
(,keyvar (if (vectorp ,namevar) ,namevar
(read-kbd-macro ,namevar)))
(,kmapvar (or (if (and ,keymap (symbolp ,keymap))
(symbol-value ,keymap) ,keymap)
(,kdescvar (cons (if (stringp ,namevar) ,namevar
(key-description ,namevar))
(if (symbolp ,keymap) ,keymap (quote ,keymap))))
(,bindingvar (lookup-key ,kmapvar ,keyvar)))
(let ((entry (assoc ,kdescvar personal-keybindings))
(details (list ,command
(unless (numberp ,bindingvar)
(if entry
(setcdr entry details)
(add-to-list 'personal-keybindings (cons ,kdescvar details))))
,(if predicate
`(define-key ,kmapvar ,keyvar
'(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _)
(when ,predicate
`(define-key ,kmapvar ,keyvar ,command)))))
(defmacro unbind-key (key-name &optional keymap)
"Unbind the given KEY-NAME, within the KEYMAP (if specified).
See `bind-key' for more details."
(let ((namevar (make-symbol "name"))
(kdescvar (make-symbol "kdesc")))
`(let* ((,namevar ,key-name)
(,kdescvar (cons (if (stringp ,namevar) ,namevar
(key-description ,namevar))
(if (symbolp ,keymap) ,keymap (quote ,keymap)))))
(bind-key--remove (if (vectorp ,namevar) ,namevar
(read-kbd-macro ,namevar))
(or (if (and ,keymap (symbolp ,keymap))
(symbol-value ,keymap) ,keymap)
(setq personal-keybindings
(cl-delete-if (lambda (k) (equal (car k) ,kdescvar))
(defun bind-key--remove (key keymap)
"Remove KEY from KEYMAP.
In contrast to `define-key', this function removes the binding from the keymap."
(define-key keymap key nil)
;; Split M-key in ESC key
(setq key (mapcan (lambda (k)
(if (and (integerp k) (/= (logand k ?\M-\0) 0))
(list ?\e (logxor k ?\M-\0))
(list k)))
;; Delete single keys directly
(if (= (length key) 1)
(delete key keymap)
;; Lookup submap and delete key from there
(let* ((prefix (vconcat (butlast key)))
(submap (lookup-key keymap prefix)))
(unless (keymapp submap)
(error "Not a keymap for %s" key))
(when (symbolp submap)
(setq submap (symbol-function submap)))
(delete (last key) submap)
;; Delete submap if it is empty
(when (= 1 (length submap))
(bind-key--remove prefix keymap)))))
(defmacro bind-key* (key-name command &optional predicate)
"Similar to `bind-key', but overrides any mode-specific bindings."
`(bind-key ,key-name ,command override-global-map ,predicate))
(defun bind-keys-form (args keymap)
"Bind multiple keys at once.
Accepts keyword arguments:
:map MAP - a keymap into which the keybindings should be
:prefix KEY - prefix key for these bindings
:prefix-map MAP - name of the prefix map that should be created
for these bindings
:prefix-docstring STR - docstring for the prefix-map variable
:menu-name NAME - optional menu string for prefix map
:filter FORM - optional form to determine when bindings apply
The rest of the arguments are conses of keybinding string and a
function symbol (unquoted)."
(let (map
;; Process any initial keyword arguments
(let ((cont t))
(while (and cont args)
(if (cond ((and (eq :map (car args))
(not prefix-map))
(setq map (cadr args)))
((eq :prefix-docstring (car args))
(setq doc (cadr args)))
((and (eq :prefix-map (car args))
(not (memq map '(global-map
(setq prefix-map (cadr args)))
((eq :prefix (car args))
(setq prefix (cadr args)))
((eq :filter (car args))
(setq filter (cadr args)) t)
((eq :menu-name (car args))
(setq menu-name (cadr args)))
((eq :package (car args))
(setq pkg (cadr args))))
(setq args (cddr args))
(setq cont nil))))
(when (or (and prefix-map (not prefix))
(and prefix (not prefix-map)))
(error "Both :prefix-map and :prefix must be supplied"))
(when (and menu-name (not prefix))
(error "If :menu-name is supplied, :prefix must be too"))
(unless map (setq map keymap))
;; Process key binding arguments
(let (first next)
(while args
(if (keywordp (car args))
(setq next args)
(setq args nil))
(if first
(nconc first (list (car args)))
(setq first (list (car args))))
(setq args (cdr args))))
((wrap (map bindings)
(if (and map pkg (not (memq map '(global-map
`((if (boundp ',map)
,(macroexp-progn bindings)
,(if (symbolp pkg) `',pkg pkg)
',(macroexp-progn bindings))))
(when prefix-map
`((defvar ,prefix-map)
,@(when doc `((put ',prefix-map 'variable-documentation ,doc)))
,@(if menu-name
`((define-prefix-command ',prefix-map nil ,menu-name))
`((define-prefix-command ',prefix-map)))
,@(if (and map (not (eq map 'global-map)))
(wrap map `((bind-key ,prefix ',prefix-map ,map ,filter)))
`((bind-key ,prefix ',prefix-map nil ,filter)))))
(wrap map
(lambda (form)
(let ((fun (and (cdr form) (list 'function (cdr form)))))
(if prefix-map
`((bind-key ,(car form) ,fun ,prefix-map ,filter))
(if (and map (not (eq map 'global-map)))
`((bind-key ,(car form) ,fun ,map ,filter))
`((bind-key ,(car form) ,fun nil ,filter))))))
(when next
(bind-keys-form (if pkg
(cons :package (cons pkg next))
next) map)))))))
(defmacro bind-keys (&rest args)
"Bind multiple keys at once.
Accepts keyword arguments:
:map MAP - a keymap into which the keybindings should be
:prefix KEY - prefix key for these bindings
:prefix-map MAP - name of the prefix map that should be created
for these bindings
:prefix-docstring STR - docstring for the prefix-map variable
:menu-name NAME - optional menu string for prefix map
:filter FORM - optional form to determine when bindings apply
The rest of the arguments are conses of keybinding string and a
function symbol (unquoted)."
(macroexp-progn (bind-keys-form args nil)))
(defmacro bind-keys* (&rest args)
(macroexp-progn (bind-keys-form args 'override-global-map)))
(defun get-binding-description (elem)
((listp elem)
((memq (car elem) '(lambda function))
(if (and bind-key-describe-special-forms
(stringp (nth 2 elem)))
(nth 2 elem)
((eq 'closure (car elem))
(if (and bind-key-describe-special-forms
(stringp (nth 3 elem)))
(nth 3 elem)
((eq 'keymap (car elem))
;; must be a symbol, non-symbol keymap case covered above
((and bind-key-describe-special-forms (keymapp elem))
(let ((doc (get elem 'variable-documentation)))
(if (stringp doc) doc elem)))
((symbolp elem)
"#<byte-compiled lambda>")))
(defun compare-keybindings (l r)
(let* ((regex bind-key-segregation-regexp)
(lgroup (and (string-match regex (caar l))
(match-string 0 (caar l))))
(rgroup (and (string-match regex (caar r))
(match-string 0 (caar r))))
(lkeymap (cdar l))
(rkeymap (cdar r)))
((and (null lkeymap) rkeymap)
(cons t t))
((and lkeymap (null rkeymap))
(cons nil t))
((and lkeymap rkeymap
(not (string= (symbol-name lkeymap) (symbol-name rkeymap))))
(cons (string< (symbol-name lkeymap) (symbol-name rkeymap)) t))
((and (null lgroup) rgroup)
(cons t t))
((and lgroup (null rgroup))
(cons nil t))
((and lgroup rgroup)
(if (string= lgroup rgroup)
(cons (string< (caar l) (caar r)) nil)
(cons (string< lgroup rgroup) t)))
(cons (string< (caar l) (caar r)) nil)))))
(defun describe-personal-keybindings ()
"Display all the personal keybindings defined by `bind-key'."
(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Personal Keybindings*"
(princ (format (concat "Key name%s Command%s Comments\n%s %s "
(make-string (- (car bind-key-column-widths) 9) ? )
(make-string (- (cdr bind-key-column-widths) 8) ? )
(make-string (1- (car bind-key-column-widths)) ?-)
(make-string (1- (cdr bind-key-column-widths)) ?-)))
(let (last-binding)
(dolist (binding
(setq personal-keybindings
(sort personal-keybindings
(lambda (l r)
(car (compare-keybindings l r))))))
(if (not (eq (cdar last-binding) (cdar binding)))
(princ (format "\n\n%s: %s\n%s\n\n"
(cdar binding) (caar binding)
(make-string (+ 21 (car bind-key-column-widths)
(cdr bind-key-column-widths)) ?-)))
(if (and last-binding
(cdr (compare-keybindings last-binding binding)))
(princ "\n")))
(let* ((key-name (caar binding))
(at-present (lookup-key (or (symbol-value (cdar binding))
(read-kbd-macro key-name)))
(command (nth 1 binding))
(was-command (nth 2 binding))
(command-desc (get-binding-description command))
(was-command-desc (and was-command
(get-binding-description was-command)))
(at-present-desc (get-binding-description at-present))
(let ((line
(format "%%-%ds%%-%ds%%s\n" (car bind-key-column-widths)
(cdr bind-key-column-widths))
key-name (format "`%s\'" command-desc)
(if (string= command-desc at-present-desc)
(if (or (null was-command)
(string= command-desc was-command-desc))
(format "was `%s\'" was-command-desc))
(format "[now: `%s\']" at-present)))))
(princ (if (string-match "[ \t]+\n" line)
(replace-match "\n" t t line)
(setq last-binding binding)))))
(provide 'bind-key)
;; Local Variables:
;; outline-regexp: ";;;\\(;* [^\s\t\n]\\|###autoload\\)\\|("
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; bind-key.el ends here

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
;;; dash-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dash" "dash.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dash.el
(autoload 'dash-fontify-mode "dash" "\
Toggle fontification of Dash special variables.
If called interactively, enable Dash-Fontify mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it if ARG is zero or negative. If called
from Lisp, also enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and
toggle it if ARG is `toggle'; disable the mode otherwise.
Dash-Fontify mode is a buffer-local minor mode intended for Emacs
Lisp buffers. Enabling it causes the special variables bound in
anaphoric Dash macros to be fontified. These anaphoras include
`it', `it-index', `acc', and `other'. In older Emacs versions
which do not dynamically detect macros, Dash-Fontify mode
additionally fontifies Dash macro calls.
See also `dash-fontify-mode-lighter' and
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(put 'global-dash-fontify-mode 'globalized-minor-mode t)
(defvar global-dash-fontify-mode nil "\
Non-nil if Global Dash-Fontify mode is enabled.
See the `global-dash-fontify-mode' command
for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-dash-fontify-mode'.")
(custom-autoload 'global-dash-fontify-mode "dash" nil)
(autoload 'global-dash-fontify-mode "dash" "\
Toggle Dash-Fontify mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global Dash-Fontify mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.
Dash-Fontify mode is enabled in all buffers where
`dash--turn-on-fontify-mode' would do it.
See `dash-fontify-mode' for more information on Dash-Fontify mode.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(autoload 'dash-register-info-lookup "dash" "\
Register the Dash Info manual with `info-lookup-symbol'.
This allows Dash symbols to be looked up with \\[info-lookup-symbol]." t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dash" '("!cdr" "!cons" "--" "->" "-a" "-butlast" "-c" "-d" "-e" "-f" "-gr" "-i" "-juxt" "-keep" "-l" "-m" "-no" "-o" "-p" "-r" "-s" "-t" "-u" "-value-to-list" "-when-let" "-zip" "dash-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("dash-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dash-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(define-package "dash" "20220417.2250" "A modern list library for Emacs"
'((emacs "24"))
:commit "7fd71338dce041b352f84e7939f6966f4d379459" :authors
'(("Magnar Sveen" . ""))
'("Magnar Sveen" . "")
'("extensions" "lisp")
:url "")
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the
topmost node of the Info hierarchy, called (dir)Top.
The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at this node.

File: dir, Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree
This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.
Typing "q" exits, "H" lists all Info commands, "d" returns here,
"h" gives a primer for first-timers,
"mEmacs<Return>" visits the Emacs manual, etc.
In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference
to select it.
* Menu:
* Dash: ( A modern list library for GNU Emacs.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
;;; diminish-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "diminish" "diminish.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from diminish.el
(autoload 'diminish "diminish" "\
Diminish mode-line display of minor mode MODE to TO-WHAT (default \"\").
Interactively, enter (with completion) the name of any minor mode, followed
on the next line by what you want it diminished to (default empty string).
The response to neither prompt should be quoted. However, in Lisp code,
both args must be quoted, the first as a symbol, the second as a string,
as in (diminish 'jiggle-mode \" Jgl\").
The mode-line displays of minor modes usually begin with a space, so
the modes' names appear as separate words on the mode line. However, if
you're having problems with a cramped mode line, you may choose to use single
letters for some modes, without leading spaces. Capitalizing them works
best; if you then diminish some mode to \"X\" but have `abbrev-mode' enabled as
well, you'll get a display like \"AbbrevX\". This function prepends a space
to TO-WHAT if it's > 1 char long & doesn't already begin with a space.
\(fn MODE &optional TO-WHAT)" t nil)
(autoload 'diminish-undo "diminish" "\
Restore mode-line display of diminished mode MODE to its minor-mode value.
Do nothing if the arg is a minor mode that hasn't been diminished.
Interactively, enter (with completion) the name of any diminished mode (a
mode that was formerly a minor mode on which you invoked \\[diminish]).
To restore all diminished modes to minor status, answer `diminished-modes'.
The response to the prompt shouldn't be quoted. However, in Lisp code,
the arg must be quoted as a symbol, as in (diminish-undo 'diminished-modes).
\(fn MODE)" t nil)
(autoload 'diminished-modes "diminish" "\
Echo all active diminished or minor modes as if they were minor.
The display goes in the echo area; if it's too long even for that,
you can see the whole thing in the *Messages* buffer.
This doesn't change the status of any modes; it just lets you see
what diminished modes would be on the mode-line if they were still minor." t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "diminish" '("diminish")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; diminish-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from diminish.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "diminish" "20220104.1539" "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" '((emacs "24.3")) :commit "6b7e837b0cf0129e9d7d6abae48093cf599bb9e8" :authors '(("Will Mengarini" . "")) :maintainer '("Martin Yrjölä" . "") :keywords '("extensions" "diminish" "minor" "codeprose") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
;;; diminish.el --- Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display
;; Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Will Mengarini <>
;; Maintainer: Martin Yrjölä <>
;; URL:
;; Package-Version: 20220104.1539
;; Package-Commit: 6b7e837b0cf0129e9d7d6abae48093cf599bb9e8
;; Created: Th 19 Feb 98
;; Version: 0.46
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
;; Keywords: extensions, diminish, minor, codeprose
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Minor modes each put a word on the mode line to signify that they're
;; active. This can cause other displays, such as % of file that point is
;; at, to run off the right side of the screen. For some minor modes, such
;; as mouse-avoidance-mode, the display is a waste of space, since users
;; typically set the mode in their .emacs & never change it. For other
;; modes, such as my jiggle-mode, it's a waste because there's already a
;; visual indication of whether the mode is in effect.
;; A diminished mode is a minor mode that has had its mode line
;; display diminished, usually to nothing, although diminishing to a
;; shorter word or a single letter is also supported. This package
;; implements diminished modes.
;; You can use this package either interactively or from your .emacs file.
;; In either case, first you'll need to copy this file to a directory that
;; appears in your load-path. `load-path' is the name of a variable that
;; contains a list of directories Emacs searches for files to load.
;; To prepend another directory to load-path, put a line like
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "c:/My_Directory") in your .emacs file.
;; To create diminished modes interactively, type
;; M-x load-library
;; to get a prompt like
;; Load library:
;; and respond `diminish' (unquoted). Then type
;; M-x diminish
;; to get a prompt like
;; Diminish what minor mode:
;; and respond with the name of some minor mode, like mouse-avoidance-mode.
;; You'll then get this prompt:
;; To what mode-line display:
;; Respond by just hitting <Enter> if you want the name of the mode
;; completely removed from the mode line. If you prefer, you can abbreviate
;; the name. If your abbreviation is 2 characters or more, such as "Av",
;; it'll be displayed as a separate word on the mode line, just like minor
;; modes' names. If it's a single character, such as "V", it'll be scrunched
;; up against the previous word, so for example if the undiminished mode line
;; display had been "Abbrev Fill Avoid", it would become "Abbrev FillV".
;; Multiple single-letter diminished modes will all be scrunched together.
;; The display of undiminished modes will not be affected.
;; To find out what the mode line would look like if all diminished modes
;; were still minor, type M-x diminished-modes. This displays in the echo
;; area the complete list of minor or diminished modes now active, but
;; displays them all as minor. They remain diminished on the mode line.
;; To convert a diminished mode back to a minor mode, type M-x diminish-undo
;; to get a prompt like
;; Restore what diminished mode:
;; Respond with the name of some diminished mode. To convert all
;; diminished modes back to minor modes, respond to that prompt
;; with `diminished-modes' (unquoted, & note the hyphen).
;; When you're responding to the prompts for mode names, you can use
;; completion to avoid extra typing; for example, m o u SPC SPC SPC
;; is usually enough to specify mouse-avoidance-mode. Mode names
;; typically end in "-mode", but for historical reasons
;; auto-fill-mode is named by "auto-fill-function".
;; To create diminished modes noninteractively in your .emacs file, put
;; code like
;; (require 'diminish)
;; (diminish 'abbrev-mode "Abv")
;; (diminish 'jiggle-mode)
;; (diminish 'mouse-avoidance-mode "M")
;; near the end of your .emacs file. It should be near the end so that any
;; minor modes your .emacs loads will already have been loaded by the time
;; they're to be converted to diminished modes.
;; To diminish a major mode, (setq mode-name "whatever") in the mode hook.
;;; Epigraph:
;; "The quality of our thoughts is bordered on all sides
;; by our facility with language."
;; --J. Michael Straczynski
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
(defvar diminish-must-not-copy-minor-mode-alist nil
"Non-nil means loading diminish.el won't (copy-alist minor-mode-alist).
Normally `minor-mode-alist' is setq to that copy on loading diminish because
at least one of its cons cells, that for abbrev-mode, is read-only (see
ELisp Info on \"pure storage\"). If you setq this variable to t & then
try to diminish abbrev-mode under GNU Emacs 19.34, you'll get the error
message \"Attempt to modify read-only object\".")
(or diminish-must-not-copy-minor-mode-alist
(cl-callf copy-alist minor-mode-alist))
(defvar diminished-mode-alist nil
"The original `minor-mode-alist' value of all (diminish)ed modes.")
(defvar diminish-history-symbols nil
"Command history for symbols of diminished modes.")
(defvar diminish-history-names nil
"Command history for names of diminished modes.")
;; When we diminish a mode, we are saying we want it to continue doing its
;; work for us, but we no longer want to be reminded of it. It becomes a
;; night worker, like a janitor; it becomes an invisible man; it remains a
;; component, perhaps an important one, sometimes an indispensable one, of
;; the mechanism that maintains the day-people's world, but its place in
;; their thoughts is diminished, usually to nothing. As we grow old we
;; diminish more and more such thoughts, such people, usually to nothing.
;; "The wise man knows that to keep under is to endure." The diminished
;; often come to value their invisibility. We speak--speak--of "the strong
;; silent type", but only as a superficiality; a stereotype in a movie,
;; perhaps, but even if an acquaintance, necessarily, by hypothesis, a
;; distant one. The strong silent type is actually a process. It begins
;; with introspection, continues with judgment, and is shaped by the
;; discovery that these judgments are impractical to share; there is no
;; appetite for the wisdom of the self-critical among the creatures of
;; material appetite who dominate our world. Their dominance's Darwinian
;; implications reinforce the self-doubt that is the germ of higher wisdom.
;; The thoughtful contemplate the evolutionary triumph of the predator.
;; Gnostics deny the cosmos could be so evil; this must all be a prank; the
;; thoughtful remain silent, invisible, self-diminished, and discover,
;; perhaps at first in surprise, the freedom they thus gain, and grow strong.
(defun diminish (mode &optional to-what)
"Diminish mode-line display of minor mode MODE to TO-WHAT (default \"\").
Interactively, enter (with completion) the name of any minor mode, followed
on the next line by what you want it diminished to (default empty string).
The response to neither prompt should be quoted. However, in Lisp code,
both args must be quoted, the first as a symbol, the second as a string,
as in (diminish 'jiggle-mode \" Jgl\").
The mode-line displays of minor modes usually begin with a space, so
the modes' names appear as separate words on the mode line. However, if
you're having problems with a cramped mode line, you may choose to use single
letters for some modes, without leading spaces. Capitalizing them works
best; if you then diminish some mode to \"X\" but have `abbrev-mode' enabled as
well, you'll get a display like \"AbbrevX\". This function prepends a space
to TO-WHAT if it's > 1 char long & doesn't already begin with a space."
(interactive (list (read (completing-read
"Diminish what minor mode: "
(mapcar (lambda (x) (list (symbol-name (car x))))
nil t nil 'diminish-history-symbols))
"To what mode-line display: "
nil nil nil 'diminish-history-names)))
(let ((minor (assq mode minor-mode-alist)))
(when minor
(progn (cl-callf or to-what "")
(when (and (stringp to-what)
(> (length to-what) 1))
(or (= (string-to-char to-what) ?\ )
(cl-callf2 concat " " to-what)))
(or (assq mode diminished-mode-alist)
(push (copy-sequence minor) diminished-mode-alist))
(setcdr minor (list to-what))))))
;; But an image comes to me, vivid in its unreality, of a loon alone on his
;; forest lake, shrieking his soul out into a canopy of stars. Alone this
;; afternoon in my warm city apartment, I can feel the bite of his night air,
;; and smell his conifers. In him there is no acceptance of diminishment.
;; "I have a benevolent habit of pouring out myself to everybody,
;; and would even pay for a listener, and I am afraid
;; that the Athenians may think me too talkative."
;; --Socrates, in the /Euthyphro/
;; I remember a news story about a retired plumber who had somehow managed to
;; steal a military tank. He rode it down city streets, rode over a parked
;; car--no one was hurt--rode onto a freeway, that concrete symbol of the
;; American spirit, or so we fancy it, shouting "Plumber Bob! Plumber Bob!".
;; He was shot dead by police.
(defun diminish-undo (mode)
"Restore mode-line display of diminished mode MODE to its minor-mode value.
Do nothing if the arg is a minor mode that hasn't been diminished.
Interactively, enter (with completion) the name of any diminished mode (a
mode that was formerly a minor mode on which you invoked \\[diminish]).
To restore all diminished modes to minor status, answer `diminished-modes'.
The response to the prompt shouldn't be quoted. However, in Lisp code,
the arg must be quoted as a symbol, as in (diminish-undo 'diminished-modes)."
(list (read (completing-read
"Restore what diminished mode: "
(cons (list "diminished-modes")
(mapcar (lambda (x) (list (symbol-name (car x))))
nil t nil 'diminish-history-symbols))))
(if (eq mode 'diminished-modes)
(let ((diminished-modes diminished-mode-alist))
(while diminished-modes
(diminish-undo (caar diminished-modes))
(cl-callf cdr diminished-modes)))
(let ((minor (assq mode minor-mode-alist))
(diminished (assq mode diminished-mode-alist)))
(or minor
(error "%S is not currently registered as a minor mode" mode))
(when diminished
(setcdr minor (cdr diminished))))))
;; Plumber Bob was not from Seattle, my grey city, for rainy Seattle is a
;; city of interiors, a city of the self-diminished. When I moved here one
;; sunny June I was delighted to find that ducks and geese were common in
;; the streets. But I hoped to find a loon or two, and all I found were
;; ducks and geese. I wondered about this; I wondered why there were no
;; loons in Seattle; but my confusion resulted from my ignorance of the
;; psychology of rain, which is to say my ignorance of diminished modes.
;; What I needed, and lacked, was a way to discover they were there.
(defun diminished-modes ()
"Echo all active diminished or minor modes as if they were minor.
The display goes in the echo area; if it's too long even for that,
you can see the whole thing in the *Messages* buffer.
This doesn't change the status of any modes; it just lets you see
what diminished modes would be on the mode-line if they were still minor."
(let ((minor-modes minor-mode-alist)
(while minor-modes
(when (symbol-value (caar minor-modes))
;; This minor mode is active in this buffer
(let* ((mode-pair (car minor-modes))
(mode (car mode-pair))
(minor-pair (or (assq mode diminished-mode-alist) mode-pair))
(minor-name (cadr minor-pair)))
(when (symbolp minor-name)
;; This minor mode uses symbol indirection in the cdr
(let ((symbols-seen (list minor-name)))
(while (and (symbolp (cl-callf symbol-value minor-name))
(not (memq minor-name symbols-seen)))
(push minor-name symbols-seen))))
(push minor-name message)))
(cl-callf cdr minor-modes))
(setq message (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse message) ""))
(when (= (string-to-char message) ?\ )
(cl-callf substring message 1))
(message "%s" message)))
;; A human mind is a Black Forest of diminished modes. Some are dangerous;
;; most of the mind of an intimate is a secret stranger, and these diminished
;; modes are rendered more unpredictable by their long isolation from the
;; corrective influence of interaction with reality. The student of history
;; learns that this description applies to whole societies as well. In some
;; ways the self-diminished are better able to discern the night worker.
;; They are rendered safer by their heightened awareness of others'
;; diminished modes, and more congenial by the spare blandness of their own
;; mode lines. To some people rain is truly depressing, but others it just
;; makes pensive, and, forcing them indoors where they may not have the
;; luxury of solitude, teaches them to self-diminish. That was what I had
;; not understood when I was searching for loons among the ducks and geese.
;; Loons come to Seattle all the time, but the ones that like it learn to be
;; silent, learn to self-diminish, and take on the colors of ducks and geese.
;; Now, here a dozen years, I can recognize them everywhere, standing quietly
;; in line with the ducks and geese at the espresso counter, gazing placidly
;; out on the world through loon-red eyes, thinking secret thoughts.
(provide 'diminish)
;;; diminish.el ends here

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
;;; dired-collapse-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dired-collapse" "dired-collapse.el" (0 0 0
;;;;;; 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dired-collapse.el
(autoload 'dired-collapse-mode "dired-collapse" "\
Toggle collapsing of unique nested paths in Dired.
If called interactively, enable Dired-Collapse mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it if ARG is zero or negative. If called
from Lisp, also enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and
toggle it if ARG is `toggle'; disable the mode otherwise.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dired-collapse" '("dired-collapse")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dired-collapse-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from dired-collapse.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "dired-collapse" "20210403.1230" "Collapse unique nested paths in dired listing" '((dash "2.10.0") (f "0.19.0") (dired-hacks-utils "0.0.1")) :commit "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a" :authors '(("Matúš Goljer" . "")) :maintainer '("Matúš Goljer" . "") :keywords '("files"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
;;; dired-collapse.el --- Collapse unique nested paths in dired listing -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2017 Matúš Goljer
;; Author: Matúš Goljer <>
;; Maintainer: Matúš Goljer <>
;; Version: 1.1.0
;; Package-Version: 20210403.1230
;; Package-Commit: 7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a
;; Created: 15th July 2017
;; Package-requires: ((dash "2.10.0") (f "0.19.0") (dired-hacks-utils "0.0.1"))
;; Keywords: files
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Often times we find ourselves in a situation where a single file
;; or directory is nested in a chain of nested directories with no
;; other content. This is sometimes due to various mandatory
;; layouts demanded by packaging tools or tools generating these
;; deeply-nested "unique" paths to disambiguate architectures or
;; versions (but we often use only one anyway). If the user wants
;; to access these directories they have to quite needlessly
;; drill-down through varying number of "uninteresting" directories
;; to get to the content.
;; This minor mode is in main inspired by how GitHub renders these
;; paths: if there is a chain of directories where each one only has
;; one child, they are concatenated together and shown on the first
;; level in this collapsed form. When the user clicks this
;; collapsed directory they are immediately brought to the deepest
;; directory with some actual content.
;; To enable or disable this functionality use `dired-collapse-mode'
;; to toggle it for the current dired buffer.
;; If the deepest directory contains only a single file this file is
;; displayed instead of the last directory. This way we can get
;; directly to the file itself. This is often helpful with config
;; files which are stored in their own directories, for example in
;; `~/.config/foo/config' and similar situations.
;; The files or directories re-inserted in this manner will also
;; have updated permissions, file sizes and modification dates so
;; they truly correspond to the properties of the file being shown.
;; The path to the deepest file is dimmed with the `shadow' face so
;; that it does not distract but at the same time is still available
;; for inspection.
;; The mode is integrated with `dired-rainbow' so the nested files
;; are properly colored according to user's rules.
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(require 'dired)
(require 'f)
(require 'dired-hacks-utils)
(defgroup dired-collapse ()
"Collapse unique nested paths in dired listing."
:group 'dired-hacks
:prefix "dired-collapse-")
(defcustom dired-collapse-remote nil
"If non-nil, enable `dired-collapse' in remote (TRAMP) buffers."
:type 'boolean
:group 'dired-collapse)
(define-minor-mode dired-collapse-mode
"Toggle collapsing of unique nested paths in Dired."
:group 'dired-collapse
:lighter ""
(if dired-collapse-mode
(add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'dired-collapse 'append 'local)
(add-hook 'dired-subtree-after-insert-hook 'dired-collapse 'append 'local)
;; collapse the buffer only if it is not empty (= we haven't
;; yet read in the current directory)
(unless (= (buffer-size) 0)
(remove-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'dired-collapse 'local)
(remove-hook 'dired-subtree-after-insert-hook 'dired-collapse 'local)
(defun dired-collapse--replace-file (file)
"Replace file on the current line with FILE."
(delete-region (line-beginning-position) (1+ (line-end-position)))
(insert " ")
(insert-directory file dired-listing-switches nil nil)
(forward-line -1)
(dired-align-file (line-beginning-position) (1+ (line-end-position)))
(-when-let (replaced-file (dired-utils-get-filename))
(when (file-remote-p replaced-file)
(while (search-forward (dired-current-directory) (line-end-position) t)
(replace-match "")))))
(defun dired-collapse--create-ov (&optional to-eol)
"Create the shadow overlay which marks the collapsed path.
If TO-EOL is non-nil, extend the overlay over the whole
filename (for example when the final directory is empty)."
(let* ((beg (point))
(end (save-excursion
(if to-eol
(1+ (search-backward "/")))))
(ov (make-overlay beg end)))
(overlay-put ov 'face 'shadow)
(defun dired-collapse ()
"Collapse unique nested paths in dired listing."
(when (or (not (file-remote-p default-directory)) dired-collapse-remote)
(-let* (;; dired-hide-details-mode hides details by assigning a special invisibility text property
;; to them, while dired-collapse requires all the details. So we disable invisibility here
;; temporarily.
(buffer-invisibility-spec nil)
(inhibit-read-only t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
(when (and (looking-at-p dired-re-dir)
(not (member (dired-utils-get-filename 'no-dir) (list "." "..")))
(not (eolp)))
(let ((path (dired-utils-get-filename))
(while (and (file-directory-p path)
(file-accessible-directory-p path)
(setq files (f-entries path))
(= 1 (length files)))
(setq path (car files)))
(if (and (not files)
(equal path (dired-utils-get-filename)))
(dired-collapse--create-ov 'to-eol)
(setq path (s-chop-prefix (dired-current-directory) path))
(when (string-match-p "/" path)
(let ((default-directory (dired-current-directory)))
(dired-collapse--replace-file path))
(dired-insert-set-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
(dired-collapse--create-ov (= 0 (length files)))))))
(forward-line 1))))))
(provide 'dired-collapse)
;;; dired-collapse.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
;;; dired-hacks-utils-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dired-hacks-utils" "dired-hacks-utils.el"
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dired-hacks-utils.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dired-hacks-utils" '("dired-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dired-hacks-utils-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from dired-hacks-utils.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "dired-hacks-utils" "20201005.2318" "Utilities and helpers for dired-hacks collection" '((dash "2.5.0")) :commit "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a" :authors '(("Matúš Goljer" . "")) :maintainer '("Matúš Goljer" . "") :keywords '("files"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
;;; dired-hacks-utils.el --- Utilities and helpers for dired-hacks collection
;; Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Matúš Goljer
;; Author: Matúš Goljer <>
;; Maintainer: Matúš Goljer <>
;; Keywords: files
;; Package-Version: 20201005.2318
;; Package-Commit: 7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Created: 14th February 2014
;; Package-requires: ((dash "2.5.0"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Utilities and helpers for `dired-hacks' collection of dired
;; improvements.
;; This package also provides these interactive functions:
;; * `dired-hacks-next-file' - go to next file, skipping empty and non-file lines
;; * `dired-hacks-previous-file' - go to previous file, skipping empty
;; and non-file lines
;; * `dired-utils-format-information-line-mode' - Format the information
;; (summary) line file sizes to be human readable (e.g. 1GB instead of 1048576).
;; See for the entire collection
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(require 'dired)
(defgroup dired-hacks ()
"Collection of useful dired additions."
:group 'dired
:prefix "dired-hacks-")
(defcustom dired-hacks-file-size-formatter 'file-size-human-readable
"The function used to format file sizes.
See `dired-utils-format-file-sizes'."
:type 'symbol
:group 'dired-hacks)
(defcustom dired-hacks-datetime-regexp
"A regexp matching the date/time in the dired listing.
It is used to determine where the filename starts. It should
*not* match any characters after the last character of the
timestamp. It is assumed that the timestamp is preceded and
followed by at least one space character. You should only use
shy groups (prefixed with ?:) because the first group is used by
the font-lock to determine what portion of the name should be
:type 'string
:group 'dired-hacks)
(defalias 'dired-utils--string-trim
(if (and (require 'subr-x nil t)
(fboundp 'string-trim))
(lambda (string)
(let ((s string))
(when (string-match "\\`[ \t\n\r]+" s)
(setq s (replace-match "" t t s)))
(when (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" s)
(setq s (replace-match "" t t s)))
"Trim STRING of trailing whitespace.
\(fn STRING)")
(defun dired-utils-get-filename (&optional localp)
"Like `dired-get-filename' but never signal an error.
Optional arg LOCALP with value `no-dir' means don't include
directory name in result."
(dired-get-filename localp t))
(defun dired-utils-get-all-files (&optional localp)
"Return all files in this dired buffer as a list.
LOCALP has same semantics as in `dired-get-filename'."
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (r)
(while (= 0 (forward-line))
(--when-let (dired-utils-get-filename localp)
(push it r)))
(nreverse r))))
(defconst dired-utils-file-attributes-keywords
'(:isdir :nlinks :uid :gid :atime :mtime :ctime :size :modes :gidchg :inode :devnum)
"List of keywords to map with `file-attributes'.")
(defconst dired-utils-info-keywords
`(:name :issym :target ,@dired-utils-file-attributes-keywords)
"List of keywords available for `dired-utils-get-info'.")
(defun dired-utils--get-keyword-info (keyword)
"Get file information about KEYWORD."
(let ((filename (dired-utils-get-filename)))
(cl-case keyword
(:name filename)
(:isdir (file-directory-p filename))
(:issym (and (file-symlink-p filename) t))
(:target (file-symlink-p filename))
(nth (-elem-index keyword dired-utils-file-attributes-keywords)
(file-attributes filename))))))
(defun dired-utils-get-info (&rest keywords)
"Query for info about the file at point.
KEYWORDS is a list of attributes to query.
When querying for one attribute, its value is returned. When
querying for more than one, a list of results is returned.
The available keywords are listed in
(let ((attributes (mapcar 'dired-utils--get-keyword-info keywords)))
(if (> (length attributes) 1)
(car attributes))))
(defun dired-utils-goto-line (filename)
"Go to line describing FILENAME in listing.
Should be absolute file name matched against
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (stop)
(while (and (not stop)
(= (forward-line) 0))
(when (equal filename (dired-utils-get-filename))
(setq stop t)
(defun dired-utils-match-filename-regexp (filename alist)
"Match FILENAME against each car in ALIST and return first matched cons.
Each car in ALIST is a regular expression.
The matching is done using `string-match-p'."
(let (match)
(--each-while alist (not match)
(when (string-match-p (car it) filename)
(setq match it)))
(defun dired-utils-match-filename-extension (filename alist)
"Match FILENAME against each car in ALIST and return first matched cons.
Each car in ALIST is a string representing file extension
*without* the delimiting dot."
(let (done)
(--each-while alist (not done)
(when (string-match-p (concat "\\." (regexp-quote (car it)) "\\'") filename)
(setq done it)))
(defun dired-utils-format-information-line ()
"Format the disk space on the Dired information line."
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(limit (line-end-position)))
(while (re-search-forward "\\(?:directory\\|available\\) \\(\\<[0-9]+$\\>\\)" nil t)
(propertize (dired-utils--string-trim
(funcall dired-hacks-file-size-formatter
(* 1024 (string-to-number (match-string 1))) t))
'invisible 'dired-hide-details-information))
t nil nil 1)))))
;;; Predicates
(defun dired-utils-is-file-p ()
"Return non-nil if the line at point is a file or a directory."
(dired-utils-get-filename 'no-dir))
(defun dired-utils-is-dir-p ()
"Return non-nil if the line at point is a directory."
(--when-let (dired-utils-get-filename)
(file-directory-p it)))
;;; Interactive
;; TODO: add wrap-around option
(defun dired-hacks-next-file (&optional arg)
"Move point to the next file.
Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one
(interactive "p")
(unless arg (setq arg 1))
(if (< arg 0)
(dired-hacks-previous-file (- arg))
(--dotimes arg
(while (and (or (not (dired-utils-is-file-p))
(get-text-property (point) 'invisible))
(= (forward-line) 0))))
(if (not (= (point) (point-max)))
(forward-line -1)
(defun dired-hacks-previous-file (&optional arg)
"Move point to the previous file.
Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one
(interactive "p")
(unless arg (setq arg 1))
(if (< arg 0)
(dired-hacks-next-file (- arg))
(--dotimes arg
(forward-line -1)
(while (and (or (not (dired-utils-is-file-p))
(get-text-property (point) 'invisible))
(= (forward-line -1) 0))))
(if (not (= (point) (point-min)))
(defun dired-hacks-compare-files (file-a file-b)
"Test if two files FILE-A and FILE-B are the (probably) the same."
(interactive (let ((other-dir (dired-dwim-target-directory)))
(list (read-file-name "File A: " default-directory (car (dired-get-marked-files)) t)
(read-file-name "File B: " other-dir (with-current-buffer (cdr (assoc other-dir dired-buffers))
(car (dired-get-marked-files))) t))))
(let ((md5-a (with-temp-buffer
(shell-command (format "md5sum %s" file-a) (current-buffer))
(md5-b (with-temp-buffer
(shell-command (format "md5sum %s" file-b) (current-buffer))
(message "%s%sFiles are %s." md5-a md5-b
(if (equal (car (split-string md5-a))
(car (split-string md5-b)))
"probably the same" "different"))))
(define-minor-mode dired-utils-format-information-line-mode
"Toggle formatting of disk space in the Dired information line."
:group 'dired-utils
:lighter ""
(if dired-utils-format-information-line-mode
(add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook #'dired-utils-format-information-line)
(remove-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook #'dired-utils-format-information-line)))
(provide 'dired-hacks-utils)
;;; dired-hacks-utils.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
;;; dired-rainbow-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dired-rainbow" "dired-rainbow.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dired-rainbow.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dired-rainbow" '("dired-rainbow-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dired-rainbow-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from dired-rainbow.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "dired-rainbow" "20190722.1109" "Extended file highlighting according to its type" '((dash "2.5.0") (dired-hacks-utils "0.0.1")) :commit "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a" :authors '(("Matus Goljer" . "")) :maintainer '("Matus Goljer" . "") :keywords '("files"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
;;; dired-rainbow.el --- Extended file highlighting according to its type
;; Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Matus Goljer
;; Author: Matus Goljer <>
;; Maintainer: Matus Goljer <>
;; Keywords: files
;; Package-Commit: 7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a
;; Package-Version: 20190722.1109
;; Package-X-Original-Version: 20170922.817
;; Version: 0.0.3
;; Created: 16th February 2014
;; Package-requires: ((dash "2.5.0") (dired-hacks-utils "0.0.1"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This package adds more customizable highlighting for files in dired
;; listings. The group `dired-faces' provides only nine faces and
;; isn't very fine-grained.
;; The definitions are added by several macros, currently available
;; are:
;; * `dired-rainbow-define` - add face by file extension
;; * `dired-rainbow-define-chmod` - add face by file permissions
;; You can display their documentation by calling (substituting the
;; desired macro name):
;; M-x describe-function RET dired-rainbow-define RET
;; Here are some example uses:
;; (defconst my-dired-media-files-extensions
;; '("mp3" "mp4" "MP3" "MP4" "avi" "mpg" "flv" "ogg")
;; "Media files.")
;; (dired-rainbow-define html "#4e9a06" ("htm" "html" "xhtml"))
;; (dired-rainbow-define media "#ce5c00" my-dired-media-files-extensions)
;; ; boring regexp due to lack of imagination
;; (dired-rainbow-define log (:inherit default
;; :italic t) ".*\\.log")
;; ; highlight executable files, but not directories
;; (dired-rainbow-define-chmod executable-unix "Green" "-.*x.*")
;; See for the entire collection.
;;; Code:
(require 'dired-hacks-utils)
(require 'dash)
(defgroup dired-rainbow ()
"Extended file highlighting according to its type."
:group 'dired-hacks
:prefix "dired-rainbow-")
(defvar dired-rainbow-ext-to-face nil
"An alist mapping extension groups to face and compiled regexp.
This alist is constructed in `dired-rainbow-define' for the case
when the user wants to reuse the associations outside of dired.")
(defun dired-rainbow--get-face (face-props)
"Return face specification according to FACE-PROPS.
See `dired-rainbow-define'."
((stringp face-props)
`(:foreground ,face-props))
((symbolp face-props)
`(:inherit ,face-props))
(t face-props)))
(defmacro dired-rainbow-define (symbol face-props extensions &optional how)
"Define a custom dired face highlighting files by extension.
SYMBOL is the identifier of the face. The macro will define a face named
FACE-PROPS is a string, a list or a symbol. If a string, it is
assumed to be either a color name or a hexadecimal code (#......)
describing a color. If a list, it is assumed to be a property
list describing the face. See `defface' for list of possible
attributes. If a symbol it is taken as the name of an existing
face which is used.
EXTENSIONS is either a list or a symbol evaluating to a list of
extensions that should be highlighted with this face. Note that
if you specify a symbol, its value *must* be known during
compilation and must be defined before this macro is processed.
Additionally, EXTENSIONS can be a single string or a symbol
evaluating to a string that is interpreted as a regexp matching
the entire file name.
HOW is a parameter that is passed directly to `font-lock-add-keywords'
to control the order."
(declare (debug (symbolp [&or stringp listp symbolp] [&or symbolp listp stringp])))
(let* ((matcher (if (or (listp extensions)
(stringp extensions))
(symbol-value extensions)))
(regexp (concat
"^[^!].[^d].*[ ]"
"[ ]\\("
(if (listp matcher)
(concat ".*\\." (regexp-opt matcher))
(face-name (intern (concat "dired-rainbow-" (symbol-name symbol) "-face"))))
(defface ,face-name
'((t ,(dired-rainbow--get-face face-props)))
,(concat "dired-rainbow face matching " (symbol-name symbol) " files.")
:group 'dired-rainbow)
(font-lock-add-keywords 'dired-mode '((,regexp 1 ',face-name prepend)) ,how)
(font-lock-add-keywords 'wdired-mode '((,regexp 1 ',face-name prepend)) ,how)
,(if (listp matcher) `(push
'(,matcher ,face-name ,(concat "\\." (regexp-opt matcher)))
(defmacro dired-rainbow-define-chmod (symbol face-props chmod &optional how)
"Define a custom dired face highlighting files by chmod permissions.
SYMBOL is the identifier of the face. The macro will define a face named
FACE-PROPS is a string, a list or a symbol. If a string, it is
assumed to be either a color name or a hexadecimal code (#......)
describing a color. If a list, it is assumed to be a property
list describing the face. See `defface' for list of possible
attributes. If a symbol it is taken as the name of an existing
face which is used.
CHMOD is a regexp matching \"ls -l\" style permissions string.
For example, the pattern
matches any file with executable flag set for user, group or everyone.
HOW is a parameter that is passed directly to `font-lock-add-keywords'
to control the order."
(declare (debug (symbolp [&or stringp listp symbolp] stringp)))
(let* ((regexp (concat
".*[ ]"
"[ ]\\(.*?\\)$"))
(face-name (intern (concat "dired-rainbow-" (symbol-name symbol) "-face"))))
(defface ,face-name
'((t ,(dired-rainbow--get-face face-props)))
,(concat "dired-rainbow face matching " (symbol-name symbol) " files.")
:group 'dired-rainbow)
(font-lock-add-keywords 'dired-mode '((,regexp 1 ',face-name prepend)) ,how)
(font-lock-add-keywords 'wdired-mode '((,regexp 1 ',face-name prepend)) ,how))))
(provide 'dired-rainbow)
;;; dired-rainbow.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
;;; dired-ranger-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dired-ranger" "dired-ranger.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dired-ranger.el
(autoload 'dired-ranger-copy "dired-ranger" "\
Place the marked items in the copy ring.
With non-nil prefix argument, add the marked items to the current
selection. This allows you to gather files from multiple dired
buffers for a single paste.
\(fn ARG)" t nil)
(autoload 'dired-ranger-paste "dired-ranger" "\
Copy the items from copy ring to current directory.
With raw prefix argument \\[universal-argument], do not remove
the selection from the stack so it can be copied again.
With numeric prefix argument, copy the n-th selection from the
copy ring.
\(fn ARG)" t nil)
(autoload 'dired-ranger-move "dired-ranger" "\
Move the items from copy ring to current directory.
This behaves like `dired-ranger-paste' but moves the files
instead of copying them.
\(fn ARG)" t nil)
(autoload 'dired-ranger-bookmark "dired-ranger" "\
Bookmark current dired buffer.
CHAR is a single character (a-zA-Z0-9) representing the bookmark.
Reusing a bookmark replaces the content. These bookmarks are not
persistent, they are used for quick jumping back and forth
between currently used directories.
\(fn CHAR)" t nil)
(autoload 'dired-ranger-bookmark-visit "dired-ranger" "\
Visit bookmark CHAR.
If the associated dired buffer was killed, we try to reopen it
according to the setting `dired-ranger-bookmark-reopen'.
The special bookmark `dired-ranger-bookmark-LRU' always jumps to
the least recently visited dired buffer.
See also `dired-ranger-bookmark'.
\(fn CHAR)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dired-ranger" '("dired-ranger-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dired-ranger-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from dired-ranger.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "dired-ranger" "20180401.2206" "Implementation of useful ranger features for dired" '((dash "2.7.0") (dired-hacks-utils "0.0.1")) :commit "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a" :authors '(("Matúš Goljer" . "")) :maintainer '("Matúš Goljer" . "") :keywords '("files"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
;;; dired-ranger.el --- Implementation of useful ranger features for dired
;; Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Matúš Goljer
;; Author: Matúš Goljer <>
;; Maintainer: Matúš Goljer <>
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Package-Version: 20180401.2206
;; Package-Commit: 7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a
;; Created: 17th June 2014
;; Package-requires: ((dash "2.7.0") (dired-hacks-utils "0.0.1"))
;; Keywords: files
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This package implements useful features present in the
;; [ranger]( file manager which are missing
;; in dired.
;; Multi-stage copy/pasting of files
;; ---------------------------------
;; A feature present in most orthodox file managers is a "two-stage"
;; copy/paste process. Roughly, the user first selects some files,
;; "copies" them into a clipboard and then pastes them to the target
;; location. This workflow is missing in dired.
;; In dired, user first marks the files, then issues the
;; `dired-do-copy' command which prompts for the destination. The
;; files are then copied there. The `dired-dwim-target' option makes
;; this a bit friendlier---if two dired windows are opened, the other
;; one is automatically the default target.
;; With the multi-stage operations, you can gather files from
;; *multiple* dired buffers into a single "clipboard", then copy or
;; move all of them to the target location. Another huge advantage is
;; that if the target dired buffer is already opened, switching to it
;; via ido or ibuffer is often faster than selecting the path.
;; Call `dired-ranger-copy' to add marked files (or the file under
;; point if no files are marked) to the "clipboard". With non-nil
;; prefix argument, add the marked files to the current clipboard.
;; Past clipboards are stored in `dired-ranger-copy-ring' so you can
;; repeat the past pastes.
;; Call `dired-ranger-paste' or `dired-ranger-move' to copy or move
;; the files in the current clipboard to the current dired buffer.
;; With raw prefix argument (usually C-u), the clipboard is not
;; cleared, so you can repeat the copy operation in another dired
;; buffer.
;; Bookmarks
;; ---------
;; Use `dired-ranger-bookmark' to bookmark current dired buffer. You
;; can later quickly revisit it by calling
;; `dired-ranger-bookmark-visit'.
;; A bookmark name is any single character, letter, digit or a symbol.
;; A special bookmark with name `dired-ranger-bookmark-LRU' represents
;; the least recently used dired buffer. Its default value is `. If
;; you bind `dired-ranger-bookmark-visit' to the same keybinding,
;; hitting `` will instantly bring you to the previously used dired
;; buffer. This can be used to toggle between two dired buffers in a
;; very fast way.
;; These bookmarks are not persistent. If you want persistent
;; bookmarks use the bookmarks provided by emacs, see (info "(emacs)
;; Bookmarks").
;;; Code:
(require 'dired-hacks-utils)
(require 'dash)
(require 'ring)
(defgroup dired-ranger ()
"Implementation of useful ranger features for dired."
:group 'dired-hacks
:prefix "dired-ranger-")
;; multi-stage copy/paste operations
(defcustom dired-ranger-copy-ring-size 10
"Specifies how many filesets for copy/paste operations should be stored."
:type 'integer
:group 'dired-ranger)
(defvar dired-ranger-copy-ring (make-ring dired-ranger-copy-ring-size))
(defun dired-ranger-copy (arg)
"Place the marked items in the copy ring.
With non-nil prefix argument, add the marked items to the current
selection. This allows you to gather files from multiple dired
buffers for a single paste."
(interactive "P")
;; TODO: add dired+ `dired-get-marked-files' support?
(let ((marked (dired-get-marked-files)))
(if (or (not arg)
(ring-empty-p dired-ranger-copy-ring))
(cons (list (current-buffer)) marked))
;; TODO: abstract the message/plural detection somewhere
;; (e.g. give it a verb and number to produce the correct
;; string.)
(message (format "Copied %d item%s into copy ring."
(length marked)
(if (> (length marked) 1) "s" ""))))
(let ((current (ring-remove dired-ranger-copy-ring 0)))
(cons (-distinct (cons (current-buffer) (car current)))
(-distinct (-concat (dired-get-marked-files) (cdr current)))))
(message (format "Added %d item%s into copy ring."
(length marked)
(if (> (length marked) 1) "s" "")))))))
(defun dired-ranger--revert-target (char target-directory files)
"Revert the target buffer and mark the new files.
CHAR is the temporary value for `dired-marker-char'.
TARGET-DIRECTORY is the current dired directory.
FILES is the list of files (from the `dired-ranger-copy-ring') we
operated on."
(let ((current-file (dired-utils-get-filename)))
(let ((dired-marker-char char))
(--each (-map 'file-name-nondirectory files)
(dired-utils-goto-line (concat target-directory it))
(dired-mark 1)))
(dired-utils-goto-line current-file)))
(defun dired-ranger-paste (arg)
"Copy the items from copy ring to current directory.
With raw prefix argument \\[universal-argument], do not remove
the selection from the stack so it can be copied again.
With numeric prefix argument, copy the n-th selection from the
copy ring."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((index (if (numberp arg) arg 0))
(data (ring-ref dired-ranger-copy-ring index))
(files (cdr data))
(target-directory (dired-current-directory))
(copied-files 0))
(--each files (when (file-exists-p it)
(if (file-directory-p it)
(copy-directory it target-directory)
(condition-case err
(copy-file it target-directory 0)
(file-already-exists nil)))
(cl-incf copied-files)))
(dired-ranger--revert-target ?P target-directory files)
(unless arg (ring-remove dired-ranger-copy-ring 0))
(message (format "Pasted %d/%d item%s from copy ring."
(length files)
(if (> (length files) 1) "s" "")))))
(defun dired-ranger-move (arg)
"Move the items from copy ring to current directory.
This behaves like `dired-ranger-paste' but moves the files
instead of copying them."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((index (if (numberp arg) arg 0))
(data (ring-ref dired-ranger-copy-ring index))
(buffers (car data))
(files (cdr data))
(target-directory (dired-current-directory))
(copied-files 0))
(--each files (when (file-exists-p it)
(condition-case err
(rename-file it target-directory 0)
(file-already-exists nil))
(cl-incf copied-files)))
(dired-ranger--revert-target ?M target-directory files)
(--each buffers
(when (buffer-live-p it)
(with-current-buffer it (revert-buffer))))
(unless arg (ring-remove dired-ranger-copy-ring 0))
(message (format "Moved %d/%d item%s from copy ring."
(length files)
(if (> (length files) 1) "s" "")))))
;; bookmarks
(defcustom dired-ranger-bookmark-reopen 'ask
"Should we reopen closed dired buffer when visiting a bookmark?
This does only correctly reopen regular dired buffers listing one
directory. Special dired buffers like the output of `find-dired'
or `ag-dired', virtual dired buffers and subdirectories can not
be recreated.
The value 'never means never reopen the directory.
The value 'always means always reopen the directory.
The value 'ask will ask if we should reopen or not. Reopening a
dired buffer for a directory that is already opened in dired will
bring that up, which might be unexpected as that directory might
come from a non-standard source (i.e. not be file-system
:type '(radio
(const :tag "Never reopen automatically." never)
(const :tag "Always reopen automatically." always)
(const :tag "Reopen automatically only in standard dired buffers, ask otherwise." ask))
:group 'dired-ranger)
(defcustom dired-ranger-bookmark-LRU ?`
"Bookmark representing the least recently used/visited dired buffer.
If a dired buffer is currently active, select the one visited
before. If a non-dired buffer is active, visit the least
recently visited dired buffer."
:type 'char
:group 'dired-ranger)
(defvar dired-ranger-bookmarks nil
"An alist mapping bookmarks to dired buffers and locations.")
(defun dired-ranger-bookmark (char)
"Bookmark current dired buffer.
CHAR is a single character (a-zA-Z0-9) representing the bookmark.
Reusing a bookmark replaces the content. These bookmarks are not
persistent, they are used for quick jumping back and forth
between currently used directories."
(interactive "cBookmark name: ")
(let ((dir (file-truename default-directory)))
(-if-let (value (cdr (assoc char dired-ranger-bookmarks)))
(setf (cdr (assoc char dired-ranger-bookmarks)) (cons dir (current-buffer)))
(push (-cons* char dir (current-buffer)) dired-ranger-bookmarks))
(message "Bookmarked directory %s as `%c'" dir char)))
(defun dired-ranger-bookmark-visit (char)
"Visit bookmark CHAR.
If the associated dired buffer was killed, we try to reopen it
according to the setting `dired-ranger-bookmark-reopen'.
The special bookmark `dired-ranger-bookmark-LRU' always jumps to
the least recently visited dired buffer.
See also `dired-ranger-bookmark'."
(interactive "cBookmark name: ")
(if (eq char dired-ranger-bookmark-LRU)
(let ((buffers (buffer-list)))
(when (eq (with-current-buffer (car buffers) major-mode) 'dired-mode)
(pop buffers))
(switch-to-buffer (--first (eq (with-current-buffer it major-mode) 'dired-mode) buffers))))
(-if-let* ((value (cdr (assoc char dired-ranger-bookmarks)))
(dir (car value))
(buffer (cdr value)))
(if (buffer-live-p buffer)
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
;; TODO: abstract this never/always/ask pattern. It is
;; also used in filter.
((eq dired-ranger-bookmark-reopen 'never) nil)
((eq dired-ranger-bookmark-reopen 'always) t)
((eq dired-ranger-bookmark-reopen 'ask)
(y-or-n-p (format "The dired buffer referenced by this bookmark does not exist. Should we try to reopen `%s'?" dir))))
(find-file dir)
(setf (cdr (assoc char dired-ranger-bookmarks)) (cons dir (current-buffer)))))
(message "Bookmark `%c' does not exist." char))))
(provide 'dired-ranger)
;;; dired-ranger.el ends here

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
;;; dired-single-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dired-single" "dired-single.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dired-single.el
(autoload 'dired-single-buffer "dired-single" "\
Visit selected directory in current buffer.
Visits the selected directory in the current buffer, replacing the
current contents with the contents of the new directory. This doesn't
prevent you from having more than one dired buffer. The main difference
is that a given dired buffer will not spawn off a new buffer every time
a new directory is visited.
If the variable `dired-single-use-magic-buffer' is non-nil, and the current
buffer's name is the same as that specified by the variable
`dired-single-magic-buffer-name', then the new directory's buffer will retain
that same name (i.e. not only will dired only use a single buffer, but
its name will not change every time a new directory is entered).
Optional argument DEFAULT-DIRNAME specifies the directory to visit; if not
specified, the directory or file on the current line is used (assuming it's
a dired buffer). If the current line represents a file, the file is visited
in another window.
\(fn &optional DEFAULT-DIRNAME)" t nil)
(autoload 'dired-single-buffer-mouse "dired-single" "\
Mouse-initiated version of `dired-single-buffer' (which see).
Argument CLICK is the mouse-click event.
\(fn CLICK)" t nil)
(autoload 'dired-single-magic-buffer "dired-single" "\
Switch to buffer whose name is the value of `dired-single-magic-buffer-name'.
If no such buffer exists, launch dired in a new buffer and rename that buffer
to the value of `dired-single-magic-buffer-name'. If the current buffer is the
magic buffer, it will prompt for a new directory to visit.
Optional argument DEFAULT-DIRNAME specifies the directory to visit (defaults to
the currently displayed directory).
\(fn &optional DEFAULT-DIRNAME)" t nil)
(autoload 'dired-single-toggle-buffer-name "dired-single" "\
Toggle between the 'magic' buffer name and the 'real' dired buffer name.
Will also seek to uniquify the 'real' buffer name." t nil)
(autoload 'dired-single-up-directory "dired-single" "\
Like `dired-up-directory' but with `dired-single-buffer'.
\(fn &optional OTHER-WINDOW)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dired-single" '("dired-single-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dired-single-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from dired-single.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "dired-single" "20211101.2319" "Reuse the current dired buffer to visit a directory" 'nil :commit "b254f9b7bfc96a5eab5760a56811f2872d2c590a" :keywords '("dired" "reuse" "buffer") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
;;; dired-single.el --- Reuse the current dired buffer to visit a directory
;; Version: 0.3.0
;; Package-Version: 20211101.2319
;; Package-Commit: b254f9b7bfc96a5eab5760a56811f2872d2c590a
;; Keywords: dired, reuse, buffer
;; URL:
;; License: public-domain
;;; Code:
(defvar byte-compile-dynamic nil) ; silence the old byte-compiler
(set (make-local-variable 'byte-compile-dynamic) t))
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'dired)
(autoload 'dired-get-filename "dired"))
;;; **************************************************************************
;;; ***** customization routines
;;; **************************************************************************
(defgroup dired-single nil
"dired-single package customization"
:group 'tools)
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dired-single-customize ()
"Customization of the group `dired-single'."
(customize-group "dired-single"))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defcustom dired-single-use-magic-buffer t
"Boolean that indicates the use of a single dired buffer name.
It is used to determine if the dired-single functions should look for and
retain a specific buffer name. The buffer name to look for is specified
with `dired-single-magic-buffer-name'."
:group 'dired-single
:type 'boolean)
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defcustom dired-single-magic-buffer-name "*dired*"
"Name of buffer to use if `dired-single-use-magic-buffer' is true.
Once a dired buffer has this name, it will always keep this name (unless it's
explicitly renamed by you)."
:group 'dired-single
:type 'string)
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defcustom dired-single-load-hook nil
"Hook to run when package is loaded."
:type 'hook
:group 'dired-single)
;;; **************************************************************************
;;; ***** version related routines
;;; **************************************************************************
(defconst dired-single-version
"$Revision: 1.7 $"
"Version number for dired-single package.")
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dired-single-version-number ()
"Return dired-single version number."
(string-match "[0123456789.]+" dired-single-version)
(match-string 0 dired-single-version))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dired-single-display-version ()
"Display dired-single version."
(message "dired-single version <%s>." (dired-single-version-number)))
;;; **************************************************************************
;;; ***** interactive functions
;;; **************************************************************************
(defun dired-single-buffer (&optional default-dirname)
"Visit selected directory in current buffer.
Visits the selected directory in the current buffer, replacing the
current contents with the contents of the new directory. This doesn't
prevent you from having more than one dired buffer. The main difference
is that a given dired buffer will not spawn off a new buffer every time
a new directory is visited.
If the variable `dired-single-use-magic-buffer' is non-nil, and the current
buffer's name is the same as that specified by the variable
`dired-single-magic-buffer-name', then the new directory's buffer will retain
that same name (i.e. not only will dired only use a single buffer, but
its name will not change every time a new directory is entered).
Optional argument DEFAULT-DIRNAME specifies the directory to visit; if not
specified, the directory or file on the current line is used (assuming it's
a dired buffer). If the current line represents a file, the file is visited
in another window."
;; use arg passed in or find name of current line
(let ((name (or default-dirname (dired-get-filename nil t))))
;; See if the selection is a directory or not.
(let ((eol (point)))
;; assume directory if arg passed in
(if (or default-dirname (re-search-forward "^ d" eol t))
;; save current buffer's name
(let ((current-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
;; go ahead and read in the directory
(find-alternate-file name)
;; if the saved buffer's name was the magic name, rename this buffer
(if (and dired-single-use-magic-buffer
(string= current-buffer-name dired-single-magic-buffer-name))
(rename-buffer dired-single-magic-buffer-name)))
;; it's just a file
(find-file name)))))))
;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dired-single-buffer-mouse (click)
"Mouse-initiated version of `dired-single-buffer' (which see).
Argument CLICK is the mouse-click event."
(interactive "e")
(let* ( (start (event-start click))
(window (car start))
(pos (car (cdr start))) )
(select-window window)
(goto-char pos))
;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dired-single-magic-buffer (&optional default-dirname)
"Switch to buffer whose name is the value of `dired-single-magic-buffer-name'.
If no such buffer exists, launch dired in a new buffer and rename that buffer
to the value of `dired-single-magic-buffer-name'. If the current buffer is the
magic buffer, it will prompt for a new directory to visit.
Optional argument DEFAULT-DIRNAME specifies the directory to visit (defaults to
the currently displayed directory)."
;; do we not have one or are we already in it?
(let ((magic-dired-buffer (get-buffer dired-single-magic-buffer-name)))
(if (or (eq magic-dired-buffer nil)
(eq magic-dired-buffer (current-buffer)))
;; nothing to switch to
;; get directory name to start in
(let ((dirname (or default-dirname
(read-file-name (format "Dired %s(directory): " "")
nil default-directory t))))
;; make sure it's really a directory
(if (not (file-directory-p dirname))
(error "Error: <%s> is not a directory" dirname))
;; do we need a new buffer?
(if (eq magic-dired-buffer nil)
;; find the file in new buffer, current window
(find-file dirname)
;; just find in place of current buffer
(find-alternate-file dirname))
;; rename the buffer, where ever we found it
(rename-buffer dired-single-magic-buffer-name))
;; we're not there (we have one already), so simply switch to it
(switch-to-buffer magic-dired-buffer)
;; if called with a default, try it again
(if default-dirname
(dired-single-magic-buffer default-dirname)))))
;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dired-single-toggle-buffer-name ()
"Toggle between the 'magic' buffer name and the 'real' dired buffer name.
Will also seek to uniquify the 'real' buffer name."
;; make sure it's a dired buffer
(if (not (string= major-mode "dired-mode"))
(error "Error: not a dired buffer"))
;; do we have magic name currently?
(if (string= (buffer-name) dired-single-magic-buffer-name)
(expand-file-name (directory-file-name default-directory))) t)
;; make sure the buffer doesn't currently exist
(let ((existing-buffer (get-buffer dired-single-magic-buffer-name)))
(if existing-buffer
(kill-buffer existing-buffer))
(rename-buffer dired-single-magic-buffer-name))))
;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dired-single-up-directory (&optional other-window)
"Like `dired-up-directory' but with `dired-single-buffer'."
;; replace dired with dired-single-buffer
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'dired) (symbol-function 'dired-single-buffer)))
(dired-up-directory other-window)))
;;; **************************************************************************
;;; ***** we're done
;;; **************************************************************************
(provide 'dired-single)
(run-hooks 'dired-single-load-hook)
;;; dired-single.el ends here

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
;;; dockerfile-mode-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dockerfile-mode" "dockerfile-mode.el" (0 0
;;;;;; 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dockerfile-mode.el
(autoload 'dockerfile-build-buffer "dockerfile-mode" "\
Build an image called IMAGE-NAME based upon the buffer.
If prefix arg NO-CACHE is set, don't cache the image.
The build string will be of the format:
`sudo docker build --no-cache --tag IMAGE-NAME --build-args arg1.. -f filename directory`
\(fn IMAGE-NAME &optional NO-CACHE)" t nil)
(autoload 'dockerfile-build-no-cache-buffer "dockerfile-mode" "\
Build an image called IMAGE-NAME based upon the buffer without cache.
\(fn IMAGE-NAME)" t nil)
(autoload 'dockerfile-mode "dockerfile-mode" "\
A major mode to edit Dockerfiles.
\(fn)" t nil)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/Dockerfile\\(?:\\.[^/\\]*\\)?\\'" . dockerfile-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.dockerfile\\'" . dockerfile-mode))
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dockerfile-mode" '("dockerfile-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dockerfile-mode-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from dockerfile-mode.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "dockerfile-mode" "20220220.1439" "Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles" '((emacs "24")) :commit "b63a3d12b7dea0cb9efc7f78d7ad5672ceab2a3f" :keywords '("docker") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
;;; dockerfile-mode.el --- Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (c) 2013 Spotify AB
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
;; Package-Version: 20220220.1439
;; Package-Commit: b63a3d12b7dea0cb9efc7f78d7ad5672ceab2a3f
;; Homepage:
;; URL:
;; Version: 1.5
;; Keywords: docker
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
;; use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
;; the License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
;; WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
;; License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
;; the License.
;;; Commentary:
;; Provides a major mode `dockerfile-mode' for use with the standard
;; `Dockerfile' file format. Additional convenience functions allow
;; images to be built easily.
;;; Code:
(require 'sh-script)
(require 'rx)
(declare-function cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows "cygw32.c" (file &optional absolute-p))
(defgroup dockerfile nil
"dockerfile code editing commands for Emacs."
:link '(custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces)
:prefix "dockerfile-"
:group 'languages)
(defcustom dockerfile-mode-command "docker"
"Which binary to use to build images."
:group 'dockerfile
:type 'string)
(defcustom dockerfile-use-sudo nil
"Runs docker builder command with sudo."
:type 'boolean
:group 'dockerfile)
(defcustom dockerfile-build-force-rm nil
"Runs docker builder command with --force-rm switch."
:type 'boolean
:group 'dockerfile)
(defcustom dockerfile-build-pull nil
"Runs docker builder command with --pull switch."
:type 'boolean
:group 'dockerfile)
(defcustom dockerfile-build-args nil
"List of --build-arg to pass to docker build.
Each element of the list will be passed as a separate
--build-arg to the docker build command."
:type '(repeat string)
:group 'dockerfile)
(defcustom dockerfile-use-buildkit nil
"Use Docker buildkit for building images?
This is the new buildsystem for docker, and in time it will replace the old one
but for now it has to be explicitly enabled to work.
It is supported from docker 18.09"
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom dockerfile-enable-auto-indent t
"Toggles the auto indentation functionality."
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom dockerfile-indent-offset (or standard-indent 2)
"Dockerfile number of columns for margin-changing functions to indent."
:type 'integer
:safe #'integerp
:group 'dockerfile)
(defface dockerfile-image-name
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-type-face bold))))
"Face to highlight the base image name after FROM instruction.")
(defface dockerfile-image-alias
'((t (:inherit (font-lock-constant-face bold))))
"Face to highlight the base image alias inf FROM ... AS <alias> construct.")
(defconst dockerfile--from-regex
(rx "from " (group (+? nonl)) (or " " eol) (? "as " (group (1+ nonl)))))
(defvar dockerfile-font-lock-keywords
`(,(cons (rx (or line-start "onbuild ")
(group (or "from" "maintainer" "run" "cmd" "expose" "env" "arg"
"add" "copy" "entrypoint" "volume" "user" "workdir" "onbuild"
"label" "stopsignal" "shell" "healthcheck"))
(1 'dockerfile-image-name)
(2 'dockerfile-image-alias nil t))
"Default `font-lock-keywords' for `dockerfile mode'.")
(defvar dockerfile-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
(menu-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map "\C-c\C-b" #'dockerfile-build-buffer)
(define-key map "\C-c\M-b" #'dockerfile-build-no-cache-buffer)
(define-key map "\C-c\C-c" #'comment-region)
(define-key map [menu-bar dockerfile-mode] (cons "Dockerfile" menu-map))
(define-key menu-map [dfc]
'(menu-item "Comment Region" comment-region
:help "Comment Region"))
(define-key menu-map [dfb]
'(menu-item "Build" dockerfile-build-buffer
:help "Send the Dockerfile to docker build"))
(define-key menu-map [dfb]
'(menu-item "Build without cache" dockerfile-build-no-cache-buffer
:help "Send the Dockerfile to docker build without cache"))
(defvar dockerfile-mode-syntax-table
(let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
(modify-syntax-entry ?# "<" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?= "." table)
"Syntax table for `dockerfile-mode'.")
(define-abbrev-table 'dockerfile-mode-abbrev-table nil
"Abbrev table used while in `dockerfile-mode'.")
(unless dockerfile-mode-abbrev-table
(define-abbrev-table 'dockerfile-mode-abbrev-table ()))
(defun dockerfile-indent-line-function ()
"Indent lines in a Dockerfile.
Lines beginning with a keyword are ignored, and any others are
indented by one `dockerfile-indent-offset'. Functionality toggled
by `dockerfile-enable-auto-indent'."
(when dockerfile-enable-auto-indent
(unless (member (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'face)
'(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face font-lock-keyword-face))
(skip-chars-forward "[ \t]" (point-at-eol))
(unless (equal (point) (point-at-eol)) ; Ignore empty lines.
;; Delete existing whitespace.
(delete-char (- (point-at-bol) (point)))
(indent-to dockerfile-indent-offset))))))
(defun dockerfile-build-arg-string ()
"Create a --build-arg string for each element in `dockerfile-build-args'."
(mapconcat (lambda (arg) (concat "--build-arg " (shell-quote-argument arg)))
dockerfile-build-args " "))
(defun dockerfile-standard-filename (file)
"Convert the FILE name to OS standard.
If in Cygwin environment, uses Cygwin specific function to convert the
file name. Otherwise, uses Emacs' standard conversion function."
(if (fboundp 'cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows)
(rx "\\") "\\\\" (cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows file) t t)
(convert-standard-filename file)))
(defun dockerfile-tag-string (image-name)
"Return a --tag shell-quoted IMAGE-NAME string or an empty string if image-name is blank."
(if (string= image-name "") "" (format "--tag %s " (shell-quote-argument image-name))))
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'docker-image-name 'dockerfile-image-name "2017-10-22")
(defvar dockerfile-image-name nil
"Name of the dockerfile currently being used.
This can be set in file or directory-local variables.")
(defvar dockerfile-image-name-history nil
"History of image names read by `dockerfile-read-image-name'.")
(defun dockerfile-read-image-name ()
"Read a docker image name."
(read-string "Image name: " dockerfile-image-name 'dockerfile-image-name-history))
(defun dockerfile-build-buffer (image-name &optional no-cache)
"Build an image called IMAGE-NAME based upon the buffer.
If prefix arg NO-CACHE is set, don't cache the image.
The build string will be of the format:
`sudo docker build --no-cache --tag IMAGE-NAME --build-args arg1.. -f filename directory`"
(interactive (list (dockerfile-read-image-name) prefix-arg))
"%s%s%s build %s %s %s %s %s -f %s %s"
(if dockerfile-use-buildkit "DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 " "")
(if dockerfile-use-sudo "sudo " "")
(if no-cache "--no-cache" "")
(if dockerfile-build-force-rm "--force-rm " "")
(if dockerfile-build-pull "--pull " "")
(dockerfile-tag-string image-name)
(shell-quote-argument (dockerfile-standard-filename
(or (file-remote-p (buffer-file-name) 'localname)
(shell-quote-argument (dockerfile-standard-filename
(or (file-remote-p default-directory 'localname)
(lambda (_) (format "*docker-build-output: %s *" image-name))))
(defun dockerfile-build-no-cache-buffer (image-name)
"Build an image called IMAGE-NAME based upon the buffer without cache."
(interactive (list (dockerfile-read-image-name)))
(dockerfile-build-buffer image-name t))
(defun dockerfile--imenu-function ()
"Find the previous headline from point.
Search for a FROM instruction. If an alias is used this is
returned, otherwise the base image name is used."
(when (re-search-backward dockerfile--from-regex nil t)
(let ((data (match-data)))
(when (match-string 2)
;; we drop the first match group because
;; imenu-generic-expression can only use one offset, so we
;; normalize to `1'.
(set-match-data (list (nth 0 data) (nth 1 data) (nth 4 data) (nth 5 data))))
(define-derived-mode dockerfile-mode prog-mode "Dockerfile"
"A major mode to edit Dockerfiles.
(set-syntax-table dockerfile-mode-syntax-table)
(set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
`(("Stage" dockerfile--imenu-function 1)))
(set (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) mode-require-final-newline)
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "#")
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "")
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "#+ *")
(set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t)
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
'(dockerfile-font-lock-keywords nil t))
(setq local-abbrev-table dockerfile-mode-abbrev-table)
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) #'dockerfile-indent-line-function))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/Dockerfile\\(?:\\.[^/\\]*\\)?\\'" .
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.dockerfile\\'" . dockerfile-mode))
(provide 'dockerfile-mode)
;;; dockerfile-mode.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
;;; elisp-refs-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "elisp-refs" "elisp-refs.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from elisp-refs.el
(autoload 'elisp-refs-function "elisp-refs" "\
Display all the references to function SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search.
This searches for functions, not macros. For that, see
\(fn SYMBOL &optional PATH-PREFIX)" t nil)
(autoload 'elisp-refs-macro "elisp-refs" "\
Display all the references to macro SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search.
This searches for macros, not functions. For that, see
\(fn SYMBOL &optional PATH-PREFIX)" t nil)
(autoload 'elisp-refs-special "elisp-refs" "\
Display all the references to special form SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search.
\(fn SYMBOL &optional PATH-PREFIX)" t nil)
(autoload 'elisp-refs-variable "elisp-refs" "\
Display all the references to variable SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search.
\(fn SYMBOL &optional PATH-PREFIX)" t nil)
(autoload 'elisp-refs-symbol "elisp-refs" "\
Display all the references to SYMBOL in all loaded elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the
\(fn SYMBOL &optional PATH-PREFIX)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "elisp-refs" '("elisp-refs-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; elisp-refs-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from elisp-refs.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "elisp-refs" "20220220.2305" "find callers of elisp functions or macros" '((dash "2.12.0") (s "1.11.0")) :commit "8f84280997d8b233d66fb9958a34b46078c58b03" :authors '(("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) :maintainer '("Wilfred Hughes" . "") :keywords '("lisp"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
;;; elisp-refs.el --- find callers of elisp functions or macros -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Wilfred Hughes <>
;; Author: Wilfred Hughes <>
;; Version: 1.5
;; Package-Version: 20220220.2305
;; Package-Commit: 8f84280997d8b233d66fb9958a34b46078c58b03
;; Keywords: lisp
;; Package-Requires: ((dash "2.12.0") (s "1.11.0"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; elisp-refs.el is an Emacs package for finding references to
;; functions, macros or variables. Unlike a dumb text search,
;; elisp-refs.el actually parses the code, so it's never confused by
;; comments or `foo-bar' matching `foo'.
;; See for
;; more information.
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(require 's)
(require 'format)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
;;; Internal
(defvar elisp-refs-verbose t)
(defun elisp-refs--format-int (integer)
"Format INTEGER as a string, with , separating thousands."
(let ((number (abs integer))
(parts nil))
(while (> number 999)
(push (format "%03d" (mod number 1000))
(setq number (/ number 1000)))
(push (format "%d" number) parts)
(if (< integer 0) "-" "")
(s-join "," parts))))
(defsubst elisp-refs--start-pos (end-pos)
"Find the start position of form ending at END-POS
in the current buffer."
(let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments t))
(scan-sexps end-pos -1)))
(defun elisp-refs--sexp-positions (buffer start-pos end-pos)
"Return a list of start and end positions of all the sexps
between START-POS and END-POS (inclusive) in BUFFER.
Positions exclude quote characters, so given 'foo or `foo, we
report the position of the f.
Not recursive, so we don't consider subelements of nested sexps."
(let ((positions nil))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(condition-case _err
(catch 'done
(while t
(let* ((sexp-end-pos (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments t))
(scan-sexps start-pos 1))))
;; If we've reached a sexp beyond the range requested,
;; or if there are no sexps left, we're done.
(when (or (null sexp-end-pos) (> sexp-end-pos end-pos))
(throw 'done nil))
;; Otherwise, this sexp is in the range requested.
(push (list (elisp-refs--start-pos sexp-end-pos) sexp-end-pos)
(setq start-pos sexp-end-pos))))
;; Terminate when we see "Containing expression ends prematurely"
(scan-error nil)))
(nreverse positions)))
(defun elisp-refs--read-buffer-form ()
"Read a form from the current buffer, starting at point.
Returns a list:
\(form form-start-pos form-end-pos symbol-positions read-start-pos)
SYMBOL-POSITIONS are 0-indexed, relative to READ-START-POS."
(let* ((read-with-symbol-positions t)
(read-start-pos (point))
(form (read (current-buffer)))
(symbols (if (boundp 'read-symbol-positions-list)
(read-positioning-symbols (current-buffer))))
(end-pos (point))
(start-pos (elisp-refs--start-pos end-pos)))
(list form start-pos end-pos symbols read-start-pos)))
(defvar elisp-refs--path nil
"A buffer-local variable used by `elisp-refs--contents-buffer'.
Internal implementation detail.")
(defun elisp-refs--read-all-buffer-forms (buffer)
"Read all the forms in BUFFER, along with their positions."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((forms nil))
(condition-case err
(while t
(push (elisp-refs--read-buffer-form) forms))
(if (or (equal (car err) 'end-of-file)
;; TODO: this shouldn't occur in valid elisp files,
;; but it's happening in helm-utils.el.
(equal (car err) 'scan-error))
;; Reached end of file, we're done.
(nreverse forms)
;; Some unexpected error, propagate.
(error "Unexpected error whilst reading %s position %s: %s"
(abbreviate-file-name elisp-refs--path) (point) err)))))))
(defun elisp-refs--proper-list-p (val)
"Is VAL a proper list?"
(if (fboundp 'format-proper-list-p)
;; Emacs stable.
(with-no-warnings (format-proper-list-p val))
;; Function was renamed in Emacs master:
(with-no-warnings (proper-list-p val))))
(defun elisp-refs--walk (buffer form start-pos end-pos symbol match-p &optional path)
"Walk FORM, a nested list, and return a list of sublists (with
their positions) where MATCH-P returns t. FORM is traversed
depth-first (pre-order traversal, left-to-right).
MATCH-P is called with three arguments:
PATH is the first element of all the enclosing forms of
CURRENT-FORM, innermost first, along with the index of the
current form.
For example if we are looking at h in (e f (g h)), PATH takes the
value ((g . 1) (e . 2)).
START-POS and END-POS should be the position of FORM within BUFFER."
((funcall match-p symbol form path)
;; If this form matches, just return it, along with the position.
(list (list form start-pos end-pos)))
;; Otherwise, recurse on the subforms.
((consp form)
(let ((matches nil)
;; Find the positions of the subforms.
(if (eq (car-safe form) '\`)
;; Kludge: `elisp-refs--sexp-positions' excludes the ` when
;; calculating positions. So, to find the inner
;; positions when walking from `(...) to (...), we
;; don't need to increment the start position.
(cons nil (elisp-refs--sexp-positions buffer start-pos end-pos))
;; Calculate the positions after the opening paren.
(elisp-refs--sexp-positions buffer (1+ start-pos) end-pos))))
;; For each subform, recurse if it's a list, or a matching symbol.
(--each (-zip form subforms-positions)
(-let [(subform subform-start subform-end) it]
(when (or
(and (consp subform) (elisp-refs--proper-list-p subform))
(and (symbolp subform) (eq subform symbol)))
(-when-let (subform-matches
buffer subform
subform-start subform-end
symbol match-p
(cons (cons (car-safe form) it-index) path)))
(push subform-matches matches)))))
;; Concat the results from all the subforms.
(apply #'append (nreverse matches))))))
;; TODO: condition-case (condition-case ... (error ...)) is not a call
;; TODO: (cl-destructuring-bind (foo &rest bar) ...) is not a call
;; TODO: letf, cl-letf, -let, -let*
(defun elisp-refs--function-p (symbol form path)
"Return t if FORM looks like a function call to SYMBOL."
((not (consp form))
;; Ignore (defun _ (SYMBOL ...) ...)
((or (equal (car path) '(defsubst . 2))
(equal (car path) '(defun . 2))
(equal (car path) '(defmacro . 2))
(equal (car path) '(cl-defun . 2)))
;; Ignore (lambda (SYMBOL ...) ...)
((equal (car path) '(lambda . 1))
;; Ignore (let (SYMBOL ...) ...)
;; and (let* (SYMBOL ...) ...)
(equal (car path) '(let . 1))
(equal (car path) '(let* . 1)))
;; Ignore (let ((SYMBOL ...)) ...)
(equal (cl-second path) '(let . 1))
(equal (cl-second path) '(let* . 1)))
;; Ignore (declare-function NAME (ARGS...))
((equal (car path) '(declare-function . 3))
;; (SYMBOL ...)
((eq (car form) symbol)
;; (foo ... #'SYMBOL ...)
((--any-p (equal it (list 'function symbol)) form)
;; (funcall 'SYMBOL ...)
((and (eq (car form) 'funcall)
(equal `',symbol (cl-second form)))
;; (apply 'SYMBOL ...)
((and (eq (car form) 'apply)
(equal `',symbol (cl-second form)))
(defun elisp-refs--macro-p (symbol form path)
"Return t if FORM looks like a macro call to SYMBOL."
((not (consp form))
;; Ignore (defun _ (SYMBOL ...) ...)
((or (equal (car path) '(defsubst . 2))
(equal (car path) '(defun . 2))
(equal (car path) '(defmacro . 2)))
;; Ignore (lambda (SYMBOL ...) ...)
((equal (car path) '(lambda . 1))
;; Ignore (let (SYMBOL ...) ...)
;; and (let* (SYMBOL ...) ...)
(equal (car path) '(let . 1))
(equal (car path) '(let* . 1)))
;; Ignore (let ((SYMBOL ...)) ...)
(equal (cl-second path) '(let . 1))
(equal (cl-second path) '(let* . 1)))
;; (SYMBOL ...)
((eq (car form) symbol)
;; Looking for a special form is exactly the same as looking for a
;; macro.
(defalias 'elisp-refs--special-p 'elisp-refs--macro-p)
(defun elisp-refs--variable-p (symbol form path)
"Return t if this looks like a variable reference to SYMBOL.
We consider parameters to be variables too."
((consp form)
;; Ignore (defun _ (SYMBOL ...) ...)
((or (equal (car path) '(defsubst . 1))
(equal (car path) '(defun . 1))
(equal (car path) '(defmacro . 1))
(equal (car path) '(cl-defun . 1)))
;; (let (SYMBOL ...) ...) is a variable, not a function call.
(equal (cl-second path) '(let . 1))
(equal (cl-second path) '(let* . 1)))
;; (lambda (SYMBOL ...) ...) is a variable
((equal (cl-second path) '(lambda . 1))
;; (let ((SYMBOL ...)) ...) is also a variable.
(equal (cl-third path) '(let . 1))
(equal (cl-third path) '(let* . 1)))
;; Ignore (SYMBOL ...) otherwise, we assume it's a function/macro
;; call.
((equal (car path) (cons symbol 0))
((eq form symbol)
;; TODO: benchmark building a list with `push' rather than using
;; mapcat.
(defun elisp-refs--read-and-find (buffer symbol match-p)
"Read all the forms in BUFFER, and return a list of all forms that
contain SYMBOL where MATCH-P returns t.
For every matching form found, we return the form itself along
with its start and end position."
(-let [(form start-pos end-pos symbol-positions _read-start-pos) it]
;; Optimisation: don't bother walking a form if contains no
;; references to the symbol we're looking for.
(when (assq symbol symbol-positions)
(elisp-refs--walk buffer form start-pos end-pos symbol match-p)))
(elisp-refs--read-all-buffer-forms buffer))))
(defun elisp-refs--read-and-find-symbol (buffer symbol)
"Read all the forms in BUFFER, and return a list of all
positions of SYMBOL."
(-let [(_ _ _ symbol-positions read-start-pos) it]
(-let [(sym . offset) it]
(when (eq sym symbol)
(-let* ((start-pos (+ read-start-pos offset))
(end-pos (+ start-pos (length (symbol-name sym)))))
(list sym start-pos end-pos))))
(elisp-refs--read-all-buffer-forms buffer))))
(defun elisp-refs--filter-obarray (pred)
"Return a list of all the items in `obarray' where PRED returns t."
(let (symbols)
(mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
(when (and (funcall pred symbol)
(not (equal (symbol-name symbol) "")))
(push symbol symbols))))
(defun elisp-refs--loaded-paths ()
"Return a list of all files that have been loaded in Emacs.
Where the file was a .elc, return the path to the .el file instead."
(let ((elc-paths (-non-nil (mapcar #'-first-item load-history))))
(let ((el-name (format "%s.el" (file-name-sans-extension it)))
(el-gz-name (format "%s.el.gz" (file-name-sans-extension it))))
(cond ((file-exists-p el-name) el-name)
((file-exists-p el-gz-name) el-gz-name)
;; Ignore files where we can't find a .el file.
(t nil)))
(defun elisp-refs--contents-buffer (path)
"Read PATH into a disposable buffer, and return it.
Works around the fact that Emacs won't allow multiple buffers
visiting the same file."
(let ((fresh-buffer (generate-new-buffer (format " *refs-%s*" path)))
;; Be defensive against users overriding encoding
;; configurations (Helpful bugs #75 and #147).
(coding-system-for-read nil)
'(("\\(?:\\.dz\\|\\.txz\\|\\.xz\\|\\.lzma\\|\\.lz\\|\\.g?z\\|\\.\\(?:tgz\\|svgz\\|sifz\\)\\|\\.tbz2?\\|\\.bz2\\|\\.Z\\)\\(?:~\\|\\.~[-[:alnum:]:#@^._]+\\(?:~[[:digit:]]+\\)?~\\)?\\'" .
("\\`/:" . file-name-non-special))))
(with-current-buffer fresh-buffer
(setq-local elisp-refs--path path)
(insert-file-contents path)
;; We don't enable emacs-lisp-mode because it slows down this
;; function significantly. We just need the syntax table for
;; scan-sexps to do the right thing with comments.
(set-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table))
(defvar elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer
"A temporary buffer used for highlighting.
Since `elisp-refs--syntax-highlight' is a hot function, we
don't want to create lots of temporary buffers.")
(defun elisp-refs--syntax-highlight (str)
"Apply font-lock properties to a string STR of Emacs lisp code."
;; Ensure we have a highlighting buffer to work with.
(unless (and elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer
(buffer-live-p elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer))
(setq elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer
(generate-new-buffer " *refs-highlighting*"))
(with-current-buffer elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer
(delay-mode-hooks (emacs-lisp-mode))))
(with-current-buffer elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer
(insert str)
(if (fboundp 'font-lock-ensure)
(defun elisp-refs--replace-tabs (string)
"Replace tabs in STRING with spaces."
;; This is important for unindenting, as we may unindent by less
;; than one whole tab.
(s-replace "\t" (s-repeat tab-width " ") string))
(defun elisp-refs--lines (string)
"Return a list of all the lines in STRING.
'a\nb' -> ('a\n' 'b')"
(let ((lines nil))
(while (> (length string) 0)
(let ((index (s-index-of "\n" string)))
(if index
(push (substring string 0 (1+ index)) lines)
(setq string (substring string (1+ index))))
(push string lines)
(setq string ""))))
(nreverse lines)))
(defun elisp-refs--map-lines (string fn)
"Execute FN for each line in string, and join the result together."
(let ((result nil))
(dolist (line (elisp-refs--lines string))
(push (funcall fn line) result))
(apply #'concat (nreverse result))))
(defun elisp-refs--unindent-rigidly (string)
"Given an indented STRING, unindent rigidly until
at least one line has no indent.
STRING should have a 'elisp-refs-start-pos property. The returned
string will have this property updated to reflect the unindent."
(let* ((lines (s-lines string))
;; Get the leading whitespace for each line.
(indents (--map (car (s-match (rx bos (+ whitespace)) it))
(min-indent (-min (--map (length it) indents))))
(lambda (line) (substring line min-indent)))
'elisp-refs-unindented min-indent)))
(defun elisp-refs--containing-lines (buffer start-pos end-pos)
"Return a string, all the lines in BUFFER that are between
START-POS and END-POS (inclusive).
For the characters that are between START-POS and END-POS,
propertize them."
(let (expanded-start-pos expanded-end-pos)
(with-current-buffer buffer
;; Expand START-POS and END-POS to line boundaries.
(goto-char start-pos)
(setq expanded-start-pos (point))
(goto-char end-pos)
(setq expanded-end-pos (point))
;; Extract the rest of the line before and after the section we're interested in.
(let* ((before-match (buffer-substring expanded-start-pos start-pos))
(after-match (buffer-substring end-pos expanded-end-pos))
;; Concat the extra text with the actual match, ensuring we
;; highlight the match as code, but highlight the rest as as
;; comments.
(text (concat
(propertize before-match
'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(elisp-refs--syntax-highlight (buffer-substring start-pos end-pos))
(propertize after-match
'face 'font-lock-comment-face))))
(-> text
(propertize 'elisp-refs-start-pos expanded-start-pos
'elisp-refs-path elisp-refs--path))))))
(defun elisp-refs--find-file (button)
"Open the file referenced by BUTTON."
(find-file (button-get button 'path))
(goto-char (point-min)))
(define-button-type 'elisp-refs-path-button
'action 'elisp-refs--find-file
'follow-link t
'help-echo "Open file")
(defun elisp-refs--path-button (path)
"Return a button that navigates to PATH."
(abbreviate-file-name path)
:type 'elisp-refs-path-button
'path path)
(defun elisp-refs--describe (button)
"Show *Help* for the symbol referenced by BUTTON."
(let ((symbol (button-get button 'symbol))
(kind (button-get button 'kind)))
(cond ((eq kind 'symbol)
(describe-symbol symbol))
((eq kind 'variable)
(describe-variable symbol))
;; Emacs uses `describe-function' for functions, macros and
;; special forms.
(describe-function symbol)))))
(define-button-type 'elisp-refs-describe-button
'action 'elisp-refs--describe
'follow-link t
'help-echo "Describe")
(defun elisp-refs--describe-button (symbol kind)
"Return a button that shows *Help* for SYMBOL.
KIND should be 'function, 'macro, 'variable, 'special or 'symbol."
(insert (symbol-name kind) " ")
(symbol-name symbol)
:type 'elisp-refs-describe-button
'symbol symbol
'kind kind)
(defun elisp-refs--pluralize (number thing)
"Human-friendly description of NUMBER occurrences of THING."
(format "%s %s%s"
(elisp-refs--format-int number)
(if (equal number 1) "" "s")))
(defun elisp-refs--format-count (symbol ref-count file-count
searched-file-count prefix)
(let* ((file-str (if (zerop file-count)
(format " in %s" (elisp-refs--pluralize file-count "file"))))
(found-str (format "Found %s to %s%s."
(elisp-refs--pluralize ref-count "reference")
(searched-str (if prefix
(format "Searched %s in %s."
(elisp-refs--pluralize searched-file-count "loaded file")
(elisp-refs--path-button (file-name-as-directory prefix)))
(format "Searched all %s loaded in Emacs."
(elisp-refs--pluralize searched-file-count "file")))))
(s-word-wrap 70 (format "%s %s" found-str searched-str))))
;; TODO: if we have multiple matches on one line, we repeatedly show
;; that line. That's slightly confusing.
(defun elisp-refs--show-results (symbol description results
searched-file-count prefix)
"Given a RESULTS list where each element takes the form \(forms . buffer\),
render a friendly results buffer."
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create (format "*refs: %s*" symbol))))
(switch-to-buffer buf)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
;; Insert the header.
(-sum (--map (length (car it)) results))
(length results)
;; Insert the results.
(--each results
(-let* (((forms . buf) it)
(path (with-current-buffer buf elisp-refs--path)))
(propertize "File: " 'face 'bold)
(elisp-refs--path-button path) "\n")
(--each forms
(-let [(_ start-pos end-pos) it]
(insert (elisp-refs--containing-lines buf start-pos end-pos)
(insert "\n")))
;; Prepare the buffer for the user.
;; Cleanup buffers created when highlighting results.
(when elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer
(kill-buffer elisp-refs--highlighting-buffer))))
(defun elisp-refs--loaded-bufs ()
"Return a list of open buffers, one for each path in `load-path'."
(mapcar #'elisp-refs--contents-buffer (elisp-refs--loaded-paths)))
(defun elisp-refs--search-1 (bufs match-fn)
"Call MATCH-FN on each buffer in BUFS, reporting progress
and accumulating results.
BUFS should be disposable: we make no effort to preserve their
state during searching.
MATCH-FN should return a list where each element takes the form:
\(form start-pos end-pos)."
(let* (;; Our benchmark suggests we spend a lot of time in GC, and
;; performance improves if we GC less frequently.
(gc-cons-percentage 0.8)
(total-bufs (length bufs)))
(let ((searched 0)
(forms-and-bufs nil))
(dolist (buf bufs)
(let* ((matching-forms (funcall match-fn buf)))
;; If there were any matches in this buffer, push the
;; matches along with the buffer into our results
;; list.
(when matching-forms
(push (cons matching-forms buf) forms-and-bufs))
;; Give feedback to the user on our progress, because
;; searching takes several seconds.
(when (and (zerop (mod searched 10))
(message "Searched %s/%s files" searched total-bufs))
(cl-incf searched)))
(when elisp-refs-verbose
(message "Searched %s/%s files" total-bufs total-bufs))
(defun elisp-refs--search (symbol description match-fn &optional path-prefix)
"Find references to SYMBOL in all loaded files; call MATCH-FN on each buffer.
When PATH-PREFIX, limit to loaded files whose path starts with that prefix.
Display the results in a hyperlinked buffer.
MATCH-FN should return a list where each element takes the form:
\(form start-pos end-pos)."
(let* ((loaded-paths (elisp-refs--loaded-paths))
(matching-paths (if path-prefix
(--filter (s-starts-with? path-prefix it) loaded-paths)
(loaded-src-bufs (mapcar #'elisp-refs--contents-buffer matching-paths)))
;; Use unwind-protect to ensure we always cleanup temporary
;; buffers, even if the user hits C-g.
(let ((forms-and-bufs
(elisp-refs--search-1 loaded-src-bufs match-fn)))
(elisp-refs--show-results symbol description forms-and-bufs
(length loaded-src-bufs) path-prefix)))
;; Clean up temporary buffers.
(--each loaded-src-bufs (kill-buffer it)))))
(defun elisp-refs--completing-read-symbol (prompt &optional filter)
"Read an interned symbol from the minibuffer,
defaulting to the symbol at point. PROMPT is the string to prompt
If FILTER is given, only offer symbols where (FILTER sym) returns
(let ((filter (or filter (lambda (_) t))))
(completing-read prompt
(elisp-refs--filter-obarray filter)
nil nil nil nil
(-if-let (sym (thing-at-point 'symbol))
(when (funcall filter (read sym))
;;; Commands
(defun elisp-refs-function (symbol &optional path-prefix)
"Display all the references to function SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search.
This searches for functions, not macros. For that, see
(list (elisp-refs--completing-read-symbol "Function: " #'functionp)
(when current-prefix-arg
(read-directory-name "Limit search to loaded files in: "))))
(when (not (functionp symbol))
(if (macrop symbol)
(user-error "%s is a macro. Did you mean elisp-refs-macro?"
(user-error "%s is not a function. Did you mean elisp-refs-symbol?"
(elisp-refs--search symbol
(elisp-refs--describe-button symbol 'function)
(lambda (buf)
(elisp-refs--read-and-find buf symbol #'elisp-refs--function-p))
(defun elisp-refs-macro (symbol &optional path-prefix)
"Display all the references to macro SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search.
This searches for macros, not functions. For that, see
(list (elisp-refs--completing-read-symbol "Macro: " #'macrop)
(when current-prefix-arg
(read-directory-name "Limit search to loaded files in: "))))
(when (not (macrop symbol))
(if (functionp symbol)
(user-error "%s is a function. Did you mean elisp-refs-function?"
(user-error "%s is not a function. Did you mean elisp-refs-symbol?"
(elisp-refs--search symbol
(elisp-refs--describe-button symbol 'macro)
(lambda (buf)
(elisp-refs--read-and-find buf symbol #'elisp-refs--macro-p))
(defun elisp-refs-special (symbol &optional path-prefix)
"Display all the references to special form SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search."
(list (elisp-refs--completing-read-symbol "Special form: " #'special-form-p)
(when current-prefix-arg
(read-directory-name "Limit search to loaded files in: "))))
(elisp-refs--search symbol
(elisp-refs--describe-button symbol 'special-form)
(lambda (buf)
(elisp-refs--read-and-find buf symbol #'elisp-refs--special-p))
(defun elisp-refs-variable (symbol &optional path-prefix)
"Display all the references to variable SYMBOL, in all loaded
elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the search."
;; This is awkward. We don't want to just offer defvar variables,
;; because then we can't search for code which uses `let' to bind
;; symbols. There doesn't seem to be a good way to only offer
;; variables that have been bound at some point.
(list (elisp-refs--completing-read-symbol "Variable: " )
(when current-prefix-arg
(read-directory-name "Limit search to loaded files in: "))))
(elisp-refs--search symbol
(elisp-refs--describe-button symbol 'variable)
(lambda (buf)
(elisp-refs--read-and-find buf symbol #'elisp-refs--variable-p))
(defun elisp-refs-symbol (symbol &optional path-prefix)
"Display all the references to SYMBOL in all loaded elisp files.
If called with a prefix, prompt for a directory to limit the
(list (elisp-refs--completing-read-symbol "Symbol: " )
(when current-prefix-arg
(read-directory-name "Limit search to loaded files in: "))))
(elisp-refs--search symbol
(elisp-refs--describe-button symbol 'symbol)
(lambda (buf)
(elisp-refs--read-and-find-symbol buf symbol))
;;; Mode
(defvar elisp-refs-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
;; TODO: it would be nice for TAB to navigate to file buttons too,
;; like *Help* does.
(set-keymap-parent map special-mode-map)
(define-key map (kbd "<tab>") #'elisp-refs-next-match)
(define-key map (kbd "<backtab>") #'elisp-refs-prev-match)
(define-key map (kbd "n") #'elisp-refs-next-match)
(define-key map (kbd "p") #'elisp-refs-prev-match)
(define-key map (kbd "q") #'kill-this-buffer)
(define-key map (kbd "RET") #'elisp-refs-visit-match)
"Keymap for `elisp-refs-mode'.")
(define-derived-mode elisp-refs-mode special-mode "Refs"
"Major mode for refs results buffers.")
(defun elisp-refs-visit-match ()
"Go to the search result at point."
(let* ((path (get-text-property (point) 'elisp-refs-path))
(pos (get-text-property (point) 'elisp-refs-start-pos))
(unindent (get-text-property (point) 'elisp-refs-unindented))
(column-offset (current-column))
(line-offset -1))
(when (null path)
(user-error "No match here"))
;; If point is not on the first line of the match, work out how
;; far away the first line is.
(while (equal pos (get-text-property (point) 'elisp-refs-start-pos))
(forward-line -1)
(cl-incf line-offset)))
(find-file path)
(goto-char pos)
;; Move point so we're on the same char in the buffer that we were
;; on in the results buffer.
(forward-line line-offset)
(let ((target-offset (+ column-offset unindent))
(i 0))
(while (< i target-offset)
(if (looking-at "\t")
(cl-incf i tab-width)
(cl-incf i))
(forward-char 1)))))
(defun elisp-refs--move-to-match (direction)
"Move point one match forwards.
If DIRECTION is -1, moves backwards instead."
(let* ((start-pos (point))
(match-pos (get-text-property start-pos 'elisp-refs-start-pos))
(condition-case _err
;; Move forward/backwards until we're on the next/previous match.
(catch 'done
(while t
(setq current-match-pos
(get-text-property (point) 'elisp-refs-start-pos))
(when (and current-match-pos
(not (equal match-pos current-match-pos)))
(throw 'done nil))
(forward-char direction)))
;; Move to the beginning of that match.
(while (equal (get-text-property (point) 'elisp-refs-start-pos)
(get-text-property (1- (point)) 'elisp-refs-start-pos))
(forward-char -1))
;; Move forward until we're on the first char of match within that
;; line.
(while (or
(looking-at " ")
(eq (get-text-property (point) 'face)
(forward-char 1)))
;; If we're at the last result, don't move point.
(goto-char start-pos)
(signal 'end-of-buffer nil))))))
(defun elisp-refs-prev-match ()
"Move to the previous search result in the Refs buffer."
(elisp-refs--move-to-match -1))
(defun elisp-refs-next-match ()
"Move to the next search result in the Refs buffer."
(elisp-refs--move-to-match 1))
(provide 'elisp-refs)
;;; elisp-refs.el ends here

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
;;; f-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "f" "f.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from f.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "f" '("f-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; f-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from f.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "f" "20220405.1534" "Modern API for working with files and directories" '((s "1.7.0") (dash "2.2.0")) :commit "b5cb884b3b4372a6f3d1d4428cf092ca1e5c8044" :authors '(("Johan Andersson" . "")) :maintainer '("Johan Andersson" . "") :keywords '("files" "directories") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
;;; f.el --- Modern API for working with files and directories -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Johan Andersson
;; Author: Johan Andersson <>
;; Maintainer: Johan Andersson <>
;; Version: 0.20.0
;; Package-Version: 20220405.1534
;; Package-Commit: b5cb884b3b4372a6f3d1d4428cf092ca1e5c8044
;; Keywords: files, directories
;; URL:
;; Package-Requires: ((s "1.7.0") (dash "2.2.0"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Code:
(require 's)
(require 'dash)
(put 'f-guard-error 'error-conditions '(error f-guard-error))
(put 'f-guard-error 'error-message "Destructive operation outside sandbox")
(defvar f--guard-paths nil
"List of allowed paths to modify when guarded.
Do not modify this variable.")
(defmacro f--destructive (path &rest body)
"If PATH is allowed to be modified, yield BODY.
If PATH is not allowed to be modified, throw error."
(declare (indent 1))
`(if f--guard-paths
(if (--any? (or (f-same? it ,path)
(f-ancestor-of? it ,path)) f--guard-paths)
(progn ,@body)
(signal 'f-guard-error (list ,path f--guard-paths)))
;;;; Paths
(defun f-join (&rest args)
"Join ARGS to a single path."
(let (path (relative (f-relative? (car args))))
(lambda (arg)
(setq path (f-expand arg path)))
(if relative (f-relative path) path)))
(defun f-split (path)
"Split PATH and return list containing parts."
(let ((parts (s-split (f-path-separator) path 'omit-nulls)))
(if (f-absolute? path)
(push (f-path-separator) parts)
(defun f-expand (path &optional dir)
"Expand PATH relative to DIR (or `default-directory').
PATH and DIR can be either a directory names or directory file
names. Return a directory name if PATH is a directory name, and
a directory file name otherwise. File name handlers are
(let (file-name-handler-alist)
(expand-file-name path dir)))
(defun f-filename (path)
"Return the name of PATH."
(file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name path)))
(defalias 'f-parent 'f-dirname)
(defun f-dirname (path)
"Return the parent directory to PATH."
(let ((parent (file-name-directory
(directory-file-name (f-expand path default-directory)))))
(unless (f-same? path parent)
(if (f-relative? path)
(f-relative parent)
(directory-file-name parent)))))
(defun f-common-parent (paths)
"Return the deepest common parent directory of PATHS."
((not paths) nil)
((not (cdr paths)) (f-parent (car paths)))
(let* ((paths (-map 'f-split paths))
(common (caar paths))
(re nil))
(while (and (not (null (car paths))) (--all? (equal (car it) common) paths))
(setq paths (-map 'cdr paths))
(push common re)
(setq common (caar paths)))
((null re) "")
((and (= (length re) 1) (f-root? (car re)))
(concat (apply 'f-join (nreverse re)) "/")))))))
(defalias 'f-ext 'file-name-extension)
(defalias 'f-no-ext 'file-name-sans-extension)
(defun f-swap-ext (path ext)
"Return PATH but with EXT as the new extension.
EXT must not be nil or empty."
(if (s-blank? ext)
(error "Extension cannot be empty or nil")
(concat (f-no-ext path) "." ext)))
(defun f-base (path)
"Return the name of PATH, excluding the extension of file."
(f-no-ext (f-filename path)))
(defalias 'f-relative 'file-relative-name)
(defalias 'f-short 'abbreviate-file-name)
(defalias 'f-abbrev 'abbreviate-file-name)
(defun f-long (path)
"Return long version of PATH."
(f-expand path))
(defalias 'f-canonical 'file-truename)
(defun f-slash (path)
"Append slash to PATH unless one already.
Some functions, such as `call-process' requires there to be an
ending slash."
(if (f-dir? path)
(file-name-as-directory path)
(defun f-full (path)
"Return absolute path to PATH, with ending slash."
(f-slash (f-long path)))
(defun f--uniquify (paths)
"Helper for `f-uniquify' and `f-uniquify-alist'."
(let* ((files-length (length paths))
(uniq-filenames (--map (cons it (f-filename it)) paths))
(uniq-filenames-next (-group-by 'cdr uniq-filenames)))
(while (/= files-length (length uniq-filenames-next))
(setq uniq-filenames-next
(-group-by 'cdr
(let ((conf-files (cdr it)))
(if (> (length conf-files) 1)
(--map (cons
(car it)
(f-filename (s-chop-suffix (cdr it)
(car it)))
(f-path-separator) (cdr it)))
(defun f-uniquify (files)
"Return unique suffixes of FILES.
This function expects no duplicate paths."
(-map 'car (f--uniquify files)))
(defun f-uniquify-alist (files)
"Return alist mapping FILES to unique suffixes of FILES.
This function expects no duplicate paths."
(-map 'cadr (f--uniquify files)))
;;;; I/O
(defun f-read-bytes (path &optional beg end)
"Read binary data from PATH.
Return the binary data as unibyte string. The optional second and
third arguments BEG and END specify what portion of the file to
(set-buffer-multibyte nil)
(setq buffer-file-coding-system 'binary)
(insert-file-contents-literally path nil beg end)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
(defalias 'f-read 'f-read-text)
(defun f-read-text (path &optional coding)
"Read text with PATH, using CODING.
CODING defaults to `utf-8'.
Return the decoded text as multibyte string."
(decode-coding-string (f-read-bytes path) (or coding 'utf-8)))
(defalias 'f-write 'f-write-text)
(defun f-write-text (text coding path)
"Write TEXT with CODING to PATH.
TEXT is a multibyte string. CODING is a coding system to encode
TEXT with. PATH is a file name to write to."
(f-write-bytes (encode-coding-string text coding) path))
(defun f-unibyte-string-p (s)
"Determine whether S is a unibyte string."
(not (multibyte-string-p s)))
(defun f-write-bytes (data path)
"Write binary DATA to PATH.
DATA is a unibyte string. PATH is a file name to write to."
(f--write-bytes data path nil))
(defalias 'f-append 'f-append-text)
(defun f-append-text (text coding path)
"Append TEXT with CODING to PATH.
If PATH does not exist, it is created."
(f-append-bytes (encode-coding-string text coding) path))
(defun f-append-bytes (data path)
"Append binary DATA to PATH.
If PATH does not exist, it is created."
(f--write-bytes data path :append))
(defun f--write-bytes (data filename append)
"Write binary DATA to FILENAME.
If APPEND is non-nil, append the DATA to the existing contents."
(f--destructive filename
(unless (f-unibyte-string-p data)
(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'f-unibyte-string-p data)))
(let ((coding-system-for-write 'binary)
(write-region-annotate-functions nil)
(write-region-post-annotation-function nil))
(write-region data nil filename append :silent)
;;;; Destructive
(defun f-mkdir (&rest dirs)
"Create directories DIRS."
(let (path)
(lambda (dir)
(setq path (f-expand dir path))
(unless (f-directory? path)
(f--destructive path (make-directory path)))))))
(defun f-delete (path &optional force)
"Delete PATH, which can be file or directory.
If FORCE is t, a directory will be deleted recursively."
(f--destructive path
(if (or (f-file? path) (f-symlink? path))
(delete-file path)
(delete-directory path force))))
(defun f-symlink (source path)
"Create a symlink to SOURCE from PATH."
(f--destructive path (make-symbolic-link source path)))
(defun f-move (from to)
"Move or rename FROM to TO.
If TO is a directory name, move FROM into TO."
(f--destructive to (rename-file from to t)))
(defun f-copy (from to)
"Copy file or directory FROM to TO.
If FROM names a directory and TO is a directory name, copy FROM
into TO as a subdirectory."
(f--destructive to
(if (f-file? from)
(copy-file from to)
;; The behavior of `copy-directory' differs between Emacs 23 and
;; 24 in that in Emacs 23, the contents of `from' is copied to
;; `to', while in Emacs 24 the directory `from' is copied to
;; `to'. We want the Emacs 24 behavior.
(if (> emacs-major-version 23)
(copy-directory from to)
(if (f-dir? to)
(apply 'f-mkdir (f-split to))
(let ((new-to (f-expand (f-filename from) to)))
(copy-directory from new-to)))
(copy-directory from to))))))
(defun f-copy-contents (from to)
"Copy contents in directory FROM, to directory TO."
(unless (f-exists? to)
(error "Cannot copy contents to non existing directory %s" to))
(unless (f-dir? from)
(error "Cannot copy contents as %s is a file" from))
(--each (f-entries from)
(f-copy it (file-name-as-directory to))))
(defun f-touch (path)
"Update PATH last modification date or create if it does not exist."
(f--destructive path
(if (f-file? path)
(set-file-times path)
(f-write-bytes "" path))))
;;;; Predicates
(defalias 'f-exists? 'file-exists-p)
(defalias 'f-exists-p 'file-exists-p)
(defalias 'f-directory? 'file-directory-p)
(defalias 'f-directory-p 'file-directory-p)
(defalias 'f-dir? 'file-directory-p)
(defalias 'f-dir-p 'file-directory-p)
(defalias 'f-file? 'file-regular-p)
(defalias 'f-file-p 'file-regular-p)
(defun f-symlink? (path)
"Return t if PATH is symlink, false otherwise."
(not (not (file-symlink-p path))))
(defalias 'f-symlink-p 'f-symlink?)
(defalias 'f-readable? 'file-readable-p)
(defalias 'f-readable-p 'file-readable-p)
(defalias 'f-writable? 'file-writable-p)
(defalias 'f-writable-p 'file-writable-p)
(defalias 'f-executable? 'file-executable-p)
(defalias 'f-executable-p 'f-executable?)
(defalias 'f-absolute? 'file-name-absolute-p)
(defalias 'f-absolute-p 'file-name-absolute-p)
(defun f-relative? (path)
"Return t if PATH is relative, false otherwise."
(not (f-absolute? path)))
(defalias 'f-relative-p 'f-relative?)
(defun f-root? (path)
"Return t if PATH is root directory, false otherwise."
(not (f-parent path)))
(defalias 'f-root-p 'f-root?)
(defun f-ext? (path &optional ext)
"Return t if extension of PATH is EXT, false otherwise.
If EXT is nil or omitted, return t if PATH has any extension,
false otherwise.
The extension, in a file name, is the part that follows the last
'.', excluding version numbers and backup suffixes."
(if ext
(string= (f-ext path) ext)
(not (eq (f-ext path) nil))))
(defalias 'f-ext-p 'f-ext?)
(defalias 'f-equal? 'f-same?)
(defalias 'f-equal-p 'f-equal?)
(defun f-same? (path-a path-b)
"Return t if PATH-A and PATH-B are references to same file."
(when (and (f-exists? path-a)
(f-exists? path-b))
(f-canonical (directory-file-name (f-expand path-a)))
(f-canonical (directory-file-name (f-expand path-b))))))
(defalias 'f-same-p 'f-same?)
(defun f-parent-of? (path-a path-b)
"Return t if PATH-A is parent of PATH-B."
(--when-let (f-parent path-b)
(f-same? path-a it)))
(defalias 'f-parent-of-p 'f-parent-of?)
(defun f-child-of? (path-a path-b)
"Return t if PATH-A is child of PATH-B."
(--when-let (f-parent path-a)
(f-same? it path-b)))
(defalias 'f-child-of-p 'f-child-of?)
(defun f-ancestor-of? (path-a path-b)
"Return t if PATH-A is ancestor of PATH-B."
(unless (f-same? path-a path-b)
(s-starts-with? (f-full path-a)
(f-full path-b))))
(defalias 'f-ancestor-of-p 'f-ancestor-of?)
(defun f-descendant-of? (path-a path-b)
"Return t if PATH-A is desendant of PATH-B."
(unless (f-same? path-a path-b)
(s-starts-with? (f-full path-b)
(f-full path-a))))
(defalias 'f-descendant-of-p 'f-descendant-of?)
(defun f-hidden? (path)
"Return t if PATH is hidden, nil otherwise."
(unless (f-exists? path)
(error "Path does not exist: %s" path))
(string= (substring path 0 1) "."))
(defalias 'f-hidden-p 'f-hidden?)
(defun f-empty? (path)
"If PATH is a file, return t if the file in PATH is empty, nil otherwise.
If PATH is directory, return t if directory has no files, nil otherwise."
(if (f-directory? path)
(equal (f-files path nil t) nil)
(= (f-size path) 0)))
(defalias 'f-empty-p 'f-empty?)
;;;; Stats
(defun f-size (path)
"Return size of PATH.
If PATH is a file, return size of that file. If PATH is
directory, return sum of all files in PATH."
(if (f-directory? path)
(-sum (-map 'f-size (f-files path nil t)))
(nth 7 (file-attributes path))))
(defun f-depth (path)
"Return the depth of PATH.
At first, PATH is expanded with `f-expand'. Then the full path is used to
detect the depth.
'/' will be zero depth, '/usr' will be one depth. And so on."
(- (length (f-split (f-expand path))) 1))
;;;; Misc
(defun f-this-file ()
"Return path to this file."
(load-in-progress load-file-name)
((and (boundp 'byte-compile-current-file) byte-compile-current-file)
(:else (buffer-file-name))))
(defvar f--path-separator nil
"A variable to cache result of `f-path-separator'.")
(defun f-path-separator ()
"Return path separator."
(or f--path-separator
(setq f--path-separator (substring (f-join "x" "y") 1 2))))
(defun f-glob (pattern &optional path)
(f-join (or path default-directory) pattern)))
(defun f--collect-entries (path recursive)
(let (result
(lambda (file)
(equal (f-filename file) ".")
(equal (f-filename file) "..")))
(directory-files path t))))
(cond (recursive
(lambda (entry)
(if (f-file? entry)
(setq result (cons entry result))
(when (f-directory? entry)
(setq result (cons entry result))
(setq result (append result (f--collect-entries entry recursive))))))
(t (setq result entries)))
(defmacro f--entries (path body &optional recursive)
"Anaphoric version of `f-entries'."
(lambda (path)
(let ((it path))
(defun f-entries (path &optional fn recursive)
"Find all files and directories in PATH.
FN - called for each found file and directory. If FN returns a thruthy
value, file or directory will be included.
RECURSIVE - Search for files and directories recursive."
(let ((entries (f--collect-entries path recursive)))
(if fn (-select fn entries) entries)))
(defmacro f--directories (path body &optional recursive)
"Anaphoric version of `f-directories'."
(lambda (path)
(let ((it path))
(defun f-directories (path &optional fn recursive)
"Find all directories in PATH. See `f-entries'."
(let ((directories (-select 'f-directory? (f--collect-entries path recursive))))
(if fn (-select fn directories) directories)))
(defmacro f--files (path body &optional recursive)
"Anaphoric version of `f-files'."
(lambda (path)
(let ((it path))
(defun f-files (path &optional fn recursive)
"Find all files in PATH. See `f-entries'."
(let ((files (-select 'f-file? (f--collect-entries path recursive))))
(if fn (-select fn files) files)))
(defmacro f--traverse-upwards (body &optional path)
"Anaphoric version of `f-traverse-upwards'."
(lambda (dir)
(let ((it dir))
(defun f-traverse-upwards (fn &optional path)
"Traverse up as long as FN return nil, starting at PATH.
If FN returns a non-nil value, the path sent as argument to FN is
returned. If no function callback return a non-nil value, nil is
(unless path
(setq path default-directory))
(when (f-relative? path)
(setq path (f-expand path)))
(if (funcall fn path)
(unless (f-root? path)
(f-traverse-upwards fn (f-parent path)))))
(defun f-root ()
"Return absolute root."
(f-traverse-upwards 'f-root?))
(defmacro f-with-sandbox (path-or-paths &rest body)
"Only allow PATH-OR-PATHS and descendants to be modified in BODY."
(declare (indent 1))
`(let ((paths (if (listp ,path-or-paths)
(list ,path-or-paths))))
(let ((f--guard-paths paths))
(setq f--guard-paths nil))))
(provide 'f)
;;; f.el ends here

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Ё0iclЌюd+-<2D>B В

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

code/elpa/gnupg/pubring.kb_ Normal file

Binary file not shown.

code/elpa/gnupg/pubring.kbx Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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code/elpa/gnupg/trustdb.gpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
;;; go-mode-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "go-mode" "go-mode.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from go-mode.el
(autoload 'go-mode "go-mode" "\
Major mode for editing Go source text.
This mode provides (not just) basic editing capabilities for
working with Go code. It offers almost complete syntax
highlighting, indentation that is almost identical to gofmt and
proper parsing of the buffer content to allow features such as
navigation by function, manipulation of comments or detection of
In addition to these core features, it offers various features to
help with writing Go code. You can directly run buffer content
through gofmt, read godoc documentation from within Emacs, modify
and clean up the list of package imports or interact with the
Playground (uploading and downloading pastes).
The following extra functions are defined:
- `gofmt'
- `godoc' and `godoc-at-point'
- `go-import-add'
- `go-remove-unused-imports'
- `go-goto-arguments'
- `go-goto-docstring'
- `go-goto-function'
- `go-goto-function-name'
- `go-goto-imports'
- `go-goto-return-values'
- `go-goto-method-receiver'
- `go-play-buffer' and `go-play-region'
- `go-download-play'
- `godef-describe' and `godef-jump'
- `go-coverage'
- `go-set-project'
- `go-reset-gopath'
If you want to automatically run `gofmt' before saving a file,
add the following hook to your emacs configuration:
\(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'gofmt-before-save)
If you want to use `godef-jump' instead of etags (or similar),
consider binding godef-jump to `M-.', which is the default key
for `find-tag':
\(add-hook 'go-mode-hook (lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd \"M-.\") #'godef-jump)))
Please note that godef is an external dependency. You can install
it with
go get
If you're looking for even more integration with Go, namely
on-the-fly syntax checking, auto-completion and snippets, it is
recommended that you look at flycheck
\(see URL `') or flymake in combination
with goflymake (see URL `'), gocode
\(see URL `'), go-eldoc
\(see URL `') and yasnippet-go
\(see URL `')
\(fn)" t nil)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.go\\'" 'go-mode))
(autoload 'gofmt-before-save "go-mode" "\
Add this to .emacs to run gofmt on the current buffer when saving:
\(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save).
Note that this will cause go-mode to get loaded the first time
you save any file, kind of defeating the point of autoloading." t nil)
(autoload 'godoc "go-mode" "\
Show Go documentation for QUERY, much like \\<go-mode-map>\\[man].
\(fn QUERY)" t nil)
(autoload 'go-download-play "go-mode" "\
Download a paste from the playground and insert it in a Go buffer.
Tries to look for a URL at point.
\(fn URL)" t nil)
(autoload 'go-dot-mod-mode "go-mode" "\
A major mode for editing go.mod files.
\(fn)" t nil)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("go\\.mod\\'" . go-dot-mod-mode))
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "go-mode" '("go-" "god" "gofmt")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; go-mode-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from go-mode.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "go-mode" "20220114.2239" "Major mode for the Go programming language" '((emacs "26.1")) :commit "fa2693278637f56759480d2bf203bb8aad107230" :authors '(("The go-mode Authors")) :maintainer '("The go-mode Authors") :keywords '("languages" "go") :url "")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
;;; helpful-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "helpful" "helpful.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from helpful.el
(autoload 'helpful-function "helpful" "\
Show help for function named SYMBOL.
See also `helpful-macro', `helpful-command' and `helpful-callable'.
\(fn SYMBOL)" t nil)
(autoload 'helpful-command "helpful" "\
Show help for interactive function named SYMBOL.
See also `helpful-function'.
\(fn SYMBOL)" t nil)
(autoload 'helpful-key "helpful" "\
Show help for interactive command bound to KEY-SEQUENCE.
\(fn KEY-SEQUENCE)" t nil)
(autoload 'helpful-macro "helpful" "\
Show help for macro named SYMBOL.
\(fn SYMBOL)" t nil)
(autoload 'helpful-callable "helpful" "\
Show help for function, macro or special form named SYMBOL.
See also `helpful-macro', `helpful-function' and `helpful-command'.
\(fn SYMBOL)" t nil)
(autoload 'helpful-symbol "helpful" "\
Show help for SYMBOL, a variable, function or macro.
See also `helpful-callable' and `helpful-variable'.
\(fn SYMBOL)" t nil)
(autoload 'helpful-variable "helpful" "\
Show help for variable named SYMBOL.
\(fn SYMBOL)" t nil)
(autoload 'helpful-at-point "helpful" "\
Show help for the symbol at point." t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "helpful" '("helpful-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; helpful-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from helpful.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "helpful" "20220412.421" "A better *help* buffer" '((emacs "25") (dash "2.18.0") (s "1.11.0") (f "0.20.0") (elisp-refs "1.2")) :commit "c2729a236a84a1fbd3d184c163fbd10e0fd62077" :authors '(("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) :maintainer '("Wilfred Hughes" . "") :keywords '("help" "lisp") :url "")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
;;; json-mode-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "json-mode" "json-mode.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from json-mode.el
(defconst json-mode-standard-file-ext '(".json" ".jsonld") "\
List of JSON file extensions.")
(defsubst json-mode--update-auto-mode (filenames) "\
Update the `json-mode' entry of `auto-mode-alist'.
FILENAMES should be a list of file as string.
Return the new `auto-mode-alist' entry" (let* ((new-regexp (rx-to-string `(seq (eval (cons 'or (append json-mode-standard-file-ext ',filenames))) eot))) (new-entry (cons new-regexp 'json-mode)) (old-entry (when (boundp 'json-mode--auto-mode-entry) json-mode--auto-mode-entry))) (setq auto-mode-alist (delete old-entry auto-mode-alist)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist new-entry) new-entry))
(defvar json-mode-auto-mode-list '(".babelrc" ".bowerrc" "composer.lock") "\
List of filenames for the JSON entry of `auto-mode-alist'.
Note however that custom `json-mode' entries in `auto-mode-alist'
wont be affected.")
(custom-autoload 'json-mode-auto-mode-list "json-mode" nil)
(defvar json-mode--auto-mode-entry (json-mode--update-auto-mode json-mode-auto-mode-list) "\
Regexp generated from the `json-mode-auto-mode-list'.")
(autoload 'json-mode "json-mode" "\
Major mode for editing JSON files
\(fn)" t nil)
(autoload 'jsonc-mode "json-mode" "\
Major mode for editing JSON files with comments
\(fn)" t nil)
(add-to-list 'magic-fallback-mode-alist '("^[{[]$" . json-mode))
(autoload 'json-mode-show-path "json-mode" "\
Print the path to the node at point to the minibuffer." t nil)
(autoload 'json-mode-kill-path "json-mode" "\
Save JSON path to object at point to kill ring." t nil)
(autoload 'json-mode-beautify "json-mode" "\
Beautify / pretty-print the active region (or the entire buffer if no active region).
\(fn BEGIN END)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "json-mode" '("json")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; json-mode-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from json-mode.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "json-mode" "20211011.630" "Major mode for editing JSON files." '((json-snatcher "1.0.0") (emacs "24.4")) :commit "eedb4560034f795a7950fa07016bd4347c368873" :authors '(("Josh Johnston")) :maintainer '("Josh Johnston") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
;;; json-mode.el --- Major mode for editing JSON files.
;; Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Josh Johnston
;; Author: Josh Johnston
;; URL:
;; Package-Version: 20211011.630
;; Package-Commit: eedb4560034f795a7950fa07016bd4347c368873
;; Version: 1.6.0
;; Package-Requires: ((json-snatcher "1.0.0") (emacs "24.4"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; extend the builtin js-mode's syntax highlighting
;;; Code:
(require 'js)
(require 'rx)
(require 'json-snatcher)
(defgroup json-mode '()
"Major mode for editing JSON files."
:group 'js)
(defconst json-mode-standard-file-ext '(".json" ".jsonld")
"List of JSON file extensions.")
;; This is to be sure the customization is loaded. Otherwise,
;; autoload discards any defun or defcustom.
(defsubst json-mode--update-auto-mode (filenames)
"Update the `json-mode' entry of `auto-mode-alist'.
FILENAMES should be a list of file as string.
Return the new `auto-mode-alist' entry"
(let* ((new-regexp
`(seq (eval
(cons 'or
(append json-mode-standard-file-ext
',filenames))) eot)))
(new-entry (cons new-regexp 'json-mode))
(old-entry (when (boundp 'json-mode--auto-mode-entry)
(setq auto-mode-alist (delete old-entry auto-mode-alist))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist new-entry)
;;; make byte-compiler happy
(defvar json-mode--auto-mode-entry)
(defcustom json-mode-auto-mode-list '(
"List of filenames for the JSON entry of `auto-mode-alist'.
Note however that custom `json-mode' entries in `auto-mode-alist'
wont be affected."
:group 'json-mode
:type '(repeat string)
:set (lambda (symbol value)
"Update SYMBOL with a new regexp made from VALUE.
This function calls `json-mode--update-auto-mode' to change the
`json-mode--auto-mode-entry' entry in `auto-mode-alist'."
(set-default symbol value)
(setq json-mode--auto-mode-entry (json-mode--update-auto-mode value))))
;; Autoload needed to initalize the the `auto-list-mode' entry.
(defvar json-mode--auto-mode-entry (json-mode--update-auto-mode json-mode-auto-mode-list)
"Regexp generated from the `json-mode-auto-mode-list'.")
(defconst json-mode-quoted-string-re
(rx (group (char ?\")
(zero-or-more (or (seq ?\\ ?\\)
(seq ?\\ ?\")
(seq ?\\ (not (any ?\" ?\\)))
(not (any ?\" ?\\))))
(char ?\"))))
(defconst json-mode-quoted-key-re
(rx (group (char ?\")
(zero-or-more (or (seq ?\\ ?\\)
(seq ?\\ ?\")
(seq ?\\ (not (any ?\" ?\\)))
(not (any ?\" ?\\))))
(char ?\"))
(zero-or-more blank)
(defconst json-mode-number-re (rx (group (one-or-more digit)
(optional ?\. (one-or-more digit)))))
(defconst json-mode-keyword-re (rx (group (or "true" "false" "null"))))
(defconst json-font-lock-keywords-1
(list json-mode-keyword-re 1 font-lock-constant-face)
(list json-mode-number-re 1 font-lock-constant-face))
"Level one font lock.")
(defvar json-mode-syntax-table
(let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
;; Objects
(modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){" st)
;; Arrays
(modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[" st)
;; Strings
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st)
(defvar jsonc-mode-syntax-table
(let ((st (copy-syntax-table json-mode-syntax-table)))
;; Comments
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 124" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\^m ">" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23bn" st)
(defun json-mode--syntactic-face (state)
"Return syntactic face function for the position represented by STATE.
STATE is a `parse-partial-sexp' state, and the returned function is the
json font lock syntactic face function."
((nth 3 state)
;; This might be a string or a name
(let ((startpos (nth 8 state)))
(goto-char startpos)
(if (looking-at-p json-mode-quoted-key-re)
((nth 4 state) font-lock-comment-face)))
(define-derived-mode json-mode javascript-mode "JSON"
"Major mode for editing JSON files"
:syntax-table json-mode-syntax-table
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
nil nil nil nil
(font-lock-syntactic-face-function . json-mode--syntactic-face))))
(define-derived-mode jsonc-mode json-mode "JSONC"
"Major mode for editing JSON files with comments"
:syntax-table jsonc-mode-syntax-table)
;; Well formatted JSON files almost always begin with “{” or “[”.
(add-to-list 'magic-fallback-mode-alist '("^[{[]$" . json-mode))
(defun json-mode-show-path ()
"Print the path to the node at point to the minibuffer."
(message (jsons-print-path)))
(define-key json-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-p") 'json-mode-show-path)
(defun json-mode-kill-path ()
"Save JSON path to object at point to kill ring."
(kill-new (jsons-print-path)))
(define-key json-mode-map (kbd "C-c P") 'json-mode-kill-path)
(defun json-mode-beautify (begin end)
"Beautify / pretty-print the active region (or the entire buffer if no active region)."
(interactive "r")
(unless (use-region-p)
(setq begin (point-min)
end (point-max)))
(json-pretty-print begin end))
(define-key json-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-f") 'json-mode-beautify)
(defun json-toggle-boolean ()
"If point is on `true' or `false', toggle it."
(unless (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) ; inside a keyword, string or comment
(let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
(string (and bounds (buffer-substring-no-properties (car bounds) (cdr bounds))))
(pt (point)))
(when (and bounds (member string '("true" "false")))
(delete-region (car bounds) (cdr bounds))
((string= "true" string)
(insert "false")
(goto-char (if (= pt (cdr bounds)) (1+ pt) pt)))
(insert "true")
(goto-char (if (= pt (cdr bounds)) (1- pt) pt))))))))
(define-key json-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-t") 'json-toggle-boolean)
(defun json-nullify-sexp ()
"Replace the sexp at point with `null'."
(let ((syntax (syntax-ppss)) symbol)
((nth 4 syntax) nil) ; inside a comment
((nth 3 syntax) ; inside a string
(goto-char (nth 8 syntax))
(when (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (skip-chars-forward "[:space:]") (eq (char-after) ?:))
;; sexp is an object key, so we nullify the entire object
(goto-char (nth 1 syntax)))
(insert "null"))
((setq symbol (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
((looking-at-p "null"))
((save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "[0-9.]") (looking-at json-mode-number-re))
(kill-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
(insert "null"))
(t (kill-region (car symbol) (cdr symbol)) (insert "null"))))
((< 0 (nth 0 syntax))
(goto-char (nth 1 syntax))
(insert "null"))
(t nil))))
(define-key json-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'json-nullify-sexp)
(defun json-increment-number-at-point (&optional delta)
"Add DELTA to the number at point; DELTA defaults to 1."
(when (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "[0-9.]") (looking-at json-mode-number-re))
(let ((num (+ (or delta 1)
(string-to-number (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
(pt (point)))
(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
(insert (number-to-string num))
(goto-char pt))))
(define-key json-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'json-increment-number-at-point)
(defun json-decrement-number-at-point ()
"Decrement the number at point."
(json-increment-number-at-point -1))
(define-key json-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'json-decrement-number-at-point)
(provide 'json-mode)
;;; json-mode.el ends here

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
;;; json-snatcher-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "json-snatcher" "json-snatcher.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from json-snatcher.el
(autoload 'jsons-print-path "json-snatcher" "\
Print the path to the JSON value under point, and save it in the kill ring." t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "json-snatcher" '("jsons-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; json-snatcher-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;;; Generated package description from json-snatcher.el -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "json-snatcher" "20200916.1717" "Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file" '((emacs "24")) :commit "b28d1c0670636da6db508d03872d96ffddbc10f2" :authors '(("Sterling Graham" . "")) :maintainer '("Sterling Graham" . "") :url "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
;;; json-snatcher.el --- Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Sterling Graham <>
;; Author: Sterling Graham <>
;; URL:
;; Package-Version: 20200916.1717
;; Package-Commit: b28d1c0670636da6db508d03872d96ffddbc10f2
;; Version: 1.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; Well this was my first excursion into ELisp programmming. It didn't go too badly once
;; I fiddled around with a bunch of the functions.
;; The process of getting the path to a JSON value at point starts with
;; a call to the jsons-print-path function.
;; It works by parsing the current buffer into a list of parse tree nodes
;; if the buffer hasn't already been parsed in the current Emacs session.
;; While parsing, the region occupied by the node is recorded into the
;; jsons-parsed-regions hash table as a list.The list contains the location
;; of the first character occupied by the node, the location of the last
;; character occupied, and the path to the node. The parse tree is also stored
;; in the jsons-parsed list for possible future use.
;; Once the buffer has been parsed, the node at point is looked up in the
;; jsons-curr-region list, which is the list of regions described in the
;; previous paragraph for the current buffer. If point is not in one of these
;; interval ranges nil is returned, otherwise the path to the value is returned
;; in the form [<key-string>] for objects, and [<loc-int>] for arrays.
;; eg: ['value1'][0]['value2'] gets the array at with name value1, then gets the
;; 0th element of the array (another object), then gets the value at 'value2'.
;;; Installation:
;; IMPORTANT: Works ONLY in Emacs 24 due to the use of the lexical-binding variable.
;; To install add the json-snatcher.el file to your load-path, and
;; add the following lines to your .emacs file:
;;(require 'json-snatcher)
;; (defun js-mode-bindings ()
;; "Sets a hotkey for using the json-snatcher plugin."
;; (when (string-match "\\.json$" (buffer-name))
;; (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-g") 'jsons-print-path)))
;; (add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'js-mode-bindings)
;; (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'js-mode-bindings)
;; This binds the key to snatch the path to the JSON value to C-c C-g only
;; when either JS mode, or JS2 mode is active on a buffer ending with
;; the .json extension.
;;; License:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Code:
(defvar jsons-curr-token 0
"The current character in the buffer being parsed.")
(defvar jsons-parsed (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Hashes each open buffer to the parse tree for that buffer.")
(defvar jsons-parsed-regions (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Hashes each open buffer to the ranges in the buffer for each of the parse trees nodes.")
(defvar jsons-curr-region () "The node ranges in the current buffer.")
(defvar jsons-path-printer 'jsons-print-path-python "Default jsons path printer")
(defun jsons-consume-token ()
"Return the next token in the stream."
(goto-char jsons-curr-token)
(let* ((delim_regex "\\([\][\\{\\}:,]\\)")
;; TODO: Improve this regex. Although now it SEEMS to be working, and can be
;; used to validate escapes if needed later. The second half of the string regex is pretty
;; pointless at the moment. I did it this way, so that the code closely mirrors
;; the RFC.
(string_regex "\\(\"\\(\\([^\"\\\\\r\s\t\n]\\)*\\([\r\s\t\n]\\)*\\|\\(\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*\\\\\\(\\([^\r\s\t\n]\\|\\(u[0-9A-Fa-f]\\{4\\}\\)\\)\\)\\)\\)+\"\\)")
(num_regex "\\(-?\\(0\\|\\([1-9][[:digit:]]*\\)\\)\\(\\.[[:digit:]]+\\)?\\([eE][-+]?[[:digit:]]+\\)?\\)")
(literal_regex "\\(true\\|false\\|null\\)")
(full_regex (concat "\\(" delim_regex "\\|" literal_regex "\\|" string_regex "\\|" num_regex "\\)")))
(if (re-search-forward full_regex (point-max) "Not nil")
(setq jsons-curr-token (match-end 0))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
(message "Reached EOF. Possibly invalid JSON."))))
(defun jsons-array (path)
"Create a new json array object that contain the identifier \"json-array\".
a list of the elements contained in the array, and the PATH to the array."
(token (jsons-consume-token))
(array "json-array")
(elements ())
(i 0))
(while (not (string= token "]"))
(if (not (string= token ","))
(let ((json-val (jsons-value token path i)))
(setq i (+ i 1))
(push json-val elements)
(setq token (jsons-consume-token)))
(setq token (jsons-consume-token))))
(list array (reverse elements) path)))
(defun jsons-literal (token path)
"Given a TOKEN and PATH, this function return the PATH to the literal."
(let ((match_start (match-beginning 0))
(match_end (match-end 0)))
(setq jsons-curr-region (append (list (list match_start match_end path)) jsons-curr-region))
(list "json-literal" token path (list match_start match_end)))))
(defun jsons-member (token path)
"This function is called when a member in a JSON object needs to be parsed.
Given the current TOKEN, and the PATH to this member."
(let* ((member ())
(value token)
(range_start (match-beginning 0))
(range_end (match-end 0))
(setq member (list "json-member" token))
(if (not (string= (jsons-consume-token) ":"))
(error "Encountered token other than : in jsons-member")
(let ((json-val (jsons-value (jsons-consume-token) (cons value path) nil)))
(setq member (list member (append json-val
(list range_start range_end))))
(setq jsons-curr-region (append (list (list range_start range_end (elt json-val 2))) jsons-curr-region))
(defun jsons-number (token path)
"This function will return a json-number given by the current TOKEN.
PATH points to the path to this number. A json-number is defined as per
the num_regex in the `jsons-get-tokens' function."
(setq jsons-curr-region (append (list (list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) path)) jsons-curr-region))
(list "json-number" token path)))
(defun jsons-object (path)
"This function is called when a { is encountered while parsing.
PATH is the path in the tree to this object."
(token (jsons-consume-token))
(members (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(object (list "json-object" members path)))
(while (not (string= token "}"))
(if (not (string= token ","))
(let ((json-mem (jsons-member token path)))
(puthash (elt (elt json-mem 0) 1) (elt json-mem 1) (elt object 1))
(setq token (jsons-consume-token)))
(setq token (jsons-consume-token))))
(defun jsons-string (token path)
"This function is called when a string is encountered while parsing.
The TOKEN is the current token being examined.
The PATH is the path to this string."
(let ((match_start (match-beginning 0))
(match_end (match-end 0)))
(setq jsons-curr-region (append (list (list match_start match_end path)) jsons-curr-region))
(list "json-string" token path (list match_start match_end)))))
(defun jsons-value (token path array-index)
"A value, which is either an object, array, string, number, or literal.
The is-array variable is nil if inside an array, or the index in
the array that it occupies.
TOKEN is the current token being parsed.
PATH is the path to this value.
ARRAY-INDEX is non-nil if the value is contained within an array, and
points to the index of this value in the containing array."
;;TODO: Refactor the if array-index statement.
(if array-index
(if (jsons-is-number token)
(list "json-value" (jsons-number token (cons array-index path)) (list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
((string= token "{") (jsons-object (cons array-index path)))
((string= token "[") (jsons-array (cons array-index path)))
((string= (substring token 0 1) "\"") (jsons-string token (cons array-index path)))
(t (jsons-literal token (cons array-index path)))))
(if (jsons-is-number token)
(list "json-value" (jsons-number token path) path (list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
((string= token "{") (jsons-object path))
((string= token "[") (jsons-array path))
((string= (substring token 0 1) "\"") (jsons-string token path))
(t (jsons-literal token path))))))
(defun jsons-get-path ()
"Function to check whether we can grab the json path from the cursor position in the json file."
(let ((i 0)
(node nil))
(setq jsons-curr-region (gethash (current-buffer) jsons-parsed-regions))
(when (not (gethash (current-buffer) jsons-parsed))
(while (< i (length jsons-curr-region))
((json_region (elt jsons-curr-region i))
(min_token (elt json_region 0))
(max_token (elt json_region 1)))
(when (and (> (point) min_token) (< (point) max_token))
(setq node (elt json_region 2))))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(defun jsons-is-number (str)
"Test to see whether STR is a valid JSON number."
(match-end 0)
(if (string-match "^\\(-?\\(0\\|\\([1-9][[:digit:]]*\\)\\)\\(\\.[[:digit:]]+\\)?\\([eE][-+]?[[:digit:]]+\\)?\\)$" str)
(match-end 0)
(defun jsons-parse ()
"Parse the file given in file, return a list of nodes representing the file."
(setq jsons-curr-token 0)
(setq jsons-curr-region ())
(if (not (gethash (current-buffer) jsons-parsed))
(let* ((token (jsons-consume-token))
(return_val nil))
((string= token "{") (setq return_val (jsons-object ())))
((string= token "[") (setq return_val (jsons-array ())))
(t nil))
(puthash (current-buffer) return_val jsons-parsed)
(puthash (current-buffer) jsons-curr-region jsons-parsed-regions)
(gethash (current-buffer) jsons-parsed))))
(defun jsons-print-to-buffer (node buffer)
"Prints the given NODE to the BUFFER specified in buffer argument.
TODO: Remove extra comma printed after lists of object members, and lists of array members."
(let ((id (elt node 0)))
((string= id "json-array")
(jsons-put-string buffer "[")
(mapc (lambda (x) (progn
(jsons-print-to-buffer buffer x)
(jsons-put-string buffer ",") )) (elt node 1))
(jsons-put-string buffer "]")))
((string= id "json-literal")
(jsons-put-string buffer (elt node 1)))
((string= id "json-member")
(jsons-put-string buffer (elt node 1))
(jsons-put-string buffer ": ")
(jsons-print-to-buffer buffer (elt node 2)))
((string= id "json-number")
(jsons-put-string buffer (elt node 1)))
((string= id "json-object")
(jsons-put-string buffer "{")
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(jsons-put-string buffer key)
(jsons-put-string buffer ":")
(jsons-print-to-buffer buffer value)
(jsons-put-string buffer ","))) (elt node 1))
(jsons-put-string buffer "}")))
((string= id "json-string")
(jsons-put-string buffer (elt node 1)))
((string= id "json-value")
(jsons-print-to-buffer buffer (elt node 1)))
(t nil))))
(defun jsons-print-path-jq ()
"Print the jq path to the JSON value under point, and save it in the kill ring."
(let* ((path (jsons-get-path))
(i 0)
(jq_str ".")
(setq path (reverse path))
(while (< i (length path))
(if (numberp (elt path i))
(setq jq_str (concat jq_str "[" (number-to-string (elt path i)) "]"))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(setq key (elt path i))
(setq jq_str (concat jq_str (substring key 1 (- (length key) 1))))
(setq i (+ i 1))))
(when (elt path i)
(unless (numberp (elt path i))
(setq jq_str (concat jq_str ".")))))
(progn (kill-new jq_str)
(princ jq_str))))
(defun jsons-print-path-python ()
"Print the python path to the JSON value under point, and save it in the kill ring."
(let ((path (jsons-get-path))
(i 0)
(python_str ""))
(setq path (reverse path))
(while (< i (length path))
(if (numberp (elt path i))
(setq python_str (concat python_str "[" (number-to-string (elt path i)) "]"))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(setq python_str (concat python_str "[" (elt path i) "]"))
(setq i (+ i 1)))))
(progn (kill-new python_str)
(princ python_str))))
(defun jsons-print-path ()
"Print the path to the JSON value under point, and save it in the kill ring."
(funcall jsons-path-printer))
(defun jsons-put-string (buffer str)
"Append STR to the BUFFER specified in the argument."
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer))
(insert (prin1-to-string str t))))
(defun jsons-remove-buffer ()
"Used to clean up the token regions, and parse tree used by the parser."
(remhash (current-buffer) jsons-parsed)
(remhash (current-buffer) jsons-parsed-regions)))
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'jsons-remove-buffer)
(provide 'json-snatcher)
;; Local-Variables:
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; json-snatcher.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
;;; lua-mode-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "lua-mode" "lua-mode.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from lua-mode.el
(autoload 'lua-mode "lua-mode" "\
Major mode for editing Lua code.
\(fn)" t nil)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.lua\\'" . lua-mode))
(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("lua" . lua-mode))
(defalias 'run-lua #'lua-start-process)
(autoload 'lua-start-process "lua-mode" "\
Start a Lua process named NAME, running PROGRAM.
PROGRAM defaults to NAME, which defaults to `lua-default-application'.
When called interactively, switch to the process buffer.
\(fn &optional NAME PROGRAM STARTFILE &rest SWITCHES)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "lua-mode" '("lua-")))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; lua-mode-autoloads.el ends here

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More