2022-12-03 10:27:03 -05:00

127 lines
3.5 KiB

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
title = "Hugo Techdoc Theme"
theme = "hugo-theme-techdoc"
hasCJKLanguage = true
metaDataFormat = "yaml"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir= false
enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = false
# Source Code repository section
description = "put your description"
github_repository = ""
version = "0.9.9"
# Documentation repository section
# documentation repository (set edit link to documentation repository)
github_doc_repository = ""
github_doc_repository_path = ""
# Analytic section
google_analytics_id = "" # Your Google Analytics tracking id
tag_manager_container_id = "" # Your Google Tag Manager container id
google_site_verification = "" # Your Google Site Verification for Search Console
# Open Graph and Twitter Cards settings section
# Open Graph settings for each page are set on the front matter.
# See
# See
title = "Hugo Techdoc Theme"
images = ["images/og-image.png"] # Open graph images are placed in `static/images`
# Theme settings section
# Theme color
# See color value reference
custom_font_color = ""
custom_background_color = ""
# Documentation Menu section
# Menu style settings
menu_style = "open-menu" # "open-menu" or "slide-menu" or "" blank is as no sidebar
# Date format
dateformat = "" # default "2 Jan 2006"
# See the format reference
# path name excluded from documentation menu
menu_exclusion = [
# Algolia site search section
# See
algolia_search_enable = true
algolia_indexName = "hugo-demo-techdoc"
algolia_appId = "7W4SAN4PLK"
algolia_apiKey = "cbf12a63ff72d9c5dc0c10c195cf9128" # Search-Only API Key
# Global menu section
# See
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1
identifier = 'home'
pre = "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i>&nbsp;"
name = "Twitter"
url = ""
weight = 2
identifier = 'twitter'
pre = "<b>pre!</b> "
post = " <b>post!</b>"
class = 'twitter-menu-item'
# Markup configure section
# See
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
unsafe= true
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 6
ordered = false
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "Algolia"]
# Algolia Search configure section
baseName = "algolia"
mediaType = "application/json"
isPlainText = true
notAlternative = true
vars = [
params = [