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;;; lsp-csharp.el --- description -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2019 Jostein Kjønigsen, Saulius Menkevicius
;; Author: Saulius Menkevicius <saulius.menkevicius@fastmail.com>
;; Keywords:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; lsp-csharp client
;;; Code:
(require 'lsp-mode)
(require 'gnutls)
(require 'f)
(defgroup lsp-csharp nil
"LSP support for C#, using the Omnisharp Language Server.
Version 1.34.3 minimum is required."
:group 'lsp-mode
:link '(url-link "https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn"))
(defgroup lsp-csharp-omnisharp nil
"LSP support for C#, using the Omnisharp Language Server.
Version 1.34.3 minimum is required."
:group 'lsp-mode
:link '(url-link "https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn")
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "8.0.1"))
(defcustom lsp-csharp-server-install-dir
(f-join lsp-server-install-dir "omnisharp-roslyn/")
"Installation directory for OmniSharp Roslyn server."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type 'directory)
(defcustom lsp-csharp-server-path
"The path to the OmniSharp Roslyn language-server binary.
Set this if you have the binary installed or have it built yourself."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type '(string :tag "Single string value or nil"))
(defcustom lsp-csharp-test-run-buffer-name
"*lsp-csharp test run*"
"The name of buffer used for outputting lsp-csharp test run results."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type 'string)
(defcustom lsp-csharp-solution-file
"Solution to load when starting the server.
Usually this is to be set in your .dir-locals.el on the project root directory."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type 'string)
(defcustom lsp-csharp-omnisharp-roslyn-download-url
(concat "https://github.com/omnisharp/omnisharp-roslyn/releases/latest/download/"
(cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt)
; On Windows we're trying to avoid a crash starting 64bit .NET PE binaries in
; Emacs by using x86 version of omnisharp-roslyn on older (<= 26.4) versions
; of Emacs. See https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2017-06/msg00893.html"
(if (and (string-match "^x86_64-.*" system-configuration)
(version<= "26.4" emacs-version))
((eq system-type 'darwin)
(if (string-match "aarch64-.*" system-configuration)
((and (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
(or (eq (string-match "^x86_64" system-configuration) 0)
(eq (string-match "^i[3-6]86" system-configuration) 0)))
(t "omnisharp-mono.zip")))
"Automatic download url for omnisharp-roslyn."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type 'string)
(defcustom lsp-csharp-omnisharp-roslyn-store-path
(f-join lsp-csharp-server-install-dir "latest" "omnisharp-roslyn.zip")
"The path where omnisharp-roslyn .zip archive will be stored."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type 'file)
(defcustom lsp-csharp-omnisharp-roslyn-binary-path
(f-join lsp-csharp-server-install-dir "latest" (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
"The path where omnisharp-roslyn binary after will be stored."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type 'file)
(defcustom lsp-csharp-omnisharp-roslyn-server-dir
(f-join lsp-csharp-server-install-dir "latest" "omnisharp-roslyn")
"The path where omnisharp-roslyn .zip archive will be extracted."
:group 'lsp-csharp-omnisharp
:type 'file)
`(:download :url lsp-csharp-omnisharp-roslyn-download-url
:decompress :zip
:store-path lsp-csharp-omnisharp-roslyn-store-path
:binary-path lsp-csharp-omnisharp-roslyn-binary-path
:set-executable? t)
'(:system "OmniSharp"))
(defun lsp-csharp--omnisharp-download-server (_client callback error-callback _update?)
"Download zip package for omnisharp-roslyn and install it.
Will invoke CALLBACK on success, ERROR-CALLBACK on error."
(lsp-package-ensure 'omnisharp-roslyn callback error-callback))
(defun lsp-csharp--language-server-path ()
"Resolve path to use to start the server."
(let ((executable-name (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(or (and lsp-csharp-server-path
(executable-find lsp-csharp-server-path))
(executable-find executable-name)
(lsp-package-path 'omnisharp-roslyn))))
(defun lsp-csharp-open-project-file ()
"Open corresponding project file (.csproj) for the current file."
(-let* ((project-info-req (lsp-make-omnisharp-project-information-request :file-name (buffer-file-name)))
(project-info (lsp-request "o#/project" project-info-req))
((&omnisharp:ProjectInformation :ms-build-project) project-info)
((&omnisharp:MsBuildProject :path) ms-build-project))
(find-file path)))
(defun lsp-csharp--get-buffer-code-elements ()
"Retrieve code structure by calling into the /v2/codestructure endpoint.
Returns :elements from omnisharp:CodeStructureResponse."
(-let* ((code-structure (lsp-request "o#/v2/codestructure"
(lsp-make-omnisharp-code-structure-request :file-name (buffer-file-name))))
((&omnisharp:CodeStructureResponse :elements) code-structure))
(defun lsp-csharp--inspect-code-elements-recursively (fn elements)
"Invoke FN for every omnisharp:CodeElement found recursively in ELEMENTS."
(lambda (el)
(funcall fn el)
(-let (((&omnisharp:CodeElement :children) el))
(lsp-csharp--inspect-code-elements-recursively fn children)))
(defun lsp-csharp--collect-code-elements-recursively (predicate elements)
"Flatten the omnisharp:CodeElement tree in ELEMENTS matching PREDICATE."
(let ((results nil))
(lsp-csharp--inspect-code-elements-recursively (lambda (el)
(when (funcall predicate el)
(setq results (cons el results))))
(lsp-defun lsp-csharp--l-c-within-range (l c (&omnisharp:Range :start :end))
"Determine if L (line) and C (column) are within RANGE."
(-let* (((&omnisharp:Point :line start-l :column start-c) start)
((&omnisharp:Point :line end-l :column end-c) end))
(or (and (= l start-l) (>= c start-c) (or (> end-l start-l) (<= c end-c)))
(and (> l start-l) (< l end-l))
(and (= l end-l) (<= c end-c)))))
(defun lsp-csharp--code-element-stack-on-l-c (l c elements)
"Return omnisharp:CodeElement stack at L (line) and C (column) in ELEMENTS tree."
(when-let ((matching-element (seq-find (lambda (el)
(-when-let* (((&omnisharp:CodeElement :ranges) el)
((&omnisharp:RangeList :full?) ranges))
(lsp-csharp--l-c-within-range l c full?)))
(-let (((&omnisharp:CodeElement :children) matching-element))
(cons matching-element (lsp-csharp--code-element-stack-on-l-c l c children)))))
(defun lsp-csharp--code-element-stack-at-point ()
"Return omnisharp:CodeElement stack at point as a list."
(let ((pos-line (plist-get (lsp--cur-position) :line))
(pos-col (plist-get (lsp--cur-position) :character)))
(lsp-csharp--code-element-stack-on-l-c pos-line
(lsp-defun lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p (element)
"Return test method name and test framework for a given ELEMENT."
(when element
(-when-let* (((&omnisharp:CodeElement :properties) element)
((&omnisharp:CodeElementProperties :test-method-name? :test-framework?) properties))
(list test-method-name? test-framework?))))
(defun lsp-csharp--reset-test-buffer (present-buffer)
"Create new or reuse an existing test result output buffer.
PRESENT-BUFFER will make the buffer be presented to the user."
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create lsp-csharp-test-run-buffer-name)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(when present-buffer
(display-buffer lsp-csharp-test-run-buffer-name)))
(defun lsp-csharp--start-tests (test-method-framework test-method-names)
"Run test(s) identified by TEST-METHOD-NAMES using TEST-METHOD-FRAMEWORK."
(if (and test-method-framework test-method-names)
(let ((request-message (lsp-make-omnisharp-run-tests-in-class-request
:file-name (buffer-file-name)
:test-frameworkname test-method-framework
:method-names (vconcat test-method-names))))
(lsp-csharp--reset-test-buffer t)
(lsp-session-set-metadata "last-test-method-framework" test-method-framework)
(lsp-session-set-metadata "last-test-method-names" test-method-names)
(lsp-request-async "o#/v2/runtestsinclass"
(-lambda ((&omnisharp:RunTestResponse))
(message "lsp-csharp: Test run has started"))))
(message "lsp-csharp: No test methods to run")))
(defun lsp-csharp--test-message (message)
"Emit a MESSAGE to lsp-csharp test run buffer."
(when-let ((existing-buffer (get-buffer lsp-csharp-test-run-buffer-name))
(inhibit-read-only t))
(with-current-buffer existing-buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert message "\n")))))
(defun lsp-csharp-run-test-at-point ()
"Start test run at current point (if any)."
(let* ((stack (lsp-csharp--code-element-stack-at-point))
(element-on-point (car (last stack)))
(test-method (lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p element-on-point))
(test-method-name (car test-method))
(test-method-framework (car (cdr test-method))))
(lsp-csharp--start-tests test-method-framework (list test-method-name))))
(defun lsp-csharp-run-all-tests-in-buffer ()
"Run all test methods in the current buffer."
(let* ((elements (lsp-csharp--get-buffer-code-elements))
(test-methods (lsp-csharp--collect-code-elements-recursively 'lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p elements))
(test-method-framework (car (cdr (lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p (car test-methods)))))
(test-method-names (mapcar (lambda (method)
(car (lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p method)))
(lsp-csharp--start-tests test-method-framework test-method-names)))
(defun lsp-csharp-run-test-in-buffer ()
"Run selected test in current buffer."
(when-let* ((elements (lsp-csharp--get-buffer-code-elements))
(test-methods (lsp-csharp--collect-code-elements-recursively 'lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p elements))
(test-method-framework (car (cdr (lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p (car test-methods)))))
(test-method-names (mapcar (lambda (method)
(car (lsp-csharp--code-element-test-method-p method)))
(selected-test-method-name (lsp--completing-read "Select test:" test-method-names 'identity)))
(lsp-csharp--start-tests test-method-framework (list selected-test-method-name))))
(defun lsp-csharp-run-last-tests ()
"Re-run test(s) that were run last time."
(if-let ((last-test-method-framework (lsp-session-get-metadata "last-test-method-framework"))
(last-test-method-names (lsp-session-get-metadata "last-test-method-names")))
(lsp-csharp--start-tests last-test-method-framework last-test-method-names)
(message "lsp-csharp: No test method(s) found to be ran previously on this workspace")))
(lsp-defun lsp-csharp--handle-os-error (_workspace (&omnisharp:ErrorMessage :file-name :text))
"Handle the 'o#/error' (interop) notification displaying a message."
(lsp-warn "%s: %s" file-name text))
(lsp-defun lsp-csharp--handle-os-testmessage (_workspace (&omnisharp:TestMessageEvent :message))
"Handle the 'o#/testmessage and display test message on test output buffer."
(lsp-csharp--test-message message))
(lsp-defun lsp-csharp--handle-os-testcompleted (_workspace (&omnisharp:DotNetTestResult
"Handle the 'o#/testcompleted' message from the server.
Will display the results of the test on the lsp-csharp test output buffer."
(let ((passed (string-equal "passed" outcome)))
(format "[%s] %s "
(propertize (upcase outcome) 'font-lock-face (if passed 'success 'error))
(unless passed
(lsp-csharp--test-message error-message)
(when error-stack-trace
(lsp-csharp--test-message error-stack-trace))
(unless (seq-empty-p standard-output)
(lsp-csharp--test-message "STANDARD OUTPUT:")
(seq-doseq (stdout-line standard-output)
(lsp-csharp--test-message stdout-line)))
(unless (seq-empty-p standard-error)
(lsp-csharp--test-message "STANDARD ERROR:")
(seq-doseq (stderr-line standard-error)
(lsp-csharp--test-message stderr-line))))))
(lsp-defun lsp-csharp--action-client-find-references ((&Command :arguments?))
"Read first argument from ACTION as Location and display xrefs for that location
using the `textDocument/references' request."
(-if-let* (((&Location :uri :range) (lsp-seq-first arguments?))
((&Range :start range-start) range)
(find-refs-params (append (lsp--text-document-position-params (list :uri uri) range-start)
(list :context (list :includeDeclaration json-false))))
(locations-found (lsp-request "textDocument/references" find-refs-params)))
(lsp-show-xrefs (lsp--locations-to-xref-items locations-found) nil t)
(message "No references found")))
(make-lsp-client :new-connection
#'(lambda ()
(list (lsp-csharp--language-server-path) "-lsp")
(when lsp-csharp-solution-file
(list "-s" (expand-file-name lsp-csharp-solution-file)))))
#'(lambda ()
(when-let ((binary (lsp-csharp--language-server-path)))
(f-exists? binary))))
:activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "csharp")
:server-id 'omnisharp
:priority -1
:action-handlers (ht ("omnisharp/client/findReferences" 'lsp-csharp--action-client-find-references))
:notification-handlers (ht ("o#/projectadded" 'ignore)
("o#/projectchanged" 'ignore)
("o#/projectremoved" 'ignore)
("o#/packagerestorestarted" 'ignore)
("o#/msbuildprojectdiagnostics" 'ignore)
("o#/packagerestorefinished" 'ignore)
("o#/unresolveddependencies" 'ignore)
("o#/error" 'lsp-csharp--handle-os-error)
("o#/testmessage" 'lsp-csharp--handle-os-testmessage)
("o#/testcompleted" 'lsp-csharp--handle-os-testcompleted)
("o#/projectconfiguration" 'ignore)
("o#/projectdiagnosticstatus" 'ignore))
:download-server-fn #'lsp-csharp--omnisharp-download-server))
;; Alternative "csharp-ls" language server support
;; see https://github.com/razzmatazz/csharp-language-server
(lsp-defun lsp-csharp--cls-metadata-uri-handler (uri)
"Handle `csharp:/(metadata)' uri from csharp-ls server.
'csharp/metadata' request is issued to retrieve metadata from the server.
A cache file is created on project root dir that stores this metadata and
filename is returned so lsp-mode can display this file."
(-when-let* ((metadata-req (lsp-make-csharp-ls-c-sharp-metadata
:text-document (lsp-make-text-document-identifier :uri uri)))
(metadata (lsp-request "csharp/metadata" metadata-req))
((&csharp-ls:CSharpMetadataResponse :project-name
:source) metadata)
(filename (f-join ".cache"
"projects" project-name
"assemblies" assembly-name
(concat symbol-name ".cs")))
(file-location (expand-file-name filename (lsp-workspace-root)))
(metadata-file-location (concat file-location ".metadata-uri"))
(path (f-dirname file-location)))
(unless (file-exists-p file-location)
(unless (file-directory-p path)
(make-directory path t))
(with-temp-file metadata-file-location
(insert uri))
(with-temp-file file-location
(insert source)))
(defun lsp-csharp--cls-before-file-open (_workspace)
"Set `lsp-buffer-uri' variable after C# file is open from *.metadata-uri file."
(let ((metadata-file-name (concat buffer-file-name ".metadata-uri")))
(setq-local lsp-buffer-uri
(when (file-exists-p metadata-file-name)
(with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents metadata-file-name)
(defun lsp-csharp--cls-make-launch-cmd ()
"Return command line to invoke csharp-ls."
;; emacs-28.1 on macOS has an issue
;; that it launches processes using posix_spawn but does not reset sigmask properly
;; thus causing dotnet runtime to lockup awaiting a SIGCHLD signal that never comes
;; from subprocesses that quit
;; as a workaround we will wrap csharp-ls invocation in "/bin/ksh -c" on macos
;; so it launches with proper sigmask
;; see https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2022-02/msg00461.html
(let ((startup-wrapper (cond ((and (eq 'darwin system-type)
(version= "28.1" emacs-version))
(list "/bin/ksh" "-c"))
(t nil)))
(csharp-ls-exec (or (executable-find "csharp-ls")
(f-join (or (getenv "USERPROFILE") (getenv "HOME"))
".dotnet" "tools" "csharp-ls")))
(solution-file-params (when lsp-csharp-solution-file
(list "-s" lsp-csharp-solution-file))))
(append startup-wrapper
(list csharp-ls-exec)
(defun lsp-csharp--cls-test-csharp-ls-present ()
"Return non-nil if dotnet tool csharp-ls is installed globally."
(string-match-p "csharp-ls"
(shell-command-to-string "dotnet tool list -g")))
(defun lsp-csharp--cls-download-server (_client callback error-callback update?)
"Install/update csharp-ls language server using `dotnet tool'.
Will invoke CALLBACK or ERROR-CALLBACK based on result.
Will update if UPDATE? is t"
"dotnet" "tool" (if update? "update" "install") "-g" "csharp-ls"))
(make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection #'lsp-csharp--cls-make-launch-cmd
:priority -2
:server-id 'csharp-ls
:activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "csharp")
:before-file-open-fn #'lsp-csharp--cls-before-file-open
:uri-handlers (ht ("csharp" #'lsp-csharp--cls-metadata-uri-handler))
:download-server-fn #'lsp-csharp--cls-download-server))
(lsp-consistency-check lsp-csharp)
(provide 'lsp-csharp)
;;; lsp-csharp.el ends here