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;;; beamer.el --- AUCTeX style for the latex-beamer class -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Thomas Baumann <>
;; Maintainer:
;; Created: 2003-12-20
;; Keywords: tex
;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
;; 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file adds support for the latex-beamer class.
;;; Code:
(require 'tex)
(require 'latex)
;; Silence the compiler:
(declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
(keywords class))
(defvar LaTeX-hyperref-package-options-list)
(defvar LaTeX-color-package-options)
(defvar LaTeX-xcolor-package-options)
(defun LaTeX-beamer-after-insert-env (env start _end)
"Do beamer-specific stuff after the insertion of an environment."
;; Add `fragile' as an optional argument to the frame environment if
;; a verbatim environment is inserted.
(when (and (member env (LaTeX-verbatim-environments))
(goto-char start)
(string-equal (LaTeX-current-environment) "frame")))
(when (re-search-backward "\\\\begin[ \t]*{frame}" nil t)
(let ((end-of-begin (match-end 0)))
(goto-char end-of-begin)
;; FIXME: Add support for skipping over overlay options.
(while (forward-comment 1))
(if (eq (char-after) (string-to-char LaTeX-optop))
(insert "fragile")
(unless (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" LaTeX-optcl))
(insert ",")))
(goto-char end-of-begin)
(insert "[fragile]")))))))
(defvar LaTeX-beamer-frametitle-history nil
"History of frame titles in beamer.")
(lambda ()
(add-hook 'LaTeX-after-insert-env-hook #'LaTeX-beamer-after-insert-env nil t)
(TeX-run-style-hooks "amsmath" "amssymb" "amsthm" "color" "geometry"
"hyperref" "inputenc" "translator" "xcolor"
'(("part" 0)
("section" 1)
("subsection" 2)
("subsubsection" 3))
(LaTeX-largest-level-set "part")
(make-local-variable 'LaTeX-section-hook)
(setq LaTeX-section-hook
(if LaTeX-beamer-section-labels-flag
(setq LaTeX-section-hook
(append LaTeX-section-hook '(LaTeX-section-label))))
(setq LaTeX-item-list
(append '(("itemize" . LaTeX-item-beamer)
("enumerate" . LaTeX-item-beamer)
("thebibliography" . LaTeX-bibitem-beamer))
(setq LaTeX-default-document-environment "frame")
(LaTeX-paragraph-commands-add-locally "frametitle")
'("AtBeginSection" ["Special star text"] t)
'("AtBeginSubsection" ["Special star text"] t)
'("AtBeginSubsubsection" ["Special star text"] t)
'("AtBeginPart" t)
'("AtBeginLecture" t)
'("AtBeginNote" t)
'("AtEndNote" t)
'("action" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] t)
'("againframe" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
["Options"] "Frame label")
'("alert" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("alt" TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Text on specified slides"
"Text on other slides")
'("appendix" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Mode spec"])
'("author" [LaTeX-arg-author "Short author names"] LaTeX-arg-author)
'("beamerbutton" 1)
'("beamergotobutton" 1)
'("beamerreturnbutton" 1)
'("beamerskipbutton" 1)
'("column" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Placement(t,T,c,b)"]
(TeX-arg-length "Column width"))
'("date" [TeX-arg-date "Short date"] TeX-arg-date)
;; Beamer frame macro is obsolete, and standard LaTeX frame macro
;; is available in frame environment.
;; '("frame" TeX-arg-beamer-frametitle)
"framebreak" "noframebreak"
'("framelatex" t)
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Short title"]
(TeX-arg-string "Title" nil LaTeX-beamer-frametitle-history))
'("framesubtitle" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Subtitle")
'("framezoom" (TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Overlay having button")
(TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Zoomed overlay") ["Options"]
(TeX-arg-pair "Upper left X" "Upper left Y")
(TeX-arg-pair "Zoom area width" "Zoom area depth"))
'("hyperlink" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Target name" t)
'("hyperlinkslideprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkslidenext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkframestart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkframeend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkframestartnext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkframeendprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksectionstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksectionend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksectionstartnext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksectionendprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksubsectionstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksubsectionend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksubsectionstartnext" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinksubsectionendprev" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkpresentationstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkpresentationend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkappendixstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkappendixend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkdocumentstart" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hyperlinkdocumentend" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("hypertarget" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Target name" t)
'("includegraphics" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
[TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-graphicx-key-val-options) nil nil ?\s]
'("includeonlyframes" "Frame label(s)")
'("includeonlylecture" "Lecture label")
'("includeslide" ["Options"] "Label")
'("institute" ["Short institute name"] t)
'("invisible" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("keywords" t)
'("label" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] TeX-arg-label)
'("lecture" ["Short lecture name"] "Lecture name" "Lecture label")
'("logo" 1)
'("mode" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Mode"] t)
;; Adapted copies from latex.el
'("newcommand<>" TeX-arg-define-macro [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
'("renewcommand<>" TeX-arg-macro [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
'("newenvironment<>" TeX-arg-define-environment
[TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] 2)
'("renewenvironment<>" TeX-arg-environment
[TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] 2)
;; TODO: Support the case \note is used outside frame env.
'("note" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"] t)
'("only" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("onslide" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
'("pause" ["Slide number"])
'("resetcounteronoverlays" TeX-arg-counter)
'("setbeameroption" t)
'("setbeamersize" t)
'("setjobnamebeamerversion" "Filename without extension")
'("structure" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1)
'("subtitle" ["Short subtitle"] t)
'("subject" t)
'("tableofcontents" ["Options"])
'("temporal" TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec
"Before slide text" "Default text" "After slide text")
'("title" ["Short title"] t)
'("titlegraphic" 1)
'("transblindshorizontal" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transblindsvertical" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transboxin" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transboxout" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transcover" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transdissolve" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transfade" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transfly" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transglitter" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transpush" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transreplace" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transsplitverticalin" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transsplitverticalout" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transsplithorizontalin" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transsplithorizontalout" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transwipe" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
'("transduration" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Seconds")
'("uncover" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] t)
'("usetheme" ["Options"]
(TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-themes-list) "Theme"))
'("useinnertheme" ["Options"]
(TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes-list) "Theme"))
'("useoutertheme" ["Options"]
(TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes-list) "Theme"))
'("usecolortheme" ["Options"]
(TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-color-themes-list) "Theme"))
'("usefonttheme" ["Options"]
(TeX-arg-completing-read (LaTeX-beamer-font-themes-list) "Theme"))
'("setbeamercolor" "Beamer color" "Color specification")
'("setbeamercolor*" "Beamer color" "Color specification")
'("usebeamercolor" ["fg or bg"] "Beamer color")
'("usebeamercolor*" ["fg or bg"] "Beamer color")
'("setbeamerfont" "Beamer font" "Font attributes")
'("setbeamerfont*" "Beamer font" "Font attributes")
'("usebeamerfont" "Beamer font")
'("usebeamerfont*" "Beamer font")
'("setbeamertemplate" "Element" ["Predefined option"] t)
'("addtobeamertemplate" "Element" "Pre text" "Post test")
'("defbeamertemplate" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Mode spec"]
"Element" "Predefined option" [TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
'("defbeamertemplatealias" "Element" "New predefined option"
"Existing predefined option")
'("defbeamertemplateparent" "Parent template name"
["Predefined option"] "Child template list"
[TeX-arg-define-macro-arguments] t)
'("ifbeamercolorempty" ["fg or bg"] "Beamer color name"
"If undefined" "If defined")
'("setbeamercovered" "Options")
'("opaqueness" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] "Opaqueness (in %)")
'("visible" [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] 1))
;; TODO: Font commands accept overlay specs.
;; Support commands to manipulate templates?
'("abstract" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
'("actionenv" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
'("alertblock" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] "Title")
'("beamerboxesrounded" ["Options"] "Header")
'("beamercolorbox" ["Options"] "Beamer color")
'("block" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] "Title")
'("column" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
["Placement(t,T,c,b)"] (TeX-arg-length "Width"))
'("columns" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec] ["Options"])
;; FIXME: Not on user reference.
;; "columnsonlytextwidth"
'("exampleblock" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] "Title")
'("frame" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
[TeX-arg-key-val (("allowdisplaybreaks" ("0" "1" "2" "3" "4"))
("allowframebreaks") ("b") ("c") ("t") ("s")
("fragile" ("singleslide"))
("environment") ("label") ("plain") ("shrink")
'("onlyenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
'("altenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec]
"Begin text" "End text" "Alternate begin text" "Alternate end text")
'("visibleenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
'("uncoverenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
'("invisibleenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
'("structureenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
'("alertenv" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec])
'("theorem" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("corollary" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("definition" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("definitions" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("fact" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("lemma" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("example" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("examples" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Additional text"])
'("proof" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"] ["Proof name"])
'("overlayarea" LaTeX-env-args
(TeX-arg-length "Area width") (TeX-arg-length "Area height"))
'("overprint" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-length "Area width"])
'("verse" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
'("quotation" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"])
'("quote" LaTeX-env-args
[TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec "Action spec"]))
;; TODO: itemize, enumerate and description envs accept default
;; overlay spec as optional argument.
;; We definitely need more completion support for both macros and
;; environments.
(LaTeX-add-counters "lecture" "part" "section" "subsection" "subsubsection"
"subsectionslide" "framenumber" "figure" "table"
(LaTeX-add-pagestyles "navigation")
(add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list)
'("semiverbatim" current-indentation) t)
(add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local "semiverbatim")
;; Fontification
(when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
(eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("title" "[{")
("subtitle" "[{")
("author" "[{")
("date" "[{")
("institute" "[{")
("frametitle" "<[{")
("framesubtitle" "<[{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("item" "<[")
("bibitem" "<[{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("textbf" "<{")
("textsc" "<{")
("textup" "<{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("emph" "<{")
("textit" "<{")
("textsl" "<{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("textmd" "<{")
("textrm" "<{")
("textsf" "<{")
("texttt" "<{")
("textnormal" "<{")
("textcolor" "<[{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("color" "<[{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("label" "<{")
("hyperlink" "<{{<")
("hypertarget" "<{{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("pause" "[")
("logo" "{")
("newcommand" "<|{\\[[{")
("renewcommand" "<|{\\[[{")
("newenvironment" "<{[[{{")
("renewenvironment" "<{[[{{")
("AtBeginSection" "[{")
("AtBeginSubsection" "[{")
("AtBeginSubsubsection" "[{")
("AtBeginPart" "{")
("AtBeginLecture" "{")
("titlepage" "")
("sectionpage" "")
("subsectionpage" "")
("partpage" "")
("tableofcontents" "[")
("column" "<[{")
("againframe" "<[[{")
("usetheme" "[{")
("usecolortheme" "[{")
("usefonttheme" "[{")
("useinnertheme" "[{")
("useoutertheme" "[{")
("includeonlyframes" "{")
("includeonlylecture" "{"))
(font-latex-add-keywords '(("resetcounteronoverlays" "{"))
;; TODO: Adjust section commands to accept <> option.
;; Additional intermediate files
(add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes)
(defun TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec (optional &optional prompt)
"Prompt for overlay specification.
If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the specification only if
non-empty and enclosed in \"<>\". PROMPT replaces the standard
(TeX-arg-string optional (or prompt "Overlay") nil nil nil "<" ">")
(defun TeX-arg-beamer-default-overlay-spec (optional)
"Prompt for default overlay specification.
If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the specification only if
non-empty and enclosed in \"<>\". If empty and OPTIONAL is nil,
insert just \"{}\"."
(let ((spec (TeX-read-string
(TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Default overlay"))))
((< 0 (length spec))
(TeX-argument-insert (concat "<" spec ">") optional))
((not optional)
;; Clear default for \beamerdefaultoverlayspecification.
(insert TeX-grop TeX-grcl))
;; Nop for clarity.
;; (defun TeX-arg-beamer-frametitle (_optional &optional _prompt)
;; "Prompt for the frametitle."
;; (let ((title (TeX-read-string "Title: " nil 'LaTeX-beamer-frametitle-history)))
;; (if (not (zerop (length title)))
;; (insert TeX-grop TeX-esc "frametitle" TeX-grop
;; title TeX-grcl TeX-grcl)
;; (insert TeX-grop TeX-grcl))))
(defun LaTeX-item-beamer (&optional macro)
"Insert a new item with an optional overlay argument.
You can turn off the prompt for the overlay argument by setting
`LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag' to nil. Calling the function
with a prefix argument prompts for the overlay specification
Optional MACRO can be, for example, \"bibitem\"."
(TeX-insert-macro (or macro "item"))
(if (or current-prefix-arg LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag)
(TeX-arg-beamer-overlay-spec t))
(insert " "))
(defun LaTeX-bibitem-beamer ()
"Insert a new bibitem with an optional overlay argument.
You can turn off the prompt for the overlay argument by setting
`LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag' to nil. Calling the function
with a prefix argument prompts for the overlay specification
(LaTeX-item-beamer "bibitem"))
(defun LaTeX-beamer-search-themes (&optional regexp extensions length)
"Search for beamer themes matching REGEXP with EXTENSIONS.
The function removes the first LENGTH characters and the
extension of the file and returns a list of strings. LENGTH may
also be a string. Then the length of the string is used."
(let* ((match (or regexp "^beamertheme[A-Z]"))
(exts (or extensions '("tex" "sty")))
(chars (cond ((integerp length)
((stringp length)
(length length))
;; Try some DWIM magic...
((and (not length)
(string-match "beamer[A-Za-z0-9]*theme" match))
(- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)))
(t (error "Invalid length: `%s'" length)))))
;; (message "match=`%s' chars=`%s'" match chars)
(delete nil
(lambda (file)
(let ((case-fold-search nil))
(and (numberp (string-match match file))
(substring-no-properties file chars))))
(TeX-search-files nil exts t t))))))
(defun LaTeX-beamer-themes-list ()
"Return a list of beamer themes for completion."
(cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-themes 'local)
(set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-themes)
((functionp LaTeX-beamer-themes)
(funcall LaTeX-beamer-themes))
((listp LaTeX-beamer-themes)
(t (error
"`LaTeX-beamer-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
(defun LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes-list ()
"Return a list of beamer inner themes for completion."
(cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes 'local)
(set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
(LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamerinnertheme")))
((functionp LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
(funcall LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes))
((listp LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes)
(t (error
"`LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
(defun LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes-list ()
"Return a list of beamer outer themes for completion."
(cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes 'local)
(set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
(LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beameroutertheme")))
((functionp LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
(funcall LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes))
((listp LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes)
(t (error
"`LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
(defun LaTeX-beamer-color-themes-list ()
"Return a list of beamer color themes for completion."
(cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-color-themes 'local)
(set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
(LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamercolortheme")))
((functionp LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
(funcall LaTeX-beamer-color-themes))
((listp LaTeX-beamer-color-themes)
(t (error
"`LaTeX-beamer-color-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
(defun LaTeX-beamer-font-themes-list ()
"Return a list of beamer font themes for completion."
(cond ((eq LaTeX-beamer-font-themes 'local)
(set (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
(LaTeX-beamer-search-themes "^beamerfonttheme")))
((functionp LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
(funcall LaTeX-beamer-font-themes))
((listp LaTeX-beamer-font-themes)
(t (error
"`LaTeX-beamer-font-themes' should be a list: `%s'"
(defun LaTeX-beamer-env-frame (_ignored)
"Insert beamer frame environment title."
(let ((title (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Title: " nil
(unless (zerop (length title))
;; Indent the next macro insertion and don't rely on the
;; fill-function to do it:
(insert (format "\\frametitle{%s}" title))
;; This works because \frametitle is a paragraph command.
(when auto-fill-function
(defun LaTeX-beamer-section ()
"Hook to prompt for beamer section and insert it."
(let ((star (string-suffix-p "*" LaTeX-name))
mode-spec short-title)
(when (and LaTeX-level (< LaTeX-level 4))
(setq mode-spec (TeX-read-string "(Optional) Mode spec: ")
short-title (unless star
(TeX-read-string "(Optional) Short title: "))))
;; The rest of this function is adapted copy of
;; `LaTeX-section-section'.
(unless (save-excursion
(concat "^\\s-*\n\\s-*\\=\\|^\\s-*" (regexp-quote TeX-esc)
(line-beginning-position 0) t))
(insert TeX-esc (if star
(substring-no-properties LaTeX-name 0 -1)
(if (< 0 (length mode-spec))
(insert "<" mode-spec ">"))
(if star (insert "*"))
(if (< 0 (length short-title))
(insert LaTeX-optop short-title LaTeX-optcl))
(insert TeX-grop)
(if (zerop (length LaTeX-title))
(set-marker LaTeX-done-mark (point)))
(insert LaTeX-title TeX-grcl)
;; If RefTeX is available, tell it that we've just made a new section
(and (fboundp 'reftex-notice-new-section)
(defvar LaTeX-beamer-class-options-list
(TeX-load-style "hyperref")
(TeX-load-style "color")
(TeX-load-style "xcolor")
`(("usepdftitle" ("false")) ("envcountsect")
("notheorems") ("noamsthm") ("compress") ("t") ("c")
("leqno") ("fleqn") ("handout") ("trans")
("ignorenonframetext") ("onlytextwidth")
("noamssymb") ("bigger") ("smaller") ("8pt") ("9pt")
("10pt") ("11pt") ("12pt") ("14pt") ("17pt") ("20pt")
("draft") ("CJK") ("cjk") ("pgf")
;; Take only the keys from `LaTeX-hyperref-package-options-list'
;; since a new alist doesn't make sense here and isn't
;; recognized as such:
("hyperref" ,(mapcar #'car LaTeX-hyperref-package-options-list))
("color" ,LaTeX-color-package-options)
("xcolor" ,LaTeX-xcolor-package-options)
("ucs") ("utf8x") ("utf8")
("aspectratio" ("2013" "1610" "169" "149" "141" "54" "43" "32"))))
"Class options for the beamer class.")
(defun LaTeX-beamer-class-options ()
"Prompt for the class options for the beamer class."
(TeX-read-key-val t LaTeX-beamer-class-options-list))
;;; beamer.el ends here