Fork 0

initial import

This commit is contained in:
KemoNine 2024-11-23 11:53:06 -05:00
commit f475ec29b1
25 changed files with 2951 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

.nomedia Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
/storage/emulated/0/Shower Thoughts

.obsidian/.nomedia vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
/storage/emulated/0/obsidian/Template Obsidian Vault/.obsidian

.obsidian/app.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"defaultViewMode": "preview",
"livePreview": false,
"autoPairBrackets": false,
"autoPairMarkdown": false,
"alwaysUpdateLinks": true,
"newLinkFormat": "absolute",
"useMarkdownLinks": true,
"showUnsupportedFiles": true,
"attachmentFolderPath": "attachments",
"mobileQuickRibbonItem": "command-palette:Open command palette",
"trashOption": "local",
"autoConvertHtml": false,
"showRibbon": true,
"mobileToolbarCommands": [
"userIgnoreFilters": [

.obsidian/appearance.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"theme": "system",
"interfaceFontFamily": "Atkinson Hyperlegible",
"textFontFamily": "Atkinson Hyperlegible",
"monospaceFontFamily": "DejaVu Sans Mono"

.obsidian/canvas.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"snapToObjects": true,
"snapToGrid": true,
"defaultWheelBehavior": "zoom"

.obsidian/command-palette.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"pinned": [

.obsidian/community-plugins.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

.obsidian/core-plugins-migration.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"file-explorer": true,
"global-search": true,
"switcher": true,
"graph": true,
"backlink": true,
"canvas": true,
"outgoing-link": true,
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"command-palette": true,
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"markdown-importer": false,
"zk-prefixer": false,
"random-note": false,
"outline": true,
"word-count": false,
"slides": false,
"audio-recorder": false,
"workspaces": false,
"file-recovery": true,
"publish": false,
"sync": false

.obsidian/core-plugins.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"file-explorer": true,
"global-search": false,
"switcher": false,
"graph": false,
"backlink": false,
"canvas": false,
"outgoing-link": false,
"tag-pane": false,
"properties": false,
"page-preview": false,
"daily-notes": false,
"templates": true,
"note-composer": false,
"command-palette": true,
"slash-command": false,
"editor-status": true,
"bookmarks": false,
"markdown-importer": false,
"zk-prefixer": true,
"random-note": false,
"outline": true,
"word-count": false,
"slides": false,
"audio-recorder": false,
"workspaces": false,
"file-recovery": true,
"publish": false,
"sync": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
let Plugin = class {}
let MarkdownRenderer = {}
let MarkdownRenderChild = class {}
let htmlToMarkdown = (html) => html
if (isObsidian()) {
const obsidian = require('obsidian')
Plugin = obsidian.Plugin
MarkdownRenderer = obsidian.MarkdownRenderer
MarkdownRenderChild = obsidian.MarkdownRenderChild
htmlToMarkdown = obsidian.htmlToMarkdown
const codeblockId = 'table-of-contents'
const codeblockIdShort = 'toc'
const availableOptions = {
title: {
type: 'string',
default: '',
comment: '',
style: {
type: 'value',
default: 'nestedList',
values: ['nestedList', 'nestedOrderedList', 'inlineFirstLevel'],
comment: 'TOC style (nestedList|nestedOrderedList|inlineFirstLevel)',
minLevel: {
type: 'number',
default: 0,
comment: 'Include headings from the specified level',
maxLevel: {
type: 'number',
default: 0,
comment: 'Include headings up to the specified level',
includeLinks: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
comment: 'Make headings clickable',
debugInConsole: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
comment: 'Print debug info in Obsidian console',
class ObsidianAutomaticTableOfContents extends Plugin {
async onload() {
const handler = (sourceText, element, context) => {
context.addChild(new Renderer(this.app, element, context.sourcePath, sourceText))
this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor(codeblockId, handler)
this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor(codeblockIdShort, handler)
id: 'insert-automatic-table-of-contents',
name: 'Insert table of contents',
editorCallback: onInsertToc,
id: 'insert-automatic-table-of-contents-docs',
name: 'Insert table of contents (documented)',
editorCallback: onInsertTocWithDocs,
function onInsertToc(editor) {
const markdown = '```' + codeblockId + '\n```'
editor.replaceRange(markdown, editor.getCursor())
function onInsertTocWithDocs(editor) {
let markdown = ['```' + codeblockId]
Object.keys(availableOptions).forEach((optionName) => {
const option = availableOptions[optionName]
const comment = option.comment.length > 0 ? ` # ${option.comment}` : ''
markdown.push(`${optionName}: ${option.default}${comment}`)
editor.replaceRange(markdown.join('\n'), editor.getCursor())
class Renderer extends MarkdownRenderChild {
constructor(app, element, sourcePath, sourceText) {
this.app = app
this.element = element
this.sourcePath = sourcePath
this.sourceText = sourceText
// Render on load
onload() {
this.registerEvent(this.app.metadataCache.on('changed', this.onMetadataChange.bind(this)))
// Render on file change
onMetadataChange() {
render() {
try {
const options = parseOptionsFromSourceText(this.sourceText)
if (options.debugInConsole) debug('Options', options)
const metadata = this.app.metadataCache.getCache(this.sourcePath)
const headings = metadata && metadata.headings ? metadata.headings : []
if (options.debugInConsole) debug('Headings', headings)
const markdown = getMarkdownFromHeadings(headings, options)
if (options.debugInConsole) debug('Markdown', markdown)
MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(markdown, this.element, this.sourcePath, this)
} catch(error) {
const readableError = `_💥 Could not render table of contents (${error.message})_`
MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(readableError, this.element, this.sourcePath, this)
function getMarkdownFromHeadings(headings, options) {
const markdownHandlersByStyle = {
nestedList: getMarkdownNestedListFromHeadings,
nestedOrderedList: getMarkdownNestedOrderedListFromHeadings,
inlineFirstLevel: getMarkdownInlineFirstLevelFromHeadings,
let markdown = ''
if (options.title && options.title.length > 0) {
markdown += options.title + '\n'
const noHeadingMessage = '_Table of contents: no headings found_'
markdown += markdownHandlersByStyle[options.style](headings, options) || noHeadingMessage
return markdown
function getMarkdownNestedListFromHeadings(headings, options) {
return getMarkdownListFromHeadings(headings, false, options)
function getMarkdownNestedOrderedListFromHeadings(headings, options) {
return getMarkdownListFromHeadings(headings, true, options)
function getMarkdownListFromHeadings(headings, isOrdered, options) {
const prefix = isOrdered ? '1.' : '-'
const lines = []
const minLevel = options.minLevel > 0
? options.minLevel
: Math.min(...headings.map((heading) => heading.level))
headings.forEach((heading) => {
if (heading.level < minLevel) return
if (options.maxLevel > 0 && heading.level > options.maxLevel) return
lines.push(`${'\t'.repeat(heading.level - minLevel)}${prefix} ${getMarkdownHeading(heading, options)}`)
return lines.length > 0 ? lines.join('\n') : null
function getMarkdownInlineFirstLevelFromHeadings(headings, options) {
const minLevel = options.minLevel > 0
? options.minLevel
: Math.min(...headings.map((heading) => heading.level))
const items = headings
.filter((heading) => heading.level === minLevel)
.map((heading) => {
return getMarkdownHeading(heading, options)
return items.length > 0 ? items.join(' | ') : null
function getMarkdownHeading(heading, options) {
const stripMarkdown = (text) => {
text = text.replaceAll('*', '').replaceAll('_', '').replaceAll('`', '')
text = text.replaceAll('==', '').replaceAll('~~', '')
text = text.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/g, '$1') // Strip markdown links
return text
const stripHtml = (text) => stripMarkdown(htmlToMarkdown(text))
const stripWikilinks = (text, isForLink) => {
// Strip [[link|text]] format
// For the text part of the final link we only keep "text"
// For the link part we need the text + link
// Example: "# Some [[file.md|heading]]" must be translated to "[[#Some file.md heading|Some heading]]"
text = text.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, isForLink ? '$1 $2' : '$2')
text = text.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1') // Strip [[link]] format
// Replace malformed links & reserved wikilinks chars
text = text.replaceAll('[[', '').replaceAll('| ', isForLink ? '' : '- ').replaceAll('|', isForLink ? ' ' : '-')
return text
const stripTags = (text) => text.replaceAll('#', '')
if (options.includeLinks) {
// Remove markdown, HTML & wikilinks from text for readability, as they are not rendered in a wikilink
let text = heading.heading
text = stripMarkdown(text)
text = stripHtml(text)
text = stripWikilinks(text, false)
// Remove wikilinks & tags from link or it won't be clickable (on the other hand HTML & markdown must stay)
let link = heading.heading
link = stripWikilinks(link, true)
link = stripTags(link)
// Return wiklink style link
return `[[#${link}|${text}]]`
// Why not markdown links? Because even if it looks like the text part would have a better compatibility
// with complex headings (as it would support HTML, markdown, etc) the link part is messy,
// because it requires some encoding that looks buggy and undocumented; official docs state the link must be URL encoded
// (https://help.obsidian.md/Linking+notes+and+files/Internal+links#Supported+formats+for+internal+links)
// but it doesn't work properly, example: "## Some <em>heading</em> with simple HTML" must be encoded as:
// [Some <em>heading</em> with simple HTML](#Some%20<em>heading</em>%20with%20simpler%20HTML)
// and not
// [Some <em>heading</em> with simple HTML](#Some%20%3Cem%3Eheading%3C%2Fem%3E%20with%20simpler%20HTML)
// Also it won't be clickable at all if the heading contains #tags or more complex HTML
// (example: ## Some <em style="background: red">heading</em> #with-a-tag)
// (unless there is a way to encode these use cases that I didn't find)
return heading.heading
function parseOptionsFromSourceText(sourceText = '') {
const options = {}
Object.keys(availableOptions).forEach((option) => {
options[option] = availableOptions[option].default
sourceText.split('\n').forEach((line) => {
const option = parseOptionFromSourceLine(line)
if (option !== null) {
options[option.name] = option.value
return options
function parseOptionFromSourceLine(line) {
const matches = line.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9._ ]+):(.*)/)
if (line.startsWith('#') || !matches) return null
const possibleName = matches[1].trim()
const optionParams = availableOptions[possibleName]
let possibleValue = matches[2].trim()
if (!optionParams || optionParams.type !== 'string') {
// Strip comments from values except for strings (as a string may contain markdown)
possibleValue = possibleValue.replace(/#[^#]*$/, '').trim()
const valueError = new Error(`Invalid value for \`${possibleName}\``)
if (optionParams && optionParams.type === 'number') {
const value = parseInt(possibleValue)
if (value < 0) throw valueError
return { name: possibleName, value }
if (optionParams && optionParams.type === 'boolean') {
if (!['true', 'false'].includes(possibleValue)) throw valueError
return { name: possibleName, value: possibleValue === 'true' }
if (optionParams && optionParams.type === 'value') {
if (!optionParams.values.includes(possibleValue)) throw valueError
return { name: possibleName, value: possibleValue }
if (optionParams && optionParams.type === 'string') {
return { name: possibleName, value: possibleValue }
return null
function debug(type, data) {
`%cAutomatic Table Of Contents %c${type}:\n`,
'color: orange; font-weight: bold',
'font-weight: bold',
function isObsidian() {
if (typeof process !== 'object') {
return true // Obsidian mobile doesn't have a global process object
return !process.env || !process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID // Jest runtime is not Obsidian
if (isObsidian()) {
module.exports = ObsidianAutomaticTableOfContents
} else {
module.exports = {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"id": "automatic-table-of-contents",
"name": "Automatic Table Of Contents",
"version": "1.4.0",
"minAppVersion": "1.3.0",
"description": "Create a table of contents in a note, that updates itself when the note changes",
"author": "Johan Satgé",
"authorUrl": "https://github.com/johansatge",
"isDesktopOnly": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// main.ts
var main_exports = {};
__export(main_exports, {
default: () => DefinitionListPlugin
module.exports = __toCommonJS(main_exports);
var import_obsidian = require("obsidian");
var import_view = require("@codemirror/view");
var import_state = require("@codemirror/state");
var DEFINITION_REGEX = /^(\s*)([:~])\s/;
var HEADING_REGEX = /^#+\s/;
var LIST_ITEM_REGEX = /^\s*(\*|\+|-|\d+\.)\s/;
var HORIZONTAL_RULE_REGEX = /^(-{3,}|\*{3,}|_{3,})/;
function isLivePreview(view) {
var _a;
const editorEl = view.dom.closest(".markdown-source-view");
return (_a = editorEl == null ? void 0 : editorEl.classList.contains("is-live-preview")) != null ? _a : false;
var definitionListPlugin = import_view.ViewPlugin.fromClass(class {
constructor(view) {
this.decorations = this.buildDecorations(view);
update(update) {
if (update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged || update.selectionSet) {
this.decorations = this.buildDecorations(update.view);
buildDecorations(view) {
if (!isLivePreview(view)) {
return import_view.Decoration.none;
const builder = new import_state.RangeSetBuilder();
const doc = view.state.doc;
const selection = view.state.selection;
let inCodeBlock = false;
let lastLineWasTerm = false;
let lastLineWasDefinition = false;
function isNotTerm(content) {
return HEADING_REGEX.test(content) || LIST_ITEM_REGEX.test(content) || content.startsWith("![") || HORIZONTAL_RULE_REGEX.test(content) || content.startsWith("[^") || content.startsWith("|") || content.startsWith("$$") || content.startsWith("^");
for (let i = 1; i <= doc.lines; i++) {
const line = doc.line(i);
const lineText = line.text;
const trimmedLineText = lineText.trim();
if (trimmedLineText === CODE_BLOCK_DELIMITER) {
inCodeBlock = !inCodeBlock;
lastLineWasTerm = false;
lastLineWasDefinition = false;
if (inCodeBlock) {
lastLineWasTerm = false;
lastLineWasDefinition = false;
const definitionMatch = DEFINITION_REGEX.exec(lineText);
const nextLine = i < doc.lines ? doc.line(i + 1).text : "";
const isNextLineDefinition = DEFINITION_REGEX.test(nextLine.trim());
if (trimmedLineText === "") {
lastLineWasTerm = false;
lastLineWasDefinition = false;
} else if (definitionMatch && (lastLineWasTerm || lastLineWasDefinition)) {
const [, indent, marker] = definitionMatch;
const isIndented = indent.length > 0;
attributes: { class: isIndented ? "dl-dd-indent" : "dl-dd-reg" }
const indentStartPos = line.from;
const markerEndPos = indentStartPos + indent.length + marker.length + 1;
const isCursorTouchingIndentOrMarker = selection.ranges.some(
(range) => range.from <= markerEndPos && range.to >= indentStartPos
attributes: { class: isCursorTouchingIndentOrMarker ? "dl-marker" : "dl-hidden-marker" }
lastLineWasDefinition = true;
lastLineWasTerm = false;
} else if (isNextLineDefinition && !isNotTerm(trimmedLineText)) {
attributes: { class: "dl-dt" }
lastLineWasTerm = true;
lastLineWasDefinition = false;
} else {
lastLineWasTerm = false;
lastLineWasDefinition = false;
return builder.finish();
}, {
decorations: (v) => v.decorations
var DefinitionListPlugin = class extends import_obsidian.Plugin {
constructor() {
// Post-processor for handling definition lists in reading mode
this.definitionListPostProcessor = (element) => {
function isNotTerm(content) {
return content.match(/^#+\s/) !== null || // Heading
content.match(/^\s*(-|\d+\.)\s/) !== null || // List item
content.startsWith(">") || // Blockquote
content.startsWith("<img") || // Image
content.match(/^(-{3,}|\*{3,}|_{3,})/) !== null || // Horizontal rule
content.startsWith("[^") || // Footnote
content.includes('class="footnote-backref footnote-link"') || // Footnote backref
content.startsWith("|") || // Table
content.startsWith("$$") || // Math block
const paragraphs = element.querySelectorAll("p");
paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => {
const lines = paragraph.innerHTML.split("<br>");
let dl = null;
let currentTerm = null;
let newContent = [];
let invalidateCurrentPair = false;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i].trim();
const nextLine = i < lines.length - 1 ? lines[i + 1].trim() : "";
const definitionMatch = line.match(/^(\s*)([:~])\s(.+)/);
const isNextLineDefinition = nextLine.match(/^(\s*)([:~])\s(.+)/);
if (definitionMatch && !invalidateCurrentPair) {
if (definitionMatch[3].includes('class="footnote-backref footnote-link"')) {
invalidateCurrentPair = true;
if (currentTerm && !invalidateCurrentPair) {
if (!dl) {
dl = document.createElement("dl");
const dt = document.createElement("dt");
dt.innerHTML = currentTerm;
const dd = document.createElement("dd");
dd.innerHTML = definitionMatch[3];
} else {
if (currentTerm) {
newContent.push(currentTerm + "<br>");
newContent.push(line + "<br>");
currentTerm = null;
invalidateCurrentPair = false;
} else if (isNextLineDefinition && !isNotTerm(line) && !invalidateCurrentPair) {
if (currentTerm) {
newContent.push(currentTerm + "<br>");
currentTerm = line;
dl = null;
} else {
if (currentTerm) {
newContent.push(currentTerm + "<br>");
currentTerm = null;
newContent.push(line + "<br>");
dl = null;
invalidateCurrentPair = false;
paragraph.innerHTML = "";
newContent.forEach((content) => {
if (typeof content === "string") {
paragraph.innerHTML += content;
} else {
async onload() {
onunload() {
/* nosourcemap */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"id": "definition-list",
"name": "Definition List",
"version": "0.2.1",
"minAppVersion": "1.6.0",
"description": "Adds definition lists to the markdown parser.",
"author": "shammond42",
"authorUrl": "https://northlandcreativewonders.com",
"fundingUrl": "https://buymeacoffee.com/ncwonders",
"isDesktopOnly": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
/* reading mode */
dl dt {
font-weight: bold;
padding-block-start: var(--list-spacing);
dd {
margin-inline-start: var(--list-indent);
padding-block-end: var(--list-spacing);
/* live preview */
.dl-dt {
font-weight: bold;
padding-block-start: var(--list-spacing);
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-line.dl-dd-reg, .markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-line.dl-dd-indent {
padding-inline-start: var(--list-indent-editing);
padding-block-end: var(--list-spacing); /* to add space between definitions, must use padding */
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-line.dl-dd-indent {
text-indent: 0;
.dl-hidden-marker {
display: none;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"id": "obsidian-trash-explorer",
"name": "Trash Explorer",
"version": "1.2.3",
"minAppVersion": "0.15.0",
"description": "Restore and delete files from the Obsidian .trash folder",
"author": "Per Mortensen",
"authorUrl": "https://permortensen.com",
"isDesktopOnly": false

.obsidian/switcher.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"showExistingOnly": false,
"showAttachments": true,
"showAllFileTypes": true

.obsidian/templates.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"folder": "templates",
"timeFormat": "HHmm"

.obsidian/workspace-mobile.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
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"title": "Plugin no longer active"
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"title": "Plugin no longer active"
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"zk-prefixer:Create new unique note": false,
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"2024-11-23 094942-0500.md",
"2024-11-23 094844-0500.md",
"2024-11-22 0836.md"

.obsidian/workspace.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
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"id": "3f151db712026be4",
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title: **Table of Contents**