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2022-08-25 16:12:30 +00:00
;;; org-noter.el --- A synchronized, Org-mode, document annotator -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Gonçalo Santos
;; Author: Gonçalo Santos (aka. weirdNox@GitHub)
;; Homepage: https://github.com/weirdNox/org-noter
;; Keywords: lisp pdf interleave annotate external sync notes documents org-mode
;; Package-Version: 20191020.1212
;; Package-Commit: 9ead81d42dd4dd5074782d239b2efddf9b8b7b3d
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (cl-lib "0.6") (org "9.0"))
;; Version: 1.4.1
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; The idea is to let you create notes that are kept in sync when you scroll through the
;; document, but that are external to it - the notes themselves live in an Org-mode file. As
;; such, this leverages the power of Org-mode (the notes may have outlines, latex fragments,
;; babel, etc...) while acting like notes that are made /in/ the document.
;; Also, I must thank Sebastian for the original idea and inspiration!
;; Link to the original Interleave package:
;; https://github.com/rudolfochrist/interleave
;;; Code:
(require 'org)
(require 'org-element)
(require 'cl-lib)
(declare-function doc-view-goto-page "doc-view")
(declare-function image-display-size "image-mode")
(declare-function image-get-display-property "image-mode")
(declare-function image-mode-window-get "image-mode")
(declare-function image-scroll-up "image-mode")
(declare-function nov-render-document "ext:nov")
(declare-function org-attach-dir "org-attach")
(declare-function org-attach-file-list "org-attach")
(declare-function pdf-info-getannots "ext:pdf-info")
(declare-function pdf-info-gettext "ext:pdf-info")
(declare-function pdf-info-outline "ext:pdf-info")
(declare-function pdf-info-pagelinks "ext:pdf-info")
(declare-function pdf-util-tooltip-arrow "ext:pdf-util")
(declare-function pdf-view-active-region "ext:pdf-view")
(declare-function pdf-view-active-region-p "ext:pdf-view")
(declare-function pdf-view-active-region-text "ext:pdf-view")
(declare-function pdf-view-goto-page "ext:pdf-view")
(declare-function pdf-view-mode "ext:pdf-view")
(defvar nov-documents-index)
(defvar nov-file-name)
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; NOTE(nox): User variables
(defgroup org-noter nil
"A synchronized, external annotator"
:group 'convenience
:version "25.3.1")
(defcustom org-noter-property-doc-file "NOTER_DOCUMENT"
"Name of the property that specifies the document."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-noter-property-note-location "NOTER_PAGE"
"Name of the property that specifies the location of the current note.
The default value is still NOTER_PAGE for backwards compatibility."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-noter-default-heading-title "Notes for page $p$"
"The default title for headings created with `org-noter-insert-note'.
$p$ is replaced with the number of the page or chapter you are in
at the moment."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-noter-notes-window-behavior '(start scroll)
"This setting specifies in what situations the notes window should be created.
When the list contains:
- `start', the window will be created when starting a `org-noter' session.
- `scroll', it will be created when you go to a location with an associated note.
- `only-prev', it will be created when you go to a location without notes, but that
has previous notes that are shown."
:group 'org-noter
:type '(set (const :tag "Session start" start)
(const :tag "Scroll to location with notes" scroll)
(const :tag "Scroll to location with previous notes only" only-prev)))
(defcustom org-noter-notes-window-location 'horizontal-split
"Whether the notes should appear in the main frame (horizontal or vertical split) or in a separate frame.
Note that this will only have effect on session startup if `start'
is member of `org-noter-notes-window-behavior' (which see)."
:group 'org-noter
:type '(choice (const :tag "Horizontal" horizontal-split)
(const :tag "Vertical" vertical-split)
(const :tag "Other frame" other-frame)))
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'org-noter-doc-split-percentage 'org-noter-doc-split-fraction "1.2.0")
(defcustom org-noter-doc-split-fraction '(0.5 . 0.5)
"Fraction of the frame that the document window will occupy when split.
This is a cons of the type (HORIZONTAL-FRACTION . VERTICAL-FRACTION)."
:group 'org-noter
:type '(cons (number :tag "Horizontal fraction") (number :tag "Vertical fraction")))
(defcustom org-noter-auto-save-last-location nil
"When non-nil, save the last visited location automatically; when starting a new session, go to that location."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-hide-other t
"When non-nil, hide all headings not related to the command used.
For example, when scrolling to pages with notes, collapse all the
notes that are not annotating the current page."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-always-create-frame t
"When non-nil, org-noter will always create a new frame for the session.
When nil, it will use the selected frame if it does not belong to any other session."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-suggest-from-attachments t
"When non-nil, org-noter will suggest files from the attachments
when creating a session, if the document is missing."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-separate-notes-from-heading nil
"When non-nil, add an empty line between each note's heading and content."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-insert-selected-text-inside-note t
"When non-nil, it will automatically append the selected text into an existing note."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-closest-tipping-point 0.3
"Defines when to show the closest previous note.
Let x be (this value)*100. The following schematic represents the
view (eg. a page of a PDF):
| | -> If there are notes in here, the closest previous note is not shown
+----+--> Tipping point, at x% of the view
| | -> When _all_ notes are in here, below the tipping point, the closest
| | previous note will be shown.
When this value is negative, disable this feature.
This setting may be overridden in a document with the function
`org-noter-set-closest-tipping-point', which see."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'number)
(defcustom org-noter-default-notes-file-names '("Notes.org")
"List of possible names for the default notes file, in increasing order of priority."
:group 'org-noter
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom org-noter-notes-search-path '("~/Documents")
"List of paths to check (non recursively) when searching for a notes file."
:group 'org-noter
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom org-noter-arrow-delay 0.2
"Number of seconds from when the command was invoked until the tooltip arrow appears.
When set to a negative number, the arrow tooltip is disabled.
This is needed in order to keep Emacs from hanging when doing many syncs."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'number)
(defcustom org-noter-doc-property-in-notes nil
"If non-nil, every new note will have the document property too.
This makes moving notes out of the root heading easier."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-insert-note-no-questions nil
"When non-nil, `org-noter-insert-note' won't ask for a title and will always insert a new note.
The title used will be the default one."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-kill-frame-at-session-end t
"If non-nil, `org-noter-kill-session' will delete the frame if others exist on the current display.'"
:group 'org-noter
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-noter-insert-heading-hook nil
"Hook being run after inserting a new heading."
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defface org-noter-no-notes-exist-face
:foreground "chocolate"
:weight bold))
"Face for modeline note count, when 0."
:group 'org-noter)
(defface org-noter-notes-exist-face
:foreground "SpringGreen"
:weight bold))
"Face for modeline note count, when not 0."
:group 'org-noter)
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; NOTE(nox): Integration with other packages
(defcustom org-noter--check-location-property-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--parse-location-property-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--pretty-print-location-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--convert-to-location-cons-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--doc-goto-location-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--note-after-tipping-point-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--relative-position-to-view-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--get-precise-info-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
(defcustom org-noter--doc-approx-location-hook nil
:group 'org-noter
:type 'hook)
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; NOTE(nox): Private variables or constants
(cl-defstruct org-noter--session
id frame doc-buffer notes-buffer ast modified-tick doc-mode display-name notes-file-path property-text
level num-notes-in-view window-behavior window-location doc-split-fraction auto-save-last-location
hide-other closest-tipping-point)
(defvar org-noter--sessions nil
"List of `org-noter' sessions.")
(defvar-local org-noter--session nil
"Session associated with the current buffer.")
(defvar org-noter--inhibit-location-change-handler nil
"Prevent location change from updating point in notes.")
(defvar org-noter--start-location-override nil
"Used to open the session from the document in the right page.")
(defvar-local org-noter--nov-timer nil
"Timer for synchronizing notes after scrolling.")
(defvar org-noter--arrow-location nil
"A vector [TIMER WINDOW TOP] that shows where the arrow should appear, when idling.")
(defvar org-noter--completing-read-keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
"A `completing-read' keymap that let's the user insert spaces.")
(set-keymap-parent org-noter--completing-read-keymap minibuffer-local-completion-map)
(define-key org-noter--completing-read-keymap (kbd "SPC") 'self-insert-command)
(defconst org-noter--property-behavior "NOTER_NOTES_BEHAVIOR"
"Property for overriding global `org-noter-notes-window-behavior'.")
(defconst org-noter--property-location "NOTER_NOTES_LOCATION"
"Property for overriding global `org-noter-notes-window-location'.")
(defconst org-noter--property-doc-split-fraction "NOTER_DOCUMENT_SPLIT_FRACTION"
"Property for overriding global `org-noter-doc-split-fraction'.")
(defconst org-noter--property-auto-save-last-location "NOTER_AUTO_SAVE_LAST_LOCATION"
"Property for overriding global `org-noter-auto-save-last-location'.")
(defconst org-noter--property-hide-other "NOTER_HIDE_OTHER"
"Property for overriding global `org-noter-hide-other'.")
(defconst org-noter--property-closest-tipping-point "NOTER_CLOSEST_TIPPING_POINT"
"Property for overriding global `org-noter-closest-tipping-point'.")
(defconst org-noter--note-search-no-recurse (delete 'headline (append org-element-all-elements nil))
"List of elements that shouldn't be recursed into when searching for notes.")
(defconst org-noter--id-text-property 'org-noter-session-id
"Text property used to mark the headings with open sessions.")
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; NOTE(nox): Utility functions
(defun org-noter--get-new-id ()
(catch 'break
(while t
(let ((id (random most-positive-fixnum)))
(unless (cl-loop for session in org-noter--sessions
when (= (org-noter--session-id session) id) return t)
(throw 'break id))))))
(defmacro org-noter--property-or-default (name)
(let ((function-name (intern (concat "org-noter--" (symbol-name name) "-property")))
(variable (intern (concat "org-noter-" (symbol-name name)))))
`(let ((prop-value (,function-name ast)))
(cond ((eq prop-value 'disable) nil)
(t ,variable)))))
(defun org-noter--create-session (ast document-property-value notes-file-path)
(let* ((raw-value-not-empty (> (length (org-element-property :raw-value ast)) 0))
(display-name (if raw-value-not-empty
(org-element-property :raw-value ast)
(file-name-nondirectory document-property-value)))
(frame-name (format "Emacs Org-noter - %s" display-name))
(document (find-file-noselect document-property-value))
(document-path (expand-file-name document-property-value))
(document-major-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode document))
(generate-new-buffer-name (concat (unless raw-value-not-empty "Org-noter: ") display-name)))
(if (eq document-major-mode 'nov-mode)
(make-indirect-buffer document document-buffer-name t)))
(or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer))
(generate-new-buffer-name (concat "Notes of " display-name)) t))
:id (org-noter--get-new-id)
:display-name display-name
(if (or org-noter-always-create-frame
(catch 'has-session
(dolist (test-session org-noter--sessions)
(when (eq (org-noter--session-frame test-session) (selected-frame))
(throw 'has-session t)))))
(make-frame `((name . ,frame-name) (fullscreen . maximized)))
(set-frame-parameter nil 'name frame-name)
:doc-mode document-major-mode
:property-text document-property-value
:notes-file-path notes-file-path
:doc-buffer document-buffer
:notes-buffer notes-buffer
:level (org-element-property :level ast)
:window-behavior (org-noter--property-or-default notes-window-behavior)
:window-location (org-noter--property-or-default notes-window-location)
:doc-split-fraction (org-noter--property-or-default doc-split-fraction)
:auto-save-last-location (org-noter--property-or-default auto-save-last-location)
:hide-other (org-noter--property-or-default hide-other)
:closest-tipping-point (org-noter--property-or-default closest-tipping-point)
:modified-tick -1))
(target-location org-noter--start-location-override)
(starting-point (point)))
(add-hook 'delete-frame-functions 'org-noter--handle-delete-frame)
(push session org-noter--sessions)
(with-current-buffer document-buffer
;; NOTE(nox): PDF Tools
((eq document-major-mode 'pdf-view-mode)
(setq buffer-file-name document-path)
(add-hook 'pdf-view-after-change-page-hook 'org-noter--doc-location-change-handler nil t))
;; NOTE(nox): DocView
((eq document-major-mode 'doc-view-mode)
(setq buffer-file-name document-path)
(advice-add 'doc-view-goto-page :after 'org-noter--location-change-advice))
;; NOTE(nox): Nov.el
((eq document-major-mode 'nov-mode)
(rename-buffer document-buffer-name)
(advice-add 'nov-render-document :after 'org-noter--nov-scroll-handler)
(add-hook 'window-scroll-functions 'org-noter--nov-scroll-handler nil t))
(t (error "This document handler is not supported :/")))
(org-noter-doc-mode 1)
(setq org-noter--session session)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'org-noter--handle-kill-buffer nil t))
(with-current-buffer notes-buffer
(org-noter-notes-mode 1)
;; NOTE(nox): This is needed because a session created in an indirect buffer would use the point of
;; the base buffer (as this buffer is indirect to the base!)
(goto-char starting-point)
(setq buffer-file-name notes-file-path
org-noter--session session
fringe-indicator-alist '((truncation . nil)))
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'org-noter--handle-kill-buffer nil t)
(add-hook 'window-scroll-functions 'org-noter--set-notes-scroll nil t)
(org-noter--set-text-properties (org-noter--parse-root (vector notes-buffer document-property-value))
(org-noter--session-id session))
(unless target-location
(setq target-location (org-noter--parse-location-property (org-noter--get-containing-heading t)))))
(org-noter--setup-windows session)
;; NOTE(nox): This timer is for preventing reflowing too soon.
0.05 nil
(lambda ()
(with-current-buffer document-buffer
(let ((org-noter--inhibit-location-change-handler t))
(when target-location (org-noter--doc-goto-location target-location)))
(defun org-noter--valid-session (session)
(when session
(if (and (frame-live-p (org-noter--session-frame session))
(buffer-live-p (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session))
(buffer-live-p (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)))
(org-noter-kill-session session)
(defmacro org-noter--with-valid-session (&rest body)
(declare (debug (body)))
`(let ((session org-noter--session))
(when (org-noter--valid-session session)
(progn ,@body))))
(defun org-noter--handle-kill-buffer ()
(let ((buffer (current-buffer))
(notes-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session))
(doc-buffer (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session)))
;; NOTE(nox): This needs to be checked in order to prevent session killing because of
;; temporary buffers with the same local variables
(when (or (eq buffer notes-buffer)
(eq buffer doc-buffer))
(org-noter-kill-session session)))))
(defun org-noter--handle-delete-frame (frame)
(dolist (session org-noter--sessions)
(when (eq (org-noter--session-frame session) frame)
(org-noter-kill-session session))))
(defun org-noter--parse-root (&optional info)
"Parse and return the root AST.
When used, the INFO argument may be an org-noter session or a vector [NotesBuffer PropertyText].
If nil, the session used will be `org-noter--session'."
(let* ((arg-is-session (org-noter--session-p info))
(session (or (and arg-is-session info) org-noter--session))
root-pos ast)
((and (not arg-is-session) (vectorp info))
;; NOTE(nox): Use arguments to find heading, by trying to find the outermost parent heading with
;; the specified property
(let ((notes-buffer (aref info 0))
(wanted-prop (aref info 1)))
(unless (and (buffer-live-p notes-buffer) (stringp wanted-prop)
(eq (buffer-local-value 'major-mode notes-buffer) 'org-mode))
(error "Error parsing root with invalid arguments"))
(with-current-buffer notes-buffer
(catch 'break
(org-back-to-heading t)
(while t
(when (string= (org-entry-get nil org-noter-property-doc-file) wanted-prop)
(setq root-pos (copy-marker (point))))
(unless (org-up-heading-safe) (throw 'break t))))))))
((org-noter--valid-session session)
;; NOTE(nox): Use session to find heading
(or (and (= (buffer-chars-modified-tick (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session))
(org-noter--session-modified-tick session))
(setq ast (org-noter--session-ast session))) ; NOTE(nox): Cached version!
;; NOTE(nox): Find session id text property
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
(let ((pos (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) org-noter--id-text-property
(org-noter--session-id session))))
(when pos (setq root-pos (copy-marker pos)))))))))
(unless ast
(unless root-pos (error "Root heading not found"))
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer root-pos)
(goto-char (marker-position root-pos))
(setq ast (car (org-element-contents (org-element-parse-buffer 'greater-element))))
(when (and (not (vectorp info)) (org-noter--valid-session session))
(setf (org-noter--session-ast session) ast
(org-noter--session-modified-tick session) (buffer-chars-modified-tick))))))
(defun org-noter--get-properties-end (ast &optional force-trim)
(when ast
(let* ((contents (org-element-contents ast))
(section (org-element-map contents 'section 'identity nil t 'headline))
(properties (org-element-map section 'property-drawer 'identity nil t))
(if (not properties)
(org-element-property :contents-begin ast)
(setq properties-end (org-element-property :end properties))
(when (or force-trim
(= (org-element-property :end section) properties-end))
(while (not (eq (char-before properties-end) ?:))
(setq properties-end (1- properties-end))))
(defun org-noter--set-text-properties (ast id)
(when ast
(let* ((level (org-element-property :level ast))
(begin (org-element-property :begin ast))
(title-begin (+ 1 level begin))
(contents-begin (org-element-property :contents-begin ast))
(properties-end (org-noter--get-properties-end ast t))
(inhibit-read-only t)
(modified (buffer-modified-p)))
(add-text-properties (max 1 (1- begin)) begin '(read-only t))
(add-text-properties begin (1- title-begin) `(read-only t front-sticky t ,org-noter--id-text-property ,id))
(add-text-properties (1- title-begin) title-begin '(read-only t rear-nonsticky t))
(add-text-properties (1- contents-begin) (1- properties-end) '(read-only t))
(add-text-properties (1- properties-end) properties-end
'(read-only t rear-nonsticky t))
(set-buffer-modified-p modified)))))
(defun org-noter--unset-text-properties (ast)
(when ast
(let* ((begin (org-element-property :begin ast))
(end (org-noter--get-properties-end ast t))
(inhibit-read-only t)
(modified (buffer-modified-p)))
(remove-list-of-text-properties (max 1 (1- begin)) end
`(read-only front-sticky rear-nonsticky ,org-noter--id-text-property))
(set-buffer-modified-p modified)))))
(defun org-noter--set-notes-scroll (window &rest ignored)
(when window
(with-selected-window window
(let* ((level (org-noter--session-level session))
(goal (* (1- level) 2))
(current-scroll (window-hscroll)))
(when (and (bound-and-true-p org-indent-mode) (< current-scroll goal))
(scroll-right current-scroll)
(scroll-left goal t)))))))
(defun org-noter--insert-heading (level title &optional newlines-number location)
"Insert a new heading at LEVEL with TITLE.
The point will be at the start of the contents, after any
properties, by a margin of NEWLINES-NUMBER."
(setq newlines-number (or newlines-number 1))
(org-insert-heading nil t)
(let* ((initial-level (org-element-property :level (org-element-at-point)))
(changer (if (> level initial-level) 'org-do-demote 'org-do-promote))
(number-of-times (abs (- level initial-level))))
(dotimes (_ number-of-times) (funcall changer))
(insert (org-trim (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " title)))
(unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
(org-N-empty-lines-before-current (1- newlines-number))
(when location
(org-entry-put nil org-noter-property-note-location (org-noter--pretty-print-location location))
(when org-noter-doc-property-in-notes
(org-entry-put nil org-noter-property-doc-file (org-noter--session-property-text session))
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-auto-save-last-location "nil"))))
(run-hooks 'org-noter-insert-heading-hook)))
(defun org-noter--narrow-to-root (ast)
(when ast
(goto-char (org-element-property :contents-begin ast))
(org-cycle-hide-drawers 'all))))
(defun org-noter--get-doc-window ()
(or (get-buffer-window (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session)
(org-noter--session-frame session))
(org-noter--setup-windows org-noter--session)
(get-buffer-window (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session)
(org-noter--session-frame session)))))
(defun org-noter--get-notes-window (&optional type)
(let ((notes-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session))
(window-location (org-noter--session-window-location session))
(window-behavior (org-noter--session-window-behavior session))
(or (get-buffer-window notes-buffer t)
(when (or (eq type 'force) (memq type window-behavior))
(if (eq window-location 'other-frame)
(let ((restore-frame (selected-frame)))
(switch-to-buffer-other-frame notes-buffer)
(setq notes-window (get-buffer-window notes-buffer t))
(x-focus-frame restore-frame)
(raise-frame (window-frame notes-window)))
(with-selected-window (org-noter--get-doc-window)
(let ((horizontal (eq window-location 'horizontal-split)))
(if (window-combined-p nil horizontal)
;; NOTE(nox): Reuse already existent window
(let ((sibling-window (or (window-next-sibling) (window-prev-sibling))))
(or (window-top-child sibling-window) (window-left-child sibling-window)
(if horizontal
(split-window-right (ceiling (* (car (org-noter--session-doc-split-fraction session))
(split-window-below (ceiling (* (cdr (org-noter--session-doc-split-fraction session))
(set-window-buffer notes-window notes-buffer))
(defun org-noter--setup-windows (session)
"Setup windows when starting session, respecting user configuration."
(when (org-noter--valid-session session)
(with-selected-frame (org-noter--session-frame session)
(let* ((doc-buffer (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session))
(doc-window (selected-window))
(notes-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session))
(set-window-buffer doc-window doc-buffer)
(set-window-dedicated-p doc-window t)
(with-current-buffer notes-buffer
(org-noter--narrow-to-root (org-noter--parse-root session))
(setq notes-window (org-noter--get-notes-window 'start))
(org-noter--set-notes-scroll notes-window))))))
(defmacro org-noter--with-selected-notes-window (error-str &rest body)
(declare (debug ([&optional stringp] body)))
(let ((with-error (stringp error-str)))
(let ((notes-window (org-noter--get-notes-window)))
(if notes-window
(with-selected-window notes-window
,(if with-error
`(progn ,@body)
(if body
`(progn ,error-str ,@body)
`(progn ,error-str))))
,(when with-error `(user-error "%s" ,error-str)))))))
(defun org-noter--notes-window-behavior-property (ast)
(let ((property (org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter--property-behavior)) ast))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(setq value (car (read-from-string property)))
(when (listp value) value))))
(defun org-noter--notes-window-location-property (ast)
(let ((property (org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter--property-location)) ast))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(setq value (intern property))
(when (memq value '(horizontal-split vertical-split other-frame)) value))))
(defun org-noter--doc-split-fraction-property (ast)
(let ((property (org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter--property-doc-split-fraction)) ast))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(setq value (car (read-from-string property)))
(when (consp value) value))))
(defun org-noter--auto-save-last-location-property (ast)
(let ((property (org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter--property-auto-save-last-location)) ast)))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(if (intern property) t 'disable))))
(defun org-noter--hide-other-property (ast)
(let ((property (org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter--property-hide-other)) ast)))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(if (intern property) t 'disable))))
(defun org-noter--closest-tipping-point-property (ast)
(let ((property (org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter--property-closest-tipping-point)) ast)))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(ignore-errors (string-to-number property)))))
(defun org-noter--doc-approx-location-cons (&optional precise-info)
((memq major-mode '(doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode))
(cons (image-mode-window-get 'page) (if (numberp precise-info) precise-info 0)))
((eq major-mode 'nov-mode)
(cons nov-documents-index (if (integerp precise-info)
(max 1 (/ (+ (window-start) (window-end nil t)) 2)))))
(t (error "Unknown document type %s" major-mode))))
(defun org-noter--doc-approx-location (&optional precise-info force-new-ref)
(let ((window (if (org-noter--valid-session org-noter--session)
(cl-assert window)
(with-selected-window window
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--doc-approx-location-hook major-mode
precise-info force-new-ref)
(org-noter--doc-approx-location-cons precise-info)))))
(defun org-noter--location-change-advice (&rest _)
(org-noter--with-valid-session (org-noter--doc-location-change-handler)))
(defun org-noter--nov-scroll-handler (&rest _)
(when org-noter--nov-timer (cancel-timer org-noter--nov-timer))
(unless org-noter--inhibit-location-change-handler
(setq org-noter--nov-timer (run-with-timer 0.25 nil 'org-noter--doc-location-change-handler))))
(defsubst org-noter--doc-file-property (headline)
(org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter-property-doc-file)) headline))
(defun org-noter--check-location-property (arg)
(let ((property (if (stringp arg) arg
(org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter-property-note-location)) arg))))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--check-location-property-hook property)
(let ((value (car (read-from-string property))))
(or (and (consp value) (integerp (car value)) (numberp (cdr value)))
(integerp value)))))))
(defun org-noter--parse-location-property (arg)
(let ((property (if (stringp arg) arg
(org-element-property (intern (concat ":" org-noter-property-note-location)) arg))))
(when (and (stringp property) (> (length property) 0))
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--parse-location-property-hook property)
(let ((value (car (read-from-string property))))
(cond ((and (consp value) (integerp (car value)) (numberp (cdr value))) value)
((integerp value) (cons value 0))))))))
(defun org-noter--pretty-print-location (location)
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--pretty-print-location-hook location)
(format "%s" (cond
((memq (org-noter--session-doc-mode session) '(doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode))
(if (or (not (cdr location)) (<= (cdr location) 0))
(car location)
((eq (org-noter--session-doc-mode session) 'nov-mode)
(if (or (not (cdr location)) (<= (cdr location) 1))
(car location)
(defun org-noter--get-containing-heading (&optional include-root)
"Get smallest containing heading that encloses the point and has location property.
If the point isn't inside any heading with location property, return the outer heading.
When INCLUDE-ROOT is non-nil, the root heading is also eligible to be returned."
(unless (org-before-first-heading-p)
(org-back-to-heading t)
(let (previous)
(catch 'break
(while t
(let ((prop (org-noter--check-location-property (org-entry-get nil org-noter-property-note-location)))
(at-root (equal (org-noter--session-id session)
(get-text-property (point) org-noter--id-text-property)))
(heading (org-element-at-point)))
(when (and prop (or include-root (not at-root)))
(throw 'break heading))
(when (or at-root (not (org-up-heading-safe)))
(throw 'break (if include-root heading previous)))
(setq previous heading)))))))))
(defun org-noter--doc-get-page-slice ()
"Return (slice-top . slice-height)."
(let* ((slice (or (image-mode-window-get 'slice) '(0 0 1 1)))
(slice-top (float (nth 1 slice)))
(slice-height (float (nth 3 slice))))
(when (or (> slice-top 1)
(> slice-height 1))
(let ((height (cdr (image-size (image-mode-window-get 'image) t))))
(setq slice-top (/ slice-top height)
slice-height (/ slice-height height))))
(cons slice-top slice-height)))
(defun org-noter--conv-page-scroll-percentage (scroll)
(let* ((slice (org-noter--doc-get-page-slice))
(display-height (cdr (image-display-size (image-get-display-property))))
(display-percentage (/ scroll display-height))
(percentage (+ (car slice) (* (cdr slice) display-percentage))))
(max 0 (min 1 percentage))))
(defun org-noter--conv-page-percentage-scroll (percentage)
(let* ((slice (org-noter--doc-get-page-slice))
(display-height (cdr (image-display-size (image-get-display-property))))
(display-percentage (min 1 (max 0 (/ (- percentage (car slice)) (cdr slice)))))
(scroll (max 0 (floor (* display-percentage display-height)))))
(defun org-noter--get-precise-info ()
(let ((window (org-noter--get-doc-window))
(mode (org-noter--session-doc-mode session))
(with-selected-window window
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--get-precise-info-hook mode))
((eq mode 'pdf-view-mode)
(if (pdf-view-active-region-p)
(cadar (pdf-view-active-region))
(while (not (and (eq 'mouse-1 (car event))
(eq window (posn-window (event-start event)))))
(setq event (read-event "Click where you want the start of the note to be!")))
(org-noter--conv-page-scroll-percentage (+ (window-vscroll)
(cdr (posn-col-row (event-start event)))))))
((eq mode 'doc-view-mode)
(while (not (and (eq 'mouse-1 (car event))
(eq window (posn-window (event-start event)))))
(setq event (read-event "Click where you want the start of the note to be!")))
(org-noter--conv-page-scroll-percentage (+ (window-vscroll)
(cdr (posn-col-row (event-start event))))))
((eq mode 'nov-mode)
(if (region-active-p)
(min (mark) (point))
(while (not (and (eq 'mouse-1 (car event))
(eq window (posn-window (event-start event)))))
(setq event (read-event "Click where you want the start of the note to be!")))
(posn-point (event-start event)))))))))
(defun org-noter--show-arrow ()
(when (and org-noter--arrow-location
(window-live-p (aref org-noter--arrow-location 1)))
(with-selected-window (aref org-noter--arrow-location 1)
(pdf-util-tooltip-arrow (aref org-noter--arrow-location 2))))
(setq org-noter--arrow-location nil))
(defun org-noter--doc-goto-location (location)
"Go to location specified by LOCATION."
(let ((window (org-noter--get-doc-window))
(mode (org-noter--session-doc-mode session)))
(with-selected-window window
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--doc-goto-location-hook mode location))
((memq mode '(doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode))
(if (eq mode 'doc-view-mode)
(doc-view-goto-page (car location))
(pdf-view-goto-page (car location))
;; NOTE(nox): This timer is needed because the tooltip may introduce a delay,
;; so syncing multiple pages was slow
(when (>= org-noter-arrow-delay 0)
(when org-noter--arrow-location (cancel-timer (aref org-noter--arrow-location 0)))
(setq org-noter--arrow-location
(vector (run-with-idle-timer org-noter-arrow-delay nil 'org-noter--show-arrow)
(cdr location)))))
(image-scroll-up (- (org-noter--conv-page-percentage-scroll (cdr location))
((eq mode 'nov-mode)
(setq nov-documents-index (car location))
(goto-char (cdr location))
;; NOTE(nox): This needs to be here, because it would be issued anyway after
;; everything and would run org-noter--nov-scroll-handler.
(defun org-noter--compare-location-cons (comp l1 l2)
"Compare L1 and L2, which are location cons.
See `org-noter--compare-locations'"
(cl-assert (and (consp l1) (consp l2)))
(cond ((eq comp '=)
(and (= (car l1) (car l2))
(= (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))
((eq comp '<)
(or (< (car l1) (car l2))
(and (= (car l1) (car l2))
(< (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
((eq comp '<=)
(or (< (car l1) (car l2))
(and (= (car l1) (car l2))
(<= (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
((eq comp '>)
(or (> (car l1) (car l2))
(and (= (car l1) (car l2))
(> (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
((eq comp '>=)
(or (> (car l1) (car l2))
(and (= (car l1) (car l2))
(>= (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
((eq comp '>f)
(or (> (car l1) (car l2))
(and (= (car l1) (car l2))
(< (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
(t (error "Comparison operator %s not known" comp))))
(defun org-noter--compare-locations (comp l1 l2)
"Compare L1 and L2.
When COMP is '<, '<=, '>, or '>=, it works as expected.
When COMP is '>f, it will return t when L1 is a page greater than
L2 or, when in the same page, if L1 is the _f_irst of the two."
(cond ((not l1) nil)
((not l2) t)
(setq l1 (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--convert-to-location-cons-hook l1) l1)
l2 (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--convert-to-location-cons-hook l2) l2))
(org-noter--compare-location-cons comp l1 l2))))
(defun org-noter--show-note-entry (session note)
"This will show the note entry and its children.
Every direct subheading _until_ the first heading that doesn't
belong to the same view (ie. until a heading with location or
document property) will be opened."
(goto-char (org-element-property :contents-begin note))
(org-show-set-visibility t)
(org-element-map (org-element-contents note) 'headline
(lambda (headline)
(let ((doc-file (org-noter--doc-file-property headline)))
(if (or (and doc-file (not (string= doc-file (org-noter--session-property-text session))))
(org-noter--check-location-property headline))
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin headline))
nil t org-element-all-elements)))
(defun org-noter--focus-notes-region (view-info)
(if (org-noter--session-hide-other session)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin (org-noter--parse-root)))
(org-cycle-hide-drawers 'all))
(let* ((notes-cons (org-noter--view-info-notes view-info))
(regions (or (org-noter--view-info-regions view-info)
(org-noter--view-info-prev-regions view-info)))
(point-before (point))
(dolist (note-cons notes-cons) (org-noter--show-note-entry session (car note-cons)))
(setq target-region (or (catch 'result (dolist (region regions)
(when (and (>= point-before (car region))
(or (save-restriction (goto-char (cdr region)) (eobp))
(< point-before (cdr region))))
(setq point-inside-target-region t)
(throw 'result region))))
(car regions)))
(let ((begin (car target-region)) (end (cdr target-region)) num-lines
(target-char (if point-inside-target-region
(org-noter--get-properties-end (caar notes-cons))))
(window-start (window-start)) (window-end (window-end nil t)))
(setq num-lines (count-screen-lines begin end))
((> num-lines (window-height))
(goto-char begin)
(recenter 0))
((< begin window-start)
(goto-char begin)
(recenter 0))
((> end window-end)
(goto-char end)
(recenter -2)))
(goto-char target-char)))
(t (org-noter--show-note-entry session (org-noter--parse-root)))))
(org-cycle-show-empty-lines t)))
(defun org-noter--get-current-view ()
"Return a vector with the current view information."
(let ((mode (org-noter--session-doc-mode session)))
(with-selected-window (org-noter--get-doc-window)
(cond ((memq mode '(doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode))
(vector 'paged (car (org-noter--doc-approx-location-cons))))
((eq mode 'nov-mode)
(vector 'nov
(org-noter--doc-approx-location-cons (window-start))
(org-noter--doc-approx-location-cons (window-end nil t))))
(t (error "Unknown document type")))))))
(defun org-noter--note-after-tipping-point (point location view)
;; NOTE(nox): This __assumes__ the note is inside the view!
(let (hook-result)
((setq hook-result (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--note-after-tipping-point-hook
point location view))
(cdr hook-result))
((eq (aref view 0) 'paged)
(> (cdr location) point))
((eq (aref view 0) 'nov)
(> (cdr location) (+ (* point (- (cdr (aref view 2)) (cdr (aref view 1))))
(cdr (aref view 1))))))))
(defun org-noter--relative-position-to-view (location view)
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-noter--relative-position-to-view-hook location view))
((eq (aref view 0) 'paged)
(let ((note-page (car location))
(view-page (aref view 1)))
(cond ((< note-page view-page) 'before)
((= note-page view-page) 'inside)
(t 'after))))
((eq (aref view 0) 'nov)
(let ((view-top (aref view 1))
(view-bot (aref view 2)))
(cond ((org-noter--compare-locations '< location view-top) 'before)
((org-noter--compare-locations '<= location view-bot) 'inside)
(t 'after))))))
(defmacro org-noter--view-region-finish (info &optional terminating-headline)
`(when ,info
,(if terminating-headline
`(push (cons (aref ,info 1) (min (aref ,info 2) (org-element-property :begin ,terminating-headline)))
(gv-deref (aref ,info 0)))
`(push (cons (aref ,info 1) (aref ,info 2)) (gv-deref (aref ,info 0))))
(setq ,info nil)))
(defmacro org-noter--view-region-add (info list-name headline)
(when (and ,info (not (eq (aref ,info 3) ',list-name)))
(org-noter--view-region-finish ,info ,headline))
(if ,info
(setf (aref ,info 2) (max (aref ,info 2) (org-element-property :end ,headline)))
(setq ,info (vector (gv-ref ,list-name)
(org-element-property :begin ,headline) (org-element-property :end ,headline)
;; NOTE(nox): notes is a list of (HEADING . HEADING-TO-INSERT-TEXT-BEFORE):
;; - HEADING is the root heading of the note
;; - SHOULD-ADD-SPACE indicates if there should be extra spacing when inserting text to the note (ie. the
;; note has contents)
(cl-defstruct org-noter--view-info notes regions prev-regions reference-for-insertion)
(defun org-noter--get-view-info (view &optional new-location)
"Return VIEW related information.
When optional NEW-LOCATION is provided, it will be used to find
the best heading to serve as a reference to create the new one
relative to."
(when view
(let ((contents (org-element-contents (org-noter--parse-root)))
(preamble t)
notes-in-view regions-in-view
reference-for-insertion reference-location
(all-after-tipping-point t)
(closest-tipping-point (and (>= (org-noter--session-closest-tipping-point session) 0)
(org-noter--session-closest-tipping-point session)))
closest-notes closest-notes-regions closest-notes-location
(org-element-map contents 'headline
(lambda (headline)
(let ((doc-file (org-noter--doc-file-property headline))
(location (org-noter--parse-location-property headline)))
(when (and ignore-until-level (<= (org-element-property :level headline) ignore-until-level))
(setq ignore-until-level nil))
(ignore-until-level) ;; NOTE(nox): This heading is ignored, do nothing
((and doc-file (not (string= doc-file (org-noter--session-property-text session))))
(org-noter--view-region-finish current-region-info headline)
(setq ignore-until-level (org-element-property :level headline))
(when (and preamble new-location
(or (not reference-for-insertion)
(>= (org-element-property :begin headline)
(org-element-property :end (cdr reference-for-insertion)))))
(setq reference-for-insertion (cons 'after headline))))
(let ((relative-position (org-noter--relative-position-to-view location view)))
((eq relative-position 'inside)
(push (cons headline nil) notes-in-view)
(org-noter--view-region-add current-region-info regions-in-view headline)
(setq all-after-tipping-point
(and all-after-tipping-point (org-noter--note-after-tipping-point
closest-tipping-point location view))))
(when current-region-info
(let ((note-cons-to-change (cond ((eq (aref current-region-info 3) 'regions-in-view)
(car notes-in-view))
((eq (aref current-region-info 3) 'closest-notes-regions)
(car closest-notes)))))
(when (< (org-element-property :begin headline)
(org-element-property :end (car note-cons-to-change)))
(setcdr note-cons-to-change headline))))
(let ((eligible-for-before (and closest-tipping-point all-after-tipping-point
(eq relative-position 'before))))
(cond ((and eligible-for-before
(org-noter--compare-locations '> location closest-notes-location))
(setq closest-notes (list (cons headline nil))
closest-notes-location location
current-region-info nil
closest-notes-regions nil)
(org-noter--view-region-add current-region-info closest-notes-regions headline))
((and eligible-for-before (equal location closest-notes-location))
(push (cons headline nil) closest-notes)
(org-noter--view-region-add current-region-info closest-notes-regions headline))
(t (org-noter--view-region-finish current-region-info headline)))))))
(when new-location
(setq preamble nil)
(cond ((and (org-noter--compare-locations '<= location new-location)
(or (eq (car reference-for-insertion) 'before)
(org-noter--compare-locations '>= location reference-location)))
(setq reference-for-insertion (cons 'after headline)
reference-location location))
((and (eq (car reference-for-insertion) 'after)
(< (org-element-property :begin headline)
(org-element-property :end (cdr reference-for-insertion)))
(org-noter--compare-locations '>= location new-location))
(setq reference-for-insertion (cons 'before headline)
reference-location location)))))
(when (and preamble new-location
(or (not reference-for-insertion)
(>= (org-element-property :begin headline)
(org-element-property :end (cdr reference-for-insertion)))))
(setq reference-for-insertion (cons 'after headline)))))))
nil nil org-noter--note-search-no-recurse)
(org-noter--view-region-finish current-region-info)
(setf (org-noter--session-num-notes-in-view session) (length notes-in-view))
(when all-after-tipping-point (setq notes-in-view (append closest-notes notes-in-view)))
:notes (nreverse notes-in-view)
:regions (nreverse regions-in-view)
:prev-regions (nreverse closest-notes-regions)
:reference-for-insertion reference-for-insertion)))))
(defun org-noter--make-view-info-for-single-note (session headline)
(let ((not-belonging-element
(org-element-map (org-element-contents headline) 'headline
(lambda (headline)
(let ((doc-file (org-noter--doc-file-property headline)))
(and (or (and doc-file (not (string= doc-file (org-noter--session-property-text session))))
(org-noter--check-location-property headline))
nil t)))
;; NOTE(nox): The cdr is only used when inserting, doesn't matter here
:notes (list (cons headline nil))
:regions (list (cons (org-element-property :begin headline)
(or (and not-belonging-element (org-element-property :begin not-belonging-element))
(org-element-property :end headline)))))))
(defun org-noter--doc-location-change-handler ()
(let ((view-info (org-noter--get-view-info (org-noter--get-current-view))))
(force-mode-line-update t)
(unless org-noter--inhibit-location-change-handler
(org-noter--get-notes-window (cond ((org-noter--view-info-regions view-info) 'scroll)
((org-noter--view-info-prev-regions view-info) 'only-prev)))
(org-noter--focus-notes-region view-info)))
(when (org-noter--session-auto-save-last-location session) (org-noter-set-start-location))))
(defun org-noter--mode-line-text ()
(let* ((number-of-notes (or (org-noter--session-num-notes-in-view session) 0)))
(cond ((= number-of-notes 0) (propertize " 0 notes " 'face 'org-noter-no-notes-exist-face))
((= number-of-notes 1) (propertize " 1 note " 'face 'org-noter-notes-exist-face))
(t (propertize (format " %d notes " number-of-notes) 'face 'org-noter-notes-exist-face))))))
;; NOTE(nox): From machc/pdf-tools-org
(defun org-noter--pdf-tools-edges-to-region (edges)
"Get 4-entry region (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM) from several EDGES."
(when edges
(let ((left0 (nth 0 (car edges)))
(top0 (nth 1 (car edges)))
(bottom0 (nth 3 (car edges)))
(top1 (nth 1 (car (last edges))))
(right1 (nth 2 (car (last edges))))
(bottom1 (nth 3 (car (last edges)))))
(list left0
(+ top0 (/ (- bottom0 top0) 3))
(- bottom1 (/ (- bottom1 top1) 3))))))
(defun org-noter--check-if-document-is-annotated-on-file (document-path notes-path)
;; NOTE(nox): In order to insert the correct file contents
(let ((buffer (find-buffer-visiting notes-path)))
(when buffer (with-current-buffer buffer (save-buffer)))
(insert-file-contents notes-path)
(catch 'break
(while (re-search-forward (org-re-property org-noter-property-doc-file) nil t)
(when (file-equal-p (expand-file-name (match-string 3) (file-name-directory notes-path))
;; NOTE(nox): This notes file has the document we want!
(throw 'break t)))))))
(defsubst org-noter--check-doc-prop (doc-prop)
(and doc-prop (not (file-directory-p doc-prop)) (file-readable-p doc-prop)))
(defun org-noter--get-or-read-document-property (inherit-prop &optional force-new)
(let ((doc-prop (and (not force-new) (org-entry-get nil org-noter-property-doc-file inherit-prop))))
(unless (org-noter--check-doc-prop doc-prop)
(setq doc-prop nil)
(when org-noter-suggest-from-attachments
(require 'org-attach)
(let* ((attach-dir (org-attach-dir))
(attach-list (and attach-dir (org-attach-file-list attach-dir))))
(when (and attach-list (y-or-n-p "Do you want to annotate an attached file?"))
(setq doc-prop (completing-read "File to annotate: " attach-list nil t))
(when doc-prop (setq doc-prop (file-relative-name (expand-file-name doc-prop attach-dir)))))))
(unless (org-noter--check-doc-prop doc-prop)
(setq doc-prop (expand-file-name
"Invalid or no document property found. Please specify a document path: " nil nil t)))
(when (or (file-directory-p doc-prop) (not (file-readable-p doc-prop))) (user-error "Invalid file path"))
(when (y-or-n-p "Do you want a relative file name? ") (setq doc-prop (file-relative-name doc-prop))))
(org-entry-put nil org-noter-property-doc-file doc-prop))
(defun org-noter--other-frames (&optional this-frame)
"Returns non-`nil' when there is at least another frame"
(setq this-frame (or this-frame (selected-frame)))
(catch 'other-frame
(dolist (frame (visible-frame-list))
(unless (or (eq this-frame frame)
(frame-parent frame)
(frame-parameter frame 'delete-before))
(throw 'other-frame frame)))))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; NOTE(nox): User commands
(defun org-noter-set-start-location (&optional arg)
"When opening a session with this document, go to the current location.
With a prefix ARG, remove start location."
(interactive "P")
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(location (org-noter--doc-approx-location 'interactive)))
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(if arg
(org-entry-delete nil org-noter-property-note-location)
(org-entry-put nil org-noter-property-note-location
(org-noter--pretty-print-location location))))))))
(defun org-noter-set-auto-save-last-location (arg)
"This toggles saving the last visited location for this document.
With a prefix ARG, delete the current setting and use the default."
(interactive "P")
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(new-setting (if arg
(not (org-noter--session-auto-save-last-location session)))))
(setf (org-noter--session-auto-save-last-location session)
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(if arg
(org-entry-delete nil org-noter--property-auto-save-last-location)
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-auto-save-last-location (format "%s" new-setting)))
(unless new-setting (org-entry-delete nil org-noter-property-note-location)))))))
(defun org-noter-set-hide-other (arg)
"This toggles hiding other headings for the current session.
- With a prefix \\[universal-argument], set the current setting permanently for this document.
- With a prefix \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument], remove the setting and use the default."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
(ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(cond ((equal arg '(4)) 'write)
((equal arg '(16)) 'remove)))
(cond ((eq persistent 'write) (org-noter--session-hide-other session))
((eq persistent 'remove) org-noter-hide-other)
('other-cases (not (org-noter--session-hide-other session))))))
(setf (org-noter--session-hide-other session) new-setting)
(when persistent
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(if (eq persistent 'write)
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-hide-other (format "%s" new-setting))
(org-entry-delete nil org-noter--property-hide-other))))))))
(defun org-noter-set-closest-tipping-point (arg)
"This sets the closest note tipping point (see `org-noter-closest-tipping-point')
- With a prefix \\[universal-argument], set it permanently for this document.
- With a prefix \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument], remove the setting and use the default."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(inhibit-read-only t)
(persistent (cond ((equal arg '(4)) 'write)
((equal arg '(16)) 'remove)))
(new-setting (if (eq persistent 'remove)
(read-number "New tipping point: " (org-noter--session-closest-tipping-point session)))))
(setf (org-noter--session-closest-tipping-point session) new-setting)
(when persistent
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(if (eq persistent 'write)
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-closest-tipping-point (format "%f" new-setting))
(org-entry-delete nil org-noter--property-closest-tipping-point))))))))
(defun org-noter-set-notes-window-behavior (arg)
"Set the notes window behaviour for the current session.
With a prefix ARG, it becomes persistent for that document.
See `org-noter-notes-window-behavior' for more information."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
(ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(possible-behaviors (list '("Default" . default)
'("On start" . start)
'("On scroll" . scroll)
'("On scroll to location that only has previous notes" . only-prev)
'("Never" . never)))
(while (> (length possible-behaviors) 1)
(let ((chosen-pair (assoc (completing-read "Behavior: " possible-behaviors nil t) possible-behaviors)))
(cond ((eq (cdr chosen-pair) 'default) (setq possible-behaviors nil))
((eq (cdr chosen-pair) 'never) (setq chosen-behaviors (list 'never)
possible-behaviors nil))
((eq (cdr chosen-pair) 'done) (setq possible-behaviors nil))
(t (push (cdr chosen-pair) chosen-behaviors)
(setq possible-behaviors (delq chosen-pair possible-behaviors))
(when (= (length chosen-behaviors) 1)
(setq possible-behaviors (delq (rassq 'default possible-behaviors) possible-behaviors)
possible-behaviors (delq (rassq 'never possible-behaviors) possible-behaviors))
(push (cons "Done" 'done) possible-behaviors))))))
(setf (org-noter--session-window-behavior session)
(or chosen-behaviors org-noter-notes-window-behavior))
(when arg
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(if chosen-behaviors
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-behavior (format "%s" chosen-behaviors))
(org-entry-delete nil org-noter--property-behavior))))))))
(defun org-noter-set-notes-window-location (arg)
"Set the notes window default location for the current session.
With a prefix ARG, it becomes persistent for that document.
See `org-noter-notes-window-behavior' for more information."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
(ast (org-noter--parse-root))
'(("Default" . nil)
("Horizontal split" . horizontal-split)
("Vertical split" . vertical-split)
("Other frame" . other-frame)))
(cdr (assoc (completing-read "Location: " location-possibilities nil t)
(notes-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)))
(setf (org-noter--session-window-location session)
(or location org-noter-notes-window-location))
(let (exists)
(dolist (window (get-buffer-window-list notes-buffer nil t))
(setq exists t)
(with-selected-frame (window-frame window)
(if (= (count-windows) 1)
(delete-window window))))
(when exists (org-noter--get-notes-window 'force)))
(when arg
(with-current-buffer notes-buffer
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(if location
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-location
(format "%s" location))
(org-entry-delete nil org-noter--property-location))))))))
(defun org-noter-set-doc-split-fraction (arg)
"Set the fraction of the frame that the document window will occupy when split.
- With a prefix \\[universal-argument], set it permanently for this document.
- With a prefix \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument], remove the setting and use the default."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(inhibit-read-only t)
(persistent (cond ((equal arg '(4)) 'write)
((equal arg '(16)) 'remove)))
(current-setting (org-noter--session-doc-split-fraction session))
(if (eq persistent 'remove)
(cons (read-number "Horizontal fraction: " (car current-setting))
(read-number "Vertical fraction: " (cdr current-setting))))))
(setf (org-noter--session-doc-split-fraction session) new-setting)
(when (org-noter--get-notes-window)
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session)
(org-noter--get-notes-window 'force)))
(when persistent
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(if (eq persistent 'write)
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-doc-split-fraction (format "%s" new-setting))
(org-entry-delete nil org-noter--property-doc-split-fraction))))))))
(defun org-noter-kill-session (&optional session)
"Kill an `org-noter' session.
When called interactively, if there is no prefix argument and the
buffer has an annotation session, it will kill it; else, it will
show a list of open `org-noter' sessions, asking for which to
When called from elisp code, you have to pass in the SESSION you
want to kill."
(interactive "P")
(when (and (called-interactively-p 'any) (> (length org-noter--sessions) 0))
;; NOTE(nox): `session' is representing a prefix argument
(if (and org-noter--session (not session))
(setq session org-noter--session)
(setq session nil)
(let (collection default doc-display-name notes-file-name display)
(dolist (session org-noter--sessions)
(setq doc-display-name (org-noter--session-display-name session)
notes-file-name (file-name-nondirectory
(org-noter--session-notes-file-path session))
display (concat doc-display-name " - " notes-file-name))
(when (eq session org-noter--session) (setq default display))
(push (cons display session) collection))
(setq session (cdr (assoc (completing-read "Which session? " collection nil t
nil nil default)
(when (and session (memq session org-noter--sessions))
(setq org-noter--sessions (delq session org-noter--sessions))
(when (eq (length org-noter--sessions) 0)
(remove-hook 'delete-frame-functions 'org-noter--handle-delete-frame)
(advice-remove 'doc-view-goto-page 'org-noter--location-change-advice)
(advice-remove 'nov-render-document 'org-noter--nov-scroll-handler))
(let* ((ast (org-noter--parse-root session))
(frame (org-noter--session-frame session))
(notes-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session))
(base-buffer (buffer-base-buffer notes-buffer))
(notes-modified (buffer-modified-p base-buffer))
(doc-buffer (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session)))
(dolist (window (get-buffer-window-list notes-buffer nil t))
(with-selected-frame (window-frame window)
(if (= (count-windows) 1)
(when (org-noter--other-frames) (delete-frame))
(delete-window window))))
(with-current-buffer notes-buffer
(remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'org-noter--handle-kill-buffer t)
(restore-buffer-modified-p nil))
(kill-buffer notes-buffer)
(with-current-buffer base-buffer
(org-noter--unset-text-properties ast)
(set-buffer-modified-p notes-modified))
(with-current-buffer doc-buffer
(remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'org-noter--handle-kill-buffer t))
(kill-buffer doc-buffer)
(when (frame-live-p frame)
(if (and (org-noter--other-frames) org-noter-kill-frame-at-session-end)
(delete-frame frame)
(set-frame-parameter nil 'name nil)))))))
(defun org-noter-create-skeleton ()
"Create notes skeleton with the PDF outline or annotations.
Only available with PDF Tools."
((eq (org-noter--session-doc-mode session) 'pdf-view-mode)
(let* ((ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(top-level (org-element-property :level ast))
(options '(("Outline" . (outline))
("Annotations" . (annots))
("Both" . (outline annots))))
answer output-data)
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session)
(setq answer (assoc (completing-read "What do you want to import? " options nil t) options))
(when (memq 'outline answer)
(dolist (item (pdf-info-outline))
(let ((type (alist-get 'type item))
(page (alist-get 'page item))
(depth (alist-get 'depth item))
(title (alist-get 'title item))
(top (alist-get 'top item)))
(when (and (eq type 'goto-dest) (> page 0))
(push (vector title (cons page top) (1+ depth) nil) output-data)))))
(when (memq 'annots answer)
(let ((possible-annots (list '("Highlights" . highlight)
'("Underlines" . underline)
'("Squigglies" . squiggly)
'("Text notes" . text)
'("Strikeouts" . strike-out)
'("Links" . link)
'("ALL" . all)))
chosen-annots insert-contents pages-with-links)
(while (> (length possible-annots) 1)
(let* ((chosen-string (completing-read "Which types of annotations do you want? "
possible-annots nil t))
(chosen-pair (assoc chosen-string possible-annots)))
(cond ((eq (cdr chosen-pair) 'all)
(dolist (annot possible-annots)
(when (and (cdr annot) (not (eq (cdr annot) 'all)))
(push (cdr annot) chosen-annots)))
(setq possible-annots nil))
((cdr chosen-pair)
(push (cdr chosen-pair) chosen-annots)
(setq possible-annots (delq chosen-pair possible-annots))
(when (= 1 (length chosen-annots)) (push '("DONE") possible-annots)))
(setq possible-annots nil)))))
(setq insert-contents (y-or-n-p "Should we insert the annotations contents? "))
(dolist (item (pdf-info-getannots))
(let* ((type (alist-get 'type item))
(page (alist-get 'page item))
(edges (or (org-noter--pdf-tools-edges-to-region (alist-get 'markup-edges item))
(alist-get 'edges item)))
(top (nth 1 edges))
(item-subject (alist-get 'subject item))
(item-contents (alist-get 'contents item))
name contents)
(when (and (memq type chosen-annots) (> page 0))
(if (eq type 'link)
(cl-pushnew page pages-with-links)
(setq name (cond ((eq type 'highlight) "Highlight")
((eq type 'underline) "Underline")
((eq type 'squiggly) "Squiggly")
((eq type 'text) "Text note")
((eq type 'strike-out) "Strikeout")))
(when insert-contents
(setq contents (cons (pdf-info-gettext page edges)
(and (or (and item-subject (> (length item-subject) 0))
(and item-contents (> (length item-contents) 0)))
(concat (or item-subject "")
(if (and item-subject item-contents) "\n" "")
(or item-contents ""))))))
(push (vector (format "%s on page %d" name page) (cons page top) 'inside contents)
(dolist (page pages-with-links)
(let ((links (pdf-info-pagelinks page))
(dolist (link links)
(setq type (alist-get 'type link))
(unless (eq type 'goto-dest) ;; NOTE(nox): Ignore internal links
(let* ((edges (alist-get 'edges link))
(title (alist-get 'title link))
(top (nth 1 edges))
(target-page (alist-get 'page link))
target heading-text)
(unless (and title (> (length title) 0)) (setq title (pdf-info-gettext page edges)))
((eq type 'uri)
(setq target (alist-get 'uri link)
heading-text (format "Link on page %d: [[%s][%s]]" page target title)))
((eq type 'goto-remote)
(setq target (concat "file:" (alist-get 'filename link))
heading-text (format "Link to document on page %d: [[%s][%s]]" page target title))
(when target-page
(setq heading-text (concat heading-text (format " (target page: %d)" target-page)))))
(t (error "Unexpected link type")))
(push (vector heading-text (cons page top) 'inside nil) output-data))))))))
(when output-data
(if (memq 'annots answer)
(setq output-data
(sort output-data
(lambda (e1 e2)
(or (not (aref e1 1))
(and (aref e2 1)
(org-noter--compare-locations '< (aref e1 1) (aref e2 1)))))))
(setq output-data (nreverse output-data)))
(push (vector "Skeleton" nil 1 nil) output-data)))
(with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
;; NOTE(nox): org-with-wide-buffer can't be used because we want to reset the
;; narrow region to include the new headings
(goto-char (org-element-property :end ast))
(let (last-absolute-level
title location relative-level contents
(dolist (data output-data)
(setq title (aref data 0)
location (aref data 1)
relative-level (aref data 2)
contents (aref data 3))
(if (symbolp relative-level)
(setq level (1+ last-absolute-level))
(setq last-absolute-level (+ top-level relative-level)
level last-absolute-level))
(org-noter--insert-heading level title)
(when location
(org-entry-put nil org-noter-property-note-location (org-noter--pretty-print-location location)))
(when org-noter-doc-property-in-notes
(org-entry-put nil org-noter-property-doc-file (org-noter--session-property-text session))
(org-entry-put nil org-noter--property-auto-save-last-location "nil"))
(when (car contents)
(org-noter--insert-heading (1+ level) "Contents")
(insert (car contents)))
(when (cdr contents)
(org-noter--insert-heading (1+ level) "Comment")
(insert (cdr contents)))))
(setq ast (org-noter--parse-root))
(org-noter--narrow-to-root ast)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
(org-show-children 2)))))
(t (user-error "This command is only supported on PDF Tools.")))))
(defun org-noter-insert-note (&optional precise-info)
"Insert note associated with the current location.
This command will prompt for a title of the note and then insert
it in the notes buffer. When the input is empty, a title based on
`org-noter-default-heading-title' will be generated.
If there are other notes related to the current location, the
prompt will also suggest them. Depending on the value of the
variable `org-noter-closest-tipping-point', it may also
suggest the closest previous note.
PRECISE-INFO makes the new note associated with a more
specific location (see `org-noter-insert-precise-note' for more
When you insert into an existing note and have text selected on
the document buffer, the variable `org-noter-insert-selected-text-inside-note'
defines if the text should be inserted inside the note."
(let* ((ast (org-noter--parse-root)) (contents (org-element-contents ast))
(window (org-noter--get-notes-window 'force))
((eq (org-noter--session-doc-mode session) 'pdf-view-mode)
(when (pdf-view-active-region-p)
(mapconcat 'identity (pdf-view-active-region-text) ? )))
((eq (org-noter--session-doc-mode session) 'nov-mode)
(when (region-active-p)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (mark) (point))))))
(location (org-noter--doc-approx-location (or precise-info 'interactive) (gv-ref force-new)))
(view-info (org-noter--get-view-info (org-noter--get-current-view) location)))
(let ((inhibit-quit t))
(select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window))
(select-window window)
;; IMPORTANT(nox): Need to be careful changing the next part, it is a bit
;; complicated to get it right...
(let ((point (point))
(minibuffer-local-completion-map org-noter--completing-read-keymap)
collection default default-begin title selection
(empty-lines-number (if org-noter-separate-notes-from-heading 2 1)))
;; NOTE(nox): Both precise and without questions will create new notes
((or precise-info force-new)
(setq default (and selected-text (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " selected-text))))
(dolist (note-cons (org-noter--view-info-notes view-info))
(let ((display (org-element-property :raw-value (car note-cons)))
(begin (org-element-property :begin (car note-cons))))
(push (cons display note-cons) collection)
(when (and (>= point begin) (> begin (or default-begin 0)))
(setq default display
default-begin begin))))))
(setq collection (nreverse collection)
title (if org-noter-insert-note-no-questions
(completing-read "Note: " collection nil nil nil nil default))
selection (unless org-noter-insert-note-no-questions (cdr (assoc title collection))))
(if selection
;; NOTE(nox): Inserting on an existing note
(let* ((note (car selection))
(insert-before-element (cdr selection))
(eq (org-element-map (org-element-contents note) org-element-all-elements
(lambda (element)
(if (org-noter--check-location-property element)
(not (memq (org-element-type element) '(section property-drawer)))))
nil t)
(when has-content (setq empty-lines-number 2))
(if insert-before-element
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin insert-before-element))
(goto-char (org-element-property :end note)))
(if (org-at-heading-p)
(org-N-empty-lines-before-current empty-lines-number)
(forward-line -1))
(unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
(org-N-empty-lines-before-current (1- empty-lines-number)))
(when (and org-noter-insert-selected-text-inside-note selected-text) (insert selected-text)))
;; NOTE(nox): Inserting a new note
(let ((reference-element-cons (org-noter--view-info-reference-for-insertion view-info))
(when (zerop (length title))
(setq title (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote "$p$") (number-to-string (car location))
(if reference-element-cons
((eq (car reference-element-cons) 'before)
(goto-char (org-element-property :begin (cdr reference-element-cons))))
((eq (car reference-element-cons) 'after)
(goto-char (org-element-property :end (cdr reference-element-cons)))))
;; NOTE(nox): This is here to make the automatic "should insert blank" work better.
(when (org-at-heading-p) (backward-char))
(setq level (org-element-property :level (cdr reference-element-cons))))
(goto-char (org-element-map contents 'section
(lambda (section) (org-element-property :end section))
nil t org-element-all-elements))
(setq level (1+ (org-element-property :level ast))))
;; NOTE(nox): This is needed to insert in the right place
(org-noter--insert-heading level title empty-lines-number location)
(when (org-noter--session-hide-other session) (org-overview))
(setf (org-noter--session-num-notes-in-view session)
(1+ (org-noter--session-num-notes-in-view session)))))
(org-show-set-visibility t)
(org-cycle-hide-drawers 'all)
(org-cycle-show-empty-lines t)))
(when quit-flag
;; NOTE(nox): If this runs, it means the user quitted while creating a note, so
;; revert to the previous window.
(select-frame-set-input-focus (org-noter--session-frame session))
(select-window (get-buffer-window (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session))))))))
(defun org-noter-insert-precise-note (&optional toggle-no-questions)
"Insert note associated with a specific location.
This will ask you to click where you want to scroll to when you
sync the document to this note. You should click on the top of
that part. Will always create a new note.
When text is selected, it will automatically choose the top of
the selected text as the location and the text itself as the
title of the note (you may change it anyway!).
See `org-noter-insert-note' docstring for more."
(interactive "P")
(let ((org-noter-insert-note-no-questions (if toggle-no-questions
(not org-noter-insert-note-no-questions)
(org-noter-insert-note (org-noter--get-precise-info)))))
(defun org-noter-insert-note-toggle-no-questions ()
"Insert note associated with the current location.
This is like `org-noter-insert-note', except it will toggle `org-noter-insert-note-no-questions'"
(let ((org-noter-insert-note-no-questions (not org-noter-insert-note-no-questions)))
(defmacro org-noter--map-ignore-headings-with-doc-file (contents match-first &rest body)
`(let (ignore-until-level)
(org-element-map ,contents 'headline
(lambda (headline)
(let ((doc-file (org-noter--doc-file-property headline))
(location (org-noter--parse-location-property headline)))
(when (and ignore-until-level (<= (org-element-property :level headline) ignore-until-level))
(setq ignore-until-level nil))
(ignore-until-level nil) ;; NOTE(nox): This heading is ignored, do nothing
((and doc-file (not (string= doc-file (org-noter--session-property-text session))))
(setq ignore-until-level (org-element-property :level headline)) nil)
(t ,@body))))
nil ,match-first org-noter--note-search-no-recurse)))
(defun org-noter-sync-prev-page-or-chapter ()
"Show previous page or chapter that has notes, in relation to the current page or chapter.
This will force the notes window to popup."
(let ((this-location (org-noter--doc-approx-location 0))
(contents (org-element-contents (org-noter--parse-root)))
(org-noter--get-notes-window 'force)
contents nil
(when (and (org-noter--compare-locations '< location this-location)
(org-noter--compare-locations '>f location target-location))
(setq target-location location)))
(org-noter--get-notes-window 'force)
(select-window (org-noter--get-doc-window))
(if target-location
(org-noter--doc-goto-location target-location)
(user-error "There are no more previous pages or chapters with notes")))))
(defun org-noter-sync-current-page-or-chapter ()
"Show current page or chapter notes.
This will force the notes window to popup."
(let ((window (org-noter--get-notes-window 'force)))
(select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window))
(select-window window)
(defun org-noter-sync-next-page-or-chapter ()
"Show next page or chapter that has notes, in relation to the current page or chapter.
This will force the notes window to popup."
(let ((this-location (org-noter--doc-approx-location most-positive-fixnum))
(contents (org-element-contents (org-noter--parse-root)))
contents nil
(when (and (org-noter--compare-locations '> location this-location)
(org-noter--compare-locations '< location target-location))
(setq target-location location)))
(org-noter--get-notes-window 'force)
(select-window (org-noter--get-doc-window))
(if target-location
(org-noter--doc-goto-location target-location)
(user-error "There are no more following pages or chapters with notes")))))
(defun org-noter-sync-prev-note ()
"Go to the location of the previous note, in relation to where the point is.
As such, it will only work when the notes window exists."
"No notes window exists"
(let ((org-noter--inhibit-location-change-handler t)
(contents (org-element-contents (org-noter--parse-root)))
(current-begin (org-element-property :begin (org-noter--get-containing-heading)))
(when current-begin
contents t
(when location
(if (= current-begin (org-element-property :begin headline))
(setq previous headline)
(if previous
;; NOTE(nox): This needs to be manual so we can focus the correct note
(org-noter--doc-goto-location (org-noter--parse-location-property previous))
(org-noter--focus-notes-region (org-noter--make-view-info-for-single-note session previous)))
(user-error "There is no previous note"))))
(select-window (org-noter--get-doc-window)))
(defun org-noter-sync-current-note ()
"Go the location of the selected note, in relation to where the point is.
As such, it will only work when the notes window exists."
"No notes window exists"
(if (string= (org-entry-get nil org-noter-property-doc-file t) (org-noter--session-property-text session))
(let ((location (org-noter--parse-location-property (org-noter--get-containing-heading))))
(if location
(org-noter--doc-goto-location location)
(user-error "No note selected")))
(user-error "You are inside a different document")))
(let ((window (org-noter--get-doc-window)))
(select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window))
(select-window window)))
(defun org-noter-sync-next-note ()
"Go to the location of the next note, in relation to where the point is.
As such, it will only work when the notes window exists."
"No notes window exists"
(let ((org-noter--inhibit-location-change-handler t)
(contents (org-element-contents (org-noter--parse-root)))
contents t
(when (and location (< (point) (org-element-property :begin headline)))
(setq next headline)))
(if next
(org-noter--doc-goto-location (org-noter--parse-location-property next))
(org-noter--focus-notes-region (org-noter--make-view-info-for-single-note session next)))
(user-error "There is no next note"))))
(select-window (org-noter--get-doc-window)))
(define-minor-mode org-noter-doc-mode
"Minor mode for the document buffer.
:keymap `((,(kbd "i") . org-noter-insert-note)
(,(kbd "C-i") . org-noter-insert-note-toggle-no-questions)
(,(kbd "M-i") . org-noter-insert-precise-note)
(,(kbd "q") . org-noter-kill-session)
(,(kbd "M-p") . org-noter-sync-prev-page-or-chapter)
(,(kbd "M-.") . org-noter-sync-current-page-or-chapter)
(,(kbd "M-n") . org-noter-sync-next-page-or-chapter)
(,(kbd "C-M-p") . org-noter-sync-prev-note)
(,(kbd "C-M-.") . org-noter-sync-current-note)
(,(kbd "C-M-n") . org-noter-sync-next-note))
(let ((mode-line-segment '(:eval (org-noter--mode-line-text))))
(if org-noter-doc-mode
(if (symbolp (car-safe mode-line-format))
(setq mode-line-format (list mode-line-segment mode-line-format))
(push mode-line-segment mode-line-format))
(setq mode-line-format (delete mode-line-segment mode-line-format)))))
(define-minor-mode org-noter-notes-mode
"Minor mode for the notes buffer.
:keymap `((,(kbd "M-p") . org-noter-sync-prev-page-or-chapter)
(,(kbd "M-.") . org-noter-sync-current-page-or-chapter)
(,(kbd "M-n") . org-noter-sync-next-page-or-chapter)
(,(kbd "C-M-p") . org-noter-sync-prev-note)
(,(kbd "C-M-.") . org-noter-sync-current-note)
(,(kbd "C-M-n") . org-noter-sync-next-note)))
(defun org-noter (&optional arg)
"Start `org-noter' session.
There are two modes of operation. You may create the session from:
- The Org notes file
- The document to be annotated (PDF, EPUB, ...)
- Creating the session from notes file -----------------------------------------
This will open a session for taking your notes, with indirect
buffers to the document and the notes side by side. Your current
window configuration won't be changed, because this opens in a
new frame.
You only need to run this command inside a heading (which will
hold the notes for this document). If no document path property is found,
this command will ask you for the target file.
With a prefix universal argument ARG, only check for the property
in the current heading, don't inherit from parents.
With 2 prefix universal arguments ARG, ask for a new document,
even if the current heading annotates one.
With a prefix number ARG:
- Greater than 0: Open the document like `find-file'
- Equal to 0: Create session with `org-noter-always-create-frame' toggled
- Less than 0: Open the folder containing the document
- Creating the session from the document ---------------------------------------
This will try to find a notes file in any of the parent folders.
The names it will search for are defined in `org-noter-default-notes-file-names'.
It will also try to find a notes file with the same name as the
document, giving it the maximum priority.
When it doesn't find anything, it will interactively ask you what
you want it to do. The target notes file must be in a parent
folder (direct or otherwise) of the document.
You may pass a prefix ARG in order to make it let you choose the
notes file, even if it finds one."
(interactive "P")
;; NOTE(nox): Creating the session from notes file
((eq major-mode 'org-mode)
(when (org-before-first-heading-p)
(user-error "`org-noter' must be issued inside a heading"))
(let* ((notes-file-path (buffer-file-name))
(document-property (org-noter--get-or-read-document-property (not (equal arg '(4)))
(equal arg '(16))))
(if (and (numberp arg) (= arg 0)) (not org-noter-always-create-frame) org-noter-always-create-frame))
(ast (org-noter--parse-root (vector (current-buffer) document-property))))
(when (catch 'should-continue
(when (or (numberp arg) (eq arg '-))
(cond ((> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
(find-file document-property)
(throw 'should-continue nil))
((< (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
(find-file (file-name-directory document-property))
(throw 'should-continue nil))))
;; NOTE(nox): Check if it is an existing session
(let ((id (get-text-property (org-element-property :begin ast) org-noter--id-text-property))
(when id
(setq session (cl-loop for test-session in org-noter--sessions
when (= (org-noter--session-id test-session) id)
return test-session))
(when session
(let* ((org-noter--session session)
(location (org-noter--parse-location-property (org-noter--get-containing-heading))))
(org-noter--setup-windows session)
(when location (org-noter--doc-goto-location location))
(select-frame-set-input-focus (org-noter--session-frame session)))
(throw 'should-continue nil))))
(org-noter--create-session ast document-property notes-file-path))))
;; NOTE(nox): Creating the session from the annotated document
((memq major-mode '(doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode nov-mode))
(if (org-noter--valid-session org-noter--session)
(progn (org-noter--setup-windows org-noter--session)
(select-frame-set-input-focus (org-noter--session-frame org-noter--session)))
;; NOTE(nox): `buffer-file-truename' is a workaround for modes that delete
;; `buffer-file-name', and may not have the same results
(let* ((buffer-file-name (or buffer-file-name (bound-and-true-p nov-file-name)))
(document-path (or buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename
(error "This buffer does not seem to be visiting any file")))
(document-name (file-name-nondirectory document-path))
(document-base (file-name-base document-name))
(document-directory (if buffer-file-name
(file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
(if (file-equal-p document-name buffer-file-truename)
(file-name-directory buffer-file-truename))))
;; NOTE(nox): This is the path that is actually going to be used, and should
;; be the same as `buffer-file-name', but is needed for the truename workaround
(document-used-path (expand-file-name document-name document-directory))
(search-names (append org-noter-default-notes-file-names (list (concat document-base ".org"))))
notes-files-annotating ; List of files annotating document
notes-files ; List of found notes files (annotating or not)
(document-location (org-noter--doc-approx-location)))
;; NOTE(nox): Check the search path
(dolist (path org-noter-notes-search-path)
(dolist (name search-names)
(let ((file-name (expand-file-name name path)))
(when (file-exists-p file-name)
(push file-name notes-files)
(when (org-noter--check-if-document-is-annotated-on-file document-path file-name)
(push file-name notes-files-annotating))))))
;; NOTE(nox): `search-names' is in reverse order, so we only need to (push ...)
;; and it will end up in the correct order
(dolist (name search-names)
(let ((directory (locate-dominating-file document-directory name))
(when directory
(setq file (expand-file-name name directory))
(unless (member file notes-files) (push file notes-files))
(when (org-noter--check-if-document-is-annotated-on-file document-path file)
(push file notes-files-annotating)))))
(setq search-names (nreverse search-names))
(when (or arg (not notes-files-annotating))
(when (or arg (not notes-files))
(let* ((notes-file-name (completing-read "What name do you want the notes to have? "
search-names nil t))
;; NOTE(nox): Create list of targets from current path
(catch 'break
(let ((current-directory document-directory)
(while t
(setq file-name (expand-file-name notes-file-name current-directory))
(when (file-exists-p file-name)
(setq file-name (propertize file-name 'display
(concat file-name
(propertize " -- Exists!"
'face '(foreground-color . "green")))))
(push file-name list-of-possible-targets)
(throw 'break nil))
(push file-name list-of-possible-targets)
(when (string= current-directory
(setq current-directory
(file-name-directory (directory-file-name current-directory))))
(throw 'break nil)))))
(setq list-of-possible-targets (nreverse list-of-possible-targets))
;; NOTE(nox): Create list of targets from search path
(dolist (path org-noter-notes-search-path)
(when (file-exists-p path)
(let ((file-name (expand-file-name notes-file-name path)))
(unless (member file-name list-of-possible-targets)
(when (file-exists-p file-name)
(setq file-name (propertize file-name 'display
(concat file-name
(propertize " -- Exists!"
'face '(foreground-color . "green"))))))
(push file-name list-of-possible-targets)))))
(setq target (completing-read "Where do you want to save it? " list-of-possible-targets
nil t))
(set-text-properties 0 (length target) nil target)
(unless (file-exists-p target) (write-region "" nil target))
(setq notes-files (list target))))
(when (> (length notes-files) 1)
(setq notes-files (list (completing-read "In which notes file should we create the heading? "
notes-files nil t))))
(if (member (car notes-files) notes-files-annotating)
;; NOTE(nox): This is needed in order to override with the arg
(setq notes-files-annotating notes-files)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (car notes-files))
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[[:space:]]*$")) "" "\n")
"* " document-base)
(org-entry-put nil org-noter-property-doc-file
(file-relative-name document-used-path
(file-name-directory (car notes-files)))))
(setq notes-files-annotating notes-files)))
(when (> (length (cl-delete-duplicates notes-files-annotating :test 'equal)) 1)
(setq notes-files-annotating (list (completing-read "Which notes file should we open? "
notes-files-annotating nil t))))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (car notes-files-annotating))
(catch 'break
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward (org-re-property org-noter-property-doc-file) nil t)
(when (file-equal-p (expand-file-name (match-string 3)
(file-name-directory (car notes-files-annotating)))
(let ((org-noter--start-location-override document-location))
(throw 'break t)))))))))))
(provide 'org-noter)
;;; org-noter.el ends here