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2023-02-21 18:17:08 +00:00
Python dot expression completion using Pymacs.
This almost certainly needs work, but if you add
(require 'pycomplete)
to your init.el file and have Pymacs installed, when you hit M-TAB it will
try to complete the dot expression before point. For example, given this
import at the top of the file:
import time
typing "time.cl" then hitting M-TAB should complete "time.clock".
This is unlikely to be done the way Emacs completion ought to be done, but
it's a start. Perhaps someone with more Emacs mojo can take this stuff and
do it right.
See pycomplete.el for the Emacs Lisp side of things.
Most of the public functions in this module have the signature
(s, fname=None, imports=None)
where s is the symbol to complete, fname is the file path and imports
the list of import statements to use. The fname parameter is used as a
key to cache the global and local context and the symbols imported or
evaluated so far. The cache for an fname is cleared when its imports
are changed. When not passing a list of imports (or None), the currently
used imports are preserved. The caching should make subsequent operations
(e.g. another completion or signature lookup after a completion) less
# Original Author: Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com>
# Maintainer: Urs Fleisch <ufleisch@users.sourceforge.net>
# Created: Oct 2004
# Keywords: python pymacs emacs
# This software is provided as-is, without express or implied warranty.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute or sell this software, without
# fee, for any purpose and by any individual or organization, is hereby
# granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph
# appear in all copies.
# Along with pycomplete.el this file allows programmers to complete Python
# symbols within the current buffer.
import sys
import types
import inspect
import keyword
import os
import pydoc
import ast
import re
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3
import io
else: # Python 2
import StringIO
x = set
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
del x
class _PyCompleteDocument(object):
"""Completion data for Python source file."""
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3
_helpout = io.StringIO
def is_num_or_str(obj):
return isinstance(obj, (int, float, str))
def is_class_type(obj):
return type(obj) == type
def get_unbound_function(unbound):
return unbound
def get_method_function(meth):
return meth.__func__
def get_function_code(func):
return func.__code__
def update_with_builtins(keys):
import builtins
else: # Python 2
_helpout = StringIO.StringIO
def is_num_or_str(obj):
return isinstance(obj, (int, long, float, basestring))
def is_class_type(obj):
return type(obj) in (types.ClassType, types.TypeType)
def get_unbound_function(unbound):
return unbound.im_func
def get_method_function(meth):
return meth.im_func
def get_function_code(func):
return func.func_code
def update_with_builtins(keys):
import __builtin__
_sre_SRE_Pattern = type(re.compile(''))
_sre_SRE_Match = type(re.match('', ''))
# Class name in CapCase, as suggested by PEP8 Python style guide
_class_name_re = re.compile(r'(?:^|\.)_?[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+$')
_return_type_of_func = {
'bin': 'str',
'bytearray': 'bytearray',
'bytes': 'bytes',
'compile': 'types.CodeType',
'complex': 'complex',
'dict': 'dict',
'frozenset': 'frozenset',
'oct': 'str',
'open': 'io.BufferedIOBase' if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else 'file',
'list': 'list',
'repr': 'str',
'set': 'set',
'sorted': 'list',
'str': 'str',
'tuple': 'tuple',
'vars': 'dict',
're.compile': '_PyCompleteDocument._sre_SRE_Pattern',
're.escape': 'str',
're.findall': 'list',
're.match': '_PyCompleteDocument._sre_SRE_Match',
're.search': '_PyCompleteDocument._sre_SRE_Match',
're.split': 'list',
're.sub': 'str',
're.subn': 'tuple',
'datetime.datetime': 'datetime.datetime',
'datetime.date': 'datetime.date',
'datetime.time': 'datetime.time',
'datetime.timedelta': 'datetime.timedelta',
'sys.exc_info': 'tuple',
'os.getcwd': 'str',
'os.getenv': 'str',
'os.urandom': 'bytes',
'os.path.abspath': 'str',
'os.path.basename': 'str',
'os.path.commonprefix': 'str',
'os.path.dirname': 'str',
'os.path.expanduser': 'str',
'os.path.expandvars': 'str',
'os.path.join': 'str',
'os.path.normcase': 'str',
'os.path.normpath': 'str',
'os.path.realpath': 'str',
'os.path.relpath': 'str',
'os.path.split': 'tuple',
'os.path.splitdrive': 'tuple',
'os.path.splitext': 'tuple',
'collections.defaultdict': 'collections.defaultdict',
'collections.deque': 'collections.deque',
'collections.namedtuple': 'collections.namedtuple',
'socket.socket': 'socket.socket',
'csv.excel': 'csv.excel',
'csv.excel_tab': 'csv.excel_tab'
def _get_type_for_function(funcname):
typename = _PyCompleteDocument._return_type_of_func.get(funcname)
if not typename and \
typename = funcname
return typename
def _replace_pycfrt_with_typename(s):
"""Replace _PYCFRT(..) expressions with function return type.
The names of variables assigned from function calls can be replaced by
_PYCFRT(name.of.function). This function tries to replace such expressions
with the corresponding function return type (PYCFRT = pycomplete function
return type). If no such expression can be found, s is returned unchanged.
If the type cannot be deduced, None is returned, else the substituted
pycfrt_re = re.compile(r'_PYCFRT\(([^()]+)\)')
return pycfrt_re.sub(lambda m: _PyCompleteDocument._get_type_for_function(m.group(1)), s)
class ImportExtractor(ast.NodeVisitor):
"""NodeVisitor to extract the top-level import statements from an AST.
To generate code containing all imports in try-except statements,
call get_import_code(node), where node is a parsed AST.
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
# Ignore imports inside functions or methods.
def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
# Ignore imports inside classes.
def generic_visit(self, node):
# Store import statement nodes.
if isinstance(node, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
def get_import_code(self, node, fname='<string>'):
"""Get compiled code of all top-level import statements found in the
AST of node."""
self._import_nodes = []
body = []
for imp_node in self._import_nodes:
if isinstance(imp_node, ast.ImportFrom) and \
imp_node.module == '__future__':
# 'SyntaxError: from __future__ imports must occur at the
# beginning of the file' is raised if a 'from __future__ import'
# is wrapped in try-except, so use only the import statement.
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3
body.append(ast.Try(body=[imp_node], handlers=[
ast.ExceptHandler(type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()])],
orelse=[], finalbody=[]))
body.append(ast.TryExcept(body=[imp_node], handlers=[
ast.ExceptHandler(type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()])],
node = ast.Module(body=body)
code = compile(node, fname, 'exec')
return code
class CodeRemover(ast.NodeTransformer):
"""NodeTransformer which replaces function statements with 'pass'
and keeps only safe assignments, so that the resulting code can
be used for code completion.
To reduce the code from the node of a parsed AST, call
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
# Replace all function statements except doc string by 'pass'.
if node.body:
if isinstance(node.body[0], ast.Expr) and \
isinstance(node.body[0].value, ast.Str):
# Keep doc string.
first_stmt = node.body[1] if len(node.body) > 1 else node.body[0]
node.body = [node.body[0]]
first_stmt = node.body[0]
node.body = []
node.body.append(ast.copy_location(ast.Pass(), first_stmt))
return node
return None
def visit_Expr(self, node):
# Remove all expressions except strings to keep doc strings.
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
return node
return None
def _get_type_node_for_function_node(node):
# Convert node to dot expression
attrs = []
while isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
attrs.insert(0, node.attr)
node = node.value
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
attrs.insert(0, node.id)
funcname = '.'.join(attrs)
typename = _PyCompleteDocument._get_type_for_function(funcname)
if typename:
# Convert dot expression to node
attrs = typename.split('.')
node = None
if attrs:
node = ast.Name(id=attrs.pop(0), ctx=ast.Load())
while attrs:
node = ast.Attribute(value=node, attr=attrs.pop(0),
return node
return None
def replace_unsafe_value(node, replace_self=None):
"""Modify value from assignment if unsafe.
If replace_self is given, only assignments starting with 'self.' are
processed, the assignment node is returned with 'self.' replaced by
the value of replace_self (typically the class name).
For other assignments, None is returned."""
for i, target in enumerate(node.targets):
if not isinstance(target, (ast.Name, ast.Attribute)):
# Only process assignments to names and attributes,
# not tuples.
return None
if replace_self:
if isinstance(target, ast.Attribute) and \
isinstance(target.value, ast.Name) and \
target.value.id == 'self' and \
isinstance(target.value.ctx, ast.Load):
node.targets[i].value.id = replace_self
if target.attr == '__name__':
node.value = ast.copy_location(ast.Str(s=''),
elif target.attr in ('__dict__', '__class__', '__bases__',
return None
return None
elif isinstance(target, ast.Name) and \
isinstance(target.ctx, ast.Store):
if target.id == '__metaclass__':
# Do not modify __metaclass__ assignments
return node
elif target.id == '__slots__':
node.value = ast.copy_location(
ast.List(elts=[], ctx=ast.Load()), node.value)
if isinstance(node.value, (ast.Str, ast.Num)):
elif isinstance(node.value, (ast.List, ast.Tuple)):
node.value.elts = []
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Dict):
node.value.keys = []
node.value.values = []
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.ListComp):
node.value = ast.copy_location(ast.List(elts=[], ctx=ast.Load()), node.value)
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Call):
type_node = _PyCompleteDocument.CodeRemover._get_type_node_for_function_node(node.value.func)
if type_node:
# Wrap class lookup in try-except because it is not fail-safe.
node.value = ast.copy_location(type_node, node.value)
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3
node = ast.copy_location(ast.Try(body=[node], handlers=[
ast.ExceptHandler(type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()])],
orelse=[], finalbody=[]), node)
node = ast.copy_location(ast.TryExcept(body=[node], handlers=[
ast.ExceptHandler(type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()])],
orelse=[]), node)
node.value = ast.copy_location(
ast.Name(id='None', ctx=ast.Load()), node.value)
node.value = ast.copy_location(ast.Name(id='None', ctx=ast.Load()), node.value)
return node
def visit_Assign(self, node):
# Replace unsafe values of assignements by None.
return self.replace_unsafe_value(node)
def visit_Name(self, node):
# Pass names for bases in ClassDef.
return node
def visit_Attribute(self, node):
# Pass attributes for bases in ClassDef.
return node
def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
# Visit nodes of class.
# Store instance member assignments to be added later to generated code.
self_assignments = {}
for child in ast.walk(node):
if isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
new_child = self.replace_unsafe_value(child,
if new_child:
new_var = child.targets[0].attr
old_assign = self_assignments.get(new_var)
if not old_assign or (
isinstance(old_assign, ast.Assign) and
isinstance(old_assign.value, ast.Name) and
old_assign.value.id == 'None'):
self_assignments[new_var] = new_child
return ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit(self, node)
def visit_Module(self, node):
# Visit nodes of module
return ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit(self, node)
def generic_visit(self, node):
# Remove everything which is not handled by the methods above
return None
def get_transformed_code(self, node, fname='<string>'):
"""Get compiled code containing only empty functions and methods
and safe assignments found in the AST of node."""
self._class_assignments = []
node = self.visit(node)
# The self members are added as attributes to the class objects
# rather than included as class variables inside the class definition
# so that names starting with '__' are not mangled.
code = compile(node, fname, 'exec')
return code
_stdout = sys.stdout
_instances = {}
def __init__(self, fname=None):
"""Constructor for internal use.
The factory method instance() shall be used instead.
self._fname = fname
self._imports = None
self._globald = globals().copy()
self._symnames = []
self._symobjs = {}
self._parse_source_called = False
def instance(cls, fname):
"""Get _PyCompleteDocument object for fname.
If no object for this file name exists, a new object is created and
obj = cls._instances.get(fname)
if obj is None:
obj = _PyCompleteDocument(fname)
cls._instances[fname] = obj
return obj
def _import_modules(self, imports):
"""Import modules using the statements in imports.
If the imports are the same as in the last call, the methods
immediately returns, also if imports is None.
if imports is None and not self._parse_source_called:
if imports is None or imports == self._imports:
# changes to where the file is
if self._fname:
self._globald = globals().copy()
self._symnames = []
self._symobjs = {}
for stmt in imports:
exec(stmt, self._globald)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('invalid type: %s' % stmt)
except Exception:
self._imports = imports
def _collect_symbol_names(self):
"""Collect the global, local, builtin symbols in _symnames.
If _symnames is already set, the method immediately returns.
if not self._symnames:
keys = set(keyword.kwlist)
self._symnames = list(keys)
def _get_symbol_object(self, s):
"""Get a symbol by evaluating its name or importing a module
or submodule with the name s.
sym = self._symobjs.get(s)
if sym is not None:
return sym
# changes to where the file is
if self._fname:
sym = eval(s, self._globald)
except NameError:
sym = __import__(s, self._globald)
self._globald[s] = sym
except ImportError:
except AttributeError:
sym = __import__(s, self._globald)
except ImportError:
except SyntaxError:
if sym is not None:
self._symobjs[s] = sym
return sym
def _load_symbol(self, s, strict=False):
"""Get a symbol for a dotted expression.
Returns the last successfully found symbol object in the
dotted chain. If strict is set True, it returns True as
soon as a symbol is not found. Therefore strict=True can
be used to find exactly the symbol for s, otherwise a
symbol for a parent can be returned, which may be enough
if searching for help on symbol.
s = self._replace_pycfrt_with_typename(s)
sym = self._symobjs.get(s)
if sym is not None:
return sym
dots = s.split('.')
if not s or len(dots) == 1:
sym = self._get_symbol_object(s)
for i in range(1, len(dots) + 1):
s = '.'.join(dots[:i])
if not s:
sym_i = self._get_symbol_object(s)
if sym_i is not None:
sym = sym_i
elif strict:
return None
return sym
def _get_help(self, s, imports=None):
"""Return string printed by help function."""
if not s:
return ''
if s == 'pydoc.help':
# Prevent pydoc from going into interactive mode
s = 'pydoc.Helper'
obj = None
if not keyword.iskeyword(s):
obj = self._load_symbol(s, strict=False)
except Exception as ex:
return '%s' % ex
if not obj:
obj = str(s)
out = self._helpout()
sys.stdout = out
sys.stdout = self._stdout
return out.getvalue()
def _find_constructor(class_ob):
"""Given a class object, return a function object used for the
constructor (ie, __init__() ) or None if we can't find one."""
return _PyCompleteDocument.get_unbound_function(class_ob.__init__)
except AttributeError:
for base in class_ob.__bases__:
rc = _PyCompleteDocument._find_constructor(base)
if rc is not None:
return rc
return None
def get_all_completions(self, s, imports=None):
"""Return contextual completion of s (string of >= zero chars).
If given, imports is a list of import statements to be executed
s = self._replace_pycfrt_with_typename(s)
last_dot_pos = s.rfind('.')
if last_dot_pos == -1:
if s:
return [k for k in self._symnames if k.startswith(s)]
return self._symnames
sym = self._load_symbol(s[:last_dot_pos], strict=True)
if sym is not None:
s = s[last_dot_pos + 1:]
return [k for k in dir(sym) if k.startswith(s)]
return []
def complete(self, s, imports=None):
"""Complete symbol if unique, else return list of completions."""
if not s:
return ''
completions = self.get_all_completions(s, imports)
if len(completions) == 0:
return None
dots = s.split(".")
prefix = os.path.commonprefix([k for k in completions])
if len(completions) == 1 or len(prefix) > len(dots[-1]):
return [prefix[len(dots[-1]):]]
return completions
def help(self, s, imports=None):
"""Return help on object."""
return self._get_help(s, imports)
except Exception as ex:
return '%s' % ex
def get_docstring(self, s, imports=None):
"""Return docstring for symbol s."""
if s and not keyword.iskeyword(s):
obj = self._load_symbol(s, strict=True)
if obj and not self.is_num_or_str(obj):
doc = inspect.getdoc(obj)
if doc:
return doc
return ''
def get_signature(self, s, imports=None):
"""Return info about function parameters."""
if not s or keyword.iskeyword(s):
return ''
obj = None
sig = ""
obj = self._load_symbol(s, strict=False)
except Exception as ex:
return '%s' % ex
if self.is_class_type(obj):
# Look for the highest __init__ in the class chain.
ctr = self._find_constructor(obj)
if ctr is not None and type(ctr) in (
types.MethodType, types.FunctionType, types.LambdaType):
obj = ctr
elif type(obj) == types.MethodType:
# bit of a hack for methods - turn it into a function
# but we drop the "self" param.
obj = self.get_method_function(obj)
if type(obj) in [types.FunctionType, types.LambdaType]:
(args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(obj)
sig = ('%s: %s' % (obj.__name__,
inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw,
except ValueError:
(args, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonlyargs,
kwonlydefaults, annotations) = inspect.getfullargspec(obj)
sig = ('%s: %s' % (
obj.__name__, inspect.formatargspec(
args, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonlyargs,
kwonlydefaults, annotations)))
except AttributeError:
doc = getattr(obj, '__doc__', '')
if doc and not sig:
doc = doc.lstrip()
pos = doc.find('\n')
if pos < 0 or pos > 70:
pos = 70
sig = doc[:pos]
return sig
def get_location(self, s, imports=None):
"""Return file path and line number of symbol, None if not found."""
if not s or keyword.iskeyword(s):
return None
obj = self._load_symbol(s, strict=False)
if obj is not None:
if self.is_class_type(obj):
obj = obj.__init__
if type(obj) == types.MethodType:
obj = self.get_method_function(obj)
if type(obj) in [types.FunctionType, types.LambdaType]:
code = self.get_function_code(obj)
return (os.path.abspath(code.co_filename), code.co_firstlineno)
# If not found, try using inspect.
return (inspect.getsourcefile(obj), inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[1])
return None
def parse_source(self, only_reload=False):
"""Parse source code to get imports and completions.
If this method is called, the imports parameter for the other methods
must be omitted (or None), so that the imports are taken from the
parsed source code. If only_reload is True, the source is only parsed
if it has been parsed before.
None is returned if OK, else a string describing the error.
if only_reload and not self._parse_source_called:
return None
self._parse_source_called = True
if not self._fname:
return None
with open(self._fname) as fh:
src = fh.read()
except IOError as ex:
return '%s' % ex
# changes to where the file is
node = ast.parse(src, self._fname)
import_code = self.ImportExtractor().get_import_code(node, self._fname)
except (SyntaxError, TypeError) as ex:
return '%s' % ex
old_globald = self._globald.copy()
self._globald = globals().copy()
exec(import_code, self._globald)
except Exception as ex:
self._globald = old_globald
return '%s' % ex
self._symnames = []
self._symobjs = {}
reduced_code = self.CodeRemover().get_transformed_code(node, self._fname)
exec(reduced_code, self._globald)
except Exception as ex:
return '%s' % ex
return None
def pycompletions(s, fname=None, imports=None):
"""Get a list of possible completions for s.
The completions extend the expression s after the last dot.
return _PyCompleteDocument.instance(fname).get_all_completions(
s, imports)
def pycomplete(s, fname=None, imports=None):
"""Complete the Python expression s.
If multiple completions are found, a list of possible completions
(names after the last dot) is returned.
If one completion is found, a list with a string containing the
remaining characters is returned.
If no completion is found, None is returned.
return _PyCompleteDocument.instance(fname).complete(s, imports)
def pyhelp(s, fname=None, imports=None):
"""Return help on object s."""
return _PyCompleteDocument.instance(fname).help(s, imports)
def pydocstring(s, fname=None, imports=None):
"""Return docstring of symbol."""
return _PyCompleteDocument.instance(fname).get_docstring(s, imports)
def pysignature(s, fname=None, imports=None):
"""Return info about function parameters."""
return _PyCompleteDocument.instance(fname).get_signature(s, imports)
def pylocation(s, fname=None, imports=None):
"""Return file path and line number of symbol, None if not found."""
return _PyCompleteDocument.instance(fname).get_location(s, imports)
def pyparse(fname, only_reload=False):
"""Parse source code to get imports and completions.
If this function is called, the imports parameter for the other functions
must be omitted (or None), so that the imports are taken from the
parsed source code. If only_reload is True, the source is only parsed if
it has been parsed before.
return _PyCompleteDocument.instance(fname).parse_source(only_reload)
# Local Variables :
# pymacs-auto-reload : t
# End :